HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-12-2, Page 8imommummitimorisumamitimeamm JUST RECEIVED' a car ,load of F cull k Molasses Ike Clinton News -Record CLINTON JUNK PEALER 3'L[• BUYING ALL KINDS OE JUNK AND POULTRY. HIDES AND SKINS PAYING THE I-IIGHEST PRICES Q U T TO M, RAMRAS LON ESB011i0 Phone 137 peincaolinswoo MUM Albert St. CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE uir Christmas Thought THERE IS A THOUSAND WAYS "OP SAYING "MERRY CHRISTMAS" ' There is only one way of saying it right; and that is by giv- ing iving your friends some small remembrance bought in our store which you will -always find of good quality and prices might. A full line of Clocks, Watches, Rings, Pins, Brooches, Fountain Pens, Ivory goods, Silverware, Out glass,Umbrellas and Canes to choose from. Optical goods our specialty. Come in and have your eyes tested free of charge. ' Gramophones, Needles and Records on hand. A BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR FOR EVERY PURCHASER R. H. JOHNSN Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store 1 Now is the time. -to look after the.:comfort pf . your feet, and see that they ::are• kept warm. and ,dry. Handling -only No. 1 Quality Dominion Rubbers enables us to guarantee you the best procurable. Full line to choosefrown. We .have a complete range of men's and boy's overcoats and suits and a good stook o'. Boots and Shoes at Rock Bottom Prices, Plumsteel. Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 2s . NEW IDEA PATTERNS. r EigrOUR WEEKLY -LIMERICK, 71111111I1��1iff iiuiiwiGl� In malting your choice of wise . Christmas presents, ' We suggest that you favor us with your presence. Come here To our Store Whore you'll find them galore. We reel sure that a visit here will enable you to find just the article that will solve THE PROBLEM OF WHAT TO GIVE. We have the WEAR EVER Aluminum utensils, Nickel plated ware, Teakettles, Tea- pots, Coffee percolator Knives, Forks and spoons, Caseroles, Rayo Table lamps, Rayo Hanging Lamps, Electric Lamps and Electric Irons' at re- duced prices. The Faultless Carpet Sweeper only $3.60, Hand Sleighs, Kiddie Cars, Mitts and Gloves. —Washing Machines and wringers— And many other articles suitable for Christmas Gifts. A LAN1BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock Fair SChool.Books and School SuppIiiPs YOU ARE INVITED TO IN- SPECT, OUR , STOCK--F1iEL..- 'ING CONFIDENT THAT THE ADVANTAGE, WILL BE SHARED BY YOU,. T110 0 a 11e Frill AL CO Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 11„ ,. 9 rt 1" i ytnn It un won, i lett 1 it Mx's. Sheeley visited in Stratford ov- er the weekend. Miss Ruth Jackson is visiting her ' sisters in Toronto. Mrs. F. M. holler is -visiting friends in Bayfield this week. Miss M. Middleton of Goderich was in town on Saturday last. Mrs: Simons of Goderich was the guest last' .week of Mr. and Mrs. J. Torrance. Mrs. A. Fritts of Jackson Mich., is visiting her father, Mr. 'John Ster- ling of town. • Miss Rtith Walkinshow has been the guest during the past week of Mrs. (Rev.)• E. J. Roulston of Staffa. Miss Margaret McLaughlin, who -has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Scar- lett of town, is now visiting Blyth friends. - Mrs. Wm. A. Grant has returned home from Deetroit, where she spent • a: -few weeks visiting relatives • and • 'friends. Messrs. W. Jackson, D. Cantelon and Dr. Thompson were in Torohto 'this week' attending the Conservative convention: Mrs. A. Forbes left Tuesday morn=' ing for Windsor, where' she Will spend the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. 'Twitchell. Messrs. Gifford Crich of London and Victor Crich of Gore Bay have been home this week attending the funeral of their father. Mr. Guy Hicks left for Montreal by .. the C.P.R. from Goderich on Tues- day morning with two cars of ap-' ples for Mr. D.,.Cantelon. Mr. and Mrs. James Crich and Miss June of Cochrane have been in town this week, being called hither by the death of the former's father. Mrs. Logan of Saginaw Mich., who had been' visiting her sister, Miss Gilchrist of town, left Saturday morning for Ingersol, from which place she will proceed to her home. Miss Gilchrist accompanied her and will spend the winter in Saginaw. Mr. II. Fulsom, who .hasbeen-repre- senting the Prudential Ins. Co., in . Clinton for some months past, has accepted a position with the Hydro people at Niagara and fates on his new duties next week. We shall be sorry to lose Mr. Folsom and family from town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Libby of Owen Sound were guests over the week- end of the former's father, Mr. C. F. Libby of town. On Sunday they celebrated the American Thanksgiv- ing Day by a regular thanksgiv- ing feast. They were a few days behind time but the spirit of the day was present and former cele- brations were remembered as they, and an intimate friend or two, en- joyed the day together. CENSUS OF CANADA WILL BE eep Warm We have been fortunate in securing the:following noted lines of COOK STOVES AND HEATERS The famous Quebec Heater in three sizes. Air Tight Heaters r Coal oil Heaters IicClary famous Steel Ranges McClary famous Cast Ranges Also a number of second-hand heaters in good repair We Specialize on hone -made Stove and Furnace Pipe . PluMbing and electrical work in all their lines We solicit a Call and will be pleased to show you our stock and quote prices. Sutter Perdue Plumbers and Electricians Phone 147w 1 TAKEN NEXT YEAR Every person alive in Canada on June '1, 1021, will have his or her name appear .'iii the census records compiled by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Two hundred and thirty commissioners, one in charge of each Federal constituency, and eleven thousand enumerators, will be em- ployed to accomplish this feat. In the cities and towns it is expected that the work will be concluded in two weeks, but it is anticipated that four weeks will be necessary to clear up all rural enumeration areas. • The plan being followed is to have each constituency divided into enum- eration areas in cities and towns; each enunielator will have from one _thousand to twelve hundred persons to tabulate, and he will be 'paid ac- cording to the number of naives ob- tained by frim. The rural enumera- tion -tvreas numeration-tueas are being divided,howev- er, so that the enumerator in charge of each will have to eeeure from six hundred to one thousand names, with all particulars asked for by the de- partment. • TO PROTECT SHEEP FROM DOGS. The act respecting' dog tax and sheep protection, which conies into force on April let next, makes it com- pulsory • for all owners`bf dogs to procure numbered tags to be supplied by the Council, and for killing doge without tags. The minimum tax for not procuring a tag is $10. County Councils are authorized' to pass By Laws requiring all dog tax and license 'collected after 1020 to be paid to the County Treasurer and ;form a Sheep Protection Funcl, all define to be paid by the County, for which purpose vas uatore are to be `,ppointed. Sheep are certainly of more value to any corn-, inneity than dogs and ought to be protected. Cep--PM:ref Here! You can't stop herei yeti know." Motorist--(ln stalled car) "Can't 'eh?' Yen don't know this car." THURSDAY,_DECEMBER 2nd, vna► If Your buij out . of town,and, hum out of town What is going to becom of our town? EVERY VOLUM YOU SPEND IN CLINTON WILL EVENTUALLV.COME IIOME TO BOOST IN CUMIN The Cig, tot 1-I:ws,-Roc r ci ANY Vwil( }i 1 Read these articles with°care, they will present something you have not thought of before, Patronize the home merchants, they are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend in Clinton remains here and benefits the whole community, There is a• lot of Satisfaction In knowing that we look after your. banking interests. Your business, saving or private aecounts, are solicited with the "assurance they will be properly safeguarded at the Molsons Banlo,' Clinton. H. R. SHARP. Manager Pure Drugs Faro essential to health., I carry a complete line of 100%a drags and medicines, al- so a complete line of 'Toilet arti- cles and sick ,room supplies, In fact everything usually carried by a first-elass drng`'ntore. W. S. R. HOLMES, The Resell Store. Regarding Stationery and: office Supplies you will make no • mss- take in buying from me. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & Co. Stationer: Jewelery Picture Books that is why all jewellery looks well in cuts. A l0c article looks just the same as a $10 article. Trad- ing at home you do not need to know jewellery. You can see for yourself. R. H. Johnson, Reliable jeitleller Two Specials for early Christmas Shoppers. Silk Hose, $2.60 val- ues for $2.00 per pair (no tax). ,Kid.gloves, Black, Tan and White $3.00 values at $2.00 per pair. J. A. IRWIN Before sending out of town for your Christmas gifts give us a call arid inspect our goods and get prices. By buying at home you are not required to send your money in advance for articles never seen. CORLESS & VENNER, Hardware HOME MADE CANDY —IT'S PURE— ALWAYS FRESH. "MIGHTY GOOD" GOOD" TRY SOME TODAY E. WENDO1tF Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock and prices before you buy else- where. It has always been our aim to satisfy our clients . The line of Men's Furnishings and clothing cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISH CLOTHING CO. Men's Outfitters Buying Furniture in Clinton you will find our prices right, and our guarantee is behind every piece of furniture we sell. • Our undertaking parlors are ' well equipped for service night or day. BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture Every Loaf of Bread you buy from out of town injures this town just that much. Try our , make of bread and baked goods, you will like our products best. Buy -at -Hosie is a good idea if followed out by all. BETTS & ' GADD, Bakers Get our prices first on stoves and Ranges., We carry a large stock of the above as well as a com- plete line of General Hardware. You will find you can do better trading with us than any city store. Ranges installed. HARLAND BROS., Hardware There is no better bread made in Ontario than what you get right here in Clinton. The best of ma- terials are used inthe production of my bread and pastry. Demand and get Home-made products. 1'. HENDERSON, Proprietor, Successor to H. Barth-ff. I; fl J , order 'M T1 Q. may iillt^ro .....4s re LCAL �FII:idl itis customers to the greatesi cdl, degree, but thorn 1s a limit to his i purchasing ability. Ho is always l �at��Y61n P't� "Rr+�a i` R" ready and willing, however, to tusk? bin "cyt id" q I� 7 iji every effort to meet the demands of teu�tee EE1+++ Budd 00sn �',,a10 E'a �A the eomluunity, Why not, then, give him the preference over the far dis- tant mail order man if you -must have something which is not to be found in the local stores? He will do the business in a satisfactory manner, give you as, quick It not quicker ser- vice and more satisfactory treatment, and the chances are that he will give You better values for the money. Fin- ally,.. whatever profit is to be made, off the transaction will stay at home and do its bit toward making the merchant and his town, and, inci- dentally, yourself, more prosperous. No business•can be transacted as satisfactorily at long range as it can when thetwo parties to the trans- action meet face to face. The only exception to this rule is in the' case of the mail order man himself, who can transact hisusiness with great- er success to hit elf at long distance One of the stock excuses of the than he could if he had to meet his man who orders goods from a mall customers face to face. That is the reason ti he does business by mail order house is that there are many insteud of selling to the people in his things that he wants that the local own city. If the goods whish the merchants do not carry in stock, andimafl order man advertizes in his al - that it is necessary for him to send luring catalogues were the bargains that he represents them to be, he would not have to go outside of the confines of his,own city to sell all the goods lie could possibly obtain. But the average mail order house not only does not inake any effort to sell goods in its own eity, but will not soli to anyone residing within the city limits. The mail order man .does not want to meethis customers faee to face. • • He can do business better so far as . he is concerned if his cus- tomer is some hundreds of miles away from his office.• Does Business In Open. Know They Must Face the Music if Their Customers Aro Displeased. MEET PATRONS FACE 113 FACE Mail Order Men Prefer to Sell at Long Distance Rather Than Deal With People In Their Own Cities. (Copyright.). away from town to get' them. • This explanation may be all right on the theory that a poor excuse is Better than none, but it falls to paa muster when it is subjected to a little scrutiny. ' Ask the man who offers this as an excuse for his dealings with the mail order man why he does not go to the Local merchant and ask him to order the articles desired if they are not to be found in the merchant's stock. The merchant will very gladly do The man who sells goods over the this, andthe merchant and customer counter, on the other hand, does busi- wi11jboth profit. The merchant can ness in the open. He cannot hide be - sell you whatever you desire at as hind a corporate name or talk to a displeased customer from behind the low a price as the mall order house locked doors of a private office. lie can make you on goods the same knows that he must faee the music quality and he can make a small in case he 10 a party to any trans- p ro8t. action that won't stand the light of day. lie knows that he must satisfy _The customer will profit from the every customer with whom he may transaction, because he will by deal- be dealing, or he will lose not only ing with a mmrchant who stands back that customer but probably others know all the facts if who he dons not do the square thing by is easily accessible in case the arta- any one of his patrons. cies purchased do not prove to bel There is no reason in the world for all that the customer had expected. any person to send his money to a Give Home Merchant Preference. mail order house because he cannot find the article he wants in his local Why not try this plan the next store. The local merchant is in'busi- time you need something which you noes for. the very purpose of getting you what you want. He has the in - cannot find in any of year home formation that will enable hint to get stores? The merchant in the aver- what you want and to get it as quick - age sized town cannot carry in stock ly as you could get 11 from a Mail everything that all of the people in order house, It is only fair to him him the chance to make such Profit as any dealer would make off would require a capital many times the transaction and -it is only fair to larger than the average merchant can yourself to keep that profit at home ;inmand to do this, but he does the rather than to send it away to some best he can. Ile ordinarily does eais'y far distant city -from which it will itt�ioakJ:i j. till. any.thiugs for never return. of the goods that he sells, andwho willsoon his town may want at all times. It give -- PRIVATE GREETING CARDS With your name printed on them, are nice to send to your friends at Christmas. We have 'various sam- ales. Call and see them and get prices, THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. We are about to open our store at which time we will be in a po- sition to take care of your needs, in paints, Oils, Wallpapers, in- terior and exterior decorating. All our work is guaranteed. Practise Buying -at -Home. WOOD & • TYNER, Painters ate: w aa.ma..a.a P.a .� a .oma ..,,,,,.�.W - .t.1.,Mcgtx.23m... t ,M..,e ,t.1 s. .Ym These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the Buy -at -Home idea because it has merit„„ Let us bo loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweller MCTAGGART BROS. BANKERS Clinton, ()Marie It has often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wall Pa- per, China, etc. that can be pro- cured at my store is surprising. Come and see for yourself and " be convinced for all time to come that you can do better here than elsewhere, A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quelity and service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely • difficult to supply your needs from time to tirr,e but you can rest assured it was due. to conditions beyond my control. Let me know your wants, I will do my best for you. , J. B. MUSTARD, Coal & Wood Good clean competition never in- juredany town, Education is as essential as our daily meals. You. cannot travel four directions at the same time and arrive at a. given point. The same is true of the dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTD. The best ie the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be done by me. My long experience in. this line is your assurance that what I undertake to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If we think an article is not what you are looking for we tell you so. If we do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you. Look over our lino of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy 'the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all threes to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will get it for you. PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In the line of Fresh and Smoked Meats we cannot bo surpassed. Everything we handle is "proven best by. every test." We. invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will be satisfied. Our business is on a cash basis. BUTLER BROS., Meat • Market Cleanliness is next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how sanitary our plant is kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products. S. E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art aid re- quires a constant application and study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- op your films. Let your next photo be done by ROY BALL Photographer A good ,place to eat and sleep, is what • they all say of the Nor- mandie-Rattenbury Hotel. I make it my business to see that -you are satisfied. It is the home of the travelling' pian. Coyne in and make yourself at home. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor .vn-..�.�•.w,n.u+...ra,.-,nm,o.,.�a �.�..-a.,.�m.��,�.,,�.y.�.,�,„.».�.,.,,m�„�._,�..,,.�-�..�, .,,fin,{ .•a i*...m.�a 41== =111 "v2YLS,X==aSttt3d,e'0.L*wRwp.;12.^ ^ fn£ffi•°.dMS2X7M23d' :aJ 1”=+==*.'.•"••3I-; =illtiVP .. • =Em +L=3R Announcernent AVING bought the entire stock of Wall Paper of the W. D. Fair Co., we are going to open up. — on Saturday, November 20th, in the ..Palace Block, with a fu]1 lino of up -to date' Wall Paper from' 1.0e per roll up. Included in this is'a car load of new paper just arrived. We will hang paper at the following prices - during the winter Wall paper 13c roll, ceiling 13c roll, border 2c yard Painting Department Buggies, cutters, automobiles, etc., repainted at the following pricest . Buggies $11,00, Cutters $8,00. Automobiles $26,00 (this includes three coats) Refinishing all binds of furniture PAINTS, 'OILS, VARNISHES, ETC. DEPT 1N STOCK, OOD *86 TYNER v4•togra.phs for Christmas THE SOLUTION CF THE GIFT -PROBLEM Photographs carry the personal feeling that no "ready-made gift” can convoy. ' Make your appointment now. An enlargement macre by us of your good kodak films makes an excellent Christmas gift. ROY ,`MaALL, PHOTOI AEt IE PHONE 68 CLINTON ( n Plant Paper White Narcissus now and have blooms for Christmas. They are easily grown in water or earth. We can supply— HYACINTHS DAFFODILS TULIPS, Etc. Per winter or spring blooin CUNINGH ME FLORIST' , v. _ Fres 1 stock on hand at both places.. Secure what, you want for those odd jobs you were going to do before, winter, JOHN B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIICLD lhlrEA On Monday, Dec. 0th, we intend''• putting a bread wagon on the street. which will call at any part of 'tire• town. Kindly leave word at the store if' yon wish `our man to call. I TT'IiS & GADD The Golden Grain Bakery -74-