HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-26, Page 4PA Thursday, February 214h, 1920. M n s Sweater Coats Our entire stock of the abovo mentioned gar a*'taer is its NOW ON SALE rata lower price thanwe can ba y them today. Tike placing price for next Fall is much higher than cur present sale price, consequently if you require a sweater coat within a year or two Dow's the time and BROWN'S is the place to buy. COLORS; Oxford, Cambridge and Steel Grey, Myrtle, Brown Navy, Maroon, Emerald, Caster, etc. SIZES; 34 to 46 MEN'S STORE, Opposite Market Square MEN'S STORE Custom Taliovhig Men's Furnistnne Phone t03 Opposite Public Library WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and liopae Furnishings, Phone 67 Next Royal Bank NO MISTAKE Made when you get the Habit of using o ur Freshly Ground Coffee, or using our Bulk Teas. black or mixed. They wil I save you money by Buying•now or by getting the Habit of healing at JOHNSON'S Grocery "A Square Deal For All" '? Cakes Lavender Bath �; Off OUR 'rt=A PRICES HAVE %A Toilet Soap for, 25 NOT CHANGED YET YOUR HENS L.AY- Cakes of ,Palm Olive Toilet Soap .,35c 3 Cans.Kitchen Clean ser t'ar 25 (Sante as Dutch) r� pkgs. Dumioion a3 Miatehes for 25 a� pkgs, Corn Flakes Pt for 25 1$ Calc of P1le11ardC for PHONE 111 INC NOW • . WHEN THE PRICES ARE GOOD, USE— . -, --•Pt•atts Egg Producer —Prates Lice Destroyer ---Oyster Shell —.Mics Grit • THESE ALL' HELP 22 GET • SOME. Japan, Green 50 Get in Before the Ad - wince. r Special Blend . , .. , , 50 Royal Blend 60 Quality Blend 70 *VMS Sieighride Friday. 'rhe Ogterio Sunday School will have their sleigh ricte oil Friday of this week, Died Suddenly this Morning. Mr; Whitfielcj Crich passed away sud- denly at his home on Isaac street, about 4 o'clock, suffering from heart trouble and asthma, lie was ins his 62nd year. pestdes tris wife apd son, the latter who is at present sick, the deceased is alsd survived by several brothers and sisters - The funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, with service half an hour earlier. Interment Will be made in Turner's Cemetery. Fuller par- ticular will be given next week. GETy THE HABIT O i' DEALING AT t ; yi DO T DISMISS t eea HONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO 1 It le 44. The ideatiss'es d'rr Our Put nature e 1'' o hii•h we invite special attention ,we (te boanty, its ensured comfort, its solid txn,strnction, and its below the uauxii prices. Any one or these pirate's would he sufficient to earrt it your preft enne, When they are itis oom> pined we feel sure you wilt remits,- that this is it furniture buying oppttr• tunity you cannot afford to ignore 1 ii tcrlaker and Euner•aI I/ireetor. Nii:biand Sunday Valls a►usive•.re•el a►t. "RjsIdenoe over store ►A Phone 2$. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL We wish to thank our many friends for their kind patronage during the past year, and we wish each and everyone a Happy and Prosperous 1920. Despenaing Chemist Roofing is going to The Corner Grocery 911E IINO EET 111 E" he YOU SHOULD EAT scarce. Order yours now and be ready for Spring tle MORE FISH Fish Should be more freely used be - nese it ranges exceedingly Ike le point of food value 11 Is an economi• cal source of energy for 'those who work with either head or bands, 1t is also most easily digested, There are marry reasons indeed, why people should eat More fish, 'Tile chief are that it is—good fond; appetizing; earn omlcel. At t!tls season of the year fish oan be procured In specially ilea con- dition, A FEW SUGGESTIONS Fresh Ilaibut Fresh Salmon Trnul Fittitiatt Fladdle Fresh Water Herring Fillets and `Cod Fish. CONSTIPATION AS A TRIFLE. IT IS NOT. Half t.be ills of life are caused by allowing the bowels to become con- etipated. When the bowels become constipated the stomach gets, out of order, the liver doe& not work properly, and then follows the giolent sielt and bilious headaches, each -nese of the etoriutch, bi'liousnees, hbertbiirn, water brash, or the painful, ir"ritatiing Internal'bleedrng or protruding lake, Keep your bo ecIs regular with Mil - burn's ' Laxa Ltrer Pills and you :aced niever be odeti{iated. t Met.' U Reaidtmedn, Vail, 11,0'„ wines:—; l; have "been troubled with sick headaches ►nd tonin tatioa most alb my life. 'Rave'iiot,noW beentroubled for a tong''tiina. ' I have great 'faith in fail.- babe's ail-burn's Lion -Levet Yriliesinte uemg thorn," 7 illu&i'a La$► Liver'• Pilin tote. 20c t a vtxl'at aft tealerei or snarled dieeetron l reol4p ettneriei5'byt l.he T.'Miiburtt't,;o, Eftnatd, 1Toronto.Ont, SCRANTON ' COAL —•0---- any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 155. Terms -Strictly Ceih-Picone 155. E. WARD RESIDENCE—HURON STREET SCRANTON COAL Now Is the time to enter your order with us ,tor your next winter's supply tf good coal, It will 'soon be the he- eirmintr of a new coat year, and in order 'n get the eoal when we want it, ;eve • 01IlSt an ticipal/ e our requirements in uivnitce, and thereby get our order sign :d up and acknowledged by the miners is. early as possible. flatter tite citcu 1 Stances the have en- deavored to do our best, and we. nes* courteonsiy Solicit your orders 'for 1020, so that we will be in Netter shape to worthily titerit ,your patronage. Try our Coke, Cannel or Wood at the old price. May we take this opportunity to an- nounce tinct if the American Excininge rate •continues to run as high as it hes been, we will bee -forced to raise our coal prices at: least ,50e per ton. Rcrtwniber to enter yoiul feiv order at the old ±fnni . i�1OR. �M IIST.AR, l_ , . A l0D ihlpxi ,trucffu+d. ` l'bowni for Clinton No, 74, Pinter for Orin:eftold 11 �18, vagnalI'[Vl{IiIgVI IUUUGUUIJenI[Aft"VllPJIiILIIlU1VVi iloll@1U16ImI01w1(iliVl,°nIIUmli IsuilamUWll'1ii -, '�-'�UlB,!'�1��1f9111@6011[liV'i l!1Pf!tit9llllll!!IIV)pal!llCllliilRl�l'ilPl�+'i;ll'IIIIrIIIIII�IIIN111116�101111IIII�IiIiCk11CJIIlGIII@IB!IIiIlN911WQ!(aIIIf�IIIG01!NINI61�6111IIIfillill(i1U911111111G time Panne' friday Nicht. .v . Days 'rho.' T'.sstluie 'i lob will hold their Hard Labor , daatp fu the t,. ittb rooms' 0i1 Friday nci e fight of this week, Qr - Dere of Sale Chanced, Owing to the Copp suction sale on Saturday afternoon the t:reamery butter milk sale has been postponed until the following Saturday,: March 611i at 3.30 p.m. See advt, on another page. Moving to Goderich. Next weep Mr, T: T. Murphy ;utd family mnv.e• to Goderich, where they will stake their hopte,., Mr. Murphy re: ceety sold his house here to Mr, Rog erson, of ilulieft Township, who gets possession shortly: The ninny friends of the Murphy family are sorry to sea them leave town. Memorial Committee Will Report, All citizens who are interested in the. Memorial question are hsked to meet at the Council Chamber on Friday even - Ing when the Memorial Committee, will' bring in their report, The meeting is 'called for at 8 o'clock, Get Ready for S1iring Showers. ..Another spring sign was stere On Fri - flay last when Jack McCosh was Calling on the citizens to enqune rf they had any old unbrellas to be repaired. This is another sure sign that the April showers are coming, Meeting Night Changed, Murphy L, 0, L. 710 have changed their meeting, night to the Second and Last Friday of every . month and they will meet next on Friday evening, Feb 27th. All brethren are requested to make note of the change, ,„_, Invited for Second Year. The Blenheim Quarterly Official Board of the Methodist church, have in- vited Rev, A, E, Jones, former pastor of Wesley church, here, to remain a second year. Mr. Jones accepted the invitation, . ,v. r.1 i+wz,-6",:•' -, „, _: Will Hold a Chautauqua Week. -"”" M. J, 'W. Spence, of Toronto, was here last week staking preparations far a Chautauqua week to be held here this acid -summer, and met with splendid sue cess among the business men in help- ing the Girl's Auxiliary, who will have charge of the 'weeks' entertainments. A Day at Camp. The Clinton troop of Boy Scouts tvi' have a display of scout work entitle' "A Day at Camp." will be given by th boys in the Town Hall Thursday, Marcl 4111 at 5 o'clock. The admission is pia ed at the sunt et 25 cents and the boy deserve a crowded house,' Former Clinton Girl Married.` The wedding took place quietly at Detroit on January 24th, of Miss Maid•t Armour, elder daughter of Mrs. Merger. et Armour to Mr. Arthur Grenville At- kinson; son of Dr. Atkinson, of Detroit. Immediately after the wedding the bride was taken ill of pleuro -pneumonia, and had it, very serious time,. but she is now pronounced out of danger. Many Clin- ton friends will extend hest wishes to the young couple. Vissochi's Florentine Musicians. The third concert in the Concert Course will be given next Tuesday even ing in the Town hall, when the Vis- sochi's Florentine Musicians, will go' a clever program. Plan opens at Fairs on Saturday of this week. The artists are Andrew Vissochi, piano accordionist Miss Olga Capuccto, violiniste, and Miss Roaantond Wright, Pianiste .find So- prano. • Vissochi, will be somewhat of a novelty in Clinton as h, will be one ofthe few artists that visits 'Clinton in playing the piano accordionist. A pleasant evening is looked forward to. Minor.Locala. Council meets on Monday evening, Quite number of hockey sports went to Seaforth on Tuesday night to see the game between • Wiartan and Seaforth, and more are going to -night (Thgrsdii'); to see Collingwood play. Wizen a man has,, dodged the "flu" and side-stepped the small -pose', he bumrs into his income tax returns, a,,i decries that their are other ways of, spending money besides paying doctor's bilis ilydro was off for fifteen minutes co Tuesday morning from 11.05 until 11.20, "IVST it minute, . your wor- ship," ,AN Officer in uniform • steps fol ward; and holds a 'Viet conversation with the Ilagis- trate iti't! other court officials,' THE story is simple and oft repeated. Just a lad— iii {'his case from N - Got in to fast company. Gambled, took motley from employers, hoped to win and pay it back, FOUND otit - arrested and jailed. OF course lie's sorry—but the Officer has sized him up. Believes he has' the stuff • to make a man, of. Knows that a jail sentence may only harden hint and starthini towards con- tinued eriuljnality. THE Officer in uniform was the Salvation Army Proba- tioner. 13y manly counsel, sup ervision and prayer lie enables the lad to regain control of himself and get another start, free fromthe stigma •of a prison sentence. IF someone you know makes a false step don't judge them harshly. "THERE is ' so much good fit ,'.you know. 308 Service' Posts in this Territory. Use teem. RIPLEY CARRIES HYDRO BY-LAW BY LARGE MAJORITY The village of Ripley voted on Friday on the by-law for borrowing the sunt of $1.5,o0o fo- Flyd,•;-Electric it,:.almeet and carried tee, by-law by a vote of 100 for an 4 against; majority for by-law 105. ' The London Life Has Most Successful Year. Profit Payment Exceed Estimates. Business Shows Rapid Ex- pansion. t _ d That life insurance is regarded by e the public itt the most favonible light 1 is clearly indicated by the reports of c all the insurance companies for last s I year. That Canadians nay feel proud t or the record made by, the life insur- ance institutions is fully justified by the way in which the very heavy bur- dens of the war and td c id nti e c have ( p been borne. No company, however, has probably made a mare• favorable impression in thls respect than the London Life n- surtnce Company, of London, Canticle It has not only heed able to meet the pressure of the extra losses 01 the last few years, but has been able to main. twin a very high scale of profit distribu. lions to policyholders, and more credit- able stilt, has paid and is paying in prn- lit distributions amounts _greatly in ex- cess of the estimates published when the present rates were first adopted in 900, 'rhe example published in an- other column will be a revelation to Ithose who have always supposed that life insurance estimates were invari- able higher than the actual results; Judged however from the viewpoint. of t9oo the estimates were undoubted- ly reasonable but on account of the greatly improved rate or interest earn. ed since then and other favorable con- ditions, aside from the car strait. the actual results the company is paying are quite as reasonable.- . in view of the care with which policy; holders' interests are concerned, it is not surprising to see the eenlarkahle growth Outwit in the volume of burin- ess transacted, The business 0 force in 1911 le two tied a half times the amount in force at the opening of the tear and more than live times the amount in force ten years ago. 'Ilse other features of the Company's busi- ness have shown similar progress, and. it is quite evident that this progress, ivenass, Conlbinedt as it is with 'such a solid financial position, oceans an ex- pansion of the Coinpany's usefulness in the future such as twill be most grafi- fyine to all leterested In its affairs, An up-to•date Fire Sleigh. Mr, Thomas Wiggingtint has turned nut au up -to -data fire sleigh for the local tire brigade. The bobs were bought sometime ago an Mr Wigginton made the lox. With this added to the present equipment, the the cotnpa'+y is in pretty good sitepe. What is negd ed now is a new fire alar systettt to dei away with the "roan-kttfing" pull of the rojte. W,ili ah -ail dity hydro posVe', the Fire Marshall of Ontario, has re- Gently isviecl a hookret containing a iydro fire Whistle will:Cll. would be Icearyl ill Over town not'c'h erreier than the'hdlt .at present, • Mr. Chail•ivan, of the Fire d'Vater Cotniuittee, albite, with (he' Chief, why not look info this mat - lid .report to Council? f,^r WINTER WEATHER' • HARD ON LETTLE ONES Our Catiadi to winters are exceed- ingly hard ort the ltciidth of little ones The weather is often so severe dolt the mother cannot take the little tete. out for an airing. `!'ltd consequence ie ueesbahy 15 eintfinert to oViSrh rated. badly vetri.ilaturd rooms; likes cold sod becomes cross anis pee ish Baby's, Own Tablets should be given to keep, the little* One healthy. They are a •Mild laxative which regulete the stomach anti bowels • and Plitt, ltaevent, cnida The 'rifles lire solei: i+V rni tri- eine dealers or by 'mail at 25 setas a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville One ..owe, is atit Iw never appeared before you in the light of a ? xd bD$ in • business •s a an�r,a solely for pleasure, claiming to sal less than cost, nor is it our oration ever to so appear. We are trying . to raahe au fair profit on every article we sell.' However we do not consider this in- consistent with giving you the fullest value for your money. We have what the average buyer wants in our line which is offered at perfectly proper prices. If your are not dealing with tis perchance we are both losers. The W. D. Fair o erten the chewiest–'Always'the Best CALL ANO SEE OUR LINES O•F Ranges Heaters . and Oil Stoves Electric Fixtures and Supplies We have on hand: Coal Oil; Separator Oil; and Motor Oil. Call or phone for prices on all kinds ©f roofing Repair work Promptly Done Electrician. The reeetel Plumber. Children's Happiest Hour is the e ti fine when mother plays for them on one of our pi;utos— the hest ntanul'aettired from any • viewpoint, . i'he action is perfect the torte, full, rich and resonant ---the finish beautiful, Before. you purchase• a piano we want you to 'see them, get our prices and terms of.seiltng. 1 also have a Gourley piano of the Louis de- sign toed; only a short trine and; like new to seil.at tt30o, 00, 'Ibis piano retails at 5000,00 today and is a chance worth getting after Write• or call for partieu- lars at otce. Heintzman and used. only two. (2) years, to•gn. Also a piano sold by t „340.(10. Jonathan Hugill 130X 229. OPPOSITE BANK OF COMMERCE. MUSIC STORE: SEAFORTH. ONT. THE'L'ET TE,R STYLES in MEN'S SHOES There's always a Best in Everything!. This holds true of Shoes as well as of anything else! Some Makers snake very poor shoes—others make fairly, good Shoes, while a few Makers make the hest of Shoes! . , , . From the output of these Best we've selected our stock. We want Yofx to See and Know about OUR' BETTER SHOES No matter what your vocation may be we can meet your Shoe requirements' in detail. There are choice Black Leathers end the new shades of t)ark Tan Leathers, in the conservative or the extreme styles. THE PRICE RANGE $5.00 to $15.00 Notwvithstanding the usiitrersdl increase in the cost of .shoes, this SHOE STORE still stands for the Best Man's Shoe at any Stated Price. et"-_... ta tg enseN ttXY'clu'I'` s'HOERS.