HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-5, Page 6THE C
TAX4reilAY, FellrtrarY; r
CANADIAN YARN . $1,20 lb
BLEACHED COTTON reg. 350 for 22%c yd.
FACTORY COTTON reg. 36c for 22%c yd.
Flannelette, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton, Sheet-
ing, Circular Pillow Cotton,Gaby Delaines, Liberty
Gingham*, Silkoline, Mill ends of Drapery Materials
and Factory Cotton, Rernnants, and Coats' Thredd,
when.purchased with other goods.
Attended Dance at Winehane
There were some from town who at-
tendee the G. W. V, A, dance in Wing,
,bantlltSi Friday cliellIng,
NewC.L,11, Truistic.
Mr. H. R. Sharp ef the lehelsons
Hank, was' appointed member of the
Colleglat Board of the Couety Council
I last week,
ScarletMeetig on the PM,
There will be a Royal Scarlet Meet-
ing on the 14th inst. M the L, 0. I.
rooms at 8 o'clock, All members are
asked to attdmi.
Had a Good Sale.
Gatetegt Tasta
Man's randdilnE
Phone; 103
Apposite Pates Mary
Dry Goods and HOW
r wn s Fur/HO/inn.
PkOne 67
Next R0921 paidc
1920 Leap Year. Minor Lomas.
Cteieirnicea By-Lawinewillbvoteeb. ;3nthe Ilydro-
ur Good ResolutKincardine for 1920 would be to get the Habit of!
'Icilinsou's Grocery, "THE QUALITY STORE": We offer you a Don't forget to hear Cope on Friday
by buying now 1 evening in the Town Hall. There are
Money Saving Prices this week. You can save money
as the Market in these Lines are very firmstill some seats left.. ,
4 bars laundry soap 25c
3 cakes palm olive soap
3 mikes lavender
soap, 25c
5 can Pilchards, the
figh .22c
Now is the thine to
have your hens laying.
We have the helpers that
the hen needs.
Oyster Shell
Mica Grit
Pleats Egg Producer
Pratts Lice Destroyer
Lay -more Mash.
Just Try it; they Help
Tea Markets are ad-
vancing in Prices, but
our is et the old prices
while they last.
Special price on 5lb
lots Black or Mixed:
Special Blend, per lb 50
Royal Bleed, per tb 60
Quality Blend per lb 70
Japan Green per tb 50
Rose Japan Bleed lb 75
Nse e
Candlemas Day.
Monday was Candlemas Day, tiPs. day
on which the bear Is supposed to em-
erge from his winter quarters andisige
up the situation as to • the weather. if
the bear sees his shgdow, he is suppos-
ed to go back to his quarters for six
weeks. If Inc gets around without the
sun looking down upon him, causing
no shadow, Mr. Bruin stays out and an
early spring may he looked for. It
looked on Monday as if the bear saw
his shadow, but we have been having
excellent weather this week so far.
out Pains So DO
The Features -of Read
r,, which we inyile specie' attention
it41 hewn v, hi, q. :at red comfort, ite
solid et:met:on, and its below the
Ut•u4.1 prises. _Any one of these pointe
would be seal:emit to earn it: your
preference. When they are ell'ereach
pined we feel gime yell will realize
thet this it' furniture buying oppoe'
tunily you cannot • iford to Ignore
Undertaker anal Funeral Director. Phone 2$.
Night and timidity 4)alls answered at Residelice over store
We wish to thank our many friends for their
hind patronage during the past year, and we
wish each cend everyone a Happy and
Prosperous 1919.
3d El- IiovErr
Despensing Chemist
elsaiMelele earellnerrellesnateneteleanreatieLMMeMtellaniesilibeeetteleeeniele eiciree net esetesee,
and be ready for Spring
Roofing is going to be
scarce. Order yours now
Happy New Year
The Corner Grocer)
Fish should be more freely used be-
cause it ranges exceedingly Ittge In
point of fond value. It ris an economi-
cal source of energy for those who
work with either head or heeds. It is
also most easily digested. There are,
many reasons indeed, . why people
should eat more fish. The chief are.
that it. is—good food; appetizing; aeon,
°mime. At this season of The year fish
can be procured in specially fine con-
Fresh Halbut
Fresh "Salmon 'Trout
tenntatt iteddle
Vresh Water Herring •
tenets and eod Fish.
A large majority of the people are
troubled more or less, with some foam
of heart trouble, and that distressed
feeling that cones to those whose heart,
It in a weakened condition eauste great
anxiety and elem..
On the first sign of any weakness of
the }wart Milburn's Wart end Nerve
Pills should be taken, and thus secure
prompt and permanent relief.
Mrs. Thomas Hopkins, Crowell, N.S.
writes:—"I had heart trouble for several
years, sometimes better and sometimes
worse, but a year ago last fall I could
not lie down in bed for that distressed
feeling, and had to get up and sit up a
great many nights, and when I did lie
down it was with my head very high'
I purchased two boxes of Millnuae:
Heart and Nerve Pills and feel a lot
better. I can now lie downy quite
comfortably and the paint:
MIlburn's Heart and Nero, NIB ao
50c. a box at. all dealers or ute4rd three
on receipt of pCce by Tee T Maher:
timited. Tnrev,J, '
The Undersigned is :low entering
the coat business and asks for s share
of the public business,
Alt orders may be left, for the pae-
:ent at my residence on Huron St.
Terms --Strictly Cash ---Phone 155.
We are expecting both at Brucefield
ind Clinton, some of the new kind of
goal in stove size Briquettes. Try a
'oad of this, as we can assure your
titlre satisfaction, besides coming a
Ittle cheepet'. We also stock the fol-
lowing at Clinton:—
EBONY Cletile The Cannel de Lexe.
SOFT COAL. 3 in. and up Belmont
Pea Coal. $1.00 cheaper than other
CANADA CEMENT, The statute:el ar-
Accounts may be paid, and orders
left at Wiltsie's grocery store,
At Brucefield:--
in both hard and soft woods. B.C.
SHINGLES Selling at lets than le -
clay's cost price,
FIBRE, BOARD cheaper and better
than lath and peel:ter.
SeleITHING COAL our fantqua klean-
weld, jl
elvo.tannel, Soft Coal, Mut Canada
We d., not Want all the businese, but
tve wound Ilke to have mire,
Hawkins a,
' lbagiNt
Pleosse Oat 04111tOt% Ste. 7'4.
..-reeere' . 704,,Ate.'2euti-.11. rreee for tertteeilealit oe eleee
There was a big crowd at Richard
Fisher's sae, Huron Road on Friday at.
ternoon. The stock went at a good
figure and good prices were realized on
everything. ' . •
Buys Bakery.
00 Tuesday of this week M. eters-
ford, of Hamilton, purchased the baking
business of B. Britton, which was offer-
ed. The new proprietor will take pos-
session in a week or so.
Hydro was "Frown" Saturalay.
Last Saturday morning hydro nears
had a busy time to keep going for a-
while as tbe.power was 'off agin, on 0 -
lee tiouble at Niagara was the
County Hume Committee
Paid a Visit Hare.
The 1920 County Horne Committee
made their first official visit to the
Home on friday afternoon after the
January session of the County 'Council.
Town Clock Was Not Striking.
The Town Clock has been under the
weather, so far as striking the hours are
concerted. The zero weather last week
snapped the cable for the clock to the
bell tower, and the workmen are wait-
ing for some warm day to fix the cable.
Moved to London.
This week Mr. W. A. McGuire mei
family moved to London. We are sorry
to lose our citizens, but as sorneof the
family held positions in the Forest City
and after the fire here, the family de-
cided to settle in that city.
Came Out Second Best.
Last Thursday morning a bull owned
by Mr. Jos. Copp, broke loose and got
onto the railway track and a battle
royal was staged by the Goderich train
which vanquished the lord of the barn-
yard. It will be a loss to Mr. Copp.
Deputation From Co. at Stratford,
Huron County Council had a depn-
tation at Stratford on Thursday last, to
join with others from Wellington Water
loo and. Perth Counties to meet Hon.
Higgs, Minister of Public Warks
of Ontario, in regards to the Priivincial
Highweys. • •
A -Successful Skitini Party.
„Last Thursday evening the Cotten:Mt
Bible Class of Willis church, held a
very successful skating party at ,the
Arena. there .Wite a big crowd of.
skaters and the Kittle Band had a 'good-
ly number' of selectionfor' tee 'skaters
A dainty lunch was served in one of
the wgiting rooms, The Class will
clear over $60.
Some Went to Seaforth.
A few hockey sports were at Sea -
forth last Friday evening to see the
match between Seaforth and St, Marys.
A good many will go over to see the
remaining semi-final .gaines. Seaforth
ought to get to the finals this year, by
the way they are playing,
1111 1101111
Many Going to $eaforth.
l'here is e big crowd ;Minting on
going to Seaforth tonight to See the
iloekeY Match between London and
Annual Convention,
The Annual Coovention of the On-
tario Brandt of the Dominion Alliance
will be held In Mosey Hall, Tercet°,
on March 9, 10, 11.
Did, Nat Orgsnize, ,
The Choral Soelety meeting elated
for Tuesday' night did not take place as
only a few were present. NO plans are
/IOW made as to the next -move,
Injured In The Eye:
Listowel Banner:—Sam Caruso, em-
ployed at the Malcolm factory, has been
off work for a while, on account of
being struck in the eye with It ball,
Sam was ' former resident of the town
when his 'father ran a fruit store.
Donations to Hospital.
The following, are the donations tick.
nowtedged at the February mann cif
the Honda) Roard,—Bettiany Prea-
byterian awl 810; Clinton Pre0y-
terian Ltdies, a quilt; Mrs. W. Manning
a botter-knIfo; Mrs. W. Marquis, Six
small piliows.
Dates Ctiastses.
Word was teceleed by tee G. W. V.
A. from its headquarters that the pro-
vincial convention will be held in Pet-
erboro on March 17, 18, and lb instead
of on March 10 11, and 12 as was ann.
(posed here. The Daminion convention
will be held In Montreal starting on
Buys Property.. .
Mn. Luke Lawson purchased the
house and lot on Mary street, owned by
Mr. J. J. McCaughey, last week for
$1,600, Mr, Lawson becomes the pos-
sessor this week, bet will move until
next month. This property- will suit
Mr. Lawson, as•it has an excellent barn
on the premises and is near to' the
Must Keep Roads Open.
The attention of all having rural de-
livery mail boxes is called to the foll-
owing clauses from (Inc Regulations of
the Post Office Department of Canada.
Roads on which rural mail delivery is
about to be established must be in good
condition, It is to be understood that
for the effective performance of the
service they must be kept passable for
vehicles at all seasons of the year, eith-
er by the Alunicipaiity of the residents
who are being served. Rural mail box-
helders should understand that it is not
the duty of courier, to break the roads.
after storms. During the winter se:en:its
the roads must be kept open and the
approach to the box sufficiently clear
of snow to enahle the courier to cover
his route without being unnecessarily
delayed or Mcbevenlenced,
Successful Year for
Trusts &Guarantee Co
Arian*/ Report Shows Total Assets of
$Z2,1,419 an Letrease of Nearly
One And Three Quarter Mill-
The annual statement of the Truces
& Guarantee Company, Limited, shows
that the company has enjoyed a year
during which it steadily expanded its
business in all departments, During the
past few years (Inc company has stead-
ily added to its organization in different
Won at Goderich. parts of Canada and is now reading the
The C. C. I. hoekey team won at
benefits of the • constructive policies
that have been followed but as a re-
God.eriah on friday night by a score of
sult, substantial gains have been re -
7 -2. The Collegiate had the follotv-
ported at all departments of the com-
ing players at the County town:—
patty and in this way the company has
Graelis, goal; Nitinning, right dere:ice:,
Anderson, left defence; Murphy, center
Elliott, right wing; Bawdee, left wing;
Anderson, sub,
Missionary Banquet To -Night.
The union Missionary Banquet of the
men of Ontario St. and Wesley Method-
ist Churches will be held in Wesley
Hall tonight at 6,30 p. 11. Following the
supper, Rev, A Lloyd Snell M. B. 0,
Missionary Secretary of the Methodist
Church. will deliver and address an
behelf of the Forward Movement.
Send 'Fha News.
Send us the news from your com-
inurtity and be on the map, There are
two things an editor enjoys, faithful
enrrespoitrients and early news. It is
heart -breaking to receive 11 nice bud-
get of snappy items just as you are
hurrying In get the forms closed up, in
time to catch the inails,, Call by phone
or send by mall.
Money Orders Still Sold.
Money orders payable in the United•
States are still being issued by the post -
offices throughout the country Although
the exchange rate has reached eleven
and euarter per, cent. According to
officials, there is only a Melt deinaud
for them, Some weeks ago Hee sale of
money (Altera was shopped by the de -
pertinent, wheel the rate of exchange
tended tee per, cent, but was resumed
been able to render still greater ser-
vice in its capacity of corporate execu-
tator and investment agents.
The total Guaranteed Trust account,
Including securities on RealEstate,
Bonds Debentures, Stocks, and Govern-
ment, Provincial, Municipal and Rural
District Bondi, and Cash in Bank show
a gain to $5,363,413 over $5,182,061
at the end of the previous year.
The steady advance ef the estates and
agency business Is indicated by tout
mortganes on Real Estate of a value Of
12,191,030, up front ett636,620, and
other securities, Including Government
and Municipal Bonds and unrealized ori-
ginal assts amounting to $11,619,680,
as compared $10.913,613. With the
cash in bank this places the total assets
under Estates and Agency Account at
$14,046,e58. up from $12,783,554,
As SI result of the increase business dur-
ing the year the total assets of the
company have gaieed. to $12,132,419
as compared with. $20,473,199.
The larger business handled has re-
sulteden the company being able to re-
port net profits for the year of et io,
t75. These profits, added to the balance
of Profits and LosS carried forward
from the previous year, brought the tot -i
al amouist available for distribution up
to $575, 41e, Of this atimulit
ends at the rate of 67 per annum exit:
881,656, leavine athitit, to be arried
when 1 dropped to eight. forWard ote new jeer et 04 I 563,
We never appeared before you in the light of
a firm in business solely for pleasure,
claiming to sell less than cost, nor is it our
intention ever to so appear. We are trying'
to make a fair profit on every article we
sell:' However we do not consider this in.
consistent with giving you the fullest
value for your money. We have what the
average buyer wants in our line which is
offered at perfectly proper prices. If you
are not dealing with us perchance we are
both losers.
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the ehespest—Aiways the Best
Call and See our Lines
of Granite,, Tin and
Allurninum ware
Electrical Fixtures,
Irons and Toasters.
te. •
We have a splendid line
of Ranges and Heaters
on hand.
Anatimares.callatinmaltz...kaare.mrommaor. .ausoksonsatramirsnommaxtlamas.Snoyarics...r, 9
xsonanniarna......asavneaatnataap V.1,,41=1,1:41.414.
— • ca.z.........malauaosa=frsour.mtm.
The Children's Happiest Hour
is the time when mother. plays
(rc-2-51" tile best manufactured from111
-kir them 00 one of our pianos—
viewpoint. The action is perfect
• the tone, full, rich and resonant
—the finish beautiful. Before
you purellUse, a piano we want
you to see them, get our prices
and terms of selling. I also have
a Gourley piano of the Louis de-
hign used only a short time and
like new to sell at $300 00, This
' piano retails at $600,00 today
-el and is s chance worth getting
after. .Write or call for particu-
lars at.once,
at Al3s4o0gopoigno sold by lieintzman and used only. two (2) .years, to go
Jonathan Hugill
BOX 229.
. • . There's always a Best in Everything!. This holds true of
Shoes 6 well as of anything else!
Some Makers make very poor shoes—others. make .fah-ly
good Shoes, while a few Makers make the best of Shoes! .
From the output of these Best we've selected our stock,
We want You to See and Know about OUR
No matter -what your vocation may be we can meet your
Shoe requirements in detail. There etre choice Black Leathers,
and the new shades of Dark Tan Leathers, in the conservative.
or the extreme styles.
THE PRICE RANGE $5.00 to $18.00
Notwithstanding the universal increase in the' -cost of shoes.,
this SHOE STORE still stands for the I3est Man's Shoe at any
Stated Price. " ,A,j
...., t -oft irfe...4,19*! TAIonnisionveRiiiii0M.N404/
r? er4 r 41?