HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-6, Page 5T1iur'stlay, May G.tli, 192G.
etetel®etelle,®aS®e®***010411111e0410 WORLD-WIDE NEWSY
There are good points in near-
ly nil makes of watches-,
there are row that are bad
in every respect. In REGINA
WATCHES you will find em-
bodied ALL the good points a
watch can have, Judged from
the standpoints of SOLIDITY,
*:trs"mttzt�t 4
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
'hone No. 174w; Residence 174J
New Bulk Dates
at 20cts. per pound
5 lbs. for $1.00
Fresh Salmon Trout
Phone 48
Welland Council decided to have day.
light saving go into effect on the 30th
instant. Thorold will start it May t.
1ngersoe distrigt Farneer's Clubs
and the Machinists' Union are going to
start tit co-operative store.
Dr, W. R. Stevens, V.S. of St. Mary's
died of bioodPolsontng sustained w'liue
performing a surgical operation.
The Senate by a vote of 43 to 14 gave
second reading to the bit) to promote
uniformity in divorce proceedings in
Provincial courts.
Tite'Ge'man Government reports that
there is no danger of a revolt in Ponnes-
It is reported In diplomatic circles
in London that serious trouble Is again
threatening Cilicia.
A clash between Poles and Reds in
Petrograd over the imprisonment of Po-
lish clergy resulted in many Poles being
The British First Lord of the Admit,
House of Commons
altry stated d in the Ho
that the Government contemplated sell
ing some warships to foreign countries.
A syndicate of Toronto and United
States hond houses bought an issue of
$6,800,000 Province of Ontario bonds,
A contract has been awarded for the
erection of a $74,600 public school at
Fire destroyed the international Hotel
at Winds6r causing about $100,000 dam
age and driving forty guests into the
The Woodstock Medical Association
has adopted a new schedule of fees and
decided to close Wednesdays at noon
for five months,
Tile Finance Department has given
notice that the transfer books of the
1915-25 War I ('•an and the 1917 .Vict-
ory Loan will be c'nsed April 30 to May
Genoa port workers seized two vess-
els flying the anti-Bolshitvik flag for the
purpose of returning them to the Soviet
Government. The police arrested the
One hundred and fifty persons are
reported to have been killed in the
train collision on the Oudh and Pohulk
and Railway in India an Saturday. All
were Indians.
The Board of Control will recommend
to the Toronto Council that daylight
saving time to be brought into force in
Toronto from May 2 to September 25.
The Municipal Committee of the Leg-
islature.voted in favor of exempting To-
ronto fruit dealers from the provisions
of nearly closing by-law passed last aut
One of the things that ought to
become fixed habits in every house-
hold in Clinton is that of sending
The New Era the news items that
they may know of; tell us of your.
news and any neighborhood or other
items that will be of interest to
yourself, your neighbors or your
Every lodge, church body or
social organization should have some
,representative who will promptly
and carefully after its news report-
ing. If you think some organization
has better news service than your
own, it is probably because that or-
ganization looks after such mutters
Write your items and send them
in when possible. Or telephone
then to No. 30, but please don't ask
that long lists of names (be taken
over telephone, as it not only re-
quires much time, but is fruitful In
possibilities of error.
Above all, be early. Never wait.
. till late on Thursday to send an item
that can be sent in days before,
The New Era telephone number is
30 and at nights 95, Pix them in
• your mind.
in Eastern Canada which cuntprises
the Province of Ontario Quebec, New-
llruuswlek,,..Nova Scotia, and PrInceEd-
w'ard island thg,re are about 1,025
waterpower plants 01 200 horsepower
and tinder and these are practically' illi
situated in the ,pore thickly populated
portions of these prgvinee.s where pow-
er is most valuable.
Timber cruisers le Quebec found that
the average age of, spruce trees
S inches In diameter 5 feet
above the ground is
80 yen's, 8 -inch trees, 120 years, and
12-incli trees 165 years, The growth of
the balsam is somewhat less slow.
In 5918 the production of coal in
Alberta amounted to 5,972,368 tons
as compared with 4,736,368 tons in
19.17 and an increase of nearly two
million toes over the out put. of 1913,
During 1919 the manufactures of cot-
ton goods exported fabrics to the val-
ue of $2,860,000 nearly all of these
goiug to foreign countries. The total
exporls.of cotton goods of all kinds had
a value of $3,429,205.
During last year there•were exported
cream 'separators to the value of $185,
910. The principal buyers were Argen
tine, 581,771, France, $62,450, United
States, $40,886.
Last year the manufactures of felt
exported had a value of $30,559.
Some of these exports went to South
Africa, British Guiana, Australia and
New Zealand, Uewfoundland, and St.
Pierre Miquelon.
Goods of wool and woollen material
were exported to the value of ,$6,321,
696. The raw wool exported had a value
of $3,302,846, The principal buyer was
the United States.
The first shipment of copper bullion
and matte from Western Canada to Eng-
land took place in June 1897, when
eight carloads were shipped front Revel-
stoke to Montreal, thence by steamer
to England.
The Scottish winter game of curling
was first played in Canada in Montreal
during the winter of 1507, when a curl-
ing club was organized. Quebec, in
1821 was the next city to organize such
a club.
The first match game of lacrosse be-
tween white Mayers itook place in
Montreal in 1859. The players were
members of the Montreal and the Hoch-
elaga clubs,
The first book specially written on
lacrosse was published in Montreal in
1S60, and written by the late Dr. W.
George Beers, who in youth had been
a brilliant player of the game.
Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep
Up Their Vitality.
If growing girls are to become well
developed, healthy women their
blood supply must be carefully
watched. Mothers should not ignore
their unsettled moods or the various
troubles that tell of approaching
womanhood. It should be constantly
borne in mind that pale, bloodless
girls need plenty of nourishment,
plenty of sleep and regular open-air
exercise. But lack of appetite, and
tired, aching limbs tend to binder
progress. To save the weak, thin -
blooded sufferer she must have new,
rich, red blood and nothing meets
a case of this kind so well as Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, These pills not
only enrich and increase the blood
supply, they help the appetite and
aid digestion relieve the weary back
and limbs, thus promptly restoring
health and strength and transform-
ing anaemic girls and women into
cheerful happy people, Among the
thousands •wino have obtained new
health and strength through the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Miss
Violet Booth. Glenarm, Ont„ who
says: -"For a long tin e 1 was in a
clogs $19:50
Eggs ' 44 to 45c
l3utter 60
Wheat $1.95 to $1,98
Oats 850 to 87c
Barley 40c to 45e
Buckwheat $1.15 to $1,20
1 -lay $19.00 to $20.00
Bran :845 ton
Shots $55, to $56
Millfeed $50.
Potatoes . . . . . .. . ....... $200 bag
On Isis departures for a vacation in
the South. lion. 0, Howard Ferguson
was presented with a gold-mounte d
walking -stick by his fellow -Conservat-
ives in the Legislature,
k'ia cion Root CmsmpoIin z
s safe, reliable m(1140144
rtecii.taae. Sold in tares rte•
areee, 61. nttoeetre-•�No. 1, 811
N6. 2, 4s; No a, 15 per bo
Solt be 611 dell balk
oasts, or sant
nrop61cl bn rcuer'p6, oAdf, (iurns®rne,t
too pemphint. Id
*HP cook i IEotctNn co.
Ypsa*io, Olti. MOW* M 4*.>
badly run down condition, i was
pale, breathless at the least exertion,
and could hardly do any housework
without stopping. to rest. I often
had severe headaches, and my appe-
tite was poor and fickle, and 1 would
get up in the morning without feel-
ing the least bit rested•. I had tried
several medicines, but did not get
benefit from anything until 1 began
the use of Dr. 1Viliiants' Pink Pills.
When 1 had taken two boxes 1 could
See an improvement and after using
six bortea 1 found my health fully re-
stored, 1 feel altogether different
since I used the pills that 1 strongly
advised then for all weak, run down
if you are weak or ailing in any away
avail yourself, at once of the splendid
home treatment which Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills so easily afford, and you
will be among those who rejoice in re-
gaining health. These pills are sold
by all dealers in, medicine, or May be
had by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville.
Odds and Ends of Councl
,arrested for
Burglaries in
Huron County
William and Leonard Bell Have Police
Record in Stratford,
iiensall, May 4:--Willian Bell 19 and
and Leonard 13e11 22 bobs of Kincardine
were arrested by High Constable W.hlte
sides In a hotel at'Brucefield following a
report of burglaries in Stanley Town
ship. A number of stolen articles were
found in their possession including
some taken from the home of Marry
Chesney at Kippen and one of the
young men had a revolver and a box of
cartriges. The Other house entered was
that of William Logan in Stanley, .A
schoolhouse in the township was also
broken into,
Both were committed by Magistrate
Petty here on charges of housebreaking
and theft, and carrying a weapon and
sent to Goderich )ail to await trail by a
county judge. They are said to have a
police record at Stratford and to have
been inmates of the industrial horse.
asl11e1111sf••e wa•''-V•elpeze1111
The pay sheet for April for work on
streets amounted to $85.20,
S. J. Andrews was paid $26.10 for
tile to he used on streets.
E. Scruton was paid $2,00 for dray-
T. McKenzie had an account of $4.48
for work and material.
For street lighting the P. U. Com-
mission was paid $150.92 for that•
month of April,
Laamp account and lighting Town elall
the P. U. Commission was paid $8.81.
W. 15. Uelly'ar was paid 75c for re-
pairing the Night Watchmen's Control
Mr. T. Wigginton had an account of
$12.00 for repairing wheel on water
For supplying shades for constables
oftee, W. D. Fair Co., was paid $5.25,
Property Account was charged up
$2.70 for pay sheet,
John Carrick's 'salary for April of
$54,17 was paid.
J, W, Shobbrook, salary for April
for work at Cemetery of $54,17 was
Arthur Groves was paid $21.00 for
7 days work at Cemetery,
' ---1111---'
W. D. Fair 8z 'Co., had' an account
of `524.5,8 for blank books and station-
Operated by electric motors, a new
Inachiiae for compressing cotton bales
applies pressure sintutaneously froth
five sides
Combined with a new detachable clip
for fountain pens is a reel of blotting
paper to enable the pen to b used by
New taxes which will be levied on
motor vehicles in the United Kingdchn
will be based on the principle of road
wear and tear.
Nebraska requires tractors offered
(ot' sale within its bound, is.: to under-
go tests to determine th,ir actual rat-
Sclentdfic investigators in Bavaria
have. found that Phe nr 're tweed school
children 645the bettea the •10.. "ton
of their testis,
Children Cry
CAST ® R i A
Toronto, April 30 -The Mori
cipal Committee of the Legis-
lature this morning adopted an
ansendnsent'which makes subject
to income tax all dividends of
mercantile and ntiuntfacturing
concerns. Hitherto It has been
argued that such dividends
should not be taxed, since the
companies paying the dividends
were paying taxation already.
Tile clause was strongly op-
posed by counsel for the Cana-
dian Vlanufaclurers and the Can -
'adieu Credit Association, who
declared tha it would drive ca-
pital from Ontario to Quebec,
Walter Rollo said that ntil-
lionaries with immense incomes
were escaping taxation simply
because it was in dividends front
manufacturing and mercha utile
concerns. The -clause was adopt-
ed In the face of C. M. A. op-
* * * * . ;t. * • * x•
Hot Flushes,
Fainting Spells.
0. 15, Wall had an account of $7,00
for printing.
Park Committee had an account of
84.8o charged up to pleas on• pay
$6,01 was paid to P. ll. Cont . for
light at hospital.
So Weak' and Nervous
Could Not Sleep.
The Canada Flax still took fire on
Wednesday morning at 11,30 and in a
few moments the building WAS doomed;
as the dry flax and 011 inside .burned
rapidly. ''he fire started at lite, shoot,
and It is supposed to have come from
a spark from the smoke stack. The
Fire . Brigade was soon on hand and
managed to keep the fire from the en-
gine roons, but the rest of the building
is a total loss, except the bare walls,
The loss is a heavy one, not only dlr.
ectly, but indirectly, as the Company
has a large amountof flax on hand to
work up: No doubt they will rebuild
as they have contracted match 'hind for
this summer, which Is note being seed-
ed. Some flax was saved from the
building, The loss Of the mill is espec-
ially regretable because of the fact that
it had been, remodelled and had
been fittest up as one of the best stills
in this part of the country,
Mrs. Philip N. Ryan, Sand Point, N.B.,
writes: "I have been a great aufferer
from nerve trouble. I was so weak
and nervous I could not sleep at night,
and my appetite wu very poor.
could not walk across the floor without
trembling all over. I had hot flushes
and fainting spells. When I was on my
Second box ffelntrt andeNerve
I began to feel kon
until I had used six boxes when: I felt
like a different person. I em never
without them in the house and recom-
mend them to all who suffer with their
Milburn's heart and Nerve Palls are
50c. per box at all druggists �r dealers'
or mailed direct on receipt of pride by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
111111sNN11esibeeseso 11e11eN11
The salaries of .D. L. Macpherson,
C .rk, 5137.50; Robt. Welsh, Night
Watchman, $125.00; and R. B, Fitz-
simons, Chief, $54,17 were ordered to
be paid.
Chief Fiteslusnns reported $6.85 col.:
lected from market scales and $40.00
for hall real,
Superinlend}eist Slsobbrook of tate
Cemetery, reported $10 for sale of lot;
,$40.00 sari in perpetutity; $20.50 for
--e 11--
$12,0,00 was coileeted for cigarette
licenses; $41,6/ for bil4ards; and $40
1* livery license,
District News.
* * * * * * * * *
Drivers of motor airs, trucks
vehicles and bicyclists can save
many a serious accident if, on
going to stop or turn, they give
a signal with the hand, so that
those following may govern
themselves accordingly,
+ s a c +n *+.
Local News
�r &t�mttA ��� [
( . . Ifll i 6�V'41t� W�i�p°J`�"
Hydro has been Blinking.
Hydro wen out twice on Monday
evening for short periods, and on Tues.
day afternoon for over 40 minutes:
Married on Wednesday.
A quiet wedding took place on Wed
nesday of this week, when Rev. J. E.
Hogg, tied the matrimonial knot be-
tween Miss Jean, daughter 'of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. B it and Mr. Carl Mair, of
Allendale, sol of Mr. Geo. Mair, of
the Huron Road.
Merchants. of town are this week
disposing of the -balance of dutch set
i' si•
onions, and the demand indicates abig
crop this year,
More Changes.
Mr. W. J. has burchased Miss
Lydia Smith's house on Rattenbury st.,
and Miss Stith has bought Mr. J.
Crick's cottage.
Mr. Robert Fisher has taken the cot-
tage recently purchased on Townsend
street by th, Misses Bullets, and has
moved to it.
Dave McGill and Geo. Jordon, spent
a few'days at the lake last week,
Mr, and Mrs, F, Anderson, spent a
few days with their daughter, Mrs'.
McGowan near Blyth,
Revs. Boyle and Lundy, of Walton,
exchanged pulpits last Sunday.
Union prayer meeting je Knox
church next Tuesday night.
Rev, and Airs. Davidson motored to
London. on Tuesday.
Jas, Taylor shipped a car load of
tock on Friday.
First Half Holiday.
With the stores closed for the first
Wednesday half holiday this week, Clin-
ton basked peacefully in the bright
May sunshine. The gardens caught it
in great style, while up town it was
very quiet. The only stir was 'the
autos passing up and down the streets
and the unusual crowd of men who at-
tended the baseball meeting in the after
110011. Many shoppers forgot about the
early closing and came down to shop,
Hugh Auto Licenses.
An increase in the fees for pleasure
cars was forcasted by the Minister of
Public Works in tate legislature this
week. The present method of taxing
then was unfair and would be remedied.
Motorists, hethought, would not ob
ject when it was remembered that the
roads of the province were to be great-
ly improved. 4t was impossible to make
any charges this year because the gov-
ernment had cane into power too late
to make the change. however, a new
method of working out a graded license
tax was under consideration.
Every Line a "Money Saver„
Misses School Shoes, sizes 1 to 4, clearing lines at $2.38
25 pairs Men's Heavy Boots, black or tan, special clearing
price $4.50
Men's and Boy's Caps, clearing lines at 50
5 dos Men's fine shirts, sizes 14 to 16?!, special clearing
price $1.75
Look for Special Sale Price Tickets
wall Profits
Phone `.'..5.
Moro Business
MY BROTHER! l For Sale.
Who, when I've bought a nice new
had' ! 8 -roomed house for sale on Huron
Says, "Where the blank did you get' sheet. Apply to Mrs, J, Mcllveen.
Farm For Sale.
Who says, "They saw you cnmin', Sis,
i The Executors of the Estate of Jos.
eph lira rd, deceased, offer for sale 120
acres In the Township of Goderich cum -
prising Lot 37, Concession 14, and the
the North half of Lot 37 Concession 13.
This is a well improved farm, has good
house, barn, outbuildings and silo, is
well fenced, has good water facilities, 13
in a good state of cultivation and has
10 acres of hardwood and 15 acres o:
cedar containing much valuable, timber.
The farm is located on a good gravel
road 3 miles from Clinton.
Apply to M. Flick, R.R, No. 2, Clin-
ton and Albert Izzarst, 722a Champag••
near, Ave., Montreal, Quebec, Execu-
tors, or to W. Brydote, Clinton.
f yell paid twenty bucks for this:"
Who says "Phis system gets my goal,
When silly girls like you can vote?"
Who sacs my playing makes him laugh,
And that I sing like a sick calf?
Who saves me from that sin, conceit,
And ask Inc where 1 got such feel?
Who, just the same, without a doubt,
Is just a darling, alerted good scout?
A man can c run a 40 -horsepower
automobile very tar on a live -horse-
power income.
The than who pays for a book on the
art of staking money gets the Infornsa
anion -but the other fellow gets the
if a young man observes a far -away
look in a girt's eyes after calling her a
pet name, it means that she is trying
to recall what other young man had
used that identical terns of endearment
in the past.
Notice is hereby given that the
Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll for Goderich Township for the
year 1920, will be held in Holmes'
Hall, Holnesvilie, 0n Wednesday, May
261h, at 10 a.m., for the purpose of
bearing and settling complaints against
the said Assessment Roll. Parties hav-
ing business at the Court will attend
at the said time and place without fur-
ther notice. Adam Cantelon,
All dogs reported not destroyed on
or before the 26th of May will be
charged on the roll and collected with
the taxes.
I•lolnesville, May 3rd, 1919.
Eclipse of Moon.
At 9.15 'clock Sunday night the
moon had been totally eclipsed. This
is the second phenomena of the kind
this year, according to Dr. John Dear-
ness, priuci al of the Normal School,
London. The moon entered the pen-
umbra at 6,49 p,m. and the umbra at
8.01, It let the umbra at 11.41 pen.
and the pn umbra at 12.53 p.m, The
middle of the eclipse was reached at
9.51 o'clock, and the end at 10.27
o'clock. unusual fact regarding the
pheronsena was that it was a cloudy
copper color. Tltis was said to be be-
cause the noon was on the South side
of the earth and the sun was shining
directly 'on it,
llev. W. .1. Yager h;as returned front
conference. Ile is to remain here an-
other year.
Nirs, J. Kellelnsan attended the fun-
eral of a friend in Kitchener this week,
Mr. J, K. Goetz underwent an ewer.,
:Mon in St. Joseph's Hospital, Losdots,
last week. lie has returned home.
Mr, and Mrs. Vin, iley accompanied
isy Miss Fowlie spent Sunday in town,
Mr. Elgin Schatz, of Stratford Nor-
mal Sehnol, spent tine week end 111
towit, ,
Dr. R. B. Ca(t and Mr. M. Mclsaac,
were in London on Monday..
Mr. S, 'B, Stothers of 'Clinton, met
tine teachers Metre recently, and arratlg-
ed for the school fair to be held in
October, A needier of new titles of
exhibits were added, which with the ad -
dation of 101115 more schools, should
Mike a splendidfair this fall. �..t,.
DAYMOND. - in 'l'uckersmith on
April 29th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Daynioncl, a daughter, ... • • • • .
STRU'riIERS.-At Weih-Nei, China,
on April 26th, t0 Ur, and Mrs, R. 0.
Struthers, a (laughter. (Mother and
baby both doing well.)
LAYTON.-in Goderich, on Sunday,
May 2nd, Mary Ann Watson, widow of
the late John Layton, of Clinton, aged
78 years.
13BACONI.-1p Clinton on Saturday,
May 'est, Sarah' Ami Beacons, daughter
of the late Jetties Beacon, of Goderieh
Township,'aged 57 years,
Hotfse For Sale.
7 -room house, with hydro, town
water and furnace, in good repair,
acre of land, apply.
at New Era Office
Field Crop Competition, under the
auspices of tine Centre Huron Agricul-
tural Society. For further information
secure it from S. 13. Stotiters, Agl.
Representative, or from the Agl. Sec-
retary, A. J. McMurray.
Men Wanted.
We have openings for a few good
reliable men to work on .Tlu'esising
Nlachiues, Tractors and other work. .
The Robt, Bell Engine &Thresher Co.
Ltd., Seatortls, Ont. •
Barred Rock Eggs for Hatching.
Even a miser may give advice freely.
Love is' blind to the interests of all
gas companies..
Some men are too lazy to snake
either enemies or friends.
Talk Is said fo be 'cheap, but a nsu'-
fled man will fe'! ' 't coma,
high, ;Pa
Park- Guild and 0. A.'College strains
Eggs $1.00 per 13. H. A. Hovey,
Clinton, 0111.
Eggs for Hatching.
Barred Rocks, good
Also Pekin' Duck eggs.
Phone 149,
Bought and sold at Market prices.
Victor Feed.
We have a quantity of Victor Feed
for Hogs and'Cattle, which will take the
place of Shorts as it is impossible for us
to secure Shorts this season. Try solar
of this feed and we feel sure you will
like it.
Also in our stock is a quantity of
Feed Flour, and Maxed Chop, As these
two lines are good value at the present
tune we would advise an early purchase
Having procured the agency for the
Swift Canadian Co., we are prepared ft
offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage ani
also all brands of this, Company's Fer-
Regarding Spring Seeds our Stocig
includes the following: -Red Clover,
Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa,
Timothy, ado Timothy and Alsikc mho.
There are a few barrels of the Pero
Cane Molasses left yet,
laying strain.
Price; 'moder-
F. W. Watt,
A Chance of Your Life.
To secure a roadster gelding, sired
by 'renipletoit, he being a sot of Peter
the Great, tide Ilam Eva 13. with a record
of 2.16. Not having time to train and
care for hint 1 offer 11i111 at a price you
can elm up some money. Get busy
and write at once or apply at Lot 22,
con, 2, Tuckersntith, L.R.S, • Edgar Butt
For Salo.
Comfortable house on Rattenbury
Street enquire at New Era office,
Cottage For Salo.
W,1Jenkrns o
Phone 199 Residence, 131.
'AND Titu
,0R,18 G
i)!liITi'Ian/ .1115
Unexcelled Dining Car Service,
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor Cars on special day trains.
Full Information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning
District Passenger Agent, Troonto.
John Ransford & Son, city passe(,
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 5;
A. 0. Pattison, station agent.
Cin Eat Anything hies a
How Marty CCysiiept cS
Cast :any This?
Tho epffcrcr from dyspepsia end inrli•
Frsiion who has 10 pick and eh,,,:+, hat
fond, is the most miserable of alt mot"
FIven the little he dors eat eon., everts
torture, and le digested. ro nal •rf'';ly
that it dries hien Milo good.
What dyspeptics nerd in not ,Vo,
m„ ae
artificial cligratanta, but s, .m.11,s,.tg 111:at
wilt put 11m stomach richt 1, 11 wJB
manufacture iia OW11 $141'.:1 iv. ,' i'st enit.
brat over 415 y" au s lsnel , k 1:1.14.1
31111ews hart h,11`11 1:1“:1 oan'r, S1011001:4 to e
internal, healthy r hili t 's al, 54,:1' 11,4.
nod n,, lenges','p,4 1(y di. a1 1,11. If
thoroughly cEeesi,.d at l t +411 1,
the dyepeptns 0111\ c'i1 5t1.:,1 1 i It.rav
with0111 arty snfferh iZ
Mr, T. Dalton, C`opim 3, Ont,
vi1Leo. "f was troubled alone vsf' prim
and we." to is,eed to try Burdock Blood
'Sitters. i took tierce bottles and nen
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nt. `Tic
epair 0n Rattenbury Str�e@'it, Apply to $.13.x1. is taus. .ctured only byMrs. S, l'ratt T; mouth Co., ..,malted, Toronto, Oust.