HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-12, Page 1•
kzstablialied 9865, Vol
4, NO. 33 .
W, H. Kerr 44 Son, Editors and Publishers,
We are well prepared to hiilp you tight the "Flu". Below find someeravaer�mvz.
of our very useful preparations; Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tablets 1; eeme.
Paraformic Threat Lozinges Medicated Throat Discs
Formolid Throat Base Listerine
Oermic?dal Soap, also Emulsion and Tasteless Cod Liver Oil
dew^aveSos.04, ry 11..0 ova ktoriVVVVVww BRILLi.ANT GENERAL
W. Vii. - r, :Lao .. a1r Palm.
teatkoWs sIVVVVVVWo+'w'wootro'VVVV'vvwsts. wsPutYdVVWVMVVVWWV
Over 120 Branches
Many of our customers who started in a small way, have now
a well established business through the cssistance and co-operation of
this Bank over a period of years.
Open an account in this Bank where your interests will be
faithfully looked after by experienced ofliiears.
The Mdnager is always accessible,
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Incorporated '1869.
Capital and Reserve $33,750,000
Total Assets
630 branches
Special attention to Farmers'
terest paid on deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent,
R, E. MANNING, Manager -
in -
Brig. -Gen. Vidor W. Odium, G.B,,
C.M.G., D.S.O., "inventor of the
trench raid," who has just taken the
appotntinent of chairman of the rota
ruwry financial drive of the Methodist
National Campaign in British Colum-
bia, is into the new campaigning
with his usual dash. ' Gning overseas
as a major with the 7th Battalion,
Gen. Odium rose' to the command of
an infantry brigade In the 4th Cana-
dian Division. A1tho'ugh wounded
several times, he always refused to
wear a steel helmet. J3e is here seen
_with his usual headpiece and the
"Victory" smile which he has
brought into the first big'prive under-
taken by the churches since. the -war.
"Win the Peace for Christ" Is his
new watchword.
Chatham Secures
Machine Gun
The Gun Captured by Corp. Miner, V.0
Who Went. Overseas With the 161st
Huron Battal,, Goes. to Chatham. ...
Chatham, Feb. 4. — Mayor arisco
announces that this efforts to secure
a tray trophy for 'Chatham have been
successful. Ile has received word
from the Department of Militia and
Defence to the effect that the cap-
tured machine gun No, 5658 has been
allotted 10 the city Of Chatham, and
it is now in Toronto waiting ship -
Clinton Branch ment to this city. Tihis is the ma;
chine gun which was captured by the
late Corporal Miner, V. C., the Chat-
ham herb, who has placed the name of
this city among those deserving of the
highest honor for war achievements,
A Shat in Overcoats
for Saturday
30 Young Men's
Overcoats, op to
date' styles
Worth $35; to
clear at $25 .
Make your Selection
early before the . Sizes
are broken.
The Morr ;5h Clothing "o„
A Square Deal 'or t',a' - rp Han
The N •e•n•v •Er•a
This leader of the Methodist Na-
tional Campaign was ctu'istened
"John Wesley," but all the college
boys of Methodism like to oall him
"Murphy," and so long as they don't
feel hurt, he doesn't, Ws Irish wit
it rivalled only by his passion for
what he calls "Christian Education."
'.orthe $5,1340,00.0' sought in, the Feb-
ruary canvass. $826,000 goes to Dr.
Graham's work,
Phone HO: EstIrrl�it s Gauen
Interior and ,
Decorating .
We protect your floors, furir.+
tura, ole., by plenty of drop
Wall Papers,
Signs, Etc.
81 Isaac, Street
eoaxx'agNrstiowai'rgmsraaxtt0•tri?raa'aair+^:aeoraw0rrrrnwczta,tpsv,. oax
eyuv-rrtuaw•r,«unr,;ar+vw'ra+�n+nusxna�vmww{„tuzamamasa+u�s�ro:r, asxu44114[rwavwxssxnzx�rs+G:accytnnY�ual,xtgoA'roe'.rtl�cxx'uwxnrvi�^wtmnsmµegsrpa^egy
SLAMS, Prr4r+ ¢v A mravn AND a ry [4,444 n -.
gma' fhe ,. bro4
O 000000000000001
O >m '
Mr, red, Watson, of Blyth, was 't
caller in town on Tuesday.
Mr. William Jago, of Mitchell was in
town this week. It is reported that the
family may move back'to tows, .
Mt',. W. 11. ,Davison Was in Paisley
over the week end.
• Mrs, Albert Seeley has been confined'
40 the house with the prevailing "grip," I
Mrs, Iddo ,Crich and daughter ,have
been confined to•the house with the
Barrister R,' Vanstone, of Winghain
was in town on ,.Wednesday,
Mrs. T. C. Doherty, of London; who r
has-been, visiting her parents Mr, and
Mrs, Chas. 'Cole, and other relatives re-
turned to her home,tlus week,
Mr. Wilfred Seeley, has been taking
enforced; holidays on account of the
Mr. John Ransford was in=Exeter last
Thursday evening addressing a Forward
ivlovement meeting from the laymen's
Judge•L'. N, Lewis, of Goderich, was
in town last Thursday conducting Div-
ision. Court,
Mrs Perrin, of London, is the guest
of Mrs. W. Miller, Ontario St.
TheToronto Saturday Night of last
week,. published a picture of the Uni-
versity College ladies' Hockey t'eann and
one of the players is Miss Margaret
gartdaughter -of Mr. and Mrs.
G, D. McTaggart of T,oroato.
Mr, and Mrs, R. B. 'Higgins were in
Seaforth visitors last week.
Miss Berta Jackson, who Is attend-
ing Normal School at Stratford, was
home for the week end,
Misses Lyla and Elettoot• Thornton, of
Seaforth spent the week end withitheir
aunt, Mrs, C, H, Bartliff, .
Miss. Lolo ttudie, of Goderich Twp..,
an ex -student of the C. G. 1„ and now
attending Stratford Normal School was
a week end visitor at the parental home.
Miss Florence Cunninghame was in
Toronto last week attending the annual
meeting of the Ontario Horticultural
M. Noy Graham was contined to the
house with an attack of the grippe last
Word was received last week that
Mr. Wilbur Manning had been confined
to his home with the old fashioned
"grippe" but was getting along all
Miss .Madelon Shaw left last week for
Toronto where she entered Wellesley
Hospital tii study nursing, Her many
friends .will wish her success in her
chosen calling.
Rev. J. E. Ford, of Goderich, was a
visitor in town on Friday last,
Rev, A. L. G.- Clarke, of Goderich,
-Perm Deal, of Huron, was in town on\
Thursday last,
Mr, James Mitchell, of Godericit; was
in town on Friday last.
Miss Ruth Argent who has been at
Grand Rapids, Mich, is home for a
few weeks tvitln her mother on Princess
61rs. Armstrong is visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Marf Wheatley in
outo at present,
Mrs, W. 11, Davison, of Paisley, was
in town for a few days. Mrs. Davison
and family will move to town as soon
as a house can 5e:procurred.
The friends of Mrs. John Stirlihl; will'
regret to learn that she has been ser-
iously i11 over in Jackson, Michigan.
Mrs, Stirling went over to visit her
Pannily there at Chrlstotas,`hoping that
the change would"do iter gond. but she
has been sick most of the bine, We
hope for a speedy recovery',
• Last Wednesday night a very success-
ful euchre party and dance was given
by the Huron Old Boys' Association in
the Oddfellows',Hall on College St, at
'I'nronto, Dainty ,refreshments were
served by the ladies after the gathering
had finished their canis. Following this
dancing wes Indulged in by those 50
inclined, The affair -was at tine success
ant Brought many, of the Old Boys
and their wives awl\ friends together
once More.
Miss Belle Snaith, of Seaforth, spent
a few days with friends in town. •
Alt', tlll'vey Potter; of the Medical
College, l'orattto, has been home for
two weeks, being laid up with rheu-
• Alt's,A. McDougall of London, visited
at Mrs, n W, Potter's this week.
Mrs, Cudtnore' received - word on
Mondayof the death of her cousin, Rev,
Simeon.Widcten Fisher, who died on
Tuesday, Jat, 271.11, at Vancouver, 13,
C. ile was a'fornler resident of Dim-
Continued 011 Page 5,
• it Is ty be hoped that in the Keno's
contest Air Raney will be saved from
the• machinations of Cul, Machin,
..-...r.,0-- .
if W. E. Radley Inas not gone to
Rainy River for a constituency he Is
44i114 Its close to It as possible. by seek-
ing to represent Kenora,
And' now just when we had. found a
seat for Attorney -General Raney at
Kenora some nneata person. has pulled,
the chair away,
Fuel Controller Harrington advised
Ontario industrial plants Ito jninted-
iatelyRL'q' in stocks of bituminous coal,
in anticipation of a serious shortage,
'Fhe Liberals of Halton have decided
not •fo oppose lion, 13. G Drury. '('hey
do not believe in knocking a null down
before he has a chance to get squarely
on his feet,
11 begins to look as if Mr. Manning
Doherty may become member for East
Kent on the terms -of the St, John dre-
dging contract: ;`Not one dollar for
extras "
Hon. Mf, Drury says Howard (Fer-
guson) and Harley (Dewart) are ships
without rudders, and the latter gentle-
men opine that former is a ship, which
may pass in the night.
'ftt U. Ministers seeking
stituencies were ladies, perhaps'edhe
gentlemen would rise and offer tlieut
seats sooner.
The C)ntario Cabinet Ministers who
are without seats made a great mistake
in pot accepting seats that were offered
them while the Christmas feeling was
nbrone in the land.
The Hon. Manning told the people
of Blenheim and the surrounding
countryside that "the present Govern-
ment is in no sense a class Govern-
ment." Wouldn't the arg.innent for
his election be stronger if he were to
admit that the Government is :t lirst-
class one?
Atloruey-General Raney says he is
going to asl: the Board of Commerce t-,
investigate the price-fixing a'ssoci:tt-
lon of Hamilton retail grocers. This
seems to he -a product of the retailer -
department store war, but such bus-
iness Is better for tine letting in of light.
Publicity is a cure for more business ills
than people think.
The Hon. Manning Doherty, the new
Minister of'Agricujtuse, is showing ev-
idence that he knows how to plead his
ease' before' the electors. The
ventures the prophecy tha( Mr, Doherty
will snake one of the most intelligent,
energetic and progressive ministers of
agriculture that this province has ever
It seems a pity that the Drury gov-
ernment, which has shown so much des
treble firmness in many natters, should
have sanctioned the exhibition through-
out the province of the filets of the
Dempsey -Willard and Carpentier -Beck-
ett prise fights, The attempted justifi-
cation is that the pictures are to be
shown for the benefit of returned sold-
iers, batt this is a pour excuse, 'Canada
forbids' real prize-figlttiilg within her
larders, and the e.xhihittou of'1he imi-
tation article ought also to be forbidden
no matter under what cloak it nvty Ira
14'. Drury's plans for road improve-
ment throughout Ontello, as announc-
ed, by his minister of public works, is
one of the most ambitous ever propos-
ed in this country, and is one that
should nn the whole receive the sup-
port of the general p'ihlic, According
3o Mr, Biggs at is intended that all
o,'ntry highways rh t l be' looked atter
l'y the •nv ce mid that, the province'
shall share in the expense of keeping
township roads in good shape. 1n coun-
ty road sv rk the province will utilize
OM(ari.e's share of the Federal Govern-
1)1511 1 .greets. Under this plan it is
estimated alit the Federal Government
will contribute 40 per cent,,the Pro-
vince 42 per.cent., and Ihe.nuunicipali-
Jaes IS per cent, This should stake for
Better envie. as under the present sys-
tem- of repairingP that by statute
labor -tire work is far from being as
dependable as the traffic calls for. An
interesting helm of Mt. Biggs' announce
stent stales that it is expected that be-
fore next winter a provincial highway
cmnnevting Ottawa with Windsor will
be finished, 9'his confounds' crftics of
the O \h4 have declared that the
farmers considered such e Highway a
racetrack for city jm riders, and would
never senctinn RS ettnstrucilntt,
oi..t e in Cellar
Q 0
0 Dominion Alliance proposes to 0
0 eonlrol rich man's cellar by 0
0 making 1t illegal for people to 0
drink when more than two or 0•
'0 three are gathered together. 0
`0 John 8, Ewart, Ottawa au- 0
0 Moiety on law, giyes Dominion 0
' 0 Alliance opinions on which 0
1 0 . they base request for several 0
0 amendments to the Ontario 0
0 • Temperance Act, condemning 0
O Dominion legislation as faulty 0
0 and unsafe, 0
O' Ontario Government has pro- 0
O mised to submit a resolution at 0
O the conning session of the Le- 0
O gislature asking the Dominion 0
O Government to take a pro- 0
0 hibitiun plebiscite under this 0
O alleged "defective" legislation. 0
O Difference of opinion exists 0
O between temperance forces as '0
O to the most effective method of 0
O lighting the liquor evil. 0
0 Plan proposed by l5rovincial 0
n Executive to be referred to the 0'
O conventlon,of the Dominion Al- 0
O fiance to be held shortly. 0
1 purposes of native writes of a strength
'tdntitt'd to be intoxicating. In view of
John S. Ewart, IC. C., Says the
Provincial Legslature Has the
Power — Native Wine Sale —
Eminent Authority Answers
Questions That Vitally Concern
Ontario Folk.
'Phe Provincial Legislature has power
to restrict the quantity of liquor whish
a pe.rl:+n may have in has possession In'
a private house, 111 opinion of Mr, Joihn
Ewart, the eminent constitutional
lawyer of Ottawa, ;;' hr Les given en-
steers t'i a number of stated questions
put to him by. the Dominion Alliance
with reference tci the prohibition bill
passed by the Dominion Parliament last
session. Based on hi. Ewart's opinions
the Dominion Alliance is asking for cer-
tain antendntents to the Ontariu Tem-
perance Act to restrict the drink tee-
the in thf Province, Mr, Ewart deals
with the relative jurisdiction of Domin-
ion and Province respecting prohibit-`
ory legislation and on account of his
prominence in the legal profession and
as an authority on constitional matters,
the questions and answers vitally con-
cerning the people of Ontario are here
given in full:
Question 1.
Section 44 of the Ontario Temper-
ance Act allows the sale for beverage
Huron and Perth
Black Preceptors
Met at Lrxcan
Edward Mole,. of Seaforth,. Was
Elected County Preceptor.
The Huron and Perth Black Pre-
eeptury held its annual tweeting at 1
Lucas, Ont., on Friday, Feb, 6. A11
Preceph.ry of the counties were well
represented and tine nteet1tt proved
to be herr enthusiastic. It leas un-
anin1rnsl, decided to celelirate Derry
Day, August 112th, with the Sir Knights
at Brantford, Ont, _
The new otlicers elected for 1920
were as fuilciws: W. E. P„ Edward
Mole, Seaforth; Dep. P., J. B. Armit-
age, Luetut; ::haplain, S. L. raeland,
Stratford; registrar, Wm. Graham,
Stratford; treasurer., 1. W. Dodds,
Winghant; lecturer, R. McMurray,
Clinton; District Lecturer, 1. t:, Dun-
seillt, Stratford; Standard Bearer, A.
Hodgins, Lucas; District • Standard
Bearer, D, Wilton, Stratford; censor,
C. Dunsntore, St. Paul's; Deputy'Ceu-
snr, D Westmau, Granton; Pursuivant,
1, Rutherford. Stratford; deputy pur-
sutvant, F. Ryan, 1.ucan, •
'l'he retiring County Preceptor, E.
Hodgins, of Lucau, was then presepted
With a past Su11111y preceptor's jewel.
After the eleetio's of officers the
question of the next place of meeting
was Liken up, it Was decided in Paver
of Lucas, The Lucas Preceptory de-
serves much credit -for the hospitality
,hnwn the preceptors.
Council Meets To -Night.
The Council meets tonight (Thurs-
day) to pass the By-law granting Messrs
Merner, exemption of taxes, except. the
school lax, and 3,000 gallons of water
for a -period of ten years, for the flax
mill that they tire. going to erect here.'
The Council stet in Committee nn Mon-
day night to discuss the agreement.
\F WA 00511'( Lsst2 Y' BF 0,0'mtntiio
't2,stdEWtN' `ivit $upaGR\P•C\ors
w.t R4 WEaa., 'MSW' A\NT
4011.1\1J' ^C' 'P'REVE d' WA pr5ON\
PAV 1Nt-`C\h10 ER "C465 Wv,„As
Da A 1' all , 1.11G£ SON\£ OF
SUE,SCRt5&8.5 061
this would the Province of Ontario
come within the meaning of section
152 of bill 25? That is the Province of
Ontario a Province "ill which there is
at the present time in force a law •pro-
hibiting the sale of, intoxicating liquor
for beverage purposes?"
Answer—The Province of Ontario
does' not come within the meaning 4F
section 152 of 13111 25. 1t cannot be
said that there is In force in Ont-
ario "a law prohibiting the Spee OT
intoxicating liquor for beverage pur-
poses." These words cannot be taken
to include Provinces in which there is'"
a law 'prohibiting only the partial •
"sale of intoxicating liquor." For
example, if Ontario Prohibited the
sale of brandy only, clearly the Pro-
vince would not conte within the
language of section 152. And Ire
tween this very limited prohibition
and one which extended to all in-
toxicating liquor with a slight excep-
tioh, there is no, point at which a hall
could be made.
Question 11.
• Would Bial 211, if brought Into force
as provided, prevent the short-cir-
cuiting" of liquor? That is, could
,•A" i. Toronto order from "6" in
Montreal, a certain brand of liquor
manufactured by "C':' in Toronto; could
"B" than purchase the liquor from "C"
and have it shipped direct from "C" to
"A" without the liquor which was or-
dered being sent ti ,Montreal : 14 then
back to Toronto?
Assuming that Bill 26 will not pre-
vent "short-eireuiting." has the Pilo•
vince the power to du•tltis?
Answer—Bill 26, even if applicable
to Ontario, would not prevent tine
"theirt-circuiting" of liquor. The pro-
hibitions of Bill 25 reiete (1) to the
lranspnrtatintt of liquor into the 4ti'ti-
vince, and (2) to the manufacture of
nr dealing with liquor t`to be unlaw•
W.I." taken into the Province. Neither
of these prohibitions touches the mak-
ing of a 501111551 in Montreal in respect
to liquor already in Ontario,
As already stated, the Province 'ha
no jurisdiction with reference So 1latei-
provinci:d traffic it has, 'however,
jurisdiction over the control of lignor
within the Province. 'fhe Legislature
could not, therefore, directly prohibit
transportation of liqur from Monh•e5I
into the Province. But it could pro-
hibit custody by any person of that, OT
any other liquor within the Province.
Question IR.
What is the exact meaning of the
words "import and ilinportation" as
used in Sections 152 and 154?
Answer—In Provincial legislation the
word "import" wotild, primarily meant
bringing into the Province fl•nnt any
place outside the Province, whether
from a foreign country or frnrn another
Province. In D7nininn legislation th•e
.primary sense fftf the word would be
bringing goods Into the Dominion, in
troth cases the context night warrant
the attachment of a secondary meaning,.
b'rt l see no resu'il for d l arlare from
the nrimary 10.0111115'.1 the word in the
sections referred.io.
Question IV.
Assio sing that. where ther,l is eon.
current jurisdiction of the Dominion
and Province., and overlapping 1e0slAt-
11011, the Dominion enactment is para..
mount, Then, whet would be the effect
of the provisions of Section 154 of 13',11