HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-5, Page 5There are good points In near- lyi all makes of watches• there are few that are bain every respect. In REINWATCHES you will find erbodied ALL the good pointswatch' can leave, Judged frothe standpoints of SOLIDITDURABILITY, 'RELIABILiTlp'.•�, r.. ' 'ebrtlttty, 5111, feocompa019®00sesagoosOie 4$cl e4"140 00 CP0 t,+ta 0 et 06 ©®0 Q 0 4a 11401060 >x _jQ ry l� q yQ� nrra19,a1„a 3'•,3'1 GViliJlILIf pg�{{y�,y�����gg \\4� FIFTY Y"1O9"GA6tori;4, FIFTY PIs i3UMR' deep interest in the Welfare of the Chureh. It IS e'lear that the farmers of ()maria are not going to be outclassed by the towns and cities ill their whole- hearted support of thisnational move- ment, .9040f0 0200040)44 4410 en990011442 u0t WiTII TOM CilURCXtB$. es JEWLER & OPTICIAN Isnttdr of Markiage Licenses 'hone No. 174w; Residence 174.1 •0000000ct1900TO®0Q MaSaaoo0100 ,e,,aaetseeosto®em®®easoceagroi ossa 6 St. Paul's Church Morning Prayer 11 a,m, Evening Prayer 7 p,m. Preacher: Rev. S. E MCKegney. Congregational Sociat meeting will be held in Owen's Memorial Hall next Tuesday evening(. Bapt'Ist Church ..Next Sunday the Pastor will preach morning and evening. The subject for our consideration Will be "The Forward Movement." • Every member canvas will he made next week. Ontario St. Church. • The Pastor win deal with the final questions of the Forward Movement on Sunday. . The 'Christian Endeavor Connnittee had charge of the .League Meeting on Monday night, The topic was taken by Clifford Tyndall. It was entitled `Faith' and there were many inspiring thoughts given. Misses Cora and Beatrice Jer- vis played an instrumental duet. Roll Cali was taken. The Ladies Aid met on Wednesday afternoon and had a splendid time. Over 100 were present, And the :afternoon Inas spent in quilting. A reception was also Held new members. STORMY WEATHER HARD ON BABY The stormy, blustery weather 'which we have during February and March is extremely hard on children. -Conditions ;lake it necessary for the another to keep them in tile, house. 'They are often confined to overheat- ed, badly ventilated rooms and catch *olds which rack' their whole system "To guard against this a box of Baby's 'llwn Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will :not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the brighter days come along '•The Tablets are sold by medicine .dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box 'from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., `Brockville Otn. METHODIST NATIONAL CAMPAIGN T iii E ("..G..t N'T Q IV N SLAMS, BANGS AND ADVICE TO THE DRURY GOVT. Candlemas Day calnes,ttaiontiay. Will the bear see the shadow of a seat for lion. Mr. Raney? U. P. 0. -Labor Government should create a Department of Explanation and trust - lion. P. C. Biggs to keep the Minister thereof busy, The recent Provincial Election is said to have cost at least a million and a quarter dollars, or almost tell times the average cost of the three .preceding con- tests. rhe prohibition plebisnite doubt- less Increased the cost, but It looks as if the Seven Sleepers had been trying tomakethe party stalwarts happy by spending lots of money on the elect- ion. HOW TO TREAT STOMACH TROUBLE A Tonic Medicine is Needed to Build Up the Digestive Organs. W .R A: L9r, cal News Lunt loon Here. The Lenten Season will soon be here, Ash Wednesday will be February 1M14, 0, 0.--H, B. Kerr 1. G.—L, Murch Chaplain -W. 11, .liellyar R.S,S,—R. Miller L, S.S.—F. Mutch. At the close of the installation a num- ber of the members made short speech' Buys Cottage. es, which was followed by a well -pre - Miss E, J. Becker has bought the cot_ pared lunch, tage on Mary street from her sister Mrs, (.Dr.) Darken, of 'Detroit, which Becomes Special Sales Agent. was left to her by the will from their Alderman A, J. McMurray on Moil - 111. day next will assume the position of Special Tractor Sales Agent for the international Co., with his headquarters at Londpn, though Mr, McMurray, will return here for the week ends, in speaking to The New Era, he states that there are 100, tractors in Huron Co, now, and no doubt a great many more this year. '?'here is to be a Tractor . On Wednesday at high noon, Rev. School at Exeter on the it and 12th. Another one at Stratford on the 17 and 18 and one at Harriston on the 24t11 and 25111. .We are glad to see our citi- zens winning deserved promotions, mottle*w I Snow Shoe Party. The 1', P. Guild, of St, Paul's church held a snow shoe party on Wednesday evening, followed by a lunch- in the Knitting Factory club rooms. • A jolly time was spent, Married Wednesday. The old-fashioned methods of treat- ing stomach diseases are being discard- ed. The trouble with the old- fashioned methods was that when the treatment was stopped the trouble re- turned in an aggravated form, The modern method of treating in- digestion and other forms of stomach trouble is to tone up the stomach:and glands to their normal work. Every step towards recovery is a step gained not to be lost again. The recovery of the appetite, the disappearance of pain after eating, the absence of gas, are steps on the road to .heait4s that those who have tried the tonic treat- ment remember—distinctly, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are a tonic every constituent of which is helpful in building up the digestive organs, and therefore the very best remedy fair simple or chonic cases of stomach trouble. The success of the treat- ment is best shown by hundreds of cases like the following. Mrs. Chas. Coiner, Pictbn, Ont., says:—"For up- wards of two years I was a great suf- ferer from indigestion. Food would ferment in my stomach, and I. would belch gas with a burning sensation. Often 1 would be troubled with nau- sea, sick headache and dizziness. Notwithstanding that 1 was under medical treatment the trouble grew so bad, that I would only eat when absolutely forced to, and I was in constant misery. 1 was finally ad- vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and bad only been using them a few weeks when 1 found they were help- tug me. I very gladly continued, their ,use and the. result is they have •made me a well . woman, every vestige of the trouble. having disappeared. I am so grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me that i strongly advise any who may be suf- fering from, stomach trouble to give thein a fair trial, and I believe that like myself they will Lind a sure cure" You can get Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills through any dealer its medicine or by ;nail, post paid, at 50 centsa box, or six boxes for $2'.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Willis Church On Sunday morning next the elders elect will he ordained to that office. The Minis? . subjects will lie: A.M. "My Fathers 1 ::.iness." P.M. "Christ- ian Optunisue." 1 he Annual Sleigh ride of the Sunday School will take place on Thursday afternoon Sleighs will leave the church at 4-15. The ride will be folit*red by supper in the Scholl Room. All scholars of Willis Sunday school are heartily welcome. Next week the Forward Movement canvas will take place. The annual Men's Banquet is -being held on Wednesday Evening this week. Tise Girls' Club intend. holding a Valentine tea on"February 14th, from three to seven at Miss Gantelon's store. Rev. Mr. McLean, of Egmondville, preached in Willis church on Sunday. The Egmondville congregation were to have had Dr. Neil, ex -moderator, of Tor- onto, as their preacher, but on, account of the latter's church burning down on Friday night, he had to withdraw and Mr. McLean got Rev. Mr. Hogg to take the services. information lately to hand indicates :that the united Forward. Movement of flteProtestant Churches in Canada is. ;sweeting with marked success. From the 'first it. has numbered among its most .devoted workers many of the leaders in Canadian business and public life, Although the general financial canvass which forms one feature of the move- ment will not take place until next week a number of churches have already rals- 'ad more than the total amount asked -40r, Blyth Methodist circuit in the God- ••erich District reports that seven mem- bers of its financial committee have sub scribed $t,050. Naturally the pastor 'there is confident that 'the circuit will raise more than its quota. In its appeal for $4,000,000 the .Methodist National Campaign has set its special subscription mark as low as $500, in order to include many people sof moderate means but large hearts and SKATING 'PAR'TY under..auspices of the ONTARIO ST. ' SUNDAY SCHOOL Thursday, Band ...... MARKET REPORTS flogs • $16.50 'Eggs to 65c to 70c. Butter 55c °Wheat $1.95 to $1.98 "4flats 85c to 87c `Barley 40c to 45c 'Buckwheat $115 to $1.20 Hay $19.00 to $20,00 'hlran $45 ton Shorts $55, to $56 iVi'ilifeed $50. o'tatoes $2.00 bag Feb. 19th —0 --- in Attendance Admission 25c Lunch will be Served; Conte and' enjoy a slide Notice The frOst is here. Watch .,your. battery as well as radiator. If you bring your battery to us for whiter or recharge, you will get it back fully charged. We overhaul any make of steerage battery. 9ff'(SRAeE BAXTERY SERVICE Stl'AT:IC0N. =Cat palatial .and Overhauling. . F1111111,��}t�,, e Gettig' 11%1%•.1• a ° Do not Miss the MOCCASIN DANCE in '4the Rink TUESDAY EVENING February 17Th at Eight o'clock. Further Announce- ment next week. Girl's Auxiliary. a ---- 1 S. Anderson tied the matrimonial knot between 'Miss Olive Beatrice, eldest dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. W, 11. Cole, of town to Mr. Robert P. Fisher,- also of Clinton. The young couple were un- attended. After the ceremony and wedding dinner, the young couple left for Indiana, where ?they will spend their honeymoon, visiting relatives. The bride received many handsome and useful presents, testifying to the high esteem in which the young people are held. They will reside in Clinton on their return. Odcers Installed. • Had sr Splendid Time, On Tuesday evening at the Ontario St, Church, the Excelsior Class of Young Men, were hosts to the Pililatls- ea Class of Young Women, and those present, numbering about 75 sat down to a splendid supper. Following the supper, a toast list was provided and the speeches were short and to the point, Mr, E. Livermore, was Toast- master and following was the toats list: On Tuesday evening the newly elect- The.KIng, National Anthers. ' ed officers of Clinton lodge 1.0.0.F., Canada and her Youth: Proposed by were installed by D.D.G.M. Bailie, of itelen Ross, Responded to by Rev. S. Goderich assisted by his installing tears, Anderson. of Bros. 11. B. Tickborne, Grand Mar- The Ladies: Proposed by N. And - shall; Thos. Wallis, Grand Warden. W. erne;, responded to by Miss Eva'Carter. J. Moore, Grand Chaplain; J. R. Muir, The Sunday School: Proposed by Grand Treasurer.. The new officers E. Wasmat, responded to by Mr. W. Hear Murdison sing "Bonnie Lucy Lee" in "Kilt, Bonnet and Heather" 'town Hall, Feb. 9th. Tise waggle o' the kfltl Murdison does make it Waggle, x Murdison, the Scottish Comedian, was recently asked why he did not go on the big' circuits instead if playing the smellier towns replied, "Weal, I've got a wifie an' bairns an' a wee hoose In' 1 like tae get haute, at least once a month, 1xtionses arb no' sae big add the need is great for cmae wronedy in the anteater distrlct3.b Town 11a11, Ctbotoia, February 9flf, . , t are:— N. G.—C. Draper V. G.—Thos. ?lardy R, S.—H. Gould F. S.—J. Wiseman Treas.—H. B. Chant Warden—G, Howes Conductor—E. G. Hall R.S.N.G.—T. Hawkins L. S. N. G. --J. L. Heard R. S. V.G,--J. A. Sutter Mutch A VALENTINE SALE The Clinton Branch of the Women's Institute will be hold a sale of home-made baking on FEBRUARY 14TH at 3.30 p. m., in Mr. S, B, Stotherts Office. Space donated by [en tee! Bros Small Profits Phone 25. JX,orc !Business s>,s=nixa: A Cartoon in Words (By Peter McArthur, in the Globe) Scene; The U. F. O. ark on the top of Parliament 111113 where it was left by, the political deluge. Slapper. Drury and his crew are scanning the Horizon with anxious eyes, Drury—If that dove Raney doesn't soon find a place for the sole of his foot I may be forced to Borrow a raven From Hartley Dewart'or Howard Fergus- on forlthat 'Attoreey-General job. Walker. Address—by Mr. S. B. Stotllers. Solo --by Miss M, Gibbings. Excelsior Class; Proposed by Miss Walker, responded to by Mr, A. JJ McMurray. Our Town: Proposed by G. Jervis, responded to by G. Anderson. l'lse National Anthem brought the suc- cessful uecessful evening to a close, Mrs. Tre- leaven was the accompanist of the even. ing• ti 1lig= ONE OF OUR TENDER JUICY .C.T 'AIre will create ass appetite in any one. 440 matter how indifferent It has been previously. Cut from the finest cattle, when cooked it ,will be found tender, juicy and toothsome. You have no excuse for not trying one --- not even that of etonoiny, You pay the same here though you get more. Butler Bros., Butchers 'The Veterans' Stare.. Phone 170. The Trusts and Guarantee Company ;,O1 ONTO d 23rd ANNUAL STATEMENT Balance Sheet, December 31st, 1919 LYAB'ILITH15 Capital Account -- Capital Stock Sub- scribed $2, Dividend 40 iidenet, 9ue January, 42,034..7! I)ue to 'Bank 138,440.32 Balance at Credit of Pruitt and Loss . , . 401,663.64 22,722.547.02 Assosr5 Capital Account— Mortgage Loans, Call . Loans,Debentures and other Securi- ties, with interest accrued thereon .. $1,916,691.66 Office Furniture, Fix- tures, etc„ at To- ronto, Calgary and 26,000.00 :Brantford t84 000,00 Real Ego* Cash on hand and 111 Bank49,392.67 .7. rincalled Capital stock Guaranteed Trust Account— 'Securities on Real Es- tate, Bonds, Deben- tures, Stocks, etc. . $4,203.764.86 Government, Provin- cial, Municipal and Rural District Honda 040,900.44 Cash in Bank 162,749.24 $2,121,616.05 501,531.15 55,305,413.55 Instates and Agency Account•-- .1Kertgagea on :Real rstato $2,104,030.77 Other Securities, in- cluding Government and Municipal Bonds end 1,lua'en • • lined Original As- sets 11,01.9.0814.71 Cush in Bnnit 533.24'0 .91 514,046,958.313 $22:13241fh511 r-- have audited the hooks for the year ending 31st December and verified the cash, hank bol - tutees anew aa.nd securities of the corporation. We hone examined fothe m edslan independent pendenttob agrees, an to the with. the Posits of the eocorpor ti A.£tsd due consideration we tO asitia the corporation; and with our Oren opinion ;tat in our Opinion the statement best Position our informationnynd.the explanationsotef glsao, rhe Celorpor£tion; and that all transaetlone .the !Orth fairly and truly the state n£ the notice p , M1 oration, Ootporatfon that have, nems Within Our roti-.,: have boot? wttriin the pOwertY of .the corp, (7tIOT1(C$10 101D rAiltEt ; 1+,c G" ii. 143L1.1.01' EI SiV`AR.VS,jL",A . '4S.,i a4fe Olt' IHDWARDii,44016tf#A2# A' U0MPftNT,' . Riatiketeit i&ott*sanse0 e 19411010 ' Gteat'autecd '.Frust Account,-- 'J'rust Funds with .In- terest it ecru ed to date 55,363,415.63 Estates and Agency Accoonb Estates and Trusts tinder Adlninistra- 'tion by the Coin xPany $14;0413,008,29 $1!,046,968,39 $001,415.55 522,132.,419.55. t'orento, 16th JattuorY, 1'•50. ±aama5stt I House For Sale A frame house story and a half high, , 8 rooms, ''4 acre of land with good web ' and cistern, barn and hen house. For further particulars apply to: Joha Shanahan Phone 1.-637, Hulett. 1 R. R. No.1 Clinton, For, Salo .Barred Rock Cockerels from Park 'S: Guilds fatuous !aging strains 2.00 to 3.00, each if taken now also one year- ling finale bred from a 218 egg cocker- el, 55,00, 11. A. Hovey. Clinton, Wanted A middle aged man wants board in private family or iight Apply at New Era. • Sewing Machines 1 sell all kinds of sewing machines, both new and second-hand: also re- pair and keep repairs for all kinds of machinies. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call for anything you want along this, line, at my home, one door west of the Royal Bank.—A. Hooper. Wanted ..-.1i 'House to fent or buy. Apply at Hardware Store. W. H. Davison. Application. Wanted Horses for Sale A good horse for saddle, or would ;sake a good delivery horse; also a quiet driver. • Apply D. C. Forrester, Tenders will be received for repair work by day hour or year on the Clin- ton extension and Seaforth extensions, of the McKillop Rural Telephone 'Sys- tem, or altogether, Tenders will be opened on Feb. 13th. Address all particnlaFs to J.M. Gov- enlock. R. R. No. 1 Seaforth For Sale. i A lovely drop head sewing machine, been used only a few months for sale cheep a aearantee with it. Call et Jonathan E. Hugill's Music Stere, sole agent for the Sell Piano, Seaforth Ont, A Piano Bargain. FOR SALE • Bay Driving horse, 3 years old, an* I general purpose horse 3 years old;' and will be sold cheap. Call at Store, J. E. Hugill, Sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth Ont, ' t.A,lieit,piane uprightorate wood case 7,1-3 octave.' A sweet tone and worth $250. Will sell at $165 for quick sale out of town prospects. Write for par- ticulars to Bell Sales Rooms, Seaforth Ont. Jonathan E. Hugill, Manager, P. 0. Box. 299. Here's Your Chance. $5 daily the year around; send for yearly contract and sample case free, Ft. V. Martin,, Windsor, Ont. Custom Chopping VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices. W. BRYDONI. FEED We have on hand a large stock of No. 3, Yellow, Kiln Dried Corn, which is being sold at very reasonable prices ' and is an excellent winter feed for Poultry, Hogs, L^"attle and Sheep. A mixed car of Bran, Shorts ant Peed Flour has just arrived. Let us have your order early as this line of feed is very soarce this season. As a conditioner for your stock we have Pure Cane Feeding Molasses whtch is the best feed obtainable for this purpose. A full line of Flour always in stock sand a car di Western Oats expected next week. Having purchased a tractor 1 am prepared to do custom grinding and chopping every day in the week. Will give satisfaction. Work done in my own barns. F. W. Andrews, Clinton e .Wanted W.Jenkins&Son FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131. GR t U TUUIWa RAIL ' M DOUBLE'1TRACK ROUTE BETWEEN MONTREAL, TORONTO ": DETROIT ,--,n't t. AND CHICAGO- ;:>:. ape a: ..,.. •. •;i Thirty cords of 18 inch hardwood wanted for the Presbyterian church. Tenders will by accepted foAr a limited time, Apply Farm For Sale. The Executors of the Estate of Jos- eph lzxard, deceased, offer for sale 120 acres 111 the Township of Godericlt com- prising Lot 37. Concession 14, and the the North half of Lot 37 °Concession 13. This Is a well improved fares, has good house, barn, outbuildings and silo, is well fenced, has good wafer facilities, 19 in a good state of Cultivation and has. 10 acres of hardwood and 15 was of cedar .containing Inuiah.valualila, timber, 'file farm Is boated on a good gravel road 3 miles from Cllnion. Apply to,M. Flax . B.R. No. 2, Clin- ton and Athert Ward., 7826 0batslpag- neur, Ave., Montreal, ()hams, Bxeetr- tors, or to W. Bryletter QetbMMri. a• Unexcelled Dining Car Service,, Sleeping cars oat night trains and Parlor Cars on special day 0rr'rt Full information from any Gram Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornbill District Passenger Agent, 'froonto. John Ransford 4, Son, city- passes ger and Ticket Agents, phone 59',. A. 0. Pattlson, station agent. • NO WOMAN CAN BE STRONG AND WEI.I. WITH WEAK KIDNEYS. , Women try to bear the daily burdens of the househtrld7 but the continual atoo 'ling, bending; never ending strain on rho back, sooner or later, may end in some 1oirtn of kidney trouble. Whet *e back aches or becomes weak it is a warning that the kidneys are affaeted,in some way, and on tho Brat yign of any weakness Doan s Kidney Pi1le a1 ould be taken, uo as to strengthen he future t o kidneys and prevent some trouble. Mrs, Joseph Jarais 162 Niagara St. Hamilton writear—•"1 was so troubled with qty kidneys 1 could hardly sleep; 1 could not do Pay work; and was a burden to myeclf. Limed Downs Many laced they- euro helped me, and 1 would not be without them in tho 1 eery,kp otter now than 1 have fits at ' "46,6 .1;104 Tilial!fa'S,OR