The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-8, Page 3Thursday, April 8th, 1920, eepeeepoweepeeeemitv,,weememoomeeseof s‘essonstepossetenstnissosseinsosso 'nmeNscessenetnesstoeseolosoosto ISMS 434,, 1114 POPULARITY - / a There are good points In near- le ly all makes of watches-, there ars few that aro bad 1F, in every respect. In REGINA WATCHES you will find em - boded ALL the good points a watch can have, judged from the standpoints of SOLIDITY, 1 DURABILITY, RELIABILITY. '• W. II. 11[1_111R . JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses tho»e No, 171 w; Residence 1743 essesseesmeessessersernsecevrcee iseeseeecesserseuessooteseessee Notice "••••••••••• The frost Is here. Watch your 'battery as Well as radiator. If you bring your battery to us for whitey or recharge, you will get it back fully charged. We overhaul any make of storage battery., • STORAGE BATTERY • SERVICE STATION. 'Car Painting and Overhauling. J. II. NXMM, Garil Plane SS 1Residersce 140 CLINTON, ONT. 3 Dam_ DAY APRIL 8 SHow 'Day. The Biggest Dollar Day we have ' ever had: 40 5 tbs bates for $1 7 lbs Pigs for $1 4 Ib s Valencia Raisins for . 31 4 tbs Currants for 31 13 Melte Rolled Oats 31 7 tbs Broken Sodas for $1 7 bottles of Catsup for 31 4 Ib s Prunes for 31 3 M s Apricots for $1 4 tins of Salmon for 31 5 ties of Corn for 31 5 ties of Peas for 31 5 tins of Tomatoes for $t 5 tins of Pilchards for _ $1 These are only a few of many Show Day Bargains ' T. O'NEIL JHE HUB GROCER phone 48 ' 'LIMO MONIOroarM4iggs. FRUIT -GROWERS Better Spray your Orchard this year Spraying and Dusting never paid largamdividends than now. The Nistraga Brand Spray 'Co., of Burl- ington, Oet, offer you at reasonable, prices DUSTING MACHINES SPRAYING MACHINES DUSTING MATERIALS SPRAYING MATERIALS MACHINES AND SPRAYS,FOR EVERY PURPOSE, For Information on any of the above Write or nom. George Sloan AGENT BLYTH, ONT, MARKET REPORTS 'Butter ........ ,49 to 50 'Eggs ..... 60 Hogs ..... ........ „ ..$17.00 'Wheat . $1.95 to $1.98 'Oats . ..... 85c to 87c Barley• 40c to 45e Buckwheat . „ , $115 to $4.20 Hay ig19,00 to 820,01 diren ..... $45 ton, Shorts . ......... Mete $56 Milfed $S0,. Potatoes e $2,00 bag A brilliant orator it one who always uses the tight word in the right place at the right tittle. • •,:th"t ririg et.wrom NEW ERA. Review of Pre -Easter Session Activities 9f the Parliament at Ottawa Ottnwn, April 3. --With over si4101101 of session Compieted, parliament has set tied down to work along customary lines. The legislative prOgritnt yielded place in interest to the poll -tient situat- ion, The prime minister was away; the leadership of the Unionist party; and its future were in doubt; a younger man was wearing the mantle of Laurier anct finally there was the growing strength of the fanner movement .ivith the firef appearance, since confederation, of a definite third party in the House. So on all hands, there was comment on the "situation" -,-whether the government might be forced to resign, whether in any event a general election would not come in the fall, So far chief business before the House has been; ' 4. Adoption of the address by a gover ;fluent majority of 34, 2, Ratification of the Bulgarian peace treaty, with the almost inevitable debate on the League of Nations. 3. 'Tabling of the Jellicoe 'report on Canadian naval policy. 4, Presentation of main estimates for an expenditure of 8537,000,000 dur- ing the coming fiscal•year. 5., The Franchise bill, 6, Presentation -of the budget for the Canadian mercantile marine, slfbwing a net profit darned by government'tramp steamers last year of 81,400,000 total deficit (including the Grand. Trunk Pac- ific) of 847,000, 000. Debate on the Bthlgarian peace treaty, party frotn points, regarding the covenant of the League, brought forth 011 announcement of probable constitut- ional changes of great importance. The query had blf, why, if Canada were a nation it At,uild still be necessary to go to the imo '."al parliament for am- endments of the British North America Act, To this, the minister of justice re- plied that he was now in 'consultation with the attorneys generals of the var- ious provinces to see if some arrange- ment could be reached whereby with the concurrence of the provinces, the Dominion Parliament would have auth- ority to amend the constitution, A GOOD MEDICINE FOR SPRING USE Harsh Purgatives Should Be Avoided -.-A Tonic Will Re- store Your Energy. Not exactly sick but not feeling quite well. That is the way thousands of people feel in the spring. It is a sign that the trying indoor life of winter has left its mark upon you. Easley tired, appetite fickle, some -times headaches and a feeling of depression. Pinples or eruptions may appear on the skin, or there may be twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia, Any of these -indicate that the blood is out of order and these sy- mptoms may easilf deveiope into more serious trouble. Do not dose yourself with purgatives as so many people do in the hope that you can put your blood right Purgativ as gallop through the system and weak eninstead of giving strength. Any doctor will tell you that this is true, What you need in the spring is a -tonic that win build up the blood and nerve. Dr. WPM - ams Pink Pills can do this speedily and surely. This medicine enriches the blood clears the skin, improves the appetite,' and makes tired, depressed men, women and children bright active a•nd strong. As an example of the value of these pills we give the statement of Airs. S. 214eBuenSed MatiaMagemchet,Nt, S who seys:-"I have good reason to speak in the highest terms of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I was badly run down fail- ing in weight, and suffering from dizzy spells and weakness. In fact any condit- ion was such that 1 was hardly able to do tny housework. A friend advised me, to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills an after using several boxes there was n notice- able improvement. I continued using the pills for some time longer and found that 1 had fully regained my old time health and strength and was able to do my housework without feeling weak and worn out as 1 did before 1 began us ing the pills." Dr, Williams Pink Pills can be ob- tained from any dealer' in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes - for $2,50 from The Dr, Williams Medic- lne.Co., Brockville, Ont. SLAMS, BANGS AND ADVICE TO THE DRURY GOVT. Ontario's minister of roads has de- creed the death of the glaring automo bile headlight. In the hands of the con- siderete driver it was all right. It was sefishness of the comparetively few that brought it into disrepute, --0-- How can eight-hour advocates like Rollo and MacBride support a measure which will compel deputy returning officers and election officials to put in ten -hours on provincial election clay? The Drury government is notenving up to its professions let alone it con- victions tis Permitting private members to take charge of Hs nroposed legislat- ion on the Prohibition queetion. In this matter, as in all others it will find it good policy to be hold enough to be honest n16 honeet enough to be bold, The Feder GoVernmeet lute atathoriz ed Provincial Governments to loan und. er the Housing Act up to $3,500, in- stead of #3,00, and $4000 instead of $3,500 for (Our or five roomed 5116 aix or severs roetiled elWelliuge respective*. Estimates of Town, and School Boards . • •• for 1920 • C, C. 1, .ESTIMATES Expenditures, Deficit from 1919 $ 1706.51 Tefichere' selery , • 8900,00 Caretaker , . .. . 400.00 Fuel ....... . e.... • ; 450.09 Repairs 100,00 Examinetious . • • 200/00 Printing, stationery, etc 200,90 Equipment . • . . • . . , 400,00 insurance 70.00 Light and water1100,00 Agriuulture . . . 100,90 Contingencies, ( slaries etc) 450,94 r-rvf-vv-vVv•-v, $13077,45 • Receipts, Government grant .. . . , . 956mo Special grants: - Agriculture Cadet grant Streteong grant County Grant (maintenance) , 4724.95 Spain! Co. grants, 1919 ... 700.00 Special Co. grant, 1920 , 1000.002 Tuition fees 1200.00 Examination fees 400,00 Local municipal grant 4200,00 112.50 50,00. 40,00 $13077,45 PUBLIC SCHOOL. ESTIMATES Expenditures. Salaries:- • Teachers $6500,00 Caretaker „00,90 Secretary-treasieher 50.00 'Coal and wood 840,00 Water and light 15.00 Insurance 50.00 Postage and Stationery 30,00 School Fair 60,00 Incidental expenses 240.00 Overdraft 1919 181.56 $8266.56 Receipts. Govt. ModeV Grant $1000,00 Govt. Ordinary grant 25.00 Non-resident fees 75.00 214% deduct from teachers' salary for superannuation. 162.50 Amount. to. be provided by School tax $7004.06 •' $8266.56 TOWN ESTIMATES Expenditures. Special Rates, Interest - Consolidated Debt Deb. , $ 85,00 Waterworks deb. 3162,50 Macadam Road 640,00 Electric Light and Hydro2062.50 Sepecial Rates, Sinking Fund -- Consolidated Debt Deb. 18.61 Waterworks 1479.68 Macadam Road 521.02 Electric light and Hydro 972.49 Thresher Co, bond No 15768.80 L.1. Deb No. 20 65.19 LI. Deb. No. 39 64.57 L. 1. Deb, No. 53 125.82 L, rt. Deb. No. 76 100,79 L, I, Deb. No. 95 70.12 L. I. Deb. No, 112 • 62.50 L. I. Deb, No. 131 30.08 L 1, Deb. No. 149 • 33.09 L. I. Deb, No. 160 (coupon) 7.13 C.G.I. rebuilding Deb. 15. • 115,31 Public School 7000.00 Collegiate Institute 4200,00 Public Library 400.00 County Rate 3800.00 Streets 1300.00 Salaries 1965.00 Electric light (streets) , 1812.00 Property 12,00.00 Cemetery 800.00 Charity ' 50.00 Fire and Water 600.00 Street oiling and watering... 1000.00 Insurance 120.00 Printing, postage etc 250,00 Public Park • 20,00 Board of Health 130.00 Interest 200.00 Election 37,00 Grants 550,00 Law costs 15.00 Incidentals 579,72 $36411.34 Receipts. Licenses $ 325,00 Property, rent of hall etc 375.00. Cemetery, sale of lots etc , 750.00 Statute labor and dog tax150.00 hiagistrates fines • 20,00 Railway tax from ..nt, 35,00 from waterworks .....450000 ;4500,00 Street collectron 600.00 Int on Motor Car Co, 117.00 P,U,C,, interest and Sinking Fund on Hydro deb. . , , 3034.99 37m1115 on $797415,00 , . 29504.35 $36411,34 .4 Sit' Adam Beck promised a represent ative delegetiop from Northern Onterto that an early start would be made. on the development of the French River power project, Unexpected opposition to the Govern merit bill for reduction of the property qualifications of candidates for munici- pat office developed smog the Linerel and Conservative members 01 the Leg- islathre, Daniel Theobald of Stanley Milismear Brampton- fell through the floor Of e barn 011 a farm in ChinguecOusY, break - Mg It. mk, FINE CLYDESDALES AT THE SEAFORTH FAIR Spring Exhibition Brings out Good Showing of Horses Seaforth Aprll 2. --There was It good attendance at the annual spring fair, ttilteisld. picOels) MStreet.otinthsoto-dayrorthu Agrniecteiirht4trael Society, There were no eetries in the cettle conapetition, bat the agricultural or heavy draft brood, filly and gelding classes, were well filled,,and some ex- ceptionally fine animal's exhibited, There Were numerous entries in the Clydesdale elass, the single rotidsters cooling :text. • T. J. McMichael '&. Son carried off fOur prizes also sweepstakes for the best etallion in the show. Broadfoot Brothers obtained first larize for a heavy draft arood mare, and foal first and second also mare or gelding, any age, second and third. John Dale jr. secured the first prize for gelding 1917 agricultural, 1918 agri cultural, 1919 agricultural and a mare filly, any age, IC, T. Luker & Sons, of Exeter, won first prize for single roadster, Mr. James Von Egmond, Clinton, first prize for Carriage horse, and Mr, John Pinkney, of Seaforth, first ,prIze for trotting e,tallion,"Tody Winter," The first prizes le nearly all the cies nes were generously donated by the inerchints of Seaforth. The township prize for Tuckerstnith, given for three best horses from one township, was won by Broadfoot Bros. and John Dale The day somewhat marred by rain, Wince fell during the afternoon while the show was in progress, Bertensiort to Eugenia .--Generating Station. The new extension to the generation station at the Eugenia Development has been completed, and the new unit placed in operation on the first of Meech. This extension consists of an en- largement of the power house build- ing by 72 feet and 9 feet meet) as to ,provide space for two additional banks of transformers, switching and pro- tective equipment for eight outgoing lines, and a control room froM which all the switches in the power house are operated. The generation unit which has -been recently placed in operation consists of a single runner turbine of the hor- izontal Francis type, and is designed to develop 4,000 horsepower under 550 -foot r.p.m. This turbihe was menu factured by the Allis-Chalmers Com- pany of Milwaukee. The generation which was manu- factured by the Canadian Westing -house Company is direct -connected to the tur bine, and is rated as follows: 2,820 Kva at 85 per cent power factor, which is equivalent to 2,400 K.W. 4,000 volts, 60 cycles, 3 phase, 720 r.pen. The exciter is of 40-K.W, capacity direnii•Monneetekt to Au 'genera/UM unit. The bank of traesformers, which forms part of this new extention, con- sists of three 900-Kva. units and one spare rated as follows: Primary 4000 volts, secondary 22,000 voiles, 60 -cycle single-phase oil -insulated, water-cooled the complete bank is connected delta - delta. In order that good regulation may be assured on the transmission lines throughout the Eugenia System, an aut omatic generator voltage regulator has been Installed for this purpose, The new 'switching equipment, which forms part of the improvements includ- ed, in the new extension consists of eq- uipment for three additional outgoing feeders, with- provision for two spare switching equipments as soon as these are required, Ali of the switches in the power house are of the remote control type, and are operated from a control room which is tocated In the northwest corn er of the building, The 'present 'capacity of the Eugenia power house is generating equipment is approximately 8,000 horsepower, elm the extension to the building and the installation of the switching equip - anent have been so constructed that an additional 4,000 horsepower unit as well es an additional bank of transform- ers and switching equipment can be in- stalled without alteration to the build- ing, The placing of the new unit in op- eration will enable the Commission to completely overhaul the two original waits which have been operating Collv Staab, Mime power was first Mined on November, 1915, , The additional power developed by the new unit together with 'that avail- able Dem the two original units after' they have been overhauled, will enable tine Commission to take care of the geteedeg- loads 15 the Eugenia Distriet iaosuwell s tat.8111C iupPel?) lisg11.3erru tcoe t Chao uvnati;- aild the northern part of lime County, The new territory which will be ser- ved and already referred to as the Bruce 'County DiStriet covers deliveey of pow- er to the niunleimilities of Walkertoti, Formosa, Alchemy, Teeswater Wing- hain, Fordwich, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Luck now, Ripley, Kincardine, touthamptod and Poet Blgin, The poseibititles of supe plying power to other municipalities tit thle diettiet, together with these meet - 1 toned abOve, are being haveetlgeled by the Comulsslon's engineers at the pre- sent time. This extension 10 the 131lIfeehi SYS - •tele into Ertme and Horan Counties comprises the tionstruction of 67 utiles of 22,000 -volts trims:1140m 5•1 miles of which will be 1 Steel rein- forced aluminum conductor, anti 16 miles No, 2 steel reinforced aluminum comluetom Thirty three and one-half miles of 4,000 -volt line will be required the conductor for which will Probably be No, 2 steel reinforced Aluminum. Six sub-stetions will be required for this exteeeion,. ranging, 111 c;ipstcity from 75 -Ilya. to 450-Kva, - It is aetleipateti: that the construct - Ion of these /Ines and sub-stialons will be undertaken as soon as the weather permits, Messrs Win. and Cresswell Anderson who are attending University at London are here for the vacetiott Births. CIEFTON,-ln Clinton Hospital, on March 99th, to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Clifton, of Stanley, a son, SUNDERCOCIC.-in Stanley on March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs, Neil Sundercock, a daughter, Deaths Kemp. ---In Stratford, on Saturday April 3, 1920 Alfred William Kemp, ag ed 51 years,,formerly of Clinton. Cahill -In Stratford, on TiltirsdaY, April 1, 1920 Leo James Cahill, aged 32 years, \ 6arrick-1n Clinton on Monday April, 5th Henry Carrick, aged 80 years and 5 111011tilS, „ Turner -In Clinton on Monday April 5th Eliza Code widow of the late Edward Turner, aged 88 years and 11 months, Before the Public Accounts Commit- tee chairman, J. D Flavelle of the Ont- ario Board of License Coiminissioners expressed the conviction that most of the orders filled by the Goverment lis pnsaris for quarts of liquor were not Is- sued for medicinal purposes. Robbers used a waggon to remove loads of furniture at different times from a house on Wm, 13tya»'s farm, Chatham township, • Found -t's? -Wilds.. • r.s-r-s. A fur neck piece left to a Clinton store. Owner may have same by prov- ing property end paying foreadvi. New Era, , For Sale, Small building suitable for a garage or chicken house. Also a few pieces of furniture, Apply at New Era Office, A Chance of Your Life. To secure a roadster .gelding, sired by Templeton he being a son of Peter the Great, the dans Eva B. with a record of 2.16. Not having time to train and care for him 1 offer him at a price you can clean up some money. Get busy and write at once or apply at Lot 22, con. 2, Tuckersinith, L.fe,S. Edgar Butt Kippen. Lose. On Tuesday afternoon in Clinton or Huron Road west, a purse ,containing sum of money, Clinton Creamery check and a hiolsons Bank pass book. Finder kindly leave at Johnson's grocery, or Morrish Clothing 'Co., Reward offered, Wanted ------- A matron or Housekeeper hit. Clinton Public Hospital. Salary 825 per month with board and laundry._ Apply to Mrs. H. Fowler, Clinton, Box 43. For Sale. S -roomed house for sale on Huron street. Apply to New Era. Muskrat Skins Wanted Will pay at -cording to size and quid- ity,.$2.00 to $5.00 each. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. Eggs for Hatching. From Single'tomb White Leghorn, Australian and Guild strain; large birds large eggs; and no better layers. 81 for IS eggs or $6 Per 100; .• F; J. Tyndall, R. R, No, 4, Clinton, Phone 2-636. Barred Rock Eggs for Bitching. Perk- Guild and 0. A. 'College strides Eggs $1.00 per 13, H. A, Hovey, Clinton, Ont. Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of Elizabeth Sheppard. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons hinting claims against the estate of Elizabeth Sheppard tate of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, dee ceased who died on or about thel6th of March 1920, are required to deliver to Charles W. Thompson, M. .D„ the Executor of the said estate or hie soli- citor on.or before the 23rd clay of April 1920 a full stalvinent of their claims together with particulars 'thereof, and the nature of the Smithies, If any, held' by them alt duly verified by affidaVit. AND, TAKE.. NOTICE that after the said mentioned date the sale Executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the per. VMS eistiped thereto having regard on- ly to stele chilies at he shalt' have re- deived dee notice and in aceorditeee therewith. DATED at Clinton this 6% clay Of April, A,b., 1920. W. SflYDONki, Clinteen, Clete Solicitor for, the said. PAGE 5 tweeeetespeseemareoseweeesseeecreneeestemeeeteeremeveveceolegogermerLeseeeet BUY THEM NOW. PILGRIM RUBBE RBoors at $5.00 4411 Lines ef Rubber Footwear halm advanced at th•e factory arid "PILGRIM" Rubber Boots will be at least for Spring. "PILGRIM" Boots have been tested and found to be one of the best Rubber Boots on the Market, We were fortunate enough to have about 50 pairs of these boots which were bought at the old price and which we are now going to pass on to our customers 4 the old price oll $5.00. Buy now and save a dollar or snore. They won't last long. NanaltalialliatatnialtalMaattlentaanMINIMMSAM1110111MOMManknatlasataratisztan Piumsted Bros, man Profits Phone 2.e. Moro RttsitteSn ustssamssramosomemesvesstasseeinsessr.smanistam siiseeneal Notice, NOTICE ,1 Haying sold my business all accounts All persons owing millinery accounts must be banded in by April t5th. Will lo be at my ilOrriC over %Kiln's store any and settle with Miss Camerore winner, time . lla • Ourdord. thneeSslo B.5alegvedke,n, i;v:11);:aocane For Sale, Frame Cottage at corner of Raglan and Princess streets. Town water and electric lights, For further particulars apply to . Miss Jennie Holmes, Notice. Field Crop Competition, under the auspices of the Centre Huron AgrIcul- tural Society. For further information secure it from 'S, B. Stothees Agl. Representative, or from the Agi, Sec- retary, A. J. McMurray. ,...- Men %NO, w' . ..,..evm We have openings for a few good reliable men to work on Threshingi Machine.s Tractors and othe er. House for Sale or to Rept A comfortable house with lot, on Cut' ter street, coMaining a parlor, dining room, hall, 3 bedrooms, a clothes closet, kitchen, pantry, cellar, town water, soft water and coal house. Cen- trally located', Apple' toMra. Wm.Bedard Phone 12-602, Clinton R.R. No.2 House For Sale A frame house story and a hen high, 8 rooms, acre of laud with good well end cistern, barn end hen house. r:or further particulars apply to: Joh • Shanahan Phone 1,-637, Hullett R. R. No.1 Clinton VICTORY BONDS. The Robt. Bell Engine &Thresher Co. e. ".‘ • Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. Bought and sold at Market pricel. W. BRYDONE; r W01 o4.....1,011111714. Farm For Sale. The Executors of the Estate of Jos- eph lzzard, deceaspel, offer for sale 120 acres in the Township of Goderich come prising•Lot 37. Concession 14, and the the North half of Lot 37 t =cession 13, This is a well improved farm, has good house, barn, outbuildings and silo, Is well fenced, has good water facilities, is in a good state of cultivation and has to acres of hardwood and 15 acres of cedar containing much veluable, timber, rhe farm Is located on a good gravel road 3 miles from Clinton. e Apply to M: Mick, R.R. No. 2, Chil- ton and Albert Ward, 722a Champag- neur, Ave., Montreal, Quebec, Execu- tors, or to W. Brydone, Clinton. NOTICE, • . • TO WILLIAM FISHER,- fortnerly of the Township of Tuckersmith ,in the County of Huron, yeomen and to MARY ANN !RISHER, wife of the said William Fisher, and to whom else it may con - "THEREBY give you notice that I de- mand payment of the sum of $8896.29 and interest at the rate of five per cent- um per annum from the iSth day of April, 1908, due to me, Richard Fisher, of the said Township of Tuckersmith, upon a certain indent- ure of mortgage made by you the said William Fisher to the Sovereign Bank of Canada (you, the said Mary Ann Fisher, joining therein to bar your dower only), to Inc dated the 15th day of October 1907, and registered in the Registry office for the County of Huron on the 131e day of October 1907 for seaming the payment of Niue thousand eje hundred and eighty-nine dollars $9689) and Interest there un, as there in mentioned on the following lands, namely: ALL 'AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel extract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Tuckersfeith in the county of Huron and Province of Ontario being compared of the northerly part of lot number forty In the first concession of the He- rm ROad survey of the sair Township of Tuckersmith containing by admea- surement fifty acres of land more or less and being composed of all that portion of said lot number forty which Iles north of the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway, and I also Maim $60 fbr costs. AND TAKE NOTICE that unless pay- ment of the Said mortgage money end interest, costs and expenses be made to me within one calender mouth from the Mile of your being served herewith, 1 the said Richard Fisher, will proceed with or without any consent or con- currence 011 your part and without any further notice to you, to enter 1.1110 Poe - session of the said limns and to receive and take the rents and profits thereof, and whether in- or out of possession thereoe, to make any lease or leases Meteor as I shall see fit; and to sell end absolutely dispose of the said !elute, either by auction or private sale, or pertly by auction and eartlY by private sale as I the said Richard Fisher, may deelni proper end either for cash or, up- on such terms of credit as I may think proper, and to convey and assure; the said lands when so sold, unto the pure chasers thereof, as I thalfdieect or ap- point. DATED at 01Inton the 18 day of Much, 4, b. 1910, RieleCted by W, Brydort ;to his Solicitor, Victor Feed. rfWe hive a quantity of Victoryeed for Hogs and tattle, which will take the place of Shorts as it is impossible for to secure Shorts this season. Try some of this feed and we feel sure you will • Also in our stock is a quantity of Feed Flour, and Mixed Chop. As these two lines are good value at the present time we would advise an ear!), purchase, 'ilium procured the agency for thee - Swift Canadian Co., we are prepared t.. offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage aria also all'brands of this, Company's Fer, tilizeergsa. R rding Spring Seeds our Stock includes the followinge-Red Clover,, Alsike CloverSweet Clover, Timothy, asle'Timothy and Alsike mix. ed. • There are a few barrels of the Pura Cane Molasses left yet. W. Jenkins &Son ,FLOURIPAND FEED Phone 599 Residence, 131. 1.1-10-E-rafioltitim eee DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE BETWEEN ,MONTREAL, TORONTO DETROIT AND CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, Sleeping cars on night trairs and Parlor Cars on special day trains. Pull information, from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or G. E. Horning District, Passenger Agent, Troonto. John Rensford & Son, city passer. ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A, 0. Pattison, station agent. MIL 'URN'S LAX, -LIVER POLLS iseop the Bowels ilieguier matt Prevent Constipation. 1 When the bowels cense to work properly all the organs of the body be- cohne deranged, therefore a free motion ot the bowels every day should be the rule of every one who aspires to perfoot health. Keep the bowels regular and you will have no ecinstipation, no bilious ot sick headaches, no painful ieternal, bleeding or protruding piles, eta. Milbern'a Laxa-Liver Pills will regulate the bowels so that you will have a free and easy motion every day, They do not gripe, weaken, or sielten, nor do they leave Any lyrtd after-effeets, Mrs, 1, 1. Boottilier, North Vest, Onto, writes: -1. aufferecl with sick headnehe and constipation for over a year. 1 nerd Milburn's Lance - Liver Pills rind ton completely cured now. wilt1TecOmmend your medicine to all sufferers." Milburn's tsavtrliver 'Pills ore 26o. s viol lit all dealers or maileddirect; tea nneriitpt of .prico ny The T. 1VIllbutzt Co., Xedtited, Toren. Ont. •