HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-20, Page 8SAG T II C$ 1 N'ItON XNEW ERS. NEW DRAPERIES, RUGS AND 'LINOLEUMS Now that the warm weather is here, Spring cleaning will go forward in earnest, and there's nothing, adds zest. to the work, like, something new in the way of furnishings - new curtain for one room, a rug for ,another; fresh linoleum for the.kitchen and so on, HINTS OF : THE : NEW ORA PERMS. These include the newest patterns and colorings in„ Cretonnes, Chintzes, Shadow, Cloths, Voiles, Scrums, Marquisettes, etc. Many are imported and excltisii'ely, handled by EXQUISITE FLOOR COVERINGS. To attain the Most pleasing i'esulis in redecorating and refurnishing the home you'll find the choosing of the Rugs a matter of first importance, We fully recognized this fact in choosing our splendid New Spring Stock and `you'll find here a variety and width of choice second to none .in this part of the 'country; furthermore, by buying in liberal quantity we were able to secure best manufacturers' prices as well as exceptional quality and choice of new designs. That's 'why we invite comparsion and are so solicitous of your seeing our display. CATCHING THE ENTHUSIASM OF GOOD QUALITY and your h ashless dealings with us will carry no regrrcets. MEN'S STORE Custom Tatiortar Men's Furnishia; ' Phone 203 Opposite Public t.Ebratr rown WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Houle Furnishings, - Phone 67 Next Royal Bank YOUR ATTENTION. is called when wanting your Supplies. -This week we offer at Special price;— PURE I4U NDRY SOAP -4 Bars for 25c 16 Bars for $1.00. _,3 Boxes, Matches, TRY BULK TEA 2 boxes Corn Flakes 25c 3 cakes Palm Olive Soap for 35c Erooms,75c; 95c; 51.15 ex 'Catsup .:I5c Be`25 2 cans Pork and .Beans 35c Some of our --- Chick Feed Pap -for -Peeps Makes Chicks Healthy and strong, 50e per pound. 90c for 2 lbs. 12.00 for 5 lbs. Hod Severe Cold IT. TURNED -TO BRONCHITIS» Many ueople have bronchitis and don'i' knowit. - Don't even know the danger of ne- glecting it. Canned Apples Bronchitis starts with a dry, abort, painful, hacking cough, accompanied Prunes Raisins viith':rapid wheezing, and a feeling of Dates, Peaches, Pumpkin oppression or tightnesathroughthe chest. At. Brat the raisedwp phlegm, is of a —for Pies or Dossert= ligbt color, but ae the trouble progresses it beeome• 0of a yellowish. or.greenish color and isvery often of a slimy nature, GET THE HABIT 'OF' DEALING AT 'strealredwithbfood. • Bronchitis ahould never be neglected. Pneumonia or Consumotion may follow if it is. Mr. E. E, Boycer, Edmonton, Alta., writes: '7.ast winter I took a severe cold whichturned to bronchitis. The 'doctor I had could not seem to relieve it, and I had been treated by him for - .eight weeks. Tfien, a friend came in and recommended me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. After taking one bottle I was greatly relieved. I got two more bottles and ran say it •has quite cured me. ft has stopped my cough .and my spitting up lots of phlegm. Have not had an attack since. I can assure you I would not be without a bottle of it in the house. It has twined my children also. I think it is alwonder- fut remedy for coughs or broneldthi." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is pmt up in a yellow wrapper; 8 pine trees the tuella mark ; price 26e. and 500 Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Limited, Toronto, Ont. JOHNSON & e 10 PHONE 111 . •PHONE ORDERS'CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO AUTO' FIRE Insu ance.at Modem to Rates. WINDSTORM' Insurance is as iinpotrtant as Fire Insurance on all classes of buildings. The Rate i a Cheap, LIVE STOCK Insurance pays you f or Ips by Accident or Disease of your valuable stock. GENERAL Fire Insurance of al I kinds. Call and see Me. Charles B. Hale. HURON STREET, 1 CLINTON, ONT. 1� 1 COOKS THE FOOD BUT NOT . THE COOK Perfection Oil Stoves HAVE ATTAINED PERFECTION, IN THE COOK'S ESTIMATION Ear That tells the story in It Nutshell of the benefits and results of using one of our PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves. Many makes of oil stoves have come and gone bit:6 this one goes on givng satisfaction to the owner. Buy PERFECTION Oil Stoves at W. H. DAVISON - Phone 53. Successor to R. Rowland.. TRY TO Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING Repairing Promptly ,p J' Done Phone 53 • The Carrier Grocery Phone 45. We have a splendid assortment of Suds for Spring Gardening--- DUTCH SETS NIULTIPLYERS SEED • CORN GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS Cinch Clennser snakes houseclean- iltg easy. Try a can for Cleaning your Woodworlr and Windows SCRANTON COAL ._..,0._..._ spy who wishsh .to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 1551 1 "fe't;iie—ttrictly Cask Phone, Ids._ • E. WARD RE8lDENCE-:-HU�[ON STRUT Order Your Supply -of Scranton. Coal= White we are not ;getting much -coal at present we are. booking a: lot of orders, and being pptinilstic about the Situation, we feel justified inr• edrising- you to place your• -order now, so ss to be early on our delivery lists. We have ils"stock the following! At CLINTON--' EbonypriceCdubs.Gannel, the cannel de luxe Hardwood, a limited quantity specially Cut Rails, in hoot hardwood and cedarCanada. Cement, tate standard ill cement' Ata BRUCEFIELD- . Hemlock Lumber of high quality Dressed Lumber in' V match and Libor- i'Jgf 2X, 3 and •5X Shingles' is f1,0. Red Cedar Fibre' Board, cheaper and better than plaster - , Cannel !,oat .stakes a real hot: fire Canada Cement the cheapest .building material If in the•mrket fol' any of the above lines, it will pay ypu to give us a call,, and we wit.! help you 10 solve your Q --1 ---0 Our diHlcultaes, t t e r � � u vice is free, Maks use of it, ti I I`ryour Tool andC cafes hs, Bulls, 7 f ,INOb g. MUSTARD ec aurnaces .ead 1�liere is a Reason ;. F°rod w: Wngg clIntoti do J Irse 0,si $, ; ph..., for Canter' No '74 14 i 0' Ash ref ,'I'Illi)'Sdayt May,'2Q0i 11120; TO OUR SVJ3SCRIL R$ Qur lists have been corrected up to'Wednesday of this weep, and the little 1a'be1 on your New Era, if not marked Dee. 20 or, :Ian. 24, will indicate to you that you are in ai rears; and we would like you to remit t'oda}',,the anionnt that will pay you up ;to Dec, 1920. We might mention that a.' few years .ago neirs print- cost us 2.34 cents a, pound, freight prepaid. A shipment•this week,cost G cents a pound and freight to pay, 'so that any reader, will see that 1,50 does !lot go very frig to keep up paper 'bilk, 1, - Since the war began over 000 publications it1 Canada and. United States have ceased to existlncl the Canadian newspapei's continue to suspend while news- print manufacturers from the crown pulp lands is ship - peel at. huge prides across the border", when the pulp lands are practically, exhausted, And all to enable a - few corporations to make huge profits while the Dom inion, which owns the lands, receives a; fleabite,' • We look -:forward to many of -our Subscribers paying up before the end of May: Our rates at present at_st.50 in Canada and $2,00 elsewhere. 21 1111111111/ ini mu10111111111111111I11111111111911111 11111111111111111111 11111111r 1111 1111 11111 I11111III 111111111011 11111!1r 111111111111 811 11 1111 111 Local: News 1118flm➢Q171IMl®IlmBIml5Ii11 '111I5(m(ImIg5l this 1u1 Attended! Funeral of Mr. Patterson. Among those, from Clinton who at. tended the funeral of the 'late Donald Patterson at Auburn on Tuesday were Inspector - Torrance, Dr. Shaw, Jas. Reynolds, J, A. Ford, and N. W. Tre- wartha: • ' Wins Gold Medal. Lynn, Salton, son of ReV. G. F. and Mrs. Salton, of Winnipeg, secured the University gold -medal in Philosophy in the recent Manitoba University exaty- suations.—Rev..Mr. Salton Was a former pastor of Rattenbury St. church, many years ago, Received Word of Death of Mother. • Mrs. Roy Grigg, who Is the guest at the„hame of her husband's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. A, J. Grigg, received word on Tuesday of the 'death of her mother at Calgary. Mrs. Grigg, prior to coining East had visited her mother, who Was then In very poor health. She has the sympathy of her many friends in Clinton, in the Toss of her nrothex, Will Attend World's Conference. .His Lordship Bishop DavidWilliams 'of Huron leaves on June 5 for -England to attend the Lambeth conference of the Anglican Church throughout She World, to be held in Lambeth Palaee«iu July. The bishops and archbishops from the Anglican church thea, world over, will be in attendance. Because of :the absence of 'the Bishop daring the summer months all . confirmations in this diocese have been postponed, and will be held early in the fall. Some Excellent Stock. Mr. A. E. Dwain, who is the pro prlefor if the farm known as the Wheatley _farm, shipped 23 head of 3 and 4 year-old steers to Toronto last week. The sight of seeing this drove - go down the street recalled the old days .when the eaitle men of Mullett i Tuckersmith, Stanley, and Godericll , Township, •used to bring.in their prini.e beef cattle. The average weight was 1530 pounds and the six !fest averaged' 1,600. Mr. Durnin was in Toronto ' this week disposing of theme. E t nsagemen Announced. .S The following item; from a Toronto daily, is of interest to Clintonians, as both father and mother of the bride-to- be are natives of Clinton, Mr. Steep being the youngest son of the irate John Steep, while Mrs. Steep is the only daughter of the fate John Jack-' son:—"Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Steep an- 11111 111111111 11111111 111mmmml®51111111811111im1mm1111m1 ULII Acknowledges Donation, The Hospital Board wish to acknow ledge a donation of 82.00 from Mrs. James Holland (Huron Road East). This is the second, donation Mrs. Holland has given, from the safe -of her fancy work. Brother Dead. Mrs. D. A. Forrester of town has re- ceived avord that her brother Dr. John Alkalis, of Chicago, was dead, Re Was 49 years of age 'and. leaves a wife, but no children. He was born in Mitchell, W. C. T. U. Annual 'Meeting. The mutual meeting for the election of officers of the Clinton branch of the W. C. T. U..will be held in Wesley church; -`on liriday' afternoon of oris I, week at 3. o'clock, A full attendance of the ladies is requested. Offiecrtiare to he Elected'for W. 1. 'The regular monthly meeting of the.. Woman's Institute will be held at the home of,Mrs._3. Flynn, on Thursday May 27th, at 3 p.m. All members are requested to be present as the officers ,are elected for the 1o1loni41g year, at this 'meeting. • High Cost of Writing Exams. The high cost of Writing is the most • recent problem of the kind, Collegiate students received; their application forms for the 'June examinations and were shocked to observe a general in- crease in prices. the ntaxii71un7 fee, 810 last year, -Is nowt/ `1+1S. 1 What Do You Think of ..the Tax Slip. •nouhce the •engagement of their only daughter, Vira B1sMe) to 1lardltil Ta Johnston, son of Mr. I. E. Johnston, Detroit, , formerly of Wiarttin, the marriage to take place June 8.'1 ' r Empire Day, - Empire May falls this year on Friday, ,May 21, and to' fssist teachers and the school authority in fittingly celebrating the occasion the Ontario Departmeslt of Education has -issued, under the title ' atiadian Citizenship," an attractive booklet containing a suggested pro - ...gramme. The name of the author is not given, but we shall not, we suspect, •be• far astray If we attribute this emin- ently timely and readable pamphlet 16 the same skilled hand whose editorial Work is known and appreciated in all the schools. Muth Lo`at Time. I"he kiss of time on account of in- dustrial disputes, during April was greater than during March 1920, hut less than during' April, 1910, accord- ing to the May issue of 'The Labor Gazette. 'there were in existence at some time during tile month 44 strikes, Involving about 6,249 Workers, and re-' suiting in a time Joss of about 84,099 working clays, as compared with 22 Strikes, 3,759 working people and 43,169 working days in March 1920; and 40 strikes, (3,470 working people and tJJ,346 working days qt April, !}bone lror. l'3r,e,iiisid 11 ore 41*. Tax Collector Fitzsimmons is busy tsis Neek issuing his tax slips for i920 and the total amount ofmostof them will cause heart' burn to most taxpayers, Taxes are due on or before June 30th and Dec. 14th, or 5% will•be added to. each instalment, The County Rate is 5' mills; Tosnnrate 9 mills; Debenture rate 9 mills; School rate.44 mills; and added to the above is the sidewalk tax and dry earth closet tax, ; a""`--- ' Death of Dr. J. W. Cull at Mitchell • News -reached Clinton on Tuesday afternoon of the death in Mitchell of Dr. J. W. Cilli, for many years t pro- minent andrespected citizen. of Mit- cheil. The deceased was in hit 79th year. He was appointed to the Cus- toms in 1893 on bee.. 151. 1n 1913 Ile took ill and had been relieved of active duties since that time. Dr. Cull was formerly a druggist. The funeral takes place In; Mitchell today, (Thursday) under the Masonic auspices. r'. CULTIVATE HABIT OF SENDING IN ' REINS One of .the things that ought to become fixed habits in every house- hold in. Clinton is that of sending The New Era .the news items that they may know of; 'tell us of your news and any neighborhood or other items that will be of interest to yourself, yoatr,,neglebors or your friends. Every lodge, church body or social organization should have some representative who will promptly and carefully after its news repott- ing. If you think some organization has better news service than your own, it is probably because that or- ganilation iooks after such niatlers i better, Write your Items and'sestd them in When potsible, Or telephone then! to No, 30, but please don't ask that long lists of names 'be taken over telephone, as :If not only re- quires much title, but is fruitful in possibilltles of error. Above all, the early, Never wait. abduce on Thursday•to send an ,tem that can be seat in days before, The New lira telephone number is, 30 and at nights 95, Mx there it your iniad, REGARDING WALL PAP' Prices, in general, are on a slightly ligher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods, We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at t entiou from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive iI desigh and colorings as we have had in.for mer years, while 'ou; values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The W. 1 . Far „•eo ,Often the Cheapest-Trways t;he Best ‘1011111n1tr. RO OFIN We handle .a hill line of Galv.. Iron, Steel Shingles, Corrugated Iron and all kinds of Felt Roofing also Asphalt SIate. r, y: p - Pumps, Pipes and Fittings always on hand. Repair work Promptly Done Electrician HOUSE-CLEANING. TIME When you clean, you5' parlor, paper it or paint it, you probably add some new furniture. You do it tomake it a place for to entertain your friends and make home happy. Ail this :will not be needed if, you or your family have to go out for the evening to get good music; Start those children now at tine piano. You would not think of keep- ing them hoire from school till they' were 14 years old, If you did few• would succeed in getting a good education. Music is exactlyv uta same and when they start young and get regular pract- ice they will succeed. Weare here to assist you in securing the best musical instrument at the best prices, quality considered, 5'ou owe it 16 yourself to call }yh ether you buy or not. My new stand is opposite Datey?s Garage. -'S" . ....a , . Jonathan Hugill Highest prices allowed for used instruments of any kinds. BOX 229. .MUSIC STORE. . Phone 256. SEAPORT/L. ONI'. ,s-°- 1 OXFORD I. 11111111$1111111111111111111111m111111111111111111111111111111111m111 N111111111111111111111111IIII111111 INI1111111111111111111111111111N1111110111111111111111 • Well dressed Women will wear Oxfords this eSsason. We are now showing beautiful new models' in these comfort. able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly' an Art when it comes to making such handsome Footwear. Every Shoe a Picture] Oxfords in Dull. or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The Mew plant narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp --Lomas ar Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. 53.50; $4.50; . , $6.50; to *9.50. This House of Good Shoes stand these days u si ttafegtsard ns Voll against t: in ice +� # Shoe tees a dated prices ! -FtReD4iPteKserii —"SHOES THAT, SATISFY"— 5,