The Clinton News Record, 1920-11-25, Page 8WEAK, NERVOUS DOWN RUN A Condition Afflicting sands of People—How to Get New 'Health. There are tto,teande of people wiio are enduring 'the pain and dieelen- fort of minor ills in the hope .cat tate indisposition is only temporary and will bo outgrown in time, Often such .i11tossOs are not eerloua enough to require the attgntioli pf a. doctor, but will respond to intelligent home treat. meat if a reliable remedy is used, Wo- Men, busY with a. multitude of hose - hold careo,•young'womeu In offices or stores, or girls studying hard in eehool, easily fall a prey to that con- dition of bloodlessness ]mown as anaemia. Tito trouble need not be serious if prompt, effective measures aro taken to cheek it in Its early stages, Dr. Williams' Pink Piles will restore the elea/outs needed to bring the blood back to strength, and once the blood regains its healthy quality the entire body will show the beuefit, Among the 'Many who have found benefit through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pihk Pills is ,Mrs.' Jams J. Johnston, of Peterboro, Ont, who says: "1 eau personally strongly re- oorntnend Dr. Wililams' P11111 Pills be- cause of 'what they have done fbr ine. About two years ago I felt poorly, was terrible- weak, nervous and run down. I waseasily annoyed and worpied, and' -my heart would flutter at the least exertion. I tried several remedies bot did not And a cure untie I took Dr, Williams' Pink 'Pills. I .took -seven boxes in all and am now enjoying per- fect health and have gained in weight. 1 calculate the cost shall when I think of the benefit I received, and I recommend the pills to all weak people." Rich, red blood is the whole secret ofrgood health, and from the first to the lest dose Dr. Wiiliams'Pink Pilin, enrich and purify the blood. You can'getthese pills through any inedi- •cine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box, its or see box . es for $ 2 .60, from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine t.u., isrockville, Ont. 1 As a result of the world war thej present vahlo of capital in Z`ranCe: necessary for pensions ions for tivi dews Y. p orphans and wounded is 58,000,000,000 t francs.. . Romances of Famous Hymn. Some of tho most beautiful and IV popular of our hymns Were the spring of sadneae and tragedy, Charlotte Elliott wrote "Tian t0 I Am" when she woe Al ana dlsanoraged, T1ne ltev, 'Haney Menet Lyte wrote "Abide With Me" when• "the daritpess� of death" woo creeping over beat, Towner tried to oolnmit suicide twice and. failed, atter which he wrote, "God Moves in a MVeterdous Way," Apart from the great beauty of "Our Blest Redeemer era Ile breathed' Ides tender last farewell," the hymn is re• markable from the twat that' tire autboress, Harriet .Aubert first wrote it on a pane of glass in a window of her house at lloddesdoii. d : "'Christians awake, salute the happy morn," has been a favorite Ohristmee hymn for more than 160 years, Joiin Byrom, the author, .wrote it for his favorite little' daughter', Dolly, wlio fund it ono.OHrlstmas morning await- ing her with other presents. "There Is a Happy Land" WAS writ- ten by' Androw Young in 1858. He happened during that year -- tb be spending his holiday In Rothesay,acid one day passed the aftoritoon in the house of a friend, A little girl began to play a pretty little Indian melody on the pian, and Mr, Young, wh'o was passionately'fond of music,' begged her to play It again, renarlcing that it would make a capital tune for,a cliil- dren's hymn.. That night the tune still haunted him, and early in the morning he rose and., while walking 111 the garden, wrote' the hymn. Perhaps the most quickly -written hymn was- "From Greenland's Icy Mountains,' composed by Bishop He- ber in little more than fifteen minutes. Island of Ghosts. - The little island of Tdtheneull, oft the coast of France, has for Its sole Inhabitant an eccentric hermit who for many years has devoted much of his time to carving Humanlike Ilgures out et the rocks which slope down to the 000. There are hundreds of than]—mostly lying on their backs, as if staring up atthesky,but orein a ea pos- ture by so seated s 1 ture and a few standingerect. e e The effect is deeciibed by the Point- er opu er Science Monthly-ae weird and uu- ear ht the figures looking like ietr _ t r. g g i t fled men. Theyaro understood tore - p reser biblical cha ters. Alonge tenc the op of the wall in front of the hermit's o e dwelling are a number of heads, like. wisp carved out of stone, 'The hermitage is on the summit of the rocks, overlooking the oarven shore and the sea. People who live on the nearby mainland call the place the "island of ghosts." The hermit keeps his sculptures swept, clear of sand. They seen to have for him a religious significance. 0' Preliminary work on the develop- ment of the Fridge River power site near Lillooet, B.C., is being carried on, The development will entail an expenditure 'of $30,000,000; the head will be 1,600 feet and 400,000 horse- power will be available. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON At the present time smallpox is a real menace to the health and wel- fare of the people of Canada and United States. In recent years there has been a. carelessness in these countries with rggard to the Mangers from smallpox, because there has been a long period of comparative freedom from the severe forms of the disease. The cases that have occurred have been few and mild. But since the Great War there has been a at -arid - wide increase in the number of cases, partly because during the war people from all parts of 'the ,globe were brought together in large numbers, and some came from countries where there was much smallpox. The lack of adequate medical and sanitary ser- vice in all the fighting countries of Europe, the unfavorable liming condi- tions arising out of the war, and the marked falling off in universal vac- cination, have resulted in an increas- ed prevalence of the disease. In a number of instances it has occurred fig severe form. In the Province of Ontario, where there has been persistent .opposition to vaccination, a very severe outbreak. of smallpox with thousands of eases pccurred early this year, and the United 'States sanitary authorities de- clared a quarantine on all travellers from this province into the United States,. California reported more than 2000 cases in 1919, and reports from several other States in the South show that smallpox has been widely prevalent recently. Yt is entirely withih the power of the people to erect a isarriet against the disease. Vaccination is the one measure which has proven its eiCoc- tiveness as a means of smallpox con- trol The evidence shows conclusive- ly that in those countries where vac- cination is faithfully carried out, hardly any deaths from smallpox oc- cur; and in those areas where there is •public and private indifference to this simple procedure, there is always more or less mild, and, at times, viru- lent smallpox, 'I ' The experience of the people of Cuba Is one of the most impatient facts we have on smallpox preven- tion. In 1896 and 1897 there were over 1000 deaths each year from smallpox in the City of Havana alone, With the 'beginning of American oc- cupation of the island, vaccination -vas enforced; •children were com- pelled to be vacoinated, as were also all persons. who could not produce s'atisfaCtory evidence of previous vac- cination, The tbeneficent..effoct of this' common-sense procedure was observ- ed almost at once. Between 1901 and 1917 there was only one death from smallpox in the City of Havana. A similar :condition was observed .hr Japan. Before the :practice of vac- cination was offebtively carried out Japan had thousands of eases and deaths each year. Epidemics of the disease were especially severe, In 1909 a law was passed requiring vac- .eination of each infant within three months after birth. This measure had the effect of greatly re- ducing the number of cases and deaths. There have been no serious epidemics froth smallpox in Japan since vaccination was generally in- troduced. In Canada and the United States there are no centres 01 smallpox in- fection where vaccination has been thoroughly tried out. Soma cases are brought in from other countries, or from other areas where the practice of vaccination is lax, but no epidemics have commenced in these protected centres, On the other hand, in oikies where there is great laxity in the en- forcement of vaccination laws, or where there are no laws to be •en- forced, many cases occur each year. It is the duty of health officers,, publicists and all others interested in the public safety to arouse their communities immediately to this men- ace and to enliven public interest in the gassing of vaccination laws where none now exist, or in the rigid enforcement of such laws as are now on the statute books, 0,7YfS WlBSs3lSfP 2e'L7nr" aflaitaaeleaa Rtaalanualea cal. cal SnrwY ettlletielA't7 7 Grape'uts The Cereal Mat Needs No.Szfgar Healthful, substantial and full of sturdy nourishment. Afood ofdeli�h-fu l delightful 1 f akar, eatable to the last atom. Soldeverywhere/b�c�rs _ . ice" 1t . , iiiAMOIv%i1KB`t4$GtiYQL/xk?iflA&irf AUTO SPAR' PANTS ter wore fl5taa M14 Models of sari, sour altic broken or worn-out pinta relacred, yo ' Wrte er wire us/deeortb. lei What ywent,' ocia y the. larges`'angt moat eom ]lite steels to Caned/tog i tthtly elate or new parte and automobile lands iant, We rhfy C,4 D, anywhere 1n Canada. 810.0*factory or refund in full our moult, Onevar Auto /dent$, - Pert sanalllyr V23.93 1 isffetin tit., Torer!.t0, Op1t, eeeee tea.. Stuffed With Shavings.. Football, whiolr now is the most pop- ular of athletic games, is really. the Most ancient of all, though in the ofd days, of course, it WAS not played in the .comparatively gentle form it is now, So long ago no "B.C;" a gauze whose chiefattraction appeared to be In 'stoking about a piece of cirotllar- /limttped wood, was played among the inhabitants of what we now know as Ireland, Rather hard on one's toes, particularly as the elms worn at that time were hardly worthy of the name] The Greeks, Polynesians, Luzon bill - men, Teltitnos and many others played a game similar to Ude and from which our Soccer, at weknow moot have originated. With shoes of hide the medieval Italians played a game which most reseinbles a football aite it Is now played, • In the IlIlddle Ages, football in Dug - land was not Reveler though, a certain number of sifthusiasts tried to make - it so. At that theme the galiie was played in the streets with a-ttail which was merely a -linen case stuffed with shav- ings. It irlwaYs caused a tremendous _commotion, and snore -often than not was an excuse for some rowdy brawl. A writer of the sixteenth century neat - tinily called it "a devilish pastime in- citlug envy, brawling; murder, and even homiside!" So football, though of course, it eras passed throgh manly different stages, is an old ,old game which has at one Nam or another, been played by prati- cally all the races of the world. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Thousands of mothers state posi- tively that Baby's. Own Tablets are the best medicine they know of for little ones. Their experience has ae leu ht them that the Tablets always do just what is claimed for them and that they eau be given with perfect safety to children of ell ages. Concerning them Mrs. Joseph Therrien,- St. Ga- briel de Brandon, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best m0dlcine I know of for little ones. I thought I would lose niy baby before trying the Tablets but they soon made him healthy and happy and now I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box trout The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Growing the Coca Plant. The most prolitable. agricultural product of Bolivia is the Coca Plant, from which the anesthetic cocaine is derived.' The world depends mainly for its supplies of coca leaves upon that South American country. The Bolivian natives commonly chew it for its narcotic effect. It en- ables the Indian burden -bearer to go without food for a Iong time, and to work long stretches without rest. Un- fortunately, Its continued use is in- jurious to the nervous system, and is supposed to have much to do with the degeneration of the native race of the Bolivian plateau. The coca plant is a shrub three or four feet high. Its leaves are of an oval shape and light green. The shrub is grown on terraces, built up on the hillsides. These terraces are about ten inches wide, and are protected by ramparts of earth faxed with stones or cement. The terracing prevents the heavy rains from washing the whole plantation down the mountain side, and also holds the moisture about the roots of the plants. Yoangshoots are grown under a cov- er of dried banana leaves, and, when sufficiently advanced, are transplant- ed to. the terraOes. The plants begin beariug when two years old. Alter the leaves are picked they are dried in. the sun on a floor made of slabs of slate. They are then pressed into bales Weighing fifty pounds each and, wrapped in banana leaves and burial/ to protect them against weather and rough handling, are carried to La Paz by mules. In La Paz they are at pres- ent worth forty-seven cents gold per pound. -• - Bolivia manufactures no cocaine. Th.e leaves are exported •to other countries for the extraction of that active principle, Bride -Cake Ships. The Solent and Channel will in fu- ture be guarded by the weh•deet ships built for any navy, says a Loudon newspaper. Two of these ships have been con- stt•ucted at a cost of $3,750,000 each, and one of them Is now to be seen about three and a half miles from Portsmouth Harbor, near the Nab lightship. Imagine to yourself a briclocake. conte 200 feet high, built in -tiers of steel and concrete, weighing 10,000 toils, and you wlll get 801110 idea of these secret ships. Many were the surmises Its to their use When the Callstrnetion was test started at Shorebntu at the beginning of 1518. The Admiralty guarded the secret Jealously, each workman taking an oath of secrecy, which is still binding, One has been suns at the spot men- tioned and rooting on the. bed of the Sea, rises sixty feet above son -level at high tide. It leas a Crew of about 100 men, and Is equipped with it pow- erful searchlight and outer apparatus. While the sooret et the tower"ships le still being Well kept, It is stated that the original intention was to bulli sixteen va !hese concrete. ships aril to 15011 them la peskiest Tomas rho Straits of Dover in order. to WW1 submarine nets to them and dins pro - toot the Channel from Submarines. Ent that fs 0itlj' gaesawork, Wrlgglilg'"Eels, Idols 5o not brood in fresh water', All h '1 of all u d 1 of t o lore ods tH i fo n h our streams an51151(es were orlglpially liatehea ea the sac, 17rey are by origin Inerine fishes, Whon very young they do not look in the least like the eels with which we are familiar, Tiley are flat and ribbonlike. 7'liis is a'!a,r'al stage of development: When they 11ay610081441.. ed adult form they leave the 5010 and run rip into the rivers, When, big enough to breed they go hack to the sea, and there the females lay their eggs, Thus tate cycle of tlieir lives is acoonipllshed. One under- stands, then, why there were uo 0010, iu Lake Erie until they were planted there, They Could not climb over• tile Niagara cataract. • Baby eels were caught In deep-sea dredges many years before they weep reoognieed as .eels, their appearance being so different, Even now very little is known about their spawning grounds. Victoria and Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island folk pick roses In the garden when the Christmas bells are ringing, and the golfer ie never off his game, so far as being able to play ie concerned, ibecause there 11e can drive, approach the green and putt al- most every day In the year. In the fall and during the winter the grass Is rich and green, and bloom is per- petual. This is due to the warming influence of the Japair`current, which is the Gulf Stream of the Pachle Ocean. Vencouvor Island was named after Captain George Vancouver, of the British Navy, who discovered It hi 1792, and has an estimated area of 15,000 square tulles. Its trees, among them the stately Douglas fir, which towers 300 feet above the roads over which the traveller glides by auto-• mobilo,-or by the Pisquimalt & Nauai- mo Railway, which tuns northward through half the length of the island, are magnificent beyond description, some of them being 6 or 7 feet in diameter. Along the road aro many comfortable hotels and country chalets, many of them like the inns one finds on English country roads. Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, is a city of rare charm with its beautiful drives itsg olf courses its Chinese quarter, its turbanned anned findo os, its Empress Iiotol and its beautiful Capitol buildings. Bvery year at -least 0,000 American golfers visit one course in Victoria, the Vic- toria Golf Club course, and thousands of automobiles leave Seattle annually for Victoria and Vancouver. There is splendid inland and deep sea fishing in and on the coast of Van. couver Island„ and the ambitious fish, erman who really wanted to do some- thing sensational has even gyne out all the west coast waters of the Pacific and caught a real whale for breakfast, Needless to say, he did not have it served on toast. "DANDERINE" Stops Haft Corning Out: Doubles its Beauty. .0A A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter an application of "Danderine"-you can not find a fallen Bair or any dand- ruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. Planes for London Club Mem- bers. There is a club in London which offers its members the pleasant diver- sion of making an airplane alight whenever they incase, It is the Royal Aero Club,. It has purchased six fly- ing machines, for the ,exclusive use 01 its ]Members, most of whom aro air pilots. The airplanes are 'kept. in hangars at Cricklewood. A charge of $25 an hour is made for the use al a machine, This covers the cost of petrol, iusut•- ance and pilot. 114•tnartl's Liniment Co., Limited, Gentlemen,—In July, 1015, 0 was thrown from a -road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was oblig- ed to itae a clutch for 14 Mouths, In Sept., 1510, Mr. Win, Outridgo of La- chnte urged mo to try M.INARD'S LINIMIJNT, which I diel with the most satisfactory results and to -day I am as well' al ever Ill my life. Yours sincerely, his • MATTHIJIV x BAINES. 1110111 Sheep, when frightened, always run to an elevation. Wily? That's easy to answer. Their ancestors originally came from' the mountains. They fol- low a leader because in dangerous mountain passes their ancestors had to go in single file, What die you do when frightened? MONEY ORDERS, Buy your Out; of• -town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders, Five Dollars costs three cents, Prof, Veddal, the French expert who went to Athens as consultant 115 one deed of ilius Alexander, was paid it .fed of $d0;uv',, M1!iard'g iinimoht For Dandruffs Gladness . This is my Father's world. Should MY heart be'ever sad? The Lord is kluge—let ' the lieavoni ring; Cod reigns—•let the earth be glad, MOTHER! :uCalifornia Syrup of Figs"; Child's Best Laxative 0 Accept "Calltornia' Syrup at Age only—look' for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stone ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Pull directions on each bottle. You moat car "Call. forma." Contentment. Some murmur, when their sky is clear And wholly bright to view, I1 one small speck of dark appear In their great heaven of blue; And sswith thankful love are flI1'd some If but ,one streak of light, Oue ray of God's good mercy, gild The darkness of their eight. In palaces aro hearts that ask, In discontent air ride disc t d p Why life is such a dreary task 4V y Y , And all good things denied; And hearts in poorest huts admire How love has in their aid (Love that not ever seems to tire) Such rich provision made. CASCARETS "They, Work while you Sleep" Do you feel at "'nixes and sevens" to -day? You are bilious,, constipated! You feel headachy, full of cold, un- strung. Your meals don't fit—breath is bad, skin sallow. Take Cascarets to -night for your livor and bowels and wake up clear, rosy and cheerful, No griping—no iuconvenience. Children love Cascarete too. 10, 25, 50 cents. On a fifteen per cent. grade it takes nine horses to move the 01511110 load that one horse can move on ea level highway. Grade the grades and save herse flesh and power. 14*nard'a Liniment Relieves Distemper Cheese, besides containing a large per cent. of protein, has nearly an equal amount of fat in .its composi- tion. 'Both of those must be taken into consideration when planning meals which are dependent upon cheese for the principal nourishment. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con- gaing' directions so simple that any woman can dye any material without streaking, fading or running Druggist has color eard—Take no other dye] A stork has been known to perish in a conflagration rather than desert her little, helpless brood. . MinartL'e Liniment For Burney Eta The ,international signal code mates ,use of eighteen flags from which 78,- 000 signals are given. The Progressive Farmer 'Has His Name on the Front Gate. For One Dollar you can secure a' metal sign with your name hand - painted thereon, guaranteed to last for 'ears. Enclose one dollar in an en- velope together with the name you desire on the seem Dither your own or Me naive of the farm, cad mall it to A. B. Whetstone, Sox 431, Harrlston, Ont., and your sign wilt be promptly delivered. littlitUfgRiXiS wain Rei6S Making hooked, or drawn -in, rugs 1e f sofnating wort, easy to learn, ehnply pulling IoApa of rag or yarn through a 'burlap pattern with a rug Book, whloh ]you can a0tua11y learn to de in a foes 'mintites, and with a little ppraotieo you 'can make your cast -oft elothinR, under; itvear, and blankets into beautiful rugs. This work is not a sad, as Wo fraud boon making patterns for those, rugs oo 9. rug hook, 2500 and2ane et our small door -ma pattarns, 18 x 82 Inaboo, stamps. ;ed in co ors on strong burlap, 8do, notal ,Outlay 0 0 wit start yyon. We pay 1)09 age on both, Daly direetione for hooks ills will boent With your pattern, 11 you asst Tor them. • Wo also Matto Garrottes Rug i'•Iookel', it littlg Ioannina weighing six. ounSos, Tot' making rage faster. Our design sheet showing six elxes eS rug patterns, and booltle6 41)001 Da tulles Brag Booker vont d0ree on rdttuedt. d lfamll4 Ot, , Sfoty Gtwe's*, X d. issu NO,18-10i My Youth.. MY youth wag' my old .age, Weary and long] .' X had too ninny Oares TP think of songi My moulting' days all Oallle Whou X Wee- young, Now in life's prirtie ply 0001 Conies cut in %lower; bate, as with Robin, eoni00 My singing power; I was not barn to joy Till tale' tate hour, Minard'a Liniment ROHavee Colds, Eta cEnAR CHESTS Absolutely sloth -proof endwonder,' fully hendoouie pieties of nusn:ittu•o..J DYxeot' from manufacturer to you. W5055 for free illustrated literature. Eureka Refrigerator Go., Limited OWen Bound, Ont. $TO'RH WINDOWS &DOORS erzEs to suit your 00001051. Fitted with lam Safe de- Hate ouorantecd. Write for Prim Lis 0I Cut dews fuel - a —"'at ill, foeuro winter gg comfort. Tho HALLIDAY COMPArOV, timitorl HAR1{,00N 051000? mcrmouTA,o CANADA A jumping tooth or earache quickly re- lieved by the use of Y: ,, e. E It soothes pain.. BEWARE OF SUBSTITIJ ES MOO tube. TEE LEEMING MILES 10" LTD. MONTREAL Aerate ror D. Jules Dengue RELIEVES PAIN :11.167\ Cutis ra Shampoos Mean Healthy Harr Especially if preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irritation. This treatment does much to keep the scalp dean and healthy and to promote hair growth. Soeen . OIotmeet25 eta 50c. Talcom2Sc. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepotl 1ffm�,e�a, Urged, 344 St. Pod St., W.. Mooned. �Cuticura Soap shaves without mut. Classified AdVertisen'isnts. rMr4A'LI1 TINPP WIM10 D, • 41)1l0i''i'itNTl4D—*TO PQ PLAIN 464 and bight Sowing at home' whole or $caro time; good nay; work sent any des. tano6; 6ha1'10s paw. Send stamp for particulars, f+lallonal Manufaoturing vo., mon treel. ' At}T11Pe'S 13fAbl0'311?. A tx1'TliTOS WANA11Dt 1.t. 1815 NAT"IYkl .4],.',]1!orbs is a rorn0yy ror the roller et �ynn- tlpatlo0, snal.go lion, . iflllousnero, L lieulnitrsii, ltleney Lroablea it is well-known, havtnh been extensively a1- veetisoll, since 11 was nest Inanut'aetured in 1888, by distribution of lama (Nardi - ties or Almanacs, (look Books, .15501(11 510010x, etc„ whirl are furnished to agents free or obat'go. The remedies are Bold et a prire that snows agents to double their- moony. Write, Alan;o 0. BIlsa Mrdfonl Cc.. 124 Bt,fatal fit, And, Montreal, Mention this paper.. $2la011,1,,A1a'EOUn. 34L4I0P1 \1':LTY cbil1'L'AI1•4—ilweden- borg'e great worst on lieavan and Hall, and a real world beyond. Over 905 pages, only 256 postpaid. 1.1, 13. L w, 400 37110041 Ave., Toronto. M LEY'H DANCE GRDHEsTRA ackoo acknowledged O to be the best hi Canada, Any number of musicians desired. Write, wire or phone Al. Manley, 65 Ozark Crea, Toronto, for open dates. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Cfasdotif TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF - TORONTO America's Pioneer Dog Remedios Book on DOG DISEASES and 4Iow to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 2i. Olay Glover 00., rata. 113 West 31st Street New York. U.B.A. WHEN RHEUMATISM HITS YOU HARD! r Shan s Liniment should be kept handy for aches and pains jHY wait for a severe pain, an lowing exposure, a sore muscle, ache, a rheumatic twinge fel- sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active, and fit, and on the job? WYiihout rubbing, for it peirclrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Notethc gratifying, cican,prompt relief that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't make good. That's worth remembering.. All drug- gists—three sizes—the largest is the most economical, 35c, 70c, $1.40. •,0 ?A7it Liniment $'C�e-!'0, a t e1ft mS\ 14 .;r Have Yr:a m Cleaning Hone Ey Experts. Clothing, household draperies, linen and delicate fabrics can be cleaned and Marie to look as froth and bright ss when first bought. Cleaning and Dyeing Is Properly Done at Packer's. It makes no difference where you live; parcels can be sent in by mail or express. The same care and attention ie given the e,vork as though you lived 4n town. We will be pleased to advise you on any question re- garding Cleaning er Dyeing. WRITE! US, Parkers Dye orks timed Cleaners& red's 7SlYonge St., ° osohlto l9ihliCr ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" The nano "Bayer" etammel on tale dente/And-proper directions Collse WS positively identifies the only gen. Headache, Teethacho, Earache, , Neu, µlite As irin,—tile Aepiri.n hrosoribed raigia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Noma, by pllysiolans for over nineteen years tis, Joint pains, and Pain generally. itnd nova made M. C'anada. Weir tin boxes oontalning 12 tab* Always bap nil unbroken gaokoge lets cost but a few cents. Dru,ggiste tsf "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin wldah also sell larger 'Sayer packages. There Al only Onto AOptebta+°elSnyolr".... `ins meat say "Bayeri! Amilrin 10 the trade marls (registered in Ganatla) of toyer Manufacture ot'htane. • hdotloacidoster of naileyiloacld, Whlio tt is well known that Aspirin Monne Doyen menufaettlr0, to mullet tho public (tattiest 1m1ta00 m the Tablets 0(. 11gy01 L'om11a•AyJ * ill be'staroPed WW1 their gonerol trade Mark, fila !'Bator ordem'