HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-5-6, Page 4PAGE 4
calxsan9f4�s d
dd e
W. J. NEDIGER, Ford Garage
By The Way—
in ancient Greece was ac-
companied by the cithara and the
tyre, white the flute was played by
both men and women in furnishing
marital music to the soldiers in time
of war. Musical
bands marched to
war with the sol-
diers and played on
flutes, pipes and.
harps. The lyre and the harp were
preferred by the Greeks for private use,
for it was thought they did not prevent
one from remaining master of himself,
Greek Soldiers
Marched to War
With Music
while the flute, pipe or clarinet put! known. The sane grasses stns] grow
the Haan beside himself and obscured there. The mammoths were too big
and well protected to be the prey of
Ther animals.
While geological records show that a
world cataclysm occurred centuries ago
when the climate became what it is to-
day, still that does not explain the mans
moths' departure, because aey .
after that period, The increase of the
population in Europe might have driven
them to more remote regions, but al-
though protected from the elements
and natural enemies, and though their
food supply still remains, they passed
out of history, and the reason for it is
the cross, as a synthol of gratitude, with
the Money she earned by spinning.
ABOUT the year 1129 the woolen.
trade of lisgland became located at
Worsted, shout 15 Hailes from Norwich,
and 11 was at this place that the maim -
future of the twist-
ed double thread
woolen, afterwards
called worsted, was
first shade, IC not
invcntet(�' Linsey-w•jts'y was first
made at Linsey, and was fur 5 long time
a very popular fabric.
Kerseymere takes its name .from the
village of Kersey, and the more close by
it, in the county of Suffolk.
Gaza, in Palestine, the gates of which
Samson carried away, Is where gaze or
gauze,. originated, • Gaza means "trea-
sure." Voltaire, wishing to describe
some intellectual but dressy woman,
said "She is an eagle in ncage of
Muslin owes its name to Mossoul, a
fortified town in Turkey in Asia.
Tulle obtains it names from that of
a city in the south Of France, Ouin-
gamp, ie Brittany, first produced that
useful fabric, gingham.
Damask derives its name from the
city of Mamitscus; calico from Galicia,
town in India formerly celebrated for
its cotton cloth, where also calico was
printed. Cambric from Canabray, a
town in Flanders, where it was first
made; and tweed from a fabric worn by
fishermen upon the River Tweed',
Popular Fabrics
prom Cities.
Derive Names
pletely disappear from the earth has
never been answered, declares a writer
in the•San Francisco
Deep Mystery. Chronicle,' Though
Disappearance these animals lived
'of Mammoth all over North Am-
erica, Asia and
Northern Europe, still history does not
record a single case where they were
actually seen alive by Haan.
Many sank in the bogs of Northern
Siberia and were preserved through the
centuries, even to the frozen contents
of their stomachs, so that their exact
size, color and the grasses they ate are
reason. There were extensive choir
whose music was distinctly connected
with the religious lite of the people.
These choirs were composed of both
men and women and were employed
for public and private religious festi-
ti live
The choirs celebrated victories in
war, deaths holy days, births and mar-
riages..Alkman, who lived as early as
650 B, 'C., wrote a choir song for girls
which was a dramatic part Yong.
Children Cry
ALL members of the jay family are
faired for their wit. The jay--..
aften a plunderer -is the intellectual of
the bird world, and is aristocratic, auto-
cratic and domi-
• Members of steering - the ack-
Jay Family nowledged super -
Noted for Wit for of other birds.
He is handsome, a
wearers of bright clothes, and acts and
looks the part that should go with royal
purple. The European jay runs to the
reddish; the American or Eastern jay
is light blue; a fellow down by the Rio
Grande wears green; while the cock of
. the family -the wit of wings -is the
stellar or long -crested jay, clad in deep
blue with jet black crest and head and
touches of turquoise, purple and black
on wings•and tall.
The handsome long -Crested or stellar
jay inhabits all the mountain ranges of
Western' North America and is one of
the Lords of the earth. He 1y a char-
acter second to none in the entire bird
world. He is brilliant, wise, versatile
and aggressive. This jay is eterntdly,
efficiently vigilant. if there come new
food to his locality he takes possession
before other birds discover it; if new
danger, he will be the first to detect it;
Hopportunity for fun, he first uses it;
NEW E17�►
Suffered "Three
Years Until
She Tried
1'(lilrsday, May 6111, 1920.
ac• a it yr at M at •w * 4
4 * tk y * 0 * * *
it .1, n„ uh J. B. nay hart calls for
:w yutl.
v i Many to summer the grass has grown
Blossomed Musca faded, your Image be-
Yet with slroug yearning and passion-
ate pain,
We want your presence alauxsg us
Come from the lands, from far over the
Put Ice on my bead, James while I
am asleep.
(By LIE V. 1'. B. FI'IZWA'rlila, U, D.,
Teacher of English .(31b1e hi pas Moody
130ae institute of Chieago.)
(Copyrtaht, 1920, Western Newspaper Union.)
—0 --
THE oldest drawings in the world
are believed to have been made a-
bout 25,000 years ago by prehistoric
man in the caves of "the Phyrenees
Mountains, says
Oldest Drawings Boys' Life. Some
Made 25,000 of these pictures
Years Aga. show remarkable
skill in drawing,
suggesting that civilization was com-
paratively well advanced at this period.
From the relics of this period it is be-
lieved that these men had a religion of
some kind, that they buried their dead,
were governed by chiefs and made in-
struments of flight. Examples of their
painting and sculpture have been found.
As man goes about the earth analyzing
and dissecting every object a great a-
mount of scientific information is be-
ing gathered which will some day en-
able him to solve the great "mystery of
Isis early history.
Children Cry
May be used with temperance application.
LESSON TEXT -1 Sam, 2:12; 27-3e; 4:1-
GOLDEN TEXT -Tho wages of sot is
death; but the girt of God Is eternal life
through Jesus. Christ our I.ord.-Rohl. 6:2.
30: 3:10-34; 4:ID; 3:131 Epii.
PRIMARY 'fOP1C-God Calls the Tiny
JUNIOR TOPIC -IIsi and His Sons.
--Sowing and Reaping.
-A Responsibility of Parents and Chil-
IONIAN culure was different in its
form from any development of
later times, and most difficult to un-
derstand, having
but if there is nothing doing he starts 1 . Culture in been addressed to
WHAT caused the mastodons and Islam
months of centuries ago to corn-
Few Pe
`t \ t nig
as '+
rut. :::11 ce;lcrh the nrr'-••
• elea lsc 4il...roWt-Y• ., .
..tie :,a wJ1 close (if right')
acts gently Ona the liver,
and glues it justthe slight
hap at needs to clo its own
Work, and do it well.
e E1 E0 .one pill regulartyr,
r. :l you glen) yotn are
Cinulne itetfrs '$/stnotars
Colloriessfaces often shear
VAC abaenco> of iron in the
coit"tltrys iron Ms
Sixth Century the ears and not tO
Before Christ eyes, writes Mary
Mills Patrick in the
National •Geographic Magazine. The
Sixth Century 13. C. was an age without
free distribution of written records, and.
the beginning of libraries were mostly
collections of wooden tablets,
Some of the great men of the latter
part of this period each wrote It book,
but it was a laborious task, hleraclitus
of Ephesus we's'one of those who wrote
a book which was kept for safety in the
Temple of Dimas at Ephesus. A book
was not a thing to be lightly regarded,
and the process, of writing was so dif-
ficult 11131 it was far easier to reiiienh-'
ber what one had written than to de-
cipher it from a'•.honk.
Greek writing was hard to read be-
cause neither the words nor the sen-
tences were divided' from each other,
t and the lines ran both from right to
left and from left to right. Solon and
Pittakos wrote their laws on wooden
tablets. However, they did not write
them for general circulation, but rather
to preserve the laws they had promul-
Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q.
"I think it,nay duty to tell you bow
much your medicine bas done for me,
I suffered for three years with terrible
Eczema. I consulted several 000tors
and they did not do me any good.
Then, I used one box of 'Soothe,
Saba' and two boxes of `F'ruit-ativee'
and my hands are now clear. The
pain is gone and there has been no
return, I think it is a marvellous
cure because no outer medicine did
me any good and I tried all the
remedies I' ever heard of, without
benefit until I used. `Sootha•Salua' 1
and 'Fratt•a•tiees,'
'Fruit.a-tives' cooled the blood
and temoved the cause of the disease,
and 'Soothe -Salva' completed the
Dame PETER LAMARRE (fits),
50e. a box, 6 for *2.50, trial size 28e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid b
Fruit-n.-tives Limited, Ottawa,
I. The Wickedness of Eti and Hie
Sona 2.:12-17, ill -36.
1. Ell's sons (vv, 12-17, 22). The Ile••
'savior of these sons Is In strange con-
trast to that of the boys Samuel. Ell's
sons were priests and ministered in
the things of the sanctuary, but "knew
not the Lord" (v. 12),
(1) Graft (vv. 12-17). This greed
was practiced • upon the worshipers
who brought tlheig satwiiicee to the
00:114ry, itEcording to doe's 1nw.
ordained that the priests should
eougattou, but nas fatherly heart 101
him into a sentimental indulgence: hip
love got the better of his judgment,
Eli was content with 0 weak reinnn•
etrance. He was under eblighat:iun not
merely to speak against it, but should
have acted against It.
II. Eli and His Sons Punished (4:
They at lust rune to reap whet
they lied sown. (boil has appoint ed m
dam of judgment (: etsa 17:81). There
is a harvest time for the sinner as
well ns frir the righteous (.Teel 11:18).
11 inc Mus sown to the wind be 5)1511
reap the whirlwind. The Philistines
made war upon Israel and drfe'ntarl
therm with great slaughter.' 'This ludg•
went had herrn nude known to 10111 by
a "man of God" (2:27) and Simnel
„ The. Philistines Wert' in•
struments iu the hinds cr Cod for
thls judgment.
1. The fiattie with the Phitlslines
(vv. 1-0). The Israelites msdn an urn
successful attempt to frac themselves
from the oppression of the Philistines.
Israel was smitten and some 4,0110 were
slain, This aroused then In inquire
as to wiry the Lord had smitten them
and to suggest that the ark• be brought
frets Shiloh ad a defense against the
enemy. In Ibis they commuted two
blunders: (1) The elders bad no right
to handle the art-; that belonged 10
the priest's. Before taking such a etre
they should hive sought the mind of
(hod, and if it were his will that the
ark be 'brought, It should lube been
clone by the priests. (2) It w'n4 a 80-
perstitious use of the ark, which was
u syrmbol of (ksl'e presence. They'ig-
noratntly assumed that the preserirt' of
God inhered in the s)mbol. forselrins.
that he is the living God. who has a
will end purpose Of his own, and there-
fore will not give countennnr'e to that
which disagrees with itis holy purpose
and will. Professing Christians in title
age commit it similar errnt' when tory
smhstltute the stteramients of the
church for the presence or (bort in the
soul. The earth rung out with it trrt;n
shoal when the uric w'ay hrnught hit"
the camp and the enemy wits street:
with fear, for they knew what wouih,i•s
God had tvroiight in limns linen. In
their desper;ition they mart, n shred,
en111ng some their Inert to pin thrir hest.
With (heir backs to the wall they
fought and won the victory.
Israel's disastrous defeat (vv. 10-
1st). (I) The itriuy mus rout tel load u
grent siuughter occurred (v. 10) : (2)
the ark of (tort was token (v. 10), the
symbol of.the divine presume' with IIN
sarrec, memories torn from their greet)
and with It went Israel's hope; (3)
Eli's 50115 slnin (v. 10) : the very priests
who were the 'custodians of too ark
were slain•; (4) death of Ell the high
priest (v. 18), The news of the de-
feat of the army .and the dettth of his
sons was Lawful, but when he heard
that the ark of God was taken ne died
have the breasts and shoulders of the
animals widen were brought to the al-
tar' Mx, 29:27; Lev. 7:31, i^-). The
degenerate sorts of ICIi 'were not nun•
tent wilt this, hut demanded more.
and even sought to obtain it by fof•ee
(v. 16). Moreover, they lifted out
with a fork cet'taia choice jsu'11ons
while raw, and had tltent roasted.
Such behavior on the part of the
priests was revolting to the worship•
ers and resulted to the abhorrence of
the Lord's offerings.
2. Eli (vv. L'7-36). MU was seeming.
ly to good man, but he seriously erred
before God in that he failed to disci•
plisse his sons (vv. 22:24), He knew
o£ tbetr sins. and 0.55 runsr(nms 151 0�"
LEGi(ND, as well as quaint fact, ad-
heres to many of the landmarks of
Vienna. To the south of the city is a
beautiful cross. the Spinnerinnan Kreuz,
The site was a ecu -
Legend Adheres dezvous for teen.
to Vienna fists because of the
Landmark. pa110railaa of the
of the city is af-
fords. Though the present cross is
naorc than five eenturies old, it replaced
a simpler crucifix, which is said to have
been ;Wet there by a woman whose
husband went away on one of the onu-
sades. WIC. la he was abroad site went
t#iis do1.:.C�rflon. `'t this point every day to split and'
"w1~9js lt4 prey. When he returned site erected '
and Ade
Dye That Skirt,
Coat or Blouse
Baby's Own Tablets are a regular
joy giver to the little ones .-- they
i never fail to, mike the cross baby
happy. When baby is cross and fret-
ful the mother may be sure some-
thing is the natter for it is not
baby's nature to be cross unless he
Is ailing. Mothers, if your baby is
cross; if he cries a great deal and
Weds your Constant attention' day
and night, give him a .dose of Baby's
Own Tablets. They are a mild but
;thorough laxative which will quickly
regulate the bowels and stomach and
thus relieve constipation and indiges-
tion, colds and simple fevers ,and
make baby happy - there surely
'is a smile in every close of the Tab-
lets. Baby's Own Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
DUKE OF CONNAUGHT, was 70 years cents a box from The Dr, Williams'
4)1c1 on Saturday, Flags were flying ..
An inventor claims to have perfected
a demountable ring which is attached
to a.n automobile wheel with a single
Dolls wade of plaited straw, which
are practically indtystructable, even if
water soaked, have beets invented in
Backward turn, 0 time in thy flight,
Make the town wet again, just for
"Diamond Dyes" Make Old, Shabby,
Faded Apparel ,lust Like NeW.
Don't worry about perfect rlts,
Use "Diamond Dyes,' esuguaranteed to give
a now, rich, fadeless color to any fabric,
Whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or ,nixed
goods, -drosses, blouses, stockings, skirts,
children's coats, draperies,-everYthingt
A Direction Book is in package.
show you tc1Dia n "Diamond Aye "1 Color Carder
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
from buildings in England
in honor of the event. Ile was for-
merly Governor General of 'Canada.
An Ode to Father Time
Laughter comae back from that near-
beerless shore,
Enliven our parties again, as of yore.
Kiss from my fore head the furrows
of tear.
Furrows put there by thrice cursed
near beer,
And over my pillow your loving watch
Put ice on nay head, James while 1
atm asleep.
Tired' of the raisins booze, near beer Canrdan
Sold every P� In boxes,
Better Pay
The Price
ou wish "some
ody would in-
vent something new to eat' you
when digestion is good,poisons
are formed during its pro-
cesses that unless eliminated
irritate mind as well as body.
THERE is no time in wom-
an's life that she cannot
benefit by the use of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food in order
to keep up the supply of ,pure,
rich blood and to ensure' a
healthful condition of the
nervous system.
lIe.•ndaches, flatmates., eiseplass4
Ross, nervous spells, ixeltal>;tlfty,
Brod, worn-out feelings, aeon MealJ-
en® o1
vigoral energy pear when the . an
the nerves are restored by 'the 5534
oC this great food 'cure,
50 cents a box, 8 for $275, all ICea3Dre, es
jlidnansou, hetes :ac Co., Ltd,, ',tereet4,
Best Means of Safety.
In, all our weaknesses we have one
element of strength if we recognize
it. Here, ss in other things, knowl-
edge of danger Is often rho best 1a5nan5
of safety. -'-101. P. Rue.
French laws forbid painters using
white lead or products containing it.
Underneath ;t seem Chilli* hildrei
is a music box that plays when a child
is seated.'
Sugar beet growing experiments in
Scotland. ,have resulted in a clecidely
iaici'eased yield.
A tool pox, which can be locked, is
included .within one of the dock's of an
tap -to -date automobile,
Asi English scientist has developed a
photometric method for making exact
measurement's' Of colors.
A vmeal frame
ias been babies Inented safe poli-'
Molctiisi; veryyyy g
tions while being bathed.
An Engllsitntas, is the Inventor of a
holder for drills with which they can
be sharpened on whetsto*es.
l'o ih'c1p in folding business letters
tepidly a device resembling an enlarged
signet ring itas been invented.
Cltlu'ese import a dµ10158 of wood
1(001 the Philippines and extractd. raid
talk, stain, dye and
All This EXTRA
For You
Don't buy a bicycle just because it looks good. A
bright appearance often hides poor materials and work-
Buy a C. C. M. Bicycle.
The beauty of the C. C. M. is more than surface deep.
There are three coats of brilliant, waterproof enamel over
a coat of anti -rust. That means an enamel that will stand
wear and weather.
The smooth, highly -polished nickelling is over rust-
proof copper. That's why C. C. M. nickelling retains its
bright appearance and wears so long.
You don't always spin along smooth pavements. Some-
times you have to bump over ruts and cobble stones. So
the C. C. M. frame has the long, strong "Fishmouth" rein-
forcement at the joints. This snakes a powerful frame
with a large margin of safety.
are also easier -riding.
The special construction of the driv-
ingparts gives the direct drive that
makes the C. C. M. a joy to ride!
And the new Hercules Positive Drive
Brake -the Coaster Brake without a
side arm -is included without extra
charge. The C. C. M. dealer is waiting
to show + you these EXTRA - value
bicycles. Call without delay,
90% Made inCanada-.1000/0 Value.
Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Limited
Montreal Taranto Winnipeg Vnncasver
This trade mark is
C,Cframe Bicycle.
Over 1,000 C.C.M. Ser-
vice Stations in Can -
oda, Look for tldaslatt,
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. 'Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
Yon will neyer be sorry -for ee 100 (0
matter of stoney, i
most economical,
Ttat has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
knew it -and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to raise chat sort altogether•-
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high, qualities are
dealt in -0011/11 HERE
And e'en ht that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
W .
e tunter
Jeweler And Onneinn
m er oarriihI C Licel)fies
1. A. Ford &
Phone. 123
crown and Rrlsge Work a apeolatty, -,
rapuate o4 C.C.D.S,,. Chicago. and &,o.D.01
Wield on IHo,N4ays, May int so D
DR. lir. 1'1Ol 1 E1 `,
OfHaea over O'NEIL'S .torn,
Special are taken to make dental tree
meat me painless as possible.
Plana Tuning,
Mr, James Doherty wishes to in.
form the yyublfe that be is ere -
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone reguiating, and repairing,
I Orders receive liaromnt ¢attention
Live stook and general Auction+e"
r as in stops oases a specials/. OTAers et 0
Naw Stu office, 011ntou prone Uy aide:Wa•,
Terms reasonable. Partnere' Male tote'
The "iC L E V E L A ,N D" Bicycle
are sold in Clinton by
The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and ;
Battery ,services
Ph. r...,.. .. ANT.
one 8 0 Meaidence 140 CU.. JiV,
1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. m,
7.30 p. m. to 9.00 p.
Sunda* 12.30 to 1.30
Other hours by appointment only.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
W. BL Y)1)0NIL
Notary Public, Oonveytncer,
Financiai and Real l+7sta,te
INSURANCE AG nae Co epresenting IC Firs
Division Court Office,
G. D. McTaggart Di, Lt, MaTszgga •
WieTagqart Brims.
I Illl£'I IS
(..ofiarai •Bankia9 Batlinestre
DraIso issued. Interest allowed e
The McKillop AVOW
Erre Insurance ega
Farm end Isolated Town 9'rieto
erty Only insured,
'e• at➢
o Oast
-..c,,, ,aro
Wad 4D
llit;e ,
1Le a
J. Connolly, Goderich, President` Jas.
Evans, Beechwood, VicerPrestdeniw,
rhos. E. flays, Seaford). Secretary
Atex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; )kfware
tnondville; 3.afW. hYeo, Goderi t4; (.Ett,
Jarmuth, Brodhagen. ,
War. Minn, No. 2, Seafor9fl; John
Newels, Brodhagota; James Evans, Beebe.
await; 14. Mere m i. Clinton; ./anter
Cenneliy, Dotleriehr D. 1. MmOregor
tMi► 3,
RANIONRA.4 J. G. Gtinn. 1311k 4
Wratten; Ro1,ea't Fatseis, fiarlock; Gel.
MleRsptne. Ileo. 3. Settorth, -. ,... .'