HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-12, Page 2'moi{°„-.?' ?ME2 ,tri, permitting the intportalan of intox- batiug liquor for sacramental, tiledtc- lnal,= 111)1l'aeturhng or enminercia1 per - ,poses, considered in relationto the section of the Ontario Temperance Act stealing witit the sate anti use of liquor for similar purposes, and what orders, affidavits, prescriptions, etc" suchi las the Onta'ite Temperance Act dent,1 'would be required for the importing Qf liquor for these purposest gnawer—'rite paragraph of section >• of 1313H1 26 to which reference is Made merely excepts, from the Gethe'al t t• h4 r of'1 part t ar ler a . 1 I th ofe "prohibition •parnt,raph, liquor for satratheutnL me- dkcihal, etc., purposes:: in other words liquor for the specified purposes may be taken from one Province to another, A Pruviuee ctuiitot (as already salt)) 'direct'ly prohibit the transportation into itfof liquor; pod, consequently, it could rrsot prescribe conditions under ,which hat transportation should be permit - ed. A Province has, however, complete control over the sale and custody of liquor within the Province, and it is in the exercise of that jurisdiction that the Legislature has enacted section 125 Answer --The Provincial Legislature (as alreakty eaplgieed) has no such Jurisdiction, Question XII. Would it be eontpeleet for the Do. minion Parliament to er-;;ct, that, where tl Provincial lav deals .with the same matters as a Dominion law, such legis-, lation being, per se, intra vires of each, prosecutions might be had under either or both Acte? Answer—The Dominion. Perliaunefii. e tl could- not competently Y Sb end ct. Us- natty the existence of identical laws by both the ince Prov and a it roti Dan „t• means ,that the Proeineia;I 'haw fleas' ceased to operate and that the Donin- lun •law Is in reality the only laws A very curious exception to this state- ment was established by the Judicial Committee when it held that both Do- minion statute and the Ontario statute dealing with local option, were at the same time, in full force; and that the ri nttirl pelt d.t!es might elect as tri til tch t the !.lays then wouldoperate under. even if that decision were to be re- ^arded as v1ltd, it would not follow of the Ontario Temperance Act. that the Itoarinion Parliament could . Question V. provide that pn'secations might he had • under t Provincial statute. What weak' be the effect upon the lei isIative powers of the pnndnce +,f 'the bringing into farce, in a Province, of the rrohibitions.embcdaed in bit! 26 Its •far as theee deal with matter: intra as f both Ta'�nt',,ti1 t ..d F'r n':Jtc. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Thursday, February 1,2th, 1tf2,0, LateNewsof th i .., rict LONDk,SBORO. "SUNLIGHT" nios, Chas. othe entertained EADS PUBLICITY Junior classes of tie Methodist S. S. � �- hast week, The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs, d ' a all... n S slut ,, red o � Y d Vodden 1: V dd hoc was bured in Hope G'emetery on Mona • sympathy, ten h it- • ext extend Friends day.1 in Mrs, Thos, ,Lyon' while visiting Guelph was stricken with the "illi" and is now in the hospital leer brother John, of Guelph, died on Tuesday of "Ilp", the p James Eisley has moved to his hone in the Village. We bid him and his family a hearty'welcnlne, her Mrs, Milton iloopera'and . e son, Gladiola returned home to Blanchard u,t HEAD A fluggestion. 11 t .,- an se- or 11 all the qurs- tt : t b milled 1 t.-.. i 1111 t:, sue- t ; r the : i i.Lrataon of those who r. I e ..:11'•,,.!......,a in draftier; amendments vu• u r—Tlta prohibitions o1.B111 214 t tl,, t f •rnl T I li r ,lets the. Anssv,, i the enacting t scope „f the. jurisdiction i ,!i yt preceding 1tf o hit., th of th,. 1'r:,v n "Fite bila' tit, lute i clauses h, ,ttdals to the 1;'L,twittg '.force r.e in alit I t t'! ' t f tie.Se < •.,- Cried: i 1 ,•f tae hthatinrls wr u'.d not, !, ,n<t; r, affect the i t .' .� :: � .,yo },:dti power of the .Pr,rviuccs r , est t l ,s- I 1-.',4,1,,,,„ 1 1 , ,: the aid ice i , , I :. litlit!n with reference L) � , ,. ,.• �•,sleet., , 'n:es. within, Pr�•ya ,<ustouiv of liquor ih.•the province i r Question VI, tth d z et. l Ll: fl Y'„ ..f i i''';'"'1' .noel This a Provincial Legislature. h,4ting' 1 .i , 1 .I... 1 .}.t within.1tit prohibited the sale. for beverage pur 1 , ••"••••i'11'cit 4 •r ar l' pose's, the power to } r '. nil a pt , h I e } t1 'irtrt a tt , t f, ,,,,•„,..;,,,v;....,:. :•hat r; to hr l -, i blas, 1. ),•rt t • t obtained from - (t t `e: authorized by theProvince to sell the 1 �. RUhi'1' 1� ! :hit and ,other same, sof• in accordance with the pr, A 1 liar r t ,r t , ' a h ',r •, Act? t. n. t t . ,r "n o:raute nisi, -ahs :,f the )niafac r t thei s:• t tar pro. Answer—The Provincial Legislator t..tt it t :end. that the said Act should has the power indicated. l e amended a5 hereinafter provided.''' Question. VII. (Signed) J01 -1N S. EWART. this week after spending several days at the old 110111e, I rye?;°;::x Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Wells • are sick 1 with Iaerirpe. 1 JVi1:V M. MILL.A.I1. At the server on Sunday night theOne of the younger generation of, ch it of the Methodist church will give) bust,„„ men who are so pi•nnitirtent a muni:el r••t;tttlt6,n rd the t ' rel l'e as lay advisers in the 1Methodist'•1 ::The 11-(14 -a1 Si 1iatioatal 'Campaign. Canadian u an nt- n„a21- I Saturday Mr. dad Mr::. Th,fllas ne-.1t• for Lord LeNtarhtilui' or Part . S;..b.br,,,,l:• of the villac;e received word 1 sunlight fame, Mr, ?anise is i .+ the tieaih v, to ••11t. of their 0111Y mist of worst and deed 1 t the t on - ,i t 1 c i chairman f lite Publicity [city ht,.r, .:11. Gabriel S} anti of Dar- j1 t'" : -11 44) 1 t.:1.a, asst :.a,t+ i n, lir hint 1 d two •i,""";i,; tIhlt,:tit ,tt, to;! 1:.1.4 t -e,... i ;Il holo t ,'red. _ : tire,. AUBURN. The Baptist church service next Sun- day at 3 pens.' Bible School at 2 pan, The, Financial returns have gone over the objective; T°ult amount' will be an- nouncedgs Sunday, (Intended for ic:t week) ) 1::1 r 1!44 tc,l .:'It":s tll::t •• Ir,s unt,na•l out �,Id j RUCEF'IELCi)- 44 , o i, ,l I t t. t t ;• �of Mr,:. Titre. ,i•. w•-, 1,1.11..1, CONSTANCE. a• no church here on Sun- day w s account t tf School of a a S ch undo 't sur Sunday d, Y the "flu" around here. There will be no day school for a- while, wh! Mr, Earl Laweon wears a broad smile because his'a wife presented hint with' a baby boy one day last week, Quite a number around here have the 't • t getting 1 over I . S el se u, 1 ' r I 6 +'t' are I It ) 4,1141 1.144414.. '• i,!. rJul r at Mr. ih{ thIS wee;.. 1:rdtn:ris front „Ino till 1! WAS 1,01,1 at the par b,tilt many yeart , u u 1 t •.r• Adis .•; Saai,rI.11, and I's' "'"V14".', 1"t* 1•1::;',41 t ,1.1 r 114.,1e i:,.: it :;t; tae u t t 'a' deal of wheat t e r ,w , and • Mr,. ]-.ar tt L^ or; ra,r;td illto5 hdr ted in the storehouse and taken 14,1.is , i waittorui and shipped from harbor. 'the timbcrc were and of the best material. The roaJs Tu our nri4111,orltsod are 1 in the best condition now, there is •,Li an ai`i111dan'e of snr,w, s. til t. Y I u . 's very S1r J. ;d"d:i r. ho went on a - • Air, Buckler of our villain h, v trip t„ Toront•, Iasi week crane home• 441 lit took a stroke of paralysis on ,,., .taint.,. d ;.'.titin the 1't, tea' home tai,.week. Has the Provincial Legislature power So restrict all importation, sale, ship- ment, iraneportation and delivery of liquor within the Province to liquor sold to ,or by, persons authorized by the Province to sell and for purposes permitted by the Provincial Law? Answer -As„. already indicated, Pro- vincial Legislatures have no power to restrict directly importation or tran- sportation of liquor into the Province. It has ;power over the sale and custody of liquor within the Province, even al- though the effect of the'exercise of the power would be to prevent importaiol or transportation into the Province. And the Province may forbid possess- ion of liquor by unauthorized persons. Question VIII Has a Provincial Legislature the power to restrict the quantity of liquor which a person may have in his pos- session in a private !loose, or the quantity which a person may import or bring in within a certain specified tinge? Answer—The Province may restrict the ;quantity of. liquor which a person spay have in his possession in a private house, The Province has no power with reference to importation, Question IX Has the Provincial Legislature jur- isdiction to prohibit the manufacture of liquor within the Province or manu- facture for sale or consumption within 2iri•Province? Answer -This question has been fully dealt with in paragraph 7 of the foregoing discussion of general prin- siples. 1 would suggest that, to ac- complish the desired end Provincial legislation might provide: (1) That manufacture of liquor 44 within the Province, shall be prohibited; (2) That sufficient evidence of the liquor having been ntatdfactured for a prohibited purposes would be sup- plied by (a) the fact that any of the liquor Was so. used, (1) the fact that the manufacturer delivered, or agreed 3'o deliver, any liquor to. any person fear consumption within the province, (c) the fact that any such liquor was on sale by any person within the pro- vince, and (d) the fact of any dis- position of the tiquar haying been made ivy the manufacturer, other than in the usual course of business in connect- ion with exportation from the Province; fled (3) livery such fact shall constitute ae separate offence, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS i ® R. I A WELCOMES YOUTHS FROM THE COUNTRY •..II 'l Clinton n 1: wt pre:lent batt :1 tit: 1 nu.= , Sir. Sampson. GODERICH l'he funeral took place Sunday after - neon from St. George's church of the Lde Sergi. Arthur Riley son of Mr. and `.'t,. Filen, The funeral was military, •shout ;u members of the G. W.V.A. 114111114 out in uniform. Including a ,iriu; quad of 12 members. The local band was also in attendance, playing the "Dead :'\larch in Saul." Rev. A. L. t, i' ilc and t art ) Arelufeacon the worst of it. and has 1101 been well Since his retell) We hope to hear of Mr. Medd beim able to be about again. There is a lot of sickness in the Township, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shanahan,. while returning from town last Saturday, had the misfortune to be the victims of having a runaway horse" run into them breaking 'tate cutter and tossing then both out. Fortunately neither o fthem were seriously hurt. Following is the report of S. S. No,5 for January. Names in order of merit: Sr, 4—Harold Snell, Margaret Brown. Jr„—Albert Snell. Sr, 3—Evelyn Glb- bings, Laura Snell, Warren Gibbtngs, Alvin Cartwright, Sr. 2 (a)—Harry Snell, Chas. Weymouth, Chas. Brown, Hugh Radford, Herbert Vodden. Sr. 2 (b)—Norma Snell, Berta Nott, Don- ald Snell, Gordon Snell. Sr. 1—Ivan 'Carter, Ernest Brown, Willie Stevens, Edwin Radford, Fred Vodden. Jr. 4— Marjorie Vodden. Primer, sr,—Grant Snell, Printer --George Radford, Lorne Brown 1. Cornish, Teacher. The U. F. 0. finds it must waive the occupational test to get an Attorney - General. TI•IE RETORT POINTED. DOCTOR MED AN OPERATION After a ruthless process of rejection there were live 'applicants for the post of errand boy left for the head of the Erin himself to interview. 11 Inas One of his 1li4pailt mornings, f 1. ask- ing he sought to amuse himsNl 1y sk out quite +e•boys puzzlingd eu r q ht' t1 I 6 6 c 4•relevaot questslous to test their g - t en eral knowledge. • "How far away from the earth is the North Star?" was the question be oun *- 1 third spin -Faced f, fired .tt the t t I y ) seer, "lint fiorry 1 call not give you the exaet figure offhand,- sir," was the reply, "but on a rough estimate I ' away should say that His far enough , f, ) not to interfere with me running er- rands." 'Monday. He has not :as yet been able to speak, His two sons came to sec him. He is at the honkie of Mr, Rouet, where he is well cared for. A 0naueler who is also one of the first to welcome hundreds of young Methodists as they come to Toronlo, and a church statesman who has s1 prominent place in the Methodist Na- tional Campaign, Mr. Wilson was horn and raised en a farm in Peel County: Sturdy and optimistic, he carne to the city to 141a1Le a life. He became assistant general Manager of a great trusts corporation, but pre- fers to be known to fume as super= intendant of Finn Street Sunday School and a personal worker in taunt downtown church. SON LIKE FATHER IN CHURCH SERVICE . ;M• +- Question X. Has the Provincial Legislative juris- diction to prohibit the importation of liquor Into the Province or importation for sale or consumption within the Pro - 'Once? Answer—This subject has been dealt with 11) paragraph 8 of the foregoing discussion of general principles, '4'145 desired object may be attained by tegis- tation dealing With the custody of 11- quo' within the Province. (lues tion tion Xi Pis the Provincial ielxl Legislature Y0 power wer What th.tr. t. of the ser - 'the m I 'Sat n had The t.-teeeed who vets 25 years i 0,4 t t tile teth and ,'.,,.1111111 it April t!11S 1111•:.u••' h } 111 nn- „ treaiment ttnd to,,k } neI- m tt..,t h r 1' w l t nn Thursday. A (, 4-.111rt tot eitizens 'ttetidal the 1 l got the past.—Londur. alt -Lits, THEIR FAITH TO THE CHURCHES PIN Plaits for the seating of .the mem- bers are item; considered and the pre-' sent arran4ement is that the L5bnr mem hers and the U. F, 1). will occupy the r':gltt and the Liberals and Conservatives the left of the Speaker. The Labor men :are anxious to sit in a block, and it is proposed that they shall take up a position immediately behind the Cab- inet benches, with their two ministers in the second row. The U. F. O. will occupy the remainder of the chairs on that side of the chamber, On the other side Mr. Dewart will be opposite the Premier, with his followers behind him, while Hon. Howard Ferguson will be on the front row, about half way down the aisle, with the Conservative members in the northwestern corner of the chamber, There was a Conser- vative colony in that part of the As- sembly at the last Legislature, the overflow from the opposite side. SEAFORTh•t. Much interest is being taken here by the congregation in the forward move- ment canvas. Twenty men in the First Presbyterian church and thirteen in the Methodist church, started the sub- scription list with 5100 each. The amount assigned to the Presbyterians is $5,485.49 and to the Methodists 53,300. The death occurred of Miss Minnie Campbell, third daughter of Mr. n Mrs, Robert Campbell of McKillop from pneumonia following the flu. She was in her 21st year. Irene, eldest daughter• of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridam, of Goderich, died in Seaforth, following the effects of an operation perforated on Saturday. Deceased who was in her 25th year, was a popular and well-known young lady in Goderich. For the past twto years she was on the staff of Seaforth Collegiate as Commercial Specialist. to Do for One Poisoned While Waiting Doctor's Aid (By Dr. Leonard Keene Hirshberg) A.B., M.A., M.D. (Johns Hopkins University. Are you prepared 'to Sava your dear ones from taken poison by mistake or intentionally? If you are not learn now or forever perpetuate this peril. What wn11d you do while waiting for the doctor, if you had in ignorance or by accident given a two months -old baby several drops of 'paregoric? Many ill.advised mothers have done this very thing under dttthat pt' -nothig syrup -likeother "des' --laudanum and opium—would "ease the baby's cries” and "let us all get some -sleep." Aside from disobience to medical adntonitions,."never give medicines to infants" paregoric and similar medicines given to little ones lull groin -ups into false sense of security. The child may fall asleep and 1104er awaken. Bichloride and Acids. Dope of this nature is to be fought by keeping the patient warns and gently —nut roughly—awake. The stuporous influence of the drug must be met by hot packs and rubbing until a physician arrives to give an antidote. oil or the white of an egg is to be swal- lowed. Tartar emetic should never be used, because It is Itself a poison, 1f taken cop inns draughts of water will iuclte vomit- I dan, beloved wife of James E. Young, ing as will strong tea. Whent, the stotn- aged 25 years and 11 months, and clan - ti has emptied itsself thoroughly plan- 'htt r c F Instead I took Lydia E. Pi nk- ban's Vegetable Compound and Was Cured, • Baltimore, Md,—"Nearly four yeare I suffered from organic troubles, tier, vousness and head- aches and over y monthweuldhevet0 stay in bed most of the time. Treat- ments would eats wo 1 m me H aal - my doctor was al - Ways b urging me to have an operation. My sister asked me to try Lydia 15. Pink - h a m's Vegetable Compound b o f or ao n t 1 consenting operation. I took live bottles of it and c+' t it has completely cured me and my work is a pleasure. I tell all my friends ' who have any trouble of this Mod red what Lydia E. lam,s Vegetableetatlo Com- pound has done for me.'r-Ncnf.rr•. R. BuirrixOIIAM, 009 Calvertoreitd., Balti- more, Md. It is only natural for any woman to dread the thought of an operation. So many worsen have been zs.stored to health by this famousromt l ' ,:iia E, I'inhham's Vegetable Compoond, c ftar an operation Ims ben ,:tet it1 will p , r v i a t .' freak enaheihn n' 0 n let tg it be- i`ure submitting 1 J_:set_15 . __tr,...a. tin:dly high. Just whither this will have a definite effect upon tb, t;a'iadian 41,, 11 1'• 1". quite 111' I •.i1 - III. but III, :5,x!1 ,1 11: 141 rt o, i,4 .e.c. is .. n'.ar .:•1 Scarce c 4'1 1+ '1h n; ant l ! 1n4' ! , bY the i 1 a 1 1 ' •7, are ,J Lli, n- 4' .1<'s 1.4 ,t:, sn•-11'',t „i, coed i..tay Births. McKENZZiE—At Grace Ho1pital, Tor onto, Jan, 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. R. W. McKenzie,. a daughter (Helen Louise.) MCKENZIE-,-At Lampnhan Hospital, Lampmal, Sask., Dec. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie, a son.( Malcolm George), FRENICIN—in Clinton on Wednesday Feb„ 11th, to Mr. and Mrs, Theo. Frenhlin, a daughter. (Ellen Louise.) Deaths WAT'T'S—In Clinton on Thursday, February 12th. Marjorie R., daughter of Mr. land Mrs, Frederick W. Watts, aged 4 years and 2 months, IiOARE-111 Clinton, on Wednesday February 1 tth, Elizabeth Amanda, wife of Mr. C. Hoare, aged 49 years 4 month and 22 days. YOUNG—In Windsor, Ont., on Mon- day, Feb., 9th, 1920, Sarah Erma Jor- HON ° GEORGE BELL.M.L.A. Public men, east and west, are not slow to see the possibilities for national betterment in the great Campaign of the Churches. Premier Drury of Ontario, hintself a leader iu the little Methodist Church at ills Crown Bill farm, says he believes "the Inter -Church Forward Move- ment lean do more for Canada than all other movements combined." Mr. Bell is chairman of the British Co- lumbia executive in the Methodist National Campaign. This Montreal industrial magnate (and children's worker) has never forgotten the examine ,of. personal service set by itis father, who wall One of the most dovoted laynien of Qdebee City MethollistIlI. Senator Webster is director of many corpor7t- dons. ,.lie .fa .also a national , Vice.. ehairnlair In the Methodist National, anda n in a Oa g r� n r ' ou 3q t fro pt•Ohtit conmatr carters an fro. ., .kick up r Seto rte 4 e 's necessary U llttorllo -ersons frohi iyritj of q Vomiting is one of the first emer- gency measures to be used when any poison or overdose of medicine is tak- en. Two tablespoonfuls of syrup of ipecac is an excellent and usually an available emetic with which quickly to empty the stomach, A tablespoon either of ordinary mustard or of alum in a glassful of I takes 111 Medicines are macre or less water' will induce vomiting. Even the ta, ar111 )0114 Ines an nature is ruled Homely kitchen table salt, two tables-ItS p80 nnlcit It habit, self-ortenion and poonfuls 114 a tumbler of water, Will cock-Silt'ell $S that 41,051 people fall answer chIOrlde me e, 'into the serious error of depending up- if U[clflarive of merof has been on their "feet in the dark," their (moil - IV glue plenty of milk qurutc it with "exactly where the medic- Iv heroic any attempt Is made to empty 1 ri u orfntondent o the stomach, The albu)nen IIt 1116 u)Ilk x on the light, strati 1 reVe tat VI u turn g fro and S a I d ty of milk should be taken. Carbolic acid or phenol must be hest ily emptied front the stomach or it will eat a hole through it and the oesophag- us on the way down. Epsom salts, ili1 quarter of a pint nr olive oil to a p of water, milk or egg white in water, are useful as antidotes. Vomiting must never be induced when the poison is sulphuric acid oil or vit. riot, oxalic acid, caustics, alkalies or ammonia , When the first three. acids are swallowed alkalies like chalk, plaster from the walls, washing soda, soap and water are antidotes to be followed with gruels oils, milk or eggs. Alkalis and Other Poisons When the caustic alkalis or ahnntania have been swallowed vinegar or lemon s or alive oilland�water arewhites the emergency measures, Toadstools, mushrooms, liquors, to- bacco and plant poisoning calls for the emeticas first mentioned, followed by coffee, belladonna and pertttan5anate of potash, Paris green o' rat poison often spell arsenic poisoning, Any iron tonic or medicine with iron and 11111k of magnes- ia antidote to to it. !a i. art , Precautions necessary to avoid alis - g , , Mrs. J. Brown of town, 130DONEY—In Detroit Etta Mennen, beloved wife of Stephen.B0d0uey,'aged 20 years., and daughter of 141r. and Mrs, George Mennen, now of Toronto. p) gj f 1 u Ch^ Sunday r ° ' iia abs10411 of the Ittercti roach, p s 11^ '. • f'^sines and laziness long other its ilbsnrptioll by the sto Just he reverse 1. , , battik ora bait t"�1 • ankae or prussic acid, This Is in,., a . ay scan the eontebtts as we dR ���iCr�eR S aeeottsl fatal dnl0ss the stotisac • t ,' ' p, Dixons will nnutnue to lie p +, delivor aY a(1eiitt or to pi'r Y of fls W was intended, receiving of lig umptioh lh ltrimediatety 6inptted, Then Milk, o tlid I'rovff(5 to), / trI 41051 , OAS-170IA 1 ' LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few dropS then lilt sore, touchy corns off "with; fingers NATIONAL 'CAMPAIGN HAS YOUNG VETE1►N anion prat ail, in the Itnited statec, ".1, i t Iter geed• tete are reported rted ;off s..tree• The sitn•tti m 1,,1110 as111" ! th nn ,t ,t ,1 ;trop. in rri:d; will 1 there is strong probability til ad;arct•s !'thl:•111114, NO one h:: any tee' t ' tett : and 't teas arri, i,• ; in m ; " are snapped ,.1 qu,,l;!y on ice' forego{:tatenl tit. as express,d by a lari'e factor 1.1 the trade operating throughout Canada, indicates clearly what the situation is witn regard to, quality teas. It bears out what Canad- ian Grocer has already pointed out in previous articles on the tea situation, viz,: that importations of tea, and es• pecially highgrade Japans, have been very quickly absorbed. This has made a situation which may be considered as unusual and has ensued a smaller hold- ing of tea stocks than have been record-. ed for a great many years. Demands Are Heavy The demand for tea from all sources df the trade has been reponsible, in a large measure, for the extensive absor- ption of tea stocks. Part of the increas- ed demand is traceable to the prohibi- tion legislation, which has been enact- ed in so many parts of the country. People have had to use something as a. beverage, and the enactment of liquor laws has served to make the tea busi- ness exceedingly good. This is a condi- tion that is reported from all sections of the trade and with a demand which, if it has exceeded the supply, has at least kept pace with, the offerings of quality lea. This demand is likely to continue. and with the high-grade teas produced in the Far East very well dis- tributed, and In some cases, already cleaned up entirely, there seems to be little prospect of lower prices obtain- ing, or of heavier stocks of tea being obtainable for a long while to come, This boyish -faced man is a lead- ing member of 0110 of the biggest bond houses in the Dominion. In addition, ho is the stron'gest speaker on devotional themes that the S.LeIt Isiist notltiteten of Ontarphotog apher wile has Made Mr. Gundy look youthful. In real life he loons younger still. Although for fourteen strenuous nklthelt firmrswhich an the founded, ler ute looks thirty years old—and is nine Years older, Uurhag all that time M1', Dandy has beer a worker In commit- tee and on platform in every big religious movement—front the in- 1611- rtteethe yalrs yMovmntdown to the sent eletltodiee National Campaign, Emerging41front lunged at fore into an campaign, 11 the work of vied-Ctiaih'man of the spe- ee In this SMtct'tho est sel tiosubscriptions of the Inter -Church b'orward Movement. Hie career belies throe "old fogey" ideite---that ministers' sells don't make goon, that laymen cannot ex- hort 01' inspire, and that young chaps ere not to be given i31g vesperal - Doesn't hurt a, bit Drop a little *tonne on an nchingfern, anstently that coral stops hurting, then rot lift it right ot1t. lies, magic! e tiny bottle of Fromm:, tette tuta f Is sat fir •u s tato iia tlet an at , �A B g fc y w Mont to remove every band corn, sat emirs, .01 corm between ibe Ose,. Ind the t5.)'3 see; *RI's* boaeate"S +,c 'are*ritkati, It'reerteno ie fie of a Ojlteiitaatd genitiq; • 4 tvoiNert 1 All Tendencies Point to High Teas Higher Prices Are Bound to Rule in the Near F`utur'e—Londen Market Has Opened et Strong Figures -- Present 'Pea Holdings Are Light Obstinate Coughs -a Obstinate Colds From all sources ha the f'a'de, re- ports to Canadian Grocer are to the er- ect that not only is tate tea market rul- ing with the 1011111151d strong tihdrr- stn ta hot the. 'possibility it!tY of higher eY p rt - cos prevailing in the near future is guile plated at. The London 1wl+rket hits opened slid prices there arc excep• The Kind That Stick, The Kind That Turn 3-o BRONCHITIS, The Kind That End In CONSUMPTION, Become a Serious liilatter IF NEGLECTED. All obstinate coughs and colds yield quickly to the curative powers of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. This old and well-known remedy nab been on the market for the past 80 years, You will find that a dose or tsao will atop the cough, soothe the throat, and bronchial tubes, and if the cold has be- come settled on the lunge the healing properties of this famous cough syrup will soon bring complete and poamani relief. 'therm are many imitations of Dr. Wood's Norway fine Syrup on the market. Get the original when you *dr for it. Etat up in a o low wrapper; g'acro twos the trade i t' ; price 2$si and 33o, 1V.[aixufacttired only by The I, Mdbtli'u Co.a Limited,Toronto, Ont. ,•