HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-20, Page 2trettueStly :follows the neglect of
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Oar Ambassador
----- •
(from the London Giobe)
To -day the Prince of Wales • starts
upon /a Journey which is to take him
to dominions which he has not yet seen
and which are eagerly waiting to greet
the hair to the throne which is as much
theirs as ours. The more they know of
him 'the better they wilt like him and
the closer will be their attachment to
that ancient monarchy which stood un-
shaken while kingdoms and empires
have been shattered all around. We •
know him, we have come to know him s
very well indeed since the war, and we
could choose no one more fit than the
King's son to carry our brotherly greet
ing to our kinsfolk overseas. Mr. Lloyd
George has called him "our greatest
ambassador," and there is no flattery
in the phrase, but simple truth. His per-
sonality engages affection at the out-
set it predisposes everyone who comes
in contact with him to regard. all he says
and does in the most favorable light. He,
has no prejudices to overcome, for be-
fore his gracious youth prejudice melts
like snow in June and for an ambassador
there is no greater asset than that, lf,,
all goes well be should be in Australia
for his birthday. and we understanethe
ThurRfay, May 2001, 1620,
• •OYCOZ/erisY 0.,-C,r112
the Buckets
• Pk.$4.0
tiful 8,14. U.aite4 States Golfers • Praise St. Andrevkirs,by-the-Sea
' BeauMitpleat • •
-towiensto ,a smeasery • • -' • .""
reptinito i. wriAti • „
folk clown under are preparing for him
a present which shall be worthy of the
day perhaps •be the chief home of Ole
great commonwealth which will some
pritish race. They are very dark and
mysterious .•about it as befits perscrs
who are planning a delightful surprise
and we shalt not attempt to penetrate '
their pleasant secret. Whatever it is
It will surely tell the Prince what he
knows already that the loyalty of the
.empire to the throne and the affection
of its citizens for himself are beyond all ,
doubt or question.
Lately the Prince has done .a cer-
tain amount of speaking among us at d
in the Dominions he will doubtless have
to do mud more. They will discover as
we have dicovered that the young man
is no utterer of royal platitudes but a
Prince who thinks for himself and can
couch his thoughts. In direct and arrest-
ing Speech, In what he says there is
often more than a touch of that homely
humor which one or two of his ancest-
ors knew how to use, and which more
than anything else impressed the people
with the humanity of their kings. He
can take the wide view of the man on
• the mountain lop and yet convince us
'that he can see things from the same
angle as the man In the valley, He goes
to greet old, comrades as a comrade,
and there is not one of them who doas
not know how gallantly he bore him-
self in the war, and how eager he was
to share their dangers and their hard-
ships. "Bon sang ne peat mentir," and
we knew that the descendant of Ed-
ward III and Henry.. V.„. would not
• -shame his ancestors on the fields on
which they fought, But perhaps what
'endears him most to our kinsfolk is
iris pluck, for that they took for granted
but his genius for being interested, It
is One Of the greatest of qualities. and
the man who possess itwill never lack
kir friendS. There is nothing which
concerns the happiness of the humblest
of his father's subjects in wh14 our
Prince is not interested, and we all feel
instinctively that his interest is no mere
affectation but th'e real thing. A very
gentle, parfait knight, he goes to con-
quer the great hearts of the great Dom.
Woos, and never did knight set out on
a quest In Which he was so certain to
SIMS1211 engineers Itavt estimated that
the-. harnessing Of two Waterfalls iss
P1'01 id and the trattansission of the
ol.^IC power to Petrograd uld save
the ay .3,0'0,000 tbila Of Contaa year.
'...•••••••••4.1;• -sett
fend a vary laholy ii/Ofortt
ttleo advint oftine white
4San kind loatont tn.
*entree* tb' spW the
Oa the Of WOW
wort ad, tvith the tesilatsen 1
difefkkallI IS 401** .44
010146 /190 Oi*Tttd •
itr0iee 1l trtegrie
air on the grow44. Sloe sswon;
eatight st, biret bark dietiad eoit'-
bit 151 earthen. et
bIttantitY of ,dark, abd eod thnt:
made eke the Ozr el *5.YbOb3.
'/6.• 11,ftt
0,09' it, et. Itetant, 01505.1/, 14 'ft,
at the::
dad lmaal
their crude
molAvesemili'retrte skated
11' -ed inback aec4ip51s of the coua-
try't tuba At...their annual crop
of Interlock drreip and sugar.
For periatiOii a century the white
man followed very closely the primi-
tive methods of the Indian save the
"sulastitution of iron or winner kettles
for 'navels of clay or bark. In the
early days imfore tbe timber atusisid.ed
much value the axe continued to be
used for tapping the trees, the sap
was caught in wooden' troughs and
conveyed to buckets on the shoulders
with a gis.P yoke to a central point to
be boiled. No sugar bush was fully
equipped without snowshoes which
were frequently found 15000011a07 in
gathering the sap. The holUsag was
done in likr.ge iron kettles suspended
front a pole in the open wo01& in a
sheltered loestion withno pro ostion
from stiva, min or ,snow or the ashes,
killing leaves, moss earl bits 01. bark
that Were citti-on about hy the -wind.
.Arrearly Ma Immo* Woo the sub-
' otitution atiketr„,tar the axe
Ing, escorted h-nan took the
e of the troll 14f1c "Cas' or
horny° witoaptotrotutriA0401.,r, leevtlizoratillkettle4
lank made fan:toga by the name of
Grimm., During the past March and
Aril along tine lines of .the Can-
na= Pantile 155 Quebec and Ontario
farmers have been busy with the
tapping of the -maple trees and
Year by year the industry * growing
in importance. It is ostbnated that
the Industry represents on annual
valuation ' of nearly three millicAt
an by
value, of Maple wood has led to the
roriOVal of many fine anger orchards.
0-0 Wit all the advances that have talc -
en in manipulation, anger =k-
not lost its romantic side.
4ng off' at sugar comps in the
Willa* is still looked forward 40 lty
poilnkand old, who regard the event
ad a'ftlel feature aiterfling rilto
VI --041‘..411%
• „,,ta
- • _-,.;;;':,tr •&-z."
Thia quartette of istorting goltod
toured eastern COieda for the, Cm...
adieu Red Cross last June and r
so pleased with the experience tltgi
they aro desirous of repeatin
tripsand investigating the 0nae31l of
Canadian golf in Winaipeg, Osigin
Banff, vaneow,er, ititteria.and et
western cities of the Domhttaia.
were (OUT of Arnerica'S best, "Chick
amil0, former Antatent and 0 en
Champion; Oswald
politau Golf OltarapieSt; D. 31 Saw-
yer, former Western Amateur Ohara -
pion, and Gardiner White of Nassau,
The photograph shows Mem ad-,
dressing the ball at C.P.Thlinks at'
St, Andnews-,by-the-Sea, NIL, on the
shores of Passamaquoddy Bay. The
tour were particularly *Assessed
with the quality a St. Andrewsgolf
and the beauty of its surroundings.
"Taking .civerything into consider-
ation, hotel, country and the optima
/ cannot Mink of any finer
spot than St. Andrews", said Oswald
ICArlohy. UM team-mate, Gardiner
White, declared that ho intended to
take his Badly to St. Andrews .to
see and enjoy its many attractions.
"St. Andrews is a fine test of the
game and is golf de luxe," said
"Chick" Evans,
"Golf on the picturesque links of
St Andrews,completed one of the
most IntereSting and delightful golf
trips that could poMillily bo ar-
ranged," said D. E. r4R7Pkif.
'When St, Andrawd/toptite-nea 115
was 11414411 bli Armor of d.iufrcw5, Scotland, thil birthplace
and original hoose of golf, no Wort
or expense wee sg.u$ to map it
worthy of tie touts XA its Deokeu
nseskelaws is' 4
;Gsist 101. &
Soatitis Rinke *tad e.oplimitht
et areatafiff.gaino,
Elvery year large numbers of
golfers from all parts of the world
play at St. Andrews -by the Sea and
many of them like the New Bruns-
wick cameo as well as they do the
links of the Royal a.sd Ancleett Golf
Club in Scotland.
Golf is an hollnurating game any-
where, but it is saint delightful when
played along the sea. At at. An.
drev'e there aro two courses, a nine
hole CAMPS° 200 yards long and an
eighteen holt coarse 6,000 yards long,
Both overlook the sea. and are clad
do a firm sward at velvet green.
'While. resting on the couroo you can
enjoy the VIM tlif the sea beneath,
dotted whit Sailing vessels and motor
boats, and little row boats that ntltio
serenely over the waves. Prom the
poll kinks you may watch the fisher,.
men catch millions of aardines lo
their wets that are met a few hun-
dred yards, or leas, front the shore.
And old mato and ow AasOlAro. rainy
*ten be soon gathering ht3 doh on
the benefit! Si is a delight 'Le listen te
the conitiontiiiis panting. of thIralms
that expire os the red.liksed
and sand a rich deep red; and tool;
Mg on it me might fancy that he
in prehistoric times some great se 4
monster WAS killed and dyed thepoi
place with his blood, t,
Tice late Mr William Van 13orne,
0118 of the prelidents of the Canadisa
Paoifle Railway, built -a beautiful':
residence on an Island 111 .Pazsarmo'
quoddy Bay, and his tawny still iivesi.
there 11s tho summer season. . Lord
Shaughnessy, the Chairman of the;
0. 1'. IL Soard ot Directors, make0
his summer home at Tort Tipperary,
St. Andrews, and takes a special
Wrest in the wolfram otthe /deep,
At $t. Andrew s there is splendldij
sea fishing, and a lake near at hand
tiirnialies some ,of the best bass fish.;
Mg in Canada. And should the wea-
ther ever be rainy the Algonquin/
Hotel supplier: bowling alloys, Poolli
blea,d a be
rend surge casino-,
tablas. tnglish. and pach
tor &Avant Those o make SW
Andre:48 by the Sea their holiday re -
Ott once will do so a second time
00 When You go away trona it thero
alk allurement but 0,0,,')1,ace tIa