HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-6-10, Page 1t tt� Establlsl1ed 4865, Vol, 54, No, 50 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE 10th, 1929. -.,..-x W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. We Want the News from Your Section. Will You Help?' vNVVma/...o+ vv vvvvaovvvvvvvv 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 PEPTONA A Genuine Strength and Body Builder. The Ideal Tonic for Old and Young. Sold at the.Rexall Store. W. S. R.. I-10 L S41 36 Phm. B. THE REXALL STORE kAovvvvvivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviNW INCORPORATED iN 1866 CAPITAL AND RESERVE •9,000,000 Over 120 Branches • 'Mr MOLSONS BANK The saving habit like all other good habits is the result of resolution and practice. By depositing regularly a portion of your earnings in THE MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon acquired. Your money grows by the addition of the interest which we pay at current rates on savings bank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn upon when really needed. Avoid careless spending by opening a savings account with us. H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 11-19 Tlie Royal gar OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital ..$17,000,000 Reserve Funds ...SiS,000,000 Total Assets 5550,000,000 630 Branches Special attention to Farmers' requirements. Interest paid on Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. R. E. MANNING, i't2anager Clinton Branch 40 Men's Suits To Clear at $22.50 This lot consists -of broken lines and sizes in fancy worsted and tweeds. A number of OVER TE TEACUPS g Will Speak Here f 000000000000000 Mr, W. D, Fair made a business trip to Toronto last week. Co, Clerk Holman, of Goderich, was in town Friday afternoon. Mr. Alex. MAintyre, of Wingham, was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. W. R. Counter Is visiting with Brantford friends this week. Mrs, W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, is visit" ing Mrs, J, L. Kerr this week, Warden Petty, of iiensall, was call- ing in town on Friday afternoon, Mr, Gordon McDonald, of Brussels, was a visitor In,town on Friday last, Miss Courtney, of Sarnia, is the guest of Mrs. Jas. Mair, Ontario street, Mr. John Denholm, a well known citizen of Blyth, was in town on Friday last. Exeter Times:—Mrs, John_ Dignan has returned home after visiting friends in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Tlplady leave this week to visit with relatives is St. Catharines, Mr. D. A. 'Cantelon, of Hensel', spent. the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cantelon. Miss Isabel) Gunn is home for the holidays. Miss Gunn was successful in her first year in medicine, Mr. Herb. Alexander, of London, spent the week end in town with his father, and other old friends. Mr. M. J. Torrance, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Torrance, returned to Toronto this week. The visitor is not improving es fast as his friends would like to see, after_ his operation for appendicitis, Mr, V. C. French, editor of the West- askwin Times, was visiting his mother, Mrs, French this week. He came east to the Canadian Weekly Press Associa- tion which was held in Toronto last week. Mr. French is one of the Vice Presidents, Miss Clara Fraser. of Portage la Prairie, visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Biackall and daughter of Blyth on Sunday an d left ''Clintonrto n n n Tuesday for Detroit to visit friends there before going back to her home in the West. She liked this part of the country very much. T [HE CLINTON KILTIE BAND them are all wool and worth fro ni $25 00 to $35 00 For Quick Selling Your Choice for $22.50 The Morrish Clothing ( A *gnarl: Dent tor Every Man Try The New Era .fear Job 'Work eememeeeeeemeeer Special New Music For Lawn Socials On account of busy season those desiring services of the Band should leave orders as soon as possible. Write E. C. Andrews, Secretary, Phone 987. or , .. F. Mutch, Bandmaster Phone 7. eeeeleenest Phone 146 r Estimates Given A. E. WOOD Inzer or.and Exterior Decorating 1 We protect your Doors, furni- ture, etc., by plenty of drop streets. Wall Papers. Mouldings, SiigIns, Etc. 1 Isaac Street • Hon. Mr, Biggs, Minister of Public Works, will visit Clinton next Tues- day afternoon when he will deliver an address at the U,F.0. picnic. The New Era is given to understand, he will speak for a time on the Good Roads system and that the Co. Coun- cil wilt attend to'hear his address, Mr, H. 13. Chant, P. U. Superintend- ent, is in Toronto this week. Principal Treleaven, of the C,C.J., is conducting the exams. at Seaforth C.I. Mrs. Saunders of Goderich, was the guest of her sister, Mrs, G. Elliott -this week, Mrs. Bedford, of Goderich, was in town Saturday to attend the funeral of her old friend, Mrs. Janet Carleton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitzsimons, of Detriot, are the guests of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Fitzsimons. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. McMurray were down to Stratford on Sunday attending the Conference services on Sunday. Blyth Standard—:Miss Barbara Mc - Ivor, of Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Jas, Sims over Sun- day, Mr. Norman Levy, of Toronto, has been the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Torrance during the week. Mrs. Brooksof Mitchell, cant u s c e p by car with friends from Mitchell and spent the week end at her parental home in town. sir. and Mrs. Walter Smith and child- ren of Michigan, are here as Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Jno. Sterling, itas been very ill. Rev. T. J. Snowden was down to Conference a couple of days last week but had to return to conduct a funeral on Saturda3', Mr. John Halliday, of Detroit, was called here last week owing to the ser- ious illness of his mother, the Tate Mrs. Janet Carleton. Miss May Rutledge, who holds a position in Toronto, was home to at- tend the funeral of her grandmother, the late Mrs. Carleton. Capt. Jonas and Lieut. `)'ate, of the S. A. force were in Goderich on Mon-' day helping in the Self -Denial Campaign which opened there on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wnl, Batty, of Oshawa and Mr. Frank Batty and Mr. L. Stain- ton, of Brooklin, visited the former's brother, Jtr, James Cornish, fast week. Messrs. Jas. Miller, Wm, Grant, A, J. Morrish, Jas. Stevenson, J. W. Nediger and Dr. Axon took in the Merner trophy doubles tourney at Seaforth on Wed- nesday, Mrs. Gordon Cunnisghante and Mas- ter John, left Monday for Norfolk, Vir- ginia, where they will visit for a month or so. Mr. Cunninghatne went as far as Buffalo with them. Mr, and Mrs: Roland Jenkins have been spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Nixon Welsh in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Welsh will be moving to London after the holidays an he has been appointed to the teaching staff in that city. Rev, Eric Anderson, of Bayfield, spent a day or so at the parental home at the Ontario St. Parsonage, while return- ing from Conference. He moves this month to Wellburn circuit, In the Stratford District where Conference has stationed hits, „uttFs- r.c^',;ti.,:• Mr, Carman Poivell's name was in the list of those who were .successful in the third year exams at Toronto University. Ile is a son of Rev. E. G, Powell of Lucan, but formerly of Clin- ton. ills Clinton friends are glad to hear of his success, The Faidl Trophy Chert pOtition The annual meeting of the officers Of tine Fail( Trophy Bowling Club was held in Stratford on W,4dnesday last, This club comprises bowlers front Mit, eiteil, Seaforth, CYinfoh, Godericlt, St, Marys and Siraiford, '('ire eleotion of ()filters )rook 1•la`ce, assulting to the election of W. Jackson, Clinton, as President; and W. ',look, of Mitsheli, Secretary It ivas decided to hold t.e. annual compeilfiou et Stratfard on Friday. Julie 25111, COUNCIL MEETING 000000000000000 0 WHAT COUNCIL. DID O O 0 O ' Appointed Mr, Andrew Mc- 0 O Garva as Assessor. '0 O Appointed Robt. Ilunter as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Cemetery Superintendent. O Asks P,9. Cotnmlasion to give O estimate of cost of extending O Isaac Street train for fire pro- () tection for Flax Mill. O Richard Tasker appointed to O the Fire brigade. O J, Wheatley appointed to took O afterstock scales at G.T.R. 0 O 0 000000000000000 Council stet on Monday evening with Mayor Cottle in the chair and Reeve Miller, Councillors Middleton, Lang- ford, Nediger, McMurray, Johnson and Wiltse present. 'Clerk Macpherson read the Minutes of the last meeting and they were con- firmed as read. Communications, From .1. W. Shobbrook, handing in his resignation as Superintendent of the Cemetery. Frotn Dr. McCullough, Provincial M. H O., enclosing the report front the Provincial District Inspector of Area leo. 2. On motion of Cnunicllors McMurray and. Langford, the resignation of Mr, Shobbrook be accepted and that Robt. Hunter be appointed Cemetery Super- intendent at the salary of $700 per an- num. The motion carried. ' The 'report of the Medical 1lealth Officer, was received and filed on motion of Reeve Miller and Councillor Langford. Rev. E, 0. Porde Secretary of the Min isterial Association, addressed the Coun- cil in the matter of granting of pool room licenses. Police Sergt. Welsh stated to the Council that he had notified Mr. W. Elliott that minors were not allowed In his pool roost, and has visited it several times since and found no minors there. The Mayor also stated that he had drop - ed in twice, but found no minors pre- sent. The Committee on Officers, Salaries & Duties, reconunended the appoint- ment of A. McGarvd'as Assessor at a salary of $125 and a bylaw covering this appointment and one for theLerne- tery Superintendent were read three times and passed. _,Committee's Reports. Park Committee --Councillor Middle- ton reported that the grounds had been levelled for baseball at a cost of $13.50 The report was adopted. Street Committee—Reeve Miller re- ported that the streets .had nearly all been cleared; ditches which had been spoken of at other meetings cleaned out; 60 loads of sand hauled in ready for tarvia; recommend portion of Mary St. be graded, and ditches cleaned out; the cost of sand was t5c a load. The re- port was adopted. Fire and Water Committee --R. Tas- ker is appointed fireman in the place of W. Elliott. That the P. U, Commission estimate on extending main on Isaac street for fire protection to Flax Mill. Several of the Councillors spoke ori the question of fire protection to new Industry and as Superintendent Chant wanted the Council's backing, the fol- lowing notion of'Councillbrs McMurray and Nediger was passed: ---That the P. U. Commission report ort the cost of extension of stain on Isaac street across railway track, to protect the Flax mill. Cemetery Committee—Chairman Mc- Murray reported that the new Superin- tendent at the Cemetery had commen- ced work that morning. Property Committee — Chairman Langford reported that he had two tenders for the putting in of a furnace at the town hall. Finance Committee -Chairman Wiltse trade his report and may be read on another page. On motion of 'Councillor Wiltse and. Reeve Milisr the recommendation of the Finance Cornlniftee was passed: That the Clerk be instructed to Botid the Tax Collector to the extent of $3,000. Reeve Miller, chairman of a special Committee to look into the matter 01 storing the town's implements, report- ed that it would cost some stoney to fix up the grand stand at the park so that the machinery could be stored un- der neath. W. Elliott offered 30 feet of the south end of the rink at 650 a year, but tate Council would have to Make a door et the south and board It tip inside, Ott Motion of Langford and Johnson Property 'Committed' was instructed to gra a(teatf attd fix ftp the grandstand at park. Ott motion of Reeve Miller and Nediger, that W. Elliott be paid $4,00 for use of rink for town implements front April 5th until vacated or further arrattgetneltis Male. 'rite motion at Councillors Wiltse ;Mr' M7olinson pareedt—That Jos. Wheat- ley he placed in charge Of the stales at Rev. George Jewitt , President o CQ ference QUICK � GLANCE A A Morris Twp. Old Boy -- Chair- THE LOCAL NEWS men of District Appointed — Final Changes in Draft Made. ( items of Interest Picked Up Here - awl There About the Town. For president 271 ballots were cast i 136 being uecesseryfor election, Rev. Geo. Jewitt of Wyoming received 145 votes on the first ballot aed was declar- ed elected, Committee Convenors. The following committee convenors have been named: Class Leaders and other lay agencies, Rev. J. E. Clys- dale; Religious Education, Rev. 13. Small; Evangelism and Social service; Rev. 1.1. D. Moyer; Funds Rev. T, A. Al - lin; Sttstentation fund, Rev. G.J. Kerr, Missionary, Rev. J,T. C..Morris; System Otic Beneficience, Rev. W. Patterson; Educatidnal, Rev. R. J. Garbutt; No- minating, Rev. A.E, Jones; State of work Rev. J.O. Sprackler; Memorial and Miscellaneous, Rev. S. Jefferson; Church property, Rev, J. Manson; Sab- bath Observance, Rev. D, D. Thompson. Board of Examiners Twelve names were submitted for board of examiners of which the fol- lowing eight were elected on a first ballot—Revs. A. J. Langford, W. H. Graham, Dr. Hazen, J. E, J. Millyard, J. C. Reid, W. L. Hiles, Dr, Manning and Rev. A. E, M. Thompson. Statistical Report. The statistical report was present- ed as follows—membership in confer ence, 56,339, an increase of 1,189; number of families approximately, 27, 410; missionary receipts, $133,323; dlu.ca'tionel funds, 11,445; Sunday Schools, $2,765; Young People's so- cieties, 422; Epworth Leagues and Sunday Schools, 65,846; women's mis- sionary societies, 847,213, an increase of 39 per cent; Methodist National campaign, 219,600; total missionary, 5461,187, an %crease of 230,494. Raised for ministerial -support by cir- ,cuits 5234,501, an increase of 627, St5; grand total of all receipts, at, 143 642. Final Draft. The final draft of the London Meth- odist Conference shows the following changes: , Wingham District— Corrie, Rev. Archilhald McKibbon; Bluevale, Rev. R. L. Wilson; Bethel, Rev. R. S. Hosking. Goderich District Nile, Rev. H. Royal; Varna, rev. James L. Foster, Exeter District—Exeter (Main St.), Ret'. W. 0, H. McAllister; iiensall, Rev. Geo. Rivers. District Chairmen. The following were appointed District Chairnten:— London—Rev, W. J. Ashton. Wingham—Rev. E. F. Armstrong Goderich—Rev, S, Anderson. Exeter—Rev. E, G. Powell Sarnia—Rev. Geo. Jewitt Windsor—Rev H, J. Graham Ridgetown—ifev. H. E. Hiles St, Thomas—Rev. R. Barnaby Stratford—Rev. W. H. Graham Financial Secretary—Rev. W. Con- way, Kintore, Educational' Seeretary—Rev. T. A, Allis, Monkton, Religious Educational Secretary Rev. J, F. Knight, Milverton. Station until such time as W. East is able to resume his duties, and that the Property Committee place scales in good repair. Reeve Miller stated that the cost of file Silent Policeman was about 64.50 and thought they should get a couple more, Councillor McMurray made a motion but it died a sudden death as they wars no seconder. The tenders were opened for the new furnace, Thos, Hawkins made his 8475 for a Recta; and the Mcelary t o. of London had a tender for 8439.50. As the Chairman of the Property Commit- tee had not told Mr, Hawkins. to make specifications, the matter was left in the hands of the Property Committee on motion of Councillor Wiltse and Reeve ,Miller. Council adjourned. AN APOLOGY BUT A deputation of Jinttny Paxman and Joie Ryder visited tate Editor of the New Era last week and Joie demanded an apology,. When Jimmie did not Side in with hint Joie said some words like Olga"! ( ? ) 1 5) 1 I* and turn- ing to tate Editor said he did not feed the elephants at the circus but played with the monkeys, "Did you ever look into the hear face of a monkey? 1 did. It is just something he wears on top of his collar, it breathes end eats and they say it looks like g man, and I sate a resemblance in malty up there,' —The Editor (topes Joie will accept the apology this week. Is Going to Have Big Crop Mr, Frank W. Andrews informs the New Era that if some more rain tonnes he will have a bin crop of strawberries on 1t4 r :Nies, Ile has 111051 of It sold Ity contract end expects a car load of bnscs tllfs week. How do You like the Midway . The flower bed on the midway is looking at its best now and is the de- • light to the eYe of visitors. Police Court. xi The police have had served Auto - owners up for; no lights and other charges and have secured convictions.. Serveral more cases are on the docket.. Salaries Increased at C.C.I. The Collegiate Board has made an in- crease of 61550.00 on the salaries of" the teachers which will snake the rate- payers sit up and take notice later on,. New Partnership. By announcement elsewhere Mr, J. A. Sutter has taken as a partner, Mr.:. Perdue, who has been working for hits. The first will be knoyvn as Sutter &- Perdue. We wish the new firm success,, Centre Huron Liberal Meeting. The annual meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association will be held' at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, June 22114, 1920, at 3 o'clock p.m. A good attendance of the Liberals of the, Riding is desired. Expires Suddenly. William Elliott, Editor of the Mitchell' Recorder expired suddenly while ad- dressing Masonic 'Brethren at Mitchell. on Tuesday night, Tit late Mr. Elliott was well known here being a brother- in-law of the late David Forrester and visited here many times on the bowling green. The funeral is held to -morrow:, under Masonic auspices, Mrs. John Sterling Dead. Early Wednesday morning Susan Dempsey, belovedd wife of John Sterl— ing, ing, passed away at her home after an illness extending over the past year.. Site was born 63 fears ago in Goderich Tuwnship, and was married to her now bereft partner 43 years ago. They. resided in Kincardine far many years. and came back to Clinton about 19 years ago. Besides her husband, Mrs. Sterling is survived by four sons, John of Clinton, Rueben and Williams of Jackson, Mich., and Howard of Tor- onto, and tour daughters, Mrs, Fritz, Mrs, Smith and Mrs. Gordon all of Jackson, Mich„ and Mrs. W. Elliott of Goderich Township. She is also sur- vived by two brothers, John Dem- psey, of town and Wnt„ of Blyth, and: two sisters, Mrs. Orr, of London, and Mrs. Pratt, of Fargo, N. D., The late. Mrs. Sterling was a member of Willis Presbyterian . church, The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon, at 2 30 p.m. from her late residence. Victoria 'retrace. Service at the house: at 2 o'clock, Aged Mother Passes away. • Ott Thursday morning at 6,30 Mrs, Janet 'Carleton passed away at the home of her son, Mr, William Rutledge, Mary- street, arystreet, at the ripe age of 87 years. Deceased has been in failing health for some time, but only became serious' the past 10 days and from Monday ten, - til 'lihursday slept quietly on. She•was- born in Glasgow, Scotland, her' maiden came being Janet Lauchlan,, and at the: age of 16 cane with her family to Canada and had spent practically all her life in Goderich. Site was married 601 years ago to the late Mr. Rutledge,. who, when he died, was the second' person to be buried in the cemetery at- Goderich. Two sons were born, Rob- ert, who died about 10 years ago, and! William of Clinton. Her second hue - band was Mr. Halliday, and one son; John Halliday, now of Detroit, was born. The third husband was the late Mr. Carleton, and a son was born to them, George Carleton, of New York, who was ill in the hospital at the tittle of his mother's death. The Lite Mrs, Carleton is the last of a fancily of 12 , W110 all lived to be 80 years of age. She was a staunch Presbyterian. The funeral was held on Saturday last, ser• vice being conducted at the home of her son, Mr. Witt, Rutledge, by Rev. J. E, Hogg, pastor of Willis Presbyteriara church, and the body was conveyed to, Goderich eentelery, Service at the, graveside was conducted by Rev, ,Mr; Hamilton, The pallbearers here Were Messrs. W. .1. Paisley, Wm, Brown, A. Scott and E. Greeks, and at Goderich; Messrs, J. Mitchell, A. Porter, 0. At . Nairn and Mr. Weir, Mr. Rutledge and tastily wish of express their thanks. throurh the New .Fra to the neighbors .. and friends who were kind and very thoughtful during the illness and death "„ of Mrs, Carleton.' 110;,f>;l VOUR i,t�P)rFi READ? .i T ,s -=-•A Look• at the' Lke" Plat on \h11; Paper to•iTay,,