HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-7-15, Page 1THE __ERA W, H. Kerr & Son/ Editors and Publiellerw stablished i8 5, Vol, 55, No, 3 CLINTON, ONTAR1O, THURSDAY JULY 15th, '1520. We Want the News from Your Section. Will You Heli?` vowavyWvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvviv voyvvvvvvvvvvvyvvoroAmow PEPTONA A Genuine Strength and Body Builder. The Ideal Tonic for Old and Young. Sold at the Rexall Store. W. B. R,, Ho LIS4C306 Phln, B. THE REXALL STORE INCORPORATED Ire 1856 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 0~ 120 Brunches THE MOLSONS BANK BUSINESS SERVICE Many of our customers who started in a small way, have now a well established business through the assistance and co-operation of this Bank over a period of years. Open an account in this Bank where your interests will be faithfully looked after by experienced officers, The Manager is always accessible. H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 41.19 I/eRoyal Bath HEAD Capital Reserve Funds Total Assets OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. OFFICE, MONTREAL . $1 7,000,')00 .,..118,000,000 —5550,000,000 5550,000,000 630 Branches Special attention to Farmers' r equirements. Interest paid on Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch 40 Men's Suits To Clear at $22.50 This lot consists of broken lines and sizes in fancy worsted and tweeds. A number of them are all wool and worth fro m $25 00 to $35 00 For Quick Selling Your Choke for $22.50 The Morrish Clothing C9., A Square Deal tor Every Mau The New Cabinet 14, * JMEI* tr 4s * e The new 'Cabinet sworn in Tuesday ss is as follows: Hon Arthur Meighen, prime er and secretary for external affairs. 'Hong J. A. Calder president of the council and minister of immigration and colonization. Hon. Sir George Foster minister of trade and commerce. Hou. Sir James Louglteed• minister of interior... Hon, Sir Henry Drayton minister of finance. Hon. Hugh Guthrie minister of nail itis. • Hon., A, L. Sifton secretary of state.. Ho'ii. Dr. Reid minister of railways. ' Senator G.D. Robertson minister of tabor. Hon, C. C. Ballantyne minister of marine and fisheries and minister of naval service, Hon F. '13. McCurdy minister of pub tic works. - Hon. C. J. Doherty minister of jus - ,lice. Sir Edward Kemp nliniste" without portfolio, Senator Blondie postmaster general. Dr. F. P. Tolmie minister of agricul- ture. Hon R. W. Wigmore minister of cult ons and inland revenue. The prime minister under the ter..,; of the state will be secretary of state for external affairs. Sir James Lougheed in addition to being minister of the interior will also be superintendent -general of India af- fairs. Hon Dr, Reid will preside over the dual departments of railways and canals, The department of health may be add ed to those of Hon J. A. Gelder, k7Wiihfhe Base Ball ea ,. League a ue in Zurich Won at Creiton. Zurich turned the tables on Crediton on Friday tight when the won .in Cred iton by a score of 15-1. Goderich Beats Zurich ' The best news for sometime was the news that Goderich won from Zurich ht the Co, town on July 12th by a score of 4-2, The winners had Jimmy Wiggins on the faring tine and he did some rapid work that up -set the Zurich boys pretty bad. The score was:— Zurich ...--0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 2 Goderich .-0 1 2 9 0 1 0 0 s---1 Batteries,—Zurich—Hoffman and Braun; Goderich, Wiggins and Bissett. Try The New Era for Job Work in —0 --- Clinton's Games at Homo. Zurich, May .31. Crediton, June 10 ''Goderich, June 14 Zurich, June 21 Goderich, July 9. Crediton, July 15 Goderich, July 23 Zurich, Aug 2. Crediton, Aug. 10. Clinton's Games Away. At Crediton, June 3 At Zurich, June 7. *At Goderich, June 16 At Zurich; June 24 At Crediton, June 28 At Goderich, July 5 At Goderich, July 21, At Zurich, Aug. 5 At Crediton, Aug. 13. • • AND EVENTS >x w****0* h ...,...,n, /WW1,/ FL r+ , ADMIRAL LORD BEATTY, formerly first sea lord of the British Adnla iralalty who died on Saturday. A Record Crop of Apples in Huron Mr. David Cantelon the apple King, says that Huron County will have a Rec ord crop. 13y all appearances Huron County will have the best cop of apples in its his- tory was the way Mr. David 'Cantelon spoke to The New Era on Saturday after a personal investigation in this dist-ict. The price of barrels and the high cost of labor will not aid in having chap ap- ples this year, however. The crop will be a bumper one and even now the small boy and the gree apple are to be seen on the streets of Clinton, Phone 146 Estimates Given A. E. l{ OM Inferior d Exterior Decorating We protect your floors, furni- ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Mouldings, Eta, 81 Isaac Sly' mit School Fairs in Huron County Y 1920 for Date Sept. 9 Sept. to Sept. 10. Sept. 17. Sept. 18. Sept. 20, Sept. 21. Sept. 22, Sept. 29. Sept. 30, Oct. 4. Oct. 5. Oct. 8, Bowling Tournament at Seaforth July 21 Where Dashwood 'Crediton Gorrie Ethel Porters Hill Colborne McKillop Clinton St. Helens Walton Wroxeter Belgrave Bluevale Good Entertainments This Week The Chautauqua which opened on Tuesday evening has been a huge sic. cess so f.tl', and no doubt will draw large crowds for the remainder of the conberts, The William Shakespeare Quartet +ve.a splendid concert Tuesday after- noon and also gave the prelude at night, to be fo lowed by Mr. Carveth Wells ih his ill'ustrative•lecture "Six Years In the Jungle," . The address was interesting and match new history was imparted of the Malay Peninsula, At the 'close of his address he dressed up three young girls and two boys In the Malay cos- tume. • Wednesday afternoon ,the London Quartet, gave a splendid musical pro- gram and Miss Constance R. Boulton gave her address: "The Canadian Women in the World of Today." At night the London Quartet gave a pre- lude, and Pantahasika's Pets gave a clean entertainment. The children and the grown-ups certainly enjoyed this part of -tine program and the attendance was a record breaker, _ Today the Wagnerian Quartet, with Miss Cooper, soloist, gave the concert this afternoon and will assist at night, when Mr. H. Stout will give an address "Seeing Life Whole." Day Thursday Friday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Monday • Tuesday Friday Handsome; Prizes to Be Given on That Date The Seaforth Bowling Club will hOld a tournament on July 21-22. A civic welcome N411 be given by His Worship Mayor Harburn and three handsome trophies will be given including the Free Press Trophy Stewart Bros, Trophy and Savage Trophy, The Free Press Cup was won by Grieve and Haigh of Seaforth in 1919 and is open to any two players of one Club and to become the property of the Club winning it three. Hanes. The second cup is for losers of the first ev- ent and the last is open to losers of the first and second events 000000000000008O'Youngest Premier Friday, the last day, The Old Song Singers will render quaint old favorites and at night Rev. Robert Norwood, of; Philadelphia, and formerly of London, will give his address "The Dominion and Its Destiny." Mayor Cottle Returns from Visit Made Observations While en Route to New York State -- Likes Their Road System OVER' THE TEACUPS Q 000000000000000. Mrs. Thos, Hawkins is visiting at troit. Mr. Bert peeves of London was home for the 12th, Mr, Frank Libby of Owen Sound was a visitor in town, Mr. Wallace Diehl, of Port Burwell is visiting in town, Mr, Alex McIntyre of Winghatn spent the week end tin town. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Leppington spent the 12th in Wingham, Mrs. R. J. Cluff Is visiting her daught er Mrs, Phoenix at Hamilton. Miss Hawkins, of Hamilton, is visit- ing her brother, Mr, Tltos, Hawkins. Mr, l:ieorge McLennan is spending the week In -Toronto with his sisters. Miss Gladys Chowen of Toronto is spending her vacation at the parental home, Mr, Colin Shaw, of Springfield, Ohio, is the guest of his brother, Dr. J. W. Shaw, Mr, Jack Wiseman of New York city is spending hi,s holidays at the parental home. Mrs. B. Pridham and son, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook. Miss Dorothy Bartliff is ivsiting her grand mother Mrs. Chas. 11. Bartllff in Toronto. Mayor Cottle and wife and Mr. Alex. Eagleson returned on Monday evening from their trip over in New York State, the occasion being a family reunion of Mayor Cottle's sister's family and her grand -children, which was a very plea sant gathering. in speaking to The New Era, His Worship states that the prospects of the crops along the line general, is very good with the exception of hay and corn, which is rather light. Through the fruit belt of Ontario there is a great crop of cherries selling at good prices. Crossing over at Niagara in New York State was were the visitors strike good roads Inc motoring and they were struck with the immense traffic of big trucks and motor cars on the Boulevard between the Fails and Buffalo and from Buffalo and Rochester and the Mayor, presumes onward to New York. The prospects of the crops along the Genes - see Valley is very good, especially the clay crop, which is mostly gathered by ( this time. . The Mayor was very much taken with the system of road making on the other side..while,, he says, "it costs a good deal of stoney, the people seem wilding to' pay if for the benefit of having good roads•" You can even see the little "Lizzie's" slinning along at a fifty or sixty clip. , His Worship declined to tell how fast they travelled, but steed that he left Batavia at six am), and arrived a'tr Clinton at 4.45 p.m., including a short stop at the Falls; crossing -the canal at Thorold and at Stratford to see the large procession of Orangemen. 9 ne entries close on Monday July 19th at t p.m. There is 8200 in Individ- ual prizes, The greens'are excellent and lighting system improved. Refreshments will be served on the grounds, Resigns Prelineirship Rev, and Mrs. Moulton, of Wood- stock, are visiting in and .wound Clinton. Mr. a,td Mrs. M. W. T,slfer and child ren of Blyth were in town 00 Friday evening, Lieut Bradford of the Training Col- lege Toronto has now joined the S. A. force here, Mrs. (Dr) illcCallunl, or Kingston is visiting laer parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiseman, Miss Ida Cornish left last week to at- tend the "Teachers Course" of the0. A.C. Guelph, r>f" Rev, R. 13. Stevenson and family were callers on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. St Downs. ...Miss Pearl 1, Potter who has been been teaching in Riceton, Sask. for the past year is home on vacation. First Ontario Mani lion. Arthur Meighen Is the youngest Premier of Cenada since Confederation' and first Ontario man to hold that office' Owing to his residence In the West he may also claim to be the first Western-. er. Here is the list: Age whom, Premier. Descent, Birth, Selectedta, Macdonald Scotch Scotland 5z' Mackenzie Scotch Scotland 51:1 Abbott English Quebec 705% Thompson Irish Nova Scotia 48'; Rowell English England Tupper English Quebec Laurier French Ouebec 55' 1 Borden English Nova Scotia 57 Meighen Irish Ontario 44-, Ontario men have succeeded well as., Provincial Premiers although Meighenaa is the first to reach the Canadian chief-". tainship, Premier "Billy" Martie o£:3 Saskatchewan,' who cane into the Coma, mons with Meighen in 1908, was boric' in Norwich, Oxford County, and mar -,- tied in Perth County a score or two .• of miles from Meighen's home. T. ' C.' Norris of Manitoba is a native of Bramp ton, Ont. Charles Stewart of Alberta •. Is a native of Strabane, Wellington . County, 71:, 75; Mrs. T. J. McNeil will receive for the first time at her home on high Street on Wednesday afternoon July 21. Mr. 1'. A. Greig took his mother, Mrs, Greig, Sr., to Toronto -last Saturday, where she will spend the summer, Master Jack Mureh son of Mr. N urch of town broke his arum above the wrist while climbing up a ladder. Miss Mary Brimfield who has held a., millinery position in Toronto for the season is hone for the summer vacat- in. Govt. Makes Grant Plan to Assist Clintonian- to Accomplish Method oE. Conserving Helium By the award of a grant of 35,000x. to assist Professor J. C. McLennan an. old Clinton boy in his investigations of the properties of helium to determine, its uses for lamps of various kinds aln.— plifying valves high resistances etc, the -- honorary advisory council for scientific and industrial research hopes to seer accomplished a method of conserving'. • helium, which at present is one million cubic feet per month, Its value is es . 'Diluted at no less titan ten cents per.. cubic foot. Most of the wastage field' of the Bow River distiict near Calgary.. In Calgary it is• estimated. that 12,000, 000 cubic feet of helium is being lost yearly. Canada is the only part of the British•:, Empire having helium resources. The investigation now under way will -°involve also the liquifieation of the gas.. it is understood that a large grant from, the reasearch appropriation of the Uni- versity of Toronto is to be .mailable for extensic:, of this work. Mrs. Jennie Taylor of London accomp a led by her litt,e nelee Gladys Nellis,. has been renewing old acquaintances in tOtvll, Blyth Standatitl:—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schoenhals and family of Clinton spent over Sunday at the home of Mr, W. J. Sims. ' Miss Bernice Fennell of Stratford is holidaying int town at the home of her. cousin.Miss Muriel Downs for a couple of. weeks. . Mr, and Mrs. Edward Miller and two boys, of Hamilton are spending the week with the formers mother, Mrs. J. Miller in town. sel•ett•malesele••slelra9•• O • WITH TBR CBVECHRS • • ease Aer••••et•••et•R•rft Wesley Church Rev. T. J. Snowdon Ph. B. will preach Morning and; Evening ltkxt 1 Sunday!:, Sunday School also at 11 a•na. Union services with Ontario St. con- gregation begin Slunday July 25 in Wesley Church, Rev. S. Anderson will be in charge, Union prayer meeting in Wesley Sunday School room on Thurs- day July 22 Baptist Church The pasto•.. Rev. E. 0. Forde will preach both morning and evening Next Lord's Day the evening subject will be "tesus the Ma, r' toy." Cone . .1 Worship with us. The members of Murphy L. 0, L. Clinton with visitir,,; brethren attended. Service at the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon. The members turned out in force 171 being in the parade, headed By the fife and drum band. The church was crowded. ' Sir Lerner Giulio at a meeting Of the Provincial 'Cabinet Thursday morn- ing resigned as premier of Q•uobec. While no official a11t1an ncetl6ant has been made it is understood. Lienten- ant Governor Sir Charles Fitzpatrick will call o1 L. A. 'iaschcreau, Minist- er of Public Works to succeed Slr Linter. • VOW DOES THE. LABEL ON W1fl YOUR PAPER READ' In 'Canna the gas is found chiefly le the Bow river gas fields aed the right.' to extract helium frons the natural gas. - Is held by the Crown. The gas at Bow RI'ver contains3 per cent of helium, and '. the council is urging upon the Goverta- ment the necessity of conserving the supply, as the flow of both gas and Ilftd. tum in the Western Canada fields area,' said to be diminishing rapidly. Miss M 1.. Mackay' left on Tuesday for her Mother Mrs. Jessie Mackey and wishes to thank the Clinton ladies for their kind hospitality, Mrs, G, Theobald and Mrs E. Jervis wish to thank the friends for the syni pathy and kindness extended to then hh their recent bereavement, Mrs, Ward and son Douglas of Wood stock who have been visiting at Josephs Wheatley and other friends in town left on Tuesday afternoon for Wood- stock, Miss Eva Carter and torose Walker left on Monday, for Aline College _St. Thomas where they will be attending. summerschool, They are •delegates from Mario street League. Dr. and Mrs Milne and slaughter of Blyth were in town last friday. The Dr. was on a committee seeing about a cor- ner stone of their Memorial Hall to be laid on the 28th of July. White working on a jointer in Mr. A. Seeley's workshop the other day Mr. 0, W. Potter had the misfortune to have his small finger taken off at the second joint. Congratulations are :extended Ito• Miss Edna J, McCaughey who has been successful in passing her pianoforte ex- Aminaiton having obtained honors in the A. T, C, M, Degree held at 'Goderich on June 28th, �Mr, E, A. Combes who has been Prin- chpat of St, Catharines Collegiate for several years has resigned owing to td'.ss„ti;fartion over the matter of salary. He was farmerly'h member of the Colle- giate staff. here, Coal Arrived, Mr, E. Ward had two cars of coat last week, which was soon placed in the coal bins around town, Mr, 'Ward stated to The. New Era "that coal should come along now in good time” and we hope so. dl The Raspherri, will 10011 be on the 'market, BRUSSELS Celebration Thursday, July 22 Programs will be first-class con- sisting of League Base, Ball Matches Foot Ball Game Water Fight Fuh Specialties, &c: Galt's Splendid Kiltie Band ' the Fut Making GUELPH JAZZ BAND and the Wonderful JULIAN ACROBATS of. Toronto, have been engaged. Grand Promenade Concert On Victo•iit Park In the evening, by Bands. Worth coming miles to hear, Admission to Park 25 Cents Don't Miss the Fun at Brussels SUMMER WOOD A. Quantity of Hardwood Slabs—tire best for Summer tires—now on hand, Get Your Orders Linn Early., Will be Delivered ltt•Your Door, JNO., B, MOSTARE;