HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-1-1, Page 5Thursday, January ist, 1920, To all our old friends whose friendship and pat- ronage we have enjoyed for years also to .the friends, whom rve shall meet the comi1ig yelr and whose friendship and pat- ronage.we shall cherish. May the Holiday season •be bountiful in its gifts to you, and may the New Year bring to you a happy fulfilling of all your hopes and plans: W. 110 tiVILVAlt JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses ' Clinton, Dec. 24th, 1919, E;46 tra 'd "')5 -.;.'"-•" 110`,. Ione .Jou r q•a,x of stn gtn v 1 ,.I No. 2, 531 Na. 3. 9u per nus 6,112 by all d ittnists, or,Rat, ,rep.. rl on r pt of Ito., , ff Hiroo pamphlet. . Address 1HE COOltt Wir.DtcpmsCv3. 10110370.. Mee (Formerly Windsor.) ,.s ,:„., IMPROVED UNIIIIIRM INTERNATIONAL 4,911001 .714 (By ii -1 V. J': 11. Irl'2'/,WA1'»3t, ID,. la., '1'anrhui of lt)na'11l Bible In the Moony •Bible Inn) .01a pf (ldtago.) (Coayr1Kht.. 91e, Wt'+ n Y.\•.p,.per ITnlony LESSON FOR DEC!M aER 28. REVIEW: THE TRAI1`IINS,01= IOIL.' TE13 AND JOHN, GOLDEN ,TEXT- Ye snail be my wit- nokseaA,,ts) s. 41,11,ECTXON 1011 111:ADU')Q-I John 1:1-9. 1'nTMARY ToDtC-Two Strang Friends of J?sus.: JU1T012 TOPIC-WItnoss,s for J'F❑s, 1NT1CriNII )1.Vi'1, Topic ll' -stops in tilt Training of is.tor and Joon. SENIOR .•,4N11 A1.1L1 r 'PO r'IC-Rust' red to Sorra. The frost is here. Watch your -battery as well as radiator. 1f you bring your battery to us for -winter or recharge, you will get it back fully charged. We overhaul any make of storage 'd+attery. r'4 elVIN BATTERY SERVICE STATION. ,Car painting and Overhauling. `STORAGE 41. N. FAXMANI, • Garage Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. , MARKET REPORTS . •logs Eggs Butter 'Wheat 8'4.95 to $1.9 'Oats .45c to 87 Barley..,... , ... , 4 oc to. 45 13ucklvheat. $1,t5 to $1.2 liay $19.00 to $20,0 Bran $45 -to 'Shorts , ... $55, to $5 Millfeed $5 Potatoes $2.00 b A good way to reviow°the lessons of the six mouths' course of study in the Lives of Peter and John will be to 1r- range them under three heads, tto fol- lows: I. Then' Call; II. Their Train- ing; ltd. Their Service. The first half of the studies, the part we have now completed, have had to do with the calling and training of Peter and John. The last half, the lessons for the first quarter of 1020, will hLWC to do with their service. I. Their Call 3. To be disciples (Lesson 1) Sohn 1 :29 12. Before Christ trains for service he 29112 to salvation. 2, 'Po be fishers of men (Lesson 2) &lark 1:14-20. It wnnld seem that after their con- version the disciples had gone hack to their trade of ltohing. Those who are called by Christ nota :Salvation Should go hark to thrir ordinary earl - tugs in life. "' "'•'y be honorable, 111111 he (1(41011)1.. • ,:9 them into special service. II. Their ', 'no. 1. Jesus tit :...r's home (Lesson 3) nark 1:20-,".:1. Christ's entry into Peter's home and the healing of his wife's mother showed to his )ieelples that he was .m sympathizing Sa to tr. 2. A lessen in trust (Lesson 4) Matt. 14 :22-38. The pressing aril ab'al':ng need of the disciples in their ministry was to trust the Lord. 3.- Peter's greet confession (Lesson 6) Malt. 16:,3-24. The Lord had -been revenling him- self in various ways to the disciples. He now examined thein to see what they knew about himself, Peter, as spokesman for the rest of the disciples, confessed both .the Messlahsltlp and Deity of Christ. 4. Witnesses of Christ's glory (Les- son 7) Luke 9:28.38. The disciples -were offended at the revelation of the cross; their hopes were shattered because they could not see beyond the cress. The transfigure - tion convinced them not only of his es. sentfal glory, but gave them a fere- gleam of his triumph, in his coming , kingdom (Il,Peter 1:16-18). 5. Jesne corrects John's narrowness (Lesson'8) Luke 9:46-56. The disciples needed to know that a1d who are really doing the Lord's work, casttag out devil&; and casting, them out in, Christ's' name, should. be rect5lved into fellowship and bidden Godspeed: Religious intoleeence,"015 displeasing to Jesus._ • ° 6: Jesus teaches true greatness (Lee- son '9) John ,18 :1-16. , • The truly great are those who 'take the lowest place in service, for' others. 7.'Peter and John asleep 1n,Oeth semane (reason 10) Mark, :14:32-42.' Though Christ was :suffering the aw- ful agony in the garden, his disciples were asleep. Because they did not watcli.'and pray, they failed ip the hour of temptation. 8. At the trial crucifixion and resur- rection of Jesus (Lessmr 11)• John 18 :15-18 ; 19 :25-27 ; 20 :1.10 ; 21:15.19. Peter's . presumptuous self-confidence kept 'him from heeding, the Lord's warning. He played the coward and, even indulged in 'oaths. Note the Steps in Peter's tlownlnll: (1.) Self-(:Dull- $16.50 65c to 70e 55c 8 c 0 0 11 6• 0, S Vii, 1 T cit-INTON NEW ERA. ismussosesassumesimoossoisesuastssusmukastamss ueilee (Mari) ACM:. .12202 DUO 11191 told theta that all of them Should be offended, but Peter VMS determined to show the Lord That he was mistaken in luta. (2) Pa1lnre to watch (Mark 14:37). Self-confidence 12 nlwfyS fob lowed by mlwnt('M'ulness, Ono who thinks' himself strong will go to sleep, (13) 11'nlliire to pray (Mark 11:33). It Is the one who utilizes his wenlwes0 who always seeks the communion of Go(1 • lit prayer,. (4) Zeal wlthnut knowledge (Merit 11:47), Peyer thought now to make ftp, for his Ine1e of watchfulness' and prayer by Dill, went acts, Many today .are egnnlly foolish : (5) Foilowing afnr 111'1' (Bark 11:34)„ Chrlot'a rebuke of Peter for We 130arent zeal rite hits to the quiet. 'Ile VMS not reedy le forsake him, but followed afar oft', no doubt wondering what would he the outcome. (8) WnemitUr himself at the enemies' lire ('lark 14:51). (7) Opel) denial ('lark 14:66-72). Of European invention is s paper automobile tire covered \with numerous metal stirrups to form a protective treat. )electrical and compressed Or cut- ting machines will be introduced into coal alines in three British regions, qtriaViass The First Loaf You Buy will prove the (utility of both- , ming with home bilking, Such bread as our at the price is only possible where large quantities -are the '.rule with , every modern facility for .fine baking, Try one loaf and we will have gained another n, � 1':,-_ �.._--•.-.....--y customer, AVoimonanaaff.war **V. i IT 1N tp®� E159r Chopping Choir H'ow do you like your chops -limb, pork, Mutton? We have the out of chop you prefer. -nice and ih ck, or' nice and thin, Just as you choose, bur chops and steak Have tke•1quallty de• aired by those who are particutar about their Mets. C0'ood.ceoking brings out their goodness. . r i" Butler Bros., Butchers "The Veter'aris' $to 4. Phone 17 0. If IA Lo As YOU FEEL • You kolow well enough your liver is !allots. Constipation is the first 1. a;::tint;; theca you begin to "fo-l. Moan all oven'." lYour slain soon gets the bad news, i'o grows dull, yellow, muddy and un- sightly. . Violent purgatives are not what you need -just the gentle help of this oId- time standard remedy. CARTERS lTTLE I'V1ER ©ILLS t .. Een,In- bears 'Signature' Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. y, Garte'r's iron PUN will help this condition. Now Junior et 'loyal Bank. Frank Mulch entered the Royal Bank this week at Junior, I4orthorn Loagew-Sciiedalo, The following schedules have been drawn, up In the Northern League for District No. 4, Paste these in your hat for future I'efereileet-- Soldier Group Jan, 6 -Brussels al Ripley Jan. 8-Lucknow' at Clinton Jan. 12.•- •Wingham at Brussels Jail; 15 ---Ripley at Lucknow. Jan. 1r -Clinton et Winghafn • Jai, Or -Brussels ' at Clinton Jen. 20.•-.W intham at Lucknow Jan, 23---Lucknow At Brussels Ian, 07-•-•Wingbain at Ripley Jan. 29= -Brussels at Winghanl 111), 2)--Clihten at Lncknow Feb. 3---Lucknow at Ripley Feb, 5 --brussels at Lucknow Feb, 6 -.-Ripley at Wlnr'ham Feb, 10 -Clinton at Ripley Feb, 10---1.nekuow :lt- Winghem Feb. 13 -Ripley at Brussels Feb. 13-Winghsln at. Clinton TO THE ELECTORS I-favng been nominated for Councillor for. 1920 1 again appeal to you for support. If my, 'ser- vices to the -Town • in past years entitle me to your confidence for the future you will greatly oblige,. inc by slaking your 'mark opposite my' name which you will find, at the bottom of the Ballot. Wishing all a Happy New Year, Truly yours, Ie WILTSE htnitr Series Jan. te-Winghaul at Clinton . Jan, 23 -Clinton at VJingliam Jan. 26--Wiugiiam at Clinton Web. 4 -'Minton at Whlgham i..:m���...:............__,...._ .,......._..gym,,.......,. TO TI -IE . ELECTORS OF - CLINTON Having been your !represent-, ative at the. County Council for the last five years, ]hakes me one of the .,senior members of the same, and #hereby qualifies me as a candidate for the Wardenship. This is the last appeal 1 will 'make for ;your support and in - f 111'X2 and am practically as- oured that if you elect me as your Reeve 1 will be able to serve you as Warden which is the highest Municipal office in the County, Yours faithfully, J. A. FO'•, D VOTE FOR NEDIGER for Councillor for 1920 1 again ask you for your vote and influence for election as Coun- cillor and promise, if elected, to endeavor- to give the citizens of Clinton a sane business manage- ment of their municipal affairs. Yours for Prosperity,` W. J. NEDIGER. LADIES and GENTLEMEN; • At .the earnest, request of a large num^ ber of the Ratepayers•of Clintong amra. ''Candidate for the Mayoralty. 1'hese''re- quests•have�been Made not,Qnlyiby form supporters but also by, many'.persons u'ho ,had not honored -me by their votes • in the.Election of fast year. ' • In consideration of the urgency of these reguests'I feel it to be my duty as d citi- ien of Clinton to again offer my ser -vices as your Mayor and 1 hereby. solicit Your Votes and Your Influence in the coming election. If elected I will give yoy as1 ecre'aest and faithful service as: f have} given in the past in the various duties that have been entrusted to me. Yours faaithfcrlly, THS. COTTLE,, �da�..r.. m ay.� nam . nom=`` _ 12.,�,,,• .2.in��..5r� - sz,.y. i, To The Electors of Clinton: Having served you as Mayor for the year 1919; 1 again offer my services for 1920, 1t has always been the custom of 'the Town to give the Mayor, two, three or more years of officeand this seems reasonable if independent and impartial services are ex- pected. We have ,just closed a successful year financially and the Town's business ivon a very satisfactory basis due to careful management. As , Councillor: 'I,or 1907-19o9-1910-1911 and 1918,1 was always a strong advocate of publicity owned utilities and the present satisfactory - Waterworks and. Hydro Electric systems 'are evidence of the wisdom of adopting this policy, and should you wish to go another step by adding a "Municipal Fuel Yard" I will as a mem- ber of tate Council and Commission do my utmost to make it a success. Many items of impertance are to be decided by the new Cotnicil. and 1' wash to asshre you that I am willing' to serve you again to the best of my ab 3lty, May I ask for your vote and influence, Yours,for a IN(tppy New ''l1' w. COOP R, Mayor •.auVvmroml.uMWf%'Mae`:wu+v, -'Y4v+YwM,.,b,ngm.P'<A VOTE A. J. MCMURRAY COUNCILLOR FOR 1920. - My Platform - Economy consistent with pro- gresS. Hottest, efficient expenditure of Town's honey, Support all plans leading to the betterment of Clinton. Thanking you for your support and wishing you all a Prosperous Year, TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON Your Vote and influence, !re- spectfully solicited for the re- election of BERT. LANGFORD for 1920. t I. 1 - 1., 1..* . We Wish Our Custom A Pro pe- 11. Small Profits ¢orasrmt ste TO THE ELECTORS OF -CLINTON Having been nomthated for the 1920 Council, 1 feel that 1 am. in a position .iio serve the. ratepayers of Clinton to advantage: . VOTE o,�J KEMP for '4920. ELECTION CARD TO THE ELECTORS OF HULLETT Ladies and Gentlemen: - I solicit your vote and influence on Monday next for the Rceveship of Mullett. I have served 4 years in the Council, three being by acclama- tion, • 11 elected will endeavor to do my best for the ratepayers at the Council Board and at the County Council. Wishing all 11 Happy and Pros- perous New Year, THOS. MCMICHAEL b= THOS. 'HAWKINS FOR COUNCILLOR Your Vote alld . Influence is • Respectfully solicited. As 1 will not be able to see all the voters personally before the day of Election, I take this means of asking your•Vote. TO. THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON Ladies and Gentlemen: - VOTE FOR J. H. PAXMAN FOR COUNCILLOR FOR 1920. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF CLINTON Vote to Elect O. G. MD➢L.ETON as COUNCILLORf l 1928 t 4' 41 a Happy New Teat, Wislir4t Stray Dog. The undersigns las a stray collie at his home. Owner luny have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Luke Lawson.' Annual Meeting. . 'The annual meeting of the Clinton Horticultural. Society will, be .held In •the•offlce of Mr. 5. Bt Stothers, Agri- cultural` Representative, on Monday, - January 12th, at 8.p.tn. ' ' C. D. Bouck, President. Roomers Wanted. Apply to Mrs. Mcllveea, Huron St_ EARLY CLOSING. •We -the' undersigned grocers, agree to close our respective places of busi- ness, every evening, commencing Jan- uary 5th, at'6 p.m., instead of 7, ex- cepting Saturday ,evenings and before holidays( W. T. O'Neil, W. L. Johnson & Co. E, E, Hunniford it. Wiltse, , • Cantelon:Bros. • J. P, Sheppard & Co. J. Reid G: A. McLennan (grocery) MUNICIPAL FUEL YARD in case the polls' are opened on Jan, 5th, 1920, for the election of any members of the Municipal Council the following question will be submitted to the electors by ballot: - "Are you in favor of the establishing of a municipal coal and wood yam(: by the Corporation of the Town of 'Clinton." All municipal electors are entitled to vote on the question. D. L. Macpherson, Town Clerk. Strayed. Strayed Bram undersigned's premises Lot 18, con. 8, Mullett in October or November, 1 two-year old Holstein heifer, 'Anyone giving information that will lead to its recovery will be reward- ed. J. W. Cartwright, Londeshoro. thOP. SAL Bay Driving horse, 3 years old, acrd 1 general purpose horse 3 years old, and will be sold cheap. Call at Store, J. E. Naini, Sole agent for the 13e1l Piano, Seaforth Ont.' For Sale. A lovely drop head sewing machine, been used only a few mouths for sale cheap a guarantee with. it, Call at Jonathan E. Hugill's Music Store, sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth 01)t. Raw Furs Wentetl. At higher ptices than last season. Brit your furs 111 now before.prices drop. . H. A. Hovey. License No. 666, Olinten, A Piano Bargain. A Bell piano uprtgkt rose wood ease 7,1.3 o8tavte A S1veet tang Gild worth '$25a. Wii?'ietl at $165 fel quick sale out of tow's prospects. Write for par. titulars to Bell Salta Rooms, Seaforth Out, Joelillien E. Hua*, Matlagei•, Py ,n, Box, 22'9. ',. ,,.,.Melt