HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-26, Page 3Thursday, February 26th, 1920.. a9 040090b0.04194:100414141111011/1111041 tie sioa.. POtUL„ROTii 7/1\� _'err There ore good points In neara ly gill 'niakos of watches--, there aro few V :29 are e bA n d in every respect. In ti,L+GINA ;r WATGtiFIS you tvifl.flnd ewe bodied ALL the gond points a watch can !rive, Judged from., the sttattJpnf.srs of SOI.IDITv, DUl{Af31LJ.TY, lefeteA3uJrY. IsmliElIVAR JEWLER & OPTICIAN 'Issuer of Marriage Licenses 'hone No. 174w; Residence 174J' stDen.ssoCeee Zt33SaceSGeo6etaDetopet 0 II .sc .. The frost Is here. Watch your `;cattery as well as radiator, ' If you bring your battery to us for 'winter or recharge, yotf will get it back ..-;fully charged. We overhaul any snake of storage "battery. - STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE STATION. 'Car painting and Overhauling. 41. Ht ?Anal Garage Phone 80 t Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT.. DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS • FOR Friday & Saturday' 7 Ms Broken Sodas for $i 10 tins Pork and Beans for .41 5 tins Pilchards for • $1 4 tinsSalmon for .. , , .. , , , ,$1 4 lbs Prunes for $1 1 $1 s Dates for 4 lbs Figs for 5 fb s Mince Meat for 8 pkgs, Macaroni for 5 tins Corn for $1 5 tins Peas for $1 5 tins Tomatoes $1 5 lbs Cranberries for . , .. , , ,$1 THESE A A FEW SPECIALS ONLY, ALL OVER THE STORE WILL, BE ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR $1 DAY W.' T. 'NEIL THE Hub GROCER Phone 48 'RUIT-GROWERS Better Spray your Orchard this Year Spraying and Dusting never paid. larger dividends than now, The Niaraga Brand Spray Co„ of Burl- ington, Ont, offer you at reasonable prices. DUSTING 114ACf•IINES SPRAYING MACHINES DUSTING MATERIALS SPRAYING MATERIALS MACHINES AND SPRAYS FOR EVERY PURPOSE .rior information on any of the above Write or Phone. George Sloan AGENT BLYTH, ONT. MARKET REPORTS 'Butter 49 to 50 Eggs • '60 Dogs $17,01) "Wheat , ...... , , , $1,95 to $1,98 pats 85c to $7c `Barley 40c to 45e ' F3thekiviteet $1.15 to $1.20 Tray $19,00 to $20.410 'Bran , $45 ton `5uttor't5 . , ...... , , . $S5, to 356 Millfeed ,,.,.,,,, .. .1150, rl7ofata' 2 ... .,... ,. $ 0 bag A loaf of bre&d (laver rises to ex- lain, 'INFILENZA' + . From the journal of the American ifiledical Association Presunsably, the recent recrudes- cence of iullueara in several of our ,larger, allies, ' including Chicago, Baltimore and New York, has had some - Oleg to do with the Congressioeal'ac-• tion'appropr9athsg a 11al'f mililan dollars td control iuftuenza The devastation caused by the great epidemic of a year ago, while still fresh In the minds of many, wits, nevertheless, already be- etle -dog to be forgotten especially by those whose homes were untonoiled by the disease.. l'orfinetely,`there is rea- son to believe that the present prevail - lug sickness in most instance; does Sot �. , approach either iu'extent .or in vh'ul, ente the violent Infections of Inst year's epidemic, The- percentage of deaths is considerably lower and the nuhsberol persons affected probably far below the number affected at that time. Further,' the distinction between the serious condition :occurring tiering .I the Inst ,epidemic and milder infection, such as common colds, grip, tonsilltis, sinusitis, rhinitis and coryza, -is not absolutely clear. During an • epidemic it is too easy and convenient to refer to all such eonditiens as that which the epidemic concerns. As has 1?een'repeatedly stat-' ed, local flare-ups of such sequelae were CO111111on following previous epi - PHS' CI41NTAN 14 densis, Many physl:Mins have wellies regarding preventive and the rapeutle measures, evidently under the liepres- slon that some scientific methods "say' have been 'worked out. it is doubtful Whether they will be discovered In time to demonstrate their virtges- in conn nection with the present conditions, This is especially true when we conaid• er, that the bacteriology of .these in. fecilons varies In different parts of the country 'and that different persons re- act In different ways lo different bar - (ergs' Health authorities, physicians ns and the public should not, therefore, "}sew With r u " the present. mor- bidity. bidity Perh aps. when the excitement of the hour has passed and the statisti.s are collated, they will reveal that the death rate frons pneumonia of this year is not "such greater than it was in win+ ter; previous to the great epidemic, in the presence of illness the physician an4 patient will do well to rely On the ordinary preventive measures again';t acute infections, on good hygienic care and time -tried symptomatic treatunent. Particularly important is early 'rest in bed, moreover, the patient should re. main in bed until well after the sym- ptoms ymptotms have disappeared and the tens• perature returned to!ternsai, ./3ck' i Cotton acct crl,apD85Y;,,t",,, wad a Good Crowd. • ' Aenre,relfallere('n,1afti, The Kittle Band ,had a big crowd at ` o ran-ic,ne fiw1 is tNa,a de• j 1 green ofatm4,gth---.a'o. 1, si; the Arena op Thursday night -last to at- ses2 t c , sti=e'r7k. B,e N, u n s box . ' bJr a "�s�. ,rsr�t tend their skating -party. An enJoyah:e "$ n "VP' t r" , evening was spent by all, The Band ea, - e t i A ;k5. • c> P1:17.;:"6417'2.1 v ra r I ows ,l will hold ,another one nest 'Thursday: r eob,..advi,l.nn another page. Summary of the Ontario Motor. Law Every motor vehicle shall be equipp- ed with noise muffler, and no contri- vance for releasing such a muffler shall be so attached to a motor vehicle that it may be operated from the seat. Every motor vehicle used for com- merical purposes shall be equipped with a mirror placed in such a position as t:s afford the driver a clear view of the roadway in the rear or of any vehicle appoaehing from the rear, When on a highway after dusk or be- fore dawn every motor vehicle shall carry•three lighted tamps in a conspic- uous position, one on each side in front and one on the back of the vehicle, ex- cept in the case of a motor -cycle with- out a side -car, which shall carry one lamp in front and one on the back, Any lamp so used shall be visible clearly for a distance of et least 200 feet., A motor bicycle while being driven on a highway shall have exposed on the front and back a marker furnished by the minister of public works and high- ways, showing in plain figures, not leas then two inches in height, the number of the permit of such motor bicycle. The marker in front shall show the number of the permit on both sides and shall, be fixed so as to be visible from both sides of the bicycle. Every motor vehicle ether than a motor -cycle when driven on a high- way shall have on the back and front a marker furnished by the minister of public works and highways sltow•ing i plain figures not less than four inches in height the number of the permit is- sued for the current year. lrhis marker on the front sisall be as far forwerd and as high frons the ground as may be nec- essary to render it distinctly visible, and the marker at the back shall be placed so that the lower edge shall not be lower titan the body of the vehicle. This does not apply to motor trucks or other motor vehicles used for the de- livery of goods, Every such motor vehicle shall Carry a lamp so placed as to illuminate con- spicuously at all tithes between dusk and dawn the number placed on the back of the vehicle, Every marker furnished by the min- ister of public works and highways under this act shall remain the property of the crown and shall be returned to the depaiitnsenst of 'publiee ls}lghways whenever required by the department. The penalty for failing to do so shall be fine not exceeding ten dollars. . 1919 A RECORD YEAR ,FOR THE London Life Insurance Co. Head Office ,--5 London, Canada INSURANCE ISSUED --. $24,818,776 (A Gain of $8,385,195) INSURANCE IN FORCE —. $76,381,638 (A Gain of $16,577,208) PROFIT SCALE MAIN'T'AINED PROFITS EXCEED ESTIMATED BY 70% Surplus on basis Dominion Government Standard, $1,155,898--A • ' • • • • . , . , , Gain of $229,293 for the year ..NOTABLE FEATURES SAFE INVESTMENTS -No losses on investments during' the year, Overdue interest at end of year considerably less than at the end of the previous year, No speculative securities of any nature held. PROFIT SCALE MAINTAINED ---The Company's unexcelled fin- ancial position makes possible the continuance of the present liberal scale of profits, as illustrated in the following example: ESTIMATED AND ACTIJAL RESULTS Age 25. 20 -Payment Life $10,000, Premium $300.00 Policy Profits Original Estimate Actual % Actual" issued Payable of Profits Profits acs in ,year. .End of for 5 years Payable " Estimated 1915 Stir year $172.50 $317.20 183.9% 1910 10th " 270.00 464.30 172.0% 1905 15th " - 39'7.00 634.00 159,7% 1900 20th" . 510,00 818.90 160.4% !PROGRESS—Tile remarkable growth of the Company's business in recent years is shown in the following statement:--- STATEMENT SHOWING COMPANY'S PROGRESS BUM tleSS Year Income Assets New Business In force 1899 $ 268,140 $ 875,422 $1,712,922 $ 5,778,622 1964 . 429,826 1.643,183 2,980,150 8,200,297 1909 754,305 2,927,053 4,812,652 14,189,613 1914 1,464,819 5,294,262 9,619,219 30849 326 1919 3,452,593 I0,81.0,543 24,818,776 76,381,638 Snot a Record Inspires Confidence --It h Worth Investigating Have y,ou heard of our Policies—"Endowments Rates?" c 8ndolvnlents at Life Ratie&? Full information gladly supplied from either the a Head Office or an of the Company's agelacles, y Policies "Good as gold." GEORGE ROBE"TON, General Agent ' W 1 RA. To ALL } � thinks of Win every day, 1t is time for 5 tx.'h1vlrSI 's tri 131111 10 say somdlltleg or give the other ® ARE pp ®®® RR11 feliew a ehtu1Ge, tl I ' 9a ILI Oernsioually a man earns 11 Being �� o wikhoi�t getting it, pal more often he menages to get it living willette earn. 111g 11, This Woman Recommends Lydia, E' . aPinkhgrni''v Vege. table Compound—Her Personal Experience, M'eLean, N411. -"I want Co moms mend Lydia id. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound to all women who suffer from any functional disturbance, an it bee done mo snore ood than all the Pal medicine. Since takingit I haws a flue ealthy baby girl and Have gained in health and strength. My hus- band and T both '." rat : .. . p, se your 'med- acme to all sufferin women "• Mrs Jolter I oa'l?8 gAIlN, R. No. 1, McLean Nebraska. This famous root and herb remedy, Lpound, haspink been restoringtwoni nle o of America to health for more than forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers from displacements, in- flammation, ulceration,, irregularities, Lacicache, headaches, nervousness or "the blues'', to give this successful remedy a trial. Por special suggestions in regard to your ailment write Lydia 31. Pinkham Medlcino Co., Lynn,' Mass. The result of its long experience is at your service, lid UNDETIDRAINAGE PAYS Proven Methods of Draining Lew Land, Swamps .and Springs. 3lutunl Respect and Confidence Are `tit e lie ' Ittea { n , s c f Successful Co. opet'nflmi — flow These May lis Developed In Atte Community. (Contributed by rata rio Oepa rtrnont of . Aarlculturo, Toronto./ N grnesal the conditions matting strains 1s eessary are those where the gravitational or (rte gayer is either on the surface of the lend Or so close to the titu'fate as to interfere with site proper growth of pleat roots. The instances where the ss -titer is lying on the land, Such as ill fond holes, sloughs, pockets, %wncips, etre, are very common in Ontario, end it is usually an easy matter for Mese conditions to he ronterlie4, they may be remedied either by me:ins of open ditches or a system of tile drains. Where there is a large area of low- lying land which is uniformly wet, stint c.s n -e have in the southwestern counties, namely, Kent, Essex and :4, 1 t l n, tile drains augmented be 01 n ditches are used, and sonte- 1.enes when the wet land is the same or possibly lower than the inks level dikes are constructed and pumps in- stalled to remove the water, Other hnstapees where low-lying and fiat lane's rrgnire' drainage are those which are occasionally flooded either during the spring freshets or during ,heavy rains. If no means has been provided for this water to be remov ed cuiel..3' the melee growing ou,thirs land will be killed out. and thus cause duanclal lode to the land 'ewitars, In the case of underground springs we have a condition where the int - Pervious layer of the subsoil Inas mused the underground water to be blocked and held to;such an extent that. it eventually comes to the sur - facie. Theserestbe prevented by hav- ing a tile drain put ..in a short dis- tance above the springs so that the water ntay he cut off and conveyed to,a proper outlet. Another instance is that where Irrigation is being carried on. In eometof the .irrigation districts the water is fairly saturated with alkali salts. When this water is used for Irrigation it is spread over the land and eventually le evaporated from the surface of the soil or from the leaves of plants and trees by the sun, the alkali being left on the surface, This alkali accumulates net tit it becomes so strong as to prevent the growth of plants or trees. To remove thls alkali it is necee• easy to install a system of under. drains, then thoroughly flood the soil -which Is saturated with alkali, thus dissolving the alkali and allowing the .water to pass oft through the drains, thereby removing the alkali, Atter this has been removed It will be necessary to use a greater amount DC water for irrigation of this soil.. and after each irrigation as soon as. the water has been evaporated 10 such an extent that the remaining water le almost 'saturated with alkali the free water reutalning fn the soil and Containing this saturated sots - lion of alkali must be allowed to run off through Use drains. • Across many Ontario farms we see small creeks bowing at least part oY the season, In Host instances where this 0ecn.rs '1ltg drain can ,be praeed parallel to this creak, and except due. Ing i:he spring freshets or after very heavy rains S,tse water will flow through this drain, thereby obviating the use of the creek. When this dt'ain is installed the emelt banks could be levelled, and instead of be- ing a creek with ragged banks and weeds and small trees growing along side, could be converted into a scoop ditch. This ditch could be of such a •nature as to allow farm machinery to cross back and forth, and would take care of the occasional heaty flows of water., In all' conditions where the ground water comes within two and a halt feet of the surface of t:h'e soli It is necessary for this to be removed 51 some planner so that plants nay nava proper root growth,—W. R, Scott, B.B.A., 0, -A. College, Guelph, W.,OO'S PHOSPHOD1NE. The (heal English Prepdrattgt,. "Ones and invigorates the wftole nervous system, makes new 81ood, ,a old Vons, Used for Ncrodas Td,itftySfentaland,BriInlVorryr, besponde,,ey; Coss of Every pa! Satron a Ilse Wad, Failing Memor ; Price31 per box,six for $5. Sold by .511 druggsin, or maile,,dj.11, lain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphfea inalkd ffee,THE WOOD MtDiCINE CO. TONOHi0,0NT. Whets a girt felts a young fls4) she SATING PARTY The Clinton Katie Band will hold a Sk atzalg Party at Arena 4'3111,. Thursday, March 4th Lunch will be sold and there will be plenty of music gh en Admission 25c Auction Sale OF BUTTERMILK FOR FEEDING PURPOSES. Saturday, March 6th, at the Clinton Creamery at 3.30 p.m. Mr. George Elliott has instructions to sell by auction our entire production of Buttermilk for the coming season, in six separate lots, being the make for each of the six days of the week throughout the season, Clinton Creamery Ltd. Auction Sate. (1f farm stock, implements and furn- iture, The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auetiohn on Wednesday, March 3rd, at 1,30 o'clock at the residence, Clinton; on file Lon- don Road, South of Elevator, the follow- ing articles:—t horse 9 years old; 1 cow to calve in April; 1 heifer calf t t months old: 8 pigs, 4 months old; 1 waggon; 1 light waggon; 1 light demo- crat; 1 set light sleighs; 1 feed stove; 1 5,00trll scales; 1 set 2 -section harrows 1 plow; 1 set double harness; 1 sat single harness; t fanning mill; a lot of garden tools; 1 steel range; 4 -burner coal oil stove; kitchen cabinet; side- board; daisy churn; dressers ad wash- stand; 2 beds; 3 spring;.; 3 mattresses; about 100 onion crates; 3 cords of hard wood; other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve as Proprietor is leaving the place. Terme-9 months credit on approved joint notes; or 4% Off straight for cash. Alt sums of $10 nr under cash. Wood is cash. Jos, Becker, prep., Geo. Elliott, auc. Unreserved Auction Sale of Farm Stock There will be sold by public auction at the farm of the undersigned, Lot, 20, Con, 16, Goderich Tp„ 3 >''i 'Hiles north west of Clinton, on Thursday, March 4, at t o'clock sharp. Horses—Matched black team, filly and gelding rising 4 years old, sired by Index; hay gelding rising 3 years old sired by B5lmerino, well broken. Cows—cow 5 years old due to calve about time of sale; cow 5 years old due to calve April 15; cow ris- ing 7 due to calve 1st week is April; cow rising 5 years due to catve in April; cow rising 5 years due to calve latter part isf March; cow rising 8 due to calve April 13; cow 4 years old due to calve about thee of tale; cow rising 5 years old, part Jersey,'due,.to calve in April, would make an excellent town coir;' cow due to calve in March, a splen did [Heifer rising 3, years due to calve 1st week in April; heifer rising 2 years in calf; Young Cattle --steer and heifer rising 2 years; 4 heifers one year old last fall; 3 steers rising 1 year old; 2 heifers rising one year old, Pigs -1 sow carrying 2nd litter clue to profit in April; one extra good sow .due to profit March 15; 6 good chunks. TERMS -8 months credit will be given on furnish- ing approved joint notes, 4 % straight off for cash. Thos, Gundry, Auctioneer Albert Townshend, Prop,. Auction Sale Of fiu•nl stock and 'implements, By instrucli<on of the Administrators of the Estate of David A. Forrester, deceased, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Wednesday, Marcia 10th, ,it lot 2z, Huron Road, adjoining the town of Clinton, at 1 o'clock sharp, the foi- towingt—Horsos—i mare 8 years; 1 mare nine years not in foal; i aged horse, a good worker; f' aged' general purpose horse; 1 driving or saddle pony 1 roadster mare colt, rising 2 years sire "Tomer Bars". Cattle — 2 cows, " years old not in calf; -6 steers rising 2 years; 5 heifers rising 2 years, not Jn calf; 1 heifer, 2 years, in calf, due a. bout April 1; 9 spring calves, All cat- tle its good conckition. Machinery— t Massey Harris 7 -ft, binder; 1 Deering mower; 1 side delivery rake; 1 Massey Harris flay loader; 1 hay tedder; 1 corn binder; 1 14 -hoe drill; 1 stiff tooth cul- tivator; 1 outward cut disc; 1 inward but disc;; 2 sets of 3 -section drag lhar- rows;t, 2,row scufilhr• 1 single scattier; t steel roller; I bean hsarvester; 1 whet - to plantar;. 1, 2 -row potato sprayer; 1 Oliver 2 -furrow gang plow; 2 walking plows; 2 sugar beet plows; 1 fanning "sill; 1, 20001b scales; t, 10001t) Scales 1 grass seeder; 2 ivaggous; 1.hay rack' 1 gravel box; 1 open buggy; 1 cutter; 1 bag truck; 2 scythes; 1 cross -cat saw; 1, 2511, extension ladder; 2 sets double harness; 1 set stogie itarhsess; 2 sets double -trees; 4 sugar beet forks. Grain—About 50,0 bus. 01 good oats; 'about 150 bus, of barley. Other, as• tides too numerous to mention: Terms -,All sums of $10 and ander Cash; over that amttunt 6 month's' credit cls furnish ed approved john notes, dr a disettunt of 4% off for cash, Grate to IJc wash.. P, G, Forrester .wad D. C. Forfeiter, Ad- miltJSttalorsl Tiros, Granary, Att'ctlohc4r, PAGE .0 utacraatYalrst�mwat -.. attta BUY TM 'RM NOW PI L Gs RR M R.ULSIJRR BOO T,.S9 at $5.04 All Lines of Robber Footwear have advanced at the factory end "PILGRIM" Rubber Boots will be at least ,$6.00 for Sp1'ist},r. "PILGRIM" Boots have been tested and found to be one of t best Rollin? Boots on the Market. We were fortunate enough to have about -50 pairs of these boots which were bougies at the old price and which we are now going to puss ors to our custorreers at theold price off 5. Q0. long. •f3 Buy now and save a dollar of more. They won't last t tnacsm,.�ca�rs��,prcv,+�..;visuAc..,^�rrt�v:arnwu.;vncxr;�n:��ce�t,,w,w.nnnrcn:.a Small f.*rell15 P'ironts ".^r.: escensesesseseseszcsiteirsementesselessieeienesiaresseeseireteeareeremeesseateimetesemesesseesees M= 44 vex e More haste 'ix Auction Sale. 1 House For Sale Of good Farm Stock and ,mplennent ! Having disposed of my farm to the als ars. tllerners' for Flax swill purposes have instructed Mr, Thomas Gundy to sell by public auction at my bar lust South of the Railway G, Ts R. o Saturday, February, 213t1,, 1920, at 1 ri clock the following,—Horses-s-1 aged stallion, pacer, by "Texas Jack" dans by "'Allan Wilkes"son r of "Jav Ja Bird` never trained, but shows considerable speed; 1 stallion, trotter, by "Teddy Direct" dans by "Allen Wilkes" a gond prospect for any one wanting a trotter; 1 aged Welding, a good farm chunk, sound and a -',od worker; 1, 9 -year old mare, heavy in foal, a good worker 'int u fair roader; 1 roadster filly, 3 years old, off a good sized young mare, Cattle -1 cow due Feb. 2151; 1 cow due J'eb, 30111; 1 caw due, March 2nd; 1 cow dug March 10th; 1 cow due March 3011;; 1 cow due June 2151; 1 cow due July Sth; cow bred Dec. 47; - cow bred Jan. 10th; 1 cow bred Jan, 25111; 1 heifer calf by Rozell's Garnsey bull; 1 farrow cow, 3 years old. Stock is all in good order. Machinery -1 Mas- sey-flarris binder, 6 ft. cut, in good working order; 1, 11 -disc drill, McCor. "sick; 1 set disc harrows; 1 set diamond harrows; 1 walking plow; 1 gang plow, 1 heavy land roller; i scuftler; 1 fanning mill (Clinton "sake); 1 mower; 1 lum- ber wagon; 1 set bob-sleighs;t light wagon, 3 -springs; 1 top buggy; i open buggy; 1 set double harness; 1 set single harness; 1 man's saddle; 1 stove boat; 1 bag truck etc, Other articles too numerous to mention, Terms -9 months` credit onapproved joint ;totes; or 4% ori" straight for cash, All stuns of 310 or under Gash, Jas, Copp, prop, T11oa, Gundry, Atte, Mortgage Sale, A frame house story and a half high, ;_ 8 rooms, Se acre ,,f land with good well . 1 and cistern, barn and hen house. For ', further pcirtieulars apply 0,; " John n Shanahan Phone 1.-6.37, 1lullett. R. R, No.i Clinten • Under and by virtue of 'the powers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction by George Elliott, auctioneer, at the premises on Saturday, 6th day of March, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon the following property: Lot number 311 on James street in the town of Clinton in the County of Huron, On the property there 5 a comfort- able frame residence, and outbuildings; the location is a desirable one. For terms and conditions of sale ap- ply to W. Brydone, Clinton, Solicitor for the Vendor. Dated et Clinton this 12th dey of February, 1920, Sewing Machines 4 sell al( kinds of sewing machines, both new and second-hand: also re- pair and keep repairs for all kinds of machinles, Satisfaction. guaranteed. Calf for .anything you want along this, line, at my home, one door west of the Royal Bank.—A. Hooper. e A Piano Bargain. , A Bell piano upright rose wood case 7,1-3 octave, A sweet tone and worth 3250, Will sell at $165 for quick sale out of town prospects. Write for par- ticulars to Bell Sales Rooms, Seaforth Ont. Jonathan E. Hugill, Manager, P. 0. Box. 229. Custom Chopping Having purchased a tractor i ads prepared to do custom grinding and chopping every day r` in t(te week. Will give satisfaction, Work done in any own barns. F. W. Andrews, Clinton Wanted • 'thirty cords of 111 inch hardwood wanted for the Presbyterian church.. Tenders will be accepted for a Melted time. Apply to Win, A. Grant, Farm For Sale. The Exeetttort of the Estate of Jos- eph Izaard, deceased, offer for sale 120 acres in the Township of Goderich eons - prising Lot 37, Concession 14, and the the North half of Lot 37'Concessiotl 13. This is a well improved farm, has good house, barns, outbuildings and silo, is well fenced, has gook water facilities, is in a good slate of cultivation and Inas 10 acres of hardwood and f5 acres of cedar ciethtainiag much valuable, timber. The farm is located on a good gravel road 3 miles freuu Gunton. • Apply to M. fifl k R k. to,.2, ORO, Ott and Albert is d, •74 - pour, Ave„ Montreal; *ora, or to W. Bsg%done, For Sale. A lovely drop head sewing machines been used only a few months for sale '+ cheap a guarantee with it. Calf at Jonathan E. Hugill'a Music Store, sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth Ont, k OR SALE ' Bay Driving I1"rse, 3 years old, lune 1 general purpose horse 3 years old, and will be sold cheap. - Call at Store, J. E. Hugill, Sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth Ont. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices. W. BRYDONE, Victor Feed, We have a quantity of Victor Feed for Hogs and'Cattle, which will take the place of Shorts as it is impossible for us to secure Shorts this season. Try some of this feed and we feel sure you wilt like it, Also in our stock is a quantity of Feed Flour, and Alixed Chop. .45 these two lines are good value at the present , time we would advise an early purchase Having procured fhe agency for the Swift Canadian Co.we are prepared offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage also all brands of thit,Cotnpany's 1' Miters. Regarding Spring Seeds our Stock incudes the following: Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover. Alfalfa. Timothy, asla Timothy and Atsike milt- ed, There are a few barrels of the Pure;, Cane Molasses left yet, W:Jenkins icC8On FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131. a eV' DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE BETWEEN MONTREAL, TORONTO DETROIT • AND CHICA Unexcelled Dining Car Sere' ie Sleeping cars on night trains anis Parlor Cara oe special day trains. Full -Information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, 1'roonto, • John Ransforrl & Son, city passe., ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. 0. Pattison, station agent; Faintiog, Dim Spas Weakness said Shortness of Breath. Those feelings of faintness, flute dizzy spells and "all gone" sinking sensations which come on from time to time in. dioate a weakened condition of the heart and disordered state of the nerves,' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pilis have no equal for strengthening the heart and invigorating the nerves. Mrs. C. A. S. Drake, Paris, Ont„ Vrritesi-.--''I have used on towards the second box' of Milburn's heart and' Nerve Pills and -find they have done me good. 1 had those fainting, Any spells once its a while, and also weakness and shortness of breath, and would be. emu so choked up at times 1 could hardly sleek without sitting tip it. bed. Wisest ' aikusg too fest 1 would have to OAP studs try tit catch my breath, 1 feel i let better since I have toed your pit rf tial knots' that they have helped ma savAdadteL its '1 karst sidproved vett+ y bac 5. ilex, at Aaifdealers atthree, et^. 'ereipt of p'rice by 'This tsar Co., 14itauted, Toronto, Oats