HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-3-25, Page 3SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN CANADA
Three months ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,a's $ 4Q
Half year ,•, ,,,,.. .,,, $ .7$
Year , .. ,,.,.,,., IPSO
-"If not paid in advance, $2,00'per annum--•
Office Phalle 30,
J µn
ll...r,tat • it 5•" .
yp.ijtftee THING .
Is Your Diet Changing?
It Ought to be Now That Sprjng is
Are you eating more fruits?
Are you eating less meat?
Do yegetables play amore important
part in your meals?
Are you a trifle more sparing of car-
eels and starches, having less cake and
doughnuts and pastry? •
And do you drink more milk, do you
buy more cheese and do you spread the
butter more generously on your bread?
If you answer these questions in the
affirmative, then you are changing in
your dietary habits atom the line of
the average Canadian, for it has been
shown by the Department of Agricul-
ture that we eat 8% less meat, 11% less
grain products, but that We eat 6
more dairy products, 814 more fruit
stnd 4%- more vegetables than ten years
The pleasant thing about this is that
these changes are said to be for the
better, and ii we .continue to mold our
diets on less lines we cannot help but
feel the benefits in alteelth and beedily
wellbeing. For undoubtedly the eat-
ing of too much meat used to be one
of the gravest faults in our Canadian
diet babies and lulls .responsible for
much organic disorder, especially a-
mong persons of advancing yews,
Lil,ew'ise, :t too starchy diet frequently
was the cause of the accumulation of
too much fat, and you know for your-
self that theris less tendency to take
on supertluaus fat nowadays among
Canadians than was the case a generat-
ion or less ago,
Especially gratifying is that fact of
3'/o more fruit. Here is hoping for our
own good that the next decade will
show an even greater increase itt the
eating of fresh fruits.'
Whenyou "know"
you have a stomach it's time to
suspect your liver. You need
Beecham's Pills. A lazy liver
and overworked
kidneys allow food
poisons to circulate
in the blond and
irritate the en-
1Etire body.
saAnvelnsItsr.Jn CCaan1.M. mdinrnlee►ese. 2wc jade',.
All mammals have hair although in
whales this consists of only a few
bristles an the lips.
The head of a while usually occup-
ies from a fourth to a third of the an-
imal's whole length.
Animus found on the eastern side
of Sumatra differ entirely from those
found On the western side.
While the opossum- is a marsupial
or pouch -bearer, there are some spec-
ies which have no pouch.
Fermented mares' milk or k0unliss
has been a favorite beverage of the
Tarrars from ancient times,
The rhea, or South American ostri-
ch has 'three toes instead of two as is
the case with the true ostrich.
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
' ,Pee
Don't ender! A .,tiny battle of
T'reezone costa but A OW aerate At any
Ming store. Apply a few drape en the
Borns, et1lutiee and hard 'skin on bot.
.tem of feet, then lift them ba. i.
When Preetone refdoves eortie!tom the
teee or eallesee from the button/ of feet'
Bei skin beneath is left pink and hsal4hy
and Seer pbt'e, tender or, )rriis,-t+ei;'
(Hy REV, 1'. 0. PetZWATLk, U. 0.,
Teacher of English 81511, 1n the Moody
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
I (Copyright, 1920, Western Newapaser L-ntnn)
dl -12:L6,
GODEN TEXT -Go ye therefore and
teach all stations, baptising thorn ,n the
name of the rather, and of the Son, and
of the 13oly •Ghost; teac•hing them to 55•
serve all things whntenever 1 have nolo-
mended you: and. lo, 1 am with you 11 -
way, even unto the cud of Me 151111--
Matt. 25:14, 20,
21:15-24; T Peter 1:2; t John 1:1.9
PRIMARY TOPIC -Two Stol•:rs About
Peter (Acts 5:1-16; 12:1-IT1,
JUNIOR TOPIC -peter and John Whi-
ning Others to Christ (materiel of las:
INTFJR1Lrt2DIAr5t Asea sh:Ntnte T(1P!
-Peter and John IJnntparnd nod Cu„-
YOUNG PEOPLE ANO A.rtthi,T'fftini-
-Contribution of Peter and Jou„ t:•
Christian History, ^
Thu review of, the quartmee te't.-' It
can be profitably Intide to ,•ranter in
the service of Peter pod John. or per
Imps better, the activity and power of
fhe Plzen and ascended Christ men;
fess In fire service rill -Peter end .fnl,n.
Lesson 1. Peter Preaches 1t Pente-
cost (Acts 2),
Peter proves that Jesus Christ arose
from the dead, ascended of high and
pouted forth the Holy elreell upon the
church; the evidence of it was the
!unusual behavior of the disciples.
Lesson 2. Peter and John Elea! a
Larne Mon (Ants ",I.
This remarkeble miracle e-reught In
the nathe of „hemp, lihpist- proved that
though the Jews ball nrtivifted trim. he
wee new ,.lire and eontintietl his work
through rhe ellsr3111 s.
Leeson 3. Peter and John witness.
h g of the Risen Christ Before the San-
hedrin (Acts 4).
As 91 result the Sanhedrin took
knowledge Chet they bud been with
Jetne, that le, his life Bud work WRVS
being repfodueeti in and through them,
Being with Christ will: 1. txive an
experimental knowledge of hilt, so
Mar the life will remind nuc. of .lesms.
2, Take away the fear of man. Pe-
ter, who "
b a U 1 while it
e h r
e a1; 1 quelled
before a Jewish maid, s undaunted
'i un n d
before the august sanhedriu, 3. Open
a men's lips. Peter said: "\Ve ean-
001 but speak the thinge whlrh we
have seen and heard:" What the heart
}'eels, the mouth must speak out.
Leeson 4. The Risen Christ Vindient-
tng His Church (Acts 1 :5.16),
Be passed judgment. upon Ant-
eing and Sapphire for their hypocriti-
cal pretense of. •generosity. The living
Christ knows tate itatents of the heart;
nothing can he concealed from him.
Lessen 5. The Living Christ Sno,'Ing
Men and Women in Samaria (Aeth
8:4-25). Efts ennetlon of We preach-
ing of the (impel by Philip in Sa-
mple is shown by the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit. Peter end John were
sent by the mother church to confirm
the work.
Lenon 6. The Living Chimer Healing
the Slat and Ruining the Tread (Acro
That Christ is alive is proved by rite
vaequishin(t of the dreeuifnl malady of
palsy aria the retensnting of n. copse
by the departed soul, Nothing like
this had been known since the dugs
0f Christ,
Lessen i', The Risen Christ Reveal-
ing Himself to a Gentile (Acts 10),
Peter testifies to Cornellus tiultt
Jesus Christ died fair Bin and le to he
the judge of the (p5l tk and the dead,
and that everyone who believes on him
will receive remission of Bins,
Lessen S. Peter Is Delivered From
Prison 'through the Living Christ
Seeding His Angel to Opeu the boors
(Acts 12 t1-19).
'rtie church prayed fin- Peter'. deliv-
erance find the prison wire opened. All
power Is given blot In heaven toil ill
earth; there le nothing too hard for
the living Christ.
• Lessen 9. Peter Shows the Resor.
reeted Christ ns the Heed 0I' the
Cthirrch (7 Peter 2:16; 11.25),
Beeauge Christ ie alive, these Who
tire joined to him by felth grow, 0w
const of the contact with trite they are
Attie to clalntofa Seemly behavior in
the %%PIOUS relations of itfe.
Leeson 10. Christ is the Itevealer of
God's Love (I John 4:7.31),
The proof that Cbrtst 15 stllve is Ole
love of Gerd in the h*nrte oe thole w)ut
have been horn mole,
Lacon 19. Cltrlot Is Aleee One:tuett
Ste le Wetktng in Bit Denim rat the
Chnrrhee ('Ile'). 1:4-i8e.
Leeson 12, IA ;maws, the t•rtt,'tlkyl,
neon and gitilflred CI rt>,t wit) ha rhe
'rl14 CLINTON NRS E¢•.',..
4't Atesr,,.u,.;a
center of worsnrp. All glory alit non -
or are neiiI11ed to Min beenuse or his
marvelous work oi' wilt })Aura,
Anger Injures the Soul,
Bad temper is like the scorpion
wltfcli slings 11aU11 P;iery fh or (e -
get' lninhes most the sural that lndulgne
in 1t,
Those who bring sunshine ru ti r.
Lives or ollu>I's minim keel) It from
tttenlseites J, at, f3nrria.
Being Always Right,
From a worldly pint of time th,';
le nu intfittt111' en great res that or !4
Ing alu'nys eight, -Samuel Linder,
(Advance Only)
Great Britain , . , e . $1,50
United States ,,;,,,,,.,eRi.,,. 2.00
Prance , . , , , • , , ,, , 2.00
Thursday, Marcie 25th, 99210;
Fainting, Dizzy Spells
Weakness and
Shortnessof Breath.
Those feelingp of fit :deeea, these dizzy
ipelfs and "all gone" sinking sensations
which come en Prem time to time in-
dicate a weakened conditidn of the heart
and disordered state of the nerves.'
Milburn's heart and Nerre Pills have
no equal for strengthening the heart and
iarigorating the nerves,
Mrs, C, A. S. Drake, Paris, Ont.,
wr'itea:-•-"I have used on towards the
second box of Milburn's Heart Mad
Nerve Pills and find they have done
me good. I had those , fainting, dizzy
spells once in a while, and oleo weakness
and shortness of breath, and would be-
COmO'SO choked up at tines I could
hardly sleep leithout sitting uu in bed
When walking too fast I would have to
atop and try th catch my breath. 1
feel, a lot better once 1 have tiled your
'pills and know that they hove helped me
wonderfully as I have improved very
Pritx "50c. a box at all dealers or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.
--ete � ....-
Must have been the nuts, not the
squirrels, who thought this was going
to be a mild winter.
About the only noticeable "thaw"
this winter is in the coal piles, They are
rapidly melting away,
- -ill......,.
Never judge a man by the silk umbre-
lla he carries, he may have left a cotton
one somewhere in its place.
May we not say that white the air
is full a
u i of b, sob•li1Fos Bets Y
ratan of
the prospects are Just as full of air.
A March hare may be as mad as a
guy that uses chair tonic internally, but
for downright lunacy we'll have to cite
the birds_with a perfectly good pair
of wings, mind you, which doesn't
know enough to fly south for the win-
Tones anThe d ,nvixo:ales the whole
nervous system, makes new Bleed
in old Veins. Used for Nervous
Debility, Mental and 9raln 8 ,-,y
Despondency Lossof Energy, Palpitation 4i
the Heart, Failing Mensor)'. 'Price $l per box, six
for ti. Sold by nil druggists, or mailed in plain
pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed
Pattie:nein will be petitioned the
conking session for a new distine+ive
Dominion flag.
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin• -No others!
If you don't see the "Bayer Cross"
on the tablets, rvtfu6e them -they are
pat, Aspirin at all.
insist on germine 'Boyer. Tablets of
Aspirin" plainly, clamped 'with the safety
Beyer t:roste.Aspirin prescribed by
physidisns !Or nineteen years and proved
tale by millions for Beadaehe, Tooth-
ache, Pahache, Rbeuumabiern, Lumbago,
Colds, Neuritis, and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also
larger 'Shyer" 3eekagee. Ilade in
Aspirin is the trade mark reggietered
in Unmade.), of .Beyer Menu facteta of
Aloneeeetieeeideeter of Snlioylieaeid,
"!While ie 16 well known that Aspirin'
155055 Bayer niltnoteet4re, to artist the
{�;tithe deafest iSIitation5, the rrablatd bf
IIuyer Company, Ltd will he et= ' ell
with their qbeaeral trade raark, the
"Witt' Crosse'
S.S9 O'l,;ti1 kD tial `tJr+;c' 0
Watch your children's skins. As'
son al you see the slightest trace
of a rest or sore, apply Zar-Bult..
Thle autlseptlg helm -will protect
the sot'e. plaoe J't'om infeoticn, pre-
vent 1t.frofn spreading nndshealing
soon follows.
Careful mothers- always !loop
Zarn•Tauk on hand for their - affil-
dren's 'injuries -it envie pain so
quicb:ly and prompts any Possibti-
lty 0f festering, Best for outrs,
burns, fireside, bruises, ringworm,
soalp sores, eczema and teething
rash. All dealers 611c box,
Be Ready With
Your Window Box
Summer Isn't Here Yet, but Spring is
Coining .and You .Want. to .be
• Ready to Welcome Her.
It is almost time to melee ready the
window boxes, and every lover of flow-
ers rejoices.. en city or country noth-
ing gives' a more Interesting character
to a house than well Riled and cared fin
window boxes. In France this fact is
fully understood. The humblest cot-
tages are cften gay with flowers bloom-
ing on the window sills. Even the busi-
ness houses there have trade use of
the window box.
One of the greatest dressmakers,
whose name is known all over the world
appreciating the suggestion of ckarm
and coolness which flowers give has the
windows of his business establishme t
fitted out with boxes tilled with perfect,
growing flowers. 1n the summer, the
time w' en malty of his foreign patrons
visit Paris, his business house ,takes an
altogether beautiful spot in a neighbor-
hood which is itself attractive enough.
Surely if the fair Canadian has any
money to spend she will gladly spend
it there.
One 'Ching to remember le planning
window boxes is that it is better to
have a definite color scheme in mind
and to buy flowers which conform to
this scheme. Por instance, pink and
white can he carried' out with pink
geraniums and marguerites; scarlet
and green, with red geraniums and mar-
guerites, with white -edged vinca, make
a charming combination of blue and
white. Heliotrope, white geraniums
and ivy ere interesting for a lavender
and white box.
Putted plants, sunk in a boxful of
moss, can be used or else the flowers
and vines can he planted in the soil. If
the ,toss -filled box is used, the plants
oalt be chanced from time to flute with-
out much trouble, but possibly they do
better when they are rooted in the
soil of the box.
A metal box is suitable for holding
the moss, but wood makes the best
box in which flowers are tobeplanted
directly. Cypress, authorities say,.. is
the hest wood, and although it costs a
little more to begirt with, it outlasts any
other kind,'"
The soil should be very rich -•-- the
smaller the box the richer the soil
must be. The boftom of the. hog should
be punctured with inch -wide holes in
several places, and bits of broken flow-
er pots should be so arranged over
these holes as to make Mind drainage
sure. Rich soil can be bought from a
florist or it can be brought front the
woods in bags or boxes. Wood soil
should generally be mixed with sand
for use in window boxes.
Nasturtiums are satisfactory growers
in boxes. The dwarf variety el/fluid be
used and the plants should be thinned
out to stand six inches apart. The
flowers should be picked regularly, if
this method is followed, biossnnts can
be lied oil summer, until frost kills
the plants in the 1511,1 t
Cltntbing nasturtiums can he comhfn-
ed with those of dwarf 'habit, Two
climbing. plants at each of the two
corners of the box neatest the window
can be trained over a cord or a trellis
made of wood which follows the outline
of the window frame, It is not weft to
train any plant oh wire, as the wire
,heats quickly in hot sun., burns the
stents twined about it and ultimately
C1115e5 the death of the plant,
Shortly after the wedding march
111111y a malt discovers that he is 0 fool,
The roan who' is linable to find his
match may have to go to bed in the
dark, ,
An old bachelor says the surest way
to destroy weeds is to merry a widow.
Theatrical menggers and astronomers
etre always trying to discover new stars,.
pull tip ie iiia road to success
snd. Wait for the, rather fellow to go s-
rte roan Who marries a dieagreeable
s d agt.eahle.
\4.•,,T_'.' for her money swallows ethitter
elle crowded pile,
'There is more. style about. 5SIneheeled! 1
houses ,now that there Is glial- f3
-..,.....-,•.•-,...-.-,.+...,-.-.-.., ..-.-.. wry.+."'�.�...,...,w»+,nr+r„+M+ru:.wn� Mr„w,.w+.,,•,,.wawwrw.
VV'hat la Coif- -d 1':tl to 1..”
fail e ,Iftt
The Po:tiling !revive is the (1Oil )4 n'l
the Drill -seed tlhutlict (5o 1)).0p.
13,41 itlrce'ily Undrt -Illi' .'1X14 .lit
the 01:,(' -(ave the' fislil'imee (19011-
1'ut bl pectin,,
tContrtbu3 rel by Owe rtn 1)o/outmost ,r
Agrinntlurt, Termini.)
5 the dr111 sows, so shall the
farmer veno; is no fallacy. It
! 4'r
10 115 1t'un in Its eoatenrt as
the maxim -As Ft tato sows
so shall he reap," Given rho right
kind of a grain drift, the seed is alt
planted at a uniform depth, evenly
covered; the earth compacted lust
enough to I'el.ain the moisture 010111(1
it. These conditions mean that the
young plants will all eonle up at the
same time, that the roots will he
well protected, and that the grain
will ripen uniformly. As the grain
is planted, so will it grow nod ripen,
if sotne of the seed is planted too
shallow, and some too deep, the seed
that c<unes up first: ripens Bret. Thus
it is that some of the grata is ready
to harvest while other patches are
still in the milk stage.
The feeding devjce is the heart of
the grain drill. Upon its reliability
depends the accuracy of sowing the
seed. Tile drill settle it eonlpVted for
the average sized seeds, and thel'e-
fore cannot ulwnys he depended upou
Viten the :ilea of them varies from
tile hernial. [f the grain is oversized
of undetstzod'the regttrcd amount
per acre may be sown by setting the
feed lever at a point slightly greater
or slightly less than shown un the
indicator. There are, In cnmtn01 use,
IWO different. forum or feeding de-
vlees, 2'lle tluted-•cyllreier-force
feed, nod the double -Fan -force feed.
The amount of seen sown by the flut-
ed -cylinder -force fetid may be regu-
t�Nti by ti lege which changes the
size of ate outlet, pal it dues poi al-
ways Handle all elas`see or seed will]
out bt'enkhig then), as can be done
with the double -run -force feed, which
gecessflrily requires for driving it a
disc wheel, or a cog wheel with from
nine to fifteen sets of cogs that make
iia many speeds o1' feeds,
Ln the most. efficient tePo of grain
drills the seed should be deposited
as nearly directly under the axle of
the disc as possible, as this is the
only place where the seed can • be
dropped directly on t0 the bottom of
the trench without hindrance. By
this method the disc Is not run deeper
than the seed es deposited, thus the
draft is reduced to a tninimutn. if
rhe seed is deposited in the rear of
the centre of the axle, 'the rotation
of the disc tends to early earth and
seed up with i1., causing the seed to
be unevenly deposited. Ln operation,
a properly angled disc opens a trench
About two inches wide. The failing
Beed strikes the concave side of the
shield and the convey side of the
disc., end is time scattered evenly over
the entre width of the trench.
Grain seed drills are divided into
foto' kinds, according to the type 01
furrow -opener - Lite open delivery
single disc and the closed delivery
single disc, tine double disc, tit shoe,
ur the
d hoe drills. P )
ire r ea deliver
single disc furrow c ft r uw
g opener d�C a81ts
the seed between the hield and the
convex side of the disc. The space is
open from the end of the boot between
the disc and sl 10!4 to the bottom o'
dower end of the shield. The shield
prevents the failing seed from becom-
ing mixed with the loose earth and
eu1'face trash and insures Its free pas-
sage to the bottom of the trench made
by,the,dise, It will 2180 do excellent
work in higbly cultivated soil that to
tree from trash.
The closed delivery single dive fur-
row opener has a e1nsed boot, elmilar
to a hoe furrow opener, which conies
down at the rear edge of the disc and
deposits the seed about two inches
back of the disc, 11 dues not plant
the deed at as even a depth as either
the open delivery single disc of the
double disc, but deposits it .at least
eight inches in rear of the disc hub,
and wherever It meets with an
obetructiou, rock or hard frozue soil
the (Ilse rises up and carries the boot
with it, broaocasung tht seed on
the Sulam.
There are many styles 0f (10111)40
ruses, hilt the one teat plants the
seed under or alightly lama of the
dice axle, Or two, Ira 1.111 one CO use,
for that point Is the deepest port
of Use furrow. The farrow op•)uer
that shoots the grain forwiu•(1 0:seism
cantle Is to be avofued, tar the Nee -
:son that the son: vets:thee the gr0uttu
botul•e the furrow is fully torment,
44.10 14 is, tbcrIaure, nat5a4.1 *1111 1111'
SO11 as the se,.( 1.t•ene11 Is being !little
causing what is te0IuNu wary" :low -
tag. 'the uotluiy 01ali t'S pe ut Ope41e1
Lewis In woad out the sed amore
than other k Inds, so that each a,.au
bas a somewhat great 01 (wart drop)
*hien to draw ,moisture,
The floe full ow opener 01
4I)0vel (menet 11005 not penetrate illi
emend eatIlJy and clogs ,:.tyle: 11J"u
any of the other types. The shoe
opener (foe's n0 betel 14 ore, and rath-
er Hiatt clog will run evil u'ndii ant
thus plant the seed'at VW:31 g desptht.
In se[ectIng a dein 04,t 1.1utrintl5
:Mould •;be given careful inspection.
1'hey should be duet motif, 'lee ]Jura
Slier ttlnst. be considered stlpertot• 10
all others for this stud 01 work, as
Me oil can be forced Delo the bear.
lay }Fero tit. centre, ADO se it *twee
'Fut it eari'iet-all the tort R'ttb Si, 11
Simone halve a weft-hrhet:0 teed boa
*111, steel hopper bottom to arrow the
aced to lease freely into the cups:
9 r0rig fraise tinct snhstaCtui! wheals
,re ultp0rtaot foutufe4, lite dhltaatge
ieeWeou the tome* 4tp11101 Partes to
Bents extent OIL bill Inches le the
uNuai epat•h1g. The geed tubes: Iit,ty
be of ruthet or of steel ribbon.. The
rubber ttlieek :tive good 1attefaatton,
but are Stet durable If exposed to the
nether,.The iitael Pibfson tubes Serve
he purlins(' well, and if 0111104 nvlil
4147 ee 1'1115:5 till, '14'•11-•:1fut,. lee eves
C0ltett(,, tltfi+ipb. I
glee, liveriSeritt
01. US mpstaN—.
Bla;k, Green
or Mixed....
Sealed Packets Only.
Neuer Sold in Bulk.
Yes, Alfred, love is too pulite to look
Nationalities in a Battalion, at the cluck,
A survey of the foreign language
speaking soldiers of the Sixth develop. A poor politician remains poor air
meat Natalie!. at Camp Sherman, 0., his days.
just completed by Lieut. Constantin
Watcuzleskl of the military intelli-
gence division, general staff, shows A GENTLE LAXATIVE
that ail parts of the world are repre-
sented, Lieutenant Wnlcuzinekl was
sent to Camp Sherman by the war des
partment and is organizing battalions
Into companies speaking one tongue.
The nationalities represented aro
Russians, Italians, Belgians, Turks,
Jews, Austrian Poles, German Poles,
Russian Poles, Austrians, Biovaks,'Bo-
hemians, Croatians, - Roltmanians,
Lilhuanleas, nuns, Mexiek`ns, Span-
iards, Indians, Chinamen, Japanese,
Nwisa-Germaar, S-yrians and Holland -
eta: ---Community Service.
Hands that grasp too !molt 1101d but
Men have strength, but woolen have
Jonah waif a conundrum, and the
whale had to give hint up.
Fools occasioeally find opportunities
but wise men make them,
United pe stand, but divided we are
Cook's Cotten neat Vrrtpl)140f(4
el sole, rig fable 9•ettz. F•ar.,;
anodic:,te, a,.1'1 it three 0o-
mos of etrebbii-Sia. 1. E.
No. 8, 43; No 3. '446 per boo
Sold by all di'slla;ats, ar a1DL
prepaid on rneu,51 of price,
Free. esravldet. . Ad,lreso,
TOROSTO, RAT .'iFArm . 05.4,07.)
Mothers -the surest way Of'keepieug
your little ones well and happy; wlter
ther it is the new-born babe or the
growing child is to keep their bowels
regular and their stomach sweet. Nine_
tenths of all childhood ailments are
the results of clogged bowels and sou
stomach. The Most necessary and the
hest medicine for little ones is a.gentle
laxative --something that will relieve
: constipation; sweeten the stomach and
promote rest and natural sleep, Such
a medicine is- Balby's Own Tablets.
They are a gentle but eElciggt ktxa-
tive; are absolujely ;guaranteed free
from opiates or other injurious drugs
and may be given to the youngest in -
hint with perfect safety, They banish
constipation and indigestion; break up
colds and simple fevers and give the
baby that health and Happiness which
all children should have. They are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr, William}
1t)edicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Even self-love sometimes gets cold
'the best thing about a woman is a:
,tan's arm.
Eve was the first woman and probaidy
the last who did not gather up her -
skirts and scream at the sight urns
A female aliigato lays its eggs to be
hatched by the tun, but watches them Practical Hints re
closely until they are (latched,
Lay Foundation of Good Health
ow by Building Your Blood
and Strengthening Your
The good old fashion of takiog a
tonic in Behspringtime, like most of
the customs of our gandparents,
based upon sound common sense and
good medical practice. Winter is al-
ways a trying tune, for those who are
not in rugged physical health.„. Many
men, women and children go through
the winter on reserve strength they
have stored up during the sunny sum-
mer months; end, platy increasingly
pale and languid as the spring days ap-
proal:h. A tonic fin `the blood and
nerves at this tine will do much for
such people, by putting color in the
cheeks and banishing that tired feel-
ing that worries thousands of people
at this season of the year,
It is impossible to be energetic if
your blood is thin and Weak, or if your
nerves are frayed or shattered. You
cannot compete with others if you do
not get refreshing steep at niehl, or if
your appetite is poor or you are losing
weight. You need a tonic at this time
in add to your efficiency now, as well
as to save you from suffering later on.
And In all the realm of medicine, there
is no safer or better tonic that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, These pills tone
and! enrich the blood which circulates
thro(17h every portion of tate body,
strengthening jaded nerves and run
down organs, and bringlttg'u feeling of
new strength and energy to weak,
easily tired despondent men and women
and children.
Mrs, J. N. McNeil, Glace Bay, N. S„
says: "For years past my home has
never been without Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, ante 1 have good reason to praise
them highly, Following au attack of
la grippe, 1 was left in a badly rut}
dawn condition. I had no appetite and
felt so wean 1 could scarcely go about
the liOnee, I was taking medicine, but
it was not helping me, and a friend
advised ole to try Dr. William' Pink
Pills, 1 used them for 1 tithe' With
the 17105( beneficial results. My ap-
petite improved, my strength returned
and I Was snob able to do all my
housework. I now use the pills every
spring and find them a splendid
strength bringing tonic, i helve res
commended' the pills to other friends
who have used them with good 1'e-
Dr. \Vlllians' Pink plus are a tonic
not, 5 sthnuient, They build up the
blood, and through their use not only
the disastrous after effects of influenza
but also tronhles due to poor blood,
each as attaentia, riteumatisln, indiges-
tion end the generally worn -cot feeling
that affects so many people, dlsatipear,
Pott can gel these ,pills thrortph 'u,v
deafer• ie medicilie, nr by marl AI SIN
conte a h„t or six betas for 0,011, horn
' t!r .,.2,131 Medicine Co., Brock.'
title, Ont.
Production and
Marketing Eggs
i -Feed Hens on clean Wholesome
food, and provide plenty of pure
watt' in clean utensils.
2 -Keep poultry house clean, insanitary
and free from vermin. Provide plen-
ty of clean dry pasts in darkened!
3 -Gather eggs at least once a day its
coot 1 twice a dayin hot:
weather and
4-130 not sell eggs known :to be bad,
it is dishonest,
5 -Do not wash eggs,
6 -Sell eggs as regularly and 'frequen-
tly as possible; at least twice a week
in the Summer end once in the win-
7 ---Never. expose eggs t4. direct sun-
light, rain or to extreme heat.
3 -Always keep eggs in a cool dry pis-•
,:e and then have them covered.
with a cloth or other means to ewe -
vent evaporation. Do not keep me
near keresene, onions, fish .sr othe'
strung smelling substance; the ,
readily absorb odours,
Goon-Lioaiois & Co., Linii(ou
The up-to-date Firers
Clinton Brunch Ph nue Y
4, W. Trov,rtha, Manager
or Ilolmesvtlle 4 on t4H-
Before purchasing your
new piano or organ let us
show you the newest lie.
signs in several well.
known and old establish.
ed Snakes.
Set our stylish 'cabinet
designs in the best snakes.
M Hoare