HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-6-3, Page 3Vl3ttrs44yr :IOC 3rd, 4920.
Our New .Line is
Theabove goods i ay be
sten at our Store, We would
he pleased to have you call
Dud see and 'hear for your -
jn addition to our already
large stock of Records, we:
will get New Victor Records
the first of each month,
'_We have at present a large
stock of Red Seal Records
to choose from,
Dealers do not have `to col-
lect the new tax on "His
Master's Voice" products, so
if those who paid the tax`to
us will call we will cheerfully
refund the same,
tasuer of Marriage Licenses
?taore No, 174w; Residence"174J
Wilt be at their best
for Canning this
pecial -Price by the
Phone .IA
--- Fresh Fruit Daily —
.. _*____
00o6606m.®96e410..s eeseese•
District News.'
enumene etinenemoonoonsouue s
Under. the auspices of the united
women 'workers of the Presbyterian
Church n successful and well -attended
entertainment was given in.the town's
hall Friday evening. About 30 ladies
Bejnnont,,dressed"in the quaint and art-
istic costumes of 5851, gave a repro-
eproduction of an old-time meeting of the
Ladies' Aid. and afforded much amuse-
ment. The weaving in of local hits el-
icited very hearty, applause. The pro-
coeds amounted to $71.50. A comforter
made by the society was sold by auct-
ion and realize $18,
James Allen druggist, hos purchased
the store he now occupies and also the
adjacent 'building from Thomas Heup-
i hill of Detroit.
1 J.• R. Wendt has bought the home of
'Mrs. W. M. Robinson on Ann street.
The county engineer is at present in
the village, surveying the streets in
readiness for the cement walks, which
will be laid shortly at a cost of $5,000.
Mrs. Burchill's domestic science pup
els entertained the Women's 'Institute
at the school Saturday afternoon; when
they gave a practical demonstration of
their work. The afternoon was much
Rev. Mr. Sinclair of Belmore declared
the pulpit in the Presbyterian ;Church
vacant on Sunday. The former pastor
Rev, C. A. Malcolm accepted charge of
t as inducted
' 1 circuli and
the 'Cowal w
t e C w
1 Thursday.
Ulrule the first i'htirsday ' at half•plst
A large tinct appi•eelative congregation
suet in our phurch On Sunday morning
when Miss Brow,u, of ,Henan, "£Bina,
spoke of her Fork in that land.
Potatoes are now $5,00 a hag. Far,
mels, who have potatoes to sell are
getting riot.
Mrs. Nicholson of N. Bruce tine dao-
gal}ter; spent the week end with her
daughter,' Mrs, McIntosh of the Manse,
She vas.just.retureing from the. States:
' Our bank Will only be open 3 days
each week, owing to the Manager and
teller going to Loitdesboro,"3 days
each week,
Hsieh Ross. who has been ill for a
long tune has been out in the striet
with elle ale of crutches.
James Mcleaughton Tuckersuhlth,
who has been ill for a long time is
now able to be oirt,
Mrs. James Broadfoot who wee eite-
ly very 111 is slowly lmprovifig,
The U. F. A. shipped a car load of
hogs to Toronto last week.
The rural mate route will shortly
change aha» ds, Vr, Walker having
resigned. I•le was a splendid mail man.
Wednesday afternoon May 26 was
an afternoon long tobe remembered
by the missionary societies , r,walien a
missionary syinposiu-in' was held in
the church. The weather was at its
best and the church was. full almost
every fancily in the congregation send-
ing its full quota of women and_giris
and guests were present from Clinton,
INDUCTED AT DUNGANNON. Seeforth, Egmondvilte and Kippen. The
speakers were Mrs. Hamilton Goderich
Rev. Dr. Campbell Takes.Charge Presbyterial President; Mrs. Telford
Elite Convenor of Young Wdmens-Soc-
ef _� After ieties and Miss Brown missionary from
Ceremony. Ronan home on furlough. Each speaker
( dweltupon an ,entirely different sub -
Dungannon, June 1.—Rev. Dr. H. ject but all were. interestingand equal -
{ expected , , R. Campbell was formally inducted into 1 ly enjoyed troch good.ls p
tgJe sllsrge of. pungannon Presbyterian i the meeting that the active workers will
receive:`noty enthusiasm that the Home
•+eburcb today, •' good'cro d attending Helpers will, if _possible become active
brie services. Rev, W, A..Bradley pre- 1 members and that those who take little
tbe sermon, Rev. W. H. Boyle .ad- at i part le this greworkafter.the meet -
Local News
Keep. to the Right.
The silent policeman was putrat the
corner of Ontario and. Main street this
week and all autos and'buggies etc had
better keep to the right. We will give
this information as a warning—the'wise
will iheed.
Died in the'West.
Word was received here this week
of the death of Sarah Washington,. wife
of James Tremeer, B.A., of Medicine
Hat. The body is being brought to
Clinton and the funeral will be held
on Saturday from the home of Miss
Washington, Rattenbury street', at 2.3o
p.m. Service will be held' at 2 and in-
terment will be made at- the • Clinton
cemetery. - -
A Tie Game.
" The first league base ball snatch on
Monday evening resulted in a tie 5 all
and the game was called on account of
darkness. Clinton took the lead from
Zurich but bad errors in the field in
the 4th ave Zurich 3 runs and they
added another run in the next innings
and one more in the 8th Butler, who
was on the. slab for Clinton had 54.
str"ikeou'ff while Tasker who event
into the box in the eight with one out
and a run scored and one on base,
struck out the next two. men and had
two more strikeouts in the 9th, in ad-
dition'to hammering out a two -bagger
in the 9th. which drove in the tieing'
run.:. O'dwyer, Zurich's pitcher had 6
strikeouts:, J. Reynolds'and E. Gan-
-telon umpired the game. Following
was the scone by innings:--•
Zurich —..-0 0.0 3 1 0 0 1 0-5
'Clinton —..1 0 1 0 0 0.0 2 1-5
sided and Re Mr Dation preached' or no interest, be stirred up to ,,,-take
ing a. social hour was sp
'ent.and a lunch
&eased .the minister, acid • Rev. J. ;H.' served, much credit is due Mrs. Neil
elerdfie eddressedliii people. Rev. Dr.
Campbell takes over the labors of Rev.
1b 1. 13. Craig at Ddngannon and Port
Albert. The latter*recently returned
•- tc ecotrand. J ;' ,I ', ' •i 1111 . Wednesday of each, month and the ;Kelly
Gregor President of the Senior Society
for platming such a_seccessful meeting.
We would again invite all the women
and girls to conte out and join our Soc-
ieties, t e- Senior ineeting the second
Galnr DiVu TO
Staunch, Safe, Speedy, Comfortable.
Will Leave Goderich..
TUES D A Y, JUNE T 5TH, 9.30 a. rrt. E. Ti
Arriving Pt, Huron 2 p,m„ Detroit 6 pair. E,T, Returning, leaves.
Detroit, Thursday, Juno 17th, 1,00 p,m,., Detroit Time. Last trip to
$3.00 ROUND TRIP $2.00 ONE WAY,
rr The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit
than a
Now more i
Detrol a aan, N tv o t
. Our friends and see big wonderful t
million people and growingso fast in populatkoth and. riches that it is
destined son to beome te world's largest and greatest city, "Tire
Heart' of the U, S. A."
Detroit, Friday, June 18th, at 9.30 amt.
"Remember the Sabbath Day to
Keep it Holy".
"Of all divine institutions the most: divine
isthat which secures a day of rest for Biala. 1
hold it to be the most valuable blessing ever
conceded to .man. It is the corner -stone of
Civilization," Lord Beaconsfield.
"Tate religious observances of Sunday Is a
main prop. of the religious character of the
Country, The observance of it is a duty of ab
solute irnportance,'." Hon. W. E. Gladstone.'
'I'.he foregoing statements emphasize the
value of the Lord's -Day to National well-being.,"
Yet many of our fellow-ctizens are drifting into
an irreligious Sabbath. The automobile,,
amusement summer resorts and Sunday visit-
ing constitute a serious peril to the moral and,
religious life of our Province.
You are invited to co-operate with your
fellow Christians, of this part of -the Province,
in creating a sentiment against Sabbath desecra-
tion and in a worthy support of the Scriptural
purposes df the Lord's Day.
issued by the Ministerial Association of
Clinton. -
REV. J.'5. 14OGG, R'EV, E. O. PORDE,
Chairman..' Secretary.
o Ottawa, May27t1r,=lt is prob-
o able that the Ontario, referen-
o dum on the importation of liq
o 'nor will be held in October, as
o has already beep decided in case
o of three other 'provinces. A de -
o finite date, however has not yet
o been decided.
o * * * * * * {, *.. *
SE00d on
to Prevent Capture.
But McKillop Farmers are Taken
in Charge and Face False
Pretences Charge .
Had A Good Year.
The London Advertiser makes refer-
ence to the work of, Rev. J. A. Agnew
formerly of Clinton:—On Wednesday
evening at the annual meeting of the
Ridout street Methodist 'Church, Rev.
'J. A. Agnew the pastor, , .w as -p ,nted
with $200 and an address of appreciat-
ion from the congregation. The reports
of the various .organizations of Lite
church ,were read and proved the
church generally to_be in a flourishing
condition. During the;.past year. the Lad-
ies,&id Society had raised $1,121 and
$266 hadbeen contributed to miss
toys. During the year 30 new members
were received into the church making
the membership now 300: The total
sum raised for all purposes amounted
to fett,767, a large portion of which
wasapplied to the church mortgage.
The Sunday school boasts of a member-
ship of 3j4A an increase of 51 over that
of last year. •
Goderich May 28.—On a charge of
obtaining goods under false' pretences
William Heffernan and his son, Vincent
of McKillop Township, were arxested
and brought before Magistrate Reid
here to -day and remanded for further up to that time.he did not prevent plain
hearing. The men were captured by tiff from entering on the :premisse, R.
High Constable Whitesides and County Vanstone for plaintiff.' J. E.-Terhune for
Constable Fred. Welsh, of seeforth,_ defendant. Judgment in terms of con -
brief2 o'clock this morning after a sent minutes. Defendant agrees to pay
brief hunt They ,were discovered in the plaintiff $350 in full of his claim
the attic of the house, both standing and costs Defendant to keep the timber
qn the trap-door leading to their retreat. in question.
They submitted to capture without put-
ting. ip isa fight.g 1 Stewart et al..vs Bell et al. An as
It aIle ed'the Heffernans"have been
tion by James G. Stewart and Arthur
evading Lire law for .a long time: Theft � Jr Irwin executors -under the will of
method of procedure it is. claimed was , the tate David Belt of Wtngham, music
to buy stock and implements at sates `deeler, who died July 4, 1919 to have
andg ive their notes in exchange, With Iwill of June 30th 1919 probated. The
'defendant Jae Bell, Widow of
land 'assecurity,which'` they did not
own. The totesshere not discharged anddhe deceased who was also named ex-
it is claimed dozens of farriers were de- ecutrix of the will, filed a ca'eat against
frauded'in this -way. Recently at a sale the grant of probate alleging that the
near London the H,effernens.secured a will wag Made at a time when the de-
couple of animals'but the owners learn- .ceased was without testamentary cap-
ed of how natters stood and went to acity ante that she believes the deceased
the McKillopfarm and got them back. was, procured to make the will by un
due influence and fraud. She .claims that
• Remanded To June- 16: � `
Goderich May 3i.="Win. Hefferiiian
and his son Vincent of McKillop Town-
ship, who were arrested by, Constables
Whitesides and Welsh appeared before
Magistrate Reid and were ctemmitted
for trial,- electing trial by the county
judge, They were' immediately taken fendants, Judgment in terms of con
before Judge Dickson: pleaded not sent minutes, • agreeing to division of the
guilty and were remanded till June r5. -property.
to allow the crown to get • evidence.
They are charged wtih obtaining good;
under false pretences,
Huron County. Council ,May Re-
duce Grants — Tax Rate to be
Higher — Assessment left the
such declaration.
Trench vs Burchill and Burchill vs
Trench were two sults arising over deal-'
ings in certain property in Brussels,
Some lots in Saskatoon were included in
the deal •but these proved to be of
very small marketable value compared
with the supposed value. Dissatisfaction
and rearrangements and threatened
lawsuits followed. The records in both
cases were with drawn W. M. Sinclair'
for Burchill R. Vanstone for Trench.
Gadke vs Galag'iter An action for
specifice performance or in the alter-
nate for $2500 damages. The plaintiff
is Fred J. Gadke, a saw -miller at Ford-
wich, and the defendant, Austin Galla-
gher resides in Howick. The plaintiff
claims to have bought the pine timber
on lot 3'0 1st concession of Howick
froln defendant for $16 per thousand
payable $100 down and the balance on
measuring up the timber.; The plaintiff•
alleged that defendant refused to allow
hineto enter on the premises to cut
and remove the timber. The defendant
claimed it was part of the agreement
.that the timber was` to be removed
on or before April 19th 1919 and that
T AGE, s
Every Line a "Money Saver"
Misses Shoes, sizes 1 to 4, cleariiag lines at ... $2.9&
25 pair's Men's Heavy 13oots, blaek or tan, special clearing
.,...... :..,. K50
Men's and Boy's Caps, clearing lanes at .50
5 doz Men's fine shirts, sizes 14 to 4 6 /, special clearing
Price ............ ... .. $1.75
Look for Special Sale Price Tickets
mall Profits
Nvvw Auction Sale. For Sale.
Of household effects for sale on 8 -roomed house for sale on Huron
street; Apply to Mrs.•J. Mcllveen.
st e
Phone 25.
More ltnsiness
Saturday; June 5111, at 2 o'clock, on
Cutter street, consisting of 3 bedroom
suites, parlor suites, dining room set,
carpet linoleumn, couch, table, chairs
rockers, range, .and heater, dishes and
inany other articles. Geo.. Elllott, auc.,
Mrs. Butler, or 'phone 12--602. I
Goderich June2.—Grants to die/bur
county hospitals was one of the prin-
cipal items of business before the
County Council today involving in the
neigliborliood of $50,000. Four deputat-
ions addressed the Council explaining
their needs for assistance. Dr. Redmond
and Mr. McLean for Winghaln; Judge
Dickson, for Goderich; Dr, Gaudier and
Dr, 11, If, Ross and Dr. Brown and Mes-
srs Stewart and Stitherland. The matter
was referred to tihe special committee
named last year namely Reeves Beaver
Curry Trewartha, Grieves acid Young.
This committee will report to the
Council to -morrow. While a grant will
be given, it may not be as much as
asked for and it is quite possible that
the grant will be a suns equal to that ex-
pended by the different hospitals.
The tax rate was tinder discussion at
the time of adjournment to-nigiht but
it looks as titougli the rat" will be sone
what ,';Mier than last year, the good
roads by laws alone necessitating an ex.
tilt two mills, or $85,000 an Increase
ove4- last year. Equalization of the as-
sets,: .t was 'too deelded on for this
year the same . ; last year, , ee,
a will made. June 4th, 1915 was her
husband's true last will and testament.
The other defendants are the other ben-
eficiaries of the will, Dudley Holmes for
plaintiff, -R, Vanstone, Proudoot, Kil-
loran & Coove, and R. C. Heys, for de -
House For Sale.
7t -room house, with hydro, town
water and furnace, in good repair, ''/a
acre of land, apply.
at New Era Office
Field. Crop Competition, under the
auspices of the Centre Huron Agricul-
tura! Society. for further information
secure'' 1t from S. B. Stothers, Agi.
Representative, or from the Agl. Sec-
retary, A. J. IticMurray. ,
The Supreme Court
A summary of fife action% disposed
of at the milt -jury Supreme Court sit-
tings In Goderich recently by the icon.
Mr. Justice Sutherland follows.
Gerry vs The Northern Life Assurance
Co., an action to recover -amount of
life insurance -policy on the life of one,
Frank Stewart Gerry who,. was killed in
action in France Aug, 2811,. 1918. The
plaintiff' is Noble F. Gerry, hardware
Merchant of Brussels._ The question of
the extra war premium figured in this
case, W. M, Sinclair for plaintiff,' Mi
G, Cameron for defenaants. Aetton
settled out' of court,
Brown vs Middletou---Aft action to
reetify conveyance, J. R. Carling for
plaintiff, Wm, Proudfoot for defendants.
The conveyance apparently had certain.
coniinissions.10 the way it was drawir
up which left it not suffieientiy definite,
His Lordship declared that the convey-
ance from late Matilda Middleton .and
Jane My,trle Hayter dated the 2411h day
of Teti, 1911, to R. le Hayter intended
to cbhivey the. southerly one-third of
let 5 Hi the 21st concession of the town
ship of Stephen, and directed that said
conveyance be rectified, to COnforin to
Men Waited.
We have openings for a few good
reliable melt• to work on Threshing
Machines, Tractors and other Work.
The Robt. Bell Engine &Thresher Co.
Ltd,, Seaforth, Ont. '
A Chance of Your life.
To secure a:roadster gelding, sired
be Templeton, he being a son of Peter
the Great, the dam Eva B. with a record.
of 2.16. Not having tithe to train and
care for him I offer him at a price yon
aan clean up some money. Get busy,
And write
Sly Edgt ar Butt 22,
con. 2, _Tucke sm th, L.
Kippers. , e--• eelelasreee_
Dresasmaki sg Class.
Every TuesdaY .afternoon from 2 to -
5.50 pm., In'the Board Rootn in Town
Hall, Clinton. Materials cut, fitted and
designed. All ladies are cordially in-
vited, Come and'brin your friends.
M. tasbel MacKay:
For Sale.
A Square Plano, Fisher Make, in first
lass condition, cheap for quick sale.
Appy to 1•l. Bartliff,
Spitella Corsets
Scarcely need an introduction in this
locality, Having become agent for Clin
ton I will be pleased to fill all orders
placed, -Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kennedy,
Ontario Street 'Clinton.
Hogs $19,00
Eggs ..... r 45c to 46d
Butter . , ... ... Goo
Wheat. .,.. . $1.95 to x$1.98
Oath ,..... ,.,, 85c to 87c
Barley •
40c to
Buckwheat .... , ;51.15 to $1.20
1153' . , , .. $19,00 to $20,00
Bran . $4$ ton
Shorts . $58. to $36
Milifeed . .
Potatoes �.r d.4o bf
Teacher Wanted
For S. S. No. 2, Hullett, 2 mites from
Clinton. Teacher with Normal train-
ing. Duties to commence at Septem-
ber. Salley $700 or over. Apple-
cations to be in by June 1.2th. Apply to
W. A. Dale,
R. R. No. 4, tElinton.
Farm For Sale.
The Executors of the Estate of Jos.
epi izzard, deceased, offer for sale 128
acres in the Township of Goderich coin -
prising Lot 37. Concession 14, and the
the North half of Lot 37 'Concession 13.
This is a well improved farm, has good
house, barn, outbuildings and ' silo, ie
well fenced, has good water facilities, is
in a good"state of cultivation and has
to acres of hardwood and 55 acres or
'cedar containing much veluable, timber.
The farm is located on a good gravel
road 3 miles from Clinton.
Apply to M. Flick, R.R. No. 2, Clin-
ton and Albert Izzard, .722a.Champak-
neur, Ave., Montreal, ()trete; Execu-
tors, or to W. Brydone, Clinton.
of Ch
In The E
son Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given ail persons
having claims ,against the estate of•
Christina Duncanson late of the Town
of Clinton in the 'County of Huron, de-
ceased, who died on or Mamie -the 10th
of April 1920 ere required to deliver to
James McMurchie or W. Srydone the
executors of the satd estate or their sol-
icitor on or before the 12tH day of June
1920 a..full statement of tireir'clalins to-
gether with particulars thereof, and the
nature of the securities, if any, held by
them alt duly verified by affidavit,
AND TAKE NOTICE that •after ♦he
said mentioned date the said executors
will proceed to distribute the estate
ofthe said deceased amongst the per-
sons entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims as shall have re-
ceived due notice and iu accordance
tih. ,
DATEDerewithat Clinton,
this '20th day of
May A. D. 1920
W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont,' Solictor for.
the said Executors.
Notipe, -
in the matter of the Application of
the Commissioners for the telephone
system of the Municipality of McKillop
for authority to make the following
charges for telephone service;
To Subscribers who have paid ten
annual iirstatinents of Principal and In-
terest. $12.00 per annum.
To all other subscribers:
For Principal and Interest:$9,72 per an-
num; for maintenance $5.28 per an-
num. $15.00 per annum.
To persons not being subscribers
within the meaning of sub -section (g)
of section 2 of"The Ontario Telephone
Act, 1918": $15.00 per annum.
Appointment for Hearing.
Tihe Ontario Railway and Municipal
Board having directed Francis Dagger,
Esquire, Telephone Expert, to enquire.
and report upon the above matter, doth
appoint Wednesday, the Ninth day of
June, A.D., 1920, at the hour of half -
past three o'clock in the afternoon
(standard tithe) at the Town Hall in
t the Town of Seaforth, for - the lioldi)g
of soh nquiry, at which time and
place all persons interested in this
Metter and desiring to be heard are
directed to attend.
Dated '.! Toronto this Twenty-second
d...+ .. '" A, O., 1920. Il, C. small
Bought and sold at Market prices.
Victor Feed.
We have a quantity of Victor Feed
for Hogs and 'Cattle, which will take the
place of Shorts as it isimpossible for us
Po secure Shorts this season. Try soma,
of this feed and we feel sure you wl
like it. • •-
Also in our stock 15 a quantity of
Feed Flour, and Mixed Chop, As these
two lines are good value at the present
tlueg we would edvise en early purchase
Having pcoeUted the agency for the
Swift Canadian Co., we are prepared t•"
offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage anter
also all brands of this. Company's Fer-
tilizers. -
Regarding Spring Seeds our Stock
includes the followiicg:—Red Clover,.
Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa,
Timothy, /solo Timothy and Alsike refs.
b the P
.few barrels f A
There are a w . Cr
Cane Molasses left yet.
W.Jenkins & on
Phone 199 Residence, 131.
Unexcelled Dining Car Service
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor Gars on special day trains.
Full ,information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning
District Passenger Agent, Troonto.
John Ransford & Son, city passes
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57,
A 0. Pattison, ststion agent.
KidneysWe nl ea Tti.
Sat Up Eo Turn In Bed.
That awful epidemic, the Spanish
Inellenas, that swept Canada from one
end to the other a short time ago, left in
Ha wake a great many bad after effects.
In some caeca it was a weakened heart,
in others shattered nerves, but in a great
many cases weak kidneys have been left
as a legacy. left ivea
Where the kidneys beenheww
as an after effect of the "Flu," Doane.
Kidney Fills will prove to be just the
remedy you require to strengthen them.
Mrs. Harvey, t . Wile, Lake Pleasant,
N.S., writes:•—"Last winter I was taker.
aick with the "Fin," end when 7. did get
better I found that my kidneys were very
bad, and at bight I had to sit up to turn
around in lied. I used Doane Kidney
Pills and found that they did me a
wondeeful- amount of good. 1 also
recommend them to my inisbat.d, end
he started in to uec thorn. T will always
recommend them to miyono who is
bot►iered With kidney isouble, tor they.
aro wi+aders.
Dein.'ii 3fiidney,Pilia are 605. a vox M
aU ilea, "" or mailed direct on receipt as
p� b no T. Milburn On ,..:irnitcd,
to Oat. •
11340 that our trade 'mark; u Maids
&Not," anew on the boar. .:..