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The Clinton New Era, 1920-5-13, Page 5
rhul'sclfy, may 13th, 1920, r990099r9seMoeto014rewtl trM toxo'1ootatectbvDMs•9MY.00119.1•11 // IN POPULARITY /I\ There are good points in near- ly all makes of watches--, there are few that are bad In every respect, In REGINA WATCM!~S you wilt find em- bodied ALL the good points a watch w can have, fudged d , !g' d 8 rom the standpoints of SOLIDITY, DURABILITY, RELIABILITY. W. !I. BEt[VAR JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses 'hone No, 174w; Residence 174J • kl•00n©zerenceesetvotitS1S69ea9mle ' AB®94pmt nneateeneeenne1eneeCelb PRUNE PIE —0.,— Hort' good—good _Prunes can be. We have some Beauties and they are scarce also, --SPECIAL THIS WEEK— New Dates, per Ib at , -20c Cooking Figs, per tb at.10c These will not last long at the price. W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB. GROCER Phone 41 --- Fresh Fruit Daily -- CULTIVATE HABIT OP' SENDING IN MEWS One of the things that ought to become fixed habits in every house- hold fu Clinton is that of sending The New Era the news items that. they may know of; tell us of your news and any neighborhood or other items that will be of interest to yourself, your neighbors or your friends. Every lodge, church body or Social organization should have some representative who will . promptly and carefully after its new report- ing. If you think some organization has better news service titan your °Wn, it is probably because that or- ganization looks after such matters better. • Write your items and send them In when possible. Or telephone theta to No, 30, but please don't ask th... Jong lists of names /be taken over telephone, as it not onlc re- quires much time, but is trait' in possibilities of error, f` Above all, be early. Never wait till late on Thursday to send an item that can be sent in days before, • The New Era telephone number is 30 and at nights 95, Fix them in your mind, • MARKET REPORTS Hugs • 519.00 Eggs e . , . 45c to 46c Butter " 60c Wheat $1,95 to $1.98 Oats 85c to 87c Barley 4oc to 15c 'Buckwheat $1.15 to 81.20 Hay $19,00 to 820.00 Bran $45 ton Shorts $53, to $56 Miffeed $50, LPotatOes 82.00 bag When a man seeks notoriety he us- ually finds more than he can use in his business, No, the average men doesn't under- stand classical music -••and 116 is proud 1tf It sometimes happens that faith, 110115 and charity 1111 the stage to the exelus- "ion of gratitude, , There is'r't ;very riruelt Rape for tit • . c ',Vito ' ha reached s the age e of. t more or less of a crank. CANADA'S PULP BUSINESS IS BIG X' E CLINTON NEW EK4A, Figures Show She is Overtaking U, S. Rapidly as. Paper Produo- ing Country. 'BY Edrxl wa Back niontreal April 7.—C; nada is rapidly overtaking the United -Stales as the leading pulp and paper producing count ry in the world, From. April 1914 to August 1919 government figures show Canadian companies engaged in that In- dustry floated to a total of $40,752,876 of new capital in various forms of sec urities: Of this amount $20,753,000 was placed in Canada, $17,800,000 in the United States and $1,199,876 in Great Britain, Of the remaining $1,000,000 probably. $800,000 was placed in the States and $200,000 in Canada. Addit- ional issues are of almost weekly occurr ecce, The bulk of the new capital is going' into the building of new Mills and the expanSinn of old ones. These under- takings nder- ak i 1 gs range in sine from developments p s itvolvitg an outlay of more than 820, 000,000 to very small pulp mills of limit cd capacity, A government census not yet issued in complete form, shows that in 1918 there were 94 such establishments in Canada. The capital invested teas $241, 344,700, The year's products were val- ed at $119,309,434 of which nearly 8100;000,000 worth were exported. The industry gave employment (0 25, 863 persons exclusive of woodsmen and paid out 826,974,226.1h wages and salar ies. The chief products were 734,783 tons of newsprint paper valued at $46, 230,814: 43,150 tons of book and writ ing paper vslr:d at $10,733,807:61, 180 tons of wrapping paper valued at y7,341,0t2:87.7 io tons of boards, valu ed at $$,267.502:273,180 tons of ground wood pulp valued at $7,133,711 318,882 tons of sulphite fibre valued at 822,464,063 and 144,547 tons of sul- phite fibre valued at 11,705,108. The United States is Canada's best Ip and paper customer, taking about per, cent of the entire production, 95 80 CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipation is one of the most con: mon ailments of childhood and the child suffering from it cannot thrive, To keep the children well the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. To do this nothing can equal: Baby's Own Tablets, They are a mild but thorough laxative, are absolutely safe and never fait to relieve: constipation and indi- gestion, colds and simple fever, Con- cerning them Mrs. Jules Fattquereau Nominingue, Que., writes:—"My baby was terribly constipated and suffered day and night I was advised to give hint Baby's Own Tablets and from the first they helped him and now at the, age of thirteen months he is a big healthy, happy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine C6., Brockville, Ont, • Seven to Enter Ministry at the June Session. London Methodist Conference Meets in Stratford—Some Noted Speakers are Announced Church co-ordination will not be an issue at the London Methodist confer- ence, which convenes in Stratford at the begining of June. The principle has been adopted by general confer- ence, and except in so far as the union scheme effects individual appoint- ments, it will not come up et the com- ing sessions. The stationing committee holds ifs first meeting on May 3 i, and will con- tinue its work until_ 1, On Wed- nesday,'June 2, at 8.45 a,m., the minis- terial session of the conference opens. The general session begins tite next morning with the election of officers, Dr. Bland to Preach, Dr. Salem .G. Bland, ot Toronto, will deliver morning addresses during the week, and preach on Sunday evening' at 'Central church, the conference church. Rev, W. If, Graham, its pas- tor, is the retiring president of the Loddon Conference, • There will be at least seven mem- Fainting, Dizzy. Spain Weakness and Shortness of Breath. Those feelinge of faint. 'less, those dizzy Spells and "all gone" oinking sensations which come on from time to Bute in. dicate a weakened condition of the heart and disordered state of the nerves. Milburn's ITearL dnd Nerve Pills hnve no equal far strengthening the heart and invigorating the nerves, fidra C. A.' "?,.•Drake, Paris, Ont., writes:—"I have used 00 towards the second box. of Milburn'a ;kart and Nerve Pilfu and find they have done tae good. S had those fainting, diary spells once in a while, and elan weakness and shoetrees of breath, and would be- come 8o: choked tip at titnete i could hardly 8leolf without sitting uta in bed, When walking too fast; I would have to stop and; try to catch my breath. 1 feet a lot better since I have tined your pills and kno' that they have helped inc e►ofieleafutlq so 1 have improved very in 1i44o. & box at :.11 &&lore 'ox ' act n 1 ,n ;,t . � *bract nee t. , no by'Pee a „r it: Co.,tltlip 1`oronto r. , ted, , Q SINCE 1870 1611:0y TSH 30 S'RQPS CO-�./ G*JS +f. ben; lite l ct in I ht, ordhla.tion class this yttr, J.uucs Findlay, P. Lawson, Arthur Page R. A Blackburn, Perry Coven, A, C Moeyer and Maxwell C. Parr twill he ordained into the Ministry on Sunday by the general superintendent, A reception service will be held on Wednesday, June ,2, and some tinte during the week a memorial service for ministers who have passed away during the year. 'l'!te Laymen's Association will holt its annual meeting on Wednesday night, T, B, Dundas, of Walfaceburg, will be a speaker, Dr, T. A, Moore and Dr. J, W. Graham, will address the conference on Wednesday night, The customary public meeting will be held on Thursday when it civic welcome to the members will be ex- tended by the mayor or his representa- tive, Following a report Of the -na- tior ta! campaign, Prof, Langford of Victoria University, will speak on "Re- ligious Education" and there will also be an address by Controller J. 0. tMc- Carthy, of Toronto. WILL FARMERS PURCHASE THE TORONTO WORLD? Thought Effort to Acquire the Paper Will be Made, Ottawa, May 10. --The rumored ac- quisition by the agrarian interests of the Toronto World finds neither denial nor conftrnhation amongst members or that party at Ottawa, The .general feeling, however, is that any negotia- tions to that end would be opened from the publication centre of the grain growers at Winnipeg. During the past year the Grain Growers' Guide has been extending its influence and efforts have been made to establish a publication of a similar nature in tate Maritime provinces. In Ontario the Farmers' Sun, while a strong advocate of tate fanners' Interests is not direct- ly afliiiated wih the gram growers' movement. It is therefore considered' quite probable that an effort may be made to obtain a daily in Toronto, whose functions it would be to preach the gospel of the farmers throughout Ontario. Thereis a further rumor that the Liberals may endeavor to se- cure the paper, but its best informed circles this is not considered at all likely, "YESTERDAY." Just yesterday she held hint to her breast, A tiny, helpless, blue-eyed baby boy. And dreamed of days when he would stand a man Before her, 05 her soul Was filled with joy --- Just yesterday, Just yesterday her loving hands car- essed His tousled, wind-blown hair and freckled face, And bound the hurts he knew; how tenderly Site kissed each little scratch and bruised place— Just yesterday. Just yesterday she saw hint graduate, And scarce could realize her boy Sad. come To manhood's threshold. Olt her heart beat high With !tope for him, her stalwart, manly son— Just yesterday, Just yesterday her cowttry called her boy; Site did not weep or rail at circum- stance, But bravely bade hint do his duty clear. He kissed her; then he went away to Prance--- • Just yesterday. Just yesterday her hands were hard at work With bandages; and as she rolled • them tight She whispered: , "Maybe they twill be for hint, My boy, who's somewhere over there tonight"— Just yesterday, »t * * * •>s * * * * * * * MEN AND EVENTS 'x * * * * $t w * a: * * s, CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, Republi- can candidate for U; S. Presidency in 1'9 I6 who hal;'• been retained to de- fend miners, t titer s teflon officlais who are citeed with r i operators, pew ators, with cotta spirecy to tartan peoducflon,, PE9M1NENT 13RIT1SH DIPLOMAT it is not generally known that Lord perby, who has been so prominent its Bnglisit affairs since the war began, et one time spent ,some years in Canada. While stilt ,t.lieuletiant in the Grenadier Guards he wits appo;nted.A,D.C. to the Governor-General and spent the years 1889-1891 lit this country. He was e r private seet r t0 Lord Roberts dur- ing the he South African war. Subsequent- ly, !raving entered the British House of Commons, he betaine successively one of the lords of the trestsury,flhanciai secretary to the war office, and post- master -general. Ile was made director of recruiting in 1915 and displayed great energy in this task, He has also been secretary of state for war and took a prominent part In the peace ne- gotiations. Ile has lately been am- bassador 10 France, PROVINCE HANDBOOK A VALUABLE ONE Description of Natural Resources Well Presented and Lavishly Illustrated, The Handbook of the Province Ontario, just issued by the Provin Government, merits a careful peru not only front all citizens of the p vince, but it should be in the hat of their friends outside of its bout arias, to whom they should ma known the valuable data it contai it describes the natural resources a advantages of the province, cover! an area of 400,000 square miles, w much fertile soil and great wa powers, its immense forests and in eralized areas, a network of roads it railways,its many farms and f tories, and generallylube, ahthny ducements which would weigh with energetic people in deciding to iota amidst as advanced civilization, Agriculture is ,of course, the chi industry of the province, and the bo teens with data on this importa subject, , When it is 'considered th are 'e considerably more th 14,000,000- acres of land under cultiv tion, nearly 15,000,000 acres clear and 25,000,000 acres assessed not • speak of the 20,000,000 acres of all vial soil in Northern Ontario, one the greatest expauses of fertile terr tory to be found itt the world, and th vast tarcts of agricultural land sout and west of James Bay, it will b acknowledged that agricultural 01 tario occupies the premier position i the Dominion as. being the mos peopled, best developed and riches province. There are 175,000 farms i the province, with a total value esti nutted at $1,700,000,000, Mixed Farming. Valuable information is furnishe regarding mixed farming and in th connection Dr. Toinife, federal min ister of agriculture says that agricul tura in Canada 'must be placed on a sound basis, and that only can be done by adopting sane methods o mixed farntirig with live stock as a basis. Mitch valuable data is furnished in regard to other branches of agricul- ture, such as dairying, fit which tate tlook is very bright, and where a gable, industrious farmer can snake splendid income at comparatively tie expense. Live stock, for which e province of Ontario is acknotvl- ged to be the bonze and nursery of nada, "and the work connected with rich is considered enjoyable and not itdgertyt" fruit growing, "where the eld at. present is limited only by nt of adequate labor and its pro- c possibilities are yet unmeasured," sides useful hints on vegetable, tactic dud flax. growing. Forests. The forest area of Ontario is esti- led al 260,000 square utiles, of ich 40,000 square miles are under. ease or other rights. Types of (5»- to be found throughout Ontario given, Very interesting statistics are - fur - bed relating to all the agricultural other' industries with the pro- ce, end a perusal of these, along ]h the other material contained' Iain the 300 odd pages of the hand - k, 'cannot fail to impress even the st obtuse, and Indifferent of thervelous potential wealth' lying cticelly at our door in this rich and gressive province of Ontario, andting for thehand of man to pick up, of tial sal ro- ads td- ke ns. nd ng ith ter in- nd rte- i4t- an to of ok itt at an a - ed to u - of f - e e n t n d is ou cit lit tit ed Ca wl dr yi wa lift pe tot 5111 wit tic ber are 1115 and vin wit twit boo Illi ma pra pro wal A scheme has been developed in Europe for making 'coke useftit as do- mestic fuel by combining it with coat dust and loans, witicih lower its exces- sively high temperature while burning, A process 1 s 1 s has been discovered n s overed in Englandion d whereby a rusttess steel here- tofore used solely for knife blades can I be made into cooking utensils, AGE 0 '9' * * a `* NEW ONE ENT COIN WILL BEINCULATiON BEFORE END OF YEAR,, SAYS OTTAWA Ottawa, bitty 5,--1u answer (0 a question by .3, 3. 17enuis, of Joliette, the Government to- day stated that it would' put Into ah'cul t1. a ou the new one Cent coin as soon as coinage dies have been prepared, These dies are now 5 course of pre- peration, end it 1s expected that the new coins will be in circulation before the end of 1920, The same designation will be used on the coins as has been in use since confederation. Local News t�llf'tt�iVg'itti 4;.lkiveRwmT' +t e Will Be Prosecutions. It was stated this morning that there will be prosecutions in this town in all likelihood for failure to return forms fill ed out for .tile Domhtian income tax, In London the first 200 prosecutions have been started, Dearer Bread. The action of the Canadian wheat board in advancing the price of western wheat 35 cents per bushel and British Columbia Ontario and Quebec wheat 40 cents per bushel is taken to mean by the millers and bread manufacturers that there will be an increase in the price of the poor man's loaf in the near future. The price of shorts and bran will it is also expected soar to an advance of 83 per ton. Rod and Gun The leaping brook painted in nat- ural colors on the cover of the May issue of Rod and Gun in Canada will quicken the pulse of every nature lover. This issue of Canada's leading sportuhen's monthly contains the first irtstallntent of Harry Moore's thrilling story of adventure entitled "The Silver King." "Che Kananaskis Lakes" 15 the title of an Interesting fishing story front the Elbow River valley it has seven clear cut photos to illustrate it. Bonnycastle Dale tells in his own gripping manner the story of the wild cat its range and habits throughout Canada, S. C. Cain humorously relates the story of four fishermen on a week -end trip to Lake Scugog after bass, The Gun and Amntun itlon and Fishing Notes Department are up to their usual high standard in this numlter. A valuable addition to the fisherman is the inclusion of the open fishing seasons for the Dominion. Rod and Gun in Canada is published month- ly by W. J. Taylor Limited at Wood- stock, Ont. HYDRO BYLAW PASSES AT WROXETER. Wroxeter, May 11,. --.The ratepayers of the town by a vote of 59 to 9 on Monday expressed their approve) of the hydro -electric power bylaw sub- mitted to them, Science Notes CNew Y strips woman toejbe !fastened yto the heads of bedsteads to hold pillow shams, attached with push pins, a Typewriter by a newons can be inade in macitine that passes white ribbon stock through rollers automatically inked from a reservoir. The sturdiness of Andalusian horses is attributed to the fact'that they feed upon a wild grass that grows only in the province in which they are bred. For factory uses a storage battery electric freight truck has been designed with an elevating' platform that catt raise two -tori loads more than six feet, With it h the exception of a feti' unim- portant lines all the telephone system's Of Sweden are government• owned and the government manufactures its own apparatus, The amount of water in a watering trough •Ju. Ohioan has invented is re- gulated by a value that Is operated when an animal steps' on a platform con- nected.witlt it,. Perfect linoleum, according to a French scientist, has twice the dura- bility of tiling and more .titan fon:- times that of hardwood floors. Births. W.EBS7'ER•--le Londeshoro on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Webster, a daughter, (Florence Gladys.) Deaths TAYLOR -111 Tuckersnlith on May 45, Criseld Pearl daughter of Mr, Barry 'Taylor, aged 4 years end 6 ntontlts, •WILTSE.-e-I11 Clutton on Sunday May 915,.Adin D. Wiltse, aged 88 years and 11 months. McCLELLAND,—ht Goderich Town- ship; on Sunday, May 9th, Mary Ann Weston, widow of tate late John Mc- Cleilstnd, aged 72 ,years, Notice, Notice is hereby given that duinphtg of garbage refuse oe tins on streets or vacant lots is prohibited. Anyone found violating the law in this respect after this notice will be prose e ffn d , 4 ,actor, 1 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ' f Of CLEARINGJ ' Every Line a "Money Saver" Misses School Shoes, sizes 1 to 4f„clearing lines at0 b 82.98 _ LINES 25 pairs Men's Heavy Boots, black or tan, special clearing price $4,50 Men's and Boy's Caps, clearing lines at 50 5 rloz Men's fine shirts, sizes 14 to 16/, special clearing price $1,75 Look for Special Sale Price Tickets aussannsamereewserameramearareswatiedraatoaernarrootraxe • t Iumst . malt Profits 1'Ih011020, TENDERS. .Sealed tenders will be received up t 7 o'clock pm. on Monday, the twenty fourth day of May, 1920, for tite fol lowing alterations and additions to tit Clinton P-ublic School Building. iUore ftHeine se For Sale. 0 8 -roosted house fur sale on Huron street, Apply to Mrs, J. Mcllveen, e' " Farm For Sale, Excavating basement and removing earth from the school yard to place designated, Uuderpinniug foundation walls, and flooring basement with cement. Laying foundation and brickwork for new additions. Putting in cement walks and steps to stain entrance and outside approaches to lavatories. Plastering ceilings. lathing and plas- tering partitions and new additions, Making new openings for doors, twenty new windows including '1' beans supports for walls and closing up pre- sent openings. Building canopy over stain entrance, Carpenter tvnrk consisting of doors, partitions, stairways, and flooring and roofing new additions. Steam heating and .gravity ventilation throughout the entire building. New Interior lavatories including; Septic tanks and 'ail the necessary plumbing in connection therewith and tiling lavatory floors. Painting all interior and new exterior woodwork and tinting side walls and partitions: All work to be done under inspection end in accordance with pians and speci- fications which may be seen at the nice of the Secretary or at the Morrish Cloth ing,Co's. store. 411 work to be completed by (he twentieth day of August 1920. A pen- alty of not less than 5% of contract price will be incurred per day by any contractor whose work is not complet- ed within the specified time. Contractors will be liable to the ex- tent of their contract price for the successful completion of their con- tract or contracts. Address all tenders to, H. E. ROrk.s, Sec.-Treas. Public School Board, 'Clinton, Ont. GODERICH TOWNSHIP COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision on tate Assessment Roll for Goderich Township for the year 1920, will be held in Holmes' Hall, Holntesville, on Wednesday, May 26th, at 10 a.n'„ for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessment Roll. Parties hav- ing business itt tile Court will attend at the said time and place without fur - (her notlee, Adam Cantelon, All dogs reported not destroyed on or before the 26th of May will be charged'on the roll and collected with the taxes. liolntesville, May 3rd, 1919, House For Sale. 7—room !house, with hydro, !:own water and furnace, in good repair, ;q acre of land, apply, at New Era Office Notice. Field Crop Competition, under the auspices of rite Centre Huron Agricul- tural Society, For further information -secure it from S. 13, Stothers Agl, Representative, or from the Agl. Sec- retary, A. J. McMurray, Men Wanted. We have openings for at few good reliable men to work on Threshing Machines, Tractors and other work. The Rob(,.Dell Engine &Thresher Co. Ltd., Seafot•tlt, Ont, Eggs for Hatching. Barred Rocks, gond Also Pekin Duck eggs, tate, Pilo to 149, laying strait. Prices ntocier- F. W. Watt, Clinton A Chance of Your Life, To secure a roadster gelding, sired by 'Templeton, he being a son of Peter the Great, the dam Eva B. with a record of 2,16, Not having time to train and care for hint offer hint at :1 price you can cleat) tip some money, Get busy turd write at once or apply at Lot 2.2., cost. 2, Tuckersmith, L.R.S. Edgar Butt Kipper', Cettege For Salta, 7 retools, and .electric lights, to good repair on Rattenbury street. Apply to Mrs, S. Pratt The Executor's of the Estate of Jos. eph Izzard, deceased, offer for sale 120 acres in the'Township of Goderich com- prising Lot 37. Concession 14, and the the North half of Lot 37 Concession 13, This is tt welt improved farm, has good house, barn, outbuildings and silo, is well fenced, has good water facilities, is in a good state of cultivation and has 10 acres of hardwood and 15 acres of cedar containing much valuable, titnber. The farm is located on a good gravel road 3 miles from Clinton, Apply to M. Flick, R,R, No. 2, Clin- ton and Albert lzzard, 722a Champag- neur, Ave„ Montreal, Quebec, Execu- tors, or to W. Brydone, Clinton, VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices, W. BRYDONE, ,Victor Feed. We have a quantity of Victor Foods for /fogs and Cattle, which will take tate place of Shorts as it is impossible for u: to secure Shorts this season. Try sonic of this feed and we feel sure you will like it. Also in our stock is a quantity of Feed Flour, and Mixed Chop. As these two lines are good value at the present time we would advise an early purchase Having procured the agency for the, Swift Canadian Co., we are prepared to offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage and also all brands of this Company's Fere tlltzers, Regarding Spring Seeds our Stock. Includes the following:—Red Clover. Aleike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy, halo Timothy and Mike mix. ed. • There are a fete barrels of the Pure Cane Molasses left yet. W.Jenksn5&e oik FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131. DOUBLE TRACK fumy MeV ita BETWEEN MONTREAL, TORONTO DETROIT AND CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on special clay trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C, B. Horeltig District Passenger Agent, Troonto. John Ransford & Son, city passel, ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A 0. Pattlson, station agent, 0 OT MS t ' 133 CODISq IGSAit OOAil AS A TRIFLE IT IS NV. Half the ills of life ars cause,. by allowing the hovels to become eon- stipa(ed, • When the bowels become eonatipoled the stomach grss ouf of order, the 1lv:r Glace not work pruperiy, coin then follows the violent sick and bilious hat is hes, sourness ot the atrnnaclt, b let .nre heartburn,, water brush, ar th • ;..tuhtl, irritating internal blooding or protruding piles. Beep your howcle regular with Mil - burn's I.axa-Liver fits and you t:,;ed never be constipated. Mrs, C. ltender:on, Trail, WO., writes; --"I have leen trottbl, d wit la sick headaches and constipation meta all my life. Have .not now been troubled for a long time. 1 have great faith ia,Mil- Mire's Laxa•Ltver Pills since using them." Milburn's Laza-Liver Pills are 2110, Sial ac all dealers or mailed direct oat tllcoipt tI p ice by' The '1', Miiburn Ce.4 aitutted, oronto,