HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-2-5, Page 1THE .CLIN. TON. NEW_ Established 1865, 1'01, $4, No, 32 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEBRUARY. 56, 1920, W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publiiabei , Rea The New Era Ads. an have Success 003, om•' AUTO STROP RAZOR The Perfekt razor for a Perfect Shave W. S, :fir., E O E t Ek3 Ph M. B, BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE WWWWWWWW~AotoWWwwWwv wvervvv 11+IrV INCORPORATED IN Ionil CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Owr 120 it manntusa THE MOLSONS BANK THE MOISONS BANK is prepared to render. every assistance possible to responsible business men lir fainters in financing their business. The Manager will be glad to go into your affairs with you and give you any information needed about banking, H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Bores to Refit. 51.19 TIN Royal ark OF OANADA Incorporated 1869. HEAD OFFICE, MO Capital and Reserve Total Assets 630 Branches Special attention to Fanners' terest paid on deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager NTREAL $33,750,000 $505,000,000 retjuirenients, In - Clinton Branch A S i in Overcoats ,a orS tur 30 Young ,Men's Overcoats, up to date styles Worth $35; to clear at $25 ay 12th to be Celebrated at Goderich County Lodge Was Held at Exeter on Tuesday of This Week New Officers Elected — invitations also Received from Stratford and Wingliam for the,12th South Huron County Lodge L. 0. L. was held tit Exeter on 'Tuesday and Messrs, Peter Cantelon, G. B, Hanley, L. Stephenson and W. J Falconer were representatives from Clinton Lodge, The County decided to celebrate the 12th of July at Goderich this year, and invitations were also received from Wingbam and Stratford to celebrate the 12th with them. The officers for the coming year were elected and installed as follows:-... 'Co. Master—J. D. Armitage, Li ean, Deputy to. Master—Robt. McMurray Bayfidid. Rec,-Sec.---P. Cautelon, Ciintoe. Fin-Sec.--Bro. Sproule, Lunn, Treasurer—Adam Gentelon, Gode- rich Twp. 4•st Lect.•—W. J. Falconer, Clinton. 2nd Lect.—L. Carter, Lucan. D. of C.•-Bro. Robinson, Exeter. Chaplain—Rev, Trumpter, Exeter. HICKS IS CHOICE AS PARTY WHIP FOR THE U.P.O. South Huron, Member Named at the Caucus Meeting on Tuesday. U. F. 0. members -elect, in caucus Tuesday afternoon, chose Mr. A. Hicks; of Centralia, representative of South Huron, as the party Whip. They also considered who of their number should have the honor of moving the reply to the Speech from the Throne. While the final choice will be left to Premier .Drury, Rev. Edgar Watson, M. P. P. for North Victoria, will likely be selected, • The • Labor group will be asked to choose one of their •number to second the reply, and this will be done at their caucus next Monday. Mr. W. A. Crock- ett, M. P.P. for South Wentworth, is mentioned as the probable choice. In addition to discussing the fore- • going matters. the Farmer members i considered the legislative pr'gran: to be introduced by the Government, the ever-present patronage problem and the Biding of a seat for Attorney -Gen- eral Icon, W. E. Raney. 000000000000000 Nitr t c Butes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Women's Patriotic Society will meet on Friday afternoon at 3.30 oclock in the Council chamber, to discuss and decide whether they will use what money Is in the Treasury to place Memorials to the fallen soldiers in the Public School and Collegiate institute. Come and show :your interest. All the ladies are invited. Births. McKEGNEY.—At Clinton, on Wed- nesday, February 3rd, 1920, to Rev. and Mrs. S. E. McKegney, a daughter, (still -horn.) Marriages FISHER—COLE— In Clinton on HOW TO INCREASE_ ASSESSMENT AND YET PLEASE PEOPLE Brantford Commissioner Tells of ' His Plan --- Claims it is Success -- Less Than Fifty Appeals Be. ing Entered in Six Years. The Assessment' gtiestion has be. come an impc.rtant question to some- Mr, James Dunford made a business. ratepayers in town and we clip the fol- trip to London acrd Ingersoll this week, lowing frim the London Advertiser of Friday last: --- A. G. Ludlow, assessment Con1mlS- sioner of Brantford, in an interesting 0000000000000o0 0 'CIRCUIT RIDER" NOW MILLIONAIRE. g n OVER TIIE TEACUPS o 000000000000000, Mr. Pollock, of Blyth, was In town an Wednesday. Master Colenso Salter is attending the Upper Canada 'College, at Toronto, Mr. Harry Gold was in London on Monday on business. Mr, J, J. Merrier, M. P„ of Seaforth . was in town on Monday. Mr. Pied Owen, of New York, was here this week on a business trip to the address before the members' council of Clinton 'Knitting Co, the chamber of commerce Wednesday Mrs. Chas, Bartliif and Miss fele in the 'Tecumseh (louse, explained the assessment used in Brantford, wbictt to the last six years has Increased the assessment of that city one million dol- lars. Less than 50 appeals were 4n- tered by citizens in that time. Mr. Ludlow exptatned that all land was assessed at its actual value and the buildings up to 65 per cent. of what Bartflff were visitors at Seaforth this ; w+eek. SM MARLS* MANHO116. M•.P. Miss Marion Bali, of Sombre, who fu the seyenttee Rev. Ubartes bas been the guest of her brother, Mr. ton was a Methodist pastor in On - Roy Ball for the past week or so, se- tarso. After seventeen yearn of eir. turned to her the on Monday. mit wort he lost hes voice and went e' y .Into business in Montreal with les s. Glias. Cannot, of Hamilton, made brother, William. Later Charles a business trip to Clinton this week, nerved to London, Eng„ where he prominent in poltttes told the assessors thought was their value. Nits E. L. Paxman, of Parkhill, was ' Branae. two years ago he vias Lard Newerin arriving at house values the speaker thedest of her brother, Mr, J, FI, Bodnnt o[ London. He !s M. P. for g Bodmin and a millionaire. stated that the assessors measured Paxman over the week end. f Meanwhile his fellow -preachers right around the outside of the house ry}r. J. W. Treleaven, Principal of the who did not lose their voices have and then multiplied the total by thep rrovrn old in service and are beneIl- height of the building, adding six feet C. C. 1, was in Goderich last week, ;caries of the Superannuation Fund, for a building that was totally exca- speaking to the Go. Council on behalf to w'Itich the Methodist Atria:: beteg /sled to contribute vated underneath. A certain multiple j of the Huron 'Collegiates fora bigger in the February Campaign drtva. was then used to arrive at the assessed grant The County Council has value. 9n Brantford the multiple for old Varna circuit and there are still a gretting his inability to attend the cheaper or rouglrer class 'buildings was Little Thelma Ball has been confined few of the older members of the Meth- meeting because of his being quer- 3, and ran up to 54. The multipie for to the house with the prevailing cold, odisf church who remember him. ! antinedet:non account of illness in ahis r - factories ranged from 10 to 16, and but is able to be about again.i wholsesale houses at 20, Mr. John Yeo, bf ;Goderich, was 1 faintly, shakinghands with old friends in town The friends of Mrs. Jas. Cornish will I From W. A. McLean, Deputy Min- nie Costly. be pleased to leash she is now recover- ?stet of Highways, Toronto, enclosing on Friday of last week.rnv- A house of 3,000 cubic feet space was in from her recent illness. copies of the orders -in -council app assessed $300 extra if it had a hot Rev. C. N. iMcCamus, who is Dis- g inn bylaws Nos, 1S and 20 (making water heating system. If the house con trict organizer for Goderich Methodist Mr, !tarry Gould and son, fioward, spent Sunday in Goderich, alterations in the county road system), reined a bath tub, another 1100 was District, was in Blyth on Friday even- I with the exception of that part of by - added to Its value, and still another ing last addressing a Forward Move- Mrs. Geo, Shipley and Mrs. Worden late No. 20 referring to the road within tell on Wednesday for Ottawa, owing 1 the limits of the town of Goderich. to relatives being seriously 111. i With reference to the designation of The many friends will regret eito the Lake Shore road as a Provincial hear that Mrs. Morgan Agnew is serious . county road, as requested by this ly at her home. A baby girl was born county, the Deputy Minister stated a week or so ago. •I'he hest wishes of that this was still in abeyance, owing the citizens is that the young mother to proposals to amend the existing or - may be speedily restored to her usual ganization in the direction of an in- . good health. I creases! mileage of Provincial high - doubled the grant this year. 1 Sir Charles was a probationer on the George C. Petty. Reeve' of I e hall Is Huron's Warden Standing Committee Selected - Grant' to Collegiate/ Doubled - Grants made to Hospitals and Child- ten's Shelter —$500 voted to the Armenian Fund At the open session of the county council on Tuesday afternoon of Last week, Mr. George C. Petty, Reeve of , ifens•all,, was elected Warden for this year. It was the Conservatives' turn tit' choose the Warden, and in caucus .the vote was a tie between Reeve Petty De- pety Reeve Dr. 'Clark of Goderich. The casting vote In favor of Mr. Petty was given by Mr. Spotton of Howlett as fe- presenting the municipality with the largest assessment, When the council convened Dr, Clark moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott of Stan - icy, that Mr. Petty be Warden for 1920. There was no other nomination, end Mr. Petty was declared elected and was escorted to the chair by ex -warden J. N: Campbell. The newly -elected Warden then subscribed to the declar- ation of office before Judge Dickson, who tendered a few remarks of con- gratulation upon his election,' , The clerk placed a number of com- munications before the Council, among them being the following: From Reeve Plum, of Brussels, re - 5100 was tacked on for each additional bath. In other words it cost extra to keep clean. In Brantford 85 per cent. of the houses had "modern improve - !Dents," A veranda seven feet wide had its width multiplied by two and to this a nought was added, the assessment being therefore $140, an eight -foot af- fair would be assessed at $160. It 'was easy to classify the various t' pes of houses. 1n London there were ah,eit ten ,classes, and the multiple system could he used in every class. In speaking of depreciations in value Mr. Ludlow declared that the penalty should be put on the man who let his place go. "nowt add to the assessment of a man who paints his place and keeps it in good repair. Get after the chap who never spends a cent in im- provements. That is the way we do it In Brantford,'' ise said. Tax idle Land Heavily. Mr. Ludlow stated that from the as- sessment report.he had received several years ago from London, this city had 6,073 vacant tuts in its area of 6,000 acres. The remedy of the vacant lot problem was assessment at its full value if not a little beyond. "Put it at a price where theoweers will tell you that they would sell for less. There is one firm or man in your city that owns 75 lots. 1f you over -assess him he will get busy and build." He advised the city not to he in a hurry to take in new subdivisions. , Mr. Ludlow told of a Brantford schenne'is which the citizens had in- vested,' They bought their land and Wednesday, Feb, 4th, by Rev. S. And- built houses of the same design, end erson, Mr, Robert P, Fisher to Miss Olive Beatrice, •eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1-1. Cole, all of Clinton,' Deaths HARLAND r In Clinton 00 Tuesday, February 3rd, Mary Pode, wife of Mr J. T. Harland, aged 87 years and t 1 months. Mahe your Selection massa early before the Sizes owe broken. , ....> Morrish Clothmg C9, A ; quare Ileal tttf EVerr 4.1111 Phan 146r, Estimates Given 11.E.IOD Interior and,.; Exterior Decorating The New Era Job Work k I We protect your floors, furni- ture, att., by plenty of drop chests. Wall Ponen., Mouldings, Signs, Etc. 81 Isaac et by buying materials in carload lots re- duced the cost 25 per cent, He was told that London people had turned this scheme down. "Well then, they did not t have it explained to them in the right way," he exclaimed, and went on t0 tell hots Brantford had built s nunsber of factory buildings and rented them to firms at 8 per cent of the building cost for five years, with an option of buying. They had borrowed the Honey at 5 per cent. Some 2,500 people would have work in the four new factories thus required, M.. teftt� Hallett ' District Officers W. J. Falconer, Elected) District Master for Hullett biatrict — Other Officers Noised — District in Good Shape. At the District L. 0, L. meeting held at Winthrop, recently, tine following officers were elected for the corning term of °Aice:-- District Master, W. J. Paleoner, Clin- ton. Deptuy Master --J. 11. t slnpbell, Wt'tthrop, :cording Secretary—,R, J, Pethick, tin roti. • :se ltct;urSttretae5's.' Montgomery . ; 'rth, ' •, rt. r .-.-�T' 'RknHs caf 6th "anti arcs 'hos , S 1'npiair h, t Stephansan, Cifptott cfi1t er Y M. !lanky, Clinizru ?.nil Lecturer ---4f, C:a'mpbeti, Wits- t» t C, 1. Sitiott, Wirithrt+tt, melt meeting. Blyth Standard:—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Potter, of Clinton, spent over Sunday • with the fornser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, Rev, S Anderson was in Lucknow over Sunday taking the services in the Methodist church. Councillor J. W. Nediger was in Toronto last week attending the meet- ing of the Furst agents and also their l'ig banquet. He reports an excellent tints, .'dr, Wilt. 1'oats, who has been attend. ing the Soldier's Vocational S:houl at Guelph is home owing t" sickness. ••Boxer's many friends will hope for a speedy rebuvery. Fey J.'0. Hogg took the Anniversary services at ligmundvlllei Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mrs. A, Forbes leaves this week to spend a month or so with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Russ at Guelph. Rev. C. N, McCansus was in Wing - ham on Sunday taking services.!*,the Methodist church on behalf of the For- ward Movement, Reeve T. R. Wallis, of Goderich, was trays. In town on Tuesday evening, I From the Deputy Minister of Educa- \lis. Davis, of 'Toronto, is visiting tion en:luiring as to what action the, 1±,r sister, Mrs. S. Kamp. Council intended to pursue regarding the formation 1711 the proposed new in - Mrs. Thos. Shipley is visiting her spect;,rile composed of,parts of Huron, daughter. Mrs. L. Levis al Winghant . : Lamborn and Middlesex. Mr, 11. roll Manning was laid up with From Mr. R. R, Redmond, with re - the rrevailing cold and unable to ac- fr.rence to 1 rnsingan entrance class in company the innior hockey tram to East Wavanosh. Winghant on Wednesday night. I From the Boards of Clinton CAleg- • tate Institute and Wing'ham High School iasking an increase In the special grants tSC:�`?•d^,'r°j?SR,Gft?j'xi"�'S. �.,`�1?ar••t7. e'L"9'1'•"°..'1 t„ -1'..ef':lte institutes and Higil _ s r' Schools, 0 c `'tz.; vv I •From the Navy League of Canada ask e.gidcenowcan wore/ oweets8seee ing a grant of $2,500. Lost At Winghnm, 1 From Mrs. Lenora Greenaway, of London, asking a grant towards the The Northern League Teals from proposed children's hospital al London. Mr. W. Cook left Wednesday morn- Clinton lost at Wingham on Wednesday From A. M. Robertson, asking a ing for London' where he has secured night by a score of 9-1. I grant of 54,500 to the Huron Children's a position with the Hole -Proof Knitting Now a J. P, Shelter. From the jailer and matron of the 50. A. T, Cooper has been advised that Raunty jail, asking for increases of sal- ' Mr. W..1. Moore, of Goderich, was in he has been appointed a justice of the ary town on Tuesday. Peace for Huron County by the Ont- From tate physician and keeper of The friends of Miss Merle Moore ario Government. the county horse, asking for Increases will regret to (sear that she is ill at Detroit with the "flu". Her mother, Mrs, W. J. Moore, is with her, •and last reports state she is doing as welt as can be expected. Sold Her Home. of salary. On Wednesday of this week Mrs. - From the clerk of Lambton county, Fl. li:trtlitf sold her incurs on Ontario enclosing a bylaw and resolution of Si. to Mr. Albert Vodden, of Hullett that county council regarding the Gaud Bend bridge, Ex -Warden Mr. All f S f i) i Isl. Mr. Vodden has secured a good Campbell was heard in regard to this town last Thursday, matter, explaining that it was now is home. Mrs, Bartlith will visit up North the hands la the Ontario Railway and Master Harry Pluntsteel, h:+s been ticfure taking up housekeeping again confined to the house, "11.11 the pre- Municipal Board, which would deter- • u t1' 1'" "".. Died in Guelph. - '17 ' 1' ,'.i%ilt+' i.„ ..,. mine the respective resp"nsibilities of nailing cold, - ; ,,, i , ,;�'i I; • I Mrs. Frank Hovey and family,' of Word was received in town Tuesday the two counties, From E>: -Warden G+ivenbtck, regnrd- Burlington, are now getting settled in that W.I. lvison, lecturer at the O. A. ing the appointment of Rev, , e Mc - their new home, on Ontario street, We C„ Guelph, and husband of Eileen Kegney as chaplain pro tent, at the welcome our Hary citizens to town, Hoover, had passed away that esorning County Roma, the former chaplain hay hit. B, B, fiunniford has been con- from pneumonia. The daily press adds ing removed from the county, more particulars:—The death occurred thted to the house luting the week, but It From the Perth' County Council, en-. Walter Lawton i e' is able to get out to business again. 1 i L the cl g Twp„ who gets possession on March l� r, an Close, o ea or s, was n son.My•morucng o a er v nein a resolution, asking the Prow son, M. A., lecturer in chemistry to n 116, 'nu's, Gundry, of Goderich, was Ontario Agricultural College, after an tugs;+! Legislature to pass an nunend- in town on Tuesday, l iline5s t?f tnly 1 week's duraiinn. He 1, nient under which con styio councillors We ars glad to see Mr. Y -iritic Murch ' wa taken 111 with ae •tial colic, Cvlitch tray b@ paid by the session, not move s than X25 and mil,hick ge to be pati(, tor s is able to get out again after his re- + developed into SBpfIc pneumonia, rand, , uhc session,all and not More than six cant illness, I although he put ny a' strong battle Far sessions to ha held In one year, Friends Will regret to learn that Mrs, ' life, death Carle Tuesday morning. lie t Front the couutias of Petib anti JaJs, Dolle"t`ty has to go to the lospiial I was is his thirteenth year. He tvas the ; bucerin, advocating a change In the for treatment for her eyes, Her many son lit lir, and Mrs. l'riunk Ivesan, rtf law to modify the liability of county friends will hope that the treatment wit! 1 M testis, Haar Ottawa, where he was nnunici1) 'Lies Inc acedents O,u routtty he beneficial, l oro, Ile received his education at t highways, Mrs Shaeley is visiting her daughter, MC/Baster University, Toronto. and be. From the cnuuty,of Essex. enclosing Miss Charlotte Sheeley at Bridgeprfrt,staff of the OAC was m the 'Civil Service ' �'Y• t d tt.gislature adv0clt?lig that al cog over Sunday, where he sp'eske in St, at Ottawa. He carte here shout seven tax" he plc's to Ilse county treasuref James' Church on behalf of the For- years ago, He married Miss Eileen and I j fore coming to Guelph to join the i a resolution for presentation to the 1416, .Jcshtt Ransford was in tat or ams s e hat t to county have power to ward movement. The Daily 1 lfl On on Hoover, daughter of Ex -Alit. and Mrs, regulate such taxes, Monday referred to the visiijt t10ti r, J. B. hoover, who survives !tint, He From the county of Kent, proposing also leaves his parents, who reside at an increase of the Provincial grants for Clinton, .t�;iivet'ed ., road iitsprovansent, i'rom.the county of Ontario. 1,t...reifet the Batt e effect. c fhn' CY of 1 it 'o h Hydro Power .t lir Front t e v tri e ir o u t t Asda i a It n the ntrsn.n.: ft John 0ansfOrd, 0f t Metcalfe, cmc brother, Wi,lltun. 1st an excellent address Sunday miming Perth, and tour si':lers, wiry. (Rev.) W. in. vvlicis the Anglican Forward move- •f, tliniisntt, cif tit elp1, 'Mrs, 14, Ands- Ment ,from it I'onian's standpoint was •soy of Lindsa., ,Miss"Sadie. ,t1 Ottawa, 1 st to a Ciba, and forceful min, K' t` td b mem M h tier.tnr e and Mitis Pantsie, of !virile, 'The renttiine Prate Loft. r, aws 6 • as been a s r.n will be taken to Me calf:: for intern:0ot. of rite cy,nar#'fdS'a huirlber of years, ai.b. lulu Of «lite Gi' f , itIa addregs gteb1-ad ihrt8t inter... ' l'lVtrurt