HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-1-1, Page 4SUBSCRIPTION RWVI?$ IN CANAJP,A
Three months , r . , , , , , $1 40
Half year , ., ,. ,,. Ar., ,7S
Year „ ,,,.. ,,.,,.., 140
iiia, ,,, .
-If net paid in advance, „;2.00 per annual -
Office Phone 30.
�Do''+v�awuuacxwa-_vwrouccnueeu'd 9
A veterinary dentist makes daily
rounds of Roston stables and finds work
enough to fill his time.
Unlimited supplies of Iron ore have
been reported to exist in the Transvaal
by a government geologist.
Hinges that a Texan has patented
hang a door so close to its frame that
no crsck is left to pinch fingers:
Equipped with its own electric
tights, a camera has been designed to
enable police to photograph finger
Great Britain
United States.
Francd . , ; ,
Line-up for 1920
License Plates
Hefe'$ what you'll have to pay for
your 1920 motor license from the
Ontario Department of 1ltghwaYs:
Morton cycles—$3.
Passenger cars -25 h, p, or less,
$10; over 25 h, p. up to 35, 05; over
35 h, p. rip to 50, $25; over So h. p.,
$3 0.
Electric motor cars --$10.
Motor trucks and commercial cars
—Two tons or WO, $10; over 2 tons
up to 8, $S per ton; over g tons up to ed; therefore, use a self-startero ou
sine ki1070
2MAcoud Hs
Starters forHuman Auto,
With the foregoing equipment the
humautomobile will take Om*' hill
of disappointment and discouragement
Thursday, January 1st, 1920,
1• Advatioe the sparker of ambition for
more speed,
Open wide the throttle of faith in
yourself, your company and your call•
hug—to secure 'more power,
Polish with powder of courtesy.
Use stick -to -it tires on 'non -dis-
couragement rims.
Use the golden rule steering wheel.
Put on searchlights of character,
All rules of success overlook the
most essential elements—getting start.
10, $7.50 per ton; over 1% tons, $10
human automobile.
Professional driver --42; yearly re-
newal„151; examination fee, ,1.
Non-professional driver —•$1; ex-
amination fee, 151,
Dealers and manufacturers ---$20,
Transfer of permit — $1,
Markers, case of loss (per pair)
Markers, "in trdpsit,” each — 25c,
A permit remains in force only for
the calendar year In which it is issued
and terminates on December on and
after September 1st in each year.
Children Cry
a .• )Jai v . ^. ' r
^''•� s d"% eve
�ttt tt ; ww•
.•;ilia • i�" `r(,,t`f++ i: ��.lt
on high gear.
n Y r
Children Cry
Use the re es of patience and self-
Put large quantities of hope in the
grease cups. .
Use the perseverance brand of gaso-
line as motive power instead of hot
Have the timer properly set —
Have the carburetor.lproperiy ad-
justed admitting a mixture of equal
parts of earnestness and .will power,
Use the printer of enthusiasm.
Best results can be had by using
the four cylinders of knowledge. '
The knowledge of self,
The knowledge of company.
The knowledge of your goods.
The knowledge of man,
Stabilized by a gyroscope, a new mo
tion picture camera can -be quickly ad-
justed to different angles and moved in
several directions with steadiness and
uniform speed.
Interest has been aroused .in Ecua-
dor in all branches of agricultural ed-
ucation through the employment of
an expert to study diseases disastrous
to cacao plantations
With all the raw ,materials avail-
able in the vicinity, the manufacture
of paper of all grades will be begun
on an extensive scale in the 'Alai for-
est region of Siberia,
"`'`ri;^•.. `�"'°wn..y„��m�vr,mx.-tt„'x.r �+ xew
' 1i'F.$vr9 rise s,tl rr: � i • r.'
tAt w7r$tttg �*rts �'y .w f r yaW tr 4. ea }9
i\" „,� ,:, *TMnisr sa�J,t 4rSt �•. S ti'N ° je+[,s„,,,., •^�•1�J�f
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:HE STAR is sometes eta clescrilsed as a Radical.
Without admitting sal that the term sometimes
involves., The Star regards the description as a
cotropliment rather than a criticism. -for what it really
means is that
is in tat forefront of progressive movements.
Take the:Farmers' .•M- verne:ut. Its city friends
u5u4•„ood•aaatetredly to chaff the Starr mien, on oc-
casion. it siaf:ferr'ti defeat .fis+,'htnn.g the Farmers'
eottsr Now, wheel. the Farmers' movement bas many
t' icons. Tine Star doss net so Afton hear that it is an
ertreaaaist nt:• rhea iseale, .
;40 with r,aixir. ! ab4 I:lltirs tiarerted at. the Star
for i'e fa,r;pn+:lav With La},er, are -an old story. 13'ut
new the p',inat of. view is chewing. Coneiliation,
n?ti,lerxtt'in rrti' the r.lnians of Tabor, are the pllrtts;'es
inn every lin. The Ater no longer hears so mush of
biiitig a ilsdieel.
ler from the Star's attntyde being revolutionary,
it is the attitude that, on the Labor question, is now
being universally adopted.
This attitude of sympathy anel understazedet.g
toward the great movements of the day, permeates
the whole paper.
The Star, is not a supporter of Socialism — but
it is Progressive.
After reading The• Star for a short time, you
will admit that it is rightly Balled ,
• The Star•is supreme in Sp•''rts—witla a group of Sporting writers
such aa no other Canadian paper has gathered together. It is also dis-
tinctive among.. Canadian newspapers in the number and quality of the
humorous featues it. prints.. A live newspaper—full of news, full of
ideas. and with many good pictures to add interest to its news,
The subscription rate is 50c per month —0.25 for three months'
subsi' iption---$2.0O for six months and x;3,00 for twelve months. Fill
in the coupon below and mail it to -day,
:.,.men ...
To nuhlichers:
Toronto Star, Toronto:
Dear f.ir'+:
Please anter inn as e. subscriber to The Toronto Gi::r..r fur menthe—fpr which please find encloeee
stamps or monoy order for $•
Please writs plt,int , s••d aiey whether Mr., Mrs. Miss. or Rev.
:e.., ,w.:way.:a *MA 15.arca ,M.le b..,.e,.m....®...:..,m»n.,,u...e,::a.,:.i:�..m.,r.emex;.,
Memo and address In full
yi, xtry+bs}ttta�+ f}�Sa� P
'*10!A'lt;414 ",lw
Soldier .Misses.
Said a young Philadelphian who went
from Flog Island to Prance and who- is
pow applying his engineering training
in the manufacturing field in another
city; •
"I alp working at last. .My job • is
with a strap. aurora manufacturing
weaving machinery, we have only 600
employees and you have no conception
of how slow, uninteresting„ and (t was
going to say) futile it seems after the
terrific rush we had at Hog Island and
then after that in the army.
"When. I write a man that the best
delivery we can offer him on our goods
is neat August 1 smile at the thought
of what we would say at the island or
at some base in Prance, 'August, hells'
It would be. 'I've got to have therm to-
morrowl' And to -morrow it would be,
"Stilt; I am getting a little fun now,
for we are to install a lot of new ma-'
chlnery which I have to lay for a three
month's delivery, while, the best pro-
mises 1 air getting are seven months.
Besides that, a have got to get the things
here and get them running. That is
what I cull fun.
"But when evening comes, with no
big crowd of fellows to hand around
with; when 1 have to sit in chairs in-
stead of sprawling over another man's
bunk; when 1 have to be dragged to
social occasions infested with girls—
well then, there are certain phases of
army life that I yearn for."—Philadel-
phia Ledger."
High Pr•c s Are PLI'd for Best
Provide Abundance of . Cool Water
for Miry flows Daring 1110n
Wcattier--s9'Itade In ['nature ,tiso
I4ssentlal — Ideal . Locatfdn on
Banks of Cool, L'ur•e S'tr'esses.
tWoatributed by Ontario Uepartrnoat ne
Agriculture, Toronto,)
19W growers realize the im-
portanoe of properly harvest;
ing and marketing their early
vegetables, The large major-
ity are expert enough to produce an
exeellent crop, but there Is perhaps
only about one out of ten that har-
vest and market their crop to the
best advantage,. The public is to-
day, perhaps more tAan before, de-
manding a high grade product, They
are willing to pay the price if they
get the quality, anti the gardener
that will make the greatest -success
will be the one that caters to this
There are several factors of great
importance necessary to achieve the
greatest amount of success. Fore-
most of these, perhaps, is proper
harvesting. Few, even of our grow-
ers, realize how rapidly our vege-
tables deteriorate in quality ;after
they are taken front the. ground.
Much of the find flavor and eriepness
Is lost in the case of such produ+:ts
Faintroti myV Dizzy Spell
ing, as onions, lettuce and radishes in
only a few hours unless special rare
Weakness and Is exercised In handling, Such crops
should never be exposed to winds or
Shortness of C9"IBatbi'll. the hot sun and if they can be kept
--- in a cool, fairly moist condition, the
Those feelings of faintness, those dizzy
spells and "all gone" sinking sensations
winch come on from time 10 time In-
dicate a weakened condition of the heart
and dieordercd state of the nerves.
M:lburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have
no equal for strengthening the heart and
invigorating : he nerves.
Mrs. C. A. S. Drake, Paris, Ont,,
writes:—"I have used on towards the
secondi box of Mililurn's Heart and
Nerve Pills and find they have done
me good. I had those fainting, dizzy
spells once in a while, and aieo weakness
and shortness of breath, and would be-
come so choked up at times I could
hardly sleet without sitting rip in bed.
When walking too fast I would have to
stopand try to catch my breath. I
feela lot better since I have used your
pills and know that they have helped me
wonderfully as I have improved very
Price b0e. a box at all dealers or
mailed disect. on reeeipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
least possible less in quality will be
To market the vegetable crop to
best advantage the grower must ever
keep in blind the ultimate destination
of his goods. The housewife Is the
one that lie must please, 111 she is
well pleased then she Lelia her neigh -
bore quI•etly over the back fence, but
if she finds that she has received
something of very inferior quality
then she proclaims her grievance
from the housetops and forever after
will be hard to convince that there
is seek a tiling as high quality.
The most important factors to bear
in mincl are few in number and are
not hard to put into practice. The
proper degree of maturity is the first
one that must be considered, Carrots,
Leets, onions, radishes and the other
bunching crops should not be pulled
; befbre they reach 'the proper size.
They should be carefully putted and
taken to the bunching douses. There
they, are neatly bunched, tied and
washed and then should be protected
from the atmosphere as much as pos.
The Man Behind' sibs b co'A''lnt;, lee roe spinach.
w'"- I aisle •"1 a ge ni d `�iiUThio r
t.',115*." -The President should bs carefully cut and place in
1 baskets Or carries. Care should he
{ tatted that 'bone of the dirt Is takhlt
It is reported that President Wilson rip and allowed to fall .arowptt the
and Col. House have parted 'company, leaves, as this is hard to remove 5Y4'A
one story declaring that the President , by ;r eful wap.}l_img and will elway6
broke with the Colonel, and another lower the Quality. �^-
story.intimating that it was the Colonel There is perhaps. not more Haan
who dissolved the connection. What- one person, in ten that ere he oiled
ever the truth may be, the disagree- a reatlly stsreceaaful4sIear:an,. and
merit, if such there really is, dates from here le where a geed many of oma
the time of the Peace Conference at growers Sa11 dewa, sad after erred•ne-
Paris, and it issu•ggested that the Col- tag a iSSlt grade product they ane
oriel differed from President Wilson on tenable to ant i'ket it be the heat see-
the vexed question pf the "freedom of raibege, The 'Opt ret[illisLYie, Se >Rus
the sets." Colonel House was rather' am* lean Ya¢tetl.11il, .te a tiijyla
a unique .figureUnited States hickory„ wade sated*. La li,1le53br neeteire Mea-
.tie Is a taciturn And .eomparatiyely un.:. Ret $ ttneeoted to alttwfia tike 6101a►t
known Texan, occupying Ito official Pries. 'plae Itrepai: scants -i i pat .ss shtacg
postfan, drawler* no salary, hat ' yet .le o l a tpisatlatRt• A titin: atpxtar.-
e*a a rb , s in. ,, ,
[tuenvpal man in the political fife ,al the •� vele .ii will titllcaYltri14Nsa-
United States, 1f President'Wilsnn peed- 11tH*d•tbe rage, 'R'ni'tll'wi yip'
ed accurate and eonffdentiat•in{brmation • ;aaa 4.661)1""111artlltte w*lI bio eta ensu
whetlttt from hart. of the idequbItc, bidet aa, sad ao matter sew weer-
. stocked the asatrlwt Illy be. emit sere-
natttad w goad pulse. 'the groper trVli'e
1n sorting 'sad grading Is auto %site
important, Vegetat/es cif peer ¢mtl-
'ia,y should eserer be *+heed ou the
ritanitet, Tiro ern) not only blare. Lo
be ward at a arueli !elver prlice but
will also have the effect .of tow edits
the prtee on the nikher gi.'ades, with
the result Um. many a good reurhei
has hewn aleaost rotated by a erEall
gtioiat-M' of inferior goods.
Poem this we see that the greatest
results can osely be otitatr ed by grow -
calm and unprejudiced judicial tnihd, tag a high grade article, cerefully
harvested and at5raetivetly and efli-
A bulb operated syringe with a tube oiently naartreted,--A. 14. McLennan,
that tits lightly over the bowls has ILS,A., Ontario `Veget:;ble'Spwilulisd,
beet] patented for cteansing tobacco
pipes. k Why. Plenty of Water Fs Necessary
for Cows In lint Weather.
Water Is very necessary for cows
at all. times, because the body itself
ASPIRIN certain a large proportion 05 water;
iJ I`iL ASPIRIN til I`) the functions of 131e body cannot
l properly take place except plenty Of
1 water be supplied; and milk ceatietns
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" itbout 87 % per debt. water. All. this
,cakes water neauful at all times to
are Aspirin—No ctliersi rite cow giving milk, but in hot
weather there are auued reaseus why
the cow should have plenty of water.
These hot weather adelitions to the
;voter supply of cows are beoessary:
1. To assist in cooling the body,
When the animal body becomes too
warns, nature suggests an extra sup-
ply of water, Wialrll lowers the teas-
1erature of the body of the anitu'il,
tnuk:ng the cow more comfortable,
teeitee she produce's more milk.
2, The second i•eusob fur supply-
ing Meaty of Water 10 COWS 111 sluff-
mel IS t.1ae' fact that the body extra-
' clues are very melt increased during
hut weather. These excretious eon -
Set largely of Wates, with certain
salty materials in solution, and .to
sootily this waste utateri,i,1, 1.11e cow
mu: t be (supplied with ne abundancai
of water. After til'nper and abun-
Tlttnl feed, the anc,ind groat. need of
the cow giving itiidic in plenty ed
Mean, cool waive. Dairymen prosper
• to IOCate along th; hanks of a nor,.
85 ream, Linking this, ti dairy
farm must have to, good supply of
well -water — Prof, 11. 1'1, liean,•'•'
0. it, toJlogs, i;.uslpb,
regarded tryall s p bablty themost 6tYe Poolss,leil. �''eN 1'dtiltn4i, "MAI kitt"t
-from Meate4„er from Europe, Catondl
Nouse was M. chosen envdy; and no
one cher titan the President, ever knew
'shat the Cotonel discovered. Prem this
fItenl, unsalataed lean, with no axe of
Ids own to grind, President Wilson pro-
bably beard truths that no others khan
might care to utter, and, so far as
stands revealed at present, the'Colanel
never used its influence for unworthy
ends, His ahsence -from the White
House may leave the President the.
weaker because of the lack of are
There is only otic' Aspirin, that marked
with tete "B,:yet Cress"—all other tab.
lets enc only Haid imitations.
Gelatine "13ayer Tablets of Aspirin"
have been preeerihed by phyricisais for
nineteen .years enol proved safe by tril-
lions for Pain, lIcedacho, Neuralgia,
Colds, Rheum teen, Lumbago, Neuritis,
I:Ittndy tin beat`s of 12 tablets—also
larger "Beyer" packages. ten be had
at sty thug store 3lado It; Canaan.
A9pirin is the Utile mr111 (rrf:•ietered
in (anatab, of D••pr itfanuntct,ue of
t onnaectiatisideeter of S nevlicaetd,
V h t IL is well .known that ktpn4n
,r'.tutIfti nieI ntanufactn e, to asset the
t.1111C ifilkiltibitti,, the 'labinte of
W./car W./carCompany, Ltd„ will be stamped
"il : ',^I" general trade hark, the
ver Cross."' •