HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-13, Page 2•••d....en•••^•,A•
. Wesley Harvey, Mr,
Jarrott and Air, James
d to London to attend
he late Edward Clegg.
(her, Dr, Fmk Clegg
reared herd where then
e Robert 'Clegg, was G.
n ageni for many yeats.
y wfts wetl and favoarbly
The publishedlist of successful can-
didates at the' final examinations in
the School of Practical Sceence,
Toronto, contain the names of two
young men ,frofli this point, J, E. Fes,
kin, son of the G. T. R, station .agent,
W. E. Faskin, succeeded in Securing
honors In his third year in the depart -
client of applied chemistry. The other
es Geo. E, Stephenson, who has passed
his examination in the final year for
civil engineer. These young men spent
some years overseas and in re-entering
their course neither asked nor received
any favors,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, McClure, of Col-
borne Tp., called in our village on Tues-
Mrs. Bayley of Clinton is looking af-
ter Mrs. J. Britton who Is very poorly.
Mr. George Stephenson is not im-
proving very fast.
Fishing is the order of the day, even
on Sundartam.
Miss Jean 'Cook of Goderich Twp.,
fs visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe. Riley
who is under the doctor's care.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Geo, Stephenson is, not as well
this week but his many friends are
hoping he will soon improve.
Quarterly meeting was held Sunday
afternoon, the Board meeting will be
held at Londesboro ob Monday loth of
On May 3 1920 the Wife of Mr. Nott
Gimbolly presented him with a baby
girl, "Congratulations."
The Annual meeting of the Ladies'
Aid was held on Tuesday afternoon. The
following officers were elected, Pres.
Mrs, 14. Clark, vice-pres. Mrs. F. Hall
Secretary Mrs, Peter Lindsay, Treasure,
Mrs. Miller Adams, Organist, Mrs, Robt.
A very successful "Mothers' Day" ser
vice Was held last Sunday in the Baptist
Church. A ladies choir rendered suit-
able music and the Pastor spoke on
"Family Life;" Next Sunday Mr. White
of Hamilton, will assist the Pastor and
will sing.
The Rev. James Wilson of Dover-
court Presbyterian church, Toronto
after a week visiting friends in West
Wawanosh returned to his home in
Toronto last Tuesday,
:Tuesday evening or rather Wednes-
day morning fire was discovered in the
saw mill. It had a good start before any-
one was there. The mill Is an entire
lbss. A small pile of lumber was scorch
ed a little. We believe the intention is
to rebuild as soon as the fire is extin
guished. We have not heard if they
carried any insurance,
Mr, William Dobie of the village who
has been on the sick list, is improving
at present.
Mr, Donald Paterson has not been im-
proving lately. He is getting weaker and
but slight hopes pre entertained of his
recovery. .
' .1.....444•^44"
ToWrs of tbeL)istrict.:
Pioneer $ettler at 13RUCEFIELD.
Rev. Mr. Nicintrlane will preach in To Represent Canada
Walton Dead our village next Sunday. Aenong the Allies
[Mothers' Day was observed in our ..............„.......„*„....0
• Tuesday morning of this week James
Smillie, s. plc/peer settler at Walton
locality, passed away after a brief 111-
ness from pneumonia, in Ithe87th Year,
Funeral Tbursd2ty afternoon of. this
• Deceased was the father-ln-law of
Wm. Taylor, Stanley township, who
with other members of his family at-
tended the burial at Brussels Cemetery,
Mr. Smillie was a sterling specimen of
Christian maehood,
This week Mr. Wilfrid Colelpugh was
married in Toronto to Miss Constance
Groves, who had just arrived from the
Old Country, The young couple came
home on Wednesday and will reside in
the Township.
.Pattort.Baker.—The home of Mr, and
Mrs. John E. Baker Waterdown Ont.,
was the scene of a pretty wedding 00
Wednesday April 2811a when in the pre-
sence of immediate relatives their daugh
ter, Hazel Lilian, was united in marriage
to Victor Art Patton of St. Catharines
Ont., only son of Mr. and Mrs, W. J.
Patton qf GOderich township. The cera
aunty was conducted by Rev. R. Al-
bright of Millgrove. 'The bride who was
given In marriage by her father, looked
very -charming in a wedding gown of
French blue messanne silk. She was
attended by Miss Nora Rayner, of Wat-
erdown, who wore a frock of brown
clechess satin and georgette. The .bride
and brides -maid carried bouquets of car-
nations and maiden hair fern. The
groom was assisted by Isis cousin, Mr.
H. Y. 'Cox. of Toronto. The groorres
favor to the bridesmaid was a set of
pearl eardrops and to the groomsman a
pair of gold cuff links. A dainty wedd-
ing luncheon was served after which Mr.
and fries. Patton left on the evening
train for Hamilton Goderich and other
.points west the bride travelling in a
smart suit of navy blue with small
french hat to match. On their return
tine happy couple will reside in St. Cath
Dogs from Turnberry Township have
again been worrying cattle belonging
to farmers near Lower Winghane Geo.
Finley had two calves severely torn a
few days ago, and on the present oc-
casion a herd belonging to Benson
Cruickshank was attacked. One of the
cattle in its flight ran into a fence and
was injured. Thos. Fields' large herd
was also attacked. Officer Phil:Ten lvIs
notified, and towards night the leader
of the dogs was shot and killed. The
animal belonged to Dan Kerr, of Turn -
berry, it is stated, and the owners of
the other clogs had them tied uP at
once. It is announced that unless they
are destroyed action will be taken a-
gainst the owners.
3. Livingstone appeared before
Mayor Gurney and was fined $25 and
costs for speeding his car. His Worsliip
is acting since the resignation of Meg'
istrate J. A, Morton, .
Robert Jenkins a pioneer of this dis-
Yrict, died in Turnberry on Saturday in
his 80th year. The funeral was held
from the residence of his son, Wrn. R,
Jenkins, concession 12, to • Whigham
eeee. -7"
Read Them Every Week.
The Most Interesting News in The Paper
3JIIEN there is an emergency to meet, when a
55 need of business or the home presents itself,
quick, decisive action is demanded,
There are innumerable occasions when there is
imperative demand to accomplish a desired object
at once and to do it in the most efficient way with
maximum return and minimum expense. The se-
curing of reliable household servants and help of all
kinds, Getting the right kind of capable experienc-
ed employes for office, mill, store, shop or factory.
Selecting high grade representatives to secure add-
ed ,ohimo of business, The renting or buying a
home. Choosing investment 4hances that are pro.
filable and sure. Finding A jOl, that is pleasant,
congenial and that holds possibility of advancement
and increased return. Restoring lost articles of
Phone 30. Ask for the Want Ad. Man
' 4, • •••,„
ehureh on Sunday morning. Rev. W.,
1), McielMslt gave a very earnest dis-
course 00 the Subject. The music was
given by a choir of mothers, The sing -
leg as well as the sernme was exeellent.
Win. McIntosh left last week for New
Ontario where he has a good position,
in a store,
After a very short illness oi Pneu-
monia Criselcl Pearl, the little daughter
of Harry Taylor passed away on Wed-
nesday. A short service was held in
the home, after which the funeral ser-
vice was held In the chinch in our vil-
lage when many met to show their
sympathy for the bereaved parents, A
number of relatives and friends were
present from Grand Bend, The inter-
ment was made at Baird's cemetery,
The Odd Fellows with a number of
brethren froin other places held their
service in the church on Sunday even -
Ing. Rev, Mr, Meintosh took as his
text, Eph. 2, and 14th -verse.
Miss Alice Rattenbury is visiting re-
latives in Toronto,
Me. Webster of Lucknow who pur-
chased John MeNaughtones ;farm in
Stanley has moved on it. Mr, Mc-
Naughton had a sale of effects on Sat-
urday,. There was a large crowd and
everything sold Well, espieciaAy the
etock. Sale amounted to $5,000,
Miss Grainger, of Clinton, visited at
her home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Cornish, of Stephen,
spent Sunday, Mothers' Day, at the
home of Mrs. Cornish's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Geo.
Brandon Bros., Bayfield, have bought
out the stage which runs from Bruce -
field to Uaylield from 14. Weston, who
has had it for some years.
There was a big rush for flour this
week. Our dealers soon sold their
stock. _
On May 6th the •Kelly Circle held
their regular meeting in th basement of
the church 28 members responding
to the roll call with a therefore verse
from Romans. Mrs, W. D. Mcentosn
gave a very Interesting talk which we
would all have been ssorry to have miss-
ed. Much interest and discussion was
taken in the Missionary Symposium to
he held on May 9th. The next: regular
meeting to be held on June 3rd, will
be taken by Miss Kate Thompson and
Miss Moine Swan with Chart number 9
taken by Mrs, Wm. Deitz.
Mr, and Mrs, W. McKay, of Seattle
are visiting relatives in this vicinity,
Mr. W. Hill, of Brantford ems pur-
chased Mr, N. SMithers property 00
Centre -s.
Mr, J. McFadgen has retailed from
Stratford. 1
Misses Harry Hinchley and Douglas
Beattie have successfully passed their
examinelions at Guelph Agricultural
Messrs Thomas Dick of Toronto and
J. Dick of Oshawa, visited their parents
Mr. and Mrs. James leick this week.
Mr. Aubry Crich of the Dental Col-
lege, Toronto is home for the holidays.
ec Mr. John Wilson has purchased the
special delivery business of Mr. Robt.
It was with sincre sorrow that many
Seaforth :friends learned of the death
in Toronto of the only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Killoran, of Goderich,
Aliss.A4, isebel McKay 0111 hold class-
es in the Carnegie Liby auditorium
for the purpose of instructing ladies in
dressmaking and millinery on Monday,
Wednescley and Friday evenings. ,
The dance given on Wednsdity even -
Ng Imam' the auspice of the G. W. V.
A. was a- decided euccess. Music was
furnished by theLombardl orchestra,
Gederichz—Edward Smith son of Mr,
and Mrs. Smith 80 Douglas street Strat-
ford is in the .General Hospital with n
fractured aria ak a result of being run
into by an automobile while riding his
bicycle. 'Tlie car on the wrong side .of
the road was travelling fast at the cos' -
ear of Iluron and Douglas streets.The
Smith family came to Stratford from
Goderich recently.
.01 P LE S and 041 L 5
For Newly Two Veers.
When pimples and bojle npleemi on ihe
face and body it meem4 as 1 ibosidn
le the at of the trouble. but the real
disease to in the blood.
Lotions end ointments may alley the
trouble fin a velule, but, iwItlem it oyez
You have in get under the glebe, get
at the blood which is the cause of the
Burdock Blood Bitters -gore direct
to the root of the disease and restores
healthy, normal nation W the difterene
awe, and electives the blood of MI ite
Im uritice,
Mr, ID, C. Goodwin, Cambridge, N.B.,
Writes t--"ror nearly two years 1 suffered,
from boils and pimples on my face and
nook, end nearly alt of my body was
• coveredeveith the pimples. I tried most
eveeedhing, but, got no relief. One
day it friend eciviseif me to try Burclok.
Blood Bittare, nerd after using three
bottles the boils end pimples IA all loft
me and there le no sign of them retUrne
ing, 1 eon strongly recommend 13,11,11,
te mime:- who 10 troubled with skin
MenOfteetured only by The hi(
burn Os., Limited, Toronto, Oat, ,
James Henry Gandy, who is said to
represent 'Canada at the lioncial
conference of the allied nations at
Brussels. Mr. Gundy is now on his
way to Linglaed.
The date for the Goderich Chautass-
cua been fixed for the week July
27t1s te Aug. 2ncl opening on Tuesday
July 27th, and closing on Monday Aug,
2nd, ,
The annual meeting of the Goderich
Elevator and Transit Co., Ltd. was held
on Wednesdae. May 5th when the old
directorate was re-elected, namely, John
1, A. Hunt (president). S. le. Stuart
(vice -president), S. Dyment, M. Mc-
Laughlin, C. 13. Watts and E. R, Way -
hied. Messrs. Hunt from London, Stuart
front Mitclsell, Dyment from Barrie and
Watts from Toronto were the directors
in attendance.
Thursday afternoon Brussels busi-
ness men took their first half holiday
of the season. They will continue each
week until the close of September.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perrie and daugh-
ter of town left for Innisfall, Alberta
where the), purpose making their home
in future.
Chas. Davidson of Town tuns pur-
chased the dray business from James
'Henderson and took possession this
Nesbitt Hamilton has purchased a
lot on Turnberry street front Mrs, D.
Robb and will erect a dwelling thereon.
John Rutledge has purchasesi the
house and lot of George Lott on Mill
street. The latter has moved to Wing=
Ars. Sawyer, Mrs, Geo. Moen, Mrs,
Wen. Lyon and Mrs, Phillips attended
the District W. M. S. Convention at
Dungannon on Thursday.
Rev. McCamus, of Clinton, conduct-
ed the Mothers' Day service in the
Methodist church on Sunday morning
A splendid Mothers' choir provided
special music for the day.
Gabriel Sprung hits returned to Darl-
ingford, Manitoba,
Miss Mary Snell who has been visit-
ing at home returned to Hamilton this
The W. M. S. "At Home" will be
held on Friday night, May 21st, Rev.
A. E. Millson of 'Atiburn will give his
address on "Through Siberia in a Box
Miss Esther Lyon spent Friday in
Rev. J. Abrey attended a meeting of
the Presbytery on 'Tuesday at Hensel!.
The Murchison concert held On Tees
day night. under the auspices of the
Presbyterian Ladies Aid was well at-
'The been of Thos, 'Bradnock on the
boundary in Wawanosh wits burned on
• Tuesday and several head of cattle Per-
ished in the fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Fingland left on Wed-
nesday for a trip to New York and Tor
onto to visit their sbns and daughters,
The Scotch Concert given in the
hall rie Tuesday night was a good succ
ess Proceeds $50,
Mrs. Charles Manning l in Wingliam
at present taking treatment tliare,
Mr. Lounclesnarry is busy building
et new garage for his car,
Albert lermulson of Seaforth spoilt
Sunday here,
Quite a number Intend taking in the
supper and concert at Constance to-
night Thursday,
Mrs. Lee (Sr.) is no better. '
Miss Alice Bell is on the sick list this
Week. e.
Do not forget til e concert and social
to be giveii a week frons 'Friday might
at et inthe Methodist church a good
programme will be given by local tattled
assisted ley Rev. Mr, Nilsen, from Lon-
The following are thsi officers of the
Methodist W. Al, S. for the year:—
President—Mrs, T. E. Sawyer
1st Vice—Mrs, E, Bell
2nd Vice—Mrs, J, Tamblyn
Rec,-Secy--Mrs. Gen. Menden
Core-Seq.—Miss Esther Lyon
Treas.—Mrs, Jas, Collinson
Supt. of Christian Stelvards—Mrs, J.
Ocganiel—Mrs. E. Adams
Delegate to the Brandt meeting—
Mrs, .L.S. Cartel..
e^", 11,e"....tois street parsonage was
.3, interesting vitkciding on
Wednesday May Ills at 6 o'clock when
Mrs, Sarah A Dennie beCione the bride
of Mr. Joseph Davies, The marriage
being performed by ROY, W. 3. Ashton
the bride was beautifully Mired in a suit
of brown and white silk wait, hat to
matcla they were attended IV Mr, and
Mrs. Watson sister andBroteer-in-lew
of the bride after the •ceremony the
bridal party, returned to the home of
Mr, Watson in a taxi, when there was
a sumptuous supper served end a
number of friends gathered and ss
pietist -nit time was spent, Mrs. Dennie
was morerly a resident of Londesboro,
Mr. and Mrs. Davies will reside on Front
street London soutb.
'rhe town hall will not go on the
centre of Ulan Gregor Square but will
be moved onto a lot beside where it
stands belonging to Jas. Spacksman.
Mr. Mustard's headsawyer from Dash
wood received a severe Injury to his
right eye from a piece of wood thrown
from the saw,
(tSr. Thompson has sold a 101 from
his river property for the purpose of
building a summer cottage,
Richard E, Nelson, one of Guelph's
most widely -known citizens, dled sud-
denly Tuesday night.
The Ontario Railway and Municipal
Board took over and operates the Lon-
don Street Railway.
The Canadian Locomotive Co., has
completed an order of ten locomotives
for the Jamaican Government and has
received one for four for the T. & N.
O. Ry. Commission.
Zurich:—A new athetic organization
has been formed in town called the Al-
pha Beta Lawn Tennis Club. Anyone
'interested in this line of sport should
communicate with Mr. Clayton Hoff
man, the president.
Banissela:—Tlie hydro commpston
appears to be undecided whether Bruss
els will be supplied with power from
Eugenia Falls, via Wingham, or Niagara
power by way of Seaforth route. e
Ethel:—David Sanders has been seri
ously 131 from blood poisoning in his
right leg occasioned by damage done
to his knee by a rusty nail. It WAS feared
amputation would be nesessary, but a
change for the better has come.
Walton:—Waltoa ;school tale pro-
noters are having their prize lists issued
and will seek td make the fair better
than ever. This is the third yeay. Five
of the neighboring schools are joining
with Walton,
Grey Twp.:—W. J. Hemliagway, a Grey
Township fernier whet ettellS 200 LLCM
of land is puThig in IT ran IR flair this
season for the Brussels flax mill.
Winghern:—Assessor T. J. McLean
has completed his work for this year
and the roll has been returned to Clerk
Groves. The assessment for this year
Is as follows.—Land value $224,130;
buildings $685,130; business assess-
ment $95,405; income, $38,200 total,
$t,042,865. This makes an increase of
$12,03)0 over that of last year. The num
her of, persons between five and 16
years is 437 and between five and 21,
569. The total population is 2,240 a
slight decrease from that of last year.
%them—Janet Richardson, widow
of the late William McAllister a well-
known resident of Widton locality died
at the home of her daughter, near Ayr,
where she had been visiting. The re-
mains were brought to Walton yester-
day and interment took place in Bruss-
els Cemetery to -day Deceased was 74.
Dungannon:—A very pretty wedding
took place . April 28th at the home
of the bride's father Mr, Jas, Elliott,
when their daughter Flossie, was unit-
ed in marriage to Lorne !verse They in-
tend living on the old farm.
Goderish.—Some exceptionally good
lifts of trout are reported by our local
fishermen, as much as 1200 pounds be-
ing taken at one lift.
Elintville.--At the Quarterly., Official
Board of the Elimville Church, Rev, H.
B. Parnahy, the pastor, was. utianlinous-
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin—No others!
There IA only sane Aspirin, that marked
with the "Bayer Crosx"--all other tab.
lets oply arid hnitations,
hichnine "Bayer Tablets of Aspiein'1.
thieve been prescribed by physiceeee for
nineteen years and proved safe by mil-
lione for Pain, liertilneho, ielettridgin,
Colds, Rhomatism, Lumbago, :Neuritis.
Hitruly tin boxes of le Lablotee-also
larger "Bayer" pnekagee, can ha had
at any drug store. 'Made hi Canada,
.Aspirin is the trade mark (regietered
in Canada), .of Beyer Idatinfonie-e of
Mononeetierteldester of &Moyle'
While it is well k"owh that itepirla
meats Payee inanufneture, to ass/et the
ptsblie ngamst,bnitations, the Tahltats of
Hoer Company, LteL, will is stamPed
with their general trade fee .1.r; the
"Sayer Greel'i
Thursday, M ay 13tli, 1920,
Children Cry for Fletcher's
• \ Neel'eneyee
• t
s., 3 •••7iglt.„
Fletcher's Castt;.I.2 at remedy f:r Inftmta and Children,
Foods are e'll' in.07...rel far babies. A bnieer'e neenicine
is even more e0anntir3 far raby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are act ititerehangenble. It was the need of
a remedy fn: the common ailments of Infants and Childreit
that brought Oasten;a bey the public after year, of research,
and no claim hiva t:la°1 made f3tr it that Ls use for over 50
years has not proven,
What 10 CfkciTORIA?
Castoria- is a harnaless subctittto for eastcr, ell, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing. tyre it is •pleaonnt. U 0Attains
neither Opium, Morphine ncr other ns'.z iza. Ite
age. is its guarantco. Fer =ore tier. tete enters it has
been in constant use for Cid relisf of Cnst1?3.1,33:m,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; alln:,•Int; 3?ravrer.1,n: a:lalars
therefrom, and by re-sulatinp; the StoiniuM and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
"The Cliildeou's
Eecss •the Signature r,,F
In Use For Over 30 Years
ly invited by a full representailon of
the Board to return for another year
and the salary raised to $1500. Mr.
Parnaby accepted the invitation, sub-
ject to the decision of the Stationing
Exeter.—Mr. John Houlden had the
misfortune to have the big toe of one
foot bruised and broken on Wednesday
morning while working for Mr. Robert
Gillies. A log he was working with
rolled back Oslo his foot,
Zvi-IA.—Mr. Jos, Schwarteentruber
of the Bronson Line, had the misfortune
while jumping off the wagon In some
way to fracture his leg at the ankle.
West Wasranosh.—A very attractive
wedding took place at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Elliott, West Wawanosh
on the evening of April 28111, when
their youngest daughter, Miss Flossie
Myrtle, was waited isa marriage to Mr,
Anatol' Lorne lvers, of West Wawa -
nosh, Rev. 3, II. Hisey officiating.
Bayfield.—At a public meeting held
'recently it was decided to purchase the
Spackman lot, adjoining the town hall,
and !P geniove the old building to it,
using in Dart the fotnidalion alrelfidy
built on the lot. It is to be hoped the
work will be proceeded with at once,
Dungannon,—lier. Dr. IL R. Camp-
bell, of Toronto, lies accepted the call
extended to him by the Presbyterian
congregations of Dungannon and Port
Albert, and wilt be inducted in Erskine
church 035 June ist. He will be here
th supply from May 16th until the time
of his induction.
Goderich---Mr, tend Mrs. J. Russell
Coutts have removed to Megaw, Mr.
Coutts having been appointed agent
for the C.P.R. at that station.
St. Helens.—A meeting was held on
Friday evening to reorganize the St.
Helens Rifle Club. Thefollowing
cers were elected—Captain, James
Purcion; secretary, Joseph Anderson;
treasurer, T. B. 'Taylor; committee,
Captain John Webster, D. 13, Murray;
W. 1. Miller. Already forty have signed
up and the members are looking -for-
ward to a good season's shooting.
When the rifles arrive they intend pre.
ctising every Saturday afternoon,
When t,
You Get
up "tired as a dog"
and sleep is full of
ugly dreams you need
Fatigue is the result
of poisons produced
by exercise or failure
to digest food proper-
ly, and eliminate it
promptly with the aid
of liver and kidneys.
Sete of any
owns -
In bent*.
Worth a*Guhloa a Boa
ave tbe
and this is the 8reatost
surface saver of thorn all,
OSS from paint -neglect is
vastly greater than the
cost of paint -protection.
But it is to be noted also that
the real cost of using ordinary
paint—however cheap it may
be—is vastly greater 'than
that of painting with a pure
and durable paint such as
If you would avoid constant repteritinet- wo,°.° 13 °. •
the has maximum coveringmapeeitY, I
mve....e.eie die Of • :
rept tation'attained by P4 -IL You'll fin.1 .1.,
held by so -many expedeneed painters is di' im a 1,3,1y
degree of purity—a purity attained by las.- 1 fir,:!1'1
fathom. Eircindrame) Genuine B.S. White Lend --Inert:her wlAi
ZitiC and the purest linseed we know how to tr alcu s;,1,,13:°i..ily-
equipptd mills. Your investigation win result -in n trial i3t` this ira.',1 --
and that trial will make you a confirnied adherent of this isan that
goes so far and that lasts AO long. 15.0 tine, smooth awface isa creek.,
or pole—the tough, oir-tight oat it gives affords the etweet kind of
aueface.protectiott ageing, tints nue
Clinton, Ontario
P14,01404 to.rd4.tria• i.••61.1'otti
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