HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-12-30, Page 8Thee 'QNplalm 11ews4ccord `J'Il[ITR, DATi OEMl31�' 39 it it• 3l Ca41' 1oad'of eec u • • „Q HUTTON LON DES + °AO CLINmQN (UNI( DEALE}i 1r • .roNING ALL IUNDS 911h JUNK AND POULTRY, : HIDES AND 'SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES RAIVIRA$ Phone .137. rA,lbert St.' CLMN TOON'S LEADING .0 JE WE LERY STORE+., A. Happy New Year To One and All R. ''IL JOHNSON' Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store ealele Now, is _the--titite..*to•-lools: after -_•t1 canifort of 'your feet and see that they are 'kept. warrn and &ty. Handling only No. 1 Qualitq' Dominion Rubbers enables us to guarantee you the best procurable. Full line to choose ironic W'e have a coihplete',range of men's and boy's overcoats and Suits and a good stock of Boots and Shoes at Rock Bottom Prices, Plurnsteel Bros. THE STARE TH AT' SELLS FOR LESS, PH -ONE -Se CLOTHING NEW (DEL PATTERNS, = We hope that ilx th0 -'NEW YL+'A You Will rind inueh material. prosperity and happiness TIie YL D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best •t n -• i, aaununn min: tali, Dr., ' Egan of Tprmito is in 'town this week• 1VIr: R. W. Read of Toronto is holi- daying olidaying in town. - Mr, Harold Kilty of Toronto spent Christmas in town. Miss Cameron spent Christmas with her people in Mitchell... Mr. Oswald Hunt of London was in town for the holiday. Mr; Ray McConnell of London is • home for the holiday perlo4. Miss- Gladys Chowen of Toronto is holidaying at her home in town. Miss Jean Scott of. Toronto spent 'Christina's at her home in town. Misses Ione and Ethel Bouck are visiting relatives :at Port Burwell. Kiss Morrison of . Hensall is visiting her byother,.My E, W. -Morrison.: Mr., and, Mrs. K. Chowen and: Miss Betty of Hamilton are in town this week.:.. •I. Chas. Hunt is spending. the, ' ;holiday , peripd avith his brother ;in , Toronto.. Miss Winnifred Hunt. is expected .to spend the New Year at her home in town. Miss Jule Bartiiff, who was home for . Christmas, returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr, Frank Pennebaker of the Toron- to.University was house for the holidays• Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp -ani Miss Eleanor )Vere in London for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Quigley and chidlren went to Stratford for Christmas. • Miss Lottie Montan and Mr. Will Sloman of Toronto were home for Christmas. Mrs. T. H: Monaghan and her son, Hartley aro -visiting friends at Walkerville. Mr. D. Cantelon spent Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. Weather- 1, � x in Orilla:. Weather - wax r dry Chidley M Misses Jean and y of To- ronto spent Christmas at, their home in town. Mr. E. F. F. Copp of Toronto Uni- versity is spending the vacation at his home in town, Miss Daisy Copp, who has been • teaching at Brighton, is home for the fetsive holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rumball and babe of London have been visiting ' the former's mother in town. • Rev. G. I. Burns, the new pastor of the ClintonBaptist church, and his family have arrived in town. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carrell of To- ronto . visited the lady's parents, Mr.- and Mrs. T. Shipley, over the holiday._ - Mr. and Mrs. H. Zeets of Toronto were Christmas guests with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mennen. Mr. and Mrs. John Crerar of To - onto have been visiting the latter's parents,' Mr. and Mrs, G. D. Mc- Taggart. Miss D. O'Neil of Toronto and Miss Jessie of Aylmer and Mr. W. P.I. O'Neil of London were home for Christmas. Mita Ward and Miss Stone spent the Christmastide at their respective hones, Rockville, Maryland, and Essex,' Ont; Mrs. Elliott and babe of Toronto are, spending the' holidays with the lady's parents,, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. George Bouck of Iro- quois visited during the holiday period with the former's brother, Mr. C, D. -Bolick. ' Mr, and, Mrs, J. E. Brooks of Mitchell spent Christmas as the guests of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cantelon. Miss Eizabeth Chidley of Toronto, who has been visiting her sister in Teeswater during .the lioliday per- iod, is in Clinton for a few days. Dr. W. Grant Beaton of Winnipeg and Mr. Gifford ;Beaton and Miss Louise Beaton of Toronto were Christmas guests at their hone in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Chambers of Regina, Sask,, are spending the holiday period with the latter's parents, Mr. and • Mrs. • J. B. Lindsay. Miss Catharine Taylor (Kate) has been, in town for a few days visit- ing her sisters, Mrs, Beaton and Mrs. Egan. She was on her way .to New Mexico. Mr. 'and Mrs, Gordon Livermore and Miss Vera Stephoil,son of London . • were Chiistmnas visitors at the par-- . ental -home of the ladies, that of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stephenson. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Fitzsimons of Detroit are spending the vaca- tion pt the hone of the former. Mr, Fitzsimon's mother, who has • been very ill, is now nicely re- covering and Wits able to spend Christmas with her family, -- PH. and Mrs S Rattenbury have returned to then home in Peter berm after. a Visit with the lady's parents in 'Ewe, - Mr, and Mrs. Holloway .and Mr. Dodds dello- way aceoinpanied them and will ylsit for u' ;time in 'eterboro,, i'' You bog: cut.of town and I bung out o 'tow. What is' going ,to. t9epa>lne of our , towln ;. BE Y DEt11M (IOU PEN IN CLINTONJILI: [ ENTUALLY NOME FIOME TO. HOST iN CLINTON ;. n Th ' CUnt 1 '% Ne✓ Plw ws. ieocord eiONNIMIINMEi Our wish to all is a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Watch this space for the an- nouncement of our annual ' stock taking sale next month, • HARLAND BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock To our many friends and customers - we extend The Season's Greetings THE ELECTRIC AND HARDWARE STORE Stxtter-&Perdue plumbers. and Electricians Phone 147w 1 .,r Read these articles with caro, they will present something you have not thought of before, Patronize'' the„Home merchants, they are your neighbors and will treat you right; The money you. spend ill Clinton , remains here and benefits the whole community. There is a lot of Satisfaction in knowing that we .look after your tanking interests, Your' business; saving. or private accounts, are solicited -with the assurance they will be properly safeguarded at the H.olsons Sank R. SHARP',, :Manager A RHYME IN SEASON When days are chill and cold winds blow Anb all look blue and full of woe, What clears the chest with healthful glow Wampoles Cod Liver Extract. - W. S. R. HOLMES The , Rexall Store Regarding Stationery . and office • Supplies you will make no mis- take in buying. from ine. Scheel supplies, newspapers, fiction, that magazines, may med' can be bought hero. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & , Co. Stationer. Jewelery Picture Books that Is - why all' jewellery looks well in cuts. A 10c article looks just the same as a $10 article. Trad- ing at home you do not need to know jewellery. You can see for yourself., R. H. Johnson,,' Reliable jeweller EY ONE WANTS LIMY' . WORTH Natural Desire Is Not to Get the Two Specials for early Sliopppers. Silk Hose, 32.60 vol - nes for. $2,00 per pair (no tax). ' Kid gloves, Black, Tan and White .e 33.00 values. at ,32.00 -per pair, J. A 'I tWLhv When yea See our Vacuum cleaner 'and many other useful Christmas gifts and get prices you wont think of sending "away” for , a' present for that friend or relative CORLESS & VENNER, Hardware --Buying Furniture to Clinton you our rices right, and • will find p behind every guarantee is I I our rata t piece of furniture we sell. Our undertaking parlors aro well equipped for service night or day. Furniture BALL & ATIi:INSON, HOME' MADE CANDY —IT'S PURE— ALWAYS FRESH —AND-- "MIGHTY AND— "MIGHTY GOOD" TRY SOME TODAY E. ,WENDORF Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock y ou buy else- -where. It has always been our - aim to satisfy our clients The line of Men's Furnishings and clothing. cannotbe up iac e . The MORRISH CLOTHING CO. Men's u ers and, paces before Y 1 1 is d 1' t d Outfitters Worst of Any Business' Transaction, CHEAPEST HOT AIWAOS BEST Person` Who Buys From. Catalogue House Sees Only the Price and Forgets That' Value', Is • Thing That Counts. j GOLDEN GRAIN BAKERY Buy -At -Home Leave us your orders for Christ- mas 'Cake. We are also head- quarters, for Bon Bons, etc. BETTS & GADD, Bakers r. (Copyright.) . ,, When you spend your. money. -you Can Vadoisoli Mali Order House naturally want to get all you can in , The home merchant can tell as return. No one can criticize youfor cheaply as the mail order man if he having that desire. Only those who sells'as cheap goods as the mail order are commonly referred to al ° having man sells. His expenses are not .as "more none, than ionse" throw their heavy -as those•gf the mail order ,man. He pays .less rent in proportion to money away, All others at'e careful the: business he does, his taxes are tosee that they do not get�the Warn less in.lir'obortion to the capital in - of 'any bargain,,, But one has, to,'be vested: His advertising bilis are less able, to.,look, #arftier �an, the end than`illose of the mail order mann in �trbpor1ion'to the voiuhie"of his sales: of hia_nosg if fie,•ie,to be,sure.that LIe•carx underselPthe•inaii" order man he "is' getting ' the • most that he- con .'any.day in.the year if he .wishes to get for' his money, - ' #ell only. -goods of tha same . quality, defence' of the man ,and style. of thosie. sola ,by the. mail That is the order man, but he doesn t do this who buys from the mail order house because be knows that the majority instead of patronizing the merchants of the people in his town do not want 4n his own town. He says be can get f ra ho lkeeps dint le 01 goods. Toll wall - more for hi; money when he buys qualities and all prices. He has the from the mail olderman than when 310 suit for the man who thinks that he spends his money at home.. But he can get more for his money by in arriving at that conclusion he cer- buying a suit at that price than he tainly has not been able to look fur- can by buying abettor one for 320, but be tells 'the customer just what ther than the end of his nose. he is buying. In most cases 'the man who buys goods next time you think about buy - goods from a mail order house does ing so smething over do from think order so because he thinks he is getting the housch a thing, go first to your home mer - goods for less money than he would chant and ask to -see the article which have to pay for them at the store is you are thinking of buying. his own town. He thinks he is look- Ready to Compare Prices. ing out for No. 1 and he says it is ptly"a' silty of clo'tit 5 and s'a'ying' to the• storekeeper; "Give me the cheap- est suit .01 Clothes y9u have in the house.'? you want the best .suit of clothes you can get for the price ypu pay Por, it, but you don't usually want the cheapest thing you can findi A man may delude hiinsoll into believing that when- he buys a suit of clothes from a mail order- house for 810 he is saving money, hut what is there to justify him in such a be- lief? The mere fact that he is get `ing a suit for $10. does -not mean that -he is saving money. The chances aro that if he should go to the man who runs the clothing store In his own town and ask for it he could get a •suit of'ejothes for 310 and the chances are. also that it would be just as; good it not a better bargain than the suit which he could get from the mail order house for the- same sum. It is not the price he pays that shows whether he is getting a har- gain or not. It le the quality of goods that he gets for his money that Counts. McTAGGART BROS. BANKERS Clinton, Ontario It has often been retna'rlced that the line of Stationery, Wall Pa- per, China, etc. that can bo pro- curer' at my store is surprising. Corrie and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to come that you can do'better here than elsewhere. A. T. Cooper, Stationer ,Quality and service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely difficult to supply your needs from time to time but you can rest assured it was due to conditions ; beyond my control.' Let me know your:wants, I will do my best for you. J. B. MUSTARD, Coal & Wood A. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ''A HAPPY NEW, YEAR TO ALL" • HARLAND BROS. ' Hardware Stoves and Novelties The Store with a Stock There is no better bread made in Ontario than -what you get right here in -Clinton. The best of ma- terials are used in the production of my bread and pastry. Demand and get Howie -made products. P. HENDERSON, Proprietor, Successor to H. Bartliff. Your home merchant is a business not his fault if the merchant in .1410 man. He gets the best values he can town cannot make any money and is fonWhis money when he buys goods, forced to go out of business. He over- and he does not expect his eustomers looks the fact that he Is likely to be to do anything else. All that he asks, e return Por the as hard. hit as anyone else -when that custourere and the h does his favors things he does for merchant closes his doors but, leav- the good of his community is that he ing that probability out of consider- be given an opportunity to meet the ation, the chances are about 10 to 1 insidious competition of the mai] or - that the buyer has really lost money der house,... He is perfectly willing to on his deal with the mail order man. have his prices and his values cam - (pared to those of the mail order house, but he has a just complaint If buying an article of any kind, when he is not given a chance to whether it be a house and lot or a make this comparison. Palmy of pins, the price is not the If all buyers would take the value only thing to be considered by any as well as the price of the article means. You are not in the habit of they are buying into consideration,. aning. „s..utere.asll0enscu avert to out mai--orderoiness touses wrovuld all go of clean competition' never in- jured any town. Education is as, essential as our daily meals. You cannot travel four directions at the same time and arrive at a given point. The same is true of the 'dollar spent out of town.' DOHERTY PIANOS LTD. The .best is the cheapest in the end. Let your next. job .of Paper,. e hanging or redecorating be clone. by,' the My, long experience in' -tins line is your'•assurance that what I undertake 'to .do will 'be - done right, . J E. .COQK, Decorator LIVE MERCHANTS recognize Advertising not as an expenditure, but as an in- vestment. Persistent use et THE CLINTON NEWS -RE- CORD will verify this. - We have opened up in the Palace Block and are now in a po, sition to take care of your needs, in paints, Oils, Wallpapers, in- terior and exterior decorating. All our work is guaranteed. Practise Buying -at -Home. - WOOD & TYNEIR, Painters - These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the Buy -at -Home idea- because it has merit. Let us bo loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. -R. COUNTER, Jeweller If lve think. an article is not, what • you are looking for we •tell you so. If we do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you. Look'over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries; give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line bf Dry Goods, Clothing and. Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all tunes to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will g0,.. it for you. ' PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In the line of Fresh and Smoked Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is proven best by every test." We invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will be satisfied. Our business is ona cash basis. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market Cleanliness is next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how sanitary ,our plant i5 kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products. S. E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art and re- quires a constant applicatien and study to be able to get the re- sults that' meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- • op your films. Let Your .next photo be done by ROY BALL Photographer • A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say of the Nor.' mandie-Rattenbury Hotel. I make it my business to see that you are 'satisfied. It is the home of the travelling man. Conte in and stake yourself at home. ll S. S. COOPER, Proprietor ®l Do It Now Now is the tinge to brighten up your homes Try our LEMON OIL for your furniture—makes it life new. Once used --Always used. We will hang paper at the following prices during the winter Wall, papel' 13c roll, ceiling 13o roll, border 2c yard Painting Department Buggies, cutters, automobiles. etc., repainted at the following prices Buggies $11.00. Cutters $8,00. Automobiles $25.00 (this includes three eoats)- Refinishing all kinds of £urniture PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ETC. KEPT IN STOCK. 00D & TYNER PHONE 146. 1 Wishling our frien s and customers A HAPPY AND PR NEW YE 1, SPE 91 Us Corless Veinier • HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 60 omorarar e+trava ..m.i.orsaravaarammund=s5smaravi MILLINERY SALE Look for it Something worth while Clearing out all hats, tri Dpaed and untrimmed, at halt price and less, You want the goods ---We want the cash Sade lasts for two weeks commencing Thursday, Lieeember 30th F. M CAMERON Sloau Block