HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-6-10, Page 6PAGE 6 - 1 THE CLINTON NEW Etw. $2.00 a Pair No Tax MEN'S STORE Custom Tanoriatg Men's Furnishing Phone t03 Opposite Public Library Brown's WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Hous Furnishings. Phare 67 Next Royal Bank Masonic Service at Hensel!. Zurich Lodge of Masons, Henesali, will attend Divine service in the Metho- dist church on Sunday evening the 13th SCRANTON COAL -'-,0- any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 155. Terms -Strictly Cash -Phone 155. E. W RESIDENCE -HURON STREET inst., when Bro. Rev. E, A. Doan, M.A., B.D., will address them. The Brethren will meet at their Lodge room immed- iately west o. the Postoffice at 6.30 and will march to the church, A cordial invitation is extended to the neighbor- ing Lodges of Clinton, Seaforth and Exeter to join in the service. -J, G. Sutherland, W.M. of Zurick Lodge, at Hensall. Public 'h"ary Hours, '..'ommenc,ng newt Wednesday the following hours will be observed at the Public Library: - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. Saturday usual hours fre'm 7 to 9,30. Wednesday afternoon and evening the Library is not open. The other afternoons the Library is open the usual hours. YOUR ATTENTION is called •when wanting your supplies, This week we offer at Special price: - 'PURE LAUNDRY SOAP -4 Bars for 25c ; 16 Bars -for $1,00. 3 Boxes, ,Matches ..25. • 2 boxes Corn Flakes 25,^ 3 cakes Palm Olive Soap for 35c Broolns,75c; 95c; $1.15 Rex 'Catsup ..15c & 25 ,2 :ans Pork and Beans 35c and strong. • GET THE HABIT 'Or DEALING TRY Some of our • - Chick Feed Pap -for -Peeps BULK TEA 50c per pound. 90c' for 2 lbs. $2,00 for 5 lbs. Canned Apples Makes Chicks Healthy Prunes Raisins Dates, Peaches, Pumpkin -for Pies or Dessert - AT JOHNSON & eo. Nothing New These Days of H.C. of L. Last week was the last publication of the Thedford Tribune, after issuing a weekly for 21 years. Bouquet for Mac. The Peterborough Examiner gives the following bouquet to Will Mc- Donald, who played with Clinton last year: -1n introducing the Port Hope team.,wlio comes here Saturday, it can truthfully be said that they have a high -glass ,twUler in McDondld. He fanned twelve in the game with Belle- ville and allowed seven hits. • While his help were doing Ocean Wave manoe- uvres, McDonald never withered and he was going great guns after the game was well under way. M. D. McTaggart Appointed Convenor. The Weste,n O,.lario Lawn Tennis League held a reorganization meeting at the Y.M.'C.A, London last Thursday after five inactive seasons, electing officers and appointing convenors in seven groups. The ladies' section will be in operation again; in fact, the lea- gue fixtures will consist of four or six gentlemen and two or four ladies, the visiting clubs notifying the home club as to the number of events to be played on schedule dates, St. Catharines won the London Fress Press trophy, elnhiem atic of the league championship, the last time in 1915, defeating Sarnia and Lon- don clubs, The championship of the ladies' section and the Bentley cup was won by Goderich in 1915. It was re= commended that all first-round games be concluded not later than August 15. and that group games- commence as . soon as possible. The officers elected were: President, W, 1. Saunders, Lon- don; vice-president, J. M. Laing, Water - PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO loo; secretary -treasurer, Dr. F. G. Hendry, Delhi, Executive committee: M, D. McTaggart, Clinton, convenor, COOKS THE FOOD BUT NOT THE COOK Perfection Oil Stoves HAVE ATTAINED PERFECTION IN THE COOK'S -ESTIMATION That tells the story in •a Nutshell of the benefits and results of using ()Ile of our PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves. Many slakes of oil stoves have colne and gone but this one goes on givng satisfaction to the owner, Buy PERFECTION Oil Stoves at W. H. DAVISON Phone 53. Successor to R. Rowland. TRY Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROpFING -0- Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 group It. t; A. R. Bernhardt, Presto"n, convenor, group No, 3; M. E. Robinson, Parkhill, convenor, group No. 3; W. HY Beatty, Ingersoll, convenor, group No. 4; R. W. 'Tisdale, Delhi, convenor, group Nn. 5; L, H. Bernie, Listowel, convenor, group No. 6; L. D. Hara, St. Catharines, convenor, group No. 7. ottimowtolowitow Pineapples for Canning This is the Season for Pineapples for Canning A Fresh stock of Pine- apples, Groceries, ineapples,Groceries, Fruit and Vegetablesa11u.1 ays in stock, I 'ec.la .Falgrr.arces Lead red: W, Wig There is a Reason Ask It's. 'The he. Oorn.er Grocery Phone 45. Order Your Supply of Scranton Coal While we .are not getting "notch coal at present, we are booking a lot of orders, and being optimistic about the situation, we feel justified in advising you to place your order now, sO as (0 be early ori our delivery Iistg. ' We have ba Stock the following: At CLINTON- Ebony.Cubs Cannel, the cannel de luxe hardpricewood;d a limited quantity specially Cut Rails, in both hardwood and cedar Canada Centent,,the standard in cement At BRUCEFIELD- Ffentlock Lumber of high quality Dressed Lumber in V.match and floor- ing 2X, 3X and 5X Shingles in B.C. Red Cedar Fibre Board, cheaper and better than plaster Cannel t3oa1 makes a real hot fare Canada Cement the cheapest building material ' If in the market for any of the above lines, it will pay you to give us a call, and we will help you to solve your difficulties, Oar service is free. Make use of it, RIO B. MUSTARD Clintoni gs I3rincefield.. Phone for Clinton No. 74., Phone for Broccfeld 11 on 6i8. -- .10•,,,..41. �NNII�IINIIINVpNWNINWINIINiVgIllJU11 IINNVWI�(UNVVIVINVNIVINVINWIfNVI VIIIUIUfl U1111Nll n1 II IlttiIV lllW I I III I I Local News 1101111111N11111111111111V111111111111111NNNIINN'UIIGi!IONu!NIN IIII1NNl!mN!!1111 NNIVIhi111N!N!INNE11111!111111111!IiNNNNm!NNI!111111 111111111131NNINNNII!NNNIgIIIM 'Pander Let, I Celeb ated King's Birthday. - The Dul}ding Committee has let the I The local banks and the Public tender of excavation and cement floor. School celebrated King George's birth. to Mr. Wm, Elliott. They have bad day last Thursday. But what happen• the top earth of the lot purchased from ed the school flag? Mr. S. 'S. Cooper scrapped Hack and Will put the cellar earth dOwn in the gully and put the good black earth up on top, We Want Rain. Showers on Saturday as prognosticat- ed by the weather man did not meter - Oho, but would have been indeed wel- come in this district where the garden and farm .giowth has been held back by the long drought, A good rain came Monday night, but while it was wel- come, it was not enough. Band Passed Through Here. The Stratford. S. A. Band passed through Clinton on Saturday night on their way to Goderich where they play- ed on Sunday in connection with the Jubilee Self -Denial campaign of the Army. They marched down street and played a few seleciaons while waiting on the L. 11. & B. train, , This Band was here last summer. Drives Flies Away. People in the country who are an- noyed by flies should remember that clusters of the fragrant clover which grows abundantly by nearly every roadside, if hung in the room and left to dry and shed faint fragrant perfume through the air, will drive away more flies than sticky saucers of molasses and other fly -traps and fly papers can ever collect. Improvements. -Mr, W. T. O'Neil is paining his barn. Mrs. Kenned•r, ;Mary Street, hat had her verandah remodelled at her home: The. exterior woodwork of the Royal Bank is being brightened lip with a coat of paint. M,', Frank Powell Is having his stores on Isaac Street, occupied by the Express Co., W. It. L"ounter and the side en- trance of• Morrish Clothing store brightened up by 'he painter's brush. Spare The Flowers. At this time of the year when the early spring flowers adorn the lawns and gardens of many homes, prees- enting such a pleasing appearance, children night he warned both at home and at school against the wan- ton destruction of these beautiful flower spots. There •is nothing more desphetbie than the creature who goes around stripping lawns and gardens of their flowers. Lost at Zurich. The League Baseball team lost at Zurich on Monday night by a score of '10 to 6. It was a hard game to lose but errors accounted for it. The Zurich boys got a little uneasy and changed pitchers when Clinton was run behind. Following was the score by innings: - Zurich... -0 2 1 4 0 2 0 1 x-10 /Minton ..-0 A--0--41.2 0 0 0 0- 6 Batteries -Clinton 'Tasker and McNeil; Zurich, O'Dwyer, Hoffman and Brown. Editor Married. The home of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph May, London Road South, Usborne, was the scene of an interesting event on Wednesday, June 2nd, when their only daughter, Miss Florence Alma, be- came the bride of Mr, John- Melvin Southcott, editor of the Exeter Times. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a number of the contract- ing parties' friends and relatives by Rev. J. M. Wilson, pastor of James St, Methodist church. The bride who was given away by her father, was• gowned in white georgette over satin and lace. Miss Mildred Rowe, cousin of the bride, was staid .of honor; Miss Ruby Truscott of Hamilton, college chum of the bride, played the wed- ding march; and Miss Stella Southcott, sister of the groom, sang "My Fleart is singing". 'fire bride carried a show- er bouquet of pink roses. The cere- mony and eohgratulations over (11 partook of a dainty wedding luncheon, after which rhe young couple motored to London, where they took the train for Ottawa and Montreal, On their return they 'will reside in Exeter. The New Era offers congratulations and best wishes to Brer. Southcott and his es- timable bride. STRAWBERRY PICKERS 1 want 100 Strawberry Pickers fair the Colilillg sea- son. Nice, pleasant work and good pay. No one want ed under 10 years of age. Apply at once to Frank W. Andrews. LOCAL TRADE i will only have a limited "quantity of berries for local trade this year as t have tiffs.. posed of the bulk of my crop by contract, so those want- ing strawberries had better get their order in early. 1-4 Taxes Coming In. Many citizens are already . paying their taxes to Tax Collector Fitzsimons while others are hustling to gather 11P HIP coin to have it ready by June 30 and save the 5%. A Big Crowd at First Band Concert. It takes a Band to draw a crowd -- still' holds good,' for, Kilties drew a blg crowd down street last Thursday ,evening to hear their fine selections, Many of the new pieces took well with the crowd. Lost at Crediton. The Clinton baseball team does not like to work hard on the King's .birth- day, so at Crediton last Thursday, they lost by a score of 18-3. The line-up was changed some as some of the regulars could not get away. Got a Shoat. Clinton barbers received a shock last week upon being told that shaving soap now sold for 80 cents per pound: Not long ago It was 35 cents 'per pound. Head tonics, which contain a percent- age of alcohol, have jumped -$2 per gallon, which brings the selling price to $10 per gallon, plus a luxury lax, •000000000re00000ass®Oisea [lids and Ends of Couucl €40•1110111100(0 3-600060011111 'l'he pay sheet for May on the streets was $177.0°. - -o. John Bayley was paid $9.00 for sand, - -tet -- The P. U. Commission was paid 5159.92 for street lighting and $5.02 for lighting hall. $1.50 was paid for cleaning out the Offices. --00-- ..J. Carrick was paid 854.17 for the D.E. Closet account. Arthur Groves was paid $64.50 for work at Cemetery. --Oka-- 513,50 was charged up to the Park Committee for work there. --00-- J. W. Elliott was paid $25.80 for street watering. --®at-- .1, W Shobbrook was paid 863.20 for work at Cemetery. --es-- The Dominion Road Machine 'Cc., was paid 64c for washers. The Council passed the grants of $6.S5 for Hospital and $2,90 for G. W. V. A., lights. - The Bell Telephone Co., had an as count of 65c. 51.00 was sent to the Municipal World for year's subscription, --es- - T. A. Cook was paid 52.50 for leav- ing team at fire hall when alarm was sounded. --..--- Dr. J. W. Shaw was paid 515.00 for expenses to M.O.11. Convention at Tor- onto. --0.-- Chief Fitzsimons reported $6.30 from Market scales. J. W. Shobbrook of Cemetery, report ed: -$50 for sale of lots; $150 care in perpetuity; $62.25 for work. That Racking Persistent Cough Should Never Be Neglected. The constant hacking, racking, per- sistent cough that sticks to you in spite of everything you have done to get rid of it, means danger. The longer the coughsticks, the more scr;ous menace it becomes toy our health. It is a very easy matter to get rid 01 the cold at the outset. by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. In nearly every case it will allay tit inflammation, soothe the irritation, heal the diseased mucous lining of the lunge 'and bronchial tubes, and thus rid the system of all the bad effects of the lingering cough or cold. Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has been universally used for the past, 50 years, and; so great has been its success, it is only natural that a great ninny invitations have been placed on the market. Don't accept any of these, so•ealled Pine Syrups, Got the original "lir. Wood's." Put up 38 a yellow wrapper; 3 pint trees the trade mark; price 25c, and 50e. Altman dorm' only byThe '1'. Milburn Co,, Limited,'I'oronto, Ont. Thursday, June 1 o1h, 1920, ammzusziolopmemearszlimemo 441113010141R. REGARDING WALL PAPER1 Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at- t ention from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The W. D. Fair eo. Oaten the Cheapest-21Iways the Best Announcement Mr. J. A. Sutter wishes to announce that he has taken into partnership Mr. W. E. Perdue and the business from now on will be carried on un - d • the name of S . tier $z trs e Electricians Plumbers 11 HOUSE-CLEANING . TIME When you clean your parlor', paper it or paint it, you probably add some new furniture. You do it to stake it a place for to entertain your friends and stake home happy. All this will not be needed if you or your family have to go out .for the evening to get good music. Start those children now at the piano. You would not think of keep- ing them hone from school till they were 14 years old, if yoga did few would succeed in getting a good education. Music is exactly the sante and when they start young and get regular pract- ice they will succeed. We are here to assist you in securing the best musical instrument at the best prices, quality considered. You owe it to yourself to call wh ether you buy or not My new stand is opposite Daley's Garage. Jonathan Hugill Highest prices allowed for used instruments of any kinds. BOX 229 - MUSIC STORE, Phone 216, SEAFORTH. ONT. XFO RDS NIIIIIIIIII!1111111111111111NNIIIIIIIIIIIII6111111NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!IIIIIIIiiIHINII!IIIIRIINIIINIIIIiI!IIIIINNIIIIN!IIIIIIIIINII111111111111NIIIIINNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIINI Well Dressed . Women will wear Oxfords this Season, We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making suc handsome Footwear. [jverY Shoe a Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers, Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp -Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert .Fitting Service. $3.50; $4.50;.. $6,50; to $9.50. This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a- against. Shoe Values at inflated prices R R D, e1 N •-"Sk-'QE.$ .THAT SATISFY"- ISFY"-