HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-6-10, Page 2,ate
t4'f v limey Sntitli who has been reef- I
as vi8 5t, Jab 11's Church here for the
paai: )Jnee years left this week for Port
Atom" 'his new charge, Before leaving'
.f ti-. Smith was presented with a gold
-vorecla and chain and Mrs. Smith with
.�tyrarae .of money.
tirsssels will hold it large celebration
an "i'f?iAraesday July 28,
se',3tt Ament, of Bros, Brussels, and
Mars 3essle tilrons, of Blyth, were unit-
.rss.11u marriage of Tuesday afternoon.
r'far 'Baptist Church purposes having
-. ,v aneemvriai service on June 20th at 3p,
even for two of their members who tail
:. Darn +their lives in France.
:Mee -church walls are being painted
aaat-',;,aloes are being'held in the base-.
•rate•tn.i.ast Sunday the.Pastor give an ac
• ,Anrep: of the Associational meeting at,
Forest and Mr, Thos. White of
Pl•ksse%'itmn sang.
carload of friends spent Sunday
• •sit wring at Ferguson's on the 16th con,
A number of farmers 'have been
ews of thel�istrict �
The council have had a fine mouu-
.ment prepared for war. veterans' monu-
ment and it wilt not be long ,before
it is in position,
A number of pioneer residents of the
village motored to Landon on Wednes-
day forenoon to attend the funeral of
the late Mr. John MacArthur who, for
tour years, carried on a private bank
here. Interment took place in Nairn
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
was observed in Cannel church on
Sunday June 6, Rev, Dr. i'letcher, of
Thames road, conducted the services
both morning and evening the sacra-
ment being dispensed at the morning
The want of rain is being very much
felt in the immediate neighborhood and
Mr. Joe Riley has bought Mrs. D.
Sutherland's house and lot for $350
and gets possession at once.
Mr, McIntosh is not so well again.
Mr, Bert. McLean of Detroit is visit-
• „orfs tg their roofs put on their barns tang his brother-in-law, D. Milson,
Miss Addie Love, of Walton, spent
t 3, Z' 11 were daneged .by the (wind Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E. Britton.
• Zeoasrrs2!. xif hist whiter. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. Pollard and Miss
Proctorghas erected a Phoebe Wakefsdld spent Sunday in.
new i)o and is also going to put up a Clinte7.
.72i. Albert Townshend was in Liam- Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Stephenson and
':::.3212-,e "ism .:1'few days -last week. son spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
*Quite a-nuniber from Godericla Town and Mrs. Geo. Riley.
••t -b32 still attend the U.F.O. picnic on The shower of rain on Monday night
-t.?rutsdry next. will do a lot of good as it was very
£1Jr, 'Fred Ford is the latest purchaser badly needed, it wasn't as heavy a rain
s tar. His is a Chevrolet purchased as maty would have liked to see.
- jn na alae Clinton agent, Mr. Bart. Levis. '
Ther, 'Oliver Jervis and family were
, .abeam to Stratford on Sunday attending
b ,onference there, I Mrs, E. J, Trow and children of To -
1311e farmers have started at their ronto, are guests at the home of Mrs.
A, Young Goderich-st west.
i:e labor on the roads in some Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bell and little son
3o has 5C1r UGH5
city last Friday, "Jack," as Ise was
fatnitinrly called, was a son of the
tate Wnt. and Sarah Armstrong pioneer
residents of town and owners of the
Amer' C1111 hotel, was a natural musician
and was welcome member to music
lovers, particularly in, the use of the
WINGHAM, Seaforth.--Mr. L, Waiper has dis-
At the special sleeting which the posed of his finle farm south of Egmond-
Council held several days ago the by-law yule 10 Mr. James Nolan of Seaforth for
to combine wards one and two into a the sum of $14,500,
polling subdivision and wards four and �,inghem,—Harry Deacon, one of
five into another subdivision, was read the pioneers of Wawanosh, died in Isis
three }lanes and finally passed. This is 76th year. The funeral took place to -
elorder to curtail the expense at the day and was attended by a large circle
election on July 5. This is the date of friends: His brother, -William, who
when the new bridge by-law the eaten -
resides in Wawanosh, is in Isis 90th
slop of the waterworks main 'to year,
north side of the river and the question Goderich. Wolk was started on Mon
as to the waterworks goitfg undeer hy-
dro supervision will be voted on by the day on the repair of the agricultural
ratepayers of Wingham. buildings.
The late Geo. B. Scott was buried in 'Uaborne Twp•—Jessie Ellen'Ferguson
Wingham Cemetery' Thursday. The fun- beloved wife of Wnn, Hyde, died at the
eral was 'held from the hone of his hone of her father and con, - of Us -
daughter Mrs, W. S. Mitchell, of Center borne, on Wednesday May 26th aged
street. 32 years and 9 months, About a year
The construction of the sew coffer ago the deceaseed had a severe attack
dap has been started here and 'great of the flu" from which she never ful-
ly recovered. and which finally devel-
dennands are being made for men and oped lung trouble which resulted in
ttin to hurry along the work not only her death. Besides her sorrowing hus-
getting ready to erect the new bridge hand her father and mother, one son
and dans, which will take place as soon aged 8 years and one daughter aged 7
as possible but also tie conserve the years survive.
largo amount of water for the use ofHensall—Last week Mr. Jas. Hag -
the town which is suffering from the
an sold a fine team of black Percheron
need of it at the present time. No rain horses to Mr. Lewis Clark of the 2nd
has fallen here yet and everything is con., of Tuckersmith for a good fig -
becoming parched and burned up.
ure. The horses were full brother and
which will he very convenient for mak-
ing cement foundation- for the factory
Blyth. --Dr. and Mrs, J. G. Frank,
,Shelburne A011011140 t]le ongagetltenl of
their daughter Mary Enid ("Billie) to
Dr, Mire' Jory WoOd, of BiYth, Son
of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wood, Of Bxet-
er, the marriage to take place the lat
ter part of June.
Wing-.hum—At a special melting of
the Winghain Town Council a commun-
ication was read from James Bowman,
M P. advising the Council to make ap-
piles tion for war trophies and he would
nsist in the natter of the town proour-
ing them. The Council has already
made the necessary application,
Brussels.—Rev, Henry Smith and fam
ily will move from Brussels to Port
Rowan on Lake Brie, where he will
be rector of three parishes. A strange
coincidence will be that the three
preaches Methodist, Baptist and Ang-
lican are Smiths.
Jamestown—Arthur Shaw, who is .a
student at the Medical College, Toron-
to, has been laid up with smallpox, but
came through the siege ali right and is
expected hone. He is a son of Arthur
and Mrs. Shaw 1st line Morris.
Wroxeter.. 1 t15 Cotlni+y lEnyinneer
spent last week in the village survey-
ing the streets in readiness for the
cement walks, which will shortly be
laid, $5000 will likely be spent in the
Morris Township.=Earl Anderson
son of James and Mrs, Anderson 5th
line, left for the West where he ent-
ers the Home Mission and' Social Ser-
vice field Isis first location being Cast-
or, Alberta. He goes intially from
Maitland Presbyterian.
Gorrie.—Many of the older resid-
ents of Howick will learn with regret
of the death of Mr, James Dane, one
of the old pioneers of this township
and a brother •of Messrs. 'John and
Mathew Dane, who died on May i3th
and buried at Elgin, Manitoba, Deceas-
ed was in his 9oth year.
Goderich.—The big hotel building at
the Point Farm has been purchased by
a London wrecking firm and will be
pulled down and the material' taken
at i We
0 TDISMISS Zurich — Williams Bras. the local
millers have purchased a i -ton Pord
truck to use for conveying their prod-
CruuTt`"`ATsON ucts to Hensall and will be a great con=
Insall.—The death occurred In
London on Monday of John MacArthur
Half the ills of life are caused by
• -`" motored to Toronto on Tuesday, allowing the bowels to become con- izeis from of
lieAilsa nCr aig aboutdeceased
a syearsc ago
• me
is and Mrs. L. 0. Lashbrook and Mrs. (Rev.) Mullen is visiting relat- stipated.
:'1n3ks Reta of Mitchell, spent the week Qph n the bowls become constipated and opened a private bank in which
Ives in Belleville.
a former well known and respected cit -
.�real.nt..Hohnesville. They were accom Dr, Jones of Bost2n is a at the
s • nisi tfby "Mrs. Brooks of Mitchell, who home of Mr. S. T. ncines, guest at oh-
,.:ga3-ited relatives in 'Clinton. st.
,315a:. and -Mrs. J. Schwantz and Fred Mrs,Walunslev 01 Toronto is visiting
,meETt ;dawn to Stratford to attend the Miss Alice Archibald.
coons ence. -Mrs, (Rev.) Johnston of, l Mrs.(Dr.) Milligan of Grand Forks,aYsesdiile,•Ivent with them also, Mrs. North Dakota, is visiting her mother
§fg...w i -'McCormick of Blyth, accompan- Mrs. T. McQuade, Goderich-st. -
.a. sa.1,;Lisein from Clinton, ` Mr. and Mrs. A. Dodds Mr, R. Gor-
sfintended Fol las: week's - I row, Mr. J. Scott and Miss Harvey
` '_41es. Fred Leonard spent the week left this week on a trip to the Coast.
- •etrof ¢tt15iiing -with Woodstock friends. , Mr, Jacob Israel, of Walkerville, fathh-
• :Az -went down in a car with friends er of Mrs. W. M. Cudntoi:e, of Seafouth
- ,Pb= .'Seaforth, 1 expired suddenly, without a moments
iOlr. Will Townshend who has been warning at the home of the latter on
•a :tg'it.ine school out West arrived home Monday evening May 31st heart trouble
•:•_*;.?`..`�sts'urRay. 1 being the cause of death. The deceased
!9br. 'and Mrs. Jim Ferguson ',and i was a former highly esteemed resident
6.' -s-ter were in Goderich on Friday. of Seaforth and a inember of line Meth -
11/1 s. Alcock of Holmesville, ie visit-- odist church. It was his Intention to re-
rtp wills Mrs. Hudson and family, who turn to Seaforth to reside, and he was
". az-nse`ily resided in Holmesville, contemplating the purchase of a ]tomo
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
itsgd.'Ford is doing nicely. She has
f Titan in the Clinton Hospital for a
owaple of weeks.
'The dust has been pretty thick on in the employ of the Pord Co , G.W.
s.-7�e_roads lately. Israel of,Seeforth and Mrs. W. M. Cud-
--Mr. and Mrs.' Dave Lindsay and family more of Seaforth. The remains were
'n5 s' dowtr.to Seaforth this week. interred on Wednesday in the Maitland
i bank cemetery.
for 'himself and wife here. He was in his
71st year a widow three sons and one
daughter survive, R. G. Israel, of Wind-
sor, H.W. Israel, of Walkerville, both
IK I! lilt nN 300,
N103r• n,ne.n"w•re.rr
The "CLEVELAND" Bicycle
are sold in Clinton. by
' The. Garage:that gives. real Bicycle, Car and
!' t'
'Battery Services
t la.one-8O Residence 140' CLINTON, INT.
�>; 'Western University-
Lon.cdoina :'.Ontario
arts. Gln 'Sciences
Summer School
July 5th to August 13th
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
the stomach gels out of order, the liver Mr, Harry Arnold, manager of the
does 006 work properly,, and then. follows Nlolsons Bank, was associated with him
the violent sick and bilious headaches,
sourness of the stomach, biliousness, later his bank was taken over by the
I Sovereign hank, Besides his sorrowing
wife, three daughters Anna, Carrie,
and Helen, and two sons, Arnold, and
Kanneth, survive. A son Lieut. J. McP
MacArthur, was killed in action Over-
internal bleer eding or protruding
irritating '
Keep your bowels regular with Mil -
burn's Laxa-Liver Pills and you need
never be constipated.
Mre. C. Henderson, Trail,, 11.0.,
writes:—"I have been troubled with nick
headaches and constipation most all my i lar, Club has taken on a new lease of
life. Have not now been troubled for a I b
nth' in Mil-
burn'e Laxa•Liver Pills since using them."
Milburn's ' Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c,
a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont,
The Woinen's Missionary Society of
Seaforth.—,-The Seaforth Lawn Bowl -
long time I havo gr
life and already this year there are
soave 50 members. Extensive improve-
ments have been made to their greens
and a new lighting system installed
at a cost of $265, so that everything
i5 Is good shape for the Huron County
Doubles tournibineht for the Metier
Trophy and a consoliation event, which
will be held here on Wednesday June
the Presbytery of Huron, are engaged' 9th Handsome first and second prizes
at present in raising a large sum of 1 will be offered for each of these ev-'
money to aid in - the translation of the ' eats. '
•Bible and otheriiterilture into the native Blyth,—Dr. F. R. Guest intends
languages of India and China, To this leaving
Blyth about the middle of this
end they have issued a sketch of the 1 month for Walkerville where he will
live of the late Mrs. (Colin Fletcher, of I practise his profession.
the Thomas road, wife of Dr, Fletcher Blyth..—Mr. Boyd. of San Francisco
former moderator of the Presbyterian Cal., was looking over the scenes of his
General Assembly. The society has
raised $700. To further this commend-'
able campaign the Brucefield- auxiliary
held a special tea, to which they invited
t the auxiliaries frons Kippen, Seaforth
and Clinton. Miss Brown a returned
.missionary Nom flotsam, China spoke on
the work being carried on there.
Rev. Dr. W. E. ?A, Aiken and 3,.B.
MacLean an -eider,' are attending the
sessions of the Presbyterial General
Assembly at Ottawa and Rev. R. L. Wil-
son` and J, T. Keys are in attendance at
the: Methodist conference' at Strztford,
Bluevafe—Tiros, Stewart sold the
flax mill Building to W.F. 'Vanstoner
Wingham who is taking it drown ands
shipping lir to Brussels to brad' a large
hog 'pen.
Gorrie.—Merrpbers of St. Stephen's
congregations intend keeping tilts J'ubiTee
of the opening of the church. Sunday
June 20th., There will be serviices ati0,
30 a.m. and' 7 p.m. Special preacher
for. the day -will be • The Venerable
Archdeacon Perry, M.A,
Howick Twp.—Mr, Thar, Walker
of the 6th concession of Hawick, met
with a severe accident. He was driving
a teams, one of which was a colt along
the •road when a oar came up behind
the toot of the auto frightened the colt
lint Mr. Walker migift have been abfe�
to have kept the animal under control
but when the autoist came along side
he gave his horn two or three more
toots and the 'teem ran away, When
Mr, Walker fouii[ he couid not hold
them he jumped to save Itis life. lie
was' thrown 011 his face on the hard
gravel and besides receiving a severe
cut over the eye which respired sev-
eral stickes, he received other severe
Brussels— W, A• Grewar received a
tetter from Lysander Armstrong, Of
Buffalo, N•Y, stating that his brother
Sohn lite; paid Nature's delft. in that
'111ursday, .Jt1140 iut1i, 1920,
Children Cry for 'Fletcher's
I'letcher's Castoria is st ct? y a rer-te�y for Infant:, and Children.
Foods are - specially prerurod for babies. A. baby's medicine
is even Mare essential f r Daby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups aro net interchangeable. It war the need of
a remedy .for the c: r tmoa, ailments of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been Made' frr it that ii.e u'se for over 30
years has not proven.
What -i CASIO App i►
Castoria is a hrrmiess subetitrte for Canter C;:, P.r;goric,
Drops and Soothing ;:yrurc, It is plaa3ant. ] t contains
neither Opium, Pdorphi no nor c' a r narcotic sttbsta nc Its
age is its guarantee. For more' than t'h:rty yours it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind- Colic- and Diarrhoea; allayingl everiobpoca arising
therefrom, and by regulating t ti c and )> err , aids
the assimilation ai Food; giving 11. ry 1 .--,4....J :lc
The Children's Comfort—The T
GEN CA ; t w if'Y`' �� . ' �a�" 'Yr`"
w u r
Becit .'_. W :.i.;;__ature1 ref"
hi Use
or Over 30 ` ears
''ski`"��`e�`aa,r;•',..,`""�,",u:�..��iu ui'��_+'•r-u��.'k�'
intends to erect a number of summer
cottages at the Point,
Brussels.—Miss Stella Gerry, who
has been on the Standard Bank Staff
at Brussels for some time was made the
recipient of a handsome cabinet of sil-
Walker, on the eve of her departure for
th West, accompanied by her parents.
On their arrival at Winnipeg Miss Gerry
will be united in marriage to 11. R.
IAllingham, formerly of Brussels, who
1 is now manager of the Standard Bank
away to be used in other buildings.
iderstand that Mr. J. T. Goldhorpo ver at the home of David and Mrs. lat Travers, Alberta.
Farewell Canadian Tour
Town Hall, Clinto� �.
One Night Only Monday .Juane
Under Auspices girls' Auxiliary
boy hood days last „week, He was born_
on the farm to the north of town,
now owned by Mr, R.R. Sloan, and left
here over 42 years 'ego for the West
later going to California where he has.
Goderich.—he residence of Ed,
Belcher, Newgate street suffered con-
siderably 'by fire Thursday afternoon.
It ivas burning some 'time before it was
noticed add only prompt work by the
firemen prevented the complete burn-
ing of the'building which was of frame.
The roof was practically destroyed and
the remainder damaged by water. The
furniture was all removed.
Grand Bend•—Mr. Eccleston sold
thirty six lots on May 24 the prices
ranging from $210 to $350.
Centralia — A gravel pit on the
grounds where Mr. W1Mert is erecting
his flax mill, was found the other day
r'Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
The 1920 Revival of Ethe Greatest -'Film Ever
S� - r : tr .i'ti'� ' =3a' 's a''t-f ;''^,•`t• '�F.
Q a" acrd � 8pze-rAcL Ev''t�'• PRO ArUc ,D
Don't suffer! A,. tiny bottle of
1'reezono costs bit a few sluts at any
iarug More. Apply a few drops on tho
corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bot-
tom of feet, then lift thenal off. t5
When serene r^-" ' ' 'rts from the
toes or t- Itom of feet,
the akin .neat' • :s nd health
had paver' irrittttg
This is the same Production that Created Records in all the
large Cities in Canada
Accompanied by the Original. Musical Score
will be shown here with Special Music
First Time at Popular Prices ----2S0; .50c; 75c. Reserve Seats
now on sale at Fait's Book Store. Order your seats
early to avoid the rush. Film commences at
8.30 p. m.