HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-6-10, Page 5rfhursutay, .lune Lath, 1920.
Oar Neu) L.r ane is
The above goods may be
seen at our Store, We would
be pleased to have 'you call
and see and hear for your-
In addition to our already
large stock of Records, we
will get New Victor Records
the first of each month.
We have at present a large
-stock of Red Seal Records
to choose from.
Dealers do not have to col•
lect the new tax on "His
Master's Voice" products, so
if those who paid the tax to
us will call we will cheerfully
refund the same.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
'hone No, 174w; Residence 1743
Will be at their best
for Canning this
Special Price by the
Phone 48
— Fresh Fruit Daily —
Clinton's Games at Home.
..Zurich, May 31.
Crediton,- June 10
*Goderi'4h, Jupe .14
Zurich, June 21
Goderich, July 9.
Crediton, July 15
Goderich, July 23.
Zurich, Aug 2.
Crediton, Aug. 10.
Clinton's Games Away.
At Crediton, June 3
At Zurich, June 7.
*At Goderich, June 16
At Zurich, June 24
At Crediton, June 28
At Goderich, July 5
At Goderich, July 21.
At Zurich, Aug. 5
At Crediton, Aug. 13,
sloome01000/ W 49S*o4ormsse11R
District iNews,
Mr, and Mrs. J, b, Taylor leave this
week fpr an extended tele 10 the Old
Land, Their many friends wilt wish
then a pleasant and safe voyage,
Mrs, (Rev.) Sinclair, of 'Centralia,
and it former resident of this place,
underwent a critical operation in Tor-
onto a week ago, .Iter many friends
here hope she will soon be in her us -
sal good health again,
Repe N, W, 'lit'ewartha attended Co,
Council last week,
Mrs, R. Acheson and daughter spent
Wednesday of last week visiting friends
in Goderich.
Mr. John Cudntore has been improv-
ing his property by having two fancy
windows put in and a new roof put on
his home.
The pulpit of the Methodist church
was ably filled on Sunday morning in
the absence of the pastor, Rev. Mr.
Johnston by Mr,.Alrin Leonard of Tor-
onto University, another Holmesville
boy who is making good.
Mrs• J. R. Alcock has returned home
after spending two weeks with Mrs,
Butson, of London.
Mr. Wright preached a very fine
sermon in the Anglican church on
Our cheesemakers have been quite
busy these last few days unloading
cheese boxes:
Mrs. Brigham has been spending a
few days visiting Mrs, W. Pickard.
Hugh Aikenheact and sister, Miss
Margaret atteuled the funeral of a re-
lative in Kent County last week,
Geo, Forrest and family of London
visited last week at the home of his
brother, Wm. Forrest of Stanley.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be held in our church on Sunday morn-
ing' next. Rev. R. C. McDermid, of
Goderich will have charge of the pre-
paratory services on Friday afternoon,
Win. Douglas and family deft on
Monday for an auto trip to Marlette,
Michigan, to a reunion of friends
started 26 years ago. They have been
taking a little pleasure in life as they
go on.
R. Dallas had the misfortune to have.
his spare auto tire stolen while in Hen-
, salt last week. Sneak thieves are not
all dead yet.
W. Harvey, Stanley,_ has bought a
Gray Dort auto.
Road making is now going on. Gravel
is being put on the roads innll direct-
Evelyn, the 3 -year-old child of John
Grainger, of our village, had a cirtical
operation performed"on her head near.
her ear in Clinton hospital last week.
She is making a good recovery,
The Kelly Circle held their June meet,
ing on June 3'rd in :the basement of the
.-church; 26 members responding to the
roll call. The papers on the topic
an& chart evere unusually interesting
and showed much care and thought had
been spent on their preparation. As a
nieansof earning 'a little extra stoney
the Society hopes in the near future to
make a collection of..old papers and
magazines and we would ask the conn•
mumity if they would kindly keep any
they may have on hand and collectors
will call for them, The next regular
meeting on July Sth will be taken by
Miss Mary 6ilniolr and Miss Kate Mc-
Gregor and chart No. 10 by Miss Lillian
Miss Margaret McLennan, of Tor-
onto, spent a fete days last week visite
ing on the 2nd con. -.
Mr. Fred Dunlop 'visited for a few
ger.4%�4,Mer".///////!/�!////i///til!//./i fir:
r 11111)IPu TO rtlr;'EDnTT a„a
lit a = „1
•iiwra•tr r 1:4p2. ' � Ft?t`-
G,.;--41•,•"n"� tasty lmf'd+t+u
Staunch, Safe, Speedy, Comfortable
Wilt Leave Goderich
Te U E S 'DAY, JUNE 15TH, 9.30 a. m., E. T
Arriving Pt. Huron 2 p.m,; Detroit 6 pm. B.T. Returning, leaves
Detroit, Thursday, Juno 17th, 1.00 p,tn,, Detroit time, Last trip to
Detroit, Friday, June 18th, at 9,30 a.m.
$'3.00 ROUND TRIP • 2.00 ONE Y
� $WAY,
The only boat trip front Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit
your friends and see big wonderful Detroit again. Now More then a
million peopleand growing so fast in population and riches that it is
destined soon to become the world's largest and greatest city, "The
Heart of the U, S. A.”
ROOM. 34. 41 >°'r,." ON 0,AtITI UL t♦AICE HURON
50 ,c;
Children 115e
days el Mr, John McGowan's.`
Miss Madge Mel;wan silent a few
clays visiting in Bayfield,
A prayer meeting was held at the
(tome of Mr. Alex. McEwen on Friday
of last week by Rev, J. E. nogg, of
'Clinton. -
Miss Beatrice and Isabel McKay of
1110aliton, are visiting at the home of
Mr. John McCowan,
Messrs. Thomas Fraser acid Goldie
Graham were witnesses in the Hamilton
vs. Cole case held in Goderich this
The British Empire Day Dinner As-
sociation of Piltsbergh, Pa,, this year
was held In the William Penn Iiotel, at
Pittsburgh, and among the speakers
was Dr. J,'I': Holdsworth, vice -President
of the Bank of Pittsburgh, who is an old
Huron boy anda brother of Mrs. Chas.
McPhail. The Dr. is an expert on Ec-
onomics, and spoke on matters of vital
Interest. to. the great financial. and com-
mercial center such as Pittsburgh, Air
'Commodore L, P„ O. Charlton, C.B., C.
M.G„ D,S.O„ Air Attache to the' Em-
bassy, was the personal representative
of Rt, Hot. Sir. Auckland C, Geddes,
British Ambassador at Washington, and
Dr, Alfred Thompson, M.P•, for Yukon
in the Dominion Parliament at Ottawa
were the other speakers.
Exeter—One of the old residents of
Exeter died in the person of Mr. henry
Passmore. He had farmed for some
years in the Township of Usborne and
retired about five years ago. 1 -le had
attained the age of 78, and is survived
by his Widow and a grown-up family.
STERLING—In Clinton on Wednes-
day June 9th, Susan Dempsey, wife of
John Sterling aged 63 years 1, month
and 9days.
CARLETON.—In Clinton on Thurs-
day, June 3rd, Mrs. Janet Carleton, of
Goderich, aged 87 years.
In Memoriam..
In loving memory of William James
Marshall, Who died June 10th, 1914.
Gone but not forgotten. --His Mother.
it -
Suffer From Overtaxed Nerves
And Often a Complete
Thousands of earnest, -intelligent
young women who earn tltetr liveli-
hood away from home, in the school
room,. in public offices and In large
business establishments, are silent, suf-
fering vtdtims btt over -!taxed nerves
and deficiency of strength. Weak,
breathless and nervous, they work
against time, with never a rest when
headaches an`d brckaches stake every
hour seem like a day, Little wonder
their cheeks lose the glow of health
and grow pale and thin; their eyes are
dull and shrunken and beauty slowly
but surely fades. Easiness women and
girls because of their work and worry,
look older than their years. What they
need is the frequent help of a true,
strengthening remedy to carry them
through the day. Br. Williams Pink Pills
are like actual food to the starved ner-
ves- and tired brain of the business
girl. 13y --making rich, red blood they
supply Just the kind of help girls need
to preserve tlfeir health and energy,
and their good looks. Dr. Williams
Pink Pills bring bright eyes rosy cheeks
high spirits and thus stake the day's
duties lighter.
Miss Mary 1•I, Hunt says: "Many
people think of the life of a school
teacher as one of comparative ease,
with short hours and holidays plenti-
ful. But the reverse is the case. When
one has to stand day after day, year
in and year out, with the worries
great and small front handling children
it begins to tell upon even the strong-
est and especially upon the nerves. I.
had been teaching about five years and
was then located at Springfield, Ont.,
when 1' found 1 was out 1 hada conipl
ete nervous breakdown. - I tried doct-
or's medicine and it helped but only for
a while. I then tried osteop`athic treat-
ment but with no better results, 1
suffered from: loss of appetite, slept
poorly, was nervous and troubled with
severe headaches. Holidays carne and i
tried a change of schools, but got in-
to a harder place where 1 had over fif-
ty pupils under my care, There were
days when it seemed impossible for
me to carry on n work, At this stege
my sister who had also been a teacher
strongly advised me to try Dr. Williams
Pink Pills. 1 took the advice and by the
time It,1d fowled my second box, 1
felt that the pills were helping ole. I
was on my tthttlt box when I decided
there was no necessity for continuing`
the treatment, as 1 had never felt bet-
ter and had gained twelve pounds in
weight. Dr, Williams Pink Pills, with
plenty of fresh air, worked wonders
its my case and I should advice the use
of them to any other run down teach,
en" '
You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine or by mail
post pald, at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 front Dr, Williams
Mailloine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Hogs $19.00
Eggs .. , , . .. , 45c to 466
Butter,' 600
Wheat .. r......., $1,95 to $1.98
Oats - 85e fo 87 .
Barley - - 40c to 45e
Buckwheat ... , ., $1.15 to $1.20
Hay .$19,0o to $20.00
Bran - - - --- - $45 ton
Shorts . $55, to $56
Millfeed ,,.,.,,,.,,,..,.,, 1150.
Potatoes ,,..,.i.,,:,,.., $2,00 bag
The Clinton and Seaforth U. F. 0. Clubs intend
holding their annual picnic in Fred Tyndall's
grove, on the London Road, 2 miles south of
of Clinton, on
ues., June 15
Addresses will be delivered by Hon. F.C. Biggs,
Minister of Public Works; A. Hicks, M.P.P.,
of South. Huron; A. A. Powers, President of the.
Co-operative Co.; and a lady speaker from the
U. F. W. O. Speaking will commence at 2 p.
m. A program of sports will follow.
Everybody Come and Bring Your Basket
Pres. of Clinton Club Pres. Seaforth Club.
Local News
Minor Locals.
Band Concert tonight.
Council met on Monday evening.
"Birth of a Nation" comes to Clin-
ton on Monday evening next.
Crediton baseball team will play here
this evening. Gante called at 5.30 p.m.
Examinations Begin.
The annual departmental examina-
tions for 1920 began Tuesday at the
Collegiate when another generation of
school boys and girls stands the test
for the year's work. Tuesday only the
Model Entrance and the Senior public
school graduation exams began, taking
the examination in shorthand and type-
writing. Wednesday the lower school
pupils Wrote on the bonus subjects,
agriculture and horticulture, manual
training and household science,
"Birtn of a Nation" Coming. _
Many of the critics who have been
sternest in their exactions of American
dramatists announce their belief that
D. W. Griffith has "Put over" ' the
great American play at last. Mr. Grif-
fiths wonderful spectacle -drama, "The
Birth of a Nation" is referred to as
toe unique offering at the town stall
Clinton next Monday June 14th.
For many years American dratetat-
ists wrote able plays of particular
States, cities of localities, r ranging
from "Alabama" to "The Henrietta"
and front "Way Down East" to "The
Great Divide" Bot no one man seemed
to grasp the whole spirit and genius
of America until David Wark Griffith
picked ,a suggestion for his theme out
of Dixon's "Thee Leopard's Spots"
and "The Clansman" and started to
develop it.
A remarkable thing about Mr. Grif-
fith's plan is that words (except for
leaders and titles) did not enter into
it, Perhaps words had cramped rather
than aided previous fictoinists and
dramatists, at any rate, he replaced
speech by music, and the old-fashioned
stage action and scenery by the plc-
toriallzed action of thousands of play-
ers in tine great Out -of -Doors, int brief
he staged the great battles, struggles
and critical events of 1861 and 70
under natural conditions as nearly as
possible similar to the original.
The result of Mr. Griffith's efforts
is a new and stupendous art for which
no adequate 'name has yef been found.
"The Birth of a Nation" combines spect
axle, romance domestic drama comedy,
tragedy, music and mechatnicaal effects
into a harmonious ensemble that cap-
tivates equally the eye and the ear. in
a presentation lasting two hours and 45
minutes, in epitomizes the life of a nat-
ion. This is something the old art could'
never do. The obsolete so-called "stage
unites" are thrown to the winds, and
Griffith carries the magnificent story
from the introduction Of African slav-
ery right down through Civil War and
Reconstruction days to the final real
inion of South and North in the bonds
of love and peace.
Among tate distinguishing actors in
the cast are Henry B, Watthall, Lillian,
Gish, Mae Marsh, Miriam Cooper, Mary
Alden, Josephine Crowell, Ralph Lewis
Joseph Henaber'ry, Raoul :Walsh, Donald
Crisp, Howard Gaye, George. Seigman,
Waller Long, Elsner Clifton and Robert
Herron, 'Eighteen thousand people, 8,-
000 linnet .and no less than 5,000 seen-
el went to the making of the big speet.
1 ra11tsebeteD'3^,eeet6efie•Of
e WITl T1311 CHURCRISS, to
a t~
Willis Church
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will beobserved on Sunday June 13th
itt the eleven o'clock service.
Pre -communion service will be held
on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev.
Dr. Fletcher will conduct this service.
In place of the regular monthly meet-
ing the Girl's Club will serve a six
o'clock supper in the lecture room on
Tuesday evening, June 29th.
Baptist Church
The services next Lord Day at the
usual (tour 11 a.m., and 7 p.m,
The subjects for consideration are
Morning—Flying, Running, Walk-
Evenitigi--"Jonah's c1at1 and Diso-
bedience" (This is the first of a ser-
ies on the book of Jonah.)
You are invited to worship with us.
Ont t 4o Street Methodist
The service was withdrawn of Sun-
day evening on account of the Con-.
ference in Stratford, A number went
down for the Sunday services. Rev.
Anderson who is chairman of Goderich
District, has been down since the be-
ginning of last week.
The Women's Missionary Society had
charge of the morning service and
conducted tate service very successfully
A choir of ladies gave the music. Mrs.
(Rev.) Anderson gave the address
which was a very fine one, outlining
the developments of the W.M.S. sinoe
its institution. Site was assisted in the
service by Mrs, George Shipley, who is
president of the Society, Mrs. Beaton,
Mrs, Courtice and Mrs. R. Tiplady.
The concert which the Excelsior class
of the Yoting Men of Ontario Street S.
S. gave last week was a fine success and
well attended by the leatnbers of the
congregation as well as quite a number
of outsiders. Mr. A, K. Leonard oc-
cupied the chair, A splendid program
was given, at the conclusion of which
the young men served a very fine lunch.
The program included choruses by the
class solos by Jabez Rands and Gershon
Anderson, a couple of songs from a
quartette composed of N. Tyndall, E.
Livermore, N. 'and G, Anderson, which
received very hearty, applause. An in-
teresting dialogue was also given.
Arthur Groves and M, Hanley gave sev-
eral instrumental numbers. The Pres-
ident of the'Class,'Mr, Ernest Livermore
and the teacher, Mr. McMurray each
spoke briefly and made a few well
chosen remarks. Readings were given
by i•larvey Potter and E. S. Evans, At
the conclusion a vote of appreciatoin
was given to the ladies for their assist-
ance in the kitchen and the meeting
wits brought to a successful conclusion
by singing of the National AnthemM1
Centro Huron Liberal Association.
The annual meeting of the Centre
Huron Liberal Association will be held
at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday,
June 22nd, 1920, at 3 o'clock p.m. A
good attendance of the Liberals of fhe
Riding is desired,
Michael Murdie, Prestdert,
Jas. L. Kllloret, Secretary,
For Sale.
7.11. Massey Barris biitcibr for dale.
Almost as good as 116W, Apply to Thu
New Era,
Every Line a "Money Saver" -
Misses School Shoes, sizes 1 to 4, clearing lines tt $2,98
25 pairs Men's Heavy Boots, black or tats, special clearing
Men's and Boy's Caps, clearing lines at 50
5 doz Men's fine shirts, sizes 14 to 1634, special clearing
price $1.75
,price ,
Look for Special Sale Price Tickets
Plumste& Bros.
Mall ProlitS Plwne 25. Moro itrnSiueSS
Garden Party.
Under the auspices of the Bethel
Sabbath School to be held on Mr. Her-
bert Cox lawn Cott. 7 Goderich Twp.
on Wednesday June 23rd.
Field Crop Competition, under the
auspices of the Centre Huron Agricul-
tural Society, For further information
secure it front S. 13. Stothers, Agl.
Representative, or front the Agi, Sec-
retary, A. J. McMurray.
Men Wanted.
We have openings for a few good
reliable men to work on Threshing
Machines,' Tractors and other work.
The Robt. Bell Engine &Thresher Co,
Ltd., Seaforth, Ont.
A Chance of Your Life.
To secure a roadster gelding, sired
by Templeton, he being 'a son of Peter
the Great, the dant Eva B. with a record
of 2.16. Not having time to train and
care for him I offer him at a price you
can clean up some money. Get busy
and write at once or apply at Lot 22,
con. 2, Tuckersmith, L.R.S. Edgar Butt
Teacher Wanted
For S. S, No. 2, Hullett, 2 utiles from
Clinton. Teacher with Normal train-
ing. Duties to commence at Septem-
ber. Salary .$700 or over.v* Appli-
cations to be in by June 12th, Apply to
W. A. Dale,
R. R. No. 4, 'Clinton.
In The Estate of Christine .Duncan
son Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given all persons
having claims against the estate of
Christina Duncanson late of the Town
of Clinton in the 'County of Huron, de's
ceased, who died on or about the loth
of April 1920 are required t0 deliver to
James McMurcitie or W. Srydone the
executors of tate said estate or their sol-
icitor on or before the 12th day of June
1920 a full statement of their claims to-
gether with particulars thereof, and the
nature of the securities, if any, held by
them all duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that, after the
said mentioned date the said executors
will proceed to distribute the estate
of tate said deceased amongst the per-
sons entitled thereto staving regard
only to such claims as Shall have re-
ceived due notice and in accordance
DATED at Clinton, this 20411 day of..
May A. D. 1920
W. Srydone, Clinton, Ont.' Solictor for
the said Executors.
Enrolment I'{{o, 5275 Form 1
Tuesday.' --Will leave his own stable,
1-luron Road, three miles west of Sea -
forth, and go to Commercial hotel,
Clinton for noon; then by way of Huron
Road and Hohnesville to Oscar Telseett's
for night. Wednesday.—By way of Mait-
land concession to John Durst's for
noon; then to Betuniller and Huron
Road to Wilmot Haackes' fors night,
Thursday.—To the seventh concession,
Goderich Township, to Fred Pickard's
for noon; then to Harold Graham's, nin-
th concession, for night, Friday. -13y
way of Telephone Road end London
Road to Newman Garrett's for noon;
then to his own stable, Huron Road,
for night, where he will remain until
the following Tuesday morning.
G. W. Nott, Proprietor and Manager.
Enrolment No. 5275 Foran t
Monday, --Will leave his own stable
ituron Road, 3 miles west of Seaforth
and go by way of Huron Road and Sea -
forth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon then
north to Jerry O'Hare's - for night.
'Tuesday:!. -To Snell Bros„ Kinburn,
for noon; then to Andrew Flynn's for
slight, Wednesday.—To Ezra Durst's
Base Line, for noon; then by way of
Stunner Hill and 16th concession to
James Ferguson's for night. Thursday.
—By way of Huron Road and Ctit Line
Eldred Yoe's for noon; then by way of
ninth concession to Robert Chrfrs for
night. Friday.—'By way of Bayfield
Line end 2nd of Stanley to James Jack-
son's for noon; then to Fred Pepper's
west End Tuck'ersntitlt, for night, Sat-
urday, -13y way of the second comas -
stem to Broadfoot's Gomel', then to
silcoat's'Cosner and Mill Road to Dave
Papple's for noon then to his own stable
for ,)lit, where he will remain until
1... .ing Monday morning,
, iott, Prop„ hominid Reynolds;
House For Sale.
7 --roots house, with hydro, town
Water and furnace, in good repair,
acre of land, apply,
at New Era Office
For Sale.
8 -roomed house for sale on Huron
street. Apply to Mrs. J. Mellveen.
- . _ —
For Sale.
A Square Piano, Fisher Make, in first
class condition, cheap for quick sale.
Appy to 11. Bartliff,
Spirella Corsets
Scarcely need an introduction in this
locality. Having become agent for Clin
tot I will be pleased to fill all orders
placed. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kennedy,
Ontario Street, Clinton.
Bought and sold at 6?arket prices.
Victor Feed.
We have a quantity of Victor Feed
for Hogs and 'Cattle, which will take the
place of Shorts•as it is impossible for us
to secure Shorts this season. Try somt
ofke t
hisit. feed and we feel sure you will
Also, in our stock Is a quantity of
Feed Flour, and Mixed Chop. As these
two lines are good value at the present
time we would advise an early purchase
Having procured the agency for the
Swift Canadian Co„ we are prepared t,
offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage ant,
also all brands of this Company's Fer-
Regarding Spring Seeds our Stock
includes the following: Red Clover,
Alaiko Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa,
Timothy, aslo Timothy and Afsilce mix.
There are a few barrels of the Pure
Cane Molasses left yet.
W.Je ikons&Sorg
Phone 199 Residence. 131.
11.11J U 1 L
Unexcelled Dining Car Service
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor Cars on special clay trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or. C. E. Horning
District Passenger Agent, Troonto.
John Ransford•& Son, city passes.
ger and Ticket Agents, phone Si'
A, O. Pattison, station agent.
For Nearly Two Years.
When pimples and boils appear on the
face and body it seems as if the skin
le the seat of the trouble. but the real
disease is in the blood.
Lotions and ointments may allay the
trouble for a while, but seldom if ever
Ton have to get under the skin' get
at the bloods which is the cause oft the
Burdock Blood Billets gore direct
to the root of the disease and restores
healthy, normal aotioe to the d'f Brent
organs, and cleanses the blood of all its
Mr. 3D. C. Goodwin, Cambeid, e, N',B.
writes;—"For nearly two veers 1esuffered
front boils and p:mplee on my. faro and
neck, and nearly all of my body wee
covered with the pimples, I hied meet
everything, but trot no relict. One
day a friend advised me to try Burdock
Blood Bitter? and after using three '
hottica the boils and pimples had all left
me and there le no sign 08 then ram*.
ing. i can afrongly recommend 13.13.13,
to anyone who is troubled' with skin
Manufiretured only by '1 ho T. 1411',
burn, Co., Lientedt'I'otonto, Ont.