The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-29, Page 6PAGE: 6 arrow xrz enam pz.7rsaaan* ...... .. .. THE CLINTON NEW ERh.,' NEW DRAPERIES, R.LGS AND LINOLEUMS Now that the Warm weather is here, Spring cleaning will go forward in earnest, and thi'n's nothing adds zest to the work, like something new in the way of furnishing's --- new curtains for one room, a rug for another, fresh linoleum for the kitchen and so on, HINTS OF THEE NEW DRA PERIES. '1'lnesc include the newest patterns and,culorings:in Cretonnes, Chintzes, Shadow Cloths, Voiles, Scrims, Marquisettes, etto. Many are imported and exclusively handled by 10. EXQUISITE FLOOR COVERINGS. To attain the most pleasing results in redecorating and refurnishing the home you'll find the choosing_ of the Rugs a matter of first importance. We fully recognized this fact in choosing our splendid New Spring Stock and you'll find here a variety and width of choice second to none in this part of the country; furthermore, by buying in liberal quantity we were able to secure hest manufacturers' prices as well as exceptional quality and choice of new.. designs. That's Why we invite comparsion and are so solicitous of your seeing our display. CATCHING THE ENTHUSIASM OF GOOD QUALITY and your business dealings with us will carry no regrets. MEN'S STORE Custom Talloriat Men's, Furntsh:ar Phone t03 Opposite Publtc Library a. lantlinnanneInOantenIntnannlIteenainceorenianntantaanSenea WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Hous! Furnishings, Phone 67 Next Royal Bank HAVE YOU LOST Had Severe Cold Your Appetite if you have ---try Sauce; Catsups; Pickles; Etc, PORK & BEANS with Tomato. Sauce - 2 large cans for 35c 6 large cans for$1.00 SPAGHETTI with Tomato Sauce— Per 12 os. Tin ..10c FOR PIES or PUDDING 2 cans Pumpkin .25c 2 pkgs. Corn Starch 25c 'Raisins, .Prunes, Rice, Tapioca, etc GET TI - 12 some of our Pork and Beans with Tomato BULK PICKLES • Mustard,•per quart ,40c Mixed, per quart ..40c Sweet, per quart ...50c Rex Catsup .15c and 25 DOMINION MATCHES 65c 3 Boxes for 25c TOILET SOAP 3 bars Lavender Batit 25 BROOM SPECIAL for FRIDAY and SATURDAY No, 100 for No, 8 for 95c GET ONE WIiILE 1'IIEY LAST HABIT UP DEALING AT LAUNDRY SOAP 3 bars Laundry soap25c JoiLtNsoN& e • PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO •sr AUTO FIRE Insurance at Modern to Rates. WINDSTORM Insurance is' as impo rtant as Fire Insurance on all kclasses of buildings. The Rate i s Cheap, LIVE STOCK Insurance pays you f or toss by Accident of your valuable stook. GENERAL Fire Insurance of al 1 kinds, Call and see Me. Charles B. gale. HURON STREET, ' ` CLINTON,, ON'T. or Disease !T TURNED TO Oq�7GW1fi�T�S■ I���I�111<Olill�HLtHIV@IIUHIlIG�4IIIVII�I,�IlU01UVIHII�VIWUIVIiIIVHlRIHUIgUIUIHIIDwUIII�IIMII�NIIVIHWHI�I@H�J�1mIII�I�VVU@uIHUHHIIpll�II�IIVHI��III 4 l.: IIVIIIiHIIIIIIII!!!!!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIl imilIHlllllHllIII!VIIIIIII!HVVIH f lilIIIIlu111011101011111VII11111VVIIIIIIIIIIII!1111111IIIIIIIVI1Z111111111!VIIIIIIIIIII 1111!11111911!!!IIH1111111115 11111 IIl11111111 \Vilj Loam•Ilacic to Clinton. �� Rev, and Mrs. C. W'. Hawke. of •Tiverton, will conte bacv to Clinton to ,reside at the end of the Conference year in June. They lave purchased Mr. liuzziis house on 'I'invnsend Street. I. A. O. F. Services. The 101st anniversary of Odd fellow ship will he observed next Sunday morn tug of Clinton Lodge by attendance at, Willis Church, when Rev, J. I. Hogg will preach to the brethren 'Anel visit - 'ug members are welcome. Purchased Team Here, Brussels Post: -.--A dandy 'span of 5 years old Percheron horses was purchas ed at Clinton Spring Fair by ,Alex, Mc- Lauchlan, Last gravel road at a fancy price, Sandy pins his failh on the Per- cheruns. The team are grays and well matched. Retail Jewellers Meet on May 19th. • Many neople'Have bronchitis and don't know it. Don't even know the clanger of ne- glecting it. Bronchitis starts with a dry, short, painful, hacking cough, accompanied with rapid wheezing, and a feeling of oppression or tightness through the chest. At first the raised -up phlegm is of a light color, but as the trouble progresses it becomes of a yellowish or greenish color, and is very often of a slimy nature, streaked with blood. Bronchitis should never be neglected. Pneumonia or Consumption may follow if it is, Mr. E. E. Boyrer, Edmonton, Alta., writes:—"Last winter I took a severe cold which turned to hronchitie. The doctor I had could not neem to relieve it, and I bad been treated by him fot eight weeks. Then, a friend came in and recommended me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. After taking one bottle I was greatly relieved,. I. got two more bottles, and ran say it' bas quite cured me. It bas stopped my cough and my spitting up lets of phlegm. Have not had' an attack siuce. , L can aware you I would not, be without a bottle of it in the house. It, im:helped my edldrea also. I think it is a wonder - fig remedy for Boughs or. bronchitis." • Dr. Wood's Norway Pine, Syrup is : • put up iiia yellow wrapper; 60 r; 3 ppoe trees the trade mark; price a Manufactured ed only by The T. Milburn Co, limited, Toronto, Ont. SCRANTON COAL catty who wish to leave their order for rr.: 'Sirhtg delivery can do so by leaving to their orders at my residence, Hurou Si. or Phone 155. Terms:• --Strictly Cash --Phone 155. Stratford Herald—A convention of re tail jewellers has been arranged for 10 be held on May 19th. This will in- clude a ,wide district practically all of Western Ontario and Owen Sound and should bring one half a hundred Jewell ers to the city. There will be a program of much interest to jewellers including speakers from some of the big etablisit nnents in Toronto. The Hardware Store of Better Values P,.REP•ARE•FOR S.P.:R.xur Buy celebrated Seeds, and reduce tbei High Cost of Living., • ' -v Buy. new''ap-to-ditte Garden Tools and see what a pleasure it is to use then,. ' ' Sprayers and Sprinklers to supply the Moisture 0.t When needed. A Complete up.to-date Stock at W. FL DAVISON Successor to R. RoWland. Perfection Oil Cook Stoves SPRING IS HERE Are you ready with your Pans and Buckets? Have niffew sheets of Sap Pan Iron Order yours early so as to be sure of getting one. T. Hawkins Plumbing anti Heating st K V� C. •,t a The Corner Grocery Phone 45. E. WARD ifES11�YNCi-HUROft $TP. T Order Your Supply of. .:SCRANTON COAL' • In purchasing the 'Hollaway-Forbes 't3oal Business, we secured what we call 1.5 straight line nonnection,•with the two great American Coal Mining instHutions namely, The D. L.&W. CoalCo., Movings. . Mr, William Wheatley has moved to Itis house he purchased on Rattenbury Si. West. Mr, W. Holloway has moved to the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W. Wheatly on Victoria Street. Mr. W. Branfield has taken the house vacated by Mr. Holloway next Ellintts livery barn. It's a regulsr checker, Aline this moving:in Clinton, Purchased Grocery Business, During the past week Mr, Levi Stool; closed a deal whereby he will assume coitroll of the grocery business of Mr. 1 J. Reid Victoria street about the 5th of next month. Both Mr. and Mrs. Reid have not .beet) in extra good health, hence the decision to sell out their bus- iness which has developed into ;t good one. itis altogether likely Mr. and Mrs.Reid and family will still reside in town. Gets Deserved Promotion. Mr. Robt, Moore, local agent for the Prudential insurance Co,, has received a deserved promotion and leaves next week for Hanover. Mr. Moore has work ed up an excellent business in this terri- tory and the 'Co., has not been slow to recognize his work. No agent has been appointed here yet. The citizens will join in wishing Mr. Moore continued success in that northern burg. Mrs. Moore and family will follow shrtly, 'WiU Move to Exeter. who own and control tite famous Scran- ton Coal fields, and furnish us with their STANDARD ANTHRACITE. ' 'Sihe D. & H. Coal Co. • 'who send hs their 'celebrated LACKA- WANA COAL. By a straight line connection we• meant thatwe are .their sole agents for the, conlmilnity, and although an im- poster may elalcu to be distributing their coal, it is an utter impossibility, and only goes to show- that ie is will- ing to admit that we have the b,est coal available. New dealers can only resort to job; 'Wehave a splendid assortment hers,, which means that the quality may of Seeds for 'Spring Gardening— be irregular, as the coal barons will not• take on ,any new dealer no matter how DUTCH well equipped he may be, mart` less a Municipal Coat Yard, So alt accordingly and place your order now at the old stand, as the 1920 allotments are being made according to past hnoiness, Now is the time for 'a trice cheery opea grate fire, 'Try our EBONY CUBE. CANNEL Anti in t110 kitchen range you will `moo irst e .THEY have been called a pyo- pie.of one idea—God first. IiATEVLR happens, their wort: goo's on, serving God and their fellowmen, EMPIRLIS may rise. and fall, the world may seem to be enveloped in blood and strife, but they still see God's sunshine and love, still do the nearest work of'mercy. Still praise God for the saving of souls, 1UDGE if you will from what you know of their work, whether the world has moot cause to rejoice with them in their ad- herence to this one idea—"Seek first the Kingdom of God." The Sale j Army MULTIPLYERS SEED CORN GARDEN andFLOWER SEEDS Cinch Clenser makes Houseclean- like our log easy, Try a can for Cleaning' G^ — coat question try a load of WOOD, i r We are bound to satisfy you,• and will Try our Ccn'a `axsd C'nee ort Bark give von rest service, CFiFST'NUT COKE your Woodwork and Windows Or if you Want Ur get away.froni the M. �. .. �_... �_...- JNO. IL ,,,MUSTARD $llntYi"ti' & 1�Crticei6eld.' .,"rod W. Wiggu. Kona for Ctic'fe,4,-81a. , Phone for I!>,rircetiottl 11 nu OS, Exeter Times:—Miss N. Medd, sister of Mr. W. G. Medd, of town, who is well known in the community having taught school at Winchelsea and Elim - villa, together with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Medd, who reside near Clin- ton, have purchased the residence of Mr, Thos. Kestle, on Main street and expect to stove to town in the fall. We welcome them to our midst. We un- derstand Mr. Kestle will either buy or build another.. house in town. Care For Cemeteries. • The Legislature is 1.ikly to endeavor to find a way to compel municipalities to care for cemeteries of which so many are allowed to grow wild. It carte up yesterday in the House when J. R. Cooke'(North Hastings) iniroduc- sed a bill to provide for the caring for old cemeteries when municipalities pur chased ground adjoining for burial pur poses. lie suggested that another chose Mrs Archie Hamilton; carnations, Mr. Ile added in committee to make it corn And Mrs, lid Tout, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. G. pulsars that cemeteries properly, Price; flowers, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Dunn cared for lion. W. E. Raneyey, , Attorney- , and family. General agreed, and the committee will try and find a remedy. tion 308 Citadels and Institutions in this Territory —use them! Dandlelions Here. The Dandelions are here and then the harvest. One well known gentle- men told as how to stake a Preparation of hair tunic, from dandelion that would "bust" the bottle but we won't try it this spring. Those 1920 Tax Rates. Brussels Post:—Where .tax ,rates been struck in many of the town and cities "Scatter Smiles and Sunshine' is not the melody every taxpayer is whistling or humming on account of ant icipated pleasure in "shelling out" the ducats for 1920. it is real municipal science to bring down or keep dowi the apparently ever increasing tax rate and few Councils appear to have attend ed any school of Commerce that teach- es this high art. Funeral of the late James Lawson. Stratford Beacon:—The funeral o the late James F. Lawson was held on Wednesday afternoon from his fancily residence, 238 Erie street to Avondale cemetery. In the absence of Rev, \V 11. Graham, of Central Methodist church Rev. J. E. Holmes of Trinity Methodist officiated. Among the out of town friends were: Joseph Lawson, grout Auburn; Mrs. Wm. Lee and daughter Fannie, Loudesboro; Mr. and Mrs Frank Gills and daughter, Clinton; Mrs Alex. Leitch -acrd George Leitch, Con- stance; Mr. Robert Lawson aqd wife of Constance; Mr, Luke Lawson Clinton Among the floral tributes were:—Bou- quets, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gilleland, Mr and Mrs, Thomas Watts,. Mr, and Mrs. James Finch; sprays, Mrs. Geo. Russel and family; Mr, and Mrs. O'Rourke and daughter, Margaret; Ladies' Aid of the' Central* Church; Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and family; ,Miss'Canning; Mr, and Mrs.• Walter Yerbeck; Mr. and Mrs. !drown; Mr, and ,Mrs. John Chesney and. fanc- ily; Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wilson and family; wreaths from his brothers; lilies Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brodhagen, Mr. and Thursday, April 29111, 920. Ig'r"-.I'eivw- i.L? ^nim as simee.vreemv REGARDING WALL PAPER Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last'year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- . ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at - t ention from other shor'tcoming's, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied aml at'traci.ive design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or haw to buy, rhe ,„ Do F e erten the Cheapest—Always the Best ',715.1.11.19!%01.1===== ETSEMERMakiMirMatii=t2MMOMIZONTinniMENDE Winter Fair at Guelph. Acting on the suggestion of Hon Man tying Doherty, -the Guelph City Council authorized Mayor Westoby to sign a eohtract., with the Ontario' Government , for the holding of the Provincial Winter Fair in Guelph for another year. Some - objection was taken. to such action on the ground that s longer contract' shdttld•be secured, but Ald, Brydoe who headed a deputations to the Minist- <Yr' of Agriculture last week, stated he hail 'the assurance of Mr. Doherty that later in the year a contract would be • submitted to' the Guelph Council, which was for ten years, Boy Hit By Auto. Loudon Pree Press—Roy Mennel sag •,f Mrs, Plu'ettce Menne' of 271 Eger- ton street was struck by an auto at 110011 Thursday and severely bruised, while suffering shock,and pt•oba by in- ternal injuries. The lad was going home from school On Rectory street intending; to turn east on Dundas. it was then that be was run clown by the atuo that wag' towing a string of new cars, The lad was taken to the office of Dr, Dun- can and then ,carried to 1115 home, Wite- nessesstate that the auto was going 24 miles an hour. The child was report- ed as testing easier et the tittle of going' "to preys.- •'t•he young lad Is a son of 'the late Wm, Mennen fancily of Olin.! CULTIVATE: HABIT OF SENDING IN . MEWS One of the things that ought to become fixed habits in every house- hold in Clinton is that of sending The New. Ertl the news iib n5 that they clay know of; tell us of your hews and any netgitborhood or other items that '0111 be of interest to 'yourself, your neighbors or your friends. Every lodge, church body or social drganieatioci should' have. some representative Who will proniptly and carefully after its news report- ing. if you think some organization has better naves service 11125 ,your own, it Is probably because that or- ganization looks after such maulers iletier. Write Sour items and send them in when possible, Or telephone them to No, 30, but please don't ask that long lists of names ',be taken Over telephone, as it not only re- quires mucin time, but is fruitful In i,ossibilities of error. Above all, be early. Never web till late on 'T'hursday to send an itOt Mut 0111")) sent in days before,' The New Era teiepltdne number is 30 and at nights fiS, Pi'.t then) to • Yew. 18011, We handle a hill line of Galy. Iron, Steel Shingles, Corrugated Iron and all kinds of felt Roofing also Asphalt Slate. Pumps, Pipes and Fittings always on hand. Repair work Promptly Done 7.SLJTT Plumber 1 1'A HOUSE-CLEANING. TIME When you clean 'your parlor, paper it or paint it, you probably add some new furniture. You do it to stake it a place for to entertain your friends auto make home happy. All this will hol'- pe needed if you or your family have to go out for the evening to get good Music. Start those children now at the piano. You would not think of keep- ing them hone from school ,till they • were 14 years old, if. you did few would succeed in getting a good education. Music is exactly the saute and when they start young and- get regular -pract- ice they will succeed. We are here to assist you in securing the best musical instrument at the hest prices, quality ' You owe it to yourself to cell wh ether you buy or not. Pily new stand is opposite Dale?s Garage. ' J nathapt,. I ug l Highest prices allowed for used instruments of any kinds. • BOX 229 MUSIC STORE. Phone 21.6. SEAFOItTH. ONT. ASSOSIMSOMINIIMSSINk GXIPORDS IIIIIH!IC!II�I!IIIIIIINHIHIII!1111101!i�IIIIHNIIIIIII�IIIIHNIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI!IHIIHIIIIIIuIII!IHIIIHIHIIHI!IIIIHIIINMItlIIIIIIIIHIIIU!WIIIIIIHlIHH111110HIIIH. Well Dressed Women will wear Oxfords flair, Season, We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to slaking such handsome Footwear. Every Shoe a Picture Oxfords in DWI or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and'the incitation perforated tip and varlip---Louis or Cuban 'Heel. Expert Fitting Service.. ' $3.50; $4150; .. $6.,50; to $9:50. 'This House of Good ShoeS stand these days as a safeguar t•: against Shoe 'Valued' at' hifiated , .pieces elpfleot O' HAT s'I�o�r"1i•"w np�vvnir.M .,,, W :.r sk?nisr�ed•,`�;