The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-8, Page 14.,/NT
Established d •1865, VOL 54, No, 41
.avvv%Aa6W,t k?V wvvvvvvvvianh/MWvvVV iVvvvv
We, are well prepared to help you fight the "Flu". Below find some
of our very useful preparations: Laxative'Bromide of Quinine Tablets
Paraformic Throat Lozinges •Nledlcated Throat Discs
Fortnolid Throat Ease Listerine •
Germicidal Soah, also Emulsion and Tasteless Cod Liver Oil
W. S. Jai, tC Lawes
vvvvv vvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVvvvv
Phi.'r>;, B,
Over120 Branches
A good Banking connection is essential to the
successof any merchant or trader:
This Bank is equipped and prepared to give
efficient, careful and quick service in every department
• of banking.
F1. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Tile Royal gapis '
Incorporated 1869.
Capital and Reserve •
Total Assets
630 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' requ
terest paid on deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent.
R E. MANNING, Masn'ager
• $33,756,000
irements. In -
Clinton' Branch
No matter what size, if you are extra large
slighter than the 'average, unusvally tall or
chunky, you'll find that we have Clothing
that will
Fit Your Figure Perfectly
Suits made in choice patterns of new Spring
Srll r'1'NCS that will suit your individvality.
1: Tailored by the expert makers, Perfect in
every detail of good Suit making.
$22. $25. $30. to $50.
If you have been Clothes Troubled, We ask
you to comae, here for relief.
• Art6e rich CIo ,hii,
/i titorsi Pees( for Eery E n
O O o o 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 o O o0
Miss L. Gibbings, of Toronto, was
home for Easter,
Mr. and Mrs. 8, B, St -others spent
baster al Lucknow.
Co. 'Clerk Holman was down from the
Co, town on Monday.
Miss Tiorence Little, of Sl, Catharines
was home for Easter,
Mr, Chas. Lockwood, of 'Toronto,
was an Easter visitor here.
Mr, E. Latter, of Windsor, Was home
for Easter. with his family.
Miss Jean Scott, of Toronto, spent
Easter at the parental home.
Mr, Andrew Porter, of Goderich, was
a visitor in town onSiiturday,,
Mrs, Wellington Cook, .of tiamtlton
was an Easter visitor in town.
Mr, /Chas, Lee, of Godertch was a
visitor in town on Good. Friday,
Mr, Charles Titoinpson, of Toronto,
was an Easter visitor at his home,
Mr. Arnold Glazier, of Sarnia, was an
Easier visitor at the parental house.
Miss Margaret Schoenhals was an
Easter visitor at Sarnia and other points.
Mr. A, J. McMurray was a visitor at
Seaforth Spring Show p45 Thursday
Mr. Leslie Wasnsan, of Toronto Uni-
versity, was home for the Easier hdli-
Miss Margaret Carter spent Easter
Sunday at the parental home at West-
fiet�r "fLeo Flynn, of the Royal Dank
stt.J fiiainilton, was an Easter visitor
Miss Marion Dunn was an Easter vis-
tlorith her parents. Dr. and Mrs.
Miss Ella Akam, of Toronto, was an
Easter visitor with her mother in
Mr. Sid, Watts, Of the Bell Tele-
phone staff at Listowel, was home for
Mr. Fred Thompson, of London Medi
tial School, is (tome for the Easter
holidays. a -... ., ...
Miss Bessie Murphy, of Goderich,
was renewing old friendships in town
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Nixon Welsh, of Tor
onto, were Easter visitors in town with
their parents.
Miss Eleanor Kemp, who is attending
Faculty at Toronto is a visitor at the
parental home. '
Miss Olive Harland, of Toronto,mto, was
, an Easter visitsr with the• titulasct fiuu•
flies in tows(.
Mrs, Guest of Wingham spent Good
Friday tvith her soother, Mrs. Mitchell,
Albert street.
1 Mr: Victor Crich, of Toronto Unt-
s,versity, was . an .Easter visitor at •the
parental home.
.Mr. John Warrener, of Sarnia, was an
Easter visitor with his mother, Mrs.
Warrener, Mary street.
Mr: Laurie Greig, of Woodstock,
spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Greig.
Mr. B. W. Wigg was int Durham dur-
ing the past weekpackingnp his fur-
niture to move to Clinton.
Miss Hamlett, of London, was renew-
ing old friendships in town over the
tveek end with het girl friends,
Miss Margaret MoTaggaret is home
for the Eastertide with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. 0, McTaggart.
. Mr. Atex. McIntyre, Superintendent
of theWingham branch of the'Clinion
Knitting Co„ spent Good Friday at his
home in town. 1
Miss Hannah McKenzie has been
forced to take holidays owing to Ill-
ness during the past week. Her friends
will hope for' a speedy recovery,
lot J+
Ne Erb
r Work
Phone 146' Estimates Given
. E. W��E
Interior -and
We protect your ffaors,
'lure,' etc., by plbniiy of drop
. s sits'eek.:
0$14$ V611'Papers,
Otti{iiit s
. &iiORS, 'Etc.
t tam Street
' r
Logap 7 ownshgp rormany• years, having worn tt at !stitch la .f ],,adios Day, ity o1 35, ing the past year, s.+,c«, ,r1
0. W. V, A.'s Will Have an Ex-
, tenant Concert if News-
paper eau be Iteliijved.
Everyone is reminded of the
G, W, V.A, concert on Friday even -
leg ' when Mr. Bengougit will give'.
his excellent program, There
are 'many good seats yet left at
Fair's book store.
An added feature. to Air. Ben
gough's 'reputation was publish-
ed in the Stratford Beacon on
Thursday last under the Tavis-
tack heading.: --,Pair. Bengougit of
Toronto, Canada' most popular
contortionist,' will appear in the
Town Hall on 'Friday evening,
April 2nd."
We await the program of Mr.
Bengough to see soma of his
nets stunts.
Mr. O. Hunt, of London spent tastier
Sunday'in ,town,
Dr. J. W. Shaw was a Toronto visitor
last week for a day or so,
Master Will Hovey was .an. Easter
visitor with Goderich friends. ,
Mr, Wm. Coats, of Goderich, was a
visitor in town Easter Monday,
Miss McDougall spent the Easter holi-
days at her home. in Caenington,
Mr, Tilos, Connor, of Kitchener, was
an Easter visitor in the old town.
Mrs, C. D. Bauch and Miss Iona were
visitors in Landon last Thursday.
Miss Irene Cole, teacher at West
Monkton is house for' the holidays,
Mrs. Herriott, of St. Marys is the
guest of her sister Mrs, J. Wiseman,
,Miss Margorie McMatls who is teach-
ing at Ethel, is home for the holidays,
Mr. Jos, Brauifield, who is with the
Bell Telephone .Co., was home for Eas-
Miss Pearl Glazier, of Owen Sound
was an Easter visitor al the parental
• Mr, I -I. Geddes of London was a Easter
Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. 1', A.
Miss sWury Taylor, of Toronto, was
an Easter visitor with her mother in
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Rumball andf'Mr"
Rumba!) jr., were Easter visitors in
Mr. l-Iawkins of Hamilton has been
visiting her son Mr; Thos. Hawkins in
town, -
Mr, Fred Runtball, of the Royal Bank
staff, at Cargill, •Ont,, was home for
Easter. ' •
M. David Munroe of Goderich, spent
Good Friday with his brother, Mr. E.
Mr, Green, -of thesddall and Empire
.staff, was in town this week looking
up business.
Mr. and Mrs, S. •Kemp attended the
funeral of th lat Wm. Kemp in Stratford
on Monday.,: ,
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Watts, of Strat-
ford, spent Easter Sunday with re-
latives in town.
Mr. Frank Libby, or Owen Sound,
was an Easter visitor with Isis father,
Mr. C. F. Libby.
Mi'. Coienso Saltl:r. who is attending•
Doper Canada College is hone for the
Easter Vacation.
Mr. Malcolm. McTaggart, of Ridley
College, St. Catharines, is atone for
the Easter vacation,
Miss Minnie Merner of Seaforh was
tate guest of Miss Dora Saltoenhals
over the week end.
Mias Ruth McMath who In attending
College in Toronto is 511 Baster visitor
at the parental tsorne.
Mrs, Thornton -Mustard and two bOYs
of'1'oronto, are visiting with her mother
Mrs. Donald McDonald, Isaac street.
Mrs. Weatherwax and children, of
Orillia, are visitors with tate .former's
parents, fs Mr, and Mrs David Cantelon.n.
Mr. John Stephenson of London was
aft Easter visitor at the •home of his
W. H.. Kerr & gaikorti and I'ulalishero,
Increased gxpemditures Respo55,
sibie—'1('axes Will be Collect!
ed in June --. Other Business
Clinton tax rete reachedcite-,Nf the
tall. peaks in the history of the town
When ori Monday night the rate for
1920 was set at 37 mills.
The Councni dioes not 'b_elieve in
carrying a debt and therefor the rate
is increased to have a clean slate,
The 0, C. 1.' hada deficit' of 61700
last year and with an Increase in ex-
penditure and also an increase at the,
Model School they lake 4 extra trills.
The County rate will take another
extra mill this year and the Property
Conitnittee needs a mill for a new 'fur-
nace and electric wiring' of the hall.
'The estimates auf the two school
boards and also of the town are pub-
lished In another coiumn.
'Council suet with Mayor Cottle in the
chair and Rpeve ' tliilL.r, Councillors
Middleton, Langford, Nediger, Johnson
Wiltse present. Councillor McMurray
was absent.
Mr., A, Seeley, asked for is rebate on
lax property which he had to take
over frotn T. Britton, On notion of
Councillors Middleton and Langford',
the matter was left over for further
M. J. J. Merner, M. P., wrote that the
Council's letter in regards to a field
gun had been forwarded to the proper
authorities. --The letter was fyled.
Two petitions from residents an Wil-
liam and Princess streets, asking for
electric lights• was left in the hands of
the Street Committee to look.intothe
question of lights on these streets and
also on other street. This was passed
on notion of Reeve Miller and Coun-
cillor Johnson,
.The Gutta Percha Rubber Co., Ii
regards to new hose, asking that they
Wright tender for same. On Motion of
Councillor Johnson, and seconded by
Reeve Miller, the letter was fyled,
Principal Treleaven, of the C. C, I.,
and Secretary of the 'Collegiate Board,
addressed tine Council in regards to the
increase in the expenditure at the Col-
legiate. The estimates may be read in
another column,
By -Law No. 8, 1920. was read three
times and passed to levy and collect
taxes, and the rate was placed at 37
mills on motion of Finance Minister
Wiltse and Reeve Miller,
Reeve Miller, C ofStreet
Committee repbaited:.—Gleaned (front
streets; asks that a man look after the
Doo FcdI.. >to Get
QUICK t+ w
The 1919 Dominlan Govern,
latent incrnte 'i'ax Return Forurs, iterns taf Interest Picked Up Hero
have arrived for distribution.
and There About the 'Town:
is the responsibility of
very individual who is in receipt
of a Taxable income to secure Takes Our Office,
and send in the Income Tits M 11 E, Rork has take,
Furnas properly tilled out 0n Or c a en ovas
the Office of Mr, Jacob Taylor and is
before the 30th of April, 1920, having it all redecorated.
The Forms are not sent true, they
can be obtained by calling at the To Press Early,
office of the Inspector of Taxa- _ Owing. to the Spring Show to -day the
Hon at London; or from any iyep Era went to Press Weditesda,
Post Master, Evening to he out of the way for the
A Penalty of 21% of. the as- Fair, Aiany ltemsof interest are there.
sassed Tax is imposed on Income fore held over emit next week,
eturn5 received after April 30th -
1920. The Syrup Season.
Your Papers
Mr. Diehl of Stanley has been de-
Iivering Iis maple syrup to his custom-
ers in town and up to Good Friday Me„
Diehl had gathered 5,520 gallons of sap
from 717 trees. Mr. Diehl has been sup-
plying. syrup to famalies for over 315
years which speaks well for the quality
A Small Vote Polled by Ratepayers 01 his produce.
—Disagrees 131e Weather for
the Women Voters
The snow flurries on Monday did not
add to the popularity of the three by-
laws which ware voted on by the own-
ers its Clinton, and all three suffered
The Mercer Flax Mill bylaw lacked
17 on the 2-3 vote, as called for by
the Statute. There was a majority poll-
ed of 41,
The Municipal Fuel Yard bylaw was
defeated by 8 on a straight vote, ,
The Soldier Monument was defeated
by 130.
The vote palled on Monday was a
small one. FoiloWing is the vote casted
in the various wards:—
Flax Mill For Against
St. Andrew's 24 30
St. James' 42 17
St. John's 34! . 28
St. George's 3 s 15
131 90
Majority for 41, but lacked 17 on the
2-3 vote.
Fuel Yard For -Against
St, Andrew's
St. ,fames'
St, John's
St. George's
Majority agpinst bylaw S,
, Soldiers Monument For
A Chimney Fire.
At 7.30 Tuesday morning a'chirimey
fire was discovered at the Koine of Mr.,
Robt: Miller Queen street and the alarsss
was sounded and the firemen were sent
to the home of Robt. Mansell, where
they discovered there was eo fire. Little
damage was done at the real fire. The
the fire call came in by phone.
Real Estate Changes.
Mr, Theo Fremlin has purchased'the
brick cottage, ire is living in on Ontario
Mr. Wilfred Picket has sold his:
house the corner of King and Cutter
street to Mrs. Hill, of the Blyth road_
Mr. A. J. Holloway has purchased .
the "Palace block, better known as the.
Hodgen Store. The new owner Jsaa:
tate community speculating as to what
his future plans are with the building
Legal Question.
Saturdays Mail & Empire:—A. W..,
Clinton.—A willed five legacies of 650e -
each to five different persons and the
"residue" of her estate to two of the
legatees. One of the legatees—a nephew
—died before A's death, What becomes
36 • of his share? -
24 Ans,--The bequest to a nephew with
27 lapse If the nephew should' die in the
26 lifetime of the testator. In tate case in
question one of the five legatees being
t3 a nephew of the testator having died be
fore the death of the testator, that share
Against went into the "residuary" estate, unless
some contrary Intention can be shawls
from the will itself, The Ontario Statut-
es of 1919, chap, 25 sec, 55, dges soft
apply to a case of this kind.
plain part of street twice a week; ditch St. Andrew's 10 44
at Arthur Cantelon's on Nitron st.,'to st. James' 9 46
be cleaned, culvert at Dr, Axon's cor- St. John's 14 46
tier; use drag on graded streets; draw
St. Geos'ge's 8 35
all suitable 'ashes and place them auside streets;' procure 60 toads of shit- 4i 171
able sand for roads; man and team hoc
per hour and man, 30c for work of haul
lug sand. The report was adopted on
motion of Reeve hillier and Councillor
Councillor Johnson, of the Fire and
Water Committee,' recommended that
doz. hats be purclsased for firemen. Tise following letter speaks for its
Report was adopted on motion of Chair self: -
roan and Conncillor Langford. , . , ... London; Ont, March 26.
The 'Chairman of the Cemetery Com- Mr. W. ll. Kerr & Son,
ntittee; being absent Reeve Miller re- Naw Era,'Clinton, Ont.,
tied. that' Committee twill have to Dear Slr,�•Ctann,aenciu • on Monday,
pPv g Y
build a Fence out 'there this year. the Stit April, and continuing for a per -
Councillor Langford, of the Property iod Of two weeks, representatives from
Co:, reported that all repairs to -cover this office will visit tine various localities
the recent fire had been completed and in the London District, for the per -
there was a stpall balance. pose of interviewing personally any
Finance Minister Wiltse made his Taxpayer who may desire information
report which may be read in another in connection' with his income Tax Re -
column, His report was adopted, turn.
Councillors Wiltse , and Johnson As'you are no doubt aware all Leconte
brought 113 tate following motion which Returns -for 4919 Must be 'filed at this
was carrleds—]laving heard of the death ofice not later than 30t11 April next,
of Mr, H, Carrick, who has been a ser- and t sin adopting this pian in order to
want of the Tosvm for a terra of years„ facilitate the filing' of these returns,
the Clerk be instructed to Send to the Wnunid• you kindly notify your Read Gond Friday was commemorated lrw
family a letter of condolence, said leiter ers through the News Column of your two services 10,30 a,nt, and at 7.30 p.rta,
td be signed 00 behalf of Council by paper that Mr. Harding of this office Easter services were held at 8.50 and
Mayor and Cerk,- , will be 111 Clinton on Tuesday Aprilt3th 1l, am, and at seven p.m. about 054e1
A proposed agreement to construct for full day and will be pleased to in- hundred partook of the Holy-Eucharst
a drain from Mrs,' Bean's property on .terview any Taxpayer who may be in at the Morning services. At the eleven
Frederick street and parts. of. Isaac and doubt as to hot, he should cohtplete and seven o'clock services special insula:
Dunlop str e
is was readand on `on his return, was rendered bytis choir Mr,Harold
ofCouncillorLangford and Nediger the if it is deemed' necessary, and ems be Holmes, Miss Lois Holmes and 'Mrs.,
Mayor was authorized to sign the drain arranged a further visit will he made Tomlin taking solo parts, Both these
the following week an a day to. be arran ,.services were iargly .attended despite
gad the {trite of the above visit. !the incfettiency of the weather, 'lir.:
Please take note that it is not the Rector, S, -E. MdKegney gave two appre,
intention to hold meetings of any kind priate an i rapiriasg sermons sift eaclk
but simply to interview personally any of these services. 'i'he, special ']tastes•
who require information. collection amounted to about :300.
Thanking you in advance, Al the annual vestry meeting meld rent
, Yours Faithfully, Monday evening the following officers,
Wereelccteds—Rectal's Warden ---C,
Middleton, Peoples Warden.—Jaszces
Ford; Sidesmen--Me. W. Johes0n, 1.
liali, 0. Draper, B. Premliu, 0. Totnffa,
..o Remodel the ti, 0. Draper, G. Taylor, and R. B5Wtfeai;
Town Halt Vestry clerk --C. D. Bortcit.
lAt ;,the cougretfatiowa3 nveelltrte
Mr A. J, McMurray Was in Mitehelt Ing very favorable to the lovers of the ' Bayfleid 1Raitepayere carry By -t taw 4. .hinted Lay" Deelegates to Symld, 0a3@.
, Majority against bylaw 130.
,s.srst eesissresstes.
* W1'rn TOO•f iit'Rc'U til !
tr6 AstllbEhtcsOha00.0rd±
Willis Church
Last Sunday morning a bronze tab-
let was unveiled in tate church by LL
Col. J. W. Shaw, to the memory of
Plight Lt. Will Hall, son of Mr. tone
Mrs. Frank Hail, of Constant and former
residents here.
Ontario Sheet Church
The Christian Endeavour Committee
provided a good prograstia on Monday
night. Harry Ball gave ,t splendid read-
ing from the quotation "The Poor Vet
Have Always With You," A very pre:f•
trio was then sung by Mrs. Gibbin
Mrs. Jervis wild Mr. Gibbings, Eras
Livermore gave an exceliant topic
which many inspiring thoughts we- -
brought out to help young peat& .to
live better lives. Seven new member's
were milted with the -League, -
Next week Missionary Programa_ -
St, Paul's Church
father Mr, J. Stephenson, Huron street, agreement on behalf of the cos•pofittion.
Mr. Creighton add Miss Alma Dot- Council then adjourned.
'art, of Waterloo were Easter visitors
with their uncle and aunt Mr; and Mrs.,
.1, Schoenhals.;
• Mr, John Donaldson; of London,,Was
ehaleing hanks what oltl friainds on
Good Friday. Air. Donaldson' was a
,llama Coanty 1l)
Have Baseball League
Ha:nessmaker held quite a few years A movement is underway to have a
ago 1 baseball league in tins district consisting
Miss Madelan Shaw mitered Wellesley of Lucknaw Clinton Settfortls enrich
I and Gocierich somewhat sitnlliar to the
Hospital last Thursday to continence' organization 'thatoperated some years
her course as a nurse Miss Medelon'5
+ age, 7,uwili has taken`ihe iiritutfve and
many frielids will Wish her success its ''a meeting is to be held shorfly to Oath -
her chosen profession, et the lilans. The prt:Mositioe Is prow. John 13ansford and Col, Rancee were zyo a.
1nsp, of• Taxation.
ra funeral 1 1114 father,
Dee Some and every zssisfanee is promised. 1Rlafefta i$2,ti00 , Combe and William Jackson stitistifOt0
( y other centers, Belfast, Blyth and +r, s + 1 in Delegates.
.S ,teased with his wife spent the' want- others ate also arlxiOns to get on if also, I'3aytield April 6.•—A autisoriz Rector arid the Rector'S V1''srdese
•er here only'returning to Mitchell a f'ew Clinton has a goodly norther of play Ing the raising of $2406 to remodel the '•'lddicto4l stave very satisfsctoey,
a1e.dil 513 lie'was Id years of age and ers tri drew from andal0 holdsrs of town hall Was presented to the rate- ,• •. 'fr.50"... rubs the work d' itSO
`Into been e' greatly respected fesddent of the Huron 't•hatro ion !sip '' for i+/t9, payers Monday Asa carried by a major- rir.itl'i and the financial Standihig slut,