HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-27, Page 2THE CL.INTQ'IV NEW ERA.
'•..;;carr, suaother Minton boy, who has
'k1 t). e knitter of susses,' and Who
aau the old county as.the resident
nl K 'Int 410 Simpson "Co., Toronto,
ss avail ;tsrd doing well, Mr, Sheppard
vials ill rlv rratune itis duties in the Moi-
tegfs boil after a short 'solidity,
M. Asa Bolton, of the Stratford
.:tkesale sl'aff, was home for the week
•, trs. T., -Jackson was a holiday visitor
t elearoi to with her daughters and
eillazx relatives,
elle, end . Mrs, E. • E, Hunniford and
lOies §lane were visitors et ']lied
.3arkone un4 London.
rale- tend Mrs, R. ,Reekie of Dtiltton,
,xtaitesae1 up oneSttnZ1sy and spent the
za' 2n 'seethe home of Mr, and Mrs, W.
L. f;j Nett and other ohs friends. They
are -welcome-lisitors.
ea*, end Mrs, A, Wilkin, spent a few
• :d: s; •w1tit the Misses Wilkin at Detroit,
atfie. George Webber, of London, was
-week 'end visitor in towm. He only
,cet cant of the arnty.about three weeks
esti east; is now with the G. T. R.
.xalr.. Sidney Watts, of the Bell Tele
'r.;.,+tt.'"seceoa Co„ at Listowel, was hoine for
.lea 2t3'r1a.
3Ys. axle: ',Mrs, :et Constant tie of
Tfeasireter, iyere .in town on Saturday
1'u.: They were accompanied by Miss
Zi O'Dell and Miss E. Chidley,who had
• aecase to Teeswater from Toronto to
, .c;ne Abe e 24th. there;
'Sir. Fred Thompson, of Toronto,,
,gas a week end visitor in town,
take. and Mrs. E: E. leunniford, were
-'aas:'rftrs -last week at London and ager-
Mizrs Mary Holmes, of Toronto, is
e•Jae guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. B. Chant.
.illi. Percy Couch, of Kitchener, was.
":fttarre, Eger the 24th,
Mr. -Ross Forbes is spending his vac-
-akar, at 'I`ve 'tome- of his mother.
Masa Morgan, of Stratford, and a
":rm-spt;i C.C.I. teacher, spent the 24th
ea town,
'f EER
ars Jessie O'Neil, teacher at Ayi-.
• .-lxes.'sr'as a visitor at the parental home
Prier The 24th.
Pattison, of Toronto, spent
• ate week end with her sons and her,
„ea -zanies, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mann-
_Wass I(atie"Reekie, of Dutton, was a
"-week canal 'visitor at the ]tome of Mr.
hza ]Mrs` aretT,'q'Neii,
fir- Laurie Greig, of Woodstock,
a• uH
able eveeek end at the parental
add . t leant
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas and children
,aeff 'B7yfh, were guests on Smidayewith
I Bursted Mes.i,Ktrtg.
IBobby Shrenk, of Kitchener, was
e ee nne Ted eche 24th.
Mrs. eGuy Jones and Master Ken-
t :aat fr spent the week 'end at Goderich.
' and Mrs. W. Brydone were in
'Toronto last week.
4.Mfss .Ray Nesjaans and friends, joft,
`atiord, were visitors her "over the
Cecil Cooper, of Toronto, spent
1-1•Ite bdliday at the parental home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rambali and Master
:.Back, wereihere for the h& ldey.
131r. Alex. McIntyre of Wingham,
was here for The 24th.
With the I
Base Bald
in League
Mei Tuesday evening the representa-
tteue were present from Crediton, Zur-
Icht and Clinton to rearrange the base
':x"ogg, schedule, owing to Seaforth hay-
'law, dropped out of the league. The
csrplete schedule may be read on an-
career' page. The following are the
'eaali"ion games:
Clinton's Games et Home,
Zurich, May 31.
Crediton, June 10
' sOoderich, Julie 14
:Zurich, June 21
Goderich, July 9.
Crediton, July 15
Goderich, July 23
Zurich, Aug 2.
•4;ar i
,. ed ton Aug, 10.
"'Clinton's Games Away.
• At Crediton, June 3
_at Zurich, June V.
- ' • =vA1: Goderich, June 16
At Zurich, June 24
istt, Crediton, June 28
/ At'Gafterich, July 5
ladi'Goderich, July 21.
r At Zurich, Aug. 5
• „At -Crediton, eatfg. 13,
.vames-sneked (e') will have to be
aritstnged on account of the Greyhound
'eacilrsiou and Moonlight trip. Itis
likely Clinton will play in Goderich on
.yams 1'6, Detroit Old Boy's Day le
nsodericb, and the Co. town boys return
.nen the 18th,
'2uirck Beats Goderieli.
Vie Benoit County Ease Ball League
gel away to a good start on the 24th
lefiecioder'tcii, Zurich woes from the Co.
• Omen arra score of 12 to 3.
ifs"ofierich--- - Laves, Sandet'soi, and
eareettt, Pridham.
Zurich---i1of611an and BroWti,
• b
ate News of theDistrict
Harry Edwards, 18, Victim of the
Maitland River Tragedy .•— His
Friend .tree Rescue .--• Only 10
Minutes in Water, but Resusci.
tation Fails.
Goderich, May 22—A distressing
drowning accident occurred tonight 4 -
bout 6'o'clock when Barry Edwards,
aged 18, only son. of Mr, and Mrs, H.
T. Edwards, of town, lost his life.
iu company with two other young
lads, named Wallace and Esker, be was
swimming in the Maitland River at the
butts. Edwards end Wallace were re
turning from Ilse far side when Ed-
wards was noticed to be in difficulty.
Wallace swan back tie him and made a
heroic effort to bring him ashore, but
was forced to let go by the desperate
struggle, and the young man sank. As-
sistance was soon on hand and the body
was brought to the surface .by Peter
McDonald, wito`arrived on the scene
with a boat, •
Doctors Work 'rwo Hours.
Although the young man was in the
water only about 10 minutes,' all efforts
of resuscitation were futile, despite two
hours' work by Dr. A, 1L Taylor and
Whitley. It is believed death was caus-
ed from hegrt failure due to the cold
News.of the accident came as a shock
to the citizens as the young .ratan was
well known by every one. His grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards,
reside on Bruce street, London, The
funeral was held on Tuesday after-
noon to Maitland Cemetery.
Discuss Life -Saving.
At the nteetingeof the Town Council
on Friday night better protection for
bathers came up for discussion. At pres-
ent there are only a few life, preservers
on the dock and it was thought that
these should be increased: Some means
of life-saving should be on the north
pier, also•on the river breakwater where.
considerable bathing is done: The need
of a pulmotor is also shown by the ac-
cident to -night, though it is hard to
say whether it would have been -of any
use hi this case.
This is the third drowning accident
in Goderich in the last three years and
is felt that some definite action is neces-
sary towards providing adequate live
saving apparatus.
The regular monthly sleeting of the
Woman's Institute will be held hi the
Forester's Hall, Thursday, June 3rd. A
full attendance is requested.
Re'v. Tdi. 7P1ctormick of Blyth 3e-
livered a splendid sermon in the Meth-
odist church here last Sunday evening.
The W. M,_ S. concert which was
held last Friday evening was a grand
success. Rev. Mr. Millson, of Auburn,
gave one of itis celebrated lectures and
the Ladies Guartette of Blyth, gave
some splendid selections. The Men's
chorus was enjoyed by all.
Miss M. McCool, of Toronto, spent
the week end with her mother.
Miss B. Brodgen spent the holiday
with her parents.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Tamblyn of Toronto
spent the week end with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon spent Sunday
with Blytic friends.
Mrs. Hill is visiting her daughter at
Seaforth, Mrs. Carter.
Thomas Davidson, a well-known and
highly esteemed resident of Grey Town-
shlp for a great many years passed away
at the home of his son in -Brussels after
a short illness in his 77th year. De-
ceased had only retired from active life
a few months ago. Besides his widow he
is survived by a family of nine sons and
three daughters. The funeral took place
Friday afternoon, service being con-
ducted in Melville Preabyterian:Church,
An exclamation of Joy breaks 4th
when a motheri o e
d sc y rs her baby's
1st "2tlt,
Can Eat Anything Now.
Hew Many Dyspeptics
Can Say This?
The sufferer from dyspepsia and indi-
gestion who has to pick and choose his
food, se the most miserable of all man-
Even the little be does eat causes such
torture, and is digested so imperfectly
that it docs him little good.
What dyspeptics need is not dieting or
artificial digestants, but something that
will put the stomach right soit will
manufacture its own digestive ferments,
For over 40 seers Burdoek Blood
Bitters has been restoring'atomaehe to a
normal, healthy condition so that the
food no longer causes distress, but is
thoroughly digected and assimilated, and
the dyspeptic can cat what he pleases
without any suffering,.
Mr, la Dalton, Coliingwood, Ont.,
writese—"I;was Troubled with dyspepsia
and was induced to try Burdock Blood
Bitters. I took three bottles and am
cured entirely; my stomach is free of
SINCE 0' 1070
30 LIOA's CO•9.J GHFS.
We deeply regret to record the
death of Mrs, Beattie wife of Councillor
J. W, Beattie, which occurred at the
family residence on Goderich st, west
on Wednesday evening May 19th. The
deceased had not been in the best of
health for some time but nothing seri-
ous was anticipated until the beginning
of this week when symptoms develop-
ed which pointed• to sleeping sickness.
Mrs. Beattie was a daughter of the late
John Button, of Brussels, She lived in
Detroit'prior to her marriage to Mr. J.
Wesley 'Beattie, twenty-five years ago.
She was a member of the Methodist
church here and was the possessor of
a bright cheerful disposition and a wd
mann of fine qualities which madeher
deservedly respected. She is survive
by her husband and two daughters Eth-
el, of Thinning, Ontario, and Florence,
at hone, .'
Mrs, G. Telford, of Blyth addressed
the Barbara Kirkncaa. Auxiliary in the
Presbyterian `church on Tuesday even-
Miss Campbell who has been spend-
ing the winter !n California and her sis-
ter, Mrs. Newkirk are visiting friends in
Egmondville Sunday School has con-
tributed $113 to the Armenia Relief
Fund, .
Miss Margaret Bantle of Hamilton
is _visiting Iter brother, Mr, J. W. Beat-
Mr, J, P. Bell, a well known business
man In Seaforth for many years, has
purchased a grocery business in Toron-
oronto, and 'attends moving there shortly.
Mr. Bell was a member of the famous
Beaver Lacrosse team, when the institut
ion was a household word in Ontario
and for over ten years was chief of the
Seaforth Fire Brigade. He has a host of
friends here who are very sorry to see
him go but who will wish hiss and his,
family every success in their newhome.
Rey. Mr, Foote andfamily spent the
24th, with the former's father, Mr.
Foote, near our village,
W. Elliott and James McQueen have
bought Ford cars.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins of London are
the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex, McKenzie,
Misses Emma McDonald, Margaret
Ross and Grace Ross, of London Nor-
man School spent Victorle Day at their
John Rattenbury and family, of Burl-
ington, spent the vacation at the home
of Mr. Rattenbury. '
Mrs, Joseph Addison has returned
from visiting relatives at Philadelphia.
Our village -was very quiet on Mon-
day, most of the, Inmates being away to
pleasure 'bent.
Alex. Ross, Wingham, is the guest of
his sister, Mrs. 'Wm. Berry.
Miss Norma Jeffrey,, of Seaforth, is
the guest of,Miss •Elizabeth Scott. •
Miss Gladys Addison who''has been
ill is siowiy recovering.
Miss Nilson, of Toronto, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Swan.
Wm, Swan left last week for New
Ontario where tie will teach school un-
til vacation.
Mrs. McMillen, of Shakespeare, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs, James Broad -
foot. ,
Laurence Reid, of Goderich, spent
Vittoria Day at itis home in the vil-
Mark McNaughton's house in Stan-
ley, caught on fire on Tuesday from the
chimney. it was soon put out, withbut comparatively small loss A num-
ber from the village went to -the fire,
but it was out before they got there.
Wednesday afternoon was a big day
at the church. A big Missionary rally
was held and the speakers were: Mrs.
Hamilton, of Godericht, Miss Burns,
from nonan, China; and Mrs. Telford,
of Blyth, Visitor's were preset from
all the neighboring villages and towns.
'rhe speaking was splendid, all feel-
ing that it .was a great work given tb
do. After the addresses, sapper Wasserved to a.1 present.
Miss Brown, Missionary from China,
will speak in our church Sunday morn-
ing, when she will tell of the great work
in wlsicis she is engaged;
Messrs. C. Flamm and Mills, of our
bank, spent Victoria Day at their homes.
Mr, Peter Moffat went to Toronto on
Monday of last week,
• Mr, and Mrs, Angus Gordon, Mr, and
Mrs. Jas. Hayden and' Mr. McAllister, of
Ashfield, visited at Mr, Than. Baird's cit
the 24th, "ie.
Mrs. Carter of Ciintors silent a few
days at Mr. JohnE. Pepper's.
Miss Kate McGregor returned front
Toronto last week,
ARMSTRONG, -1n Tulkersmith '1'p;,
all pain; 1 cash eat,
I wish, and on Monday, May 10th, 10 Mr, aid Mrs,
do not feel any b effects,'Wilson Armstrong, daughter,
B,13,B, la manufactured only by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Onto
Wiiliatu Robiusotl of Huron street an
employee of the F.x'eter Salt Works had
the misfortune to fail last 'flight white
on night duty breaking his collar bane
and suffering Internal injuries, He Was
removed to his home where ire is'being
attended by Dr. l'lyndnan.
The boats of • Mr, and Mrs, James
Snellof ilullett, was a lively scene on
Monday night when Mr, and Mrs. Eplt,
Snell celebrated their first yearof mar-
ried life. Sunday, May 23rd, was the
anuiversay of Mr, and Mrs,' Jas, Snell,
who had been married 43 years, Thee
received matey beautiful flowers, also a
beautiful baguet of tulips from Mayor
Thomas Cottle of Clinton. Mr. and
Mrs. Epls, Snell also received many gifts
from the neighbors, from far and near.
Dinner was served et 7.30 acid the last
table sat dowel at 9,30 p,m, There were
about 30 guests present, after an enjoy-.
able evening the guests departed on
Tuesdaymorning at an early flour for
their various homes.
Miss Elizabeth Pearson who resided
with 'her sister Mrs, A. Mitchell op John
street died suddenly at the hone of a
friend, Mrs. C. Young where she had
been spending a few days. Miss Pearson
had retired in apparently her usual
health but an walking about 1t p.m.
went to Mrs. Young's room and cam- a
peened of not feeling well. A doctor was
hurriedly, summoned but Miss Pearson
had passed away before he reached the
house. The funeral' was held at Wing -
ham cemetery from the home of her
sister Mrs, Mitchell, ,
The rush of gardening is on and al-
though potatoes are $5 and $6 per bag
large quantities are being planted.
Wingham has a very lonely appearance
these days; the farmers are busy seed
ing front daylight till dark.
At tite Aero Cushion Tire Company's
buildings the electric motor blew up
and a.numbed of men had a narrow es-
cape from the flying pieces. The buss
mess is closed down until a new motor
can be procured, The estimated loss is
several hundred dollars, It is• reported
that the cause of the accident was one
of the employees i'n some way catching
abroom in the machine. As soon as pos-
sible business will be resumed, as large
orders are on hand waiting to be filled.
What might have been a more ser-
ious, accident occurred at Merkiey's
garage when the owner of a car which
bad been in for repairs stopped outside
the door and lit a match to look in the
tank. Ina moment the gas took fire,
flying over E. Merkley who was stand-
ing near and also setting the car ablaze.
Mr• Merkley 4 Y stripped uiekl stri ed off his
cloths, saving himself from serious
burns and men from near by beat out
the fire in the car which was not great-
ly damaged. -
Miss. Emily Connell, of Toronto was
home for the holiday.
.7these last few days have been fine,
growing weather.
Alvin K. Leonard from Toronto Unite
versity returned homelaseFriday.
Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt Aiken and son
of Allenford, spent the week end and
the holidays at the hone of Mr. George
Crooks, of the Base Line.
Mrs. Cliff Keyes, of Varna visited
with .iter mother, Mrs, John Tiplady.
Mr. and Mrs, L. O. Lashbrook mid
Miss Ria ta, lef ISailiah.ell, spbrati .the
week end under the parental roof on
the Cut Line:
Mrs. Beatrice Alcock, of Holntesville
went down to London on Tuesday for
a few days...
'Some sections were visited by a fine
shower on Sunday last which would be
of great service to the country,as there
has been but little rain this spring,
Miss Marion Alcock visited with -Mrs.
Hudson and daughters in London for
several days and over the week end,
Mrs. Hudson lived in Holmesvilie a few
years ago.
Mr, Laverene Churchill from the
Western University is. home,
Miss Marion Hibbs spent a few days
with her sisters.
One by one tite pioneers of this town
ship are passing away and we called up
on to received the death of Mrs, John
McClelland, who died el the home of
her daughter Mrs, Harry 13atison, after
a comparatively short illness. Mrs, Me.
Clelland was a daughter of fisc late Me,
and Mrs. George Weston and was born
in thil township in ISIS. lo 1.861 sic.
was married to John Mc'Ctelhtnd who
died twenty-five years ago, elevenchild-
Nis were born of this union ell of whorl
are living: John and Milani tit Pelly,
Sask., Walter and Clarence in beirOlt;
Richard on the fourth concession; Mrs,
Kee, Portage In Prairie, Mrs, ]•orris, 'fre
hears and -Mrs, ]toss, Tichborno, Mau
hobs; Mrs, McCullough and Mrs, Mc-'
Donald, Detroit, and Mrs. Harryllalson,
at whose home the mother had been lie -
siding. Tin'ee brothrs arid 0115 sister also
survive: Richard, Harry and John Wes
ton of this township and Mrs. Splen of
Glantiels. Mrs, McClelland was In Aeg-
hean in religion being a member of Si,
lass s' church Middleton. The. funeral
!Lam -Bak, because they have proved
that it does what le claimed for it.
Miss 13, L. Doxey, graduate nurse,
of 3220 Michigan Ave., Chicago,
says: "I 'have a patient who suf-
fered terribly with piles, Zam-'Buk
Is the only remedy that gave her
"I have used Zara -Bilk myself
for the same ailment, also for sores
and burns, and 'have the greatest
confidence' in it."
took place from the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Ralson on Tuesday of last week to
Bayfield cemetery. The services at
house and graveside were conducted
by Rev, Mr, Reycraft, Methodist min-
ister of Goderich all the Anglican clergy
sten being absent attending the Synod
meeting The pallbearers were: Sterling
and Charles McPhail, Victor Elliott,
John McGuire, John Woods and Thomas
A Baconian Colloquy.
"Why do you let Bill Shakespeare
take the credit for your work?"
"Well," replied Frances Bacon, "Bill
Is a practical theatrical manager. I'm '
oily n Philosopher and a poet trying
to hold a government job. Wicet'd I
do if the actors were to decide to call
a strike on me?"
Without Turning a Hair.
Long-haired Crank—Do you believe
In bolshevism?
Gentleman with a Cnne—Certainly
Long-haired Orank—Why not, are
you a capitalist?
Gentleman with n Cane—No; I'm a
barber—The Bystander.
Items of Interest Picked Up Here
and There About the Town.
Rushing the Work.
The roof is being put on the.Merner
Flax mill, and the machineery and other
work will be rushed along,
Tenni Court Opened. "`-
The base ball boys of the Public
school lost at Seaforth last Friday after-
noon. They say the score card was
lost on the way home.
Out in all its Glory.
"Old Sol" on Friday last got a little
hot and Superintendent H. B. Chant of
the'P. U. Commission, brought forth
his old sun shade and this opened the
1 920 season for the straw stacks.
Base Ball Match Monday.
The first base ball match of the sea-
son here willbe played on Monday night
when the Zurich boys open the sea-
son here. The diamond has been
changed and the grandstand will be
wired so that spectators can sit behind
the hone base in safety, from foul tips.
'ria game is called at 5.30 p.m.
A former Employee Dead.
Mr.' I•lugh F. Jones, at one 'time an
employee on the New Era staff, but for
years foreman on the Guelph Herald,
died last week. The New Era furnished
two excellent printers as foremen on
the Herald, for the late Edward Grigg,
(cousin of Mr. A. J. Grigg) was also an
employee on the New Ere before Joining
the Herald staff.
In en Auto accident.
Tile Toronto Star of Saturday, says:
While driving ills brand new limousine
along King street west this morning,
Mr, .1, P, Tisdali got Jammed between a
west bound King car and a standing
automobile and escaped uninjured. The
street cat' and limousine were both In-
jured," Mr, Tlsdall Is a former we11-
known resident of Olefins,
Pcltwtorn Review to Quit.
A1111nniteenten1 was made flit Saturday
last that, commencing .luno tst, the
Teterboro Daily and Weekly Review will
cease publication and its circulation'
will be absorbed by the Teterboro Cix-
antinrr, which remains alone In the
local mlwspaptsr theist, Increasing cost
is given as the reason, Mr. .A, Ft.
titration le proprietor of the Reviet,'
Nannies) at Owen Sound.
On Siinrday morning al Owen Sound
b1 'the Rev, Mr, Pilkey, Mr, Prank
,1, Libby, eldest stilt of Mr, Chas, F.
Libby, of tnwli was united its mau'riegc
to Miss Alma Pearl, slaughter of Mr.
and Mrs, harry Glazier, also of Clinton,
The bridal couple motored to town and
spent the week end here, They have
taken up ltousekccping at Osi'en Sound
witet'e Mr, Libby Is manager of the
branch of the Clinton Knittlityg Co.
Thursciity, May 27th, 1920
Buys Grocery Business in London.
Last week Mr. E, 13, Ifunnlford was
in London and closed a deal whereby
on June 2114 ite.will take over a
grocery store, at the corner of Malt -
land and Duffering streets, We are
sorry to lose our c!tlzens but we wish'
Mr. and Mrs, 1•lunniford anti Miss Stella
5051555. They will hold an auction sale
at their home on Ontario street, on
Saturday afternoon,' See advt. on page
$ of this issue,
Mr, A. Wilkin is having the 'back .part
of his building enlarged on the Main
Mn, A. T. Cooper is staving is store
painted this week.
Mr. ID, X. Pr'i1 r is overhauling the
brickwork of Ontario st Church and
also repairing sone of the plaster, '
Mr. A, J. Holloway is having his re-
sidence on Ontario street, painted:
Mr. W, T. O'Neil is having a foutcda-
ilon built under Isis barn and also a shed
for his rigs, etc,
Tho 24th of May.
Many'Clintoniaus went to Exeter on
Monday as the 161st 'Batts. fag was
being deposited in the Anglican
church there.
The Base ball teats was also at.xeter
and played two games against Crediton.
In the morning game Clinton won by
7 to 4. Butler, the south paw doing
the pitching for the locals, In the
afternoon the game went -10-innings
before Crediton w011 out by 7 to 6, 'E. I
Cooper dId the pitching and M. McNeil
caught bolls games. Some bed muffs
and bad base running lost the after-
noon game.
There were Some sports took in the
races at Mitchell in the afternoon.
The C. C. I. boys took in the sports
at London, but did not get any of the
prizes, but they know what they will
have to do next year.
A few base ball fans motored to
Goderich in the afternoon to see the
base ball game between Zurich and
the Co. town. The Zurich boys won
by a score of 12-3.
The fishermen either went to the
river or hiked t6 Bayfield and 'Goderich,
The younger crowd took in the sights
at Grand.. Bend and Bayfield for the
evening dances.
There is more energy
In a, pound of good
tree‘d made in the
home with Royal Yeast
Cakes than in a. pound
of meat. Bread making
is a. simple operation
and requires no pt'e-
vious experience. Full
instructions in Royal
Yeast 'lake Book,
mailed free on request.
Minor Locals.
Only 4 more days in May.
There were many visitors in town
over the week end.
There was a big rush on Saturday
night, Everybody tvas laying i11 a sup-
ply for the 24th,
How did you spend the 24th, at
home or abroad?
The fishing poles are in great de-
mand these days.
June will soon be dere, The King
asks thathis birthday, June 3rd, be
How do you like paying the new tax?
But never mind the storekeepers are
not in love with it.
Barley •
Hay •
45c to 46c
$1.95 to $1.98
85c to 87c
40c to 45c
81.15 to 111.20
819.00 t0 $20.00
$45 ton
$55. to $56
82.00 bag
rt. ',:'ee'l'.t.;.:,ja?4TC"h,1: •"'.'d :.
"That's the Bike 1
Want, Dad"
"It's one like Bob Harding's,
"He isn't a bit stronger than I am, Dad.
But he can always . trim nae, no matter how
hard I strain. My cheap old bike doesn't run
as easy as his C.C.M.
"This is the third "season for his C.C.M., too,
and it runs just U?se new."
"Is that so, Jimmy?"
"Yes, there's good stuff in the C,C.M., Dad."
"It's a beauty to look at, Jimmy."
"Sure. And the swell nickelling and bright
enamelling won't wear off."
"When Bob's C.C.M. gets dusty he wipes her
off and she looks just like new."
"Oh, well, Jimmy, I see your heart's set on a
C.C.M. I£ you'll promise to study hard and pass
into the next room, I'll give you a C.C.M. Bicycle."
C.C.M. Bicycles are the,pride of the boys. They
have earned their good reputation by standing up
under the extra strain and wear that sturdy, active
leas are bound to give a bicycle•
The C,C,M, has the new Hercules Positive .Drive
Brake—the Coaster Brake without a side arm.
Ask the C.C.M. dealer to show you the 18 -inch
curved bar model—the bicycle the boy won't
Ce "cyclesA
•v � o .
This male mark is
on the frame of every
0.C.lst, nieyeta.
PO% ]Wade in Canada -
1009b Value,
Canada Cycle &
Motor Co., Limited
Montrcnl Toronto
Winnipeg Vancouver
,.Iar4:13, ,. 5 , '.r,.
Over 1.000 C,CSvl. Ser-
vice Stations in Can-
ada. Look for this elan,
The 1ICLE,VELAND" Bicycle
are Bold in Clinton by
The Garage that gives real Bicycle, CC•'r and
Battery Services
Phone 80 Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT.