HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-12-16, Page 8JUST .I ECLIVUI a car Toad of Feeding Molasses J HUTTON ON LIONDESBOTO -CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE The Clinton Nowt}wIecor'd `1111UIftSD DECEMBER 10th, 19$0 CLINTOI ., , JUNK DEALER • BUYING ALL KINDS o,t,, JUNK AND POULTRY, HIDES AND SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES M, RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St, sir Christmas Thought THERE IS A THOUSAND WAYS OF SAYING "MERRY CHRISTMAS" • There is only one way of saying it right; and that is by giv- ing your friends some small remembrance bought in our store which you will always find of good quality and prices right. , A full line of Cloaks, Watches, .Rings, Pins,, Brooches, Fountain Pens, Ivory' goods, Silverware, Cut glass, Umbrellas and Canes to choose from. Optical goods our specialty. Coale in and have your eyes tested free of charge. Gramophgnes, Needles and Records on hand. A BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR FOR EVERY PURCHASER R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician iNelit--,Qovey'e Drug Store vramlierwassitamra ERS Now is the time to look after the comfort of your feet and see that they are kept warm and dry. Handling only No. 1 Quality Dominion Rubbers enables us to guarantee you the best procurable. Full line to choose from. We have a complete range of men's and boy's overcoats and suits and a good stock of Boots and Shoes at Rock Bottom Prices. Plunasteel Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE fil Q/ NEW IDEA PATTERNS. iu We feel sure that a visit here will enable you to find just the.article that will solve THE PROBLEM OF WHAT TO GIVE. We have the WEAR EVER Aluminum utensils, Nickel plated ware, Teakettles, Tea- -pots, Coffee percolators, ICnives, Forks and spoons, Caseroles, Rayo Table lamps, Rayo Hanging Lamps, Electric Lamps and Electric Irons at re- ''duced prices. The Faultless Carpet Sweeper only $3,60, Hand Sleighs, Kiddie Cars, Mitts and Gloves. FOUR WEEKLY -LIMERICK' "i i'1'i-ti1i.,7,'11110;li ,11I,'ix Iiiii Iiulliiiliiiriiiu6iuuliiiiimimiiilimlillblin iii1( uaiiuiliiiri 1•1W mmliuiill. i illi f en iul In making your choice of wise Christmas presents, WE 4 MAY HAVE t1` The Gift go!i vacant at the price io a'Wa>ISit tC Tau We suggest that you favor us with your presence. Come here To our Store Where you'll find them galore, - ' —Washing Machines and wringers— ,__ And many other articles suitable for Christmas Gifts, LAN D Hardware. Stoves and Novelties O. The Store With a Stock Holiday Shopping We have on hand a quantity of the following articles suitable for the Christmas trade which we are offering at very reasonable prices : . Alluminum ware of,a well. -assorted variety, Nickle ware, tea and coffee pots, percolators. Electri ;reading lamps and fixtures. Electric irons, electric .heaters, toasters, grills and flash lights. Casseroles. Knives, forks and spoons of various quality. We invite you to make this store your headquarters on shopping days THE. CL1 CTRIC AND HARDWARE STORE Suttr' r„.^Perdue Plun begs and Electricians Phone 147w Tile W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—.Always the Best #75 dlWnw ee'_.m,ry _ •exam I111. Mr. J. Taylor of Toronto is in town this week. Mr. W. J, Harland of Guelph was in town over the week -end. Misses Jennie and Rose Tebbutt were in Kitchener on Monday. Miss Ruth Jackson returned Monday after a visit with Toronto friends. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Jos. Barton of Goderich were in town on Satur- day. Mr. James Stevens is spending a few weeks with his daughter in Lon- don. Mr. E. C. Andrews is in Toronto this week and may remain for some time. Willie Argent, who has been quite ill 'for some weeks, is now recovering nicely, . Rev. T. J. Snowdon spent the week- end - at St. Thomas and Yarmouth Centre. Mrs. D. B. Rennedy left last week to spend the winter with her son in Detroit. Miss Jewel Battliif is home from To- ronto and will remain until after Christmas. Mrs. Leppington has gone to Sarnia to visit with her daughter, Mrs: W. Lawrence. Mr. Frank Hollyman was in Goderich Tuesday and Wednesday of this week sitting on the jury. Mrs. I. Rattenbury and Miss Dorothy Rattenbury of Peterboro are here for the Christmas vacation. Mrs. A. Downs of Ina Station is a visitor- this week` at the home of • Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Downs. Messrs. Oliver Johnson and James Connolly of Goderich called on friends in 'town on Saturday: arise yesterday Miss Cowing returned y s y ev- ening after a week's visit with re- latives at Woodstock and Mitchell. Mr. G. D. Gilchrist of Guelph was in town this week. He brought his car up and put it in storage for the winter. Mr. Carl East of Brantford was in town for over the week -end, be- ' ing the guest of his sister, Mrs. G. Cuntnghame. Rev. S. Anderson was at Wellburn on Sunday taking Missionary ser- vices and the Rev. D. N. McCamus was on the Blyth circuit. Mr and Mrs. Harold Zeats of Toron- to are expected on Monday to spend the Christmas season • with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mennen. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gibbons returned last week from a month's visit with the n•eher of the former, at Ef- fington, Ill., who has been quite ill, but who is now,reeovering. Mrs. J. R. Scott of Clifford and Mrs. Ida Fennell of Stratford visited their sister, Mrs. W. S. Downs this week and `attended the funeral of their little niece, Grace Aileen, which took place on Tuesday after- noon. Mr. James Bentley, who has been at Everett for the past few months, has been visiting friend's about here during the past week. He has also been visiting his brother at Kingston and leaves this week to visit his sister at New Bedford; Mass. Miss Marion Andrews was in Kitchen- er over the week -end visiting her sister, Mrs. F. F. Gillies.. On her return on Monday she was accom- panied by her little niece, Miss Marion Gillies, who will visit her grandparents until after the Christ- mas holidays. Miss Mae Rutledge came up from To- ronto a few days ago and will spend several weeks at her home in town., Miss Rutledge has been suffering from a back cold and it was feared last week that she had scarlet fever but the doctor decided it was nothing more serious than a cold and she was recommended to conte hove. A, few weeks at home will probably set her quite on her feet again. President-elect Harcling will spend the week before his inauguration ac Palen Beach, Florida. • December 27 is set as the date when arms must be given up by civilians in Ireland. Don't Worry for Hours "Say it with Flowers” From our choice stock of Christ- mas Plants. Flowers to Please Everybody Wreathes of Japeneso hoping with miniature pionsettttoas ---ANli•-- CHOICE HOLLY FOR DECOIt•ATIO:N,S. CUNT (CIH AME r ., -.. Aw.....w. LORiS7ly .......6r.: LJj,.4.. If You buy out of town and I buiru out of town What Is -g.oing to become of our town? EVERY DOM YOU 'SPEND IN C.LINTON 1.7111 EVENTUALLY COME 110111E T 11Q0DST IIS! CLINTO The Clinton News. ecoid tAsw th care, they will present something you have not thought of before, Patronize they are your neighbors and will treat you.right. The money you spend in Clinton efitsthe whole community. „ Read, these articles wi the home merchants, remains here and boll There is a lot of Satisfaction hi knowing that we look after your .banking interests. Your business, saving or private accounts, are solicited with the assurance they will be properly safeguarded at the 'Molsons Bank, Clinton. ' Ii. R. SHARP. Manager Savo money by buying your Christmas presents at our store, We mean it when we say you SAVE MONEY. And our range of gifts is wide. W. S. R. HOLMES The Rexall Store Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will malce no mis- take in buying from tae. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & Co.- ^ Stationer. Jewelory Picture Books that is 'why all jewellery looks well in cuts. A 10c article looks just the same as a $10 article. Trad- ing at home you do not need to know 'jewellery. You can see for yourself. R. H. Johnson, Reliable jeweller Two Specials for early Christmas Shoppers. er . Stl k Hose, $2 , 60 val- ues for $2.00 per pair (no tax). Kid gloves, Black, Tan and White • $3.00 values at $2.00 per pair. J.' A. IRWIN When you see our Vacuum cleaner • and many other useful Christmas ' gifts_and get prices you wont think of sending "away" for a • present for that friend or relative CORLESS & VENNER, Hardware HOME MADE CANDY —IT'S PURE— ALWAYS FRESH —AND— "MIGHTY GOOD" TRY SOME TODAY E. WENDORF Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock and prices before you buy else- wYwhere.has always s been our here. It aim to satisfy our clients . The line of*Men's Furnishings and clothing' 'cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISH CLOTHING CO. Men's Outfitters Buying Furniture .in Clinton you will find our prices right, and our guarantee is. behind every piece of furniture we. sell. Our undertaking parlors are well equipped for -service night or day. BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture . GOLDEN GRAIN BAKERY Buy -At -Moine Leave us your orders for Christ- mas Cake. We are also head- quarters for Bon Bons, etc. • BETTS & GADD, Bakers Get our prices first on stoves and Ranges., We carry a large stock of the above as well as •a com- plete line of General hardware. You will find you can do better trading with us than any city store. Ranges installed. HARLAND BROS., Hardware There is no better bread made in Ontario than what you get right here in Clinton. The best 'of ma= tarsals aro used in the production of my broad and pastry. Demand and get Home-made products. P. }IENDERSON, Proprietor, Successor to H. Bartliff:•'•. "EMT UNSIN” I ADE IS SAME Consumer Takes Long Chance When. He Buys From the Mail Order House. GENERALLY IS:LOSING GAME Method of Doing Business Is Very Different when You Purchase Goods From Tour Borne Merchant. you slay -stave seen'• anvertiS'".'1s`i;t";lour home paper. What would anyone think of your business ability or your comiuonsense if you walked' in- to a n-to.a more at home and said: "1 saw a picture in the paper to -day of a suit which I liked very much, Please wrap up ono for ale. , here's the money," The merchant would think that you were crazy, but that is ex- actly what you do every timeyou send an order to a mail order house. You buy "sight unseen" and you haven't a ghost of a chance of getting your mohey baok•if the article is unsatis- factory when It reaches you. How different is -the proceeding when you go into the store in your own home town to buy a suit of clothes, or a stove or a yard of rib- bon. You may have seen a picture of it in the merchant's advertisement in the home paper and you know that, as the merchant is reliable, you can count on the goods being as he represents them in his advertisement. But does he ask you to take his word for everything? Does he hide the article behind the counter and tell you that you can't even see it until you buy it end pay over the money for it? Hardly. If the article is not already in' -plain sight on the counter, the merchant produces it for your inspection. If it does not exactly suit you, he has others that are a little different and that he is glad to have you. inspect. pect. "Get Merchant's Guarantee. (Copyright,) When you ,were a youngster, did you ever make a trade, "sight un- seen?" Of course you did. What boy has not risked his jackknife or his Choicest marble on such a 'proposi- tion and how often'has he repented of his rash, deed when he discovered what he got in the trade? He g en- erallyloindthat lite deal turned' out to the advantage of the . one.. who made the proposition. There is a little of the gambling instinct in the blood of nearly every man, woman and child, but even the hardened gambler like's to get a "run for his money." The "sight unseen" Proposition doesn't appeal to him in the least. There aro thousands of people, however, who would be pro- perly indignant if.they were accused of being gamblers, who every day take a chance on the greatest gam- bling game in the world, And worse than- that, they are risking their money on a "sight unseen" proposi- tion. - When one of the thousands of per- sons who build up and keep up the great mail order houses of the coun- try sends his money away to pay for some article that he has selected Catalogue, from the mail order he is taking a chance on getting what he expects to get. The mail order house may be perfectly honest and still the purchaser stands a good chance of not getting what he expects to get. The mail order catalogues are filled with pictures that catch the eye. The descriptions are brief,' as they must be when thousands of a'r'ticles are to be described within the Confines of one book. No matter how hard the mail order house night try to tell the truth, the whole truth and noth- ing but the truth, it would be an im- possibility. The buyer is• simply tak- ing a chance, Buying "Sight Unseen." How much more satisfactory it is Immo waazl.:lk into rao,Sstor,alninaryioiuer .ribotin Then, if it is a suit of clothes you are buying, or a piece of dress goods or a pair of socks, you may ask if the merchant will guarantee that it will wear as long as an article of that kind could be expected to wear and he will tell you either that he will guarantee it or that he will not:— If he tells you that he will guarantee it you will know that you will get your money back or another suit or another pair of socks in its place if it doesn't wear like It should, for the merchant, besides being an honest roan in most cases, cannot affbrd not to make his word goad. He is depen- dent'upon your business and that of others in his own community and he cannot afford to misrepresent his goods. After having all this' opportunity to see what you are buying, yea take your suit or your stove or whatever it is you buy home or it is sent home for you without any delivery charges, and after youg •tYte of home and take an- other look at it and decide you don't want it after all, you send it back. You are not buying something "sight unseen" whenou buy from your house merchant. You don't look at a picture of an article in a news- paper, read a short description of it, go to the post office and buy a money order and send it to the merchant, with the instructions, "Send me a suit of clothes"—or a stove or what- ever it may 'be—"and I'll pay your delivery man 50 cents for delivering it to me." There's a world of difference in the two methods of doing business and its not hard to figure out which is the best for the man who is doing the buying. MCTAGGART BROS. BANKERS Clinton, Ontario PRIVATE GREETING CARDS With your name printed on them, are nice to send to your friends 'at Christmas. We have various sem- . ales. Call and see them and get prices. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. We have opened up in the Palace Block and are now in a po- sition to take care of your needs, in paints, Oils, Wallpapers, in- terior and exteribr • decorating. All our work is guaranteed. Practise Buying -at -Home. -• WOOD & TYNER, Painters These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the Buy -at -Hone idea because it has merit. Let us be loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweller It has often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wall Pa- per, a -per, China, etc. that can be pro- cured at my store is surprising. Come and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to cone that you can do better here than elsewhere. A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quality and service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely difficult t9 supply your needs from.time to time but you can rest assured it was due to"' conditions beyond my control. Let me know your wants, I will do my best for you. J. B. MUSTARD, Coal & Wood Good clean competition never in- jured any town. Education is as essential as oar daily meals. You. cannot travel four directions at the same time and arrive at a given point. The same is true -of the dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTD. The best is the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be done by me. My long experience in this line is your assuraeneee that what I undertake .to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If we think an article is not what you are looking' for we tell you so. If we do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you. Look over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all times to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will get it for you. PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods Fre d In the line ofh an Smoked s Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is 'proven best by every test." We invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will be satisfied. Our business is on a cash basis. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market Cleanliness is next to Godliness It is here we invite thee general public to visit our creamery and sec how sanitary - our plant 1s kept. Every improved method will bo found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products. S. E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art t -ad re- quires a constant applicatiun and study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- op your films. Let your next photo be done by ROY BALL Photographer A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say of the Nor- mandie-Rattenbury Hotel. I make it my business to see that you are satisfied. It is the home of the travelling man. Cone in and make yourself at home. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor o m I______ ate=11Cf =DA �.•-- .^i.-- rr+r�neacn�1r.s.xx..mreta.:asazsas�s'. Do It Now Now is,the time to brighten up your homes Try our LEMON OIL for your furniture—makes it like new. - Once used—Always used. We will hang paper at the following prises during the winter Wall paper 130 roll, ceiling 13c roll, border 2c yard Painting Department -Buggies, cutters, 'automobiles. etc., repainted at the following prices Buggies $11,00. Cutters $8.011. Automobiles $25.00 (this includes three coats) ° Refinishing all 'kinds of furniture PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ETC. KEPT iN STOCK, W00 & TYN17R PHON:1O 146. ave a New Fixture For Christ as Come and select one from our collection that will not only produce good light but will be an ornament in your hone. We may have something else, that will suggest itself as a Christmas Present, Corless Ve ner HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 Ph&rte:graphs for Christmas THE SOLUTION OF THE GIFT PROBLE1Pii Photographs carry the personal feeling that no "ready-made gift" can convey. Make your appointment now. An enlargement made by us of your good kodak films makes an excellent Christmas gift, ALL, PHOTOGRA E PRONE 66 CLINTONsysklatzog