HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-6, Page 6I PACE 6 THE .CLINTON IN NEW 1Di"'APERIES, RUGS AND LINOLEUl1 S Now -that the warm weather is here., Spring cleaning will go forward in earnest, and there', nothing initis rest to the work, tike something nc.w in the way .of furnishings --- hew curtains for .one room, a rug for another, fresh linoleum for the kitchen and so on. HINTS OF THE NEW DRAPERIES. These include the newest patterns and colorings in Cretonnes, Chintzes, _ Shadow Clutha, Voiles, Scrims, Marquisettes, etc. Many are imported and exclusively handled by us. EXQUISITE FLOOR COVER INGS. To attain the tnos( pleasing results in redecorating sofa -refurnishing the home you'll Mid the choosing of the Rugs a matter of first importance. We 'fully recognized this fact in Ctaoosing our splendid New Spring Stock and you'll find here a variety and width of choice second to none in this part of the country; furthermore, by buying in liberal quantity we were able to secure best manufacturers' prices as well as exceptional quality and choice of .,new designs. That's why we invite comparsion and are so solicitous of your seeing our display. CATCHING THE ENTHUSIASM OF GOOD QUALITY and your business dealings with us will carry no xegrets. MEN'S STARE Custom Tallorta¢ Men's Furnish:al Phone 103 Opposite Public Llbrary n's WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings, Phone 67 Next Royal Bank W E tt x. YOUR ATTENTION ( boat' eoliths is called when wanting your supplies. This week we offer sit Special price:— ; PURE LAUNDRY SOAP -4 Bars for 25c ; 16 Bars for $1.00. Obstinate Colds 3 Boxes, Matches 25c 2 boxes Corn Flakes 25e 3 cokes Pane Olive Soap for 35c Brooms.75c; 95c; $1.15 Rex 'Catsup ,,15c 8 25 2 cans Pork and TRY Some of <iur— Chick reed Pap -for -Peeps Makes Chicks 79aa1th. Beans 35c and strong. BULK TEA 513c per ,pour,al. 9wc ,. for 2lbs. • $2.00 for 5 0,1. 'Ginned AuTsles 'Prunes 'Raisins "Date -s, Peac3,es, Pucnpkin —for :Pies 'r Dessert— GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT JOI-INSON & O. PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CARER/UN ATTENDED '?EO },w AUTO FIRE Insurance WIND Insurance classes of buildings. LIVE Insurance of your valuable sto at Modera to Rates. STORM is as impo rtant as Fire Ilnseraence tine all The Rate i s Cheap, STOCK pays you f or loss by .Accident mfr ;,T]ias'ltttte ck. 1 GENERAL Fire Insurance of a9 l kinds. Call .and :see get.; Charles B. Hale. HURON STREET, CLINTON, Dn. • The Hardware Store of Better Values PREPARE FOR SPRJ r 1.c Buy Bruce's celebrated Seeds and reduce the, High Cost of Living. Buy new up-to-date Garden Tools and see What a pleasure it is to use them. Sprayers and Sprinklers to supply the Moisture when needed. A Complete up•to-date Stock at W. H. DAVISON Successor to R. Rowland. Perfection Oil Cook Stoves `sem. - _... ........_. tt sH• SPRING IS HERE ,Are you ready with your Pans and Buckets ? Have a few sheets of Sap Pan Iron Order yours early so as to be' sure of getting one. The Cerner Grocery - Phone 45. We have a splendid assortment of Seeds for Spring Gardening— DUTCH ardeningDUTCH SETS MULTIPLYERS SEED CORN GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS Cinch Clenser slakes i•Iouseclean- ing.easy, Try a can for Cleaning your Woodwork and Windows. Try our Ts e's and Coffee in Ruth Plumbing and Heating Fred. we "Wigg'. The -Kind That -Stink, The 'Kind That Turn fT,u BRONCHITIS, She -Kind That End in "CONSUMPTION, -Become a ',serious m Iter IF 'NEGLECTED. All obstinate . coughs •and -colds :yield ' qei okly to :tbe-curatk wr. powers of 'Dr. Woods 'Norway "Pine Syrup. -This. old :and well?ft_nawnrremedy :has been on the market for the past•:3tl.years. 4'4 ou.wilt;find that e.• dose: or:two'will atop the cough, vsootlhe.the:thtoat and bronchial:tubes,:aea3.if•tthe cold;haslbe- cotne settled •on the Icnge the !Leafing properties : of -this simulants cough 'syrup will. -soon -bring complete . and. permanent relief. i inem are .mtany imitations of Dr. W.00iite 'Norway Pine •,$,vrup . on the ;;market. '.Get ;the .ordgiaal when you aelv.for:ait. Put.e p in,a'.ydllow.wrapper; 1 3•pine rtreee the trade � znadk; • price $5e. 1and doe. 1 Msatiwscturcdatily,byi 7 T.'Milbsa'a 1 efao„ i LJn,t ed, loresto,, Oat.• ^-- TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Our Lists have been corrected up io Wednesday of this week, and the little label on your • New Era, If not marked Dec, 20 or Jars. 21, will indicate to you that you are in arrears, and we tonin like y4;u'to remit today, the 31000nt that will pay you up to Dec. 1920. We might mention that a -few years ago news - 'print cost us 3t% -.cents a pound, freight prepaid. A shipment this week cost. 6 cents a pound and freight to pay; so that any reader will see that $1,50 does not go very far to keep up paper bills,• Since the war began oVe t' '1 21)0 publications in Canada and United States have ceased to exist and the Canadian newspapers continue to suspend while'news- printmanufacturers from the crown pulp lands is ship- ped at huge prices across the border, when the pulp lands are practically exhausted. And all to enable a few corporation, to make huge profits while the Dom- inion, which owns the lands, receives a fleabite. We look forward to many 'of our Subscribers paying up before the end of May. Our rates at present ut kl t.5cs in Canada and $2,00 elsewhere. PriMIlIDNV1mIIDll@IIVIDIVUUVVII MIERIIDI(IDNIIDIVVllVVOVIVV1fIDIVVIINiVVVVIIDVVVIIEgINIDIVID@➢IIIDIVV@llIDUVVIIVVVVIIIDIVIiIIDIIOnM N Local Ne\ -s IDa01VliNllV(1VNNINVN@NINIINIINI(NNNPwVN((oMVNNUVNINVNNIViiIVIImIDNINNVNINNNiNVNNVVNNINIININIVNIVNUNVN(NNIVINe iVi(m Fractured ilia Wrist. This week Mr, Frank Jenkins fractur- ed itis ,right wrist when -cranking his car. A Fair Sized Egg. Airs. Martin, Of town, showed an egg laid by one of her Rhode, Island stens which measured 6T'; x 7!5. 1Vi11 Rent Graham House. We understand that Mr. Gay, of 'London, will take over the Graharn House the first of June. We under - 'Stand Air. Gay is a returned soldier. Hospital Notes. 'The Hospital Board returns thanks to the Ladies Patriotic Society of. Stanley for a donation :of $19.25 .and also to Alt W. S. R. -.Holmes, druegia of town for it donation of b4,oh, Clinton's Fame is World-wide. in the April :number ui the Sunday at Home, an illustrated fancily magazine, puttished in Eicgland, there are several ore COUNT Terauchi, late Gov- ernor-General. of Korea, said—"Though the Salvation Arnay has extended its activities to Korea 111 comparatively re- cent days, it has already achiev- ed creditable success — a fact which I regard with satisfaction for the sake of humanity." THEiR work has had wonder- ful results. it has brought Christ Ito, and regenerated Large numbers of, oleo and women.. 'THERE are 102 Corps and Outposts. TH EY have been at work in Korea since 1'3o'i. pielures given of Canada And among The Salvation then is shown th.e picture of Mr. Isaac Dodds, among'his beehives. - The pic- ture is a good one, /�� More •Money' for'liorticsilturat'Societies. Army Preanie•r'Drury-promised a deputation that he would provide an udtlitional grant of $3,00o in the supplementary estina'tes'for fhe i esrticdlturttl work •of the prervinee, The 'total grant :to :these societies:for the ensuing year not totals $20,000. 308 Citadels and Institutions in this Territory —use them! 1. O. O. 'F. 'Service, Trout Season 'Opens. There vas,n ,goodly :number •of ekiri' (101y, a few disciples of lzaak Walton Fellows 14 10 paraded on Sunday from , braved the chili), weather this morning their e r hail and attended Divine service 'for the few trout creeks in Brant county In Willis aura where IRes'. Mr. Hogg the season opening to -da ,SCRANTON COAL p y preached a+i .excellent senaiun, taking -- -p— as his subject "The Soul ,of f)dttfellenv_ I The hate John Deli. unit who w'vsh to leave their order for ship." He drew ninny useful lessens : The following from an Edmonton that might tie oaken ;by ;the ncembers, J:Speieg .delivery ,ean f1lo ,sp flay Ileavurg The choir paper of last week, refers to a former gave a splendid anthem unit well known resident of Clinton and -their orders.ai • my •res, lence,'nfstron St,uNes? rs, W. Lease .and A. Mitchell sung Londesborot—"°Tire death of one of ,.or Mese ,1•55. to duet Love'h;Jvine;" Upon return- Uloydtninister's most respected citizens big to the lodge room hearty votes of '�Teoyaa---Strfall C.i k.. Pfipge t?,55. s werepee John Bell, took place with night y :thanks passed :to Rev. 41ogg, the petted suddenness last Monday night. church officials, gaud ,choir. •anti :also to mr. Bell, with wife and thei rson, Mr, :the •vlsiting l0erttbera• 1, R. Bell and fancily has spent the wint impstovements Vomit -Town. er at Vancouver, and had only returned Itialtp:ENCE-HURON 1ttTRiEf1" hit, Frank PowdH 15Isaviug'bit block' (tome two weeks ago, after having an "" overhauled and has 111)01 the store new enjoyable holiday, from which the de- F,rder Your Supply ,a SCRANTON EtOAit. E. WARD In purehaSsog the 'flollawaytrnrbes I"t'ma1 nosiness, eve setiurIeit Nhat•wc.cali! a straight line rannection, with th,, two- great Arne.rfean,Coal Miniver lnatirtftions nambly: The 1:1, L. & W. Cold Co,,. who.own and control the'famous`Scr.een- tun Coal fields, ansJ furnish us Whit their STAi'iDARD AtNTl1R'Af3T'rs, • The O. & Coil Co. . who send 175 their celebrated LACKA- W ANA COAL. By a straight line. Gpilt1Ccti011 we mean tlittt we ate their sole agents for the community, and although nt poster may claim to be distribethig their mai, 0 is an utter impossibility, and only goes -to Show' that he is will- mt.: to admit that we have the best coal svarlable. New dealers can only resort to job- bers, which means that the quality may be Irregelar, as the Coal barons will not take on any new dealer no matter how well equipped he maybe, much less a Municipal 'Coal Yard, So 561 accordingly and place your order now itt the old stand, as the 1920 allotments are being made according to past business, Now is the time for a nice cheery open grate fire, Try our EBONY CUBE CANNEL And in the kitchen range you will like* our CHESTNUT COKE Or if you want to get away from the coalst e t i qn nr1 try a load of wood. We ate bound to satisfy you, and will give you real service, ,SMO, B. MUSTARD Clinton & • Bruuefield. hone For Hint,,, 1lo, 74. bene for Ortscefield11 on tlt8, tsccupied by the Express Office re- ceased seemed benefitted by the change, decorated. ire was in th Brittania Hotel on Monday afternoon writing g letter and had just The house occugiy,d ,try 613..11. `YY. completed the same when be fell to the Wiggs, :Ontario street, :has been re- floor unconscious, be slightly rallied shingled. , for a short time, but a doctor who had Mr, A. ?Wilkin Inas l id n heiFge plant- ' been sent for, immediately saw that ed at his home• recovery was practically impossible, and lair. Fned 1sckson, the ,poputar •s'hoe- although he was taken home with a uic:in :had a •ia,:w awning erected last nurse In, attendance, lie passed pace- weei,. fully away about to o'clock, Mr, Ben f.•3 "Nell has hsto Itis 11203, was burn in the Township of Hulled which ;was behind Mr, A. Wi'llsan's house County of Huron, Outdriu in July, 1351 removeyt this ween to his olvuc lot. and was therefore in his 69th ,year, He came to 1.loydminister in 1905 and Mr, :to). Stiller. Ontario street, .tad hunt the Brittania Hotel which he and W. -tiara' straightened up thin, week, his son conducted for a number 'of The tail... barn was nioveti to Itis place last years, He was an upright and capable business man, and front the continence. Took High,&'frnors, ment took an active part 'many endeav. or that would add to the welfare of the 11U,dlton paper.—The many friends town, being elected a town Councillor, of Miss Francis Hawkins who has been and serving In that capacity fair a num taking a course of training In the her of years he was also a inettiher of Church ,of 'England Deaconess House, the Board of Trade and other public Toronto, will be :pleased to Isear of her bodies. A fnneral service was iteid in the success $n passing the examinations re- Anglican church on Wednesday after- quired with seven first-class honors, noon, at which the Rector, Rev, J. B. Miss Hawkins is a member of the Gibson, officiated and the esteem in" Ascension 'Branch of the Daughters of which the deceased was held was shown the Ping, and has been a faithful worker by the large attendance both front town of the Order. It is Worthy of note ibat and country, and Isiso by the many floral Aliss Hawkins' high standing in her tributes which covered the cofftti. The exams. also gave her the highest stand-, Ileetor spoke of the high esteem in tug of any of the students, including which' We. deceased was held by the Wycliffe College men, in Christian nontntueity, and only present felt that doctrine, Miss Hawkins has been train- they had hist a good friend and forfellow- seg r g the foreign Mission field and citizen, The deceased leaves a Widow, al will leaves for Japan In lepteutbet:"-•- so a son Mr, .L R. Bell, of Edmontnn, The above young lady is a slater of Mr, and two daughters, Mrs, PI, 0, Bell, 'Phos. Hawkins of town, and she will be S„ufitantpton, and Mrs, 11, S. Tuffley, the guest of her brother aver Sondity Ciairmant Alberta, 'The remains were and expects to address the ladies of Si. taken to his towner hurtle in Ontario Paul's church on Monday, ,for into -trent, a All, 1920, •..,y;,�ygaynm..,.,„'r'iff�+ iii"' cpac::. , l REGARDING WALL PAPER Prices, tan general, are cin a. slightly higher leirel than last year, bort noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, without exception have proved to be isiifericp goods or boasts made to distract M- t entirrn from other shortcomings, these ex. Cep'ticns we ready concede. Our 'sew stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in fox rner years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. ' P l .y,. :i. a. e 1, qt d &9pne 0 w Often the eheapest--Pitways the vest We handle a hill line of Galv. Iron, Steel Shingles, Corrugated Ironand all hinds of Felt Roofing also Asphalt Stene. rr Pumps, Pipes and Fittings always on hand. Repair work Promptly Done Electrician Plumber HOUSE-CLEANING. TIME „*„. if pa90J considered, You owe 0 to yourself to call wit ether you buy ay nut, My new stand is opposite Daley's Garage. iu— When you clean your parlor, paper it or paint It, you probably add some new furniture. You do it to make it. a place for to entertain your friends and' make home happy. Ali this will not be needed if you or your family have' to go out for the evening to get good' music. Start those children now ,t this piano. Yd» would not think of keep- ing them hontc front school 0i1 they were 14 years old, n' you, did few would succeed in getting a good education. Music is exactly the same and when. they start young and get regular pracr- ice they will succeed. We are here fo assist you in securing the best musical instrument ut the hest prices, quality Jonathan Huai Highest prices allowed for used instruments of ;uiy kinds. BOX 229 MUSIC STOPS. Piton' 216. ' SEAFORTH- 051? C FORDS I111V1„.„,IllqlINIII11riiIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilil„„„„ IIIIIN!IINIJIIIIIIIiVIPIVQIIVVIi11I„,„,I(III!RqVIIIIIIIIIIVIINh1iIIVl(VVIIiIVIVlllll@IIIIINIIINIVlVI Well Dressed Wooten will wear Oxfords this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it cornea to retaking such. handsome Footwear. eery Shoe a Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plaits narrow toe and the incitation perforated tip and vamp—Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. $3.50; $4.50;.. $6.50; to $9.50. '}This House of Good Shoes stand these clays as a safeguard a - against - Shoe Whirs at inflated price FR r DidA J seN -'"SJIOES 'Et4AT SA,TiSFY"... qJ