HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-12-9, Page 5' THURSO Y, 1/001111%1131/H 9th, 1920 Clinton News..Retcu' Of Interest to You a*id. Me , `" Chi'ist,nas is less than three weeks .away, ,H ,g The PrOvineial Legfslaturo meets -on January 20tb, * 7 * s Do the young ladies realize that Leap Year is drawing to a close, .and that it will be foto' years hefore there's a:rothei' ane? * * * * 'The Toronto Daily Star is making a strong bit -to becoiie the organ of, a the Farmer's Party, The Faroe 's ,Sun bad better look to its laurels, A lot of the thing's you read in 'the newspapers really happen and yet. the Inland Revenue Department per, stets in regarding ns as manufattur- rs. —Kincardine Review. e . r. "Why not' get' over the ,idea that the bright future of. Can4i1a lies in the great cities? It does not. The future lies in the country and in the towns. Back- them up and make :them grow." A Boston school boy is said to have worn out three pairs of pants in three months on the chairs of the Public -school of that city. Evidently that boy's mother has .never heard of the "Lion Brand" boys' clothing made in. Clinton. e * * :, "The party organs," .says the Far- mer's Sun, "would force Premier :Drury to appoint none but his ene- mies to office." Well, all any Gov- ernment ever did was to appoint none but its friends. What was all the :row about? - Aubugrn Mrs. Moore of Guelph spent the week -end with Mrs. M. Munroe. Mr. A. Andrew attended the Ontar- io Beekeeper's -convention at Guelph last week. We are pleased to see Miss Ella :Robertson out again. after her accl- -'dent: The Baptist Anniversary: Services •on Sunday were well attended, the bad 'roads and wather slid not preveigt-the people- groin, getting out, and the fowl :supper and entertainment li hich was: 'held Monday ovening,:waa a. splendid success. The Redmond Concert Com- pany put ori the entertainment in a very capable and pleasing manner.. Mr. W. J. Andrew is away attend- ing the funeral of his sister at Col- lingwood. The services which are being held in the Methodist church are well at-. tended. The Y. P. S. will sleet in the Bap- tist church next Sunday evening. Miss Rae Andrew has charge of the meet- : ✓ ing. The.Y-P S. are planning week night activities for the winter in the fornubf- a Mock Parliament, already •our• genial doctor has been appointed •"Lieutenant Governor." The U.F.O", have sent .for a car- load of flour and -feed. • Brucefield •Miss Florence Bonthron is the ,guest of -her sister, Mrs. Cecil Shim:- :son. hap=.son. • Mrs. Jamieson is the guest of Sea - :forth friends thi'S week. Mr. Bonthron, who has been ser- iously ill at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Cecil Simpson, is slowly re- covering. • Mrs. McMartin of Barrie, who was called here by the serious illness of ler father, Mr. Bonthron, has re- turned home. Miss Maynie Swan has returned 'home from a very pleasant visit at I;ondon and other places. The bazaar and sale of work held in the lecture room of the church by the -Kelly Circle 1st Friday was very successful, There was a large crowd and the girls made aboue one hundred and fifty-five .dollars.• The Sunday school children are 'busy practising for the Christmas :tree on Dec. 22nd. Stanley Township, The usual number of Christmas ._tock was shipped from Brucefield-on Monday and Tuesday. Among the lo- cal shippers were: J. W. Reid, with •a double sleek carload' of lambs and W. J. Taylor with two cars of cattle. They koth intend to show at the big Live Stock .Show. We hope they Will be successful in carrying off some of -the prizes. While he was loading some hogs ..one day last week Mr. Russell Tay- ' lor's team ran away. After going through some peculiar stunts, circu- lating mail boxes and ad forth, they were at last stopped by the Misses Brownett. They all talk about the "'drop" in live hogs, but Mrs. Piggy •stayed right with the wagon, quite :determined to see' the finish 'of the ' , .chase. There was no "drop" in hog's • : ,that day. Mrs. Robert Elliott of the Goshen kine with her daughter, Lottie and son George intend moving to Olin - . ton this week for the winter months. Mr. George Elliott took a trip to Cal- ifornia and the Southern States last winter, but he hasn't decided just what course he will take this swinter. The Epworth League of Varna hold •a social evening at Mr. Wellington' Johnston's last Friday evening and , there was a large turnout and all re- port a social time. The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment of the Varna Presbyter- ' Ian Sunday school will be held on the evening of Dec. 21st. Mr, John V, Diehl, who recently sodl his farm on the 4th concession, Sias purchased the Alex. Innes house in Clinton 'and gets pessession Jan. lst. Mr. and Mrs, Diehl will be much missed in the neighborhood whore they have lived so long. Mr, Wm, Taylor of the second has saki his faire on the 4th concession of"'Goderich township and will give possession in the spring. The com- munity will be very sorry to lose the "Taylor f'annily. It is not yet 'settled 'Micro they will locate, rr Ilett Township Messrs, T. McMichael and Son are latneng the exhibitors at the Guelph Winter Fair this week, 5, 5, No. 9 will have its aminal Clgristinaa tree end entertainment in the School house on Monday evening, Doc, 20th, A geed program is being prepared by the school pupils and young people of the_eectlon, Kippers Rev, J. G. Stewart of London is ex- peeted to preach in St, Andrew's church next Sabbath. .Mrs: Peter McEwen of Goderich Spent a few days with he$ brother, Mn • George McKay and sister, Miss Marion McKay, We are /glad to re- port that Mr. McKay has greatly im- proved in health, % Master Venom Mcolymont spent two weeks visiting friends in Lon- don. He has returned , and reports his sister recovering frons her recent illness. . M. J. B. McLean is delivering large quantities of sugar beets at the sta- tion, Mr. McLean also shipped a great many turnips earlier in the sea- son, Mr. and Mrs. T. Richardson of Hensall visited with their slaughter, Mrs. A. Noakes last week. Mr. W. French is improving his property by having a drain Aug. We trust this will ensure hint a dry cel- lar, Mr. Isaac Jareot spent a few days in Toronto visiting his cousin, who is Marriages OHM—GORBUTT—At Wesley.par- sonage, Clinton, on Dec, 4th, by the Rev. D. N: McCantus, Rose Em- ma Gorbutt of Clinton, to Fred William Ohm of Milverton. McNAUGHTON— SHOLDICE— -At the manse, Walton, on November 24th, by Rev. R. A.• Lundy, 'John Airth McNaughton, Tuckersmith to Jennie May Sholdioc of Walton,. ANDERSON—WHEELER—At, the Methodist parsonage, Wing'hain,- on Nov. 25th, by the Rev: E. F. Arm- strong,,John- George Anderson to Annie Myrtle- Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Wheeler all of Morris township. Births ROBINSON.-In Wroxeter, on Nov. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Rob- inson, a daughter. KIDD—At Goderich, on November 20th, to ,Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kidd, a son. HOLMES—At Toronto, on November 27th, to the Rev. Gordon M. and Mrs. Holmes, -a son. (John Thomas Dutton.) • Deaths MncVICAR—In Goderich, on Decem- ber 1st, Margaret Rutherford, wife of James MacVicar, in her 73rd year, House for Sale • Comfortable 8 -roomed house, on Albert street, North, with good stone cellar and town water. Also" stable on premises:- Apply Miss Moore. —69-tf BREAD On Monday, Dee: 6th, we put a bfead wagon on the streets which will call at any part of the town. . Kindly leave word at the store if you wish our man to call. BETTS & GADD The GoIclen Grain Bakery —74-2 THE COOK BOOK Compiled by the Girls Club of Wil- lis Church is now complete and will be for sale at Fair's Book Store or copies can be procured from Miss Winnie O'Neil at • O'Neil's Grocery Store and Miss Margaret Mehaffy at the Post Office. Price $1.00. This book will make an acceptable and useful Christmas Gift. GRINDING GRAIN CHOPPING DONE AS USUAL, EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK. EX- CEPT SATURDAY, F. W. ANDREWS FOR .SALE 1 3 -horse power; 1 4 -horse power, 1 5 -horse power second hand gaso- line engines. 1 second hand 6 -ft. cut McCormick binder, '1 second hand buggy, one new 12 -ft. wire gate, some 7 -wine fence. The above will be sold cheap and on easy terms as I am out of the agency and want to clean up, 0. W. Potter, Clinton. Revision of Voters' List Town of Clinton Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, et the Council Chamber, 'Clinton, on the 1111 day of December, 1020 at 10 .o'clock a.m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality 62 Clinton for. 1920, Dated at Clinton this Prat day of December, 1020, D. L. Macpherson, Clinton, —74-2 Auction Sale Of the household furniture and real estate of the late Qnslow Crich, Albert -St, North, at 1 o'clock, sharp, SATURDAY, DEC, 1lth, Property ineludos. 31 acre land With house, barn, poultry house and fruit trees, Bedroom, parlor, diningroonn and kitchen furniture, OM stable and gar- den tools„ C, Ih Elliott, Auctioneer, -•,75-1-p Business Change Having sold out niy millinery bus- iness to Miss Williams. • I would bespeak for her the good will of the people of Clinton and vicinity. I take this opprtunity also of heart- ily thanking the citizens of Clinton and surrounding community for the generous patronage accorded me dur- ing my business career. MABEL E. 'CANTELON AN ANNOUNCEMENT Having 'bought out Mr. Bartlifl's baking, confectionary, and restau- rant business, I wish to announce to the people of Clinton and sur - 'rounding country niy intention of ca- tering to their various needs in my line. I solicit a share of your patronage and will endeavor to satisfy you. P. HENDERSON FOR SALE • BARRED ROCK COCKERELS • —FROM ----- L R GUILD'S SPECIAL BRED -TO -LAY . PENS PRICE 83.00 W. H. GELDING, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. —75-2-p Mr. Car Owner This is to" remind you cold weather is with ns and you ' must care for your storage battery. Send it to us we will keep it in a charged condi- tion ready to go to work in the spring all for only $1.50. We repair any make of Battery and carry a full line of parts., . Have us give you a price on 3 and 5 coat work when you want your car painted. All work done by experienced workman. Clinton Garage and Battery Ser-. vice station. J. H. Paxman Phone 80 Res.,Phone 140 - Mail Contract Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 31st clay of December, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for -four years, six tines per week over Clinton No. 1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract :nay be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of. Clinton, Holmesville, Seaforth, Brucefield, Londesborough and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 19th November, 1920. Chas. E. H. Fisher, Post Office Inspector. —73-3 Mall Contract Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 31st day of December, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week over Clinton No. 2 Rural Route, from the 1st day of April, next, Printed notices contain- ing further information as to condi- tions of Proposed-G-o:rtrari' may' be seen forms of Tender may and blank - a 1+ or Y be obtained at the Post Offices of Clinton, Hoimesville, Seaforth, Bruce- field,,Londeshorough and at the office of the Post Office Inspector: London. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 19th November, 1920. Chas. E. H. Fisher, Post Office Inspector. —73-3 Mail Contract- Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa, until noon on Friday, the 24th day of December, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over Bayfield No. 3 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions 01 proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender: may he obtained at the Post Oflieea of Bayfield, Brucefield, Clinton, Holmes - Nellie, and at the office of the I'ost Office Inspector, London, Post Office Inspector's Office, Lon- don, 1211 November 1920, Chas, E, Il, fisher, Post Office Inspector, .....72y8 • For Christmas. Time flies ‘you k now,' we offer you quality fruits at lowest prices possible this year, Below we offer you prices for this week. But your Christmas wants at our store, Are You Radg.? 1 plcg seeded raisins 1 lb, seedless raisins 1 Ib, vaiellcia raisins 1 Ib, currants Special prices in 0 lots. 300 Money saving prices 804 in toilet soap 304 Palm. Olive soap at 2241001 per, cake. Infanta Delight 100 lb. per cake, Special Prices on 4 or more bars. . 4 lbs. rolled oats . 2511 2 pito . Corn Flakes 254 2lbs. Tapioca .. ,. 254 1 lb, quality bulk tea 50¢ 1 bar,Oomfort soap . 110 1 bar Gold soap .. 114 WATCH FOR OUR 1921 CALENDARS, GET ' THE HAIBIT . OF DEALING AT JOHNSC N & CO'S GROCERY Phone 111 DOMINION ICIER CREAM PARLOR CHRISTMAS CANDIES You Will ,find it easy selecting your 'Christmas Candy, Nuts and fruit at tour sten' for our assortment is com- plete, pt re and fresh, We ar; making up special boxes of "Home Made Candy", leave your or - dor'. "ANNIE LAURIE" "MARY ANN" "WILLARD'S" Lunch, Coffee, or Ice Cream made' for the Lodge, Club or Home. GIVE US A CALL E. WENDORF STOCK TAKING SALE' For 10 days to clean out all goods on hand if possible -at cost prices. 1 upright piano, good tone, was sold for $600.00, a good practise pi- ano to go at 5125.00. 1 square piano in good shape, sale price $50.00. 2-5 octave organs ,puitable for school purposes to go at 515.00 each. 1 second hand cabinet phonograph, worth $125.00, fumed oak case, to go at 875.00. 2 Brunswick oak table phonographs 588.00 each. I Phonola a beautie, sells at $285,00 in mahogany. Sale price $221.50. I Gold Medal table machine In Ma- hogany, sells at $65.00. Sale Price $50.00. 1 cabinet Gold Medal, a peach, sells at 5175.00. Sale price $125.00. • All stock records to clean at 70c. each. Player rolls stock goods, fit any piano. 2 for the price of one. HORSES 1 Brood mare a dandy, $165; '2 general purpose (good drivers) to go at $65.00 each; 1 driver (not bro- ken) a dandy at $75.00 1 cream separator, Massey -Harris, like new to go at $60.00. For Particulars phone 216 or call at my pffice and see the goods. JONATHAN HUGILL SEAFORTH PHONE 216 OPPOSITE DALY'S GARAGE ,110...., The Carpets You Throw Away! They are the ones we want to save for you:. No matter how old, how dirty, how dilapi- dated, byour process they can be woven' into Velvety Reversible Rugs that are good enough for the most elaborate home. .You won't realize how good these rugs really are until you see their beauty and feel their softness under your feet. 'Send us this aduertis.7„ent with yeur7 name and address for a free booklel, with foil information. Tie a rope around the old carpet and} send it to The Canada Rug -Co., ■ London; Canada ,� aria 98 Carling Street; CREAM WANTED We are in a ppsition to pay the highest market price for butter fat and to give the best possible service. OUR GATHERERS WILL 73E. ON THE ROAD REGULARLY THE YEAR AROUND. WE WILL AP- PRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. CLINTON CREAMERY Phone 145 • Raw Furs Wanted Highest market prices paid. H. A. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. License No. 295. —7342 For Sale One first class cow, due to calve Jan. 21st, also one heifer, due to calve in March. Apply to Mrs. John Pollock, Bayfield. - —724£ For Sale Or to Rent Good house on Bond street. Town water, good garden, fruit trees. Ap- ply to A. McCartney Clinton. -704f No Trespassing Persons found trespassing on lots LIMITED 23 and 24, Con. 14, Goderich town- ship will be prosecuted. James Fer- r gnsse%—69-13-p A Whirlwind Canvas Will be made of the town and surrounding country by the Ont, Street Church Leaguers --on-- SATURDAY, DEC. 11' for papers and magazines. The. proceeds to be equally divided between the EuropeanOrphau Fund and the League. Have as many papers and magazines collected as possible and help . make the canvas a success. Puncture Pivot Tires Have your car fitted with the Ando Cushion Tires No punctures,' no blowotuts. All sizes of tires kept in stock. W. L. Peffers, Albert street, Clinton. --7442. School Entertainment School section No. 4,'Goderich town- ship, is preparing for an entertain - Mont to be given in the school house onthe evening of Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, at 8 o'cleek, A good program is being prepared. Admission 254 and 180, , —74-8 House For Sale Comfortable 8 -roomed house, on Albert Street, North, with good stone cellar and town water. Apply Miss Moore —69-12 Dried Apples Wanted Highest prices paid for any quan- tity of dried apples. Cantelon Bros., Clinton. —65-tf Building for- Sale Frame building, heavyelm with ith timbers, in first class condition. Suitable for barn or straw shed. Price reasonable. M. G. Ransford. —65;t2 House For Sale 8 -roomed house with 3 piece bath room, Hot Air Furnace, Town water, good garden and chicken house. Ap- ply on the premises, W. S. Har- land, Princess street, east —61-tf Farm for Sale or Rent Lot 78 and S. half of Lot 77 on the Maitland concession, Goderich town- ship, consisting of 183 acres, m good state of cultivation.. Large story and half fraise house, bank barn and driv- ing shed with pig house underneath. Two wells and never -failing spring creek: 15 or 20 acres of hardwood bush; 8 acres orchard, 1% miles front Hoimesville, 5% mites from Clinton. Convenient to churches, station and Cheese factory. Rural mail. For fur• titer particulars apply to Win. Bedard, R. R. No: 2, Clinton, Phone 12 on 1302. —64-tf House and Lots "Tor Sale Two lots with comfortable house, furnace, town, soft .water in house. Garage and stable, situated. on Mary street,- 'Apply ori promises 16 W. H. Cold, Phone 133 53-tf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 9 .0 0 0 O 0 o ELGAR LADIES 9 QUARTE'1"FE o o 0 o 80 Oxford ''St. W. London,' Ont, 0 O 0 o Furnish up-to-date programa 9 O suitable for all kinds 9f en- . o O tertainments. 0 o Novelty 'programs for Fall Fairs o O Sppeial ntmgbers for Church o o Concerts, o o Circulars on request 02-13 9 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VICTORY BONDS DO YOU PAY INCOME TAX? If not have you any bonds` maturing in 1922, 1923, 1927, 1931, 1933 def 1937? If you have you can convert these into bonds ligaturing in 1934 and you will receive a substantial bonus. To one who does not pay income tax it is o1 no advantage to hold non-tax- able bonds. You are losing money by doing so. W, BRYDONE, Clinton No Trespassing No hunting or trespassing allowed on Lots No. 11 and 12 (Bridgewater Property) Huron Road E, J. Tre- wart.ha. i —64-tf For Sale Two six roomed houses on Fred- erick street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B„Hale. —54-tf Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Chesliter White boars for service. At home -every forenoon. -A. C Levey, Phone 5 on 639. Clinton —28 En FR[EZE! As the genuine. Scranton Coal is coining across in very limited quant- ities, we are making special efforts on behalf of our people by substitu- ting NUT COKE BRIQUETS CANNEL SOFT COAL WOOD SLABS 'We have these in stock at prices that will save you money in compari- son with the ridiculous price of An- thracite: . Try a substitute for your fall burn- ing. We can satisfy you. Orders will be taken and accounts may be paid at H. Wiitse's Store. J. R. MUSTARD CLINTON-' and BRUCEFSELD,1 Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE COHNEH ST@HE Phone 45 rQUR STOCK OF • NEW FRUIT, PEELS AND NUTS HAS JUST ARRIVED Spanish Valencia Raisins • 30e lb. Seeded Riiisins (large plcg) 33c ;New Currants 25c lb. Figs—two pounds_for 25c. • New Orange, Lemoi and Citron Peel, Shelled Walnuts anrd Almonds For Fall Baiting LIVE AND LET LIVE FredW.Wigg Roup and Feed • FEED CORN If you are feeding Poultry Hogs, Cattle or Sheep try some of our Ifith dried Corn which we aro selling at vory reasonable prices. SALT Now is the time to lay in. your supply of Salt. We have it for Dairy or Table use and also for feeding purposes, FLOUR 'As the Flour Mills have just re- cently been . allowed to return to their Pre war grade of Flour, We are now prepared to supply you a high grade, of Flour for Bread or Pastry. Try a sack and sec for yourself. Ws Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED Pltonos; Elevator 199, Residence 141 Santa Claus AT O'11E1L'S Santa will arrive about two o'clock on the 22nd and 23rd. He is very anxious to meet all the Boys and Girls, uncles, Aunts, Parents and grand par- ents. He is advertising "I•Iuyler's” Bon Bons Chocolates for Christ- mas gifts and wants you to be sure and let hire know, what you want in good time, IV. aFfNii1i The flub Grocery SCRANTON COAL ALSO WOOD Any who wish to leave their order for future delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St. or phone 155. Terms strictly cash. E. Ward. —34-tf South End Grocdry '4.134 A full stock of Groceries & Provisions We solicit your patronage was Levi Stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY GIRLS ATED for knitters and learners ALSO 11011EN for menders ar)d inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. . LIMITED Do not wait Tiil next Winter to Talk about that Furnace DO IT NOW Agent for Hecla Furnaces TRIOS. HAWKINS. . Plumbing and Beating. Phone 5S Shop over Rowland's hardware We are in the :market for: WHEAT BARLEY OATS —ALSO -- MAPLE ELM BASSWOOD - AND WHITE ASH LOGS; Flour and Feed always on hand. , J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. 3000 CHICKENS 2000 HENS 500 DUCKS WEEKLY Top prices will be paid by us for all kinds of poultry taken at Clinton ev- ery day and at Holmesville- . every Wednesday morning. We pay three cents more per lb. for properly fat- tened milk fed Chickens. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager. Phone 190; Hoimesville 4 on 141. CREAM WANTED 1 The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship us you, cream. We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate test, and. prompt service. Our firm is known to you and need, no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pity twice each month. Write for cans or further informs. tion to the ti, sant:it. 'x1115-. Co, .. Seafolr>r:h CreameryGa,. C. A, 11ARllEtti 5[Ak4AGI81