The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-15, Page 4PAGE 4 RESTRICTIONS ON IMMIGRANTS 'ARE RIGOROUSLY ENFORCED Cnnacla deported 491 persons in 19- 49, 203 at ocean ports else 288 at Border points, There was an tltereese mf deportations at ports of 56 per cent and a decrease on the United States Moe der of 22 per emit, The greater pro- portion in the latter case' was of cri- minafrty, i54'out of 288. Other cases for deportations at bor- der points were: Insanity, t8; drug hall R, 16; liable to become public charges 70; vagrancy, 15 immorality, 6. How very strict Canada is becoming with regard to the quality of her new ellizens is shown in the remarkably Verge inereasb in the number of persons rejected while trying to enter Canada both from the United States and from Europe. At border points there were rejected lit 1919 20,211 persons as. tmmpared with 8,702 in 1918 -an in- crease of 13'2 per cent. The principal reuses were as follows: Indirect pass- age; 12,317;lack of funds,6,003; vag- rancy, 377, likely to become public @barges, 266, alien enemies 239; 1111- Iteracy, 144 Hutterites, 71; laborers, 91; lost Canadian domicile, 102; in- sanity, 66; physically defective, 88; ?prostitution, 56; pracurers,23. At ocean ports there were rejected 497, as compared with 53 in 1918 and if this number 420 were rejected as - being laborers. This large proportion ei laborers rejected is thus explained lit June 1919 there was an order-in- ,rouncil passed which bas been contin- wed in force by a later order, debarring Labor of the skilled and unskilled class from entering et Pacific ports. This is effective against Asistic inneigration, and practically all the rejections above mentioned were of this class. The, 52, 064 immigrants who came from the United States to -Canada in 49- 19 settled in the various provinces of Canada as follows: Maritime Provinces 2,593; Manitoba, 4,465; Saskatchewan, 3,672; Alberta, 13882; British Columb 52 3;601; Yukon' 140. They calve from 51 named' states and territorities, with s,5o0 from states not given, The states from which they princip- ail'y hailed were as follows: Minnesota 4,749; New York 4,712; Massachusetts, 33,886; Montana, 3,438; Washington, 3,284 Maine r,851; Iowa, 1,379; Wis- consin, 1,212 Pennsylvania, 1, 227; IKew'Hainpsfifre, 1,176; Ohio, 1,167; Idaho, 1,065 South Dakota, 898; Cali- 3bania, 74T; Vermont, 714 Indiana, 819 • leissouri 598; Rhode Island, 551; Ne- braskan , 538; Connecticut, 409; with tate others scattered in origin from a few' ltandreds down' to the one lane in- flier:dual, who entered from Hawaii. The amount of cash and effects drought in ' by the immigrants 'from The 'United States In 1919 amosrnted to ,$18,419,406:23 as compared with $7,351,047.07 in 1918. With Amer - can money at a premium of over 10% el the present time, the settler coming 1'n with l$40,00o of Wealth suddenly Beds it has increased to #11,000 which 4s a strong inducement to immigration, Of the 57,251 immigrants who enter Canada from the United Kingdom in 1019, 23,914 settled in Ontario; 8,346 fee Bleitish Columbia; q,6o9 in the Mari- time provinces, with the remainder very evenly distributed! among the other provinces., A study of the Immigration returns of both the United States and Canada ebr the last 20 years shows there is a pronounced migratory movement across the boundary line from either side, and each country is contributing material- ity to the life of the other, Canadian immigration statistics for thei test two decades shote that since 1900, there was a total imtnigration from the ;United F alltit8�lf98 VW' Nature's First Law is order -regularity. Obey it in your own body. Keep your liver active and your bowels regu- lar and natural. Good health is possible in no other way. One pill a clay is the regular rule. Two - perhaps three- ROW StSit then, if necessary. CARTER'S ITTLE �IVER ' PILLS 'ornr/ne biQurrs 'Slgnmfur0 Coleby; ixfacMtiflettshow the aliseriCe of Iron i!n the Mood. ,Carte!'$ �Iro!u POW will help tib :audition. dition. 44. 0 STOPPED HER. � HEADACHE3 Years Of Suffering Ended By tlFrait.a-fives" 112 Mute Sr„ Sr, Jenne, N. R, "It is with pleasure that I Write to tell you of ihegroat benefit 1 rooei.yed hum the use el' your medicines "Jeer/hew-elves", made from fr-faii IN/CM I was a great sufferer for many }tears from Nervores Ileadachees and Conati,¢ation. I tried everything; consulted doctors; Put nothing seemed. to help me until I tried ` leruit-a-tives". A (ter taking several. boxes, I wets completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since", Miss ANNIE WARD. 50e, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 280. • At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit•a-tires Limited, Ottawa, States of 1,277,436,persons, equal to about 14% of the, present population. r.. Nearly 40% of the total immigration Into Csnadsduring 'the.e. period under review was from the United States. There were 82,000 more Americans en- tered Canada from the United States during that time than from the British Isles. During the East 20 years 136,222 entries for homesteads were made by Americans, or 26 per cent of the total number filet? on. During the same per- iod the total number of filings by Eng•. lishmen, Scotchmen and Irishmen were only about 90,000, • Immigriinfs from the British Isles and to a considerable extent from Con- tinental Europe have crownded' on the cities instead of going at the land. As a result of this, Canada is now sending a delegation of experienced farmers tb the British Isles, whose duty it will be to personally interview all intending immigrants and ascertain if they are likely to be successful in the new sp- here of life. HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking ,hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. It is onlyethe sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal. give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again• The laxative which regul- ate the bowels, sweeten the stomach banish constipation, colic and indigest- ion and proruote healthful sleep. They are•absolutely guaranteed free from epi ates and may be : given to the new- born babe with perfect safety, They .are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25cents a box from The Dr. :Williams Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont.' LOWY•r ap MATEXAFRANDEl piF�;Fteen. "See need i have beer* you. 'tet" • said eenie,'1'tiorpe in- pretty self.re preeeh and contrition -• "yes, it's, simply ,terrible,!".;amplified her husband, Alglon,andhe shriek,:l a' head in a, retest doleful way and feign- ed to aqueeae, e tear from one eye, Then tepee ,two bubbling over, spirits' eoelesced in an outburst of mutual.• Joy, love anti relicity supreme, ,,!Ithel'e was es beg, a "lass, and :Allston started. to Leave thee/jade three -moil. cottage they called I}orpe. • r : "I've, got ,to,tied work- of some kind today," he declared,,"You aro, the unlet economical llttle,;housewlfe ever, we's,. but my store of money haseabout given ebt and its a job or we'll have .to live on love exclusively.:t.', . • "Oh, what sweet things you say!" enthused Winnie, "You would some end make Life -sun- shine If we were existing on husks in a cave'," said Albion. "You see, 1 sort of hoped father would have get over his tantrums and luade up with us, long ago, He don't seem to Have any idea, of doing P up to date. I fancy he's going to let us shift for our- selves." Tf}e woes of this coatented young coupie were those common to disobetli- ent children Who love and marry at variance with par6ntat command, Briefly, Albion Teepee had wedded the only girl he had oyer loved, in open deft/Ince of the wtsh"yand uta MIA te.,of' his erochety, self=li•illet) old father. Now, with a nearly empty flour barrel and rent, day at band, Aliton.sturted out to find week. Ile had in tnlild e sign Ise bed seen in the window of it„ regret shop: "Man Wanted." He soon' refuted the puce, • "Position still open?" tie questioned of its proprietor, "Fol' the. right mirth, yes," assented the other, tlubtenely looking, the apple cant over Dena head to font. "What Can you tlo?" "Well, i Whlteeveshmi a tench when I wits n hos,' btniied Albion, , "t might try you nut'on,n specttil. mordroot I've grit. Vacmtt hotlge eh Elmore street 'Belorigie to a gorilr'ef1t- rlcnt. All the tleerd and'iboodWWork 10 varnish,' lee' o week v task.. , Thlnlr you could varlets:heel" , "I know I ettul f," , assented A1blotr dt,vingly,' " "Yotele 121152 to hire a woman^ to Wash the siottdwnrk titiedtt of son. Give her a dolls$ and a hall a tlayr YO0 throe,' 'That's line I' t 2ulteratee .1115(00, "I'll nreengo for the Mewling and re- port icrstdc or an Muir," and he hurried back hotel(' to glen his oldest suit, "ll'hy, this is Just crnn.d 1" enthused Winnie, "About the ecrubbing-I know jest the person for yon. I'll have bo? on duty by the time you get your van niggling trope there." Aibioa entered the vacant louse Whistling gayly, to catch the echo of a melltltuoue voice humming s eontent- ed air in the front lower room, ' "feellol What's tile?" he Vilely WPM, Mr he came upon t1 feminine form, brush stud cloth In hand, ileac- vatiog the picture eornlne-Winn1,e1 "Aren't you glad?" plped back hie helpmeet, looktog more Cheerful thaa ever In neat calico and an epor'tneee apron. "I thought you were going to send a V941ntan^" "Yes, that's me. Am 1 not one?" In,- terrogated Winnie. At the end of dee days the rooms Were wholesome and spotless. The varnished Boors and woodwork,. lrmootlt and shining, showed the ex- Pertness xpert;tess of a master mind, Winnie de- clared. They resembled real %veneers as they sat down en the 1- phrdder at four o'clock Saturday afternoon. "The boss said he would he here to pay tis off," observed Albion. • "That' must he him now," added Winnie, as an automa Mlle halted out- side, followed by footsteps In the ?tall. "The interior work is undone," they caught the volee of their employer. "rig get my men to put on the new rear fence next week," "Ali right," came a response, and Albion gave a great start. for Its own- er, following the paint man Into the room, was revealed as his reigttst fa- ther. This, then, must be one of the numerous properties he owned in the dtstriet, "I'll take you through the house to show you how excellently well my workers have done," observed the paint than, "soon as I pay them ori." "Tour workers2" abruptly shouted the amazed Jahn Thorpe. -wily, that's my son and his wife!" "I think you're jolring," smiled the paint man, "but, whether in not, they are the most delightful help i ever hired." The old Inas fixed a speculative look upon the guilty pair. There was a lapse of dead silence, "Nice work you're making of life, ell?" be stormed. "Yes, father;? answered Albion meekly, 'Tire boss here says so. 1 didn't know this was your house--" "Ie isn't. It's yours," reepnnded Air, Thorpe, and Iris Morn feature@ re- laxed. Yon ought to he ashatned to put that (mute, sunshiny little crea- ture, your wife. at such work, al- though I herme her for the principle of the thing. No, the house isn't mine. It's yours. for 1 5Ive it to you. Anti You," to the trembling Wlnnle, "siutke hands. And alas rue„ if I'm not too *sirlsh to deserve it, Never mind the varnish,' end Winnie knew that the tier Orae Won. . OF THE OLD SOUTH ilaroness Charette Was Noted Nashville :BMA, - • IirsltdWtughiu' 00 P;,4ittant it.o r; am Wld w of Fate.sas 8wMeer Haa'Rr. om *ly Pawed Away at Her " illenti8 Krona*: .the death eicetttly of Aaromeed - Ceite te,' granddaughter of •Yreaident a �t ., ' Pelle Obi ldoty 62 the '.otaTi n' G'dn=• .etat 3tiaret$,e, r pails tdtetesttn;; Mile+' tory, ef' the 'Old „rlotl`th . !t it3 t+ef¢, IBX to ;equrt 1283 01 Reemee, obs t' er urea Loni'avllle CoselerJournal, Bentonite.. Charetteewas "born i'n•Nashvltle;• Tweet.," where she figured iyr antitheft' 'Ste: of -the old days; and when she went .tt+ Europe, the wife of a nobletnen, 1;m• charming manner won her advent into exclusive etreiea. .41 Is recent death • Keeps tti:a y's Ski. t e 1thy every mother could only realize the danger which larks in the neglect; 'of Chafing and skin irritations she would not take chances on being without Dr, Chase's , Ointment to apply after baby's bath. It arrest's the development of eezotna avid matters the asitia sett, ,'..btnooth and velvety. Illi cents a be; an dealera, or lildtnansoa, Halon &'Co., Lore Toronto. TBE ci.:Nror4..l'41W E(44, ems Col, 4a,w�/rr0��`Iyy��rg y%�//r�. ��1lrft� 30 STOPS COUGHS at her chateau, De le 1'3nsso-Motte, in Brittany, she was sincerely,mourned by the house of Bourbon, to which she was related through her illustrious husband: 51105; only son, like his father, Bought 4 •wife in America, and not ,only Artier tea, but Denticles, the former Susanne Henning, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James W, Henning of Louisville and New York, being the choice as te wife 1 of the son of General Charette and the beloved baroness. The sen assumed the title of 'Marquis de la Charette, which had belonged to another branch of the family, now extinct, and that was the name under which he was popularly known,, The Baroness Charette played a notable part in chaperoning the duch- ess of Aosta, sister of the dukes of Orleans and of .1'fontpensler, when be- fore her marriage she traveled over Europe incognito. The late General Charette had many of the aspects of the chivalry wli1eb he upheld, !n deed ae well as in name. He entered the military service of the Papacy during tate relict of bait IX, and rose to command a regineeat of Zouaves, recruited almost entirely from thq aristocracy. The ,regiment figured f lustrlously In the atlrring times that saw the conversion of Rome into the capital of United Italy. s, It was in the battle of Castel Menlo that the dashing'chivalry of the gen- eral won laurels that still figure in the picturesque story of the Eternal city. He met in single combat an Italian colonel, while their forces sus- pended hostilities to watch the out- come. The general's adversary was carried offebadly wounded, after hav- ing grasped the nand of les .vailent opponent, and in a few rnintites the armies clashed In battle. General Charette was wounded in the battle of Mentana during the hard 6glttine that caused nearly all the officers of his forces to appear on the casually list. The general placed his services at the disposal of his country when the war broke out between France and Germany in 1870. Tif'e first wife of General Charette was a "dabghter of the Preach ducal house. of Fitzjames, descended from Xing James II. of England, After tate deathof the bride . of hie youth the hero won for his leecond wife the .belle of Nashville, who was the'granddaugh- ter of a president of the Milted Slates. Intenalve Rhetoric. When epithets are launched so frost ' In oratorio games, We and 'there really can be High art in calling names,. Toe Vague. Heeehly dear girl, don't let ills meeting of ours de like one of a leg - !dative borly's--adjoarn eg-!dlative.body's-adjourn sine site. gybe --What's that? Hs -Without Hawing the des. M.e • Do not .°forget to file 'yot'r - For The Rising Generation, Willie site i1 cake 01 yeast l3efor'e he went to bed, "Tomorrow f go fishing and Must rlse at four," he said, /When Wtlife's' mother came al. 5 1 ur'sd y. Api'iJ i 5tli, 1920, To still the. alarm's r n s wUt1• peeling, I ng, She found poor Willie; fast asleep, Against lite bedroom Gelling, The Allies have delivered a new Rote to Rolland an the s51jeet of ;tie ex- Kaiser, in which they eitpeasize the les ponsibllity of the Dutch Government .Wr` e �,sfr'C Wynn k e a realjob of i pAINTING becomes necessary as your property increases in value, and as property was never so valuable as today there is a greater need than ever for that kind of paint which actually preserves the surface and thus saves the entire house. This spring, to make a real job of it, use 11 "ENGLISH 22 ro p a ,f'aratVhlts leo Al 1®orfz,r because it combines permanence, covering capacity and economy. If B-H "English Paint" was dearer than it is, it would still be the nIo-st economical -the shorter life of other cheaper brands makes them more ex- pensive in the end. It contains the famous Brandram's Genuine E.E. finely -ground white lead? 70%• -to which is put 30% of pure zinc --a guaranteed formula that no: other paint can boast. To this mixture is added fine turpentine and linseed oil from the B-H mills, which is of a quality in keeping with the other ingreddents. When you use B-H Paint you will notich its "body" and brilliance -you will compare the eatrernn covering ,capacity with other bran the permaltence you will be able to prove by othert ex- teriors painted with B-H paint years ago. This Store sells ,B-H Products - Color cards free on request. J. A. SUTTER Clinton, Ontario 111 IIiiJ1IIItt1IIIl!lliUlUUhf!f[fJ EPIANPRAMlingtriaMA ,.,,.nom.. .-....,.., w.w-w tr,e,mv... . iresnl. „eamisNM mem am!~ +..+w+n,u •w,h.r.rw a y Income ^�� turn on or before the -30th of ../t 'tat, 0:'i Donainiioti. of Ca*iada Department of Firianee • • ALL persons residing tit::Cpnada, elle- ` } fioyed in Canada, of=:;' arryiing on. bti•.5ines " in Canada, are liali'le to a, tax'. on=inconie, as follows: - ;1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or. widower, without dependants as defined by the Atli:who during thio calenclar;year 1919 receivedije earipjed $1,000 or more. '' cal.@A11 other individuals .cvh'o during. the dar year 1919' received oi:': earned $?,000 or nag ,i. '. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company ' whoife profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal • •. year ended in 1919.' e • ForniS to be used in f11ing', returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920, • ALL Il'i82VlP'l.!ALt other tleall: farmers and ranchers teust use Form 'r S. , • FARMERS AND RANCHiERS. angst use S=bi'm; T kA. CORP 9RAT20hiS and joint stock•contpanies must use Porta T2. :Penalty • ifvery 1,er00n required to make n return, who.' mile te.do 00 ld, thin the time isnot, shell be Ralither to it renn'ty of 't wuntp nV ,•nor coatudl of the 5(5501101 of the lox payable. Art7 i'ereon, wlieth'r arable, or ntlerwiae, Otto fells to tnttke n returner nrnv!sle inform'- C.: titin dilly required aerortilnt; tc the prorlalon of the Act, Atoll he liable, on suntnhtry cenvlcrton,, 0' 0 ,ett.tty of Mile for ep11' day during whit+, tiio default eontlintos. Aloe any herso0 J tfsni4lnri,' faire alnr'tnrnt 10 n,iY return Or in . any bti?prtnatlen required by the ,bfttpnter, shell,: 1 ,1';Ise niih'a, no mammary cantictiob, drs n,p/melts ". "'nor exteedina5t401)0,orto aft, me 1,,t'irttprison� nionnt or to both line And hrlprle00,hent, >M..emn,�iu..rv.+,..c.uri.n,.rua..t ,R.•ert:;ac..re,we.m,...>...r,...., General Instructions, Obtain Forms front the Inspectors no Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions on Ir rm before fillinj t. in. Prepay .paltaf;e on letters and docu- ments forwsirded by mail• to Inspectors of Taxation. ' • Make your returras ;promptly and avoid penalties. Address INSPECTOR t) + • `.TAXATION, LONDON; ONT. W. •.,. iZER Commissioner of Taxation. , Dye That Skirt, Coat. .or Biouso "Diamond Dyesr" MMlte Old, shabby, Faded Apparel Just Like New. Don't worry about perfect result's. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless eider to any fabric, whether wool, silk, lioton, cotton or mixed goods, --drosses, blouses, stockings,ekirte, ehtldren's coats, tlraperiee,--cverythtngt A Direction Book is in package, To match any material, have dealer slrow, you f'Dfauzoirl Dye" Color Crard, Nete---"' Better Pay. The Price Dente be tempted to choose rbeep jewelers. Par better to pray st fair Moe and know exactly what yon are getting, Yon will never be Carry ---for es a matter of money, ie is emerly the most economical, Ttat has been said so often thlet t everybody by this time should know it -rand pet there is nn soareity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would like to miss Ghat sort altogether - COME HERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities arra dealt in-OOME HERE And even at that, no pereoo ever said our prices were unfair W.R. Counter Jeweler and Optician Mier of Marriage Lia'eliseti J. Sn FLOUR & FEED TIMOTHY ALISKA RED CLOVER also ONTARIO CROWN ALFALFA ALI3ATREA SWEET CLOVER SEED --CAR OF GOVT. STANDARD FEEB:I- .TUST ARRIVED. Phone 123 018:. F. ffi, 31XeX Crown end Bridge W'urk a Specialty, teduete or C.0,13.8... CMThaeo, and R,O,ir,fd' Terence, aydeld on Mondays, May Int to to DR.. H. FOWLER. DENTIST. Ofii.aea over O'NEIL'l; @tore, epeeist care taken to make dents' trot men* as pinnies' es o,eible, Pius 'Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be is . pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. •rdere lett at W. Doberty'e phone el, win receive vromnt attention THOMAS GUNDRY Live 'tock and general Auction+o- ,GO©ERIOH ONT ItiemEOM aT leer■ epesta12r. Indus et e New 'Ede ocgee, ollatoa prt.tu•e/y attestor Terms reaeonahle, Fannon' eale note tenanted' ll edi .,a!• t ' Din;. J. 'C. GANDIER GDFiriCE HOURS 1.30 p. M. to 3.30 p. eta. 7.30 p. en. to 8.00 p. ay. Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment only. Office at Residence, Victoria Street @F, DIELTDONO BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAR PUBLIC, EITO onnarros H. T. RANGE Notary Public', Conveyancer, 8'inancial and. Real iilatele INSURANCE AGENT--Representins ii Fire suranse.Companies. iDivislon (lottt•t.O119ee., 0. D, McTaggart M. U, MoTaggex McTaggart 03IlvI£B3l S A.LBIt RT ST, . CLINTON trenerel Banking 2.30algaeane .. . traaaaeted .VOTER DiS000NTED Pratte issued. Interest allowed o deposits The ,li'I.cKiivop .Mutual. Fire Insurance Coe Petrea and Isolated Town 11?a'aagv arty' only Insured. i8'ead Doteet-e,tfortlt, On Meer. J. Connolly, ooderich, President; Jas. tthrans, Beechweod, Vice -President( ,Tregsuter.raps. B. trays, Seaferth, Secretary. AtAgents Mee. Leitch, No. t, Cltntonr Edward Nl1ic➢1tly, Seatorth; Wm, Chesney, tit mondellle; J,'W.. Yee,:Gdderichl R. 4 3srmuth, Bredhagen. Directors W1l'. ulnas, No. 20 9lidorfal; John daea, aeNete, iredhegear Jas*•6vean, 528,5 0- w0etit; M. italllteaa, $ttAAoi; eta Vaaand . Oeiletlalta P. li, m + Mia 3, lidBtioitiit d. ci. 0/10e4, if n tenet Robert Pia, i9arieekt 3I i isolaelua, Not. L 3esfor(Vlt. _ r