The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-29, Page 1Established 1865, Vol, 54, No, A4
.ant .
W. H. Kerr 8t boon, Editors Mid i'ubliasll ts
r^'Ot'+r�•'if'r'WW'JWeve,,'b"rJL+•Woa46td4/o++v'W k"�f'1fVi�/'VW^4't?'•+dMcNR/WWCdW'uN°WY....v.
A Genuine Strength and Body Builder.
The Ideal Tonic for Old and Young.
Sold at the Rex'all Store.
vast WV46/ le' apVene40W' Ay`wtiiVWvki Wt!'W'WWfevvviadovaeopere tin vvktivvY
Ovor120 Branches
The saving habit
like all other good habits is the result: of resolution and practioe.
By depositing regularly a portion of ,your earnings in THE
MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon acquired.
• Your money grows by the addition of the interest which we pay
at current rates on savings bank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn
upon when really needed.
Avoid careless spending by opening a savings account with us.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 11.19
tl1t1 e
Reserve -Funds
Total Assets
oyal Bark
Incorporated 1869.
630 Branches
, .$18,000,000
Special attention to Farmer's' r equirernents• " interest
paid on Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch
0 01
Milton Holland, 19 Years, Found
flanging in Barn on Sunday —
Had taken Carbolic Acid — No
Inquest will be Held.
MiltonHolland 19 -year-old son of
George 1foiland farmer in Tuckersmith
Township near Kipper was found dead
in his 'fathers barn Sunday hanging by
;a rope. A fatal dose of carbolic acid had
previously been adutiuistered.
Although the young rgan evidentiy
took his own life the tragedy is .sur-
rounded by considerable mystery, Noth
ing can be learned as to any possible
motive for suicide and it is known that
Holland purchased in Hensel] Saturday
night a hymn book for service Sunday
and some new collars, Indications are
that before swinging himself off in the
rope be drank the contents of a four -
ounce bottle of carbolic, which menu-
i,ers of the family say they are posit-
ive bad not been kept kt the house.
,The Holland farm which is about a
toile below Kipped was recently sold
to George Glen. The young man and
his father attended a sale on. Saturday
afternoon at Clinton of the Fisher farm,
which Rolland senior purchased. Milton
Holland is one of a family of six sons
and daughters three of whom were at
home besides himself. A brother farms
near Clinton. The family formerly re-
sided near Holmesvilla.
Will Be no Inquest.
A motive is still lacking for the suic-
ide of Milton holland 19 year,old Tuck
ersmitli township boy who hanged hint
self in his father's barn after swallow
i ing several ou nc
f carbolic acid.
es o bar 1
County Constable A. W. Whiteside
istated tlet The London Free Press Mon
day that he believed the acid had not
been purchased recently,
Young Holland appears to have end-
ed his life on the decision of a ntontent.
He was about to start out on a walk to
the bush with Iris brother when he
changed his mind: The brother looked
back from some distance down the lane,,
and saw him enter the stable,, where
he had apparently started to work
grooming a horse, A surry comb and
brush were found where he had dropp-
ed them at th,e rear of the stall.
There will be no inquest,
Spring- Suits
No matter what size, if you are extra large
slighter than the average, unusually tall or
chunky, you'll find that we have Clothing
that will
Fit Your Figure Perfectly
_. . ..1
Suits made in choice patterns of new Spring
SUITJNGS •that will suit your individvality.
Tailored bythe expert makers, Perfect in
every detail of good Suit making.
$22. $25e $30. to $50.
If you have been Clothes Troubled, we ask
you to comae here for relief.
This store will dose Wednesday`afternoon
during the summer months, commencing on
Wednesday, May 5th
The Morrish >:s
Maier t C 114 tail' 01.,lkt+r' ;tit oro
-for 'Jab 'Work
Many Changes in
Real Estate.
The "House for Sale" is Being
Rapidly Bought up These Days
/ Mr. Levi Stong has purchased the
grocery business of Mr. J. Reid.
Mr. Wilfrid Pickett has purchased the
house and lot from the Scanlin estate,
.Mr. .1. Taylor of Torouto town
this week,
Mr Wallis Diehl returned to lis home
in pori Burwell,
Miss -Maude Torrance was a visitor In
Toronto last week. ..
Mr, Lack Kennedy of Wingham was
in town on Saturday. -
Mr land Mrs. G. D, McTaggart were
visitors 111 Toronto Last week..,
Rev, J, -E. Hogg attended the meetings
of Synod in Brantford this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine of Tees -
water, fere in town on Monday,
Miss Dleanor McKenzid spent the
week end with Godertch friends.
Mrs. J. Shanahan, of H ll it, fell 1ast
week and fractured hdr left wrist.
Mrs. E. Matelle and baby are visiting
in Brussels at the home of Reeve Plum.
Mr. C. F. Libby of the Clinton Knitt-
ing Co., is in New York this week on
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Grigg and young
son of, Taber, Alberta are the guests of
the former's parents Air, and Mrs. A. J,
Grigg. Mr. Grigg. is Manager of the
Bank of Commerce ht Taber,
The friends of Mr. Mel. Torrance,
who had charge of the Victory Loan in
Huron the last two campaign, will be
pleased to learn that he is progressing
favorably front his recent operation for
appendicitis in Toronto.
The unary friends of Deputy Sheriff
A, D. Cameron throughout the 'County
will regret to learn that after many mot
the of illness he is lying .at his home in
a very feeble condition. He has had vis
its during his illness from many .re-
latives and' old friends from different
parts and the universal wish is that his
health may change for the better with
the bright Spring weather, �•. -
Farm Lands Showing
Big Increase in Price
$7,500 Paid for the Fisher 50 -
acre Farm on Hruon Road
on Saturday. •
Paris values took a decided jump in
this section when the 50 -acre farm
occupied by Mr, Richard, Fisher on the
Huron Road, east of Clinton, was put
up for auction on Saturday and was
sold to Mr. George Holland; for $7,500.
y The bidding was spirited and with
each bid the price was boosted. The
farm `is a mile or so from town, which
no doubt added something to the bids.
Mr. Cree Cook has purchased the
house and lot from Mr. A, Cosens on.
James street.
I Rev. Mr. Hawke, of Tiverton, and.
• 'formerly of Clanton, has' purchased the
house of Mr. Ernest Remelt on Town-
• shend street,
l Mr. Fred Livermore has purchased
house aid furniture of Mr. F. Jones on -
1 Bond street. •
Mr. Ernest Rozell has purchased the
double house on King street; from the
Chidley estate.
ITwenty years ago eggs were selling
in Clinton at 12 cents •a dozens, com-
• plains a, disgruntled man of thfh' town,
but if anybody stili has a dozen of those
eggs we dare say he will let the gentle-
man have them now fqr a dine,
Phyllis was rudely interrupted last
evening in one of the songs she oon-
descended to sing at a meeting of the
ea -Bartenders' Union. She was ren-
dering "Beautiful) Isle. of Somewhere"
when somebody in the audience got up
and shouted "Three cheers for 'Cuba."
Phone 146` Estimates Given.
Interior and
We protect your floors, falai.
tore, etc., by plenty of drop+
Wall Papers,
1 isuct S
of the
That given a tittle time, and the
Huns will soon ask a bonus for start-
. ing the War.
0000'00000000000 Roto Accident ToRemodel the
O , 0
0' HOME SOON 0 Injures Four.,
O ULtawn,.Aprll20,—SIr Robert 0
O Borden, it is understood, will "•0'
O be in Atlantic City early in 0
O May and will spend a few days 0
O there before leaving for Ottawa 0
O He will probably be there about 0
O the middle of next itionth. An 0
O effort is behng made to pro- 0
O rogue to June, although the -0
O bate will necessarily depend on 0
O the progress made with the 0
O business still to conte before
O the House. 0
That with potatoes at $6 a bag, where
is the tiller' of the vacant lot going to
get his seed?
'Che furnace is still your best friend
—if the coal bin isnt empty.
The real estate deals are giving at
decided boon to the town,
'-- •0—
Wonders when his partner will lie
put on the street at the intersection of
Ontario and Main street.
It the auto No ---- warn'' -t breaking
the speed limit an Ontario street last'
Saturday morning at 2 am.
0'0 0 0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
HON, A, G. MacKAY,
Minister of Municipal and Health Af-
fairs in the Alberta Cabinet, who
died Sunday, following pneumonia.
Quigley — Evans Wedding took
Place at Dublin on Monday
At St, Patrick's church, Dublin, at
8.30 Monday morning, Miss Lucy Agnes
Evans became the bride of Mr. 'John,
H. Quigley, of Stanley Township, Rev.
Fr, Nooray, P. P., performed the mar-
riage ceremony and sang the nuptial
mass. Miss K. Carpenter ,presided ut
the organ. At the offertory, Mrs. Jos.
Nagle sang Werner's "0 Salutaris," and
Miss Bessie Jordan sang,"Jesu Dulcis
Menioria" at Communion. During the
signing of the register, a chorus was
sung by the choir.
The bride was given away by her
father, Mr. Wnt. Evans, Huron Road,
East of Dublin. She was beautifully
costumed in -a dark brown silk tricot
ette dress beaded in shades of green,
brown hat, noore stole skin furs, and
carried a shower bouquet of white
sweet peas and -white carnations, She
was assisted by her cousin, Miss Agnes
Stapleton, of Welland Ont, daintly
dressed in maize silk and carried pink
and' white carnations, The groom was
supported by his cousin, Mr. Thomas
Tighe, of Detroit.
Mr. Quigley is to be congratulated 00
winning a womap of fine character, who
has lived for some years in Detroit, and
both • bride and groom are giving up
city life and settling on a tine farm
near Chalton,
The presents to the bride were many
and costly. • Among them were, several
cheques, one from the'. groom, and
others from Standish, Mich„ Detroit,
London, Toronto and ane from a
friends in far off Los Angeles, Cal,
/SThe groom's gift to the, bridesmaid
'#as a platinum brooch set with a pearl
w, to the groomsman a pearl tie pin. Mr,
and Mrs. Quigley were Married not with
the usual gold ei'relet but with a plain
platinum ring. -
Following the ceremony a dainty wed
ding breakfast was served at the hone
of the bride's sister, Mrs, Harry Nei -
hems, and later in the day the happy
couple left for their honeymoon by
motor. M'. Walley 'travelled in. a
smartly tailored suit of navy, blue.
Mr, and Mrs. Quigley will be at home
to their friends about the 24th of May,
The Ontario Government tax of
racing has been reduced to $7,500 a
clay for one -mile courses and $2,500 a
day for half -mile courses. Does Mr.
Raaiey want to see the horses go?
a --Th-
—0 --
e sugar bowl will soon have to
Join the potato is,treasures too costly
to be allnwed'outsttie the family saafe.
Skins of house cats have now ad-
vanced -until they are worth $1,15 a
piece, Here's 'Where the see 52.30
easily made one of these, dark nights.
One single shining illustration t1
the success of public ownership is
Provided by the Ontario, liquor di
pensee 1cs.
1r -if n a 111th+ 1 for'
, Who ho p, l tor t o sant, l e a
eel ; • . ,the days of theke recipes, that - a lug
tiatit1511 crop i 1 e d
o tvo t tit ver ro a
P a
(; Y
Wilson Elliott, Wife and Son with
R. Baker badly Shaken -up near
Bennailler• or Saturday.
Saturday morning Mr, and Mrs, Wil-
son Elliott, young son, and Mrs. Rich-
ard rd 1lakzr, were motoring out to Ben -
miller and when driving past the faun
of Mr. $,cliwautz, near Benmiller, the
wheel got into a rut, or something of
the kind, suddenly deflected the steer -
Lig gear and the car turned over. Mr.
and Mrs.- Elliott were thrown through
tine windshield, and were cut by the
glass and -,severely sha'keo up, and the
young lad and !Mr, Baker were also
badly shaken up and bruislted. Mr,
Elliott was unconscious for several
All were brought into town late In
the afternoon and are now able to be
around now though still feeling the
efects of the upset.
Given A Shower.
,Last Thursday eveningg the girls out
of Willis Chuurch"met and gdve tniscelf
alterius shower to Miss Anna ,Watt,. A
very pleasault evening was' s'pentl
Wedkeaday Halt Holiday:
The various i1,1nekants in town will
close their hdsieess daces on Wednesw'
ilay afteen0i)n dtfrinp may; June,. July
= August• arid September,' eaeept when
• hoiitlxy(Public) coni, • (Public in Week The
l buying pantie Will bear this in mind,
Stares close Wednesday aftern(ton..
emalatoeummersuet noaee
Baptist Church
Services at 11 a.51. and 7
The Pastor will preach at both servic-
es. Evening Subject. "A Well Within."
Those who heard Miss Pratt of India
011 Wednesday night'enjoyed her mess-
Willis Church
The Independent order of Oddfell-
ows will attend Divine Worship at
Willis Church on Sunday next May 2nd
at Eleven o'clock,
The Pastor's Subjects next Sunday
will he A. M."The Soul of
ship". P, M. "The Encourages." The
Sacrament of Baptism will be observed
at the Sunday School services in the
The Women's Missionary Society are
serving tea at the hone of Mrs, A,
Forbes on Friday' afiternoou of this
week from 3 to 6, All ladies and their
friends are invited,
011 Friday evening last the memb-
ers and friends of the Covenant Bible
Class, spent a social evening at the
Manse, when they were very hospitably
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hogg. A
pleasing progratnne of music, contests
and games, was enjoyed by the large
number who were present. At the con-
clusion, a dainty lunch was served,
after which all joined hands in the sing-
ing of Auld -Lang Syne.
Wesley Church
The anneal meeting of, the Epworth
League was held on Monday when the
following officers were appointed.:—
Hon, President—The Pastor.
Asst. llon. Pres,—Rev. T. J. Snowden
President—Miss Stone,
.ist Vice Pres.—Miss Clarke
2nd Vice Pres,—Miss Turner,
3rd. Vice Pres.—Willis 'Cooper,
4th Tice Pres,—J. A, Sutter
5th Vlce'Pres,—Miss F. Wallis
Social Vice Pres. ,Miss Powell,
Secretary -Miss Amy Heliyar
Treasurer—Murray McNeil,
Pianist—,Hiss, Ruby Wise.
The Officers will be installed next
Monday night.
Quarterly Sacramental Services next
Sunday morning at 11. Fellowship
meeting at 10 aan.
Quarterly Official Board on Tuesday
4th of May at 3 p.7n.
Ontario Street Church
The Clu'istiag Endeavor Committee
will conduct the • League meeting next
On Monday evening the Citizenship
Committee had charge of the service
and several addresses were given in
the interest of League work,
• 00 'Tuesday evening about 95 mem-
bers of the League motored to Seaforth
and gave the program for the League
service there, At the close of the pro -
grain the Seaforth League provided a
lunch. Following was the program:—
Hymn, 73; Prayer; Chairinalt's address,
President Mr, McMurray; Reading by
G. Anderson; solo, Miss Grace Walker;
reading, Miss Eva Carter; duct, Misses
Ruth and Carol Evans; reading, Miss
Myrtle Armstrong; topic by Earnest
Livermore; instrumental duet by Misses
Beatrice and cora Jervis; solo, Jabez
Rands; 11y'nin 268; Mizpah Prayer,
Model Scha�tral�
School Board Mahe all Necessary ,Azs•
rangements to carry on the Warlk
During the Holiday Season
That the ereainn of a new PeIfabu
Seli''t Building 111 our tott'n would br
a very desirable move is elttite ubri'r,orr.;
to any one who hakes an interest lo than
welfare ort' the rising generation a;atf
W110111181 the welfare of the cnolrr,8 iky
at heart. It is also quite Imam es1-i:r:
all concerned that to build a new schottal
at the present time when prices' for
labor and material are so abnormally
high would entail an enormous am-
penditune of public money,
The Board having these facts in renal
and realizing also
g that some thing�tsia
be done in order to bring, one o'er
educational institution some where nese
up to the requirements of the Eduea-•
Cadets .inspected.
Lieut -Col, McCrlmman of London
was In town on 'i'ugsdat'r and inspected
•the 'C. C,1, Cadets, The boys showed' up
well In their lnanoeuvors.
-Married Wednesday Morning.
Ai 6 o'ciock W'ed'nesday morning at
Willis church Monte. by Rev, J. F.
Hbgg, Miss Anria hi, Watt, daughter of
Airs, Margaret Watt, of hull, was mar-
ried to Mr. W. Glenn Cook, also of
'Clilntoii, 'rile bride was dressed in a
itavy blue shitwith maize crepe;de-
chene blouse. They were enatt5hdad.
'111ey lett 06 the 6.30 train for Toronto
011 a short lto yuionn trip{ r'rlew will
to tae. i:r • C ir..on. $loth• bride and
;tooth, are well known and popular
t•C>tn r •+1 ; 9 air ..a ,•
tional Department, .and to a email we
conducive to the moral and phyai:"a'il
welfare of the children of our town as+ar
community are undertaking fhe: re.
modelling of the school building acccardi•
ing to plans approved by the 1nsneri=
The contemplated changes Include a
steam heating and ventilating system,
which will make the buipdir
for the occupants of't'h5='ni±trrai
roosts and at a greatly reduced ctrl: chi
fuel. The installafton of modern anl5
sanitary lavatories 'inside the tef4ao'n
building, the necessity for •w'hic ; mina
the improvements it will be ocean We
present unsanitary and undesirabtiac a •
ding* of things being so obelonatage,
no argument is needed other .68sar xa
knowledge of existing conditions`.
The excavation of the basement urn
der the entire building and •the iiearaa;µ,
and fitting up the same so as Svc 511'11115
playroom and a means of.recrealltyni fiat
the pupils In wet and winter atedibnn
Also cloak roosts, teachers esnr.oeL s;
library laid a Principal room
provided, and possibly one of the week'
defects of the building as it stands••
day namely the in adequate attract um_
satisfactory lighting, will be altere04ar8.
the lights so arranged by filling ui:Oxztat
windows and putting in others ar: flab
have the building lighted in a Drag=
way; doing away with the dangof ,LR
injuring the sight of the children alias
attend the school. ,
These alterations while enflame, as
considerable expenditure are- sir ols•-
viously necessary and so urgently geaatll-
ed that the ,Board considers it adriseitfb.
to proceed with the work at once,.
It is also expected that t'ke wvtrt
can all be done by local contract:ma.
"It's '150 use," angitis the n'utetee Boots,
aid, "I may as well give up."
"What is bothering yon?'' s e et -
"1 got stertetldt few years atr,,tte.x:
whim of mine,I took a head's +'a ",-
bage rind crossed it with u wicit:t Gtr:•
tato and. grear ryes on it, dean Si
crossed utero with a eoa,asteYtr, waist.
grew ears -on it, then I crossed ttSin
with a squash and grew a neck 44112' 18
then 1. crossed that with a c+c-steatiit
and grew hair en it, but hanged if 81
can fl pre out what to do 'for st.twee
and mouth."
$.40"4"— lin the Veftdb. '• ,
Mrs. -Styles—T Sep an itrvenror' 1taw.
combined a cigar cutter with 1t watitb'.
for men, .
htr. Styles---1s,tt .in the shape.ttll,,.
"1 don't. know.el3ntswbetlf"
"yvgil, they're. Sia' '5r,vrn» 11 • waft*.
'for melt,"
To Keep a. t}ecret.
`hMr. Muttirox—I'nt'going:u send yeta•
a bnisah i f orchids for y+onr,,blorf.3re
loto•roiv, Shall t make It onettfoat-basila•
Tear? -
11Ii es 1'encithI0'a'—'IThell "til t'Ow ' late
will colon thein isa,1'11181 out hew el41113
am. 'tetter send •roe•dtsdwndteeit. ti a'ff.
knew lint not tiutt•'btd. .
Nq IJ A,1 r Innmtmitite,
"Anyhow," •remnrksd the sums,
friend,, thh6 old boat of yearn' oats
never'tfetptiott arrr41sted fol'".aprossind'°
• a
,a rilr, h t �'!%ftk"
V T, {
110 risco d a
, it 75ta
n' the sa xl ''
-t 'd� �t1Hl i P taa5,,
11 et tt rasa.
I j Ykk
r e
ittu beter rtatultag,still IL at mi
b,'pF 11 I thebeat cf t;nod „am,,,;,,„
wiShe5 are exteutded to 'then,. r•