The Clinton New Era, 1920-7-1, Page 6t AGE 6
Tllut'sdfiy, July 1st, 1920.
Fancy Colored Voiles
Cu 10 1,
Opposite Public Ltbrarir
Dry Goods and Houle
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
Perfection .Oil Stoves
That tells the story in a Nutshell of the benefits and ' I
results of using one of our PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves. j
Many makes •of oil stoves have come• and gone but this one f
goes on givng satisfaction to the owner. Buy PERFECTION
Oil Stoves at
Phone 53.
Successor to R. Rowland.
1 m Hk.I. wkins
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
Hecla, Furnaces Lead
There is a Reason
Ask Us.
ax .. „niPti^J5
let. meapples
for Canning
This is the Season for
Pineapples for Canning
A Fresh stock of Pine-
apples, Groceries, Fruit
and Vegetables always
in stock.
Fred. W. Wigg
The Corner Grocery
Phone 45.
They Are Off. ;`•li`
Fraley was a day of Jubilation for
most of the school younsters but the
entrance candidates, who had to write
this week finished upon Wednesday.
July Rod And Gun.
Anyone who has essayed to climb
any of the Rockies will recognize in
John Barker's "Mount Etephen With
Martha" the actual portrayed of exper-
iences of the novice in mountaineering.
The author of this the first of a ser-
ious of humorous Martha stories, is a
well known member of the Canadian Al
pine Club and his amusing story appears
July. "At the Mercy of the Flames" Is
the title of a thrilling story of actual
experience with a bush fire written by
a fire ranger, liarI Dalton Tipping, The
concluding installment of Harry M.
Moore's interesting story. "The. Silver
Kink" appears along with several other
good stories in this issue of Canada's
national sportsmen's monthly. The var-
ious slepartncens dealing with the act-
ivities of rod gen and canoe in Canada
are up to their usual high standard.
Several valuable articles appear giving
valuable hints to campers and outdoors -
men in this month's issue. Rod and Gun
In Canada is published monthig by W.
J. Taylsr, Limited Woodstock Ont.'
and Wood for Sale
any who wish to leave their order for
Spring delivery can do so by leaving
their orders at tray residence, Huron St.
or Phone -1 55.
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
The Red Star Wal:her makes wash day welcome. It works
0 easily a boy of 6 :. nm it when loaded, It abolishes
all the drudgery of wadi day.
Does the work in half the
time it takes to do it; by Ixattci:
The Red Star Washer Is easy to operate
because the mechanisms rides on two sets
of ball bearings. The flywheel is large.
The lid is easy to lift, and you can raise
the dasher from the clothes before you
open the lid, so the clothes will not come
up with it or tear. The mechanism is
very simple and compact, and so strong
that the Red Star will last a generation •
aosl always um as well as when rtew
Fixe nal Iwsc te tend roe Pp,
or tie rid iee them as out ioat,
',111.11 11 01101111111III11111III 1111IlliI1ilIIIII IIIIII II 11111llIU11111111I1111111111OlIIII 1011111 1101J1111911111111111111Ie1101,11101 RI0110illlll111111s'
Loca News
1I1iJJlmI111! NI ENE 11111111111Illl fl1l IUVii1111MN9919MI IE811t
Mr, J. Wiseman is leaving his house
Loot At Zurich.
Last Thursday evening the League
Ball. team lost at Zurich by a score of
8-1. The Usual bad errors crept in and
put the• game to the bad.
For The 12th Of July.
Anyone wishing to go up to Goderich
on the 12th of July, would you kindly
leave your name in Monroes Barbar
Shop as the trucks are engaged for
.that day.
On The Program.—
Dominion Day.
Departmental exams.
Pic-nics and Garden Parties.
Went -to Goderich W,eedneaday.
The Royal Arch degree team of 'Olin -
ton L.O.L. went to Goderich on Wednes
day evening of this week and held a big
initiation meeting for the Co. town
lodge.' -
Leased More Lend.
The Grey Twp, correspondent to the
Brussels Post says:—Mr. Durnin, of Cli
nton leased the pasture farm of John
Lamont, 3rd Con., offered last week.
He will, run cattle on it.
Card Of Thanks.
The undersigned wishes to thank the
many friends for their kindness during
the illness and death of her husband the
late Mr, East. The kindness and thought
fol acts will never be forgotton—Mrs,
A Risky Business.
The police were called in last week to
locate a young man who had left his
boarding house and neglected to pay up
his board. He settled before it gut to the
court Which was the wisest plan. Junip
ing Board bills is now ;t serious offence
In the eyes of the law.
Beat Crediton 10-1.
At Crediton on Monday night the
Clinton boys won by a score of 10-1,
The game was a good one to watch and
the scores were made rapidly by the
Clinton boys who ran up a score of 8-0
on O'Neill before he retired in favor of
Weir in the third and they got 2 more
before the side was retired. The 'Clin-
ton boys had two fast double platys
which helped a lot. Earl Cooper who
was pitching for Clinton had a good
day of it and made the Crediton boys
strike out many times. Following was
the score by innings:
Clinton.. —3 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0-10
rediton .— 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0— 1
O'Connor—Reynolds ,Wedding.
St. Joseph's church, Clinton, was the
scene of a quiet wedding of Monday
morning when Miss Pilinnie Reynolds,
was united in marriage to kir: Thomas
O'Connor, tat Kitchener, and formerly
df Clinton. A grand High Mass was
sung by Rev, rllr, Hogan,` assisted by Rev
Fr. lslcdtae, of Goderich, and Rev. I'r.
Moran, of St. Augustine, Mrs. ,.3. B.
•13gynolds, played the Wedding March
and Mrs. Whitley, of GoderiiIIh, sang a
solo. The couple were assisted by Mss
Annie McDonald, of Goderich and Mr.
E. J. Reynolds, of Hamilton. The bride
was also attended by her littfa nephew
as page, and little Tootsie Reysiolds as
flower girl, The bridal couple left by
motor for Stratford where they took the
train for eastern points. The out of
town guests were Misses O'Connor, of
Detroit, and Miss Jessie McDonald, of
Goderich. The bridal couple will re-
side in Kitchener.
A very pretty wedding took place in
Waverley Road Baptist Church Toronto
when Ethel A. only daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. A. J. Udall, was married to Mr.
William J. Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs
J. Murray of Exeter, Rev. F. B. Merril
officiating. The bride was gowned in
white charnieuse satin, and georgette,
trimmed with opalescent pearls. Her veil
was cap style with band embroidery and
orange blossoms.She also wore the
groom's gift a diamond and platinum
bar pin, and carried a streamer bouquet
of bridal roses and lily of the valley.
She was attended by the Misses Jean
McLean and Elsie Mayo. Miss McLean
was in white g&orgette and taffeta, trim
mel with coral satin and carried Oplielia'
roses. Miss Mayo wore Nile green satin
and carried Columbia roses. Both wore
black picture hats. Little Miss Audrey
Jordan was flower girl dressed in white
silk with pink and Carried ;s basket of
sweet pease. The groom was supported
by Mr, Stan 1., Wright and the users
were J. E. Jordan and Albert Kelly. The
wedding music played by Mr. A. G.
Mern!man, and during the signing of the
register Miss Shun Balearinl sang "Until"
After the ceremony a reception was
field, ahthe home of the bride's parents
Ebner Avenue, the happy couple leave
hug later for Detroit and a motor tour
to Kentucky, the bride wearing a navy
suit and white 'Milan hat. They: will re-
side in Toronto. The groom is well lens•
wn in Clinton leaving been a past D,D.
G.M. of the 1.O.0.P. and visited the
Clinton Lodge on various occasions, also
paying Clinton 'business trips an weir.
Band Concert Friday Evening.
The Kiltie Band will give their open
air band concert on Friday evening,
July 2nd, on account of Thursday be-
ing the Set.
Another Big Drop.
There is every Indication that the
crop of raspberries Will be a bumper
one and Just as big as the strawberry
A Pleasant Everting.
The Garden party held on St, Paul's
Rectory lawns last Friday evening was
a successful one, Phalen's orchestra
supplied the music for the evening.
23rd, Annual Convention.
The 23rd Annual Convention of the
Huron Woman's Christian Temperance
Union win be held in Wesley Methodist
Church Clinton on July 6th and 7th
commencing at 1.30 p,m. onoTuesday
July 6th. The Convention speaker will
be Miss Morton of Toronto one of the
Provincial organizers. On Tuesday ev-
ening a splendid concert will be given
by gold and silver medalist's of the Coun
ty. Do not fail to attend this concert,
Eyeryone is wecome to the sessions of
the Convention.
On Ole selection 'of your roofing
material depends the appearance, value
and durability of your building.
What kind of roofing could be better
than 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles?
The cheapest is not' usually the best
although the best is usually the cheap -
We have the best in three different
grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur-
rent prices.
AT BRUCEFIELD—We also handle all
kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Canada Fibre Board, Canada Cement,
Hard and Soft Coal, etc,
AT CLINTON— — We handle all
kinds of Coal and Wood and Canada
Let us have your inquiries. We think
we can supply you.
Clinton & Brumfield.
Phone for Clinton No. 74.
Pbone for Brucefeld 11 on 618.
1 want 100 Strawberry
Pickers for title corning sea-
son. Nice,. pleasant work
and good pay. No one want
ed under 10 years of age.
Apply at once to
Frank W. Andrews.
I will only have a limited
quantity of berries for local
trade this year as 1 have dis-
posed of the bulk of my crop
by contract, so those want-
ing •strawberries had better
get their order in early,
1/2 /r
Do Not Neglect
The Bad Cold
May Develop into Bronchitis, Pareu-
monin and perhaps Consumption.
Miss Mary Prouee, R.R. No. 1.
Cedardnlct Ont„ writes•—"I ,had the
Influenza m November last, and it left
me with a terrible cough, I did not
attend lo it until it. yot so severe people
warned me it 'was lame to see about it
I went • to the doctor and got some
medicine. Ifs told ml', it was a bar!
attack of bronchitis. 1 could not sleep
and would. have to sit up nearly all
night, it was no difiirult for 1111 to get
my brrnlh, The doc'tor's medicine did
nut seem to he helping me the least bit
One of our neighbors same in one day,
and told the about Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. I tried it and took two
bottles. No person could believe how
it helped me, 1 have recommended it
to different people since, for I believe I
have reasons for doing so.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has
been on the marke0 for the past 30
ycars and stands out by itself, as a remedy
for all coughs and colds.
Ile sure and get tilt real "Dr, Wood's''
when you ask for it. Put tap in a yellow
wrapper; 3 pine tree§ the trade mark;
price 28e, and 80e.
Manufaetuted only by The T. Milburn
Ca„ IStnitcd, Tot'onta, Ont.
Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher
level than last year, but noticeable mostly in
the lower priced goods. We have heard re-
ports of a few low priced 4lspots" which how-
ever, without exception have proved to be
inferior goods or boasts made to distract at-
't ention from other shortcomings, these ex-
ceptions we ready concede.
Our new stock is being sampled and gives
promise of being as varied and attractive ilk t
design and colorings as we have had in for-
mer years, while our values are as good as
we know where or how to buy.
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the cheapest—?liways the Best
1q41111 -11 Don't Mises This
Special Price on our Bulk Tea. We are completely sold out of line we ad—
vertised last week. For this week we offer you The Royal Blend at 60 c per
Ili. Special price in 5 it, lots.
Potato Substitute
2 Large Cans Pork
and Beans .., 35c
No Rubbing—Just boil
your clothes. When you
use —Wonder Wash
Peerless Washing
Foro Tablets.
Mocks No Rub
and Rinso.
Wednesday, Stine 30th
being day before a holi-
day our store will be
open all day and in the
evening so get your
orders in fpr Holliday
lib for
2tbs fell'
5 lbs for
Vimy Ridge Salmon.
Per can 25e-
2 cans Sardines ...25e
N& ee,
A Gc^-i Investment.
l'Ae Huron County Children's Aid
Society have a number of children of 1
various ages for they desire good foster
hones. A little girl of six months is
ready for immediate adoption. Two
ing, or Protrud-
ing riles. No
surgical' oper-
ation required,
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
and afford lasting' benefit. Inc. a box; all
dealers, or Edmansmn7 Bates & Co., Limited,
Toronto. Sarovle Box Ire,If 51.1 mention this
paper and enclose 20. stamp to pt+y pu,tage.
nice little boys just over a year old and'
about able to walk would bring happi-
ness into the homes that will receive
then, and there are others, from a boy,
of seven years to a girl of 12, who
would repay careful training and kindly
home treatutent. Surely there are many
people In thio i""unty who could make
sir' an investment and thus Lelp in.
this much o, tded Christian walk. Call
' up or write to G. W. E.iliott, Co. Age^t
and Secretary, C,odericn.
Do notudap or
When you clean your parlor, paper
if'or paint it, you probably add some
new furniture. You do it to make it a
place for to entertain your ,friends and
stake home happy. All this wilt not
b,e ne'eded if you or your fancily have
to go out for the evening to get good
music. Start those children now a't the
piano. You would not iihink of keep-
ing then tome from school tl{1 they
were 14 years oltt, if you did few would
succeed In getting a good. education.
Music is exactly the same and when
they start young and get regular pract-
ice they will succeed. We are ]sere to
assist you in securing the best musical
,insirumetst at the best prices, quality
You owe it to yourself to call wh ether you buy or not, My new
stand is opposite Daley's Garage.
Jonathan Hugill
Highest prices allowed for used instruments of any kinds.
Phone 216. SEAFORTH. ONT.
,„„,191i,1!IIIII111181NI,98111819I8IIIII1,9981U1111119111119111199111111118191119111,,,,,119C9iI191,1111,1911119111 „.„,1111199111811911111911911,91199111,191'
Well Dressed Women will wear Oxfords this Season.
We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort-
able Shoes.
Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it cornes to making such
handsome Footwear.
Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers.
Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain
narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp—Louis
or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service,
$3,50; $4.50; , . $6.50; to $9.50.
This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a -
against Shoe Values•at inflated prices
F ,Y V. Je, .%i• hr A. , ! 7 1N e Karo-..r A