HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-26, Page 1stabliS ed, : 1865, Val. NO, 35 + INTO II, ONTARIf, THURSDAY FEBRUARY, 26th, 1920. W. H. I4e x & Son, Edi Orli gad Publishes, area ua ,uwysc,s,,, 1v as ssaa,r "4","2 ar 6"'"'". m mrrruse, ."4a"nu w,p sbs Y u'sMWV\i10'!na/'N•yVaiV'VVMV7/ 6�40Y' ''!V 'v0d",'!�'V < t ' 7�5iT3 t al hoard Meeting 'xaekelrsr>rtl th Twp. is SLAIVIS, BANGS AND ADVICE TO THE DRURY GOVT. FIGHT THE FLU Wetare welt prepared to help you fight the "Flu", Below find some of our very useful preparations: Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tablets Pareforinic Throat Lozinges Medicated Throat Mee Fornholid'Throat .Easo ` Listerine Germicidal Soap, also Einnlalon and Tasteless Cod Liver Oil OUT TIIOM AT 'THE BEST QUALITY 'DRUG STORE . S. , 110 [-1 i! 1i THE REXALL STORE !m'+ WV vt"ovvYVvyvvvvVvvwvVYVVWV THE MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED IN1865 CAPITAI. AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Overt 20 Branches SAVING BUILDS CHARACTER,—Start to Save Systematio saving strengthens eliaraeter by inducing self-denial and cheating independence. The easiest method of saving is by depositing a certain portion of your earnings regularly in MOLSONS BANK. With the addition of interest at current rates a substantial sum 'is soon acquired. Small accounts receive the same attention as larger ones— efficient courteous service to all. H. R.'Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 21-19 t• T1 e Royal Baqk OF CANADA Incorporated 1369. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital .and Reserve $33,750,000 Total Assets $505,000,000 630 Branches Special attention to Farmers' requirements. 111- terest paid on deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. R. E. MANN 1 N G , Manager : Clinton Branch 4.1441...31131:110.3=1.441. 4112. A Snap in Overcoats for Saturday 30 Young, Men's Overcoats, .:up to Worthstyles �� ►•r orth $366 j to clear at $25 q Il on Fr day, March $tl O 0 0 0 The Hospital Beard will pre- () sent its report for the past year O at a meeting In the Council O Chamber on Friday, March Sti • O at 3,30 o'clock. Alt the wo-: O men who, Individually or ,as O members of the various societ- O lies in the Townships and Town O have so helpfully furthered the O work of the Board_ are re - O quested not to fail to be pre-. O sent at thls ameeting, . The sup. O port of all the Women's Socie- O ties is needed for the contin- O tuition of Lite Hospital and, as O the reports will show, those O who helped last year, have as - O conhpllshed so great a success. O that the community cannot O now be deprived of it's institu- O tion without irreparable loss. O 't is hoped therefore that O every woman who desires to O see the hospital carry on will Aier Hydro Power O Tuciceraniith Township, Held a Meeting at Seafoitl o1iSnhurdaY to Look O into rho Question, O. O Oe Saturdity afternoon a meeting of O the ratepayers /of the 'Township of O '1'uckerstnith rues in the Carnegie Lib - 0` rary Hall, Seaforth, for the purpose O df discussing Hydro power with a vlew O of having Hydro installed in the town - O ship. There were ;about fortyratepay. 0 ere present at' the heeling, O it was decided that ti petition should O be presented to the ratepayers of the O township for their signatures. For this O .purpose the township 'was°•divided into O fifteen divisions. and two canvassers O were appointed for each of the divis- 0' ions who will call upon every one for O their approval of the scheme, When 0' the canvassing is completed the peti- tions will he presented to the townSlhip O` council who will take the matter bp O with the Hydro Commission who Will O shake a survey of the township. O be at the, meeting.' O 0000000000000000 Buys Farm. We unerstaud that Mr, 'Juo. rnith of Goderich Township, has purchased the farm of Mr. J. T. Lindsay, on the Base Line, BOY SCOUTS CLINTON TROOP A display of Scout work entitled "A Day at Camp" will be given by the boys in the TOWN HALL on Thursday, March 4th at 8 p.m. '-0— Admission . . 25c MICltI� E SAYS ,.........•..>..- YISStRt A'BUS)NEss MAN MAN SIN N£ CONI. BELIEVE IN ADVER't1S1143" OUT NE AiWAVS • GIBS UKEA't!V WHEN Nl$'' coMOETtTOR ma.is tio114`" rt"., IF YOU'RE' .FUSSY WW1" `tt) U q PRINIT14Crl wAgt; WE I . The following committee were ap- pointed to look after the business:— T. G. Shillinglaw, Wm, Black, Andrew Bell, Mr, Watson, Secretary, and Mr G. W. Layton, Chairman. The residents of this progressive Township are strongly in favor of this Move forward. The chit'f difliculty at present lies in the fact that 110 definite facts or estimate can be given as to the cost of installation. As yet, no rural districts have had the hydro installed. since the begining of the war, although several•ln the southern part of the pro- vince had previously, and the prices of all the Material needed have gone up coi/siderahiy since that time If the llydrn.tvas not installed in the whole township it could be put in an any part where there might be enough subscribers to justify doing so. Both Goderich and Stanley town- ships are moving in the hope of secur- ing the great convenience of having the Hydro extended to the farms and 00 doubt this 'Is in the right direction and will do more than any other thing 1n' slake life what God meant it to be, the best life and the most independent in the world, Clinton Boy Chosen for Varsity Debate Rev. Robt..1. Irwin will Help Represent Toronto tJniversity against Queens From Monday'sissue of the Varsity, the undergraduate newspaper of the university Of Tarnntnt—The debate between Oueen's and Varsity at King•' start on Thursday evening sharks the re• vival of the Interuniversity Debating League, The resolution is " that a form of 'compulsory military training along the ,foes of the Swiss system is pre- ferable for Canada to the continuance • id a voluntary tnilitary system." The IL of T. represented by Messrs. F. G. Lightbourn (U.C. 20 and Wycliffe) and R. J. irwin (Vic. '20) is upholding the affirmative, and Queen's the negative. The University of Toronto debaters were chosen by the Literary Committee of the Students' Administrative Council after careful deliberation. Their ex- )nerience and pass success give assur- ance that 1bey'wHl'ably uphold the tra- dition 'established by debaters of this llnnversity in the past. They have been hard at work for a fortnight and both are very optimistic. It is expected that many friends who are going to .Kingston Inc the hockey match 0n Friday will go down a dao earlier and support 111. Blue and Wht e In this denartinent of she Universities Activities.'' "Bob" Irwin, is well known by malty in the town, being a son of Mr, J. A, irwin. We are always glad to see Clinton "old boys" pushing to the tort as he is tout;*. Mr, 1rw,in 15 in his final Teal•• al Vivtoria College Inc the Methodist ministry. Council Meets Monday.. The regular tiieetinggof^Council will be held on Monday. evening. Some 1171_. portsnit nlatler2 will be brought up. Hymeneal,' A very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the Methodist parsonage, WinhaIha, Saturday evening, February 41 h, at 0 o'clock, when Miss Lulu May, ' 8(311111 daughter of Edwflld1C, and Mrs, Dianf0Yd. Brussels, was united in mar, W6 protect Yourfloorfurni- i , toI1Milton Lake f orris town 7rnl,e ,0 M tore eft., 'B$ plentyof drop W �lPapers, I';zoOd>4ngslr ' SXhygl.3, IatO,, Make your Selection Tare early before the. Sizes are broken. iveRnwatioliowsloiaiiiii4;•11.70; :sow. s t ""i1/larl' fdllrtlp'I "AI.13t1 r" f-The.-Novv. Era Job -WOO( Ili. Mid ?hone HO EWtitgate5 Givcn Interior and Exterior Decorating .H Itl1_ic..•treet 13. A,, , ship, Rev. L, P' Armstrong, oflr- ebdifIg. The bride, Win': was Imatl'end- e 1 8 f to u Serge r• d � it blue ., wore 1 :,t a 1 v i cd. vee 1 q 4 Y with corsage g e o oat of sweetheart roses t,Aftcr the .wedding dinner the happy couple left ,for their bottle Oil the ;groom's fine farm, 3rd line Morris'towlh ship. That their toys ma4y be many and their troubles lcw is the wish of man1' old Bleeds of the contreeting yatties »�• The bride ts, a,n(ede of Mr, ,Varney '1)1(111 ..,rr," la d Cf town, • When W• l:, Raney attempts to take the sett( for East Wallington; do not be surprised 11 one Bartley De+wart at. tempts to pull the frhir,from beneath hint, Mr, Drury states that Ills Government has devised method of abolishing the patronage evil in Optario for all time to conte. If so, the farmers possess among their number some deep think- ers, because no other class seems yet to have found 0 complete solution for n most difficult problem, Premier Drury doesn't care much who leads the Opposition so long as he doesn't. ---0— lion. W. E. Raney, having been seated there should be a vacant strap for some body. ----0 Having been treated so kindly in For- goes, Hon. Mr, Raney almost feels like a native of that town, 811d may double his contribution to the t:oliection plate Next Sunday. —O Resignation of .professors at Guelph Agicultural indicates that even the Drury Government has so far failed to discover how to keep the boys on the farm. , Ontario Farmers w111 open Parliament with the usual dress parade, all of which shows that after all U, F. 0. statesmen ole only married men. --0--- F, O. may coon get the credit for Putting the t) in 0, Canada', tife7e91®tiat49Go6*•,o,<35RDanm a q • WITH TR8v CHURCHES ei • 81 Ontario .Cl-Sa'Iet Church The League was in charge of Mr. 0, Potter on Monday night. Rev, Mr. Mc- Kegney gave a very interesting account of his experiences in the Great War. St, Paul's Church Matins It. Bible Class and S. S, at 2.30 p.m.; Evensong 7. Lenten Service in School moot at 7,30 on Wednesday. Baptist Church Services as usual next Sunday at t1 11.111, and 7 p.m. The special song sheets will be used for a few more Sunday evenings: Willis Church The Bible Class will bald their an- nual sleigluride on Friday evening, Feb. 27th. The sleighs will leave the church at 13o and go to Mr, iid Farquhar's home. Our Forward Movement canvas has been completed,• The grand total of $3,856 has been subscribed. This is 8400 over the objective. The Minister's subjects next. Sunday wilt be: Morning: "Who Will Go"; , Evening --"Reasonable Requests," The inorhtincr discourse is in response 10 the following from The Presbyterial): "Sunday, Peh. 29th, .is the Universal Day of Prayer for Students. It is also the day when ministers' and cnnerewu- . Hoes are requested to discuss: the op-, gortunitles and the call for y'sun•• pen- 1 nle and 'students to devote their lives to service for Christ and hulinanity. The Beed is argent both in Canada and a- broad. Young sten and women of de- votion. enthusiasm and ability are re- paired in large nnnubers. in ,nor Forman tied the call ie. (olid and insistent for more missirunries 153 becople 1aiders of the .growing church and to train work- ers in 'Chureli, Sunday School, Dav School, Boarding School, Hospital and Dispensary, The Wctnlen's .Missionary Society are rekinu for thirty-one young women to, rn re•t this rear. Only one-third of that number are 'in sight at present. The hoard of Foreign ,Missions want initnedlately about ttventy-tire young men—ministers, teachers, doctors—to repfnrce their depleted staff in the varioths foreign fields "' 11 Is hoped that particularly the youth and parents attend this morn- ing service. 00000001700000 0 g oval TEACUPS 000000* 1100000000 Mrs, E, 0. Porde and boys are•having 8 selge of' the grippe this week, The Stratford Beacon 010'kes referen- ce to a former 33rd Bahl, boyo—Police, Constable Curl has received his Mons star for 191 4-4 5 service overseas, Mr, Milton Cook, of Sarnia, was n week end visitor in town. Mr. Lorne Deities, of ' Kitchener, spent the week end at the parental staf5. Mr, .As Bolton, of the SVtraftrod Herald staff, spent Sunday at his home in town. Mr. Alas. Potter, G. T. 'R; section foreman, was off work the past couple of weeks, suffering from la grippe. Mr. R. S. Byam, of Toronto, was a visitor in town last week, calling on old friends, Mrs, W. S. Elliott, of Toronto, spelt a few days last week with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Jas, 13. Lindsay. Miss Alice Hodge has assumed a poo- ttnn to the W. D. Fair store. Miss 'Irene Miller has resumed her position at Cooper's Book store after an enforced,, holiday, owing to illness. Mr, Will Gould, of Kitchener, spent a few days at the parental home here, He was in Goderich attending the fun- eral of his 'grandfather. Mr. A. J. Morrish was able to get dawn to business this week after a bout with Mr, La Grippe.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher return- ed last Friday evening from their honey moon trip and. ate now residing in town. Mr. Will Wiseman left last week for Windsor, where he expected to take a position. Mr. T. T. Leckie, mall clerk on the Goderich and •Bud'nlo, and 0 former re- sident of Clinton, has been taking some enforced holidays, as he was shaken up in a collision between the Buffalo train and a coal car and Freight train at Ridge way List A•ianday, The fireman on the express, Adam Stevenson, has since died from injuries received. Rev. T. E. Sawyer, of Londesboro, was a visitor in town on Wednecday. Mr. Percy Couch was in Toronto this week on busi•.ess. Rev, D, N, Mcsamus was ,n London this week attending a Forward Me;e- Ment meeting. While going downstairs to the fur- nace room, last 'Thursday morning, at the County Home, Keeper James Rey- nolds, stepped on a piece of coal and went over on his ankle, spraining it badly. He is naw able to navigate with° the add of a stick. For his weight, it was a wonder he did not break his leg, but his friends are glad he got off as lucky as 11e did, We have heard considerable' pectin-, ent gossip the past week regarding the revival of an old and now obselete cus- tom, by two of our lively business men assisted by a prominent town official -- all of whom are unattached and eligible —who vlll keep open house on Febru- ary 29111 from 5 to 7. They propose to entertain all unattached ladies and plaid ens, who may propose any other en- tertalnment that Leap Year privileges diem to offer. It is rumored that some of the attractive Yankee Maids that en- tertained two of these gentlemen last year while on an extended auto 'trip, have intimated their intentions of at- tending, as they feel that they can prove their deserability over any Clin- ton maids, so we Beseech our own 1101112 girls t0 uphold their. superior attract- ions and retain the continued appoval of these gentlemen, We understand that light refreshment will be served, and consolation prizes awarded. Won tlro n Exeter.. The Clinton Leant had an easy win from the Faster team last Friday even- ing at the Arena. The scare was frore•l on the way up to the printing office. New Junior. ,11r. Harry Lawrence eothnnenced nn Mimday morniina: as Junior In the Mol - it ',, ol- Barry s1I f111 the bill all .right. Kelly ---Egan Wod'ding. The following from a Boise, ldattn, paper will be read ''mi Interest by HON. all , E. EZ.ANBY many friends, of the gronia here, Mr. 7r �+�+ fait+ �a a 1��t1� t *� Kelly is the seated son of Mrs, Kelly CiETS.ACCLAM°ATJON of Seaforth, and for a time was an 5117• pinvee of the blew Era office and he has Last Monday the new l] P 0. At torney General, 1-1011, W. 13. Raney, was accorded a r, aetal clam on 111 the Prrtvilt+ ctnl bye -812211031 in East ,Wellington constituency. Lieut -Col Pritchard, strut cohtested'th8 riding last Fall as 1. Conservative nominee and wag defcateff was expedted. i 50 oppose Haney but Monday moening diolided not ,In x111, teethe Slate for the Drury 70.x'•: -,alert •and .1V111'now- 'get 4syp, bttrinetS 111,ea•rtte51, 1tonse 1. i Cr T .r'ar'ay, Mach 9th, 1 titst of foends tvto will J oit The N w ini'elf .11n his your i:ral'in tvrsltinlr, h 5 d g bride every happiness and prosperity in Thea says: shah western home. paper ter S '--Miss Egan, popular Boise girl, and V. C. Kelly; of Gooding, were united in marriage by 1;ev,F8t118r l.obeti at Gooding Satusi*0y 1nortf,Vrlg at 8 o'clock tease. Mr, Kelly (s'well known Boise, He was (OYnierly with the .Capital News c1»nposillg •((7021.' Ile is now connected with the Gnodlttg Lead er, Mr, and Mrs, Kelly will make Hhelr 1115118.01.0cicldutg;' iattami OBITUARY 79$40 • •evte JOSEPH CUDIV1ORE •Joseph Cud:m:1'e departed (Itis life January 30111, 1920, aged 139 years, 4 months and 5 days at Portland, (Oregon, tie was born 1850 in Huron 'Oounty, Canada, and moved to Kensington town- ship, .Walsh County, North ',Dakota, in 1882, there homesteading a nature plot' of ground on which he built a home and lived until 1911, when be moved to Portland, Oregon. The deceased' leaves a beloved wife, Jane Ann,and one daughter, Hester, at the family home, 422 east 53 st, north, Portland, and one 5u11, Alvin J., who resides in the North Dakota Hoole also two bro- thers, William Cudinore, of Clinton, Ontario and Henry Cudnnore, of Harp. urhay, Ontario. .The funeral was helot at the home in Portland and burial in Rose City Park Cemetery January 22, 1920. Joseph Cudmore entered upon the christlan life in early manhood and was at the time of his demise a member of .the Rose City Presbyterian church. Joseph Cudmore was a modest man, 2 much beloved and respected citizen of Portland whose loss is much deplored' by his many friends and neighbors and; whose heartfelt sympathy are blended with and extended to the bereaved fam- ily. MRS. S. T .HOLMES The Seaforth News refers to the sad-' den death of Mrs. S, T. Holmes, who was the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carline, win were residents of'01inton:—Startlingly sudden, the call came to Harriet Annie, wife of Mr. S. T. Holmes, of Goderich Street on Thur- sday afternoon last of heart failure, Mrs Hglnte5 had been seized of an attack of indigestion on the previous Tuesday and had apparently quite recovered but the following Thursday without warn - Ing, she passed away. She was born i,, England, 111 1S8o she became the bride of her now bereaved husband, She ohs a member of the Methodist church and was an estimable woman, much loved by all those who knew her inttMately. Three sons, Glen,. of Toronto, Charles and Rae of town, and three daughters Caroline and Eva, of Boston and Mrs. F. C. Beattie, of, Buffalo. survive, The funeral was held on Sunday, int$rnlemt being i11 Clinton, WILLIAM NIVISON McMICHAE'. Last Thursday, William Nivison Mc- Michael, aged 83 years and 8 months, passed inlay 81 the Mime of Ms. S. J.. Andrews. Queen street. after aiieex- tended illness. The funeral was •held Saturday morning and interment was mule at Clinton cemetery, i!SS A. E. DISNEY . / Much 'sympathy 11111 -surprise were expressed by the many friends of Mirs A. 13. Disney when the report of her deatih was received in Clinton, Quits recently she was in loan and appeared• to be in her usual health. • During the last few years she has not been phy- sically strong and especially since her painful accident of last autumn. Last week she underwent as operation it) Goderich for some nasal tremble. This was 'speedily followed by sin attack of pneumonia and in a fete days she was not for find took her An appropriate service was conducted at her mother's home in Winghaun by Rev, A. E. Arm- strong, B, A, Her body was brouga,t to Clinton and their tenderly laid in lis last resting place. Miss 'Disney was horn on the 14th coec'e5sinn of Goder- ich in the year 1870, Some. years 81o. she joined the Methodist church is Clinton, She- 51115 remarkable in her Mune for a very affectionate end un- selfish disposition, To her father she preserved a praise -worth Celia) devotion until his death, A mother, one sister and six brothers are living to nlnnrn the loss of a faithful daughter and love- able. sister, ,,xy: MRS, WM, BUTTS, Word was received here MI5 Mr.s•. Wm, Butts, who has been a resident of Clinton had passed away at her home in,SLratltroy, The deceased was a L1s- tow•el girl and is survived by her bus hand and 5 children. The family re- sided here about Jo rears and etched to Strafhroy last April, To the husisand• and .children, the sympathy from old. friends is expressed. Appointed Bandmaster, talo. „ 5sr• .� 'air. MnrcanAgtlew has h•e, u appoint• rd bandmaster nf> the Clinton Mille" 'tend, as Bend:mister Fred Mulch re- signed at the end of the year. after giv- ing good and faithful service to Vie' nrganiratloe 130' Lan4 expecis•fn get some "dllt y,_, 1' •.1 p"• . 1•' 1;:.11e 117 towlr whish will ail, 11 ",8 Band, 'T'he new lead r 'has 1d emi with.thtt Clinton 1•4ht1 " Intot,t years, 111(4 Wns T 'member 0f ti "71d Batt' liana gnlntg overseas w,it,n "fhniil,