The Clinton New Era, 1920-3-4, Page 1ESiablls110cl 1565, Vol, 54, No, 36 C i ► N i 4 iv, ONTARIO,
We are well prepared to help you fight the "Flu". Belewrind some
01 our verb' useful preparations; Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tablets
Paraformic Throat Logi:wee Medicated Throat Discs
Formolid Throes Roe Listerine
bormicidal Soap, also , Emulsion and 'Tasteless Cgd Liver Oil
1.77, � ,, 0 LaVi 'i
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Orer 120 Branches
• •■ E tltiwOLSC NS BANK
A:'good Banking connection is essential to tile
success of any merchant or trader.
This 'Bank is 'equipped and prepared to give
efficient,' careful and quick service in every department
of banking. •
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Brandi
Safety"Deposit Boxes to Rent.
rtl� Royal Bapli
Incorporated 1 369.
Capital and 1R,eserve . $33,750,000
Total Assets $503,000,000
. 630 Branches
Spetiai attention to Farmers' requirements. In-
terest paid on deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent
R. E. I►T A lr NI, N•G., Manager : Clinton Branch
Sria " in 'Overcoats
for Saturday
36 Young 'Mew's
Overcoats, up to
date styles
•Warth..$35; •to
clear at $25
,A.0441.0-' Make Your Selection
�nlllif o
early befpre the Sizes
are broken,
;s 1
f'Ot 'I '« C2.
A. kootilirt 104;41 ;tor Every ;111th
WI'i'.la. TOR eac.T0pinss,
* a
St, Paul's Church
3rd Sunday in tweet, Holy Cout-
muelo)1 ti; Evensong 7. Suudlty
School and Bible class at 2.30,
Lenten service Wednesday 7.30,
Preaoher al all services, Rev, S. E. Me-
Baptist Church '
Ret 1;, O, horde,° Pastor,
11 airs„ `hlorning :Service
7 pint:;; Eveping service
The subject for the Evening will be
,power. from 0h High." We invite.y1ou
to woreiitip with us,
THVRSDAY MARcJ(, 4th, 1920,
w, H. Kerr & Song Editors nod `Publishers.
ra Ads. and have
Wesley Church
Fellowship sleeting Sunday morn.
The subject " The duty of pteasiiug"
will be taken Monday night at the Ep-
worth League,
Ontario stileet Church
On Monday night the Christian en-
endeavor Committee had charge of the
League meeting, . aisses Riith acid,
Carol Evans sang a very . pretty duet.
'Rev. Mr. Forde gave. a very interest-
ing and helpful address,
The Rev. H. D. Taylor, Missinoary-
elect to China, to represent the Code
rich Iistrist Epworth Leagues, will con
duct the morning service at Wesley
church on Sunday; March 141h, and in
the evening at Ontario St. church. Rev.
Mr, Taylor is taking Rev. Geo; Barris'
place, who is home on furlough, and is
not returning. After the evening ser-
vice a union League service of both
churches will he held for the Leaguers
to meet Mr, Taylor.
Premier Drury's speech at Peterboro'
indicates that he is ;a firm friend of the
Jia dm. ,
ti Sa_--, r
The interest taken in gond roads by
the Farmers' Government of Ontario
ought to result in a call from the farm-
ere of the Province for better means of
Nov that the new Attorney_ General
has been elected to the Legislature, the
Dr, Peck, of Hensler wits in Wen tan
Monday evening. •
Mr, Andrew Steep, of 'rurality, was
a visitor :at the parental home d•urinir
the -past week.
Ztirech ifel ld;---Mrs, ,Gormley, n
Clhlttl, Is visiting at the nine of Mr,
A, C], Elutes, .
Miss Annice 73arlllH' spent a fdty days
lits' week with Mr, and Mrs: Ray Rum -
ball at Ootiericlh,
'Rev. 4A. 1i Doan, of Hensel!, was'o
visitpr With Mr. and Mrs,'1, E. Henni-
ford on Softie -day.
Miss Aneice",JOartliff left on Tuesday,
for 'Toronto •where she'wltl nurse in
'Wellesley Hospital.
Mr. Michael Greens Was in 'Detroit
last week attending the fs)neral of ;his
Sister, Mrs. Fred. W. Mitten,
Miss Start returned to her 'home at
Currie's After spending a `11011111 with
her sister, Mrs. 0. W. Potter.
Mr, Gordon Johnson, of St. Dathere
that, wits Here over the week end and
Milk his family back with 11118 on Tues.
Mrs, C. Ii, Bartliff and Miss Jule
Eartfiff left on Tuesday for Toronto,
and will luso visit at Pawasson for all
extended visit.
A'i'r and Mrs, L. A. Paisley were in
Henson on Thursday last altendng the
wedding of Mr. 'Clarence Paisley and
Miss Ruth Rennie.
Mi. and Mrs, J. W. Moore, of 0041e-
ricit were here over Sul da' attending
t )
the funeral of the latter's brother, the
Late George Farquhar. i
Mr, and Airs, Jagn returned to Clin-
ton last week from ,Mitchell, and the
former hits ripened up his cleaning and
pressing business again.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Paisley were ie
Hensel! last Thursday attending the
wedding of their son, Mr. D. Clarence
Paisley, of Montreal,' to Miss Ruth P.
. W, .1 Sfevensnn is back In town
after At siege of "flu" ;111d pneumonia.
;lir. Stevenson just got up into North.
ern Ontario when the "ilu" was at its
worst and after a week's sickness got
ack to Stratford where it developed
ata pneumonia. He lost 30 pounds
n weight In three weeks.
That business men appreciate hard
work and success eveieln preachers and
Ylettodist ministers is proven by the al-
itud'e of ninny prominent citizens of
ondon. ;n appreciation of the great
work twine dole by Rev. Mr Agnew,
farnierty of Ontario Street church, Clin-
on, but now of Ridout street, London
nunther'al business sten a few weeks
go sent hinl.a cheque for eine and
set uwek the down town trustees of
e dere') presented Mr, 'Agnew with
cheque for $200. ,Malty friends in°f
:linin)) will be sorry to learn of the
Mess which has atllitted (he members.'
I 'Mr. Agnew's family this winter., l
rs. Agnew is slowly recovering from i
n attack of the tie. We congratulate
Ir. Agnew an the success of his work
of the warm friends he is making.
Continued on Page 5.
province will await with great interest b
some of the projected reforms In legal 1
ad'mini5h'atinn. i
' Alt members of the Ontario cabinet
have at la;t secured seats in -the legis- 1
tature. The election of Attorney General t
'W. E. Raney by acclamation was. a sur. L
prise in view of the antipathy with
which he is viewed by the antiprohibit-
ion and racetrack interests. Premier t
Drury, has Won his greateet bailie in a
wetting all his advisers into tete risen- a
bly. 1
lion. W. 0, Raney declared that his a
'conception of the duties of -an attorney- t
general is that lie should strive to see i1
that a gentleman in a silk hitt and Prince o
Albert coat carrying on a oilmen) bet- M
'Ling house 0n a jockey club race track a
should have no mare fulnulhlty under 1
.the criminal code than 11 Cllinatn;ut pre- al
siding over a game of fan tau in the
lac roost of 1815 laundry." 'This is
good, wholesome talk. As things go
now, the silk -hat gambles is unmolested
while 'tile "clunk,'' having no friends,
is sent to jail.
'Weeds and 'How to Control Them,
The Clinton branch of the U, F, Cl; I
will meet. on Thursday afternoon, Mar,
I till, when Mr, Stothers, District Agh
Representative, will :glive it 'Alp .on
`•Wends and }11;15' to control them", I
,Farmers and all those interested on late
subject are clardhUty invited !tri at -.1
The. -'B. coy Scouts
Do not forget the Display in the
Town (tall this evening.
he,Scoet's'prontise 1s as follows:—
"On sty itollour I promise that 1 will
dao my best: 1 .. ,.
(t) To do my ditty to God and the
(2( To help other people at All
(3 To obey the Scout Law
Note'lveli that Duty to 'God conies
. first. ' Every boy in the Clinton Troop
Pilono'1'46 ''Estimates ;GiVsn
Interior andj
:'iter" or
We protect your 'floors, lural -
tare, 'etc„ by plenty of dren
Vi/all Papers,
Jets t0 belong to one of the Sunday
Schools i11 WWII,
A display of Scout work
"A Day at Camp"
will he givenahy �„ the, oy-s
in the
V. . ROSS Council Had 'Two
( M1
j�JJ��tt �" VOTE
Sessions this Week U1i1 1Y 1
Council Wilt Present Three $y -Laws to SLACKERS
...payers on Monday, April
,PRESBYTERY 5th, for the People to Decide
Report on Forward Movertl;ent
Gives Gratification, ,, Com..
mittee Named for'Year
The Presbytery of fduron held its
regular February meeting at Clinton
on Tuesday, February 24th, with the
following In attendance; Mr. Ross,
Moderator, Drs. Fletcher, Larkin and
Aitken, Mlissrs. Hogg, MCDermid, Me-
L2ah, Trgford, Foote., MacFarlane, Mc-
Connell, McIntosh, Hamilton, ministers,
and 'Meisrs. 'rut'ifbull, J. • B- McLean,
McLellan,. 0, Young, Lindsey, Mitchell,
and 'Erownett, elders, Mr, 'Ross was
,made nlodereter fur • the ensuing sf
months, 1'112 annual reports of', the
different standing coniinittees were re-
ceived and adopted, with recommend..
Idioms from some conveners advising
for example that a definite and earnest
appeal be made to young people, for
their lives for the service of the King-
dom and especially in the foreign field;
that the lantern he trade available for
giving information to the people of.
the church's work; urging sessions to
inculcate the observance of family
worship and the use 'of the Book of
I'emily Prayers provided by the As-
sembly; :aging conference with sister
denominations to remedy over-church-
ing of rural districts; urging a visite-
thin by laymen on behalf of the annual
The e couuuitte+
c ,appointed in 608)156-
114)11 with re -arrangement of fields was
asked to continue runt take' up the
larger work. The difficulties were evi-
dent, for commissioners were present
to protest against a rearrangement
which threatened to close one of the
smallest churches'of the Presbytery.
The following Were appointed corn.
missioners to the next General As-
sembly; Messrs. Hamilton, McDermid
and Aitken, 'ministers, and elders from
(.reborn, Bayfield and Kippen.
Mr. meintosit was nominated as the
Presbytery's representative on the
Synod's committee all business and Mr.
AteDermid on the corresponding com-
mittee of Assembly, The subject
chosen for the May conference was;
"The Message of the Pulpit to the Un-
rest of the Time,"
The Presbytery had great pleasure
in the report of the Forward Move-
ment 61)111 Illltt 81, Air, Telford, which
showed that, although ail enngregatione
had not vet reported already the Pres-
had passed the suns allotted lo
11 by tate Assembly's ce mnittee ($60,-.
000) and in praise and prayer shlowed.
ifs 'gratitude to God that the people
had shown such fl liberal spirit and
;rad liven so abundantly for the es.
tension of the 'work or the church.
The foilowing were appointed on the
stranding committees of the Presbytery
for tate year 1920,
Home Miasons and Social Service,
Messrs, Mactarlrure, ;'mote and Mc,
Cannell and their elder's.
Foreign Minions.
Messrs. Ross. McDermid and Telford
and their elders.
S..$, and 'Y.' P. S.
Dr, Aitken, elessrs. /50'161.2411 and M..
int0sh.mid their elders,
Systematic Be11 efcence
Messrs. Nogg, Abery, Gladnlao, Gent.
melt, Mitchell and Lindsay.
Superintendence of Studenis
Drs; Larkin and Fletcher ,,nil their
elders, .
Messrs, elciel0sh, Abery and Mc.
. A. & t, M. and. W. & 0. Funds
1)r, i'letcher, Messrs. Carriete and
McConnell and their eiders.
Finance and Statistics
Messrs, Hamilton Telford and Alac-
:arlane; and their elders,
Messrs, Telford, McDermid and 1')r.
Mr, Mitchell turd Dr. Alike»,
Summer. School Cotnmittoe
Messrs, McDermtd, conveners of 611111
leittee on .S S. mill 1'. P. S. and C0u-
fereoce and Mesary, 110111111011 1)11(1 Mac-
An adjourned meeting 'was appnlnt.
'ed to be held for the induction of Mr.'
'Ferguson (late of Noreal) at Cavan
Church, Winthrop, on March 4111, nt
2 p.m. 'The nett .regular meeting will
be held at Henn)] on May 19(11 at 10
a.01. The remit from the Assembly Ful
terin-eldership was disapproved of anti
Many suggestions were prepared for the,
_L on committee of ASsenlhly on -the supple
;K11arid iy, March 4th of vacancies,
•Many Were at Scafortit,
(;I'rnttnt h r: earl! df1r4;n0iited
" tf
forth ) ih nn lrun `a
l t, y mB]nt to etc the
Council met Ori Monday evening with
Mayor Cottle In the Blair and Reev
Miller and. Councillors Middleton, Lana'
ford, Nediger; McMurray, Johnson an
Wiltse present,
Ailnutes of the last regular and spec
Lal meeting were read by the Cler
mid approved by Council,
'The Spring Fair Directors asked fa
the usual grant of $60 for tile Fair.
A letter was read, from the Wester
Ontario Board of 'Trade Assncialfon ask
ing that enclosed resolution, re labor
conditions of Western Ontario be lined
A letter from the Tarvia'Co., Toronto
stating that by car lots tarvia would be
worth 1 3c per gallon.
A letter' front W.-Brydone, Tow»i Sol
loiter, 111 regards to the bylaw re selling
`meats In town,
'Mations. •
Councillors Wiltse and Johnsor,
moved that the grant of the Spring
Stock show of $60 be granted, Carried
The letter from the Board of ';'rade
was laid on the table for future refer.
ence rat motion of Councillor Wiltse
and Reeve Milner,—Carried,
The question of 'rarvia was left over
until 0. future meeting on mobil) of
eCounciflors Langford and Nediger.—
Lieut..Col: Co , li. E. Combeand. nd ii, R,
Chant were a deputation to address
the Council,
Cal, Combe stated the meeting on
Friday evening named Rev, Mr. Hogg,
501r, Chant and himself as a deputation
to ateatt on the Council, but as he was
a soldier he would leave tate »tatter in
Air. Chant's hands.
Mr. Chant dwelt on the various re-
ports of the elonunittee at the meet-
ings held to discuss the Memorial for
the falien soldiers and those who had.
since died.
The meeting on Friday Inst decided
on the Thompson monument and it
would be placed in front of the posh
'Mice at the cost of 354),000, at about
30 or 40 feet from the point of the
pnctnfliee park,
Mr. Chant pointed out that if Monu-
ment wits erected at the point, their
would he no cost of maintenance, after,
it was erected and it would be a last'.
Ing memorial to our fallen heroes. (le
asked that this question be subulfited to
the ratepayers as soon as possible.
'1110 Mayor thanked the delegation
for their address and stated es Sir
Oliver Mowatt always said "we will give
this our serious consideration."
Committee Reports
Many of the Conunittees had 110 re-
ports to offer' at this meeting
Coencfllar Johnson, of the Fire and
Water Committee, reported that Mes-
srs. Lock Cree and M. Mcl tven were
appointed firemen. The• report was
adopted on motion of Cuuuct:lots John-
son and Langford,
Finance Minister White made his re-
tort and it was adopted on motion of
Councillor Wiltse and Reeve Miller,
1t may he read o11 timelier column,
New Business
Mayor Cottle reported that the In-
surance adjusters had sent a cheque fir
$300 to pay for the damage of the re-
cent lire at the town half,
Reeve :Hiller and Councillor Lang-
ford moved that no change be made in
the Livery License 13y -Law, The motion
Councillor Johnson matte a Motion
:and ',lmluciiior N0diger seconded that
the matter of the Butchers' License be
!eft over until the next meting for fur-
ther discussion, The )notion carried.
Peeve. Miller, of the Fuel Committee,
made the billowing report; 1'our'0(1111
nllttee- wishes to submit the fallowing
report; ';'hat In view of the present coal
dealers refusing to sell any part of their
business, and also fniar)nStion received
front tither .p:aees in connection with
Municipal Coal and Wood yard, this
Information to he given the public
throtigh our local pipers, 311111 we de-
fer suhmitiing a bylaw for that pur-
pose at the present time, But would
reco's13aend that this Council endeavor
to timeliest; 0 supply of Wood and coal
for the benefit of the public,
Reeve Miller stored the adoption of
11,1 report and',Councillor Johnson se-
canted it—bud that's as far as it go.
Councillor Middlefon arose and stat-
ed that the 118;11 ion had been taken Out
of (11121r'hands last J4nuhry anti'(ho pee
1011: to decide (he gares1101,
'lle s(tttetl that tht -9111(1130)1 of Mlntici-
Alpo, fuel y;itt) had 'been used as an
election 1,1511k, anti Must :be •OeYried
Yrlf1. '
Ile 'moved the 101101 Itte artteii'dt tetit
Whit:ft Was s
50 acatndd
b C un i
o u iter Mc
1Mh14'ayr Wh<)•gVxs u rtYetti'bet of '11th Ttfct
(`omit ttee---Tfiai t bYlnw be atilthtlt
art 1<8 the ratepayers authorizing the,
COntinbed on hftge f. ,,,
e Senator Proudfoot, in Mowing the ,
Reply to Speech From Throne-
, Senate, So Declares Can-
ada Must
an-ada.Must Maintain Status in the
k League — Declares Himself in.
Favor of Proportional Repres-
entation and of Dit'orce Court..
(Special to London Free Press)
Ottawa, Feb, 27,—A Fleeing declar.
silos that Canada's status i11 the League
of Nations must he maintained, the em-
phatic Assertion that only when lana, -
diens ceased, buying luxuries aid note -
essentials from the United States, would(
lthe adverse exchange rate with the re-
public be righted, and en opinion in,fa-
vor of proportional representation were
features of Senator William Proudfnot's
address in the Senate chamber this af-
ternoon in moving the reply to the
speech from the throne as delivered yes.
terday by the Duke of Devonshire.
The former Ontario Liberal leader,
who was brushed aside by factions lie
his own party because of his sympa-
thetic attitude towards Union Govern-
ment In the war, was in eloquent forut.,
and while he read his speech, it was .
an tnspiri'.rg utterance. A strong pa--
i.riotic vein ran all through the address.,
Change Within Empire.
Senator Proudfoot, in opening, refer-
red'to the Dominion's effective contd.-
butian to the world struggle, and de-
clared that changed interenlpire' rela-
tions had resulted.
'Fhe various parts of the great Brit -
" •, : semi-final Baine ofihorkey.bdfweee 1`,,0( 1
�tti(i last5xtolltl'" "lt pngwood end Seefertlt. The 51511015 t
watt be a score Of 0.8.'
Senator %Vm. Droudfoot, who in the
Canadian Upper House, declared' him•
self 111 of favor of proportional re-
presentation system of electing meta•
hers of Parliament,
frit commonwealth had become better
'acquainted, more intimate, and a new-
ewfoundationfor the •developinent of Orme
ads had been laid. there was, in'ltis
opinion, 'danger of retrogression in the
old 6010113a( idea.
Coring to the question 011 erre
League Of Nations and Caseates
standing therm, Senator 'Proud!.
foot effectively 'answered the ar•
gement of those who, nae certain lac -
tions in the United States, feared the
responsibilities Incurred by the name. .
'With all difference to their attitude,' fie
felt that they slowed a lack of fore-
sight and 5080101.1011 in the future of
the t)ominion,
"Was there any forcing of Canada in-
to the late war," tasked the senator.
"How mach lees "then," he answered„ '
Canada be forced into other
'Tile League of Nations, he declare:f,
1ecoenized the autonomy of 0,ulada,
and he added, with emphasis, "Cana-
da's status of independent cit -operation
in tate /lairs of empire must be main-,
twined," 'this position was now fudly'.•
recognized Senator Proudfoo3. 2111e
dently rtferrfng to ed'urts being, made.
in `the United States Senate to curb the:
status of Canada In the League M Nee
tions, declared that tine Doenlon's.
.newly -¢,aired position had recently been-
eenchallenged, and in this regard 'Ne- quot-
ed from Hon, N. W, Rotvell's recent ef-
fective pronouncement in answer there-,
to. .''
The Veterans.
Coming to, the re-establishment of
fhe'.hominiotl's war veterans' 'Civil life.
Senator Proudfoot declared that a great,
iihal had 'been -hone, but there was.sflll;,
much to be done. The wishes and 41'e -
/fiends ,of these war ;heroes 'must not be
lightly put aside depslndd:lits of
coulttt'y's espeotti c:1` Ti )tl t i4d
'8114; is claimed
11111 e?•1 fdt2 >�rmw
tin, ,ir run r r'• rrte kfhrd"1,
,r7 ^ r11 5t.
11€113 ' the .r' 'li ..Govern,
rami t,+„ 1r.f;. t.r5 . ,,.t'tletes C''i the raw