HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-27, Page 5eh= 4
Is Your Mouth Tender?
Are Your Goals Sore or Bleeding?
Are Your Teeth Loosening?
If so You have "Ruga" Disease, Pyorrhea, of Trench Mouth, and
you -need
Riggs Remedy ed for Riggs Disease
gp'a t and
you cart easily treat yourself in the comfort a;8
Why' puffer 'when
privacy of your cern home by this sure, raft anA. painless
which will give; you immediate relief? Write
Pyorrhea Speciatf:"N 144 Cvitoa Street, Toronto, cot• 10
By The Way-
tri Ude delperalecontllticn• t1od nerved
;lengthen to go egulnot the Phlllstiues.
iI, Description of the Paowgewmy
ist nos
tetttreon Israel and the f'hll ..1
(vv. 4, 5),
Over against the way which Jena.
than and bin armorbearer bad to tray
sloe, on either able ley sbnrp rooks,
called Borer, and Seneh. The 011Po$ilrg
camps were probably three Miles
apart. It required greet effort t0
scale_ the cliff. 'Phe fent of Jortritium
and bio anoorbeafer was one of the
most daring ever attempted,
111. Jonathan's Resolution to Go
Against the PhfllOtines (vv, 040,)
1. Jouathnn'10 aumntoua to the young
Inan (y, 6), here the thought o1 -verse
one Is resumed, verses two to I've be-
ing parenthetical. Jonathan did not
doubt but that the Lord was leading
him. He recognlael Ids covenant re-
lationship with God, and therefore bin
claim upon him us agnhasl the uneio
eufneised Pldllstlncs, nssertIng that
"there le no restraint to the Lord to
save by many or by few." God Is all -
Powerful, so with him numbers cut no
figure. Whatever he wills for us he
can ds. One with God is a majority.
(lent. 32:30),
2. The noble resporl)e of his armor -
bearer (v. 7), He was actuated by the
same faits and courage as Jonathan
and eptered heartll,y into the under-
taking. When two agree together as
touching anything In the name of
Christ It shall be done (Matt, 18:19,
3. Watching for the wail of Gat (vv.
3-10). Doubtless the same Spirit who
had moved Jonathan to go had in-
structed him to watch for the Divine
leading. The sign that; God would de-
liver the Philistines into their hands
wits the invitation for Jonathain and
his cornpanlon to cone up to the Phll-
istines. They did not go forward until
the sign 4)f divine leading was given,
IV. Jonathan's Marvelous Victory
(vv. 11-16).
Being itSoured of the divine leading,
Jonathan with his anmorbearer spring
forward saying that the Lord had de-
livered the enemy into the hands of
Israel. He did not say "into our
hands," but "into the hands of Israel."
' This is a fine tench of humility; i1:
shows that it was zeal for God, not
selfish ambition that impelled him to
go forth. God interposed by a great
earthquake, causing consternation
among the Philistines, moving them to
destroy each other.
.V. SauPs Foolish
1. Ms carnal zeal (vv. 17-23). After
the Lord had given the victory nit the
hands of 7onathaa, Saul called for�the
ark of Geti to be brought, after which
he weot forth In persalt of the enemy
who had already been routed.
2. His fooiioh obligation imtiose0
(vv. 24-30). It was that a etutae would
be upon any este of his soldiers who
should stop to eat ea that day. Past-
ing is proper at times, but it was the
height of folly to demand etrendims
service of his soldiers without the
neeeassery nourishment.
3. His determination to kill Joao -
than. .Jonathan not staving heard this
rash oath, partook of the honeypas he
passed through the woods and was
greatly refreshed. When this was re-
ported to Haig lig was abspi ,t2
the life of 1 41111 16, w o >a Io
gloriously wrought in 'the deliverance
of his people.
THERE e l beetle, which an 11 pro-owealththisere
sol much soughtcountry
after andso which gi'sfs call the tnordella, that is led as in China,
Tided with enough eyes to outfit a carefully which money plays so and
parry of ordinary none i
Bottle thee animals. It Doss- I a part in determining a man's social
Possesses eases 25,000 little status. There Is no country in which
25,000 Eyes. eyes, and it can see ancestors are so much reverenced as
out of the back of in China, and yet none in which man's
its head. 1
{ forefathers and their achievement
Under a fens these multitudes of have so little influence upon pep
eyes are very beautiful. They give offs esteem. each Chinese generation the in
gleaming prismatic colors. A miced -
roscopic examination reveals what looks fl Idu from mol is gel on his merits
11k10 a section of honeycomb, and each apaChina means scholarship. Thus, the
of these seemingly unlimited number highest title in the land is not con-
ef eyes has a perfect Lens system.
Probably next to the 'magnificent The son anyhigher
coolie acwho
mordeila bettle, the ordinary common Thees of a master' of who
dragon fly ranks for its remarkable sup- maerudition may converse on equal terms
ply' of eyes. This insect is said to have with ministers of state„ and dine with
no less than 20,000eyes.
theJordi though his garment is faded
•The horsefly, too,, yhas eyes by the.
thousand, and its head is one mass of and his poverty forces him to tell
stories for a livelihood.
microscopic optics.
Spiders, however, have not so ---
many eyes, though, judging by the l �y
way spiders look out for tiles 'as food, I Children Cry
one would think they have "eyes all FOR FLETCHER'S
over the place."
--- 0--
IT iso81 about e t a century since
LARGE fossil egg, about the
the manufacture of pins by ma- A
size of a duck or goose egg, re-
chinery began. Before that tilue 1 Gently discovered by a prospector
they were.hammered out by hand, and examining stones in the Gila River
of course were in Arizona, sup-
ports the hypo-
thesis blot bitu-
men is derived
from animal re -
Solid Head much more. costly
Pin Made than now. The
In one Piece. earliest plc un-
doubtedly was' a
thorn, but bone and bronze phis have
prospector came upon
been. found in prehistoric ruins. e p p
In t84.7 the first patent for the , a water worn pebble four or five
making of pins by machinery was inches in diameter. He cracked
granted, and since then there have 1 off a fragment with his pick and
been many improvements. The firstiI discovered the fossil egg within.
machine -made pins had heads separate ! The chief scientific point of in -
from the shank, the head being fasten- terest about this ?egg was that its
ed on with a wire. contents had been converted into a
By the newer methods the solid head bituminous substance resembling asp -
pin is made in one piece. Wire of a alt. The egg was so perfectly' pre -
suitable guage Is run off a reel and is served as to show 'that it must have
nipped between jaws. • The piece of I been completely embedded very short -
wire is headed by a die and pointed ( by y into ' a-te-" oe
a revolving cutter. The pins so made The egg is a representation of an
are cleaned by boiling and are laid in event that happened thousands of years
a copper pan with alternate layers of ! ago when '0 was laid by a bird the size
grained tin. The contents of the pans of the goose and by' some mischance
are sprinkled with argol (bi-tartrate of tumbled into the water or into some
potash) and boiled for six hours, theI soft ooze of which limestone is form
pins thus becoming coated with tin. • ed, This ooze continued to be formed
They are then washed, dried and polish- 1 on top for
countlbecamess yrs,
t last
ed in a barrel containing bran.
—0— limestone. Fragraments of limestone
HERE are no classes or castes or were later broken off through the agen-
cies of frost and rain, and the fragments
closely drawn social distinctions in
China and there is no Chinese word. thatthe gI containing the egg rolled into one of
describes a class difference. In Chin -j tvhereus iltefinatllat bee ntefeedhe waterRiver, worn
ese thought the ! y
"coolie class" is 1 pebble in a mountain stream, after all
non-existent.for in its angles were rubbed off.
China no heredi-, ---p-�
tory class survived' Children Cry
the wreck of the feudal system in thea FOR FLETCHER'S
Third Cen'tury, B. 'C„ except the
members of the Imperial family and I C ,A S T ®RIA.
' Fossil Egg
Tells, Story
of Ages Ago.
No Classes
or Castes
In China.
the descendants of Confucius.
The Far Eastern Review points out
Pew' o
Your Jiver Is
the Best Beauty
A buil, yellow lifeless
skin, or pimples and
eruptions, are twin
brothers to constipation.
Bile, nature's own lase«
time, is getting into your
blood instead of passing
out of your systelel as it
should. to
This is the treatment, in suc-
cessful use for 50 years t -ono
pill doily (more only when
Amine beams Sl ,effuse
l'°olerlessfacee often *how tae
Amnia; of Aron in the bleed.
Carse S Irma Pills
,' trill lseita this ee " .106.
(By REV. P, pFITZWATER, 1). D..
Teacher of English 'Blhle n the Moody
Bilge Institute of Chicago.)
,(1?.ons rls1'1 me, western •New ,,aper onion)
Behavior (vv.
IMI He look Iff�""asH
The Fruit Medicine
It, 1t. No, 1. I.oarrx, Oar•
"Tor over three years, I was
!Meant(' to lied with Rheatrutiisn.
I treated with doctors, and tried
nearly everything without benefit.
Finally, 1 tried "Fruits-tives".
.)kefore I had used half a box I saw
imerovtmenl;• the pain was easier
and the swelling started to go down
I continued taking this fruit me-
dieine,,,improving all the time, and
now I cam walk, about two miles and
do light (shores about the place".
110e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire 25o.
.At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa.
Thursday, May 27th, 4926...
WS willing to assume, cannot under keeps forgetting that alio has forgotten' Dyehat a
take Armenia alone, Let me say In pa s-
ing that it seems to be supposed in A man thinks that he has forgotten �;0 or Blouse
America that we hpve made a profit out his (roubles When he is hawing a good' t V
of the war by taking Mesopotamia. It Is time.
alt the other way solar, front making any woman Sbrr begin s to tell you her
gain we have incurred a heavy li:tbillty g
with no prospect in sight of any return, i troubles.
'There Was not and there is not So fart Most people Want justice ,for the
AS can see any desire In England to purpose of passing it on to those who
occupy these countries, they ?vete ]reed it,
i It s an easy matter for a Judge to
taken merely lieeause they could not bei issue an order restraining a woman
allowed to go to rack and ruin. They arc; from talking but what's the use
in no sense Turkish, but Arab, and A young man may be as old as he
there is no Arab government capable' feels but he le seldom as rich as he
of administering than, Meantime it is looks.
believed that the Allied Powers Propose 1 Men bet ort horses but horses never
to liberate what was Turkish Armeltta bet on -men. Horses have horse sense,
and we trust this decision will include 1 .11 a girl gets only one letter a year
the Armenian part of Cilicia which has
been the scene of the most recent mass
acres. lit is moreover, essential to the
peace of the East that the militant Pan -
Islamic propaganda so dangerous id
that peace should not be allowed the
vantage ground which a Turkish domin
ion constiguous to Persia Central Asia
would furnish.
Who will Take It?
The urgent and still unsolved quest
ion isL--who shall undertake a mandate
under the League of Nations to find a
staff of officers fit to reorganize admin-
istration and look ater the maintenance
of internal order? Whether the League
undertakes this or whether some minor
Power can be persuaded to do so Money
will be needed until the country can of
ter a few years begin to pay its way.
Four or five million dollars a year
might suffice but the European Allies
are now staggering under a load of debt
and the League is not yet in possession
of funds. Whatever the difficulties may
be some solution must be found. 1t is
surely impossible for civilized Christ
Ian nations to let these unhappy countr-
ies fall back under the heel of their op-
pressors impossible not to extend a
helping hand to those ancient Christian
races who have now after protracted
suffering borne with unfailing const-
ancy an opportunity of regaining freed
om and peace.
About the second time yon meet a
O 0
O Two notices on a church 0
O bulletin board in Manchester, 0
O England, ran as follows; - 0
O "A potato simper will beheld 0
O Saturday evening." 0
O "Subject for Sunday evening 0
O -"A Night of Agony." 0
LESSON TEXT -I Sam, 10t:1 -4a.
GOLDEN TEXT -For the proinloe is
unto you and your children, and to all
that are afar oto, even ae many as the
Lord our God shall oast. -Acts 5:39. '
1 -alt,
PRIMARY TOPIC -A Story of a Brave
JUNIOR TOPIC -How Two Men Put an
Army to Flight.
-Our roes and FIow to Overcome 'them.
-The Value of Initiative in Christian
1. Israel's Reduced Condition (vv.
The Philistine oppression tutu be-
come so terrible that the king Iiad
only about 600 men, and they wore
eonplele1y di amed,
Ilat i
and Jonathan had each a sword and
spear, Lest the Israelites should
make into themselves swords ;Ind
spears the Philistines teal! from (hem
their smifths;'they only left them n fiie
to sharpen their instruments of 11118-
bandry, This left them undo' the ne-
co8alty of going to the Philistines to
'have their tools sharpened, Simi him-
self Was in hiding, 13eeans° he had
preeumptttously, intruded into the
' )1riegesi °Mee anti reiee,{:ed !Ono White
evidence et Things Unseen.
• No pure and simple life, true to it-
self, true to its maker, was ever lived
on this earth that was not a voice 'en
God's 0ehetf, however stili and email,
end that did not, in its sincere arid
humble way, declare a hope and re-
veal n faith which might well be the
evidence of things unseen. -Alexander
When the baby is sick -when he
cross and peevish; cries a great deal
and 0 a constant wprry to the mother -
he needs' Baby's Own Tablets. The tabl-
ets are an ideal medicine for little ones.
They are a gentle but thorough laxat-
ive which regulate the bowels, sweeten
the stomach banish constipation and
indigestion, break up colds and simple
fevers and make teething easy. Concern
ing them Mrs. Philippe Payen, St.. Fiav
len, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets
have been a wonderful help to me in the
ease of my baby and I can strongly re-
commend them to other mothers." The
Tablet's are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
, Doing evil Deeds.
The disposition to do an evil deed
Rr of Itself a terrible punishment of the
deed it does. -C. Mildmay.
Pains About
the 'Heart
she always reads It on the street,
The plainer a woman the longer It
takes her to select a becoming bonnet.
An occasion,' domestic "storm 1s
necessary to clarify the matrimonial
No woman would ever quarrel with
a man if it were not for the pleasure
of making 0 up again.
Never judge a man's worth by what
a woman values him at in a breach of
promise suit,
( Lord Bryce in the Review )
Two questions have arisen. What is
to be done with Constantinople and
what is to become of Armenia'? Eigh-
teen mouths ago' everyone supposed
that the Turkish Power would be ex-
tinguished in both. It was a danger to
the peace of Europe, it was, a curse to
its subjects, its faults were incurable
because the Turk as a ruler is an ir-
reclaimable savage. Yet to -day there
are those who plead that the Turkish
savage should be allowed to remain 01
'ConstanitinopN ,because ))there
it is said -Indian Moslems who would
be offended if the Salton were turned
out of the city which his ancestors con
quered from the 'Christians some cen
turies ago. It 0 amazing that any weight
should be allowed to this arrogant pre
tension of persons aMeging themselves
to speak on behalf of Indian Moslems,
to dictate the policy of the Allies, and
let the massacres of innocent Christ-
ians go amazing because Constantin-
ople is not a sacred city to the Moslems
like Mecca or Medina or Jenusaiem. It
is not evert a Moslem city -the bulk
of the population having always been
Christian. The Indian agitation has
been a factitious motive and never
ought to have been yielded to. We are
not surprised to hear that the' decision
to let the Sultan stay has been receiv-
ed with amazement ,and indignation in
America. It has been generally hoped
here that the influence of the United
States in the councils of the Allies
would have averted such a disaster.
Pointed Paragraphs
One of the things you can't -.buy on
credit is experience.
Lots of people do a thing twice in
order to get 0 done once,
A pretty girl can teach a ratan any-
thing but common sense.
It's easy to laugh at misfortune --
when it visits the other „fellow,
A fool may know when to quite but
a wise man knows when to begin.
No man over 50 should marry a
woman who isn't a good nurse.
A girl doesn't realty believe that a
young pian never made love to another
girt but she says she does.
There ;ire lots of thingsthat a man
would not want half so much if he
thought there was any chance of gett-
ing them.
When a woman forgets an injury she
ANY derangement of the
e heart's action is alarming.
l!"requently pains about the
heart are caused by the forma-
tion of gas arising from indi
Relief from this condition ICS
obtained by the use of Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Chronic indigestion results
from sluggish liver action,,con-
stipation of the bowels and
inactive kidneys.
Because Dr. Chase's 1ttdney-Liver
pills nrotrso these organs to activttr
they thoroltlilaly cure indigestion and
overcome the many annoying syrup"
Children Cry
cannot wear the old suit
1 worn long years ago;
it's shiny at the shoulders,
My knees and elbows show,
But on investigation 1
Discover this is true;
I cannot wear the otd,sutt,
Nor can 1 buy a new:
"Diamond Dyes" Matin Old, Shabbyr
F$;ded Apparel Just Like NeW.
Don't worry about perfect results.
pyo'9Diamond es," guaranteed to give
IL new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric,
whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
goods, -dresses, blouses,atoektngs,skirts,
ehiidren's coats, draperies,--cverytbrng!
A Direction Book in in package, ' ,
'lo match any material, have dealer
abow you "Aionurod Dye" Color Card,
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to ebooye cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what votu
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry=far as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
Ttat has been said aO often that
everybody by this time eboeld
know it -and vet there Its no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to miss chat sort altogether -
CRIME HR1110 •
If you would like to bay where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt fn -COME HERE
And Oen at that, no persue aver
said our prices were unfair
W. R. CG ounter
Jeweler and Optician'
u er of Marriage License*
LIFT CORNS OR • J. A. ford & Son
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
Don't suffer! A tiny bottle of
Treezone coats but a few cent, et way
arug atorq. Agpiy a Sew deet„seAlp
cora., anima mid "bird .k(a tit Pt.
tom of feet, then lift them off. 0
When 1?reezone removes corns frog the
toes or calluses from the bottom of feet,
the akin beneath is left pin's and kealth
end never, Eire, tegd9C 011 . #aaitat4
Western University
London, Ontario
cilrts and Sciences
Summer School
July 5th to August 134i
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
Armenian Problem
There remains the question of. Ar-
menia, To leave the Turk in power
there would be not only a disaster but
a crime, it would also be a grave breach
of faith with the Armenians who were
after the massacres of 1915 asked by
allies to fight on their side and thous
ands of whom did volunteer and fought
valiantly and riled in the Allied cause.
The Turk has soaked the Near Esat
in blood and reduced much of 0 to des
elation. More than half the Christian
inhabitants have perished and, a large
part of the Moslem inhabitants_
Kurds and others -have also been drive
en by 10 Turkish Government from
their homes. The Armenians are an en-
ergetic and industrious people, and if as
is expected the refugees whom Arnerl-
c:ri liberality has been keeping alive
out of reach of the Turk during the
last four years are enabled to return U
their ruined villages they may in time
repair the losses suffered, But they must
have a helping hand. Sbrne civilized
Power must undertake to furnish of-
ficers who can organize a gendarmerie
to supply officials who can set up some
sort of adnriuisstratfoe to furnish funds
to Set the people on their feet again. We
in Britain having already undertaken 1.0
look after Mesopotateia and Palestine,
the r' ' '' titch 1)0 one else
bearingthe GOO MEW
, Tools always
Made of finest
materials and
put together by competent
workmen, they last a lifetime
with proper care.
You'll like "GOLD MEDAL,"
Tools and other lines, because
of their superior quality. Ask
for them by name.
All Sensible Farmers
Insist U,on "Gold
Medal" Harvest
For Sale at
First -Class hardware Stores
Phone 123
DR. lli'. A. BROW
(frown and Bridge Work a Spectniert
raduate of C.O,D.8„a Chicago. and 5,0,10,0
ayeetd on Mondave, 111,18 tat tap
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Special ogre taken *o make dental Ire
men* aa painless as possible.
Piano Timing
Mr, James Doherty wtebere to len-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to 110 fine piano
tone regulating, repairing.
Otsar willden 1recft eive nromisttatt phone
Live stock and general Auction je"
gum eto,s males a summit', memo et .
New Ens °aloe, rt.mt sly antenna
Terms reasonable, Clinton,Warmers' sale not*
1.30 p. na, to 3.30 p. nsa e
7.30 p. m. to, 2.00 p. ea.
Sunday 12.30 to 1.30
Other hours by appointment only.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
W, BJai,'YD0.N116
P1713LI0, ETO
Notary Public). Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
(NSULANCL1 AOSINT-ItepreseniinrtlSPiro
eirrnnoe CowUenies,
Division Court (Mao.
G. D. McTaggart 1.11, U. McTinbgar
McTaggart Bros
Generel Honking Bnninea
Drafts leaned. Interest allowed e
The McKillop MuUl"
Pir°e Insurance moo.
Rarer and Anolated Town Prop
arty !)n1y Insured.
fiend Ofliee-Seafortly Ortt
3. Connolly, Goderlch, PresiOenti Ji
Divans, Beechwood, Vlce-'residei
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secreta?
Alex.. Leitch, No. t, Clinton; l;dwl
Nlp£a. S,gsforth; Wm. Chesney,
mon v'let J. W. Yon., Goderlclnt R.
5armuth, Brodhagee,
Wan. Sinn, NO. 2, Segiorek; .iobs I
aawei;, Brodhsgen; Jame; Evans, BM
Woods Mt Madwan, Clinton; 1*
Connolly, Qoderlahf D. 1, McGre
Nes. 3, Scatorth; J. C. Grieve, NO
Welton t Robert Penis, Harlock;
bla!l1Mt3a. tfia,. 1L $01ttGfeha ..r'•,r.c