HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-1-1, Page 1Established 1$65, Vol, 54, No. 27, ,CLIN•TON, ONTARIO, U R A 4— JANUARY, ist, 1920. SIR ADAM BECK ILL as in a critical condition at an English CLINTON STUDENTS AT sanatorium three weeks ago IN ENGLAND Sir Adair left for England as soon as he could clear up his work at the Sir Adam Beck is seriously ill with I hydra comnilssitin's office at Toronto, No details of his illness have been pneumonia at the Nursing Hone in cabled here, London, England; word to this effect having been received in London Wed- nesday morning. Sir Adam is be- I London, Dec, 3 1.—Sir Adam Beck is lieved to have contracted his illness seriously iii at a nursing hone here. He aboard ship. • became 'ill during the voyage, pneu- He left London about three weeks monis followed, and he is now approach ago to visit Lady Beck and his daugh- ing the crisis. Lady Beck, who is with ter, Miss Marion, both of whom are ill her husband, said he carne over on a in England. Lady Beck was reported surprise 'Christmas visit, WVNUVVV)JYVWVVVtt/WVVVVNVNV 1 AUTO STROP RAZOR iThe Perfect razor for a Perfect Shave S ��rY �� r E :C �',PW S ' r -T, '+L -.J e`' ./ il P:,.J I. I hale It, t e, . . ..•-,-+Nv`i.MMNkpVVVyMW,...", PVMVW,V MYYJ"N •...F'N`44`WVV1AMa�'-0VYMN...,""MSV BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE INCORPORATED IN 1855 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches T H r'< ; L O BUSINESS SERVICE Many of our customers who started in a small way, have now a well established business through the .as:stance andcu-operation of this Bank over a period of years. Open an account in this Bann. where your interests will be faithfully looked after by esperience!• officers. The Manager is always accessible. Manager HI R. SHARP Clinton Branch 41-19 110, OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS With best Wishes for your Prosperity and success during the Coming Year. We extend to you the SEASON'S GREETINGS K,�,v.(rv,dmf?,�+,troi*'fi.;le.i.RMM .ae wlYoirW� Mn�rNV�s,n: MsiWN,.tW ,eMkmfitieM,Rt (K' f' �, �I, -� a 4 y 171 "iI?M:f.nC' It••s1r %a43:$'t 1 *II 11 It may be of interest to our Readers at this tine when all the students from town and surrounding vicinity are home for the Christmas and, New Year's holi- days to publish a list of the students and what school they are attending. Huron County always has a very large representation at the Toronto and Western Universities. This year there are an unusually Large number from Clinton and this section who have start ed in either at the University or at the Faculty of Education. Leslie Wasmann and Victor Crich, two of Clinton's• overseas boys have started in at Faculty after taking a sum- mer course for returned. soldiers. Ruth McMath, Harriet 'Cantelon, Eleanor Kemp and Eliura Churchill all of whom took their second part of the Faculty Entrance exam at the Collegiate here last July are at Faculty, Louis McKay, of Hensel', who took the Prince of Wales and other scholar- ships last year is taking an honour course In Classics, J. R. Taylor, of Stanley, is taking Honour Mathematics and Physics. Alvin Leonard and Ers- kine Evans are both taking a course in Honour Science, Miss Mary McMur- rse i Honour con chic has entered n an in Moderns, Barry Rance is taking a General Arts Course. gBesides those who have started work at University this year, there are quite a number who have been attending for some time. Miss Gerlie Wallis is re- gistered in second year at Victoria Col- lege, and is taking a course in sciences, Miss M. McTaggart is in her third year at University College. Harry Shaw is also in his third year, Harvey Potter is in the second year in an 1•1onour course and is. registered at Victoria College, •. •_q f ! ax:eyct L ima.:ti-r*n^n'TCN'Ari:percostoostoosooreettotooe-Y!p,--,1 t. ., •,Ax ... �... .•.nC:'A.-.wr...4:Brru.,a.,w.'L .^I�YJet'Jrwr.Ni14 ,Rae!tadWU4.Z,.kbd�kt'F�YtR'IJiuFGNAaflae*t.&(N•5 Phone 146 Estimates Elva Aa E WOOD Interior and Fixterior Decoraiing We protect your floors, furni- tore, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Mouldings, Signs, Eic. 81 Isaac Street COLLEGE There are quite a number of former C. 0, 1. students enrofled at Victoria College Robt, tirwin is completing his course there.. Kirk Lyon o;' Londesboro end. Roy Graham, who attended the Collegiate here, are second year Meds. S, J. Al - lin .is taking an Arts course, being in his third year, Miss Kate McGregor, who took a scholarship here a few years ago Is in the University. Arnold Petrie, who at- tended the 'C. C, 1. several years ago is in his last year, 4Mr. Percy Wheatley, who is now liv- ing in Toronto, has entered the School of Practical Science, after having been successful in a special summer course. Mr, Alvin Townshend from Goderich Township, is at Queen's University in Kingston. tie is taking a course for a. mining engineer there. There are several students at the Wesiern University in London besides tirhse who are at Toronto. Mr. Laverne Churchill, of Goderich Township, is studying law there. Mr. Will Town- shend has been attending Huron Col- lege.. Cresswell Anderson and Fred Thompson are studying medicine at London. Will Anderson is In Itis third year at the Western, . LIST OF CANDIDATES r ir W lI, Kerr & SLAMS, BANGS AND ADVICE TO THE DRURY GOVT. • ve*qor**eeloco•vgo®oe n • WITH T1311l Cfi'RCHRB 11 t& ete 116Wet00 60b0*QH limas 1 an.. aney cou d on y Wesley Church get ln.out of the wet,The annual covenant .service will be held Sunday morning. lieltovvship meet ( nt 10 a, m, Public worship at '!.1,1, The Drury Idea of giving larger bonus Rev, (Capt,) Robt. Irwin, tooleofthe es to civil servants of smaller salaries service last Sunday evening.. •b^ Ontario St. Church. a constituency he would be able to most be a harsh jolt to those who ass ume that to hon that hat.. -- __- The union service in Ontario Street giver .Keep right on with this sort of Ichurch on Christmas was well thing,- Mr. Drury. We have hada long I. g spell of rich men's government, and attended and the service was a very It is more than time for the other story, tine one. Rev. Eric Anderson took part along with Revs. McCatnus and Ander- -0— son of town, "Promotion by merit" was the. pro- The services on Sunday last were of noise of the Hearst Government— a Christmas nature. In the morning,' without being reactionary the Drury Rev, Anderson spoke on the "incarna- tion" and atthe evening service gave a fine address on John 3:16. The choir gave asplendid service of song which wasmuch enjoyed by the large con -1 gregations present. Rev. Mr. Mutton, of Walton, will preach nett Sabbath, Mr. Anderson will ,e preaching anniverstg•y sermons on, :he Walton circuit. Baptist Church Government can scarcely depart from uai . position. p The Drury Government should ap- point an independent commission to advise it respecting the Hydro radial protects, their financial prospects, and the risks they impose on the com- munity, --0— Sir Sam Hughes considers Mr, Drury 1 Ford will preach New Year's sernmons, a weak premier because he is a "man Let us make a New Year's resolution of one idea." Sano is also a man of one 1 to come to the Lord's house to worship'( The Pastor hopes that both morning and evening services will be well at- tended. Next Sunday the Pastor, Rev, E, O. idea—the same being Stun. Same wan has 'discovered that the Provincial platform of the U F, 0, prn- m:sec "to abolish the system of party, Willis Church WHOQUALIFIED patron:me." but is silent as to the exer- Nest Sunday the pastor's subjects' jflj cite of patronage by Farmers' Clubs ( will be: Morning '•Three Generations" ' FOR MAYOR. Thos, Cottle, A. T, Cooper FOR REEVE Jas. A. Ford Jas. Miller FOR COUNCIL J. E Johnson Robt, Carter Thos. Hawkins Jas. 1i. Paxman J. A. Nediger 'C. H. Middleton S. Kemp J, A. McMrrray Bert. Langford H. Wlitse, THE CIVIC ARENA The Candidates for the Mayor and Reeveship have been very busy during the week on the canvas for support, --sok-- Warden Ford would look pretty good to Clinton, There will be an election without a doubt—just take' a look at the can- didates running. Election will be held next Monday commencing at 9. amt. and the polls .will .close at 5 o'clock. • Gel out early and mark your bat- .....11111.1.1•1••••lots. ,. A HAPPY NEW YEAR —0-- That the New Year may bring- you and yours • health and Happiness is our sincere wish. W. s. r f 1I., 4'11'4. Hull.t'R('f-Tti1, Phone LS: The ratepayers will have a chance• to vote on the question of a Municipal Fuel Yard. - - Who's going to win? Can you pick the winners, --**-- We hope the candidates, if they are elected, won't forget Aeir election promises, --**-..— Councillor Paisley, and old war-horse retires this year, on his honours. Councillor Murray McEwen is an- other Councillor: who has retired from the Civic Arena. Only three days for vote -getting, Mr. Candidate, Monday evening will disclose how many of Clinton's nominees for muni- cipal honors are of a retiring disposi- tion, ` --tiw The Referendum 'ballot on the Muni- cipal Coal Yard, reads as follows: "Are you ill favor of the establish- nient of a `municipal coal and wood is found to be considerablysmaller thanyard by the 'Corporation of the 'rowlt it was under the magnifying glass of of Clinton." irumor. • —O— ` Evening: "The Church Awakened by —0— Her Own Opportunities," This is the will not be clubbed out of his anti- Wee o Prayer, on An riak' ane d Premier Drury should show that he • first in the series suggested for the „"trnnage ideals, even by Farmers' . Church." Clubs —0-- The i.egislature must face at the conn- ing -session the proplem of mothers' pensions The humanitarian sentiment fo the Province demands that widow- ed mothers shall, no longer be left to bring ur their little ones on serap from the table of affluence. —0 -- Some of the U. F. 0, stalwarts want- ed the fight over the Middlesex Reg- istrarShin to be a strictly private one, and object to the newspapers report- ing it around by round. Some of the supporters of the U.F. 0. are solidly in favor of doing away with alt patronage in every other rid- ing, —0— There are three members of the Peo- ple's Government who world shout with glee if they should• wake up on Christmas morning and find that dur- ing the. night Santa Claus had placed a constituency in their socks. I The fact that there will be a "dry" United States next year, and a Can ada pretty well "moistened," may .be evidence of the "moral leadership" i .of this country that Hon, N. W. Rowell talks about. And agai;•i it may not. Sir Sam Hughes does 110 think E. C. Drury will make a good premier. It's only Sam's Modesty' that prevents im n m ng a one opinion, hs big enough for the job.' if Premier prury can manage mat- ters to himself. Ontario biibulists will only get a gurgle rather than a refresh- ing draught after Jan, 1. • 0 Premier Drury. warned a Labor deput- ation, which waited on the government asking•for'all kinds of things, includ- ing a 44 -hour week, not to expe.ct too mud' now, and the -Labor members of the government agreed with his view. it is easy, even for a 'People's Gov- ernttnetit.".to fall into the ways of old- line politicians. —0— The millenium has yet arrived, otherwise we-w.ouid not have the Mem- bers of the U, F. 0. in Middlesex comm ty protesting, because there were farm- er candidates.elter the job, against Mr. Raney's promotion. of the deputy req. istrar, and a woman at that, to the vacant registrarship of East and N6rth ( Middlesex. Notwithstanding, the gover- nment, it is to be hoped, will stick to its guns. ^0— Perhaps there will he a slump in the delnand for a male appoint to the Midd; lesex Registrarship now that the salary *14 i havTeilemDrny ry tGernnemeinst my tnoe yet row over the Middlesex Registrarship prov- es that it Iia- a good many dour-'t,l friends,' The R o 'n1 gni* OF CANADA - !I Incorporated 1 Sin ,r•.• EztAD OFFICE, MO Caries conn Reserve . , T.a fit. I ,•,hsps, .............. . . 13 ranclt,2s ;1,n lu rarnte ,,' 1 on thIpnsits. - 511 t ` i ? : !., : 1 .11'S to relit, P, i.. TV1.A N ?'s 1;4 tit tViAiitager NTREAL $ 3,700,000 , , $505,o00yoc0 requirttnielts, 1n> 0000000 000 0000 0 0 0 g OVER TTEACUPS O 0 000000000000000 Miss l-lodgens, of Goderich ,was a visitor in Town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Fitzsimons of Detroit, were hone for Christmas. Alr. J. A. Irwin spent Sunday in Lucknow Rev. (Capt.) Irwin, of Toronto, was hone for the vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Holloway of Peterboro, are the guests of. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Holloway, General Shannon. late commander of No. t Military district, is on his way from London to the Pacific coast. Be- fore returning he will visit California. Mr. Frank Grant, of Toronto, spent the Christmastide with his brother, Mr, Wm, Grant and sisters, Mrs, J Hunter and Miss J. Grtunt, Mr, Gill, Andrews of Kitchener, was home for the week end. Mr W. J. Stevenson is spending a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Courtice, of Chatham, were visitors over Christmas with the fornter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Courtice. Barrister W. M. Sinclair, of Brussels was in town on Tuesday. Miss Washington was the guest at the ' borne of Mr. A. J. Coutice at Holmesvilie for a few days. Mr. and tars. Nixon Welsh, of 'Tor- onto, have been stiending the holiday season in town, Mr. Jiro, Surridge, of Kincardine spent a few days visiting at the home of Dr, J. S. Evans, Mr, W. Bagier, of Toronto, spent the Christmas holidays at his home in town. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, of Grouse Ile; Mich , is spending Christmas and New Year's holidaysin town. Mr, A. Farr and •dauuhter, Miss Florence, of Guelph, are spending New Year's 'with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meson Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Mason entertain. ed Mr, and Mrs. Ddvld Fell, of Seaforth over the Christmastide, DICKIE ,,,aYS ' • ' tsooGa P MAN tt''iH PAPS?'"" 14. PERG6K v \N TWO' ry Owls - e tr 9P.1N-C ON%1'14M1 Nt DOt+1T LOGS N \.t. KNOCK IN' PAPER F5,.1"N0 4e0,14.5 l WUNBT 'INVau5 VSUZ AN EDITOR WMO 9?ARTeb o1/4)111) ipt£iM$E EV4GLM 5054 oR eiVS'C: µ¢ e.u6TEb t J Ashfield Township. Joseph Hackett, reeve by acclamation deputy, '1'hinias Richardson; commit— .111th J•anieson. Frank Johnston, Jantes Getty, Thomas Sullivan and Robert Me -r r. Donald. •f . 'tin i>reve' i a 1,ev inside a dolt beimt rne•t ft ,tn 1; " outci,la, a �ixnknne Man has invenieo siidinp.plate 1 u nl,• ,k key see,'relv. " .• r•rf: ,t '1r prod!tio i :lent is en- : of rich rte.