The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-15, Page 6PACE 6 ' E C 1•1011,"4N NEW Elie. 'Flitirsthly, April l5lh 1920, n ,; y ti ENTS Sold at MEN'S STORE Custom Tailorta4 Men's Fur111shtn Phone 103 Opposite Public Lfbrars • rown's HAVE YOU LOST Your Appetite if you have ---try some of our Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce; Catsups; Pickles; Etc, PORK & BEANS with Tomatto. Sauce - 2 large cans for 35c 6 large cans for$1.00 SPAGHETTI with Tomato Sauce- Per 12 oz. Tin ..10c FOR PIES or PUDDING 2 cans Pumpkin .25c 2 pkgs. Corn Starch 25c Raisins, Prunes, Rice, LAST Tapioca, eta, ti 3 Bart Laundry soap25c GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT BROOM SPECIAL for FRIDAY and SATURDAY No. 100 lor 65c No. 8 for 95c GET ONE WHILE TiHEY BULK PICKLES WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Hound Furnishings, Phone 67 Next Royal Bank Left His Coat Behind Hint, This week while in Lucknow Mr. George Roberton itad his Overcoat stolen from the hotel while he was at dinner: He lost his keys, books and Mustard, per quart .40c 'some papers of value. He "rushed" Mixed, per quart ..400 the season by coming home without Sweet, per quart , , .500 an overcoat. The police are busy on Rex Catsup .15c and 25 the lookout for the coat. DOMINION MATCHES 3 Boxes for 25c TOILET SOAP 3 bars Lavender Bath 25 LAUNDRY SOAP JOI-INSON s!e • 1F HONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO AUTO FIRE Insurance at Modera le Rates. WINDSTORM Insurance is as important as Fire Insurance on all classes of buildings. The Rate is Cheap. LIVE STOCK Insurance pays you f or loss by Accident or Disease of your valuable stock. GENERAL Fire Insurance of all kinds. Charles B. Hale. HURON STREET, CLINTON, ONT. Call and see Me. The Hardware Store of Better Values PREPARE FOR SPRI 11 Buy Bruce's celebrated Seeds and reduce the; High Cost of Living. Buy new up-to-date Garden Tools and see what a pleasure it is to use them. Sprayers and Sprinklers to supply the Moisture when needed. A Complete up-to-date Stock at W. H. DAVISON Successor to R. Rowland. Perfection Oil Cook Stoves ti u) rb" ......,.,......,..,,,..,,..,,...,.,,,,..�,,,.,........ „.,...,...,,..,... sins .,nese. ,.,...... The Corner Grocery Phone 45. SPRING IS HERE Are you ready with your Pana and Buckets? Have a few sheets of Sap Pan Iron Order yours early so as to be sure of getting one. T. liawkans (' Plumbing and Heating We have just received an im- port order of English dishes, con- sisting of the following: --- Three Gold Bands, Clover Leaf and Our own regularly Stock Pattern. Also a full range of Toilet Sets 0--0.-,:.0 Fruit, Lettuce and a full line of Fresh Groceries always in carried Fred% W. Wigg Head Ached So Bad BAB TO D9 TO DED. When the liver becomes sluggish and inactive it does not manufacture enough bile to thoroughly act on the bowels and carry off the waste matter from the system, hence the bowels become eloggei up, the bile gets into the blood, con etipation sets an and is followed by aid and bilious headaches, water brash heartburn, floating specks before chi eyes, and painful internal, bleeding of protruding piles, Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regulate the flow or bile so that it seta properly' on the bowels, and stir, the sluggish liver into activity. Mrs, E. Bainbridge; .Amherst, N.B.. writes: -"I takeplcaeure in writing you of the good I received by using Mil - burn's 7.1x1 -Liven' Pills for headache. I was so bad' had to go to bed, and could not sit up A friend told me about your Wonderful Medicine and two vials have made me as well as `I can be." Milburn's Laxn-Liver. Pine are 280, a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt. of price, by The ,T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. SCRANTON COAL -O ----.- any who wish lo leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St, or Phone 155, Terms --Strictly Cash -Phone 155. E WAR R RESIDENCE -HURON smart Order Your Supply of SCRANTON 'COAL • In purchasing the Rollaway -Forbes Coal Business,' we secured what we call a straight tine connection, with the two great American Coal Mining Institutions namely: The D. L Bc W. Coal Co., who awn and control they famous Scran- ton Cold fields, and , furnish us with their STANDARD ANTHRACITE. The D: & H. Coal Co. who send es their 'celebrated LACKA; WANA COAL, By a straight line connection we mean that we are their sole agents for the community, and although an tm- nosier may claim in be distributing their coal, it is an utterimpossibility, and only goes to show that he is will- ing to admit that we have the best cola! available, New dealers can only resort to job- bers,'which means that the quality may be irreguhir, as the coal barons will not take. on ;any new dealer no matter how well equipped he may be, much less a Municipal 'Coal Yard, So act accordingly and piece your order ;tow, at the old stand, as the 1920 allotments are being made according to past business. NOW is the time for a nice cheery open grate fire. Try coir EBONY CUBE CANNEL And in the kitchen range you will like our CHESTNUT 4'OKE Or if you want to get away from the coal question try a load of WOOD. We are hound to satisfy ,yeti, and wilt give you real service, , ,INO B. MUSTARD Clhntdn & 11�Send IF►r' GtltsiYa' nbi r4 ' ' Pipes, fur Drucebeht 11 ee 6 , Mpg mIUUJUIUUWUImUUU(UIQQIaIIpzUUUIpUUNUIUIli6uiUloti1Vp((W(UVIpUimommUUIUiUfgVlilllUu Local t filliIUIUUIII lilliIUIIIUIUUIUUUII!IIIUIIUIUIUIiVII@EIMIIIWIUumippgllUIIINUUUIIiIUUR11011IIIIIII1111 UIIIUIII111114111INIUUINMMIIIIMUI@UVIIIUUNI@I p Held Coors Here. Last 'Thursday Jeiige E, N. Lewis held Court here and dealt with several cases, Theo Jordans Here on Monday,, 'Don't forget that the Jordans are to be here on Monday evening of next week under the auspices of the Girls, Auxiliary. This is the last of the winter Chautauqua course," Going to the Fruit Belt. Mr.. George L. Walker, formerly it livery ratan in 'Gunton, who' has been living at Brantford, since 110 moved from here, has moved to Winona, Ont„ into the fruit belt, • Is G.T,R. Agent at Brussels. Mr. Mowat Chowen, son of Mr, J, G, Chowen, of town, who has been assist- ant agent at Wingbam, has been pronrot ed to the Brussels station as agent, and will take overhis duties in a few weeks. The Brussels People will find Mr. and Mrs, ,Chowen excellent citizens. Award Contract for Aux Sauble Bridge. Representatives of Lambton and Huron County Councils met at the Mid- dlesex County buildings Tuesday and opened tenders for construction of a new bridge over the Aux Sauble River, on the boundary between the two coun- ties. The contract for steel superstruc- ture was awarded to the Canadian Bridge Building Company, of Walker- viite, at $16,849. Engineer James A. Bell, of St. Thomas will supervise the work, which is to commence sooli. A recent court decision handed down at Sarnia requires the two counties to share the cost equally. Wright -Brown Wedding. A very pretting wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Msr Chas, Mc- Taggart Dunboyne, on the evening of March 3ISI 1920 -when their sister Miss Nellie May Brown was married to Mr. John W. Wright of Hamilton. 'I'Ire ceremony was perforated by Rev. Wm. Patterson of Luton, i❑ the presence of a few near -by relatives The bride was very .becomingly gowned In white georgette and crepe de chine and carried a boquet of beauti Rd pink Columbia roses. She was given away by her brother in-law Mr. Mc- Taggart, while her sister, Mrs. Mc- Taggart was matron of honor and Miss Mabel McTaggart was a charming little flower girl. Miss Margaret Chase, a cousin of the bride, played the wedding march. Mr. and Airs. Wright will make their home in Hamilton and will be at home to there friends at 361 Cumber land Ave., after May 6th.' G. C. I. EASTER TERM EXAMINATIONS The following list contains the names of all pupils who obtained 50% of the aggregate marks. Reports have been sent to the parents showing the marks obtained in each subject, record of at- tendance, etc, • These reports should be carefully read and signed by the parents and returned, FORM l, -Honours N. Treleaven 78,4; R. Hale 76.9; O. Schoenllals 76,4; A, Mustard 75,2, Pass -R. Higgins 73; R. Hunter 72.3;' M. McIntosh 72; M. McTaggart 69.3; F. Johnston 69.3; L. Nediger 66.4; K. Beaton 64.9; R. Evans 64.1; A. McIntyre 63,2; M. R Stewart 62.9; J. Aikenhead 62,8; W. Grant 62,6; I.. Levy 60.6; G. Stong, 60.5; J. Hig- gins 60,1; 1C. Rorke 59.9; C, Shipley 59.3; P. McTaggart 57.7; E. McKinley 56.3; J. Brennan 56,2; Lillie Garrett 55.8; A. Cornbe 55,5; N. hicNelh 54.2; W. Vanligmond 54; W. McCool 53.5; M. Alcock 52.2; R. Middleton 52.1; S. Middleton 52; 61, McConnell 52; J. Wigginton 51. Form It -Honours -1, Merrier 79.8; M. Glhbings 76.2; M. Finleon 75.3, Pass -A, Hamilton 72.9; Wl McMath 71,1; 1, Glbbings' 70,7; C Matheson 70.5; M, McEwen 69,6; M, Potter 68; M. Beaton 67.3; Al, Rutledge 66,2; D, Brennan 65.4; A, Reid 65.1; A. Mus- tard. 65; A, Hill 64.8;. M. MacGregor 64.6; J, 1100r: 63.9; G. Veneer 63.1; B. Lindsay 62; E. Bouck, 58,9; E. Hun- ter 57.6; A. Stewart 56,7; V. Dodds 56.5; G. Anderson 55,8; G. Sntitli 55.4; L. Aikenhead 55,3,; 3,' Ball 54,4; H, Anderson 54,3; D. Rorke 52.6; 0. Jack - '5011 52.5; G. Ball 52.3; G. Ferguson 52; A. Sloman 50,6; F. Elliott 60, FORM 1l -honours -S. Draper 75.8. Puss -p, liellyar 73.1; E. Scotchtner 69.8; E. McTaggart 69.5; M. Snyder 69; W. Nelson 68,1; Z. Jackson 67.3; F, Wallis 64,9; A, Lawrence 64.6; E. Pear 63,4; V. Pepper 63,4; A, Walker 63.1; 8, hardy 63; K. 'Hamilton 60.2; Lt, Ferguson 59,4; B. Morrish 59.4; 0, Fowler 59.3; F, MacGregor 57; H. Johns 56.4; O. Nediger 55.4; M. Flynn 52.8, FORM VV -Faculty Entrance Part 1 -Hasottrs i, Slathers 80,5; Pass -C. Tyndall 69,7; 11. S'tewart 63 Faculty Entrance -Part If E. Livermore Livermore 74,5; J. Townshend 72.3; M. Gladman 71; A. Dewar 69,5 l , Jer- vis (14,1; V, Snyder 63; 8, Wasrcianu ti0 Honour r Matrieu inti nt-\ o ,1 I , G athh n a 74.1• H. Ross 73.5; J Townshend 71,2; W, Cooper 68,2) ,1, McM'urchic 67,4; E; Ifig'ins 62.5'; L, Potter 66,810. Middle. ton S2;>, A certain Woman At;ER'f"Ale ,woman did a number oi' sentences iii the Reformatory and Prison. One day, during service, she declar- ed that with the help of God she would lead a different life, SHE is now happily married. HER influence is of incalcol- " able value'in aiding and en- couraging others to forsake lives of sin and walk in the Paths of Righteousness. UNL)REDS of similar cases . - prove that the Prison Work Of the Salvatidn Army has had most blessed results. . TheSaivation Army 308 Citadels and Institutions in this Territory -use them! Was He Frightened? On Tuesday night or Wednesday morning somebody tried to force an entrance into Wiltse store, when they broke the window pane at the back of tate store. Something must have scared the intruder, for there was nothing dis- torted when Mr, Wiltse carte down in the morning,. Things You May Look Out For. Awniltgs, Fishing poles. The lawn mower, House cleaning crusade. Athletic sports on 'tire park. Moth balls and sprigs of cedar. The Jordan Musical Trio on the 19th. May be Conference President. The name of Rev. George Jewitt, of Wyoming, a former Huron County old boy, is receiving favorable mention as the probable President of London Con- ference of the ,\iethodist church for next year, as successor to Rev. W, H, Graham, Stratford. Rev, Mr. Jewitt stood second in the list at last Con- ference. This year -Conference will meet•in Stratford in the first week in June. Noteworthy. .1. W. Yeo, Police Magistrate, at Sel- kirk, Man„ a farmer well known resi- dent, wrote John Shaw, Clinton, con- cerning an uncommon event in Masonic circles in which 5 brothers were initiat- ed into the mysteries of the craft on tete same night in Dominion City. (Man,) lodge, Dr. C. V. McClelland, one of the number, is Mr, Yeo's son-in- law, marrying Miss Eva Yeo. Foflow- Ing clipping, from the Winnipeg Free Press, was sent Mr. Shaw, a photo- grafure of the. quitrtette (being also shown: -"The initiation of 5 brothers of the McClelland fancily, from Letellier, into Penia lodge hist night went into the history of Freemasonry ars an un. precedented and memorable event. No incident has eevr before been record- ed where 5 brothers Were welcomed in- to the Masonic order at the same time. The five brothers, Arthur H. McClel- land, Jou McClelland; Thos, W. Mc- Clelland, Win, J. Mc'Clefland, Dr. C. V. McClelland and Geo. M. McClelland, come from the country Southwest of Letellier, some 14 miles distance by trail, where they have farmed since the seventies." Dr, 11, V. McClelland is a practicing physician In Dominion City and was previously admitted to the Masonic order, with the seventh brother who is now a lawyer in the West. 'They are all old timers of Manitoba, and have grown up with the country. A Alan- tyre. grand plaster of the Grand Lodge 01 Manitoba; D. R. Was, J. W. Von, and »lore than a dozen prominent Masons .journeyed from Winnipeg to take plat in the functions of tite even - tog, Many of the members present at the banquet pante from adlacent towns and from points far out In the country. WM. McClelland, father of the boys, elms from Ireland near Belfast, to Manitoba in 1870. 1"ite mother lives at Lelellfer. Four of the hays are on farms at that place, one, also a farmer, lives al nonunion City. Herbert Mc- Clelland, lawyer. lives in Saskatchewan.' Mr. Shaw, who was Principal of Brno. cels School for many years, was one 01 the ()dicers Of St. John's longe, Bois - sets, when* Mr. Yeo was "branded.' 38 rears ago. Mr. i'ee writes "that he it always interested in hearing from. good old ()Mario end especially from the Ceiu,ty of Miran," The older people of MS locality WE/ remember very well the genial Wes., as he 6'a5 fahiitiai'ty called, and will be glad lo know that 115 is still in 1114 ACstt, .,.�-,-_.-,.--.•-..inns. •,-....,..,�...,., REGARDING WALL PAPER Prances, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at - t en tion from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as We `know where or how to buy. Tien the eheapest-241ways the Best The W. Fair eo FIND We handle a hill line of Galv. Iron, Steel Shingles, Corrugated Iron and all kinds of Felt Roofing also Asphalt Slate. Pumps, Pipes and Fittings always on hand. Repair work Promptly Done J. 7LSUTTBR Electrician Plumber HOUSE-CLEANING. TIME When you clean your parlor, paper it or paint it. you probably add some new furniture. You do it to make it a place for to entertain your friends and make home happy. Ail this will not he needed if you or your family have to go out for the evening to get good music. Start those children -:.a at the piano. You would rust think of keep- ing them home from school :lir they: .were 14 years old, if you did Sew would succeed in getting a gc:,,_ =d -canton. ,Music is exactly the 551 e :and, when they start young and get re- •ir \\here x r. -"- ice they will succeed, e are here�i-. assist you in securing the best rnuci5sl instrument at the hest prizes,-7a3ft.. considered. You owe it to yourself to call wh ether you buy or n,u. 4ig nes stand is opposite Daley's Garage. Jonathan Hugill Highest prices allowed for used tnetruments of any kinds, BOX 229, MUSIC STORE, Phone 216, SEAFORTH. ONT. 0 XIPO JR L IiilliNfYIJ!iiilii!IIIIIIUUIIUII!1!II!UUfUUI!!WIII IUGI!ilii(!!4iPIt;.1'U9�U°UU'!!YC;rIIIIIUii,aUUl'U!Uu,UU itVUUUnW!UIIUUdiN UVI!IIUI'Ulililai!WIWUI Well Dressed Women will wear Oxford's this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making such handsome Footwear. Every Shoe a Pictz,re. Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers, Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new' plaint:. narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vatnp---Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. $3.50; $4.50;.. $6.50; to $9.50 This House of Good Shoes stand these. days an a. L fieverd- a_ against Shoe Values at inflated price ■ I). Jeb AL's -."SHOES THAT SAT1.SF10.1.•