The Clinton News Record, 1920-12-9, Page 7THE TREASURE OF GOODHEALTH Easily Maintained Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pilnic J'iile, There ie not a noolt or corner in • Cautt(la, in the cities, tile towns, in villages, on the farms and b the urines and lumber camps, where Dr, Wil- liams' fink fills• have not been used, and from one end of the country to the other they • have brought back'te bread -whiners, their wives and Pani, i7(es the splendid treasyl'e of new health aid strength. You have only tor. ask your neigh- bors, and they can tell you of some rheumatic or nerve -shattered man, some suffering woman, ailing youth or anaemic girl who owes present health and strength to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For more than a -quarter" of a century these pills have been known not only in pomade:, but throughout all the world, as a reliable tonic; blood - making medicine, The wonderful success of Dr. Wil Danis' Pink Pi]le is due to the feet that they go right to the root of the disease in the blood, and by making the vital -fluid' rich and red strengthen every organ and -every nerve, thus driving 'out' dieeaae and pain, and making weak, despondent people bright, active and s{Tong. Mr. W. T. Johnson, one of the best known and most leghly esteemed men in Lunen - burg county, N.S., eaye:—"I am a Provincial Land Surveyor, and an ex- posed for the greater part of the year to very bard work travelling through the forests by day and camping out by night, and I find the only thing that will keep nie up to the mark is 'Dr.- Witlltlrns' Pink Pills, When I leave ,` home for trip in the woods I am as • interested in having my supply of pills as provisions, and on such occasions, I take 'them regularly. The result is I am always fit, I never- take cold, and can digest all kinds of 'food such as.we have to pelt up with hastily cook- ed in the woods. • Having proved the -value of Dr. Williams' Pink • Pills, as a tonic and health builder, I am never. without thorn, and I lose no opportune ity in recommendieg them -to weak people whom I meet Dr.• Williatns' Pink Pills should :be • kept in every borne, and their occa- sional use will keep the blood pure and ward oft illness. You can get these pills througll-any medicine deal- er, or by mall at •50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr.'Williame Medicine 0o., Broeltvnle, Ont. Seaweed Twine. Japalreso.have found a way to mix the fibre of a species of seaweed. of which there is an unlimited supply with cotton to form strong and water- —' resisting twine and cordage. BUY- "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Each package of "Diamond Dyes" eoo- tains directions so simple that any woman can d9e any material without ysteeaking, fading or running. Druggist has color card—Take no other dyel Some men waste a lot of valuable time, explaining their actions. Love. LoVe 1s• t1 Dower Ali Quer-the world, Wher'ev'er You' go Its banner's unfurled, It waves' 411 the breeze, And sane leu' the ail', Go where you •pieape, Love it is there, `It's out on the ocean, 7t's here upon land, .And eauscs commotion On every hand. It rides on the billows Or lives he theewavee; Sternlle,'s it mellowe And sok:row It laves, Love is diNirtt>, It carnes front above, And glistens in sunehlne—. Beautiful love. It's up 1n the mountains And valleys below; It gushes in fountains, .And sparkles• ire snow. It abides in the cities, 'Or Byes in a town; And lifts man when he's down, The needy It pities, It stalks along hedges With arrows and quiver/ Or slumbers on ledges -By Love's beautiful river. It swoops along highways And over bread plains, And steals along byways And along rovers' lanes. The birds In the woodland And in the green lea, All warble of love To you and to Inc. —Holmes, When Bill Nye Sold His Cow. Bill Nye the humorist once had e cow he wanted to sell, and he un- blushingly advertised all her faults while naming the few virtues she seems to have possessed, His adver- tisement ran: "Owing to my 111 health, 1 will sell at my residence in township 19, range 18, according to the Govetnrnentes sur- vey, one plush raspberry cow age eight years. She is of undoubted courage and gives milk frequently: To the pian who does not fear death in any form, she would be a great boon. She is very much attached to her present home with a stay chain, but she will be sold to anyone who will agree to treat her right. She ds one.. fourth Shorthorn and three-quarters hyena. I will also throw in a double- barrel shotgun, which goes with her. In May she usually goes away for a week or two and returns with a tall red calf with wobbly legs. Her name is Rase. 5 would rather sell her to a non-resident, the farther away the better," There are no uneertakers in japan. When a person dies, it is the cus- tom for his nearest relatives to put ham into -a coffin 'and bury him, and the Mourning •does not begin until after burial. Sammy: "It was ten below zero at our house this morning," Wtalde: "Pel say it's cold. • It was twelve be- low .at our house, and it would have been colder still if our thermometer had been longer.e f HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON 0 Breast feeding seems to be one of the greatest checks to infant mortal- ity that is known. It is positively alarming to take the records in any community and see the • great pre- ponderance of 'bottle-fed babies. While some women through physical 'weak- ness probably cannot nurse the babies, -the tendency of the present time is for mothers to forego breast feeding on account of the interference with social duties and ordinary routine of life that it would entail. Coupled with this regrettable viewpoint is the fact of commercialism in the supply of infant food's. Even cow's nri'ek which, with a proper percentage of added sugar' and water, makes the best substitute for mother's milk, nowadays rarely contains a proper standard of fat, the high prices of butter at present tempting many peo- ple to use the separator at the ex- pense of chid life. In conversation with a doctor re- cently in a good sized country town, he told me the startling news that it was almost impossible to getpure milk of sufficien't fat standard, on account of the prevalence of separa- tors throughout the country. It is evident that the unfortunate results of this pauperizing of the milk is not realized by the people who do the separating, for there its not a man or wpman in Ontario worth the name who would .think of depriving • the children of their only means of proper sustenance in the early months of life. It ie just the Ratak of knowledge, 1 coupled with the desire to make leg - tiinate profits from butter, which now fetches a high price on the market. This is one of the most important factors to be dealt with in the ,present campaign to:build up a more, robust babyhood in this pr'ovince. Some of the reasons wiry a baby should be breast fed are as follows:— Breast milk is 'always ready and. is never sour: it does not have to be pre- pared or measured; it is nature's method and was intended for the baby; it will make the baby strong and healthy; it is .absolutely free from germs and dirt; it protects the baby from matey infant's diseases; it is safer for the baby; ten 'bottle-fed babies die to every one fed on the breast; it contains the proper elements of food in the right proportibii for the growing child.; breast-fed 'babies seldom have bowel trouble, which is so fatal in 'bottle-fed babies especially in Trot weather; the baby will have the 'beet ohance of living if breast Vel, A normal baby should show the following points in its development: — A .steady gain in weight; bowel move- ments every day.; a good appetite; no vomiting; a clear skin; bright, wide open eyes; very little crying; quiet unbroken sleep, with eyes and mouth closed; a oonistant growth in stature and intelligence. The temperature of the baby's bath should be from 08, to 100 deg. F., and it should always he kept warm. Even a slight chill often brings disastrous rosults'to ono so young. When tea or coffee bd ,hers �x pot turn tz Jt has helped mail a coffee drinks '!1•.'' t :cif trouble, 'There's Rams -, 57 a f Sold by room ,�:k1Y'e STRAIGHT HAIR MADE T Y NATURAL WAVY. Do ya.0 want that jay? If eo, write for Illustrated Booklet (The Good and Bad Way.ef Perm- anent Waving). We also have the Nee de Permanent Hair Waving Home Outfits, R. HARPER • Nestle -Permanent Hair Waver 418 BLQOR ST. WEST, TORONTO Agent of The 0, Nestle • Co, for Canada, The Stranger Tumbled. M, Poineare ls fond of telling this story against himself. One bitterly cold day the winter be - fere last (he says) I was walking hur- riedly,. down the almost deserted. Bole de Boulogne, the collar of my overcoat turned up about my ears, my head bent down against the stinging blast. I wanted to know the time, but I was unwilling to unbutton my over- coat in order to get at my watch. Just then I saw a pian of well-dressed ap- pearance coming along. I perceived that he was buttoned up just as I was. Nevertheless, such is the seliishness of human nature, when he arrived opposite to me I touched my politely and said:. "Sir, do you know what time It is?" The stranger paused, removed his right glove, unbuttoned his coat from top to bottom, unbuttoned his under- coat, and finally pulled out his hatch, while the cold wind beat against him. holding up the timepiece he scrut- inized it an instant, and said: "Yes!" Then he passed on without another word. He had evidently seen through my little ruse,- and acted accordingly. It served one right. Hospital • for Sick Children COLLEGE ST., TORONTO, Great Provincial Charity Makes Christmas Appeal to Friends of Childhood. Dear Mr. Editor: The most vital' fact in public health service throughout the pro- vince is, as you know, the tremendous strides made in child welfare work. Modern science is harking back to the ancient proverb that "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." It has been the privilege of the Hos- pital for Sick Children—the greatest institution of its kind upon the con- tinent—to find that ounce of preven- tion. In bygone • days dependence was put more largely in medicines. Now- adays there • is a closer partnership between the pediatrician and Dame Nature, Since the erection . of our Baby's Ward and the establishment of well babies' clinics the infant mortality iu Toronto alone has been reduced from 155 to 82 per thousand. Further statistics which might be given would merely corroborate the actual life-saving value of the Hoe- pital's work. And ft is unnecessary to explain to you that the informa- tion as to the researches which make such a record possible is at once communicated to the Health Officers and practising physicians throughout Ontario. Consequently the Hospital has surely a claim upon the Christmas- time generosity of every friend of lit- tle children. An institution which is securing the new-born child twice the chance, not merely of good health, but of life itself, is entitled to the abundant support of the public, Daring the past financial year, revenue from all sources fell one hundred dollars a day behind neceS- sary expenditures. It has always been the ambition of the Hospital for Sick Children to gain not only the support but the sympathy of the people of Toronto, and so to -day, with a debt exceeding $150,000, it appeals to your readers to help along with some gift, whether it be great or small. A contribution of $2,000 from an individual or a so- ciety gives the -privilege of naming a cot for all time; a donation of 25 cents will run the whole Hospital for half a minute. Between these two amounts. there is surely some sum which can be sent by everybody to the secretary - treasurer at 69 Collage street, Toronto, as a token of interest In a charity whose field Is as large as this province. The Hospital for Sick Children is one of the largest and most highly regard- ed in the world, It is an institution in which the people of Ontario may take legitimate pride, for it is through their generosity that success has been possible. Two hundred and fifty children, pale of cheek or with twisted limbs, will be the immediate beneflclaries of the Yuletide remembrances of your readers. Thousands• more throughout the coming year will benefit by their kindliness. • IRVINE E. ROBERTSON, Chairman of Appeal Committee. It Cured Him. . Mr. R. A, Squires, Premier of New- foundland, told this amusing story -the other day , It concerned an old fisherman dwell- ing on the island, who, lite most of iris class (said Mr. Squires), was very superstitious and "faddy." A neighbor who disapproved of these traits in leis eharactor said to hire one day: "That potato yen gave ole to carry en my pocket as a euro for rheumatism "`.ea had fV Wonderful effect, I haven't had a till -1,4•.c' 011100 YOU efre1 it 01 me." "There!" exolalmed the' old chap triumphantly. "I told you a potato carried In the poeket was a cure for rhotimatisni,: and you wouldn't t b liev e me.' "Yes," the other admitted, "and the really strange thing is that it meet have been exercising its' ilitiuenee on Me before yell gave ft to ate, for I novae lead a twinge before I began oarrydng it either," MYiinard'd LinWont Flotlovet, Coltlsf Els: THE FASHIONABLE. HIGH COLLAR .9752 No. 9753—Mises' Dress. Price, 35 cents. 'Suitable for small women; with, ohenuisette; two styles 05 sleeve; two-piece skirt in two lengths, with or without a'pr'on tonic, attached to !lining. In 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16, with tunic, 3'8i yds. 40 ins. wide, 2,%s yd ins. wide; - out tuornic, 8s/i yds.54 40 lois, wide, withor 23i yds. 54 ins. wide. Width aroesel bottom, 1% yds. This pattern may be obtained from ' your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall, Co,, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. ' CHILDHOOD CONSTlP.ATION Constipation—that disordered state of the digestive tract which is nearly always caused by improper feeding— can be readily regulated by the use of Baby's Own Tablets, These Tablets are a mild but thoroughly laxative. They are easy to take and are abso- lutely free from injurious drugs. Con- cerning them' Mrs. Joseph Dion, Ste. Perpetue, Que., writes:—"I have no- thing but praise for Baby's Own Tab- lets. When my baby was three months old he was terribly constipated but the Tablets soon set him right and now at the age of fifteen months. he is a big healthy boy and this good health I attribute entirely to the use of the Tablets." They are sold by medicine .dealers • or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont• 7---- -- Horse Asleep. The Band of Mercy of Sydney, Aus. tralia, reports an instance of an old cab horse falling on the pavement and then lying as still as. though dead. In- vestigation nvestigation revealed that the horse had been driven all the previous. day and night, and had been left standing several hours while the driver was in a hotel, The animal had fallen asleep while standing, and was so exhausted that he went asleep againwhile lying 011 the ground. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are euro your child is having the hest and most barmless physic for the littie stem. aeb, liver and bowels, Children love Its fruity taste. :all directions oa each bottle. You must say "Call - forma" Not In League of Nations, The Governments which are not members of the League of Nations are Chita, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Russia, Mexico, and the Un- ited States, Ontario issteadily growing in hi- dustrial strength. According to the 1017 census she End 11,681 ind'ustrial establishments with a capital of $1,$35,000,000, and employing nearly 300,000. Value •of products in that year, over a million and 0 half, with a merited expansion since 1917. Minard's Liniment Por Burns, Ete, A wet summer ds healthy .because the rain literal'., washes the air and flushes germ -laden (lust away. has immediate effect. BEWARE OF SU88tITUTE,S 52.06 a tube 5011.8E 0 01885 CO' to 44m„, ” Asoma ter 0.r, Nag Poniesl RELIEVES ieP,IN,, AUTO SPARE PARTS for most dailies and models o oars. Your old,, brolten or Worn -mut gartn replaced. 'Write or wird tie desorlb- ing ivltat you event, We 000., the larirss anti moot soprpdete stock in Canada or el Bbtly steed or new parts and eutomobille equipment. Wo ehlu anywhere 111 Oanada, eatts- faotory or refund la lull our motto, els w'e Auto Selvage Witte :Supply, eta--9� nn a b., Toro g ant,. Joy for the Wife, no was—well, very, very careful. Eaolr weak ha wauki go oval' ilia wife's cash aeoaunt, growling and grumbling. Once he delivered himself of the fol. lowing: •- "Look here, Sarah, mustard plan. tem 50o, two teeth extracted $2, There's '.$2.60 in erre ween spent for your private pleasure, Do you think l am made of money?" • CASCARETS "They/ V1lork while you Sleep', 1 l Do you feel all tangled up—bilious, constipated, headachy, nervous, full of cold.? Take Cascarets tonight for your liver' and bowels to stralphten you out by morning. Wake up with head clear, stomach right, breath sweet and feeling tine. No griping, no inconvenience. Children love Cascar- eta,`toe. 10, 25, 50 cents. A Wonderful Opportunity, The children—Eric and •his little sister—found Aunt Mary altogether too strict. She certainly tried her best to amuse them, and one morning took them to the zoo. But it was a failure. "Eric, keep away from that cage! Molly, your hat's crooked! Thoseseats are dirty, Eric—keep off them! If you bite the Huger of your glove again, Molly, I shall take you straight home!" It was like a never-ending gramo- phone record an- good behavior, and Aunt Mary never seemed to tire. At last the little party paused: before a cage, and Aunt ,Mary consulted her catalogue, "This, children," she announced, "is an ant -eater." Eric looked cautiously round as he whispered to Molly, "Can't we push her in?" Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, --Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in a seyere attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. Reports from the Arctic slope as to the quantities of fish available in those waters have been so enceurag- ing that the Mackenzie Basin Fish- eries Qo. is installing a $700,000 cane ery plant at Black Bucy Lake, Atha- baska. . - Mlnard's Liniment For Dandrull. "I am proud to say that my grand- father made his mark in the world," observed the coiiceited youth. "Well, I suppose he wasn't the only muni in those days who couldn't write his name," replied his bored companion. HIGH YIELDS ARE ALWAYS PROFITABLE Because items of outlay, such as land -rental, equipment, labor, land preparation, seed and harvesting charges, are about the same whether you get 20 bushels per ' acre of wheat or d0 bushels; 40 bushels per - acre of oats or 80 bushels; 0 tons silage per Imre or 12 tons; SO ;rusbels of potatoes or 260. Ontario Agricultural College Bulletin No. 278 (Prof. A, Leitch) reports: CROP YIELDS AND FARM PROFITS Per year labor Those who harvested Income Below 51% of aver. yields, $500.00 81-00% 688.00 01-100% 087,00 101-110% 050.00 111-120% '• 1208,00 Over 12018 " " 1881.00 Push pour mon yields shove the average and got the • bit Labor Income. For increased yields in 1021, apply Pertllizers. Write THE SOIL AND CROP Improvement Bureau of the Canadian Fertilizer Aesooiation 1111 Temple Building - Toronto Gabon Ft i' All nnvitae i,+; las Bathe with Cuttoura Soap and hot water to free tate pores of itnpur1tloe met tallow with a gentle application of Cuticura Oint- ment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for the toilet, ne ]a also Cdticutn Talcum for perfuming, o25ol r in 211. Sold thrinluttheDomi lO,Sianrllepot lentees'lleies, 3 13, Pani Si., W., IMa y,SAriCuE3nnraSopshrives without mare i89US No, SO -10 ---- Keep . leeep It Pari,, Little Dick: "What aro you .cutting out of that paper?" • Little .foltnny: "Sonlet1hing I don't wantmamma to see," "What le it?" "It's 418 Article that says wooden slippers from 5Ioilanl one coining 111ta Pashlonl" DANDER NE Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents "Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. The first Australian newspaper, the Sydney Gazette, appeared in 1803. 'MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. There aro 80,785 blind personsin the United Kingdom. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Distemper The run rotates on its axis in about twenty-five days seven hours. A Gift Book for All—Young or 016, Protestant or Cathollc "The Crossbearers of the Saguenay," By Dean Barris, Is a Canadian book that should be in every home—and read. illustrated, $2.00 Money refunded If not satisfied. At All Booksellers or J. M. DENT & SONS, Ltd., Pubs, London, Eng., and 86 Chntch Et., Toronto. NTE Send for list of inventions wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been made from simple ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet and "Proof of Conception" on request. HAROLD C. SHIPMAN at CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS 10.0 IMIPMAN CHAFe5es • • DRAMA, CANADA Mt Classified Advertisements. ,grass cam. J8' you want an interesting inexpensive A U!n•islrnor, rift, send twenty-llve cents and wo well mall our unique itain- bnw Puawlo, Clive*' Sifg, 370„ 9 Aloinq, AAVo, T01'01310. Atenala:S vra8ri147.4 A tllfNg53 Weee i]u: 231,1fSS NATIVIO .Ly.,. iderbo 1s a remedy for this relief of Lunslpatlon, Indigestion, 1311Jousnase, 12hemnatlem, Itldhoy Troubles1t le we)1-known, having boon extensively ad- vartlsed, 0100e 15 was 115,5: mllnnfa1iured in 3888, by dlstrlbutlon of lar"e civantt, ties of Almanacs, Cools Noire, Health Books, oto,; which are furnlehad to agents tree of chums. '.rile remedies are sold et a price that allows agents to double 'their c one, Write Alonzo O. I311ss Medical Co.,' 124 5t. Paul •130.: ifast, 1Nnntreal. Mention this paper. >Mxg0iarcarEOVa 'p MMORTA.1,1TY CI0RT 11N •z'- Sweden .l borg'e great wdrk on Fteaven and hell, and a real world beyond. Over doe pages, capi i\ve postpaid, kI, B, Law, COARSE SALT LAND SALT 8uik Carlota TORONTO *'SALT WORKS O..1. CLIFF - TORON-TO America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on 000 DISEASES and How to Peed Mailed Fres to any Ad- dress by the Author. N. Clay Glover Co., Ino. 118 West 81st Street New York, TLS:A, Clean, Wholesome, and a book that will be read in future generations, by the great- est living maiter of English, Joseph Conrad The Book: "The Rescue," $2.5c At All Booksellers or J. M. DENT & SONS, Ltd„ Pubs; London, Eng., anti se Church St., Toronto. drv.F ±:'F.V!•!5>••.s,,f. .ft+ • 515a - 0. c iNVEPmoNp SINCE 1870 r r 30',3 OPS 'P g S OUCH! ANOTHER RHEUMATIC TWINCE Get busy and relieve those pains with that ha. dy bottle o, Sloan's Liniment �g 7 ILAT Sloan's does, it docs the:- �/�/ oughiy—penetrates without rub- bing to the afflicted part and promptly relieves most ki,:ds of exter- nal pains and aches. You'll find it clean and non -skin -staining. Mirka a6 handy for sciatica, rumbates, ncureli;ia, over -exerted muscles, stili: joints./ ,.±- 00110, pains, bruises shams, sprains, bad weather after -enacts. For 3-9 years Sloan's Liniment has helped thousands the woril ovcr. Yon aren't likely to be an exception. It cer- tainly does produce results. All druggists -35c, 70c, 01.10. 8�y�yr at�p� Lin.1111.ern AT YOUR SERVICE WHEREVER YOU LIVE The woman in town or country has the salne :::lvantage. as her sister in the city In expert advice from lee best-known firm of Cleaners and Dyers in Canada. PARCELS from the country seat by mail or express receive the same cam - fel nttentian as work delivered per- sonally. CLEANING and DYEING Clothing or Household -.Fabric^,. For years, the name of "Parker's" has signified perfection In this work of making old things look like new, whether personal garments of even the most fragile material, or bousehoid curtains, drepeoles, rugs, etc. Write us for further particulars, or send your parcels direct to ,t acd•' rays ‘/orkk Limited Cies110134 Dyers 1791 ¥onge St., Toronto ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE - ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" The mune a]i ,yes" Identifies the contains propor directions ions far Coldd only [towline Aspiin-tho 1airin Toothache, 1aiacltoL.lVou e proscribedbypllyoimans for overtone- *'algia, LAunbago, Rheumatism, Nollyd4 icon years and now made. in Canada, tis Joint Pains, and Pain generally., Always buy as unbroken ackage Tin boxes of 12 tablets cosi brig of "/layer Tablets of Aspirin" which a row cents, Larger "Mayor" packages. Thorn Is only ono dsplits,—.tc33ayb2r0—w'8toet must bay' "Bnyomi3 Aspirin !d the untie marls (registered in Canaria) of Slaver Stanufanture 45 steno- anetloaSidoster of sallevllanold, Whin 11 is wan know: that Astern moans Bayor tnantlfaetere, 10 Assist the tubllo tigeth58 fntfta110,0, the Tablets of Brayer Compant, will be stamped with their goners) trade marls, the "Bayo*' 01000"