HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-27, Page 6"i'h'urrsaay, May, 27th, 1920,
Our New Line ie. •.
The above goons may be
seen at our Store, We Would
be pleased to have you call
and see 'and bear for your -
In addition to our already
large stock of Records, we
will get New•Victor Records
the first of each month.
. We have at present a large
stock of Red Seal Records
to choose from.
Dealersdo not have to col-
lect the new tax on "His
Master's Voice" products, so
if allose who paid the tax to
us Will call we will cheerfully
refund the sante.
�a a littiVAR
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
'hone No. 174w; Residence 1743
Marshmallow Puddings.
Marshmallow Custards
Marshmallow Cake Filling
Marshmallow Fruit Salads
also with
Try a tin @
Phone 49
Fresh Fruit Daily
W. J Bower has been appointed Chief
-of Police of Deseronto.
Montreal bakers w1ll raise the price
,of bread on Monday to i5 4c a loaf.
'Tis true, Bettie, that every time a
young man's liver gets to acting up he
Imagines he's in .love.
More than
60'yrs. ago
an English chem-
ist began to manu-
Today they have the largest
sale of any medicine in
the world:
Sold srorralute la Ceaade. to lsao, 24464 f
Lad bu �l int .
Zurich , . ,
11111 ar2.4kr4.1.ealli,s.gi*-,
9 •'8 .,a e Milli
t� Ital.'i
May 24
June 28
July 12
or I 4
G . a t vs
May 31 atltl•matllul
June 21
Aug. 0
June 5
July 28
August 12
s .
Crediton ,1,,,
June 7
June 24 1
August 5
Juste 17
July .5
July 2J:.
June 16
July 5
July 21
May 3A
June 24
Aug, 19
Jane 14
July 9
,/(fly 23
June 14
July 8
July 20
June. 9
June 21
Aug, 4
June 3
June 28
Aug, 13
gt .nate
June 10
AJuguly , 8150 BASE RAIL.
Programme of the London Conference Wi»gham,—Mr. Geo, Spotton is ad- ones rights but service that Is the tor.
vertising the opening of a business col her stone . of the "kingdom of God,
Devotional: exercises in charge of the lege m Listowel, He Is at present is Miss Beth,, Willis contributed a suit -
president, Mr, S. C. Chown, Liman. President' of Colleges in Toronto, 0511- able solo and prayers were offered by
8,15 p.n1.—Address, . "The New Ex- awa, Winghain, Guelph,Kitchener, Han- -Rev, F. H. Larkin, 0,0, of Seaforth,
presslon of Religion" Mr. J. 0. Mc- over and Orangeville. I and Rev. S. Mci.ean,, o frgntondvilie.
Carthy,-Toronto, Address, "Religious Goderich,—A letter was rend at the • General Session.
Education." Rev, Prof. Fred: Langford, last meeting of the Goderich town coup- The general'sessipn commenced on
B -A„ Victoria College. cil, from Senator Proudfoot its wlilell Wednesday and continued during the
Friday evening, June 4:11, in Trinity he offered the town three lots ou filar day, Rev, l[, F. ti Kennedy was- elect -
church, the annual banquet wiil be bor Gill. led Journal Secretary of the District
held from 6 to 8 pant. This is the Goderich. The marriage took place and Rev. W. Johnstone Statistical See -
social event of the Conference- at Detroit on Wednesday, May 5th, of secretary. It was reported that the par -
Honorary President, Mr: J, W. 14um Miss Marion Lenore Marland to Mr, Al- sonage at Eeniniller had been re-mod-
phreyuhatham; President, 114r. S. C. 'Fred Alvin Burr, of that city. The bride ailed at an expense of $800. A com-
Chown, Lucan; vice-president, Mr• T. is a Tomer Goderichgirl Who has lived nittee was appointed to make a sur -
se B. Shillington, Blenheim; F. B. Hanby,
at Detroit for a number of years, Her vey of the work in the district and re -
secretary -treasurer, St, Thomas, :Out, I friends here wish her much happiness port a year hence as to what changes
TRAVEL LNG ARRANGEMENTS Iin her wedded life, i lit the boundaries of circuits shouiil
Arrangemeents Gave been made with Goderich,-
1 Rev. S. S. Hardy of Ridge be made. On the first ballot_. Rev, R. J.
tete Canadian Passenger Association on
the standard convention certiiic:ile town, has been appointed rector of St. ' McCormick of Blyth, was elected a
plan. On 1Viay .29t1t. and June 4th and George's church to succeed Rev. A. L. member of the stationing committee
intervening dates delegates may our-) G. Clarke, who goes to London. shortly, I with the Rev. T. A. Stedman as re -
at the 1 • Auburn.—Much regret will be (telt, serve. The following laymen were
I chase single -fare tickets, and
sante time secure a standard certificate 1 by his old friends at the news of the appointed to attend the annual 'colt,
Purchase a through ticket if possible; I death of Frank' R. Munro, eldest son of ference: H, R. Long, W. S. Bowden, J.
or secure a certificate for each railway 1 Mrs, D. E. Munro of this village, which Adams, G. M. Elliott, Goderich; J. A.
travelled. if 100 persons use such took place at Vancouver, B. Q. on Tues -Irwin, A, T. Cooper, R. Tiplady, of
certificates for return tickets, costing l day of last week. The deceased who had: Clinton; W. >3lac? , ,Seaforth; S. R..
75 eents or over), the return ticket gone to Vancouver in the hope of bet- Malan, Holmesvilfe; Henry fforney,
will be granted for three-fifths of single ter health, was in the hospital tlfere for P. Hilborne; Blyth; J. Kilpatrick, of
fare, plus 25 cents. Final instructions about 5125 weeks. I Dungannon; Isaac Currie, Nile; Geo.
re the above and registration will be Colborne Twp.—Judgement was giv- Bean, Benntiger; A. Johnstone, Au -
given at District meeting. en by Judge Dickson in the County burn; 'T. A. Leeming, Walton; R. Car-
W. H. GRAHAM, President, 'Court case of Green v. Green, in which ter, Loudesboro; J. T. Keys, Varna; and
L. BARTLETT, Secretary. the plaintiff was William Mali, Green of G. Cantelon, Bayfield. Rev. D. W. Mc-
Colborne township, and the defendants
Camus, Rev. A. E. Millson, A. M. Rob
Pete James Gree and Jessie A. Green ertson; 'C: A. Barber,"R, A. Manning
r i s n t ssa
also of Colborne, executors of the testi with Rev. S. Anderson as chairman.
will and testament of the late John A. It was -moved by Rev. J. 9, Ray-
McHardy. The plaintiff sued for wages I craft and seconded by Rev. J. NJ,
as' farm help in 1916 and 1917 for his I Johnstone and resolved, that we re -
uncle the late John A. McHardy Judg-I commend that the members of this
ment was in plaintiff's favor for $861,-. meeting express our approval of the
01 and costs I request to the. Ontario Government for
Exeter.—Mr. Gordon Wells while a referendum for the prohibition . of
engaged in operating a planer at Mr,
! the importation of intoxicating Liquors
Robt. Gillies' box factory had the mis- into the province. We also wish fo
fortune of getting his hand into the commend the Ontario Government on
knives, with the result that the index, their prompt action in the mitter and
finger of the right hand was consider -I also for their promise to legislate so as
ably lacerated and he is now taking ani to effectively stop short circuitingwith-
enforced rest. in the province, We hereby calupon
t 'Seaforth.—The work of rebuilding ail our members to give their loyal
the flax mill, which was destroyed by support to the referendum and the
i leadership of our church department in
fire a few theweeroks ago is going ahead rap -1 the coming campaign that we may have
idly, and roof is being put on this t the same victory that marked the last
week, 'it is expected that it will again be
in operation in the course of two or' campaign," ..•., +4ai.T'I•$t-f1"
it was decided that a spiritual con -
Tax on luxuries ranging from 10 to
50% of purchase price.
Tax of 1% on sales of manufactories,
wholesalers, jobbers and: -' importers,
but not on sales by retailers; sales of
food and coal _ exempted from tax.
Goods exported are also exempted.
Excise tax on passenger autos in-
cr•eased from 10 to tS%.
Increased excise on beer, wine and
liquors. • t •
Increase in stamp on taxes on bilis
of exchange and promissory notes for
more than $100.
S% increase on tax of incomes over
$5,000; for example, a person who
heretofore on such an income paid itt20
will now pay $126.
Tax of two cents per share on stock
Business profits continued, but modi-
fied to allow more for reserves.
Estimated revenue from new taxes
Estimated' loss of revenue from re-
peal of taxes $30,000,000.
Net increase In revenue expected,
Tarrl'ff Changes
War customs duties 61 7'%% ad
valorem repealed.
Books calculated to apply sc?oce to
industry, religious books, etc., and fab-
rics for them, free.
Typewriters, etc•, for blind, free.
Staunch, Sale, Speedy, Comfortable
Will Leave Goderich
TUESDAY, JUNE 15TH, 9.30a..m.,EeT
Arriving Pt. Huron 2 p.111..:Detroit 6 p.m. E,T._ Returning, leaves
Detroit, Thuradey, June 17th, 1,00 p,m,, Detroit Time. Last trip to
Detroit, Fa•idey, June 18th, at 9.3o a,nf.
$3.00 ROUND TRIP; $2.00 ONE WAY
o The only boot trip from Godeeiclt to Detroit this season. Visit
your friends and see big wonderful Detroit again, Now more that: a
million people and growing So fast in population and riches that it is
destined soon to become the world's largest and greatest city. "The.
Heart of the U. S, A,"
ROOM. S1/? HOURS ON B,AtiTIFiIL LAKE HURON 5b'a; Chileiren'J5e
three weeks. r ference of the ministers of Goderich
* I Distract shall be held in the town 01
Clintonduring the first week In Sep -
METHODIST MEETING I :ember for the consideration of the
following subjects: "What state of
experimental -Godliness shouid a min-
ister seek to realize in himself and
Referendum Favored -- Closer by whet means may that state be ob-
Tab on Immigration Urged— tamed," also a minister's responsibil-
ity for the promised fruits of the
gospel among his people."
There was a good attendance at ,the It was moved by Rev. E. W. Ed -
annual meeting of the Goderich District wards, seconded by Rev. J. F. Ray -
of the Methodist church held,in Sea- craft, that the Goderich District meet -
forth on May t8th and 19th. A Minis-' ing regrets the national tendency to
feria: session was held, on Tuesday af- greatly increase the immigration
ternoon when the subjects of Superan-`from nations speaking other language
nuation and probationers for the min -`Than English and who bring to this
istry were upcountyfor discussion. Rev. J. E,' ,y quite different moral ideals
Ford, Dr, W. L. Rutledge and Rev. ; than those for which we stand. We
T. J. Snowden were recommended to
are of the opinion that the are in im-
be continued on the Superannuation mittent danger of receiving such peo-
list It was moved by Rev. E. W. Ed- pie more rapidly than they can be As -
wards and seconded by Rev, H. D. 5 simitated. •
Moyer that a committee composed of , Resolved that wel pure on record
Rev. J. E, Ford, Rev. D. N. McCombs a statement of our esteem for our
and Rev. J. F. Raycraft formulate some chairman, Rev. S. 'Anderson, his kind-
plan of co-operation and report at the: ly spirit and faithfulness has been
next annual meeting. A union meet- apparent to us all
ing was held in the evening, the audi-I The • next annual meeting will be
toriam sof The church being )Piled; held at Blyth.
Rev. J. McCormick, of Blyth, gave
a helpful address on "Christian Fatal -1 Auction Sale.
ism," The constraining love of Jesus
Christ the said was a most compelling •Off household 'furniture, etc., on
force in the 'Christian life and charac-' Saturday, May 29,, at 3 o'clock p.m., at
ter and was tate basis of Christian YeSBl eds�e Son Ontario
sstare Mat., assconsisting
s, salStoves,
retalis5n, A solo by Mr, B. Bright Sideboard, Tables, Chairs, Linoteunin,
was much appreciated, Rey, J. F. Ray- Lawnmower and. other small articles.
craft, of Victoria street, Methodist Terms Cash, Geo. Elliott Auc, E,E.
Church Goderich gave a practical and Hunniford; Proprietor,
timely address to "Big Places for Little' Dressmaking Class.
People." There never was an age the _
speaker said when men faced things!Every Tuesday afternoon from 2 to
from a more selfish standpoint than 5.30 9.511,, in tete Board Room in Town
theydo to -flay, one tyPe of people :.:fall, Clinton. Materials cut, fitted and
feeding upon another -type of people in ; designed. A11 ladles are cordially in-
en effort to secure what they consider vited. Come and bring your friends.
their rights, the ma -n of each nation M. Isabel MacKay.
at the throat of each other claiming Tomato Plants.
their rights, a mail lie knew wanted
$10 per days can you earn it Mr. Ray- "Earl Anna" and " '
•craft inquired: "No" was the reply a few boxes left a 12 "Bonnie Bess lust
s t Oc a box. Also n
Then how can you expect it? "Be- few pigsnow ready. Phone 149,
cause the union says so. ulf you are F. Watt, Raglan St
Paid, 810 end can only earn $6 you Auction Sale.
Met at Seaforth Last Week
have got t;4 of some one else's money, -
Why should 1 worry? was the care«
Of household effects
less reply. The world to -day is the a ects for safe on
of selfishness, Saturday; June Slit, at 2 o'clock, on
centre hness, self-seeking and Cutter Street, eonaisting of 1 bedroom
self>pleasittg, it wants anything but suites parlor suites, diningronin set,
the of the .. carpet llnoteumn touch, alt to
Way to Cross and the con.. p , u , bre, Chan
sciotlsness et sin: The world is amuse.' rockers, itange, and heater, dishes and
ti at r amici G Ellt tt
Inc'+t crazy also. 18 is not claimin en, o , M18,,g Mrs, Butler; or phone 12 -602w
Cenoert Monday Night,
The 13xcelsior Boy's Class of the Ont-
ario Street Sunday School Is giving a
eobeert on Monday evening, May 31st,
at 8 o'clock in the basement of the
Church. The program consists of
Quartettes, solos, recitations, instrum•
enols and humorous dialogues, A
Medi will be served at the close of tate
program. A11 welcoine, Admission 1 Se,
In the matter of the Application of
tete Commissioners for the telephone
system of the Municipality of McKillop
for • authority to snake the following
charges for telephone service; •
To Subscribers who have paid ten
annual instalments of Principal and lit-
YeresL $12.00 per annum,
To all other subscribers:.
For Principal and Interest;519,72 per an-
num; for' maintenance '$5.28 per an -
$15.06 per annum.
To persons not being subscribers
within the meaning of sub -section (g)
of section 2 of "The Ontario Telephone
Act, 2918"• $15.00 per annum:
Appointment for Hearing.
The Ontario Railway and Municipal
Board having, directed Francis Dagger,
Esquire, Telephone Expert, to enquire
and report upon the above matter, doth
appoint Wednesday, the Ninth day of
June, A.D.,. 1920, at the (sour of half -
past three, o'clock in the afternoon
(standard -time) at the Town I•lall in
the Town of Seaforth, for the holding
of such :unary, at which, time :end
place all persons . interested in' this
:natter 'and desiring to be heard are
directed to attend,
Dated at Toronto this Twenty-second
day of May, A. b,, 1920. - H. C. Small,
T�(Seal) Secretary.
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Council of the Corporation' of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council- Chamber, Goderich, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the•
Ask day. of June; -1920. A11 accounts
against the County must be In the hands
of the Clerk not later than Monday
preceding the meeting of. Council,
Geo, W. Hohnan,
County Clerk.
Goderich, May 14th, 1920,
Cemetery Superintendent
Applications addressed to the under-
signed w' be received up to 6 o'clock
P.M. on Altay 28th, for the position of
Cemetery Superintendent. Salary $700
per year. D. L. Macpherson,
Town Clerk.
Assessor Wanted.
Applications addressed to the under-
signed will be received up to 6 o'clock
P.M. on May 28th, for the' position of
Assessor. Salary, $125.00
13, L. Macpherson,
Town Clerk.
Eggs for Hatching.
Barred' Rocks, g laying strain.
Also Pekin Duck eggs. Prices moder-
oderate. F. W. Wats,
Phone 149. •1 x t, • Clinton
For Sale,
A Square Piano, Fisher Make, in first
class condition, cheap for quick sale.
Appy to H. Bertha.
Spirella Corsets
Scarcely need an introduction in this
locality, Having become agent for Clic
ton I will be pleased to fill all orders
placed. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kennedy,
Ontario Street, Clinton,
A brown -black Motor rug, on Sun-
day May 16th on the Bayfield Road be-
tween Mr. Cliff Holland's and Clinton.
Finder please phone Clinton 12S.
Geoage Rolland.
Executor's Sale By 'Public Auction
The Executor of the Estate of Christ
ina Duncanson will offer or sale at Pub
Iic Auction on Saturday the 29t1h of
May at 2 o'clock P. M. at the premises
the -house and lot on Fulton street,
Clinton, known as Lot 7 in Block "E"
in Isaac Rattenbury's Survey of the
Town of Clinton containing / of an
acre more or less.
On the premises is a conhfortaiile
cottage of six rooms with good' cellar
and wood shed, heated by furnace and
In good repair. The property is a very
desirable one for a small family.
It will be offered subject to a res-
erve bid and upon the usual terms of
tett per cent. at time of sale and balance
in thirty days or sooner if desired. Poss
ession at any time on completion of
George Elliott, W. Brydone.
Auctiioneer. SciliciJtor for (the
In The Estate of Christina Duncan
eon Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given all persons
having claims against the estate of
Christina Duncanson late of the Towlt
of Clinton in the 'County of Huron, de-
ceased, wlto died on or about the 10th
of April 1920 are required to deliver to
James McMurchie or W. Brydone tine
executors of tete said estate or their sol-
icitor on or before the lath day of June
1920 a full statement of their claims to-
gether with particulars thereof, and the
nature of the securities, If any, held by
blebs all duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said mentioned date the said executors
will proceed to distribute the estate
of the said deceased amongst the per-
sons entitled thereto having regard
only to suet; claims as shalt have re-
ceived due notice and in accordance
DATED at Clinton, this 20111 day 01'
May A. D. 1920
W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont: Solider for
. t l bar ,a, d the soli t t ^"•sapre
Every -Line a "Money Saver"
Misses School Shoes, sizes 1 to 4, clearing lines at .. , . , $2.98
• 25 9811.8 Men's Heavy Boots, black or tan, special clearing
price .. .., , , $4.50
Men's and Boy's Caps, clearing lines at
5 doz Men's.fiame shirts, sizes 14 to 1G/, special clearing
price $2.75
Look for Special Sale Price Tickets
mall Profits Phone 25.
More Betsistess
For Sale.
Sealed tenders will be received up to
7 o'clock p.m. on Monday, the thirty-
first day of May, 1920, for the fol-
lowing alterations and additions to the
Clinton Public School Building,
Excavating basement and removing
earth from the school yard to place
Underpinning foundation wails, and
flooring basement with cement.
Laying foundation and brickwork for
new additions.
Putting in cement walks and steps to
mein entrance and outside approaches
to lavatories.
Plastering ceilings. lathing and plas-
tering partitions and new additions,
Making new openings for doors,
twenty new windows including '1' beam
supports for walls and closing up pre-
sent openings.
Building canopy over main entrance
Carpenter work consisting of doors,
partitions, stairways, and flooring and
roofing new additions.
Steam heating and gravity ventilation
throughout the entire building.
New interior lavatories including
Septic tanks and all the necessary
plumbing in connection therewith and
tiling lavatory floors.
Painting all interior and new exterior
woodwork and tinting side walls and
Wiring for electric lighting through
out the entire building including lamps
and fixtures.
All work to be done under inspection
and in accordance with plans and Speci-
fications which may be seen at the office
of the Secretary or at the Morrish Cloth
ing Co's, store,-..r..:ueea-lama,ea
All work to be completed by the
first day of September 1920, A pen-
alty of not less than 5% of Contract
price wilt, be inchrred per day by any
contractor whose work is not complet-
ed within the specified time.
Contractors will be liable- to the ex-
tent of their contract price for the
successful completion of their con-
tract or contracts.
Address all tenders to,
H. E. Rorks,
gam;?.,. Public School Board.
"I•a•-.. a Ont.
House For Sale.
7a --room house, with hydro, town
water and furnace, in good repair, 54
acre of land, apply.
at New Era Office
Field Crop Competition, under the
auspices of the Centre Huron Agricul-
tural Society. For further information
secure it from S. B. Stothers, Agl,
Representative, or from the AgL Sec-
retary, A. J. McMurray,
Men Wanted.
We have openings for a few• good
reliable men to work on Threshing
Machines, Tractors and other work.
The Robt. Bell' Engine &Thresher Co.
Ltd,, Seaforth, Ont.
Notice is hereby given that dumping
of garbage refuse or tins on streets or
vacant lots is prohibited. Anyone found
violating the law in this respect after
this notice will be prosecuted.
R, B. Fitzsimons,
Street Inspector.
A Chance of Your Life.
To secure n roadster gelding, sired
by Templeton, he being a son of Peter
the Great, the dant Eva B. with a record
of 2.16. Not having time to train and
care for him I offer him at a price you
canclean up some money. Get busy
and write at once or apply at Lot 22,
con, 2, Tuckersmith, L,R,S. Edgar Butt
Kippen. fait
Teacher Wanted
For 8, S. No, 2, 1•Iullett, 2 miles from
Clinton. Teacher with Normal train-
ing. Duties to commence at. Septem-
ber. Salary 51700 or over, Applt-
catIonS to be in by Juste 12th, Apply to
W. A, Dale,
R, R, No, 4, Clinton,
On May 45th in Clinton or on the
London Road, near Clinton a tan leather
het box, containing gentleman's silk
hat, The box Was marked "Lt, -Col.
WWItitehead, Montreal, riiitiyer ple25e
cotnmuaicate With the New 13re office,
c niton Pak --. +:: itlil il3.ixt-ietf
8 -roamed house for sale on Huron
street. Apply to Mrs. J. Mcllvaen.
Farm For Sale.
The Executors of the Estate of Jos,
epli Izzard, deceased, offer for sale 125
acres in the Township of Goderich com-
prising Lot 37. Concession 14, and the
the North half of Lot 37 'Concession 13,
This is a well improved farm, has good
house, barn, outbuildings and silo, is
well fenced, has good water facilities, is
in a good state of cultivation and has
10 acres of hardwood and 15 acres• of
cedar containing much valuable, timber.
The farm is located on a good gravel
road 3 miles from Clinton.
Apply to M. Flick, R.R. No. 2, Clin-
ton and Albert Izzard, 722a Champag-
neur, Ave., Montreal, Quebec, Execu-
tors, or to W. Brydone, Clinton.
Bought and sold at Market prices, •
Victor Feed. - '4
We have a quantity of Victor Feed.
for Hogs and Cattle, which will take the, -
place of Shorts as it is impossible for us
to secure Shorts this season. Try sour
of the@ feed and we feel sure you
Also in our stock Is a quantity of
Feed Flouz, and Mixed Chop. As these
two lines are good value at the present'
time we would advise an early purchase,
Having preeu"red the agency for tha
Swift Canadian Co.; we are prepared h
offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage and;,
also all brands of this. Company's Fer-
ttllzers. •^
Regarding Spring Seeds our Stock,
includes the following:—Red Clover,,.
Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa,
Timothy, aslo Timothy and Alsike miss-
ed. -^-t
There are a few barrels of the Pure
Cane Molasses left yet.
W. Jenkins &Sore
Phone 199 ,Residence, 531.
Unexcelled Dining Car Service,
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor Cars on special day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. 9. Horning
District Passenger Agent, Troonto.
John Ransford & Son, city passe;.
ger and Ticket Agents, phone S.
4, 0. Pattison, station agent.
Hot Flushes;
Fainting Spell.
So Weak and Nervous
Could Not Sleep.
Mra, Philip H. Ryan, Sand Point, N.S.,
write,:—"I have been a great sufferer
from nerve trouble. 1 was eo weak
and nervous I could not sleep at night
and my appetite was very poor. 1
could not walk across the floor without
trembling all ovqr. 1 had
itot flushes
and fainting spells. When 1 wan 0n my
second box of Ivlilburn'a heart and Nerve
Pills 1 began to feel better and kept on
until i:: had :wed six boxes when I felt
hire a different person, 1 'am never
without them in the House and reeom•
twend them to all who suffer with :hest
Milburtt'e Heart and, Nerve ('ala are
SOO. per box at all druggists or dealers,
or wailed direct on receipt of price by
Rltut S. Milbut'n. 00.5 Lital(edt "a"omatoi