HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-3-25, Page 2AGir 2
Tamm,.,,-°�; """;.-'.,,•.'""r,,,�,
e rg of theDistrict
(Intended for Last Week)
Mr, Harry Taylor of Houston, is visit
twig his uncles the Snell 'Bros,
Thevillage folks who get their until
at Clinton R, R, No.t, have had no
sae l shnoe ` fast Thursday and don't
Ube; when they will get il•:
Mr, Won McIntosh has sold his
house and lot to RobL'Grimbotby and
bought M rs. McCully's !louse. Both
get possession about -1st of April,
Mr:-Wnl: McIntosh raised bis house
on Tuesday and put block under It for
'The. present
Earnest Cofcotough left for Canuck
Sesk, on Tuesday, after spending a
couple of months with his mother.
Old esid2nts say they never saw the
river Ice piled so high, It is above the
Aver break -water and water has been
running into the harbor, The ice at the
mouth of the Maitland has not broken
up yet.
Roy McDonald, of Goderich, met with
a painful accident Tuesday morning
which wilt lay hint up for some time.
lies was engaged with a number of men
making repairs on the steamer E. 13,
Osier and was descending on a ladder
into the balloon tack when the ladder
slipper and he fell to the bottom,. some
ten or more feet, on his face.- 'Besides
a broken nose Isis face is badly bruised
and lie is otherwise shaken up,
Mr, Dan. Koehler, of Kitchener, has
returned to Zurich and is making pre-
parations to stove his household effects
to that place in a few weeks.
The local branch of the W. O.T.°U.
met in the Evangelical church an Wed-
nesday. Miss .Morton, the evangelist,
addressed the meeting and Mrs. Beaver
of Exeter the 'County president was also
Mr. A. Mittleholtz and family and Mr,
D. Koehler and family have left for their
new homes in Kitchener. Both families
will be greatly missed,
The Aero Cushion Tire Company
has now• everything established, the,
machinery all in, men employed, and
several day's ago started to turn out
the targe number of orders which they
have waiting for many months, and busi
cess will stove along rapidly, under the
able management of Messrs. Sherbondy
and Judsdn.
Victor Smith, of town, who has been
employed in the W.estern Foundary
Company here, and C, Austin, also of
town, left for Kitchener, where they
lave both secured positions,
Maple sugar and syrup making have
been started, maple syrup. selling from
$3 per gallon up and large orders are
being taken by the farmers.
One of Stanley's niers, Mr, John
Thomas Graham was quietly married at
, the Manse, Clinton, by, Rev, Mr, Hogg,
on Wednesday last to Miss Elizabeth
Dale, of Tuckersmith. After the cere-
mony the couple took the train for
Detroit where they spent their honey
ninon„ The young couple have many.
friends hi our vicinity who join in wish
ing them many happy and prosperous
''ears of wedded life. They will reside
on the grooms farm in Stanley, a mile,
from our village,
Fred Tamlison, who, has been ill is
slowly inlprnvlug,
Mrs.:Colville and Miss Jessie Aiken -
head are attending the, Provincial Mis-
'sionery meeting at Stratford this week.
Very little maple sugar or molasses
has yet been Imide, but with good
frosty nights and sunny days a good
season 13 looked for,
(Intended for last week)
After five weeks' illness of paralysis
Mr, Buckler passed away on Saturday
evening at the home of David Rouet.
fie was a resident of our village for a
number of years, cooling from a farts
in Tuckersmith. The remains were
sent on Monday on the 8 o'clock traisl
to Beaverton where he was buried on
Tuesday, His son and daughter visited
hien 'when he was taken ill, but are
never regained Ills speech, although
knowing the p,,eople about 'Min.
. Mrs, Anna Ross, wife c Rev, John
Ross, formerly of Brucefseld, left sotne
tiMe ago to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Mei(ay, of Fornnosa, Japasi, Sh- went
.with the Rev. Mr. Gautd' and wife, mis-
issionaries at Tatosui, Formosa,
Miss Reid, of Stanley is the guest 6f
her sister, 14Trs, Elliott.
The fall wheat has stood the svi,ts,r
well and 41 present is leaking title,
The rosicls, have been ball for sone
days, but has always been passable,
'Phe stage Nat always beets able to matte
(heti' tripe though irregularly.
'rile IesS a ratan knOWs aboitr polttfcs
fire more athgry ate gets in a political
Lots of Smeti lo,rt. ,. „.m,.
e thousandg they
have 'gained 'by' ruiitihig 'too hard after
xaniser hundred,
! Mr. Ira Tiernan of the local bank, has
been traltsferred to Galt,
. The _Forward Movement of the Evnn-
gelieal. Church was launched tilis week,
when services were held twice each day,
Saturday expected, They are being
conducted by Rev, Weiner, field secre-
tary of the, Association, assisted by jogai
slergynaen. The canvass- for funds wilt
tacit be up.
Dr. Taylor spent a few days of last
week in London.
Miss Hilda Snell has returned home
after spending the winter iii London,
Messrs. William and Emil Schroeder
of -Detroit, irtlt'tended the funeral '
their grandfather, the late Mr, Becher.
Mrs, G. Moulton, of Stratford, spent'
a fey,' days of last week with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 1•iartieib,
Meeting. was .held in the Evangelical
church iast week, organizing for the,
Forward Movement, A goodly number
were present. TIM following were ap-
pointed as heads of the eight commit-
tees: Messrs. G. Oestricher, A. Birk, J.
Kellerman, G. 5, Howard atnd Mesdames
Tienhan; Howard and Edinhcid'er.
Mr. Joseph Lawson, of Crediton,
held a sale of cows and calves in town
last Saturday afternoon. Mhe herd
was a tine one and good prices were
tiernusn Ireland has taken a position
in the local bank.
Mr. J. 'C. Reid has purchased the re-
sidence. 'if Mr. E. Tiernan and the ad-
joining lot from Ed, Radiger,
On Sunday after Sabbath school ses-
sion Pte. Milton Pfaff., was presented
with a medal and ring in recognition of
his services overseas.
Special evangelistic services are be-
ing held this -•week preparlltory to the
Forward Movement drive,
&ire Wesley D. Harvey. shipped three
cars of straw last week from this stat-
ion. Two of these he purchased from
one farmer, Mr, Robert Llgie, of the
2nd concession of Tuckersmith. Mr.
Harvey has shipped 'many cars of hay
this winter from Kippen, Hensall and
lir, isaac Jarrott has returned home
sifter a short visit with his friend, Alex.
Cameron, of Goderich, deputy sheriff
ofeHuron County,
Miss Anna Fisher is spending a few
weeks with her brothers (students in
Toronto) Murray, of the medical col-
lege, and Allan, of the faculty of Ede-.
This -appears to be Tie day of the
hired ratan on the farm. George Han-
ley, a returned soldier, is working this
summer forNormaan Jones at #60 a
month and board. Emmerson Smith,
a married map, who has been working
a number of years for Thomas Kyle, is
re-engaged for this year at #600, be-
sides a garden and pasture far a cow.`
He is a capable worker, James Fergus-
on has engaged with a Mr. .Wheaton,
of Middlesex, for $700 a year and board
fie has had considerable experience in
feeding pure bred cattle. After ens
gaging with Mr, Wheaton a neighbor in
Usborne offered him $75o. a year.
These are unusual wages, and probably
every farmer Cannot afford to pay them.
Some who specialize can pay fairly good
During the past week John Tremeer
sold Robert Brownlee a bag of titnotliy
seed and two bags of clover- seed for
about $200, while W. Harvey McLean
sold enough aslike clbver seed to net;
him „800, all grown on five acres.
Mr, and Mrs, Sensed Cudmore have
had a great deal of trouble lately. A few
weeks ago Mrs, Csdtnore's father, Mr,
Stiles, came down from' Cochrane suff-
ering from heart trouble, He tuns taken
to London for hospital treatment, but
died after two weeks there, and the re-
mains were taken to Brusse4a ren' inter-
ment in the family burying , ground,.
After Mr, Stile's removal to the hospi-
tal Mr, and Mrs, Cudntnre's two-year
olddaughter fell from a table and'broke
her sbqulder„ but is now itnproviug
Mrs. John Balfour of Regina, Sask-
atchewan wlto has been visiting friends
here and in other places in Ontario
fur the last two months left for her
home tin the West Mrs, Balfour is a
daughter of the fate Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Mellis, who were• in Business here
for a half century before their death a
few years ago. Slat: speaks very hope.-
opefully of the come -back to prosperity in
the West, Her eldest son, David wino
Wits a Tittle chap when they tett here td
years ago, is sow a young me tendo,
big among the "new Canadians" as She
calls the foreigners who have settled
conuiunities out there; Pie finds it
very intensely mirk, the children being
The meeting of the Ladies' Md will
be held at the ltbntc of Mrs. Alcock on
Wednesday afternoon,
The spring is canning far sure if
birds are the signs, The .robins and
blackbirds :tett blue birds and large
Rocks of wild geese have been seen
Sugar making Is the order of the day,
there being several bulsly engaged at -
General regret was felt on Thursday
when it was learned that Mr. Charles'
Tebbutt, youngest tote of the date
, Frederick Tebbutt, had unexpectedly
' passed away early that morning. Mr.
Tebbutt had been a efficient and popular
teacher fora number of years, but for
the last year or. more, he had given up
teaching on account of failing health
and wasliving with his brother, Mr. 1-1.
Tebbutt and sisters of tate 14th con,
He was a consistent member of the
Methodist church. Thefuneral was
held on Saturday, internment being made
in Clinton cemetery. The pallbearers
were Messrs. L, Proctor, N. Trewartha,
J. Tebbutt and J. Potter. The services
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Johnston.
Mr. W. II. Kent has accepted a posi-
tiosi,'lys Stratford.
Miss Lydia Stewart, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Stewart, of Crystal
City, ,Man., who has been spending the
winter with her brother Mr. Marshall
Stewart, left on'Thursday for Winnipeg
where she was united in marriage on
Wednesday March 17th to Mr, Matthew
Hyslop of Crystal City.
Mr. Bateman, of Kitchener,,, spent
Sunday with his family here.
Mr. John Beattie spent a couple of
days in Brantford,
Mrs, W. E. Southgate sr., left last
week to visit friends in Toronto and
New Y,ork.
Mrs: Middlentost and son Robert
have returned a urn ed to (heir home n i Hamil-
t n .
Mr. F. C. Jackson who spent a week
at his hone There has returned to Mon-
Dr, Field school inspector, paid an
official visit to seaforth school last
Mrs. W. Scott is visiting her daugh-
ter Mrs. S. McIntosh in St. Marys.
Mrs, Thorburn of Ottawa, is the
gsest of Mrs, J. C, Greig.
The new 0, W. V. A. clubrooms were
formally opened last Wednesday even-
ing by a dance and euclser, 500 being
present. The attendance was so large
that it was impossible to provide tables
for all the players, The first prize was
won by Mrs., J. Devereaux and the
second by Mrs, Oscar Nell. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $267,50.
The news of the sudden death of Mr.
Thoma Hillsan
s tri • and aged iv e
g highly
spected resident, of Egmondvitle, came
as a great shock to his friends. The
deceased had been attending to his us-
ual duties apparently in his ordinary
health until Friday, March 20th, That
evening he went out to feed the chick-
ens before tea and not returning as
soon as expected his daughter, Miss
Jean bills, went in search of hint and
found him lying dead. Heart failure
Was pronounced the cause of death,
He was in his 87th year. Mr, Hills was
well known in this vicinity having been
engaged in the blacksmith business in
Egmondvitle for over 60 years. He was
a native of Scotland, and a member of
the Egneuitiville Presbyterian church;
The funeral which took place on Sun-
day afternoon was ilargJly itttended,
the service being conducted by the
Masonic Lodge of which Ise was one of
the oldest medulbers. Pour of a family
survive; Mr, W. hills, Dublin, Mr. 0,
Bilis, Egmoudville, Mrs. Cole, of Tor-
oeto, and Miss Jean at home,
The death occurred on Wednesday
night of Mrs, Augustus Wheeler, of the
611 concession of Grey Township, In-
fluenza and rheumatism following the
birth of a son -proved too much. Deceas-
ed wasthe daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
John Robb, of the 60 line of Moeris
and (vas in her 26 year, Besides her
husband she leaves two babies the old-
er being under a year old Interment Was
litatie in Brussels Cemetery rya Satur-
day afternoon,
l'aitb Robertson, • wife of Nathaniel
Platt, Passed away at her bonne, on John
street, on Wednesday night after st few
weeks illness front heart trouble being
ie iter 68th year, She was. a wail known
resident of tate 5th tine of Morris for a
great many years before Moving to
town About 10 years ago.
The remains of Joseph Stiles, who
died in St. Joseph's 14000a1, London
were brought .dere for liiferlitent, the
funeral taking place from the home of
itis son, W, 11, Stiles, or Friday after -
intensely enxiaus to learn and 1114 older 510011,
people willing to be shown how to do ROY Burton who lint beets teller in
things, as the eider Oafiadiags do, them, the Standard Bank Isere, has beets tresses
Tei illustrate blow tedelfeee saliriep (erred to Clttgary,
cont -are' with those' Jis °utarld, She ti Asnetit Bra. have urcitased tlie,28o-
p C p
It:MA.10tted; that tier Boni John started acre farm of 13ugald iMeDonaid 1tls tunic
ee a fad of t$ with a Salary of i{1,325 of Morris; There is sante fine timber
with_e free ttoinse atilt tree fuel; on this property,
The regular nanthly'rneetittg of the
Wamsul'a Institute will ba held in the
+Forester's 'Hall, 'Thursday, April 451,
Mrs, H. Little will speak on the subject
"What are you dotug to help your
Institute." 'A full attendance is re-
The Community hall project is not
dead yet. A meeting of the 'Township
Cauncll and members of the nlunicipal-
Ity was held in the town hall last Mon -
nay. Another meeting is to be called
The funeral of the lute George Rud -
dell, who died on Thursday morning
was' held on Saturday afternoon, The
deceased was ninety-four years of age.
It was conducted by Rev, J. Abney and
the members of L, 0, L. No, 863, Lon-
desboro, of which the deceased MIS an
honorary member and which he orgau-
ized many years ago,
Mr. Albert Weymouth and family
have moved to Willotvdale, North Tor-
oaonto. On Tuesday the Woman's In-
stitute presented Mrs, Waymbuth with
an address and a cut glass vase its a
token of remembrance,
On Easter Sunday the Methodist Sab-
bath School will have charge of the
morning service and will take an offer-
ing on behalf of the Armenian Relief
Fund. This S. 5, subscribed' ,$107,50
to the National Campaign Fund.
The amnia' "Pie Social" under the
auspices of the Women's Institute will
be held Tuesday, April 6th; 392o. A
good program of music, dialogues etc.,
will be given. Local talesat will be as-
sisted by Mr, IS, McGee, of Auburn,
and Misses Stothers and McElroy of
Mr, Moses Brown and family moved
into the village this week, We wel-
come them.
Mr. and Mrs, Brumley sr„ reeve for
a months' visit to Chicago on Saturday.
Mr, Charles Manning is able to be
out again afte • t two months' i
Mrs, James Elsiey is able to be a-
round again after an attack of the flu.
Lieut, -Cot Graham, of London, on
Tuesday aliening gave his lecture, "Tile
Work and Organization at the Battle
of Amiens," in the Methodist church
to a fair sized audience, who more than
enjoyed his lecture of nearly two hours.
The state• quartete of the church added
much to the pleasure of the occasion,
with Miss Pybus at the organ. Rev, E.
A. Doan is being complimented for ar-
ranging for this flue lecture and enter-
Business men and citizens generally
have done good work during the past
week in the way of getting large quan-
titiesof ice d nooff th
n snow a sidewalks
Miss Dolly Carlin, who spent some
months in the West with her sister, ar-
rived home last week,
Anniversay services will be held in
'Carmel Church, about the first or se-
cond Sabbath in the month of May, as it
seemed almost impossibie to arrange
for it much sooner on account of the
bad state of the roads and severity of
the weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm, of Calgary,
Alta., who have been in Scotland for
some time on a visit, ltave recently ar-
rived here and will spend a short time
with relatives and friends before re-
4ttrning to Calgary.
Mr. Wilson Berry has returned from
Mnnkton whet'e he was taking charge
of the Sterling Bank,, there during the
illness of the manager and is again on
duly at the local Musk.
That Racking
Persistent Cough
Should Never Be Neglected,
The constant hacking, reeking, per-
sistent cough that sticks to you in spite
of riverything.you havn'done to get rid
of it, means danger.
The longer the cough sticks, the more
serious menace it becomes to your health.
It is a very easy matter to gat rid of
the cold at the outset by using
Dr. ,Wood's
Norway Pao Syrup.
-In nearly every ease it will allay tit
inflammation, soothe the irritation; heal
the diseatled mucous lining of the lungs
and bronehinl tubee, and thus rid the
oyster's of all this had effects of the
lingering cough or cold,
Dr, Wood's oath s Ilorway Pine Syrup has
been universttlty ueed for the past
80 years, and MO great has been its
softest', it is only natural that a greet
many 'imitations have bees placed on
the market,
DWI leftist Apiy of these, so-called
'k'ihe Syrups, ad the original "Lb
I'at tali is ! yellow *ripper; 3 pine
irk; price 26s, and A,
v by The T. Wilbur*
eti, G s&.
Tliursday, March 251,11, 4920,
Oiir Spring, Millinery display is now on ex-
hibition at our Show Room and presents a. line,
att1'abtive showing of the most correct styles
and shades, a stock of bean:1161 goods, ,
'there will be no Formal Openitlg but the
Ladies are tl'elcoiaie to call any stay to see the
choice modes;
Successor to Miss BCI!
twiteilft1q m
Sy -Law Y w No. 6 for ' 1920
Messrs, Geo. Clark and Joe Richardson
are recent purchasers of new Chevro- of the Town of Clinton
let cars bought from Mr. Levis, 'Clinton.'
At the last regular meeting of the
Public School Board Mr, D, D. Crit-
tenden was appointed School Attend-
ant Officer, which office is made Jny the
Department of Education.
Reeve and Mrs, Cult were in Gode-
erich last week and while there- per
chased a dwelling, They expect to move
to Goderich about the first of May.
Mr. John Bowes moved from the Wil-
lows' residence to his tarns in Morris,
John Ferguson has moved into the dwel-
ling vacated by Mr, Bowes and Mr, Gov -
ler, East Wawanosh, now occupies the
Vincent property glitch he recently
Mr. Jas. Barr, of Saskatoon, Sask.,
who is visiting here, has disposed of his
residence and acre of ground to his ne-
phew, Mr. Arthur Barr, who gets posse-
ssion this 'meth.
Mr. Wm, Pickard and Miss Ella Rut-
ledge of ilolmesville, have been Visit-
ing at the parsonage.
Mr, James Somers, an old resident
of this section passed peacefully away
on Thursday of last week, aged 73
e s.
yar The funeral took place from re-
sidence of his nephew. Ale. John Sonl-
ess on Saturday,
Mr, Bert Trewartina has lately pur-
chased a valuable ;I:dack !team :from
Bart Levis of Clinton,
The special meeting of the subscrib-
ers to the Goderich Township Munici-
pal Telephone System has been called
for Friday March 26th in Hoboes Hall,
Holmesvitle, at 2 o'clock, The special
business to be transacted requires tate
attendance of all the subscribers.
The house occupied by Mr, and,ifers.
Wm. Phillips, in Goderich township,
near the river, was destroyed by fire on
*Wednesday about noon. Mr. and Mrs.
Phillips were at dinner when the roof
d over
ed on fire. A
portion ortio o
the contents of lite house was saved
The property is owned by Henry Romp,
of Hamilton,
The death of Mr, William Blake which
occurred at the home of his son-in-law
Mr, John Schwann, Goderich township
on Saturday, March 6111, carte as a hap-
py release, as Mr. Blake's sufferings
were intense. He was one of the old
pioneers of Colborne township having
carried on farming on the ist ,concess-
ion successfully of 36 years, before
moving to Goderich. Ile was the young-
est sots of John and Ann Blake and ;vas
at the old home in Goderich township
in the year 1812 and lived there until
the age of 20, when he went to resid
in Colborne, and two years later he was
united in marriage to Susanna Fisher,
of Colborne, daughter of tlhe late Peter
and Catherine Fisher, They lived there
for a number of years and then moved
to Gaderch, wlsere they . continued
to reside until November•nf 2918, when
they gave up house -keeping on account
of 311 -health and went to live with
their daughter Mrs, Schwarz, here they
pissed' their rentaining.days, Mrs, Blake n
passing away Sept, 23rd last In her 76th o
year and Mr, Blake following iter March t'
5th in his 78t11 year,' Of Mrs, Blake it
might be said she was a woman i M
WHEREAS the Electors of the Town
of Clinton by a vote taken cotacurrent-
ly with the voting upon the Municipal
Elections for the year -1920 having
signified their approval of the estab-
lishment in the said Town of a Fuel
yard to be owned and operated by the
THEREFORE the Municipal Coun-
cil of the Town of Chilton enacts as
1. It shall be lawful for the Cor-
poration of the Town of 'Clinton to buy
and store fuel and to sell the same to
dealers and residents of the Municipal-
ity, or other persons;
2. It shall be lawful for i.he said
Corporation to acquire land, erect
buildings, establish, conduct and main-
tain depots, stores, warehouses and
yards and ptireltaes machinery, plant,
appliances and equipnae0t necessary
for such purposes;
3. " It shall be lawful for the Coun-
cil of the said Corporation by By -Law
to appoint officers, clerks, and servants
to nuutage and conduct such business;
4. 1t shall be lawful for the Coun-
cil of the said Corporation to snake
rules land regulations and to d such
g o
other acts sant hensmay t t ash, r nec-
essary t l e 17eC
essary for the full and proper carrying
out of the powers by this By -Law con-
ferred upon the Corporation;
5. 11 shall be lawful for the Con -
di of the said Corporation to borrow
from time to time by the issue of de-
bentures payable at such periods not
exceeding ten years from the date of
tissue of such debentures the money
necessary for the purposes in this By -
Law set forth or any of them; provided
that the whole amount of the indebted-
ness authorized hereunder for suals
purposes shall not at any time
exceed the sum of Fifteen Thousand
Dollars and in determining the amount
of such indebtedness at any given time
there shall be deducted from the whole
amount of the indebtedness for such
purposes 'authorized by such illy -Law
and' by 13y -Laws hereafter passed
pursuant to this .By -Law such
suns as shall have been raised
by way of Sinking Fund for
the payment of such amount prior to
such given time;
6.The votes of the Electors of the
. Town of Clinton shall be taken on this
By -Law by the following Deputy Re -
Turning Officers at the follow-
ing times and places, that is to say:
On the 5th date of April, 1920, com-
mencing at the hour of 9 o'clock in the
forenoon and continuing until the hour
of live o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day:
in St, Andrew's Ward at tate Council
Chamber, 0, E. Seville,'Deputy Return-
ing Officer.
In St. James' Ward at the Sample
Rooms south of the Rattenbnry House,
A. F. Cudmore, Deputy Returning
in St. John's Ward at J, 13. Lavis'
Implement office, E. G. Courtice, De-
puty Returning Officer.
In St George's Ward at Wilson El-
liott's shop, S, J. Andrews Deputy Re-
turning Officer.
7, On the 3rd day of April 1920,
the Mayor shall attend the Council
Chamber at ten o'clock in the forenoon
to appoint persons to attend at the var-
ious polling places aforesaid and at the
final summing up of votes by the Clerk
on behalf of the persons interested in
and promoting or opposing the passing
of this By -Law respectively.
8, The Clerk shall attend at the
ounce Chamber at the hour of eleven
'clock in the forenoon of the 6th day
f April 1920, to suss up the votes for
std against the said By -Late,
Read the first' and second time On
arch 3rd, 1920.
10 know was to love and Mr, Blake was
a highly esteemed citizen. They were
both staunch members of the Methodist
church and always among tite foremost
in any good work. Over five years ago
they celebrated their golden wedding
aid had pit their faintly about them for
that happy occasion. The family con -
Mets of nine daughters, Mrs. Alexander
Walker and Mrs, Samuel Schwalm, of
Rocanville, Sask.; Mrs. 'Thos, Fillmore,
of London; Mrs. Harry Hillier, of 'Tor-
onto; Mrs, Levi Snider end Mrs. Oscar
Forester, of Ijmuss.iilerl Mrs. George Rat
ledge, jr„ Nile, and Mrs. Chester Oke
and Mrs, John Schwann. of Goderich;
township. There are 26 grand -child-
ren and eigihtrest grandchildren.
g g den. 'Mr.
Blake is snrtived by one brother, Jos,
of Grand Rapids, Mich., and. Mrs, Blake
leaves five sister, and four brothers,
Mrs. Jas, McClure, of. Goderiels, and
Peter, Abe and Charles Fisher, of Col-
borne. Mr, /flake's funeral took place
on Monday, March 8th, the services be-
teg cc ideefed by Rev, Mr, Johnston, of
llothiesvine, and the pallbearers being
Mar .- .
r son in hawk Messrs, Oke, ^ •skier,
ttorester, and Ititltedge. The funeral was
a lirivate otre,
TAKE NOTICE that the above is
a true copy of a proposed By -Law
which has been taken into considera-
tion by the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the 'Town of 'Clinton
gild which in the event of (tie assent
of the electors of the said Town be-
ing obtained thereto will be finally
considered in Council after one month
from the first publication thereof on
Thursday, the itch day of March,
1920, which publication is in the
Clinton New Era, newspaper; and
take notice that at tate hour , day and
places therein fixed for taking the
votes of the electors the polls will be
held at nine o'clock iii til forenoon toad
closing at five o'cook In the afternoon
ofthe sane day and by the Deptuq Re-
tursing Officers, named in the said By -
Law for takitng the vbtes of fife electors,
The names of (he lease ba1clere nae
gtecting t0 file a declaration under
Section 265 of Chapter 192 of the
Revised Statutes of O0arl0, 1914,
Atli not be placed on the vote's' fist
fos.attelt vothig,
DY L, Maeplsereon,
...., Clerk,
By' L w No. 7 for 1920
of the Town of Clinton
FOR THE SUM OF $10,000,
WHEREAS it le proposed to erect
in the Town of Clinton 'a Monument to
the memory of citizens of the said Town
who died in the service of their coun-
try in the late w$r,
AND WHEREAS it is desirable for
the Town of Clinton to issue debet•
tures for the• sum of Ten Thousand
Dollars which is the ansount intended to
be expended for the aforesaid Purpose,
AND WHEREAS it is expedient it>
make the said debentures payable in 10
years front the date thereof and that
they bear interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum,
AND WHEREAS it will be necess-
ary to raise annually the sum of
52432,90 by a special rate for paying
the, said debt and interest;
AND WHEREAS the amount et
the, whole rateable property of the
Municipality according to the fast re-
vised assessment roll is $797415.00;
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
existing debenture debt of the Corpora-
tion (exclusive of liability upon local
Improvement debentures secured by
special. rates or assessments) is
$133780,23 and no part of the prin-
cipal or interest thereof is in arrears.
THEREFORE the Municipal Council
of the Town of Clinton enacts as fol-
1. That jt shall be lawful for the
Corporation of the Town of Clinton ter
burrow tate scant of Ten .Thousand Dol-
lars for the purpose aforesaid and to•
issue debentures therefor. in sums Of
not less than $100 bearing iterest at
6% per annum and having coupons at-
tached thereto for the payment of the
2. The debentures shall all bear the
same date and shall be issued within
two years after the date on which. this
By -Law Is passed and may bear any date
within swell two pears and shall be pay-
able within 10 years after the time whey
the sante are issued.
3. During the 10 years currency of
the debentures 5832,90 shall be raised
annually to form a Sinking Fund for
the payment of the debt and $600 shall
be raised d annually for the payment'of
the interest thereon making fin atlf
$143'2,90 to be raised annually for the
payment of the debt and interest.
4, Each of the said debenture, shall
be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and
shall bear the corporate seal of the
5, The said Monument shall be
placed at a point about 30 feet north
of the point of the curb of the Post
Office property between King and Vic-
toria Streets,
6. This 13y -Law shall come into
force and take effect on the fnnal pass-
ing thereof.
7. The votes of tite qua-
lified electors of the Town
of Clinton shall be taken on this.
By -Law by the following Deputy Re-
turning Officers at tite following tines
and places, that is to say:
On the 5th day of April, 1920, com-
tneucing at tate flour of 9 o'clock in the
forenoon and continuing until the hour
Live o'clock '
to in the afternoon ,f •n
7 o of the
same day: -
In St, James' Ward at the Council
Chamber, G. E. Saville, Deputy Return-
ing Officer.
in St, James' Ward at the Sample
Rooms south of the Ratteebnry House,
A. P. Cudmore, Deputy Returning
Irl St. John's Ward at J. 13, Levis'
Implement office, E. 0.
puty Returning Officer. Courtice, De-
is St. George's Ward at Wilson Ef•-
tiott's shop, S. J. Andrews Deputy Re-
turning Officer,
S. On the 3rd da,y of April, 1920,
the Mrtyor shall attend (lig Council
Chamber at ten o'clock in the forenoon
to appoint persons to attend at the var-
ious polling places aforesaid and at the
final sunmting up of votes by the Clerk
of behalf' of the persons interested in
and promoting or opposing the passing
of this 13y -Law respectively,
0, The Clerk shall attend et the
Council Chamber at the hour of elevex
o'clock in the forenoon of the 6th day
of April 1920, to sum up the votes for
and against the said By -Law,
Read the first and second time un
March 3rd, 1930. - ,
TAKE NOTICE that the ab4,ve is
a true copy of a proposed By -Law
which has been takers into considera-
tion by the. ,Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the 'Town of Clinton
and which in the event of the assent
of the electors of the said 'Town be-
ing obtained thereto will be finally
considered in Council after nese month
from flue first publication thereof on
Thursday, the itch day of rMa•ei,,
1920, which publications is in the
Clinton New Era, newspaper; and
take notice that at the hour , day and
places therein fixed for taking the
votes of the electors the polls will be
Iaeld at ]site o'clock in th forenoon end
closing at five o'cock in the afternoon
of the sane day and by the beptuy Re-
fumble Officers named in the said By.
Lazy for taking the votes of the eleCtoxs,.
Tlae names of the lease Holders nes
glccting to file a declaration maths'
Section 265 of Chapter 192 of 'the
Re ''seri Statutes of Ontario, 1914„
shall not be pieced on the voters' list'
for suet voting,
D. 1.. Macpterson,
About the only advantage in Shovels
ing snow is that it develops one's utas.
ele for running a lawnulower, «t,