HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-1-22, Page 1stablished 1865, Vol, 54, No. 30 CLINTON, ONTARIO, .THHUR.SDAY JANUARY, 22nd, 1920. W. H. Kerr $s Son, ,Editors and Publishers. ' New Officers of ' HURON CENTRAL AGL. , ( I Public Schoai. SOCIETY HOLD MEETING AUTO STROP RAZOR The Perfect razor for a Perfect Shave 7Cr. S R_ laoLairons Phm. B. BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE VV4.04 WVWV'VVMVVbaOVV10VudVVV H'E MOLSONS BANK 1NCORFORATEl71N 1618 CAPITAL. A1411 RESERVE $9,000,000 Over120 eranehea SAVING BUILDS CHARACTER;-Startta. Sive Systematic saving strengthens character by inducing self-denial and creating independence. The easiest method of saving is by depositing a eertain portion of your earnings regularly in THE MOLSONS BANK. With the addition of interest at current rates a substantial sum is soon. acquired. Small. accounts receive the same attention as larger ones - effiaiont courteous seri'ice to all. H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 21.19 li1 Thje Royal alk OF CANADA Incorporated 4869. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital and Reserve Total Assets 630 Branches Special attention to Farmers' req n terest paid on deposits. - lle Safety p osit Boxes to rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager $33,750,000 $505,000,000 uirements. 1 0- Clinton Branch Slum) i •tv, wars for Saturday. The first meeting of. 1920 School Board was held. Wednesday evening and the following officers .were dlecteth Chairman -Mr. T. J. McNeil Sec.-Treas.-H, E, Rorke. •Finance'Comntittee-Messrs, Holmes Morrish and Mutch. School Board Representatives. Library Board -W. Brydone, C. C. 1. Board ---Rev, J. E. Hogg. Entrance Exanis-C, D. Bouck, The Board will meet for its regular meetings the last Monday of each month at 7.30: �os a Mr: Herbert Cox, Goderich' Twp. is Elected President .- The Treasurer's Report Shows a nice Balance of $170.92 - A Plow- ing Match may be held' in Fall. The annual meeting of Clinton Agri- cultural Society was held in the Agri- cultural Office on Tuesday, January 2th, Minutes of the last meeting read and on motion of Dr. Shaw and L, Tyndall the minutes were adopted. The Treasurer's report showed 'a balance on hand of $170.92, W1IO s WIt'o IN HYDRO ' motion of Wesley Marquis and E. Wise, the Treasurer's report was ad- opted., The Hydro Bulletin of this month Superintethdenli- h i f qms, Mayor Cottle, E. Wise and L. Tyndall be a No g • i On motion of Dr. Shaw and W. Mar - makes t e follow ng' reference to our minatin Committee- H. B. Chant was born in the County Motion carried. of York, near Toronto, and received Mis education'in a country school. He then served a fullcapp'renticeship in the wood -working trade, but soon after- wards turned his attention to machiney and steam and electrical engineering: 30 Young Men's Overcoats, up to date styles Worth $35; to clear at $25 The Iiel.oc PECinannai .... yam � 1 ?� ta.c . nosameasa= SLAMS, BANGS AND ADVICE "GETS OFFICIAL WORD TO TRE DRURY GOVT. ABOUT DECORATION Premier Drury must stand "pat" on the patronage system, Life nowaday's seems to be one Dewart-Drury statement after another, ._-0- Mahoniet Raney wants the mountain to come to him, but can only count on. Crow;f Hill. -o_- Will the old parties put pins on the seats opened to U, F'. 0. Ministers not yet elected? -0-. ' If all other seats fall,. lion, W. E. Raney will be able to resume his seat on the water -wagon, ,•^--gyp Hon, F. 'C. Biggs seems to have struck pay -dirt in his good roads grant request to the Dominion Governeintn. After some discussion re, -name of ' Even' Hon, E. C. Drury finds it easier the Society, it was decided to call' it' to take a stand than take a seat. Stands 1•luron 'Central Agricultural Society, as seem to be more multitudinous than the previous name conflicted with 'other seats. 'Societies. 0 On motion of W. Marq'uts• and' •D. • Cantelon'th'e'usual grhnts of $t 0 were given the Secretary and Treasurer. The Nomtnat114 Connnittee recom- mended the adoption of the' following report on officert:- Hon. Pres. --John Shanahan. President‘. -Herbert Cox, First Vice -L, Tyndall Second Vive--J, McFarlane. Directors -Thos. McMichael, Hullett; Wm, Lobb and Edward Wise„ Gode- rich twp.; Win. McEwen; Stanley; Thos. Coleman; Wesley Nott, Tuckersmith; Mayor 'Cottle, Dr. J. W. Shaw, Reeve Miller, Clinton, After some discussion the report was adopted. A discussion then took place re a plowing match to be held in connection with the Society. On motion of Dr. Shaw and Mayor Cottle that a match be. held i;i the fall of 1920 at some suitable place adjoining the town, Motion -car - fed, r 1'he Secretary was asked to write the Councils of the adjoining township, urging larger grants as the aim of the Society is to increase among the farm- ers, a greater interest in agriculture, and the fitting and showing .of live stock, The Society feels it has pot been supported as it shotild haye been. Meeting then adjourned. Following Is the P1nanciel Statement of the receipts and expenditures for the year elidtitg December 31st, 1949: Receipts, roti 1918 ..$251.83 50.00 25'.00 15,00`%ppposltion to the maintenance of this 15,00 extravagant residence is very real, and 10.00 is not confined to any one political 77,00 party. 42727,0500 22 5 0-o-- He soon realized that his education was only begun and that he must know more about mathematics and science. After considerable studying in his spare time he obtained his membership in the Ontario' Association of Stationary En- gineers. Shortly after this he embraced an opportunity to take a course in the 1, C.os. Then he was given charge of the electrical and steam engineering plant of a company engaged in the manufact- ure of piano; and not long afterwards was also made Superintendent of the factory. About this time his fellow - citizens elected him a member of the Waterworks Conunission, of which he was chosen chairman. In 1913 the town of Clinton decided td do its own electric lighting and bought out the Clinton Electric Light Co., and Mr 'Chant was given the management of both the electrical and waterworks departments of the town, In 1914 Clinton became n customer of the Hydro -Electric Commission. and the electric and waterworks departments were placed under a "Public Utilities Commission," and Mr, Chant was appointed superin- tendent and Treasurer, with full charge of the office and the outside work. Mr. Chant is quite active In socie- ties, being a Mystic Shriner and an Oddfellow. ' He thinks Clinton Utilities, for their size, are hard to beat,' and he is al- ways pleased to show visitors the in- stallation, • • Have Found Seats COMM 1P.�'akte your Selection edriy before the Sizes cafe broken;' 1 1orri• F1i ' .Iothi .r. t i4rA 004.tai ilii' i vttlrl' Premier Drury will -tib in Halton and lion M, W. Doherty in East Kent.. The election will be held next month, ' No announcement has been, made in regards to a seat for Hon. Mr. Raney. im for Phone 146 Estimates Giuen A. E. WOOD � Interior and Exterior ecaratitig • Balance on hand [ S Town of Clinton Huon County Twp. of Tuckersmith .... , Twp. of Mullett Twp. of Goderich Mehhbeship • Fees Donations & Subscriptions . e Donation by Goods 44.00 We protect your thinstui furcal- etc., by p1M711r' of dYLp. ahaS;ti'. �1 Pa'li'er#; , $li 1tF1R+' t ' totit The January thaw has not affected the frigidity of the relations between Mr Hartley Dewart and the Drury Gov- ernment. ---0--- Hon. E. 'C. Drury says that the great field for the United Farmers is at Ot- tawa. The next election issue may be Rideau Hall. Rev, Capt, S. E. McKegney, M. C., received official word from Ottawa last Friday with the reasons why the Mili- tary Cross had been awarded to hlns, Rev. McKegney, received the Cross some months ago. (Extract from London Gazette No. 31266 dated 2-4-19) AWARDED MILITARY CROSS Eon. Capt. Rev, S, E. McKegney Canadian Chaplain Service, att. 58th lnf, Battl DEED; For conspicuous gallantry and de- votion to duty during the attacks near -.0- Lieutenant-Governor Clarke insists that the Province shall feed the Eleph- ant, the whole Elephant, and nothing but the particular Eelephant located in Chorley Park. The owners of the 'beast may have other views. -0- . Plop. Mr, Biggs' explanation of the sales system whereby the commission on motor trucks gcies to the agent in whose district they first are used re- moves from Ontario the reproach of having no first-class humorist: ---0- • Minister Mr. Biggs, Ontario's. .ii roster of Pub- lic Works, expects that sixty million dollars will he spent on good road con- struction in this Province during the next five years. Evidently we must get out of the habit of car,:ng for tenders in the informal way disclosed in con- nection with' the purchase of motor trucks. -0 Lieutenant -Governor Clarke was .guilty of a gross indiscretion, when in his address to the Rotary Club at Tor - be criticised the policy of the Farmers' party in advising the aband- onment • of Government House, The Total Receipts $610.33 Expenditure,. Cash Prizes for Horses • • • • Cash Prizes for Cattle Lady Drivers Donation to Secretary Donation to Treasurer Printing Postage & Stationery Judges Clinton Kitty Band' 'Constables Hotel Expenses Telephoning 2,00 By Goods 44,00 13alance in Bank 170,92 Total $6t0,33 $223.50 60.00 7.50 10.00 10.00 34.60 13.81 12 00 15 00 4.00 3,00 Premier Drury would have free resi- dences erected for teachers in rural sections, besides paying then a salary. His plan is to follow the custom now ruling with regards to preachers, and expects this to crake stale instruction permanent. 11 is interesting to note, however, that the rural ministry is not at all satisfied with the small salaries' given under this' system. It would be interesting to see whether this would also apply to teachers. -0- Criticisms of three U. F. 0. Cabinet Ministers in Ontario because they have held office s few weeks, without having been elected are answered effectively by Mr. W. D. Gregory In a letter in the Toronto Globe. He reminds the public Ithat Hon Jolut Dryden acted as Minister MMIVOMMILMIMMIMIMMMIIIIMOMMIIMMISMIr 00000000110000000" g OVER THE TEACUPS 0 0 000000000000000@ Mr. Milton Cook, of Sarnia; was a. week end visitor with. relatives and friends in town, Rev, and Mrs. Cluff of Stratford were the guests for a fete days with Mrs. R. J. 'fluff, The former was in Seaforth ' on Sunday preaching there. Miss Jewel Bartliff came home this week from St. Joseph's hospital, Lon- don, on sick leave, and will take a+ month's vacation. Her many friends hope for a speedy restoration of good' health. Cambrai on 28 September and ist Oct- ober 1918. Throughout he was con- tinuously present on the battle field, dressing the wounded and assisting in their evacuation amidst very heavy fire, lie had no rest for two days, during which time he was indefatigable in carrying out his duties and relieving the sufl'ering, B c IG SPEAKERS of Agrieulture from March to November GODJGRICI# lm 1898 without a seat, and that Hon, Local icemen have started the ice; (now Sir) John Gibson while Attorney - General had no constituency for about ficirvast and are securing some splendid 1 the snore period. Liberals regarded ice, about 12 Inches of clear blue ice. I` their position as quite regular, though Hugh C,, Wilson who is conducting ,they were forced to be absent during n the chorus in. Victoria Street Church s ecial session of the Plouse. during the Three weeks' special ser- p ___0� ,vices, has about sixty voices under his New Provincial Minister of Education •charge. The services are reported to will have t oamend and improve ave re- hbeen very. gulations concerning Model Schools of Joseph Kidd, C. P. R. agent, who he will stand a chance of losing :his has been confined to the hoose for seal lock. The teacher who passes the the; past eight Weeks Is able to attend p tModel School should Have a free hand ito his d•uties again. In securing a school or else the blpa'ttt- The death ocurred in Alexandra rtes in schaol'should have Its head 'lakes Oak of Es fornse ce, wife of lieu. Will - offs of Motor cars recorded during the year offs Present law is an insult to a teacher of by manufacturers' output, that at is Allison, former rector at hunpannon' and a' Muddler for the Trns'tee Bdards, P t Alb` t arishes and former 'been h -id' least 160i00'0 licenses will be issued for oration some six weeks aio, front the`. Eck } ite an1� tMa naxt�to nothlpg certificate Mr, J. D. Atkinson has some exper- iences to tell of riding on the Bruce- ilyer on Tuesday to London. Mr. Asa Bolton left on Monday for Stratford, where he takes a position as. a litiotype operator on the Daily Herald„ Rev, C. N. McCamus was in Mitchell taking the services in the Methodist: church on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Bartliff visitett friends in Seaforth last week. ' Flight -Lieut. Tully, who has been the. guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John, Wiseman left on Saturday for his hone in Winnipeg, Miss Buelah Ward of the Clinton School of Commerce, was called to her - home in Rockwell, Maryland, last week. .owing to the serious illness of her mother. Word came today stating that the doctor's are holding out some. hope for recovery now. Rev. E. 0, Forde attended a Baptist church meeting at London last week. Mr. H. B. Chant was in Toronto last week on Hydro business, Mr. Bert Langford took a "joy ride'" to London on the Bruce train on Tues- day. eee®o®®®OFLO wa+ e,F'•“:• 0q,,fY• 0 a` a tVl•.1'H Tim c'flt'I1(l tin s ra to eCo IS 4®ai'fl,a0to040V®®eemee Willis Church pt conjuction with the inter- hurcl COMING NEXT WEEK(Wward movement meeting here onfnednesday next. Dr. Pringle will ad- ; drays the Presbyterian people in the lecture roost of Willis church at 10.30 a.m. Dr. Candler will address a meet- ing at 7,'clock in the evening. Wesley Church Forward Movement Meeting in Wesley Church next Wednesday Inter. -Church Forward Movement in Wesley Church, Clinton on Wednes- day, January 28th, when Rev. Colonel Pringle, Moderator. of the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian church in Canada, Rev. (Capt.) E. Edwards, of Seaforth, Rev, J. E. McCauley, of Gode- rich; Rev, A, Gaudier, D. D., of Knox College, and Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, Rural Dean, of Goderich, will address public meetings. The program is as follows: Afternoon Session 215 p.m, Chairman, Mr. Chas Middleton Song Service, Address, Rev. J. E. McCauley of God- erich "Paul's disappointment or Pdan's hope and God's hope. Hymn and offering. Address- Rev. Colonel Pringle Mod- erator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Question drawer in charge of Rev: Capt. E. Edward M. A, of Seatorth. Evening Session 7.45. Chairman -Dr. Thompson. Address: A.L.G. Clarke of Goderich, Hymn and offering. Address, Rev. A. Gaudier D D, Prin- cipal of Knox College Toronto. Oppor- tUnity will be given for discussion. Union Choir, • More Serviceable Markers for 1920 Splendid services were held on Sun- day when Rev, Mr, Uren, of Mitchell, peached anniversary' •sermons. ,The 3,sard asked for 50o and over $1000 has been subscribed. 'Besides' special music by the clu,ir, Mr. Francis sang a: solo at the evening service. Baptist Church A very successful supper Annual business meeting was held last Friday eventing. Next Sunday at t t, and 7, the Pas- tor will preach. Beginning Monday next Jan, 26th we will hold a week's special services, each evening except Wednesday at eight oclock, Rev. J.E. McCauley of Godericl, wilt be the speaker To those services you are invited, Ontario Street Church The League meeting on Monday night was under directioodkii.t`ihe Social and Literary Committee. The 'Topic, of which the subject was "813515 Marnea'e was divided Into three parts-M,use Ff Ross, taking the first part, Miss 38. Beaton, the second, and Miss A. Walker the third. Gershon Anderson gave an interest- ing recitation. The Contest on Bible names was much enjoyed, Metal and Lettering Improved - To Issue at ,Least 560,000. A dlstinct Inp'rovenlent in the Mark- ers for 1920 is noticed. The lettering and numbering are of a dark green, bold 'lace type on a white background and the metal, though of the same size and shape, is heavier and less pliable. The sharp edges that have been complained of have been removed, It IS anticipated, judging by the sales and or er p in some oases grants leave e chaplain of the 52nd battalion, ns op.. I Mack over the alatiost inevitahi'e tangle 1920 in this Proviltce• Last year ap- Death was mea result s a serious op_ in 4o as good as the'straig'kt Norhfal proximately 135,600 were issued: ,effects of which she never re•eove.r •;i frons the iVi pee Aortic 'into coiiftitt, if el ' omine•fratn Dryden WA' Mer husband; there were a surplus cif Ibachers the' a e• ani h! ,be diffeien'but as 'tt is q„• u an trial that del. t' be sat with many a to,l .s Dungannon parisbt Mrs. Allison ` f' won her ,cGy into the hearts of tieat pre'ient tha hiring of 160.66'-'1' some5 by her kindly dispostio d antirinK efforts in her work, Wl,tld tuanA' ••.• wiSdOtirt of Solomon, tha ;and that "tlf'e AmcrlcanA would as coati Aaz a?ding to &dtiinral Si'iits he was admonished before teaviut to play his part to the great war by a hlgb official of the United States. "not to let the English pull the wool over your eyes," ,Mr. Allison was overseas; she took tilt the work in a most capsule manner. the,, meckntc"s,F Of,Moes laid the patience at' fight the Etittslr as the Germans.", job if Sitoiti$1ti s lalibmie of •that he hay' ,lust what the Admiral expects to gain feirally' hat tip to "e li/i la.4t gsnimct •ahq etnrse that tlr,"h•alA^ wKa sit rgtivo trore- spe tldlinstf"'w2 a otVa�I,fied tI ht9 hit he uS ¢ Hv resur"rctt,utt iri dins calcul+ted to NE to '4,10t'4ili tttak'A4S f fM teal'•. itititurb International unity it 17 hard ttx et .rf w' f,,.h°rte G'anriifn 6cddal� e_ a e . , e • h117 ai14' WO114tcr14 made' attiod0 eonc4i�ec 11eft'ef "let sieOing dna.' sarrow.inU h:t,ft•t..� foil? 4 tiaren sur ta'wy tis It teUtteitvf •ttionae biraentlil. , j{d;wi MICKIE SAYS '1118 055.4 MAN WHO EVER FOUND t7. OtONT PPM IN ADVER11$ t.1t514.A\SER,1