The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-15, Page 3SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN CANADA
Three, months.1 1 , # A 1 # 11 0 , 1 4
., iyear
f%1f yeaL'. 4 4 1 4 4 11 0 A A A A l .. $ 075
Year 0:•1•4•911. A . , ; .. 1,So
—If not paid in advance, $2,00 per annum—
The. Third
• Office Perone 30,
Don't Trust t
When ordering Tea, hut insist on
getting the lrea�le��ade�
TheTea That Never isappoints'
Sealed Packets Only.
Black, Green or Mixed
{hlI,''I�J IW M1 Tal 71��11:
In the Rush of Harvest
1. which makes a' man
so downright mad as to
have twine run uneven.
Stopping a binder once on
this account is simply' a nui-
sance, but such twine means'
constant interruptions—a seri-
ous matter. Use onlyg
and be rid of such trouble
forever. Plymouth •
is more even in size and
stronger than of r brands.
It runs full length ties more
bundles and does n t fall down.
Buthe twine tl t'e :'afwctps
good ' and order earl!
7110 same good qua ity is found in
- Pure nine
Hay Fork Rope
lines are for eagle by,
all first-class dealers.
Have Your Ads
NW.a.,,1f#nkRruN...t.,nCWttt':, r.
Thursday, April iartb, 192.0,
03y 1Ulv,. k, s. ILTBWAT1JLi,
Teacher or Dngllah Bible In the Moody
BibleInstitute of Cbhtabo,)
(Copy,'tabt, 1920, western Newenaner Union)
LESSON TEXT—Judges 7, •
GOLDEN TEXT --There is no restraint
to the Lord to save by many or by L'ow.—
I Sam., 14:0,
0:140; 0:1-25,
PRIMARY TOPIC—Gideon and lila
Three I•Iundred.
IUNIOR TOPIC--33ow Gideon won a
.—Victo,r,yy by God's help.
—One With God a Majority.
So grievous was Israel's • nlllletlun
that they' hid in dens, caves and
strongholds (judges 0: 2). In their
distress they cried unto the Lnr't, and
again he Beard therm and sent deliver-
ance. The,nat;el of the Lord appeared
to Gideon while at the post of duty.
God niways calls men who are doing
something. Gideon's hesitancy when
called was not due to unbelief, bot to
modesty and cautiousness. When once
he was convinced of duty he •, was
nourageons and enthuslnstic. 1
1. The Opposing Army ('v. 1). ' Gideon and bis army arose early on
thitt eventful day and eneatmp^cl by
the spring of Hared. Over against
them was-thehost of the elidinnites in
battle arraye His army was 7nslgniti•
idant In comparison with the elidinn•
lea, ,•
ll. The Sifting of Gideon's Army
(vv, 2-8).
A.t Gideon's call 52,000 men respond-
ed. reedy for the struggle, This
seemed a small nrmy,to go against the
Midianite army, 135,000 'strong, but
God said this was too many last Utry
be led to boasting and self-rouflclence.
Their real danger was not In their
small army, hut lit' their pride. All
that were faint.hearted were allowed
to go bnck, leaving only 10,000, ')'here
were 22,000 cowards in that group of
risen, and, wriest of all, they were net
ashamed to confess it. Still this wee
too many. When God was through with
his sifting process only 800 remained.
The 10,000 were brave men, Inst not of
()vetoer quality and fitness. Those who
lapped the water showed alertness
and watelifulness. This rest revealed
the quality and fitness of the men
whom God would use 10 Win vlerory.
itt. God •G'tvec Encouragement to
Gideon (vv. 9-15.)
'God bade Gtdeeu go down.-.te rho
lfidi'toite cadip, where ire would hear
something which wotsid cheer his
heat•t and strengthen itis hands. • When
In New Bra he canoe near he hems! n man tell a
+' Seem eem Pressed Flat By
W(inclerful, New T rt 11ex Springs
"‘HIE tF onderi'tll T r ipl ex-
7prin ,s of Overland 4 fif-
feet: such a ..hs11gc in t'id'ing
comfort that bats roods now
seem to fide like good toads.
Ouerlon 4 iaas the steadiness
of larger' tats of long 1ivhe i1-
b::tae, with the light weight,
ease of control and 'low fuel
and tire expense of 100 -inch
Equipment, including Elec-
tric starting and lighting and
three -speed transmission, is
high class, in keeping with the
general character of the car.
L. KENNEDY, ,Wingkeni, Ont.
Ileiv.t ()Ake and l+actories; '`Villys-Over!(nn.i I ;.riteci, TORI ltal' .Canafli.
Illom htat Toronto, Mordrenl iYir nitrt1 on11 who
eases ended in heath! ,Sofa recent
Canadian, investigation showed.
These were noteases o1 infectious
diseases — ol'. consumption — of ty-
phoid! They were caees where a
person had sustained some slight '
injury --a cut, a born, a wire -prick
--and where the wound, being.
thought not serious enough for care. '
tul treatment, had been neglected.
Bloodesotsoning and death resulted.
When you or your children sus-
tain any injury, insure against in•
faction by applying Zam-Buk. This
balm soothes the pain, stops bleed-
ing, and by destroying all germs ,
prevents'blood-poisoning,etc, Hence,
no time need be lost from work or
pleasure by those who Use Zam-Buk,
All dealers, 60c, hoz.
urearn, w11ic11 was that o1' a nateee carte
tumbling into the camp and smiting it.
Ile also beard the interpretation given
to that dream, etic11 made Gelecn to
^be that cake. ')'his greatly cheered
his heart anl strengthened him for his
work, and caused his heart, to burst
forth In prnlse to Gad. A barley cake
is a very tnsignil(ennt tiling, a very
cheap affair in Itself, but it'ith the
hand of God upon ft, It would be snffi.
stent to stlren22 Consternation moon the
Midianites and bring destruction mem
their armies.
IV. God Gives Victory to Gideon
(vv. 10.23),
.Lits -army was very insignificant and
his weapons most worthless. Hie at-
tack was unique. The whole mutter
was of fltitlt O•Ieb. 11 :32)', The ground
of his faith was God's Word and the
token w'bieh he had given hint, ret!
does not ask us to go forward without
good ground upon which to rest our
faith. Gideon with his 800 men formed
into threeecompaniee, each man being
provided with a trutnpet and with a
lamp concealed within 'a pitcher. Thus
armed, they surrounded the enmps of
the Midianitos. They were all instruct-
ed to keep their eyes upon their leader
and imitate him, We, too, are to keep
our eyes on oar leader, Christ, and. to
ever do as be does. At the proper mo-
ment they blew their trumpets and
broke their pitchers, giving opportun-
tty.for their lights to shine out, 'Phis
argful,creeli of•breoking pitchers,, fol-
lowing the sound of trumpets, accom-
panied by the shout, "The sword of--
fthe Lord and of Gideon," threw the
M1220 nates into a panic, causing thein
to light among themselves. One bun-
dre't1 and twenty thousand were thus
elide, leaving but 15,000 of that Mighty -
array (judges- *AO)
In ,maklnlr• the app)leation to our -
solves in this age, we eau think of the
sofindimg of the trumpets as represent -
Int prayer; or calling to God; the:
torches, ass the light of the gospel; the
pitchers, our human uatnre; and the
whole, as this treasure in earthen'rea
sets, Ouiy as the pitchers were broken
trallow the Light heehleeforth, and as
we. sound toud and long the'tr'umpet of
Inefyer can we expect, victory.
Doing the Wtll of Get
The end ol'MIffe is to do the -will of
God, whatever that essay be; it we
eoufd have no ambition past the will
of. Gad, our lives Weald he Nateeeettri,
for the' mar -ft -num achievement of agy
man's life, after it is all over, is to
Rave done the wi11 of God. —Protegees'
Dro ntiond.
May Not.
Sny. not Unto thy nsisbbbr, "Go and
come again, and tomorrow i will sive,"
whelp thee hast it by thee,—Perelen
The record sum of $6,000 was paid
for a cow at sthe Canadian National
Holstein sole.
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin --No others!
There is only ane Aspirin, that narked
with the "Beyer Cnose&—atl other tele
iota etre only acid itniiatiofs. • • -
Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
have been prescribed by phyafc'toae for
nineteen years and proved safe by Alia.
Niue for Pain, liendacho, Neuralgia,
Golds, Rheumatism, Lumbago; %1' uritf$t
Randy tin boxes of 12 tablets--aiee
larger '(Bayer" peekagee, can 86 lied
At any drug store. Made in Canada,
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered:
In Csmddtt), "of Bayer 1Nat9ufaciere e4'
3f nun wticaaidelfter of Selicylieseisl.
CNBi1r it is well known that Asµtia(
means Beyer manufacture, to a1)st.t tire.
pnblt. against imitations, the Toblela of
Boyer Company, 1.121„ will Us steamed,
with their general trade want, MSC
"Bays} fufeds."
(Advance Only)
Great Britain $1,50
United State., , # 1 , , ;,', . , , # . , ;,,04
France #..,,;,,#,#<,,..#,.,,, 2,00
House Phone li<f.
A novel Indtis'try watch promises
a'alii11 expansion a11d great popularity,
is :So less than -stile development of.a
�50astituto for the suceaalent but
leemewhat'costly oyster. This Is rho
sea mussel, found he—vast duan-
lithos Wong the low tide mark of the.
AOantic(eet, chiefly In New Bruns-
wielt. Tho' Dominion Gnverinnont,
with Lhe co-operation of scientists,
has conductod experi'meuts to this
end in Western University ' labora-
tories 'and It 1'e 'how claimed that
mnasels- can' bo et: minced com7nel'-
clatly and sold profitably at'16 cents
Per quart, as compared with the $1.00
per, quart aeotlnd•wbieh oyster prices
The Mussel is by nc means a new
article of (net to the people of Can-
ada, and besides being used exten-
sively in coast gowns has found its
witty' to the tables of Inland cities In
Central Canada.. Its " delicacy of
flexor and high food value have been
much advol'tised since the establish-,
ment of government investigation
and experiment. and deserve to be
much better known. There Is yet
much to .be done in the ane of re-
search to ascertain conditions under
wirikb production would be most
rapid and profitable, and to this
end the Council of Industrial and
scientific Research is devoting Its ef-
A survey of the mussel beds of the
St. Croix River, which ' constitutes
the boundary between New Bruns-
' wick and Maine, has occupied -..the at-
tention of a scientist- of: the council
for Three years now. and it le ex-
pected that this summer will see -the
satisfactory conclusion of ebe re-
search. It is believed that the beds
of mussels are unlimited,
and the work occupying those en-
gaged is merely the hest renditions
of development. 9 has also been
determined that .mussels become
sweeter and more palatable tee far-
ther north they are_ found, and in
this regard Canaria has a distinct
advantage over the mussel beds to
the south of the Dominion. Those
of the Hudson's Bay make particu-
larly excellent eating. •
The sea mussel.cannot be produc-
ed in fresh waters so that there is
no possibility of developing an in-
dustry in the Great Lakes.. It is
beiieved that thele are possihiiltles,
however, for the development • of
fresh -water clams there and the 'Do-
minion Governioant se the instigation
of the Ontario Fishermen's Aasoola-
tion is conducting a series of experi-
ments which will probably result in
nterestlag developments.
Ki ns s WerAte had ff dill
J ter The
Sat Up to Turn in Bed.
That awful epidemic, the Spanish
influeizesithet swept' Canada 'from one
end to the other a short time ago, left in
ith wake a. great many bad after effects.
In some cases it was a weakened heart,
in others Shattered nerves, but in a great
many eases weak kidneys have been left
as a legacy:. .
Where tbe'kidneys have been left wen.
as an after elect' of the "Flu," Doan','
SCxincy FlIht'wtll prove to be Sept the
remedy you requir(•_to atrengthen them.
Mrs: Harvey D Wile., Like Pleasant,
wsiteet—"Lite) winter I waa'tsker'
sick with the "Bill,' end when I did gat
better 1 tepid that my kidney* were very
btid,• rad rt night 1- had to sit up to turn
around baked.' '1' used Doeu'e Kidney
Pills and found that they did me a
won titin" akaount• of,.gpe�o� I Mao.• reeomntend teem- to'rny husband; end
hf'atarted in to use diem. I will always
reeest:na wi them 't0 *nyone who 1,
Kth, kidney -trouble; for tkey
• ° Duarte kl'ills are 50e. a box -at"
ethiteel �aiied'dITeet'sn. receipt'br.
price b T. Milburn Co., Limited,
'heats G} dtt:
See Last our trade Mark, a "Maple
Pod," sipprielf on the box.
Father Atul'Sen.
Be more.tllan his dad,
Be a chum to the lad;
Be a.parrt of his life
Every hour of the day;
Find time to talk with him,
Find time to walk with him
Share in his studies o
And share In his play;
Take 11101 leo places;
To ball games and races,
Teach trim the things
That you want hits to know,
Don't live apart froth dren
Be his best comrade,
He's needing ,you so.
Never neglect idle,
Though young, still respect hull,,
Hear his opinions
With patience and pride;
Show him his error,
A. note tt terroi';
Grim -visaged' and fearful,
When he's at your side,
Avow lWhat li!so thoughts are,
Know what his sports are,
Know all his playmates, ,
It's easy to leaSmi fo,
Be such a father
That when tt'oiibles gather
You'll be the first one
for 001/0591 192111 turn le,
You can lnsp(re 11110
With courage and fire !tint
fiot With, ambition
Pu' deeds that are good:
He'll' not betray +yen,
Nor 01 repay you,
If you have taught 111m
The things that you should.
Father and Son
Must it) al tiolnas be eine.•-«.
Partners iii freebie.
And comrades in :joy
More titan a dad,
Was the beat pal yen'-lixds
s e �v •.4 t,ur" !1>yrimnr amnar r .1 ' " Ji`"t amain
Children Cry for FBetc beIr1s
tl Arai?,
Sin �µTt� 6 ���� { A Jf 1iP�+:rt -, a"•'�'
7v.',i'�""♦b't Th =,p° t t, s .','>r• ,%.ti x` 't h
^.a.wn.Cw"�..o'�•i,m?ukei..-'w+.W... �. �:';4'�'s*.+.:`i,. o t�'�;�:.
•Fletchcr' Cwt: _aizc ^. , f a par.;^:. '
Foods are. specially l:rep»red for babies.. A baby's rnedieino
is even mere esscr 1 l for taty, Reiueios Primarily pret, aced
for grown-ups a ro n.t interchangeable. It was the need of
a -remedy for the cannon ailrlents of Infants and Children
that. brought Castoria before the public: after years of research,
and'nd- claim has been noac:o f.r is that its use for ,over 30
year's has not proven.
What 9s CASTOMA?
Castoria is a hhcrnllccs tuto^_ituto for Castor C1i, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syraips. It is rleasan.1, 11 contains
neither Opium, 14Yorpbine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is, its .guarantee. For more than thirty years it hao
been in constant use for the relief .of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishne^s arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach, and Bowels, Sias
the assinul".Mon of Food,; griviilg healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's. Comfort --The Mother's. Friend.
Bears the :.igrnatura. of
In Use For Over 30 Years _
Be. such a churn Paper Shortage.
As you knew to your boy,
—(13y Edgar A. Guest.) (Life,)
April Rod And Gun.
A. Bryan Williams, former Chief
Game Guardian of British Columbia
is the latest addition to ROD AND
GUN IN CANADA'S splendid list of
sportsmen writers. In the April issue
he takes his readers on a big game hunt
into Northern British Columbia, T. W.
Winson and William Beck these well
known Nature and Fishing writers of
B. C, also have interesting articles in
this month's issue, Other splendid stors
les and articles are "Wild Goose Shoot-
ing in Nova Scotia" by Bonny -castle
Dale; At Daybreak, by L. B. Birdsall;
Sea Ducks, .by F,V. Williams and Bass
Fishing by Robert Page Lincoln. 'Phe'
gun'_' tank" is well taken care of,by
Ashle) 'A, Mans in latest article on "The
Trapline,'Kennel and Trapshooting De-
partments sire -up to their ttsual 'high
is published. monthly by W. J. Tayt r,
Limited, Woodstock, On11,
G"hiidren Ory
tatting•Fasntwn Plaie. •
11 34 ene'.1' the fenny Incidents of
tektite's: that Ware- *meld Kamm been
in Isis eatraerilleary WWI Winter more:
far coat* ort the street than ever were
stew hetet*. Ontshte of ]reside or
Greeeltar(rd;<weenie were never *e'uel-
ria-01y attired In fen; es tiring last
Mater—ewd yet, naives ore were driv-
tnp;• there- hos' net ,tramstogie dwy
whop e fee coat weir needea, d and der-
fag'MOW Hiatt- Ulf of the tide these
garnieoite mfr*' hvice made their weer-
ora ropy uneowYdgteble. Watt there
Is no seeoltirtieg'for the'fashions. Tito'
rettotirile-of' sr fin'" emit, et course, is
ter w+aif: ft' when it Is cold 5001(540 t:o"
do so,' and fay it off for Som* less bur-
diniotne gerrrknt 5& ordintSry weather.
Hut whew the girls ,put en their 'fpr
coats in the early winter they put these'
on to weer every single day, be it cold'
or warm. The consciousness that it Is
fashforesble no dhubt makes any gar-
ment comfortarbre.—G ri t.
Doesn't hurt! Lift' any corn or'•
callus off with fingers
Don't antler! yl 1(917 Tottie of
l"'rer••ulne seats but ti few, rents et any
drug store, .App!,,(' n, ,few drops on the
eerie', calluses sad "hard laths" on bot-
t,m1 of Yeti; then lift Atom off.. `.
When u 4 utoue i:o3teve* coma 51038 itfe
toes or eatlnsee from the bottom of feet,
the: akin teatettlt is left pirdc and health
eyed never sore, fonder or, Irritate
When the paper shortage causes tem
newspapers to suspend publicatio-e pulsart
are we going to do—
About igniting the furnace?
For something to line the shelves
in the jam closet.
For another excuse at breakfast
when one is too grouco converse
with the wife?
1n the' sumnret tor a fly swat -teen
About a substitute wrapper r 15 -
tie Johnny's lunch
For a screen to Conceal oneself IIs
!rind when a lady enters crowdedi
street car and rather pointedly slan4
in front of the seat one is occupying?
About something to put under F.ttlh
er's feet, when he'vill insist on taking
those afternoon naps on the best be(it-
For something to read?
We have an unlimited market:
for live Poultry and are anima;
to obtain large Fat Bens.
Our price for Hens is as follows:
• e
Fat Hens over 6 lbs 30c per Ib..
Fat Hens over 5 lbs 28c peri .
Fat Hens over 4 lbs 25c per it
Gat -i aailais II Ca.. Like(
The up -Co -date Ferni +gt
Minton Branch Phenol
se. W. Trevsa;rtha, Manager
or Helmesville 4 eta td&
Before purchasing yow
new piano or organ let stn'
show you the newest ,de-
signs in several well-
known and old establish—
ed snakes,
, See our stylish cnbinek
des errs in the besot remakes.