HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-20, Page 1,establisdleti 1865, Vol, 54, No, 47
CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY 20th, 1920: , W. H. Kerr & Son,. Editors and Publishers
We Went the News from. Your _ Section. Will You Hel
Donald Patterson, ,
F_priiner Engineer of
A Genuine Strength and Body Builder. Huron County, Dead
The Ideal Tonic for Old and Young.
Sold at the Rexall Store. Months—Was also a Former
Co. Councillor.
Had Been in 311 -health for Some
a . S. R.. ITO LIVIM' Phan, I3,
for V V V vYvvo vvvwvv
ys Over120 Branches
THE " MOLSONS BANK is prepared to render
every assistance possible to responsible business men or.
farmers in financing their business.
'` The Manager will be glad to go into your affairs
with you and give, you any •information needed about
banking. '
H. R; Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 51-19
'19)e Royal Ba
Incorporated 1869.
Capital • . .... $17,000,000
Reserve Funds ... , x$18,000,000
Total Assets $550,000,000
630 Branches
Special attention to. Farmers' requirements: "interest
paid on Deposits. Safety Dppostt Boxes to Rent.
R. E. MANNING„ Manager s Clinton Branch
Spring Suits
No matter what size, if you are extra large
slighter than the average, unusually tall or
chunky, you'll find that we have Clothing
that will
Fit Your Figure Perfectly
Suits made in choice patterns ornew Spring
SUITINGS that will suit your individvality.
Tailored by the expert makers, Perfect in
every detail of good Suit making.
t$22. $25. $30. to $50.!
If you have been Clothes Troubled, we oak
you to come here for relief.
This store will close Wednesday afternoon
� Y
during the summer months, commencing on
Wednesday, May .5th
lthA1 °
The Morrish ,oi lish Clothing ca.
iA Square Deal for Every NM
Auburn, May 14.—Donald Patterson,
age 70 ,for 15 years "County Engineer
of Pluton died at itis home near here
early this tnorning. 1 -le had been ailing
for some months.
The late Mr, Patterson was 'for many
years interested in municipal politics
being prior to his appointment as engi-
neer, a member of the East Wawanosh
Township Council and of the 1-lurob
County Council. He retired as 'engi-
neer a year ago and was succeeded by
his son Roy.
In politics he was a Conservative and
in _religion a Presbyterian.
n'f. 04•010fr00•elessAsssf
la 4
* - ' e
ewe'oeeOOOalilli OOteero.Lss.
Salvation Army ,
There will be Special Services next
Sunday at. 3' p.m. and 7.3'0 p.m.. to be'
conducted by Adjt. Pickle and Ensign
Cook, of London. Ensign Cook is a
daughter of Mr. Harry Cook, of town.
Baptist Church
The Services next Sunday will bg"
conducted by the Pastor.
You are invited to worship with us.
Willis Church
Next Sunday, May 23rd, Anniversary
services will be held. Rev. (Lt, -Col.)
John Pringle, D D willbe the
ister of the day.
On Monday evening May 24th, a
program of unusual attractiveness at
he given in the church cominencing..at
8 o'clock. Musical numbers will be
rendered by the choir. Miss Katie
Reekie, so well and favorably known to
Clinton music lovers, will entertain us
as only she can by her splendid piano
selections. Dr. Pringle's magnetic per-
sonality, his happy style of address and
his wide experience in pioneer days in
the Klondyke and as chaplain In the
army promises in his' lecture, "Stories
front the. Frontier and the Front" a'
'treat of more than ordinary. interest.
Above all, on Sunday, this strong
minister of the Gospel will brjng its
messages .of practical helpfulness, of.
soul vision and of Spiritual uplift. We
stand a most hearty invitation .to all.
Ontario St. Church,
- At their annual business meeting held
last month the W. M. S: of Ontario St.
'Church elected the following officers
Lion -Fres. Mrs E. J. Courtice; President
Mrs. Geo. Shipley; tst Vice Pres, Mrs.
Beaton; 2nd Vice Pres,, Mrs. Will Ship' -
ley; Corr. Secty., Miss Lucy Stevens.,
Record, Secty., Mrs, E,' Rozell; Super,
of Systematic Giving, Mrs. Wasina.n;
Super. of White Boxes, Mrs. Rollaway;
Zionist,. Mrs. B. J. Gibbings._ ,W-'
Mr. V. Terryberry's house in Tuck-
ersmith had a narrow escape from de-
struction by fire on Wednesday. It is
supposed to have started by sparks
from the chimney and the fire had made
considerable headway before it was
discovered. However by the prompt
action and hard work of the neighbors
the flames were soon brought under
The Methodist congregation_at Dresd
en closed one of the best years in its
history and the pastor, Rev. J. E. Oster -1
bout a former pastor -here, was given
an increase snaking his salar '$1,500
and unanimously invited to. remain an-
other year.
Rev. Mr. Sawyer attended the District
meeting at Seaforth on Tuesday and,
Tr The N
for Job Work 1-n..
Fhonc 146' ir Estimates liven
A. E. W000
Interior and
We protect your floors, fungi.
turn, etc., by plenty of dreg
sheets. tia
Wall Papers,
Signs, Etc:
81 Isaac Street
Not Enough Action to Draw the
Youth in Many Cases — South
Huron Sunday School Associa-
tion at Exeter.
Exeter May 15—The annual county
conventionof. the gouth Huron Sun-
day- School Assoclati'on was 'held In the
Main Street Methodist church in this
village yesterday. C. M. Hauch vice-
president of Brucefield presided, Mr,
Henry Strang of Hurondele, spoke or
the ways in which the church and Sun-
day school may help each other.
The reports bf Superintendents " of
the various departments showed the
work' to 1Se in a healthy condition, Miss
'raggart of the 'central office, Toronto
gave many helpful hints on Sunday
school - work. ...
Not enough Action.
At the evening session, Rev. H. B.
Parnaby of E1imville, spoke on "The
Boy and the Sunday School." He held
that the, average Sunday school isn't
nucha good for !toys, The boys aren't
dthwn towards them because there
isn't enough action to suit their desire
for activity. He would have the teacher
0f the boys' class, the captain of the
baseball team, He would give the boys
the opportunity to get rid of their sur-
urplus. energy by providing games for
then, The boy may never have read
Emerson's dictum: "What you are
speaks so loudly •1 cannot hear what
you say." yet it is very true of every
boy. This is .seen in the fact that the
will go mites to see a ball game, but
wild horses couldn't take hint to the,
prayer meeting. He isn't bad for all
that. He just wants to be active.
Rev. S. M. Hauch, pastor of Crediton
Evangelical Church, introduced the
subject of "The Successful Rural Sun-
day School." The rural question is an
important one, in fact, so important,
that it is occupying the attention of
churches, conventions, statesmen, par-
liaments, etc. He believed that many
of'the rural Sunday Schools were good
because of the results.. In the M. E.
church, south, 66 per -cent of the min-
isters were from the country, 50 per
cent were minister's sons. In the Pres-
byterian church, south, the per centages
were 47 per cent and 15 per cent. In
the Canadian Evangelical church, 7t
per cent came froth rural communities
and 9 per cent were minister's sons, the
remainder of the ministers 'were scat-
tered in their origin. Farmeris sons are
first, minister's sons, second, even
though. the ministerial population is
small, '
He held that the successful Sunday
school should endeavor to reach every
body, from the baby in ,arms to the
grandmother. It should be a progres-
sive school, The recreational ' side
shouldn't be neglected. Variety should
be striven for. They should be repre-
sented in convention and rural parlia-
hients. Lastly, the. successful rural.
school should never forget to keep
constantly.,in the forefront, the lead-
ing of the child to -Jesus Christ.
Meeting of, Huron County Council
The Council -of the Corporation 'of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the
tst day of June, 1920: All accounts
against the County must be in the hands
of the Clerk not later than Monday
preceding the streeting. of Council.
County Clerk
Goderich. May 14th, 1920.
00 0 .Q O 0 o 0 f 1 ^0 0, 00 0 0 8
Mr, 11. 13, 1::haut attended the Shin-
ers meeting at London last ,Friday even-
Mr, W. M. Scott of Brussels was in
town last Saturday,
Mr. N. F. Gerry of Brussels spent a
few hours in town last Saturday. '
lV3r. 0. B, Elliott, Childrens Aid agent
of Goderich was in town on Tuesday,
Mr. Dave Cantelon, of tiensell, was a
caller In town on. Monday,
Mr, Jas Ford at;tentled the funeralfof
the late Donald Patterson at Auburn on
Miss Verna Jarrott, who was recently
operated on for appendicitis at the
Clinton. Hospital is doing fine.
Mr, G. 'B, Harris Superintendent of
the Clinton Knitting Co,, got his finger
of his right hand famed up 'this week in
the Machinery.
Rev, Mr. McKegney took 'the ser-
vices of the Loddon Road League on
Tuesday -evening at the hone of Mr, W,
Dr, and Mrs. McGill and .Miss Jean
of Mitchell 'spent Sunday with Dr. and
Mrs. Axon,
Mrs, Henderson, of Lansing, Mich., is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Shepherd,
townsend street.
Mrs. 0. M, Chowen and babies of
Brussels was a visitor with Mr, and Mrs.
J. G. Chowen,
Mrs, Fraser, of Welland is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Brimfield,
Mrr, James Moore, or 1•ltuititon, was
the guest of Mrs, A. J. Morrish hnd
other friends.
The many friends of,Mrs. Fred Ford,
'of Goderich Township, will be pleased
to learn that she is doing fine at the
Clinton, Hospital, whiere Ishe under-
went an operation on Satq d'ay last, •
Took Possession this Week.
Mr. Levi Stohg took possession of the
grocery store owned by Mr. Reid this
Had a Big Night.
There were 9 candidates who per-
formed before the Royal Arch On Mon-
day night and it wasma big night. Lunch
was seed at the close.
The Hydro Boys Have Gone.
' After a sojourn here for nearly- a
month the Hydro repair melt moved this
week to Dublin. There is a lot of work
on the Hydro lite, owing to the great
damage done last Fall.
School Board Purchased Lot.
The School Board purchased the up--
p=per lot on Ontario Street from Mr. S.
S. Cooper this week by arbitration for
$200. The arbitrators were W. Paisley
Reeve Miller and Mayor'Cottle,
Military Cross Awarded to the Mete
Lieut. Roy Walters of Goderich.'
On. Monday, May 24th, at Exeter the
Military Cross won by the late Lieut.'
Roy Walters, of the 16tst Batts., will
be presented to.his father, by General
H. A, Panet;:of London.
Mr. W.• D. Fair is having a mew line
fence built at his home on Townshend
Mr, W. T. O'Neil is enlarging his suin
mer kitchen and adding a second story
to it.
Mr.. 0, B, Harris its having his house
Geo, W. Holman on Huron street, reshingied.
The house -of Mr. Donald Snaith, Isaac
street, is 'being reshingied,
Cemetery Superiatendn i'r . Mr. Thomas Mason, Mill street, has
had his house painted.
Applications addressed to the under- Mr. Ern Jackson has a ne5v milk wag
signed Will be received up to 6 o'clock
P.M, on May 28th, for the position' of
Cemetery Superintendent. Salary $700
per year. D. L. Macpherson,
Town Clerk,
Assessor Wanted:
gon on his route.
Oddfellows Met Here. ,,s:;l •
On Wednesday evening of this week
the annual District Meeting of the Odd
Fellows was held in Clinton 1, O. O. P.
rooms with Mr. Baillie, D.0 G.M., pre-
Goderich l)istvv t M•, 5. QUICK GLANCE A
Annual Convention Held in Dunngannou
Methodist Church.
The twenty. Eighth annual convention
of Goderich District,W'onian's Mission-
ary Society was held in Dungannon
Methodist church on'Tlfursd.ay May 6111 North Huron Liberals,
Mrs, Hick district superintendent, in • Theannual meeting of the Norththe chair, The devotional exercises were Huron Liberal Association (for Federal
conducted by Mrs, Hisey, of Nile. After purposes)' will be held in the•town halt
the preliminary business the "Heralds" Wingham on Tuesday, May 25th, at 2'
Items esf interest Picked Up Here
ates1 There About the Town.
were called to report for the different p nn
Mrs. John Graham, of Sheppardton, Monday is a Holiday.
responded for Chink telling of the • Monday of next week 'mill be a•
bricks being taken from the city wall to public holiday, Victoria Day, and places
build the church in i;hentu, Miss Annie of business will be closed, on account"
Wightnt;ui. of Westfield, reported for of' the holiday, places of business will
Japan, emphasizing the 'Steed of more be open on Wednesday afternoon of:
workers. Foreign work in Canada was next week,
taken by Mrs. Reycraft 01 Goderich' Deanery Convention Next Friday.
who told of the work at Edmonton and
Kolokruka. Oriental work in Vancouver. The Deanery of Huron has been In---
B. C. was taken by Mrs. Long of Ben- vited to hold its annual convention ire•.
miller, who spoke of the loss of the past Goderjch, and the program is being"
or and the need of workers, there being prepared for Friday,. May 28th, Ser -
only sixty workers for 8,000 people. in_ vice will be held in St. George's church
dian work was presented by Mrs. Mc- and the Deanery meetings and enter-
Quoid, of Crewe, who told of the 4,285 taininent of the delegates will take'
children between the ages of six and at thgh the kin:...sixteen, with only 2,365 enrolled in the ness of Mr. Lee.
schools. Mrs. Millson, of Auburn, re- Spplaceent o PleasantHolelSunset, Evening.rou
ponded for the French work, and told The young ladies of the classes of
of the work In the French school in + Mrs, A. T. Cooper and Miss Stone in
Montreal. ,
; of Nile gave a very' Wesley church Sunday School,' enter -
Mrs. Pentlandt5ined the young men of that church on '
interesting paper on Temperance, Tuesday evening in Wesley Hall. After
Mrs. Sawyer and Mrs. Moon, of Lon- the banquet the evening was spent in
desboro sang a duet entitled, "Some- games and many pleasing snusicai set-.
body's -Praying for You," ections were given. About 60 were
The repdrts of the Auxiliaries, Circles present.
and Bands,:were very encouraging, twel
ve out of the nineteen auxiliaries having Are asking for $500.
reached the objective, both in mein- By a big advertisement the S. A.
bers and in money. One new Circle with force is asking for $500 in Clinton in
forty members and one new Band had their big campaign.' The local 'Conn-
beeit ports; organized during the year: mittee is given in the advt. and the
A short discussion followed the re- canvas will take -place this week. if
you have any doubts about the work
A paper on "The value of an, Anithe Army .ask any soldier who was.
nary to the Church"'was given by Mrs, overseas; his recommend wall be en--
Beaton, of Ontario Street Clinton. "The augtt.
Value of a Mission Band" was presented* Compulsory Attendance Act
by Mrs, E. Bender, Blyth, and Miss Effective September 1st.
Bailie, of Goderich gave a talk on "The The Act passed by the last session of
Value of the Mission Circle to the the Legislative snaking compulsory the,
Church:' attendance at school of children up to
It was moved by Mrs, Colborne, God fourteen years *fid part-time attendance,
erich, seconded by Mrs. 'Woods, West- up to eighteen is to be made effective.
field, that the registration fee be rats- by the present Government, Hon. R. H.
ed to 25c. Moved, in amendment by Grant, Minister of Education, said Sat -
Mrs. 'Carr, Bylth, seconded by Mrs. urday that the Department would start•
Irwin, Dungannon, that it be i5c. The enforcing the Act on September 5,
amendment carried, The Department will seek the co -opera -
The Blyth Quartette, Mesdames King tion of the municipalities of the Pro-
Floody and McElroy and. Miss tlilborne vince. -
with Miss Gidley as accompanist, ren,
dered a very beautiful selection, "Thine Crearar—McTaggart Wedding.
:for Service."A pretty wedding took place on Sat -
Mrs. Hick was again- unanimously arca,, May 55th, at 52.30 o'clock in
chosen superintendent, with Mrs, Carr Willis Presbyterian church Glintotr
as assistant and Mrs. Andrew as sec- when Niiss Douglas McTaggart,
retary , eldest daughterJean of Mr. and Mrs. George:
Mrs. Colborne conducted the quiet D. McTaggart, was united in marriage
half-hour w,hich proved very restful and }o Nir. Alastair Jahn Crearar, son of the
uplifting, late Mr, and'. Mrs, P. D. drearar of"
During the tea hour Mrs. Steadman, Hamilton: The Rev. J. H. Hogg offlctat
of Dungannon, welcomed the. convent- ed. The bride who was given away by
ion, and Miss Thommpson of Donny- her father, wore an exquisite gown of
brook very ably responded. Kitten's ear crepe trimmed with rose.
The:evening session opened with Mrs point lace. Her long court train lined
Carr, the assistant. superintendent; pre with pale pink georgette was caught at
siding Devotional exercises were taken the end with a tulle bow and cluster of
Rev, T. A. Steadman, pastor of the orange blossoms. A wreath of the,
Dungannon church. The choir gave a same flowers encircled her hair and
selection, "Glory to God in the High ; wt cling veil,, She carried a showerbou-
est," quet of sweetheart roses and white
The report of the district superinten sweet peas. Her -sister Miss Margaret
dent was very' encouraging.. The lis- McTaggaret, acted as bridesmaid and
triet this year raised 82.983.20, an in- wore a dainty French frock of pink
crease over last year of 8769.65. The ,georgette, a. large .black picture hal
membership for the year was 664,8125, and carried a sheaf of op
ltelia rose's..The
83 was raised for a new school at Rad- bridegroom, who during the war serv-
way Centre,•in the Ruthenian settle- ed with tion the Royal Cana
ment In Alberta. • clan Dragoodistincns, waswith supported by Mr.
A.solo, "My Grace Is Sufficient for F. D. L.•Washington of Hamilton, Lieut.
Thee," was rendered by Mrs. Sawyer, of Col, H, D, G. D. S. O., b
Londesboro. • • of the groon, Crearar and Mr. G. 0. McTagrother
An address on "Chrisian Steward- gart, jr brother of the bride acted as
ship" was given by Mrs. MoCantus, of ushers and Miss Jean McMurchie of •
Applications ,addressed to the unlet- siding. The various reports of the Clinton,. which was inspiring and point.... Clinton presided at the organ. After the
signed will be received up to 6 o'clock
lodges were presented, Mr. A. Clark's I ed, the closing appeal of her addressceremony a reception was held at the
name .from liensall, was proposed as being: , home of the bride's parents, The Rev.
"Give, give give, Mr. Jiogg in a happy speech proposed
HBe always giving. the bride's health to which the bride -
Who gives not is not ltving. . groom responded, end that of the brides;
The more you. give maid tvas proposed by Mr, Ilugh Grab -
The more you live," a,n Brewer of Montreal and replied to,
A selection of much beauty, "Christ by Mr.Washington, Miss Merlon Doug-
P:M, on .May 28th, for the position of
Assessor. Salary, '8125.00
0, L. Macpherson,
Town Clerk,
Teacher Wanted
For S. S. No. 2, Hullett, 2 miles from
Clinton, Teacher with Normal train-.
ing:' Duties to commence at Septem-
ber. Salary $700 or over. Appli-
cations to be in by June 12th. Ably to
W. A. Dale,
R. R. Na, i �,�•_._•_ !Clinton.
On May 55111 in Clinton or on the
London Road, near Clinton a tan leather
hat box, containing gentleman's silk
hat. The box was marked "Lt. -Cot.
Whitehead, Montreal, Findlay please
communicate will)' the New Era Office,
Clinton Ont:
(Cautioned era Page 1)
Doctors Met tikere. •
The meeting-nf the Huron County
Medical Association was held here on
friday afteriunon, There was a good at-
the new D, D. G.M. At the close lunch
was served at Bartliff's restaurant. The
delegates' present were; Dungannon,
Bro. McAllister; Clinton, Bros. Hawkins•
and hall; Goderich, 'Bros, Prider and
Bailie; Seaforth, Bros. Thompson and
Reid; Brucefield, Bros. Burdge and
'Chapman; Hensel!, Bros. Patty and Cor-
orbett; Exeter, Bros, Fisher and Hdwald,
With . the
° Base Ball
in League
Shall Be King," was given by the Blyth las of Woodstock caught the bride's
Quartette. This was encored, the res- bouquet thrown as they left for a motor
ponse being "Win Tient One by One.trip to tate States. On their return they:
A very touching" reading, "The faith will reside in •Toroiito. Attlintg the 'cut'.
of Betty Rya," was splendidly render- of town guest were, Lieut, Col, H, D. G.
ed by Miss Rose Aitken, of Goderich. Crearar, 0, S. 0., and Mrs. Crearar Mrs,
One hundred wall sixity.three cele- Andrew Gunn, Miss Douglas Gunn, Miss •
gates from the different auxiliaries reg- Edith McPherson, Miss Wilhelmina Aird
istered. The beautiful weather added Mr, Horace Beck, Mr. Eric Cochrane
much to the enjoyment of the day, and Mr. David Graham, Toronto, Mr.
This was one of the most successful Malcom Douglas, Miss Marlon Dougla5.
conventions held in Goderich district. and Miss McTaggart, Woodstock, Mr..
The collections amounted to 1142, Hugh G. [hewer, Montreal Miss Eleanor
The 'convention was brought to a Broder Mrtrrisbnrg, Miss Dorothy heath
Seaforth has dropped out, of thea close with the benediction pronomtced
Huron League' fur want of local sup +' '- r - -----. Hamilton. `rite Clihton guest tvtse:::
The League officials are trying to gc
Mitchell or Fuff.r.,
bn to join this lis
Het. • Last Thursday evening the Doherty i Miss Mary McTaggart; Mt, and Mrs..
Ddherty's Won,
Rea. J. E. and Mrs; Hogg; Lieut-Coi, and
MrS. 11, B. Combe; Lieut Col. and Mrs...
{ H. T, Rance; Major and' Mrs, .1, W..
Shaw; Major and Mrs. M. D, McTaggart
The Clinton Bate BAH team will play' Base Bail ieahi took the hydro base amid; Mrs, J. McMurchiei Miss:.tean"
at Exeter on the 24th against Crediton 1108 team ' into damp without ally, Mchlurchie'; Mr, and Mrs, W. Brydocc4
linxhibiilotl games.
trouble, Miss Cottii'fig.