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The Clinton News Record, 1920-12-9, Page 4
Business Boors-- 8 alta, to 0 pan, Salome~ s'4 nights before holidays 10 Gina, 11 000E"JW'S (1.N''tV. Telegraph OMee 0.P.3. Telegraph Aloe Canadian National ticket olflee STORE NEWS Only, 2 Weems T li Christmas Good News for Christmas Buyers of Limoges Chinaware • (There will le no luxury tax) Have you called to see our special assortment? You will have no trouble in securing suitable gilts in this d4partment, 8 Toy Department On the second floor as usual Complete with the latert'1�n5's, Dolls, Games, Blocks, Etc,,' Sleigh, Sleds and Doll Cabs 1 A Perfect Wonderland. A. T. .tvCOOPER CLIlelTO11 �" Ted ave tr Wi lVeM r. Clintoe News -Record $urnmelrhill The fallowing is the report of S S. No, 1.2, basest on work done dultini; November. 4tlt I1ny Mason, Violet Watkins, ]lusse1l Jervis; Beth Smith, Viola Johnsen, Clarence Ball, Jaya Smith, Lorne Johnston, Sr, 8rd-WesloY Wright, floldwin Smith, 1-Iazel Watkin, Jean Forbes, Reginald Ball. Jr, 21x1 Marion Masan Thelma Lovett, Marion Forbes, Charlie Mer- rill, 'Norman Johnston, Pt. lst---Graydon Neal, Jean Ball, Pearl Beacom, We are pleased to bear that Mr. Thos, Watkin is recovering nicely al. ter his serious operation at the Olin - ton hospital. The rennovation of the village hall is now completed, making a marked improvement en Reformer condition, Preparat;ons are in •propels for the anneal concert and Christmas tree to be hold in the hall on D°ecein- bor 23rd. A pleasant time is anticipated at. the L. 0. L. social to be held next Friday evening in the village- hall. Oodjiricf Tcown8hip OPERA HOUSE,. CLINTON ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY eci Direct from six weeks'. run in the Masser Hall, Toronto Under auspices of the Canadian National Council by $•}.e PUDLid PUBLIC HEALTH PIM Pres erl±5 3•ade 0116101161i-011yy'C wad for the ky WAR, DL1P'T `�• COr>r&T'9 issi(3n ©' l Train -#.45 Camp :4 r A tivittieS • • 45. �Division of $OCdkii. i'?y'&eiie r � 5e±±tan on iarnelrc';�iior.st. Government Order: None under 16 admitted Shown here with special director, Miss Henderson Prices 50 cents and 75 cents Doors open at 7.30, starting 8.15 Reserve seats now on sale at Fair's Book Store Order your seats in ,advaince to avoid the rush kicammaawaio Gaderich township council met Dee,- Gbh, Ali members Present, Reeve Trewartha in the chair. Min- utes of last meeting by read were confirmed. Moved by Councillor Lindsay, Seconded by Councillor Van- derberg that by-law No. 8 stating that the nomination for reeve and four councillors. be on the last Monday of the' present year in Moines' Hall, Holmesville, at 12 o'clock, noon, and the\,eloction if necessary, to be held on Monday the 3rd day of January, 1921. The following are the places, deputy -returning officers and poll clerks for each polling sub -division. No. 1, Orange Hall, 4th con., Chris. W. Johnston, Ilabt. Mellwain. No. 2, House of Rich, Chambers, Howard Sturdy, Austin Sturdy. No, 3, House of Ii, Baker, Jno. C. Woods, Walter Ethmerson. No. 4, House of. W. H. Lobb, W. H. Lobb, Lewis Anderson. No, 5, 'house of Bert Murphy, Bert Murphy' 'Ira Merrill., No. 6, Wm. Roivden, (2nd con) Robt:-Richardson, -Percy Glidden. The following accunts were passed by the - council,. and orders. were drawn on the treasurer, for the pay- ment of the same. H. Lamphrey, timber, $2,00; Chas, Lindsay, sheep killed by 'dogs, $10.00; Municipal World, supplies, $11.14; A Cantelon, postage and stationery, $10.65; New Era, printing, $42.25; Signal, print- ing, court of Revision, $2.40; Harold Montgomery, refund of taxes. on ac- count of house being burned, $2.22; A. Cantelon, salary, $115.00; Joseph Whitely, salary 1$90,00; John Huller, Road Superintendent, $85.00; Reeve and four 'councillors, salary $26.00 each; Board of Health, $50.70. The following are gravel accounts: Rich- ard Bond, $13.30; Jos. Whitely, $3.00; Hy, Powell, $11.50; -John Connell, 554.00; A,-Bettles, 511.50; Thos. Bet- ties, 515.40, Mrs. W. Weston, 53.00; Thos. Cox, 57.05. Council adjourned to meet as per statute on Wednesday the 15th day of December, 420 at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon. -Adam Cantelon, Clerk. Qn Thursday evening last a num- ber of the friends and neighbors of Mrs. J. G. Steep, who recently pur- chased a house in Clinton, gathered at the homestead, where she was stay- ing for ale present, and ,said a very regretful farewell to her. They read the following address and presented ,leer with a silver tea pot and a cut glass plate and cut glass flower hold- er` "Dear Mrs., Steep: -We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here to- night to say farwell to you on the eve of your departure from our midst, and to wish you God's blessing in your new hontc. We would ask you to accept this small token of the esteem with which we learned to re- • gard you during your sojourn in our midst, and hope yon will be spared for nany long years to enjoy your Pre whome. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors" TIICTIBSP,AY, I? CIdMIIl.It flth, Ii)20 ViS437.411. 444444 " 64461'3' 4'e+4e4 46++ Ota n 4,416 ' 43 + •01163 alb! ,444 iti 4 +6 44 ' 4 4 44 His first lesson WHEN the colt 'is first tied he tests his strength against that of the Halter. Our Special IAA colt halter will hold hien, lie will be tied to stay and 'learn'iso bad habits. These halters are made of the choicest materials throughout and may be adjusted readily to take care of growth. It will he a pleasure 'to have youlook over our choice stock of halters and harness The "Ca9Aic Colt" and. the "Sturdy" ore favorites everywhere, they are both Griffith miters. T; A. IVIcAsh & San,°) Varna 4 4 .cr. 3 3 4 4 PRAISED BY MINISTERS ` At the town hall on Thusday, Dec. 16th, there will be presented by Pub- lic. Health Films under the auspices of the United States Public Health Service, an educational photoplay, en- titled, "'rile End of the Road," the story of which was written by Dr, Ratherine Davis, and originally pro- duced for the benefit of the War De- partment. •It is conning here with special 'inhale, The'• picture is most startling and unique, as it combines in attractive story from the romantic aspirations of youth and the dire effects resulting from thoughtless indiscretions when. thrown in contact with the 'world's temptations. The filet has proven a wonderful power for good and as such is praised `Dy ministers, doctors, women's clubs and'all clean thinking men and wom- en. Claire Adams shows splendid tal- ent as the heroine, while Richard Bennett has a strong character as a surgeon. • 4 4 The Moose Jaw Daily; News has bean absorbed by The T4loose Jaw Ev- ening Times. Victor Sunden, a Thousands Islands Railway conductor, died suddenly in a physician's office at Gananoque. E. A. Shearer, ex -M, P. P. for Stormont Rent 1914 to 1919, died in Cornwall General Hospital after a serious operations. ASTHMA UsE RAZ -MAH NO Smokiep-No Sprayinu-No Snuff Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH ,ia Guaranteed to restore uorutal breathing, atop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give iong 'sights of quiet sleep; contains nu habit-forinia drug; 51,00 atyour clt•ag• gist's, Trial free at our agencies orwritc 1 etapletons, 142 King Termite. Sold by .T, . iovoy, Druggist 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 44 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 3 Phe Morrish Clothing Co.'s CHRISTMAS S LE Commencing Saturday, December lith Ending Friday, December 24thNommscorisiosaiscur. - nsimiansamirammomei An opportudity that comes in the. aright time to make Christmas shopping easy. _ We have cut the prices on thousands of dollars worth of Men's and Boys' Clothing to such an extent that you will _save money by doing your Christmas shopping at this store. Imaltarzeionrarzazasaromriesarmecumma Give Him a Fraetieal Gift A MAN'S OVERCOAT ° MEN'S RAIN AND SHOWER- PROOF COATS Makes on ideal Christmas Gift slid • • Raincoats with plain back and nothing would be more appreciated, belts. Tweed coats, 'scone with rub - Now is the time to buy, when you,, ber lining, can be worn rain or can select one from our large stock shine. An ideal ,coat for all round wear. at n reduction of 25%, SPECIAL 8 only in the lot, ranging from 515. to • 518, your- choice fr 510.50 $10,00 13.00 19.00 25.00 30.00 Rain coats, sale price 1, >, 1, ,> „ a fl 57,50 '9,60 15.00 10.50 24.00 ri MEN'S SUITS A wonderful assortment of men's and yung'men's suits in all the lat- est styles to be cleared without re • serve at 20 per cent. off. • SPECIAL 12 only] men's suit �.in grey tweed, sizes 34 to 44 %o clear at $15.00. 20 only men's suits, broken lines, and sizes, including some 20th cen- tury Brand. Worth 525.00 to $30.00 to clear at 319.50 Only 12 More Days to do Your Christmas Shopping' BOYS'; OVERCOATS . Every Boys': Overcoat, Reefer er Mackinac to be cleared at 25% per cent. oil. Men's heavy Mitts and Gloves 750 line, sale price :11.00 line, sale price ,$2.05 line, sale price 52.50 line, sale price 2.00 550 800 , $1 60 - MEN'S HATS AND CAPS Your choice of any hat or cap in the store at 20 per cent. off, 5 doz. mens Work Shirts, black and white stripe, worth $2.50; sale price, 31.50. MEN'S LINEN' SHIRTS 53.50 Negligee shirts sale price 53.00 2.50 Negligee shirts, sale price 51.95 52.25 Negligee shirts, sale price 51.75 Terms BOY'S SUITS In a large variety of patternsand up-to-date styles, sale price, 20 per cent. off. SPECIAL 15 only 'Boys' Knicker suits, size 33 to 36 in broken lines, Reg. 512.50 to 515.00, sale price 58.50. Strictly Cash Money Refunded it Goods Not Satisfactory asionmeassimumeserst MEN'S ODD 'TROUSERS Your choice of any odcl trousers at e straight reduction of 20 per cent. MEN'S OVERALLS In extra heavy, cloths, plain black, blue and blue":'- and white stripe, worth 53.25 and 53.50, sale price, $2.75 SPECIAL 5 doz.• black pants all sizes, nog. $2,50, sale price, $2,00, ®eet� MENS AND BOY'S SWEATERS Men's extra fine all wool sweater coats, worth $12.00 to 513.50, sale price 310.00, Men's heavy ribbed wool sweater worth $10.00, sale price 58,50. Men's -wool: sweater coats, assorted colors worth :56.00, sale price $4.90. BOY'S SWEATERS No reserve. All- boys. sweaters and sweater Wats 25 per cent off. • MEN'S UNDERWEAR A very practical Christmas Gift. N 53,50 Stanfield, Recl label . , , . 52.65 53.00 Stanfield, heavy ribbed . $2,50. 52,00 heavy ribbed .,... ...,.. $1,50 All other lines reduced 20 per cent. MEN'S HEAVY SOCI{S 40 heavy seeks, 3 pairs for 51.00 50 heavy socks„ 400 75 heavy) socks,• 60f 90 heavy socks, 750 SPECIAL Men's plain grey socks, 5 pairs for $1.00 3 71" 3. 3. 3. fp 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. i 3 - a�.Rzsx . CLOTHING COMPANY 1. 4 4 "A Square Deal for Every Man" 4 , CLINTON z,' "***Impvepeo ek'irte ver tint,t "" tivois " „",{va'". mite a °rieretc otro 'e ee'°' ''''irema