HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-13, Page 6RAGE ri ssreiwAttoonersoutriesserniarsitietunset,',s> - THE ,1.11`1 NEW DRAPERIES, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS Now that the warm weather is here,: Spring cleaning will go forward in earnest, and there's nothing adds.zest to the Work, like something new lis -tile way of furnishings . new curtains for one morn, a rug; 'for another, fresh,1111010nu1 for the kitcheii and so on, DINTS OF THE NEW DRA PERIES, These include the newest patterns and colorings in Cretonnes, Chintzes, Shadow Cloths, Voiles, Scrims, Marquisettes, etc, Many are imported and exclusively handled by Its, -EXQUISITE FLOOR COVERINGS. • To attain the most pleasing results in redecorating and refurnishing the home you'll find the choosing -of the Rugs a matter of first importance. We fully recognized. this_fact in choosing our splendid New Spring Stock and you'll .find here a variety and .width of choice second to none in this part of the country; furthermore,' by buying in liberal quantity we were able to secure best manufacturers' prices as well as exceptional guatity and choice of new designs. That's why we invite comparsion and are so solicitous of your seeing our display. CATCHING THE ENTHUSIASM OF GOOD QUALITY and your business • dealings with us will carry no ):,egrets. MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Alen's Furnishing Phone 103 Opposite Public Library n,s WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank 0 1?l E W E ii Aa YOUR ATTENTION - Is called when wanting your supplies. This week we offer at Special price:— PURE LAUNDRY SOAP -4 Bars for 25c Baxes, Matches • •2gc 2 boxes Corn Flakes 25c 3 cakes Palm Olive Soap for 35c Brooms,75c; 95e; $1.15 Rex 'Catsup , ,15c & 25- 2 cans Pork and Beans 16 Bars for $1.00: TRY Some of our— Chick Feed - pap -for -Peeps Makes Chicks Healthy 35c and strong, GGT TILE HABIT OF DEALING AT 131JLIC TEA 50e per 90c for 2 lbs. $2.uo for 5 lbs. That Rackhi Persistent Cough pound. tblauld Ndifer Be Neglected. Canned Apples Prenes Raisins hates, Peaches, Pumpkin —for Pies or Dessert— .` ON & e • PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO ry 4 14 C;�+s AUTO -FIRE Insurance at Moderate Rates. WINDSTORM Insurance is as impo rtant as Fire Insurance on all of buildings. The Rate is Cheap, LIVE STOCK Insurance pays you f or loss by Accident or Disease of your valuable stock. GENERAL Fire Insurance of all kinds. Call and see Me. Charles B. Hale. HURON STREET, CLINTON, ONT. l The Hardware Store of Better Values LREPARE FOR SPR'V" >a Buy Bruce's celebrated Seeds and reduce the, High Cost of Living. Buy new up-to-date Garden Tools and see what a pleasure it is to use them. Sprayers and Sprinklers to supply the Moisture when needed. A Complete up-to-date Stock at W. H. DAVISON Successor to R. Rowland. Perfection Oil Cook Stoves Messeerealummenain dozed .inouas uii z� TRY T. Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 —0— Heeler .F¢if;tn‘gtes Leal There its aReason Ask Us. The Corner Grocery Phone 45. We have a splendid assortment of Seeds for Spring Gardening— DUTCH SETS MULTIPLYERS SEED CORN GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS Cinch Clenser makes Houseclean- ing easy. Try a can for Cleaning your Woodwork and Windows. Try our Tea's and Coffee in ,Bulk Fred. W. Drigg 'Pig constant harking, racking, per- atstent cough that, st.ieks to you in spite of everything you have done to get rid of it, means danger, The longer the cough sticks, the more merlons menace it becomes to your health. It is a very easy matter to get rid os the cold at the outset by usin;; Dr. Wooed'* Nanny Pine Syrup. In nearly every case it will allay tht inflammation, soothe the irritation, heal the diseased mucous lining of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and thus rid the system of all the bad effects of the lingering cough or cold. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has been universally used for the past 30 years, and so great has been its sueress, it is only statural that a great• many imitations have been placed on the market. Don't accept any of these, s6 -called Pine Syrups. Get the original "Dr. Wood's." Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade nark; price 256. and 50c. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. SCRANTON COAL any whe wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, tfurnu St. or Phone 155. 'Terms ---Strictly Cash—Phone 155, E. WARD RESIDENCE—HURON STREET Order Your Supply of Scranton Coal While we arenot getting much curl at present we are booking a lot .of orders, and being optimistic about the situation, we feel justified in advising you to plane your order now, 50 as to be early on our delivery lists, We have in stock the following:, At CLINTON-- Ebony Cuba' Cannel, the cannel de luxe. hardwiceoodd, a limited quantity Specially Cut Rails, In both hardwood and cedar Canada Cement, the standard in cement At BRUCEFIELD-- Hemlocir Lumber of high quality Dressed Lumber in V match and floor- ing 2X, 3X and 5X Shingles in B.C. Red Cedar Fibre Board, cheaper and better then plaster Cannel l,bai makes a real hot fire Canada Cement the cheapest buiiding material If in the market for any of the above'. lines; it will pay you to give us a call, and we will help you to solve your dIMcuItles, Our service is free, Make une of it. JNO. R. MUSTARD t:linton & Brucetield„ .Phone fink Clinton No, 74, liboae tet, Sirncefiaitl 11 oil 518. lZ TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Our Lists have been corrected up to Wednesday ofthis week, and the little label on your New Era, if not marked Dee. 20 or 'Jan, 21, will indicate to y'ou that you are in arrears, and we would like y'ou to remit today, the. amount That et'ill pay you alp to Dec, 1920, We might mention that a few years ago news- prritii cost us 2,.; cents a pound, freight prepaid, A shipment ibis week cost 0 cents 1 pound and freight to pay, so that any reader will see that x+1.50 does not go very far to keep tap paper bills, Since the war began over 1200publications in Canada and United States have ceased to exist and the Canadian newspapers continue to suspend while news- print manufacturers from the crown pulp lands is ship- ped at huge prices across the border, when the pulp hills are practically exhausted, And all to enable a few corporations to make huge profits while the Dom- inion, which owns the lands, receives a fleabite, 'We look forward to many of our Subscribers paying up before the end of May. Our rates at present at $1.50 in Canada and $2,00 elsewhere. POSINV(QViNU 11111=UVIIIWIINIIVIINViI( MIEGIVi10111t1IININlUVlliiitUllSl(ilVlgllilUVlVifilDilifVVIiIIN11NlMEIMMIF Local News illitINIINIIN9N IN9NNNNI VI IIIIOUINN211111111P1 1,10111111111111110111111,119N11M1111110,199N01NNNNN,ON➢10RI N11 IMINNINONNOONON Ministerial Association. r a I-, - A meeting of the ;Ministers of Clinton will be held next Monday afternoon. at 2,30 p,ln, in Willis church, ,supreme Court this Week. Six cases are on the docket for ale sitting of the Supreme Court of Ontario which opened at Goderich on Tuesday afore Mr, Justice Latchford, All are lion -Jury ci§es, Small Fire. F. The firemen were called out Monday about 10.30 when some boxes caught fire at the rear of Hovey's drug store, No damage was done out side of a few boxes being scorched. Watering Cart Got Out. The town watering cart was out on Saturday and the sprinkling of the streets Wali a boon to the merchants of town as the offensive, annoying, un- pleasant and obnoxious dust was creat- ing quite a nuisance. Still Owing. The accounts for the printing of the ballots and voters lists Incurred in the provincial election of last October have not even been paid yet. Only the pay for the deputy returning officers and constables was •#edeived sante ;tlnte ago. Cannot Accept Council Seat. A press despatch from Guelph says: —Ex -Alderman J, 13. hoover, who auto- matically was entified 'to the seat on the City Council, made vacant by the death of the late ex -Alderman John Newstead, has written City Manager ,Moore that owing to, iii health ire will be unable to fill the valiancy. Flying the 'Flag. An order has been received at the e s! A FRIEND is one who knows all about you, and loves you just the sante, THEY know all about poor • people. They love then and their love is reciprocated by the poor. ` THE poor and distressed are not ashamed or reticent in their presence. THE wicked are reproved. • 'the young encouraged. The old sustained. Dishes, floors and clothes are washed. Babies nursed. Medicine provided. Food supplied. Meals cooked. And a thousand other things done to strengthen the body and stimulate the soul. THIS work goes on in Sixty six Countries, and in forty- two difTeerent languages. The Salvation Army 308 Citadels and Institutions in this Territory —use them! post odic, to the effect that the flag t ti „ is to ay over the building at all times, from sunrise to sunset, 1t is to be You Can Drink Now. swung at half mast, at the death of at Superintendent Chant of the P. U. cabinet minister or any member of the Com , has had the two fountains fixed Province or Dominion House, or at the up for the summer use and the thirsty death of the mayor of the Municipality, • citizen can again be satisfied. IN Mourning. Flower Supply Failed on Mothers' Day. Official word has been recieved at The wide recognition of the custom government house that official court of honoring Mothers' Day by the wear - mourning will be observed for two Ing of flowers resulted in the "sold weeks from May 1 and half mourning out" sign being hung nut by the local for a further week thereafter, This florists early Saturday evening. step is takih in honor of the late H,R,H: Has Shipped Crown Princess of Sweden, daughter of 22 Cars of Hoy. the Duke of Connaught- Social funct_ Mr. Angus McLeod has shipped 22 ions at government house will conform cars of hay during'the past month and accordingly.before May 1s out may have as many more. Hay has been very scarce in Goderich Methodist District.Meeting. the West and other places, hence the The annual meeting will be held in demand where it lsas been plentiful. the Methodist church, Sesforth on Wins Dr. Moffatt Award. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 13th and 19th, The ministerial session alit be ` The different winners of degrees and held on Tuesday, beginning at 2,30 p. ,awards at Queen's University have been in, The general session, on Wetlnes- announced and A. 5: Townshend of day, will begin at 9.30 a.m. On Tues - Moffatt Township wins the Dr, Wm, day evening an open session will be held MofTatt award in chemistry of first year and addresses will be- gives by 'Rev. R. aper to arts and merical students. it J. MrCarmick, B.A., on "Christian Fatal is valued at $50. Congratulations bans" and Rev, J. I', Reycraft, of "Big are extended to this young student, Places for Little Mesa." ; Received Ward of Death of Uncle. Hitchen.—Cooper Wedding. Mr. Win, Walker reeeived this week • the sad sews of the sudden death of his The marriage rook place in Ossing_ uncle, Capt. Thomas Walker, of Lyn- ton Methodist church, Toronto, ani dos, ling., who visited here for several Thursday last at 12 o'clock, Rev. W. months last summer end whom manly E. Baker, oaiciating, of Miss Maida will remember. The deceased was an Cooper, eldest daughter of Mr, and Airs. old sea captain,' and had only recently retired before coning over last year, Geo, E, Cooper of town to Mr. Percy liltchen, a former number of the 101st Higher Registration, Battalion and well known in Lawn. The in the ttaaxitintna registration bride wort ler traveWiig suit of Pekin i fes frau five to ten cents an Inters or j ether articles sent by registered mail is s and • and hatteat trate . iii lid of georgette and , hate ai, R proposed ill a resolution introducedtcedt , s� sweetheart roses, The brute was at- t week by the Minister of 'Customs and tended by Miss Evelyn Chareltc, of , Internal }revenue. The resolution, Toronto, the best elan being Mr, Coot) : wig"will be considered bn Parliament at an early date, also provides an ih• Cooper, Brother of the bride. .After Creased postage on weekly newspapers Ole wedding ft,nch'eon tate young Couple and, periodicals Within s distance of 40 left Ie: a short trip mad upon their re- miles from the place of publication. turn Will reside in Toronto, Thursday, May 13.4, 1920, REGARDING WALL PAPER Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, without exception have proved to he inferior goods or boasts made to distract at - 'f elation from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. a f • f .e D. stela th elieapest—iowiys the 'Best a aid' a We handle a fill line of Galu'.Iron, Steel Shingles, Corrugated Iron and' all kinds of Felt Roofing also Asphalt Slate. t,. Pumps, Pipes and Fittings always on hand. Repair work Promptly Done 1.SEJT'E Electrician Plumber. HOUSE-CLEANING, TIME When you clean your parlor, paper it Or paint it, you probably add some new furniture. You do it to make it a place for to entertain your friends and tnttke home happy. All this will not be needed if you or your family have to go out for the evening to get good music. 'Start those children now at the piano. You ivould not think of keep- ing them home from school till they were 14 years old, if you did few would succeed In getting a good education. Music is exactly the sante and viten they start young and get regular pract- ice they will succeed. We are here to assist you in securing the best musical instrument at the best prices, quality considered. You owe it to yourself to call wh ether you buy or not. My new stand is opposite Daley's Garage. Jonathan Hugill Highest prices allowed for used instruments of any kinds. BOX 229. MUSIC STORE, Phone 256. ` SEAFORTH, ONT. OXFORDS i991111111I,I9N„iii999„N„11111111111(11111111111191111111111111111111111111111111;11111i11119,i1i11119N99i1,11I111111111,„,„„II1191,10111i@,i„„,,llNl Well Dressed Women will wear Oxfords this Season, We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making such handsome Footwear. [Ever_Shoe a Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vatnip--Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. $3.50; $4.50; , . $6.50; to $9.50. This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a - against Shoe Values at inflated prices FRED. .1P.eICSON L:. • —"SHOES THAT SATISFY -.