HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-11-18, Page 8CHOPPI EVERY DAY iN THE WEEK 13ook your order's ,,,for a barrel .0 :ceding molasses, J. bila U lA - N Lair NOES .t, ORO GLINTON, . PUNE DEALER (.( BUYING ALL i{INDS Or, JUNK AN..D POULTRY, HIDES AND SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES M. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. 1 CLINTON'S LEADING J.EWEGERY STORE AFew Hints to the Buying Public Do not be afraid to buy now; as prices are going up, Bring in your repairs rind have them neatlyand promptly done—watches, clocks, eye glasses, rings, brooches; bracelets—anything ;that needs repairing. I can do it and guarantee satisfaction. A full line of Jewelery, watches, clocks and silverware Gramophones, Needles, and Records Call.in and look around; you are not obliged to buy 11. Ho JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store CLUINCIIIMMIHISENTOSIIIVESIMMEIEW .,.. .,...,.,.: .._ .,�.v� req CLEARIN G LINES We intend to make it a special feature of our business during the .next few weeks to clear out all broken lines of merchandise in every department regardless of present day values. Many of these lines are displayed on our counters with special price tickets• attached and everyone is a moneysaver. A few pairs of men's High top heavy work boots, sizes 6, 7 and 8 to . clear at $6.50 We are Headquarters for men's "Canadian Made" work boots and boys school boots at right prices. An assortment of odd lines of Misses and children's fine and heavy shoes, clearing at , ..... .......$2.50 Children's heavy cotton vests and drawers for fall wear clear- ing price -0.50 Hair pins, reg. 5c. package, special at 2 for 5c A few. Ladies Summer parasoles worth $2.00 to clear at ..$1.00 Children's dresses, Ladies House dresses, gowns and under- skirts all at clearing prices. Plumsteel Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE TH AT • SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 22 - NEW IDEi PATTERNS, 1 OUR WEEKLY -LIMERICK, . , F� �t�:xn..7<..°-'^ 4..3.�r,. �.:h�a •ser.c:-''y We have a good stock of the popular HEriTERS AND RANGES Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards, Coal Scuttles, Etc. Second-hand Stov es and Pipes Brantford Slab Slates and Crystal Roll Roofing ' We stock the WEAREVER Allnininur ware _PERFECTION OIL HEATERS —Just the thing for Chilly fall days. A roan by the name of Van Meter; Could no longer ...along with his Heater. get So he carne to our store. Where we sell heaters galore And bought one which 'be finds a . world beater. ARLAND ROS. Hardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock ee arm 1 We have been fortunate in securing thejollowing noted lines of COOK STOVES AND HEATERS The famous Quebec Heater in three sizes Air Tight Heaters Coal oil Heaters MoOlary famous Steel Ranges MoOlary famous Cast Ranges Also a number of second-hand heaters in good repair We Specialize on home-made Stove and 'Furnace Pipe Plumbing and electrical work in all their lines We solicit a call and will be 'pleased to show yon our stock and quote prices. Sutter 49 Perdue Plumbers and electricians Phone 14/w rhe News-Reeekr4,., for Schooli'Books land School Supplies YOU ARE INVITED TOIN- SPECT OUR STOCK—FEEL- ING CONFIDENT TIIAT THE ;ADVANTAGE WILL SHARED BY YOU. BE T1s W. D. Fair Dos Often the Cheap'est=Always'the Best r i IMM an,nuMIN Miss Margaret McLaughlin is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Scarlet of town. Miss Winnie Thompson visited friend's - in London for a few days last week. Miss; Janet Welsh of the Stratford Normal was the guest over the Y week -end of Mrs. W. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes of To - onto motored up last week to visit the former's mother in town. Miss Ada Gossett of Toronto has been visiting her cousin, Mrs: F,. E. Foulds, during the past week. Mrs. Robt. Hogg and, Miss Hogg of Uxbridge, mother "and sister of /Rev. J. E. Hogg, are guests at the manse. ' Mr. Richard Horsley .and his son, George, returned on Monday from Kamsack, Sask., where they have spent the past few months. Miss Nellie Medd of Exeter was the guest of Mrs. George W. Layton and her father, Mr. I. Dodd, over the week -end. Mrs, S. T. Kempthorn left on Satur- day for Toronto after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doherty. Miss Elliott of Stephen, daughter of ex -Warden Elliott, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F. French of town over the week -end. Rev. R. H. A. 'Haslam was the guest while in town this week of the Rev. S. E. and Mrs. MclCegney at St. Paul's rectory. Mr. and Mrs. A. Toppin of Toronto visited friends in tofwn over the Jweek -end, having come up to at- tend the funeral of their cousin, the late Mrs. Dodcl. Messrs. George, Will and Thos. Mac- Rae of Detroit have been in town this week, being called home an ac- count of the illnessdeath of their moand mother, whose funeral takes place this afternoon. Mr. J. Percy Cole and Mrs. Cole have gone to their new home in /Tuckersmith, the farm recently pur- 'V chased from Mr. Wm. Elcoat, Their friends in Clinton will miss them but wish then well In their new abode. Mr. John Torrance of the Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, .Alta., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tor - ranee of town, during the past week. He left on Monday noxi ing for his home, going by way of Detroit, Chi- cago and St. Paul. Kippen The Methodist church here had most, successful anniversary services on Sunday last. The chuck was filled both afternoon and evening. The Rev. (Capt.) Edwards of Seaforth preached two excellent sermons and the choir, rendered some splendid anthems. The coleetions were very much in advance of last year. Miss Doris Graham of London was the -guest of the Misses Ivison and d Other friends over the week -end. Ma, Norman holland and the Misses. Holland of the IIeron Read assisted the choir on Sunday in the Methodist Church. The ladies were former mem- bers of the choir. Rev. bh. Miller of Quaker Hill oo- cupied the pulpit of the Presbyter- ian church last Sunday. Rev, A. Macfarlane was in the vil- lage on Monday in connection with his duties as Moderator of St. And- rew's ,church. Mr, Will Robinson of Stanley -very ably assisted the Methclist choir on Sunday. Rev, Mr. Foster sang a so- lo which was much enjoyed. He preach- ed it; Seaforth in the evening. Mr. Geo. McKay, tui old resident of the village, has riot been in good health for some days but is recover- ing we are pleased to report. Inspector Torrance and Mr. C. J. Wallis made a -pleasant call in the village on Saturday last. Misses Margaret and Grace Cooper are taking a course et'theSchool of Commerce in Clinton. The Presbyterian anniversary will be held on Nov. 28th.- ,The Rev. Jas. Foote of Exeter will be t1p speaker. Mr. Foot is well known and there should be a large attendance. The ladies of the .Methodist church intend holding a bazaar on the 10th of December, Refrehrnents will be served' and a good time is expected. Miss Irene Maude Burkholder and Mr. Ed. McDonald, two Godorich young people, were married at Knox church manse in that town last week, The Lyceum Course The next concert will he on the ev- ening sof TfIUItSDAAY, DEC. 2nd. Magid, tiokota, 75¢, season tickets may bo bought now for $2,00, Chet is three concerts for 0,00. Will pay you even yet to buy a tieket Plan Op., On at Pars se Nov. 27th, Buying Furniture in Clinton you ' will find our prices right, and behind ourguarantee is e I� every piece of furniture we sell. Our undertaking, parlors are well equipped for service night or day. BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture 771DAY, NOY7GNDIR 1s, Ift If 'You bug out of town and burg out' of town What is going to beoorne of our town "? EVERY;,0011111 YON STENO IN CLINTON Will EVENTUliEIl COME HOPE TO OUST IN CLINTON, The clintion fieriiVa4ROCCed , Read these articles•l.ith care, they will present something you have not thought • of before, Patronize the horse merchants, they are your neighbors and will treat you -right, The money you spend in Clinton ,remains here and benefits the whole community. , There is a lot of Satisfaction In knowing that we look After your banking interests, Your business, saving or private accounts, aro' solieited with the assurance they will be properly safeguarded at the Molsols Bank, Clinton. H. 1t. SHARP.. Manager Pure Drugs are essential to health. T carry a complete lino of 100% drugs and medicines, al- so a complete line of Toilet arti • cies and sick room supplies, 1n fact everything usually carried by a first-class drug store. W. S. R. HOLMES, The Rexall Store. Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will make no mis- take in buying. from me. .School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & Co. Stationer. Jewelery Picture Books that is why all jewellery looks Abell in cuts. A l0e article looks just. the same as a $10 article. Trad- ing at home you do not need to know jewellery. You can seefor yourself. 11. H. Johnson, Reliable jeweller Wo have a range of very smart winter coats for ladies, misses and jnuiors, also ladies' and Misses, dresses in tricotine, serge silk and georgette crepe, of which we invite yetir inpec- tion. J. A. IRWIN Cold wave coming. You should now be making preparation for winter. Call and inspect our heaters. Air Tight Heaters $9.60 & $10.50, Goal or wood Heater ' $18.00 &'$22.00. Oil and electric heaters' for bathrooms. ,,CORLESS & VENNER, Hardware HOME MADE CANDY —IT'S .PURE— ALWAYS FRESH —AND ----- "MIGHTY GOOD" TRY SOME TODAY. E. WENDORF Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock and prices before you buy else- where. It has always been onr aim to satisfy our clients . The line of Men's Furnishings and clothing cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISH CLOT1UNG CO. Men's Outfitters Every Loaf of Bread you buy from out of town injures this town just that much. Try our snake of bread and baked goods, you will like., our products best. Buy -at -Rome is a good idea if followed out by all. BETTS & GADD, Bakers Get our prices first on stoves and Ranges. We carry a large stock of the above as well as a com- plete line of General Hardware. You will find you can do better trading with us than any city store. Ranges installed. HARLAND BROS., Hardware There is no better bread made in Ontario than what you get right here in Clinton. The best of ma-, , terials are used in the production of my bread- and pastry. Demand and get Home-made products. , H. • BARTLIFF, Baker FORTUNES MADE ?n INflTHehT EFFORT Profits of Stockholders .in Mail. Order Houses Staggerthe• Imagination. CUSTOMERS SUPPLY CAPITAL One Man Makes More Than $250,000 on $25,000 Investment In Nine Years --Hundreds Like Hien. (Copyright.) There is one way to make money i with trismail, order ho by dealing wit . Uses but it isn't by buying goods from them. The man who thinks he is making money by buying his goods from mail order houses has only to read of the amazing profits made by some of these big corporations to realize that all the money is being made by the man on the other end of the deal. The stockholder in a big mail order concern toils not and neither does he spin, but he piles up his money so fast that it makes the ordinary mane head swim to read about it. Here is the experience of the stockholder in one of the large mail order concerns, as told by a reliable financial journal. It gives a glimpse into the inside inn, grv2nrg lctm 1,,200 shares in all, .i third, stock dividend .,of --25 per Cont, was paid early in 1217, bring- ing this man's Lock holdings up to 1,500 shares, still without his hav- ing paid in any more money. On this 1,500 shares of stock, cash dividend's of $8 a share are now being paid. This investor therefore is now re- eeiyitg $12,000 a year from his orig- inal investment of about $25,000, and as the stook is now worth around $160 a share, the present market value of his stock is $240,000, giving him a pyolit of $215,000, in addition to caa5 dividend's which he received during nine years, amounting to many more thousands of dollars. Only One of Hundreds. ' This is the story of just one small stockholder in one mail order con- cern. A profit of more than $215,000 made by one small stockholder in nine years on an investment of less than1$25,0001 It reads like fiction but it is financial history. There'are hundreds of other stockholders in this and other mail order corpora- tions, some of whom have made miI- lions while this man made thousands. Add the profits of all these stock- holders together and the result is a sum that staggers the imagination. Small wonder that the men who own the stock of the big mail 'order houses can live in palaces, ride in the highest -priced automobiles, own palatial private yachts and buy $100,000 paintings. But who has furnished the money to pay for the palaces and the automobiles and the. yachts and the $100,000 paintings? The people In the country and the small towpe who have kept an end- less stream of money flowing into the coffers of the mail order houses have made all this possible. Their millions of dollars have gone to the big cities to build up these great con- cerns. Their millions of dollars have provided the autotnobiles and yachts and other luxuries for the stock- holders in these corporations, workings of the mail order business Present Front Mail Order Buyers. that should be of interest to those who have made ouch things possible.1 These men who have piled up such big fortunes in the mail order busi- How the Game Works. mess have not •even bad to pay for In 1908 this man bought 600 much of the stock from which they are now drawing princely diaidends, shares of stock in the mail order ]The people in the country and the corporation in question when the small towns, generous souls, have stock was selling around $40 a share,Ibought it for them, This is shown the the case of the staekholder 'ttst the 800 shares .costing him a little, less than $25,000. •In 1911 the coo tithe generous who originally invested: parry declared a stock dividend of The generous mall order bnyera..have 38-1-3 per cent. In other words the�made him a present of $215,000 company after paying cash dividends to to of stock and overhha tnot had regularly, had accumulated a surplus to turn his evennd to get it.Rs profit oP one-third of the amount of has never had. much as write a letter to get it. The generous capital invested in the business; but nxail order buyers have handed it to instead of distributing this profit him on a golden platter. among tho stockholders the company There's money in the mail order kept the money in the business and business without a doubt, but its on issued stock for that amount to the the side of the man who does the stockholders. By this action 200;seiling and not the one who does the more shares of stook were issued to buyixg. IP you must do business with the man who had originally bought? 600, increasing his holdings to 800 the mail order house, buy some of he stock and let the fellow in the next shares, without his having put any town buy you automobiles and pri- 'More money into the business. vote yachts while he struggles with Another stock dividend of 50 perlthe hard times that come from drain - cent. was declared in 1915 and this . added 400_sirares more SD bra bald'(ke his town of the cash that goes to* (keep you in luxury.. PRIVATE GREETING CARDS With your name printed on them, are nice to send to your friends at Christmas. We have various shin- nies. Call and see them anrI get prices. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. We are •boat • to open en our store a at which to e wewill ll be In apo- sition to take care of your needs, in iiaints, Oils, Wallpapers, in- terier and exterior decorating. All our work is guaranteed. Practise Buying -at -Home. WOOD & TYNER, Painters These are the days of -Specialists: I specialize in goodjewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the Buy -at -Home idea because it has merit. Let us be loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweller McTAGGART BROS. BANKERS Clinton, ` Ontario It has often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wall ''Pa- per, China,' etc. that can be pro- cured at my store is surprising. Come and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to come that you can do better here than o}'sewhere. A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quality ancl service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely difficult to supply your needs from time to time but you can rest assured it was due to conditions beyond my control. Let me know your wants, I will do my best for you. J. 13. MUSTARD, Coal & Wood Good clean competition neer in- jured any town. Education rs as essential as otir daily meals. You cannot travel four directions at the same timeand arrive at a given point. The • same is true of the dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTD. • The best is the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be done by nm. My long experience in this line is your assur'ztiee that what I undertake to do will be -done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If we think an article is not what you are looking for we tell you so. If we do not have *hat you are looking for -we will get it for you. Look over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you . are . looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. 'W. WIGG, Grocer In the line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all times to keep in stock what our clientele desires• If we have not got it we will get it for you. PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In the line of Fresh and Smoked Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is 'proven best by every test." 16re invite your patronage with ±he assur- ance that you will be satisfied. Our business is on a cash bases. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market Cleanliness ns next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public• to visit our creamery and see how sanitary our plant 1s kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products. 5. E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art and re- • quires a constant application and • study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- op your filnns. Let your next photo be clone by ROY BALL Photographer • A good lace to eat andsleep, is what theyall sayof the Nor- mandie-Ratenbury otel I make it my business to see that you are satisfied. It is the home of the travelling man. Come in and snake yourself at hone. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor Announcernent AVING .bought the entire stock of Wall Paper of the W. 1). Fair Co., we are going to open up on Saturday, November 20th, in the Palace Block, with a full line of up -to date Wall Paper from 1Oe per roll up. Included in this is a car load of new paper just arrived. We will hang paper at the following prices during the winter Wall paper 13c roll, ceiling 13c roll,' border 2c yard Painting Department „ Buggies, cutters, automobiles; eto., repainted at the following prices Buggies $11,00. Cutters $8,O0. Automobiles $26,00 (this includes three coats) • Refinishing all kinds of :furniture • PAINTS, OILS, VARNISIES, ETC. KEPT IN STOCK OOD 8c TYNER !m ^=eu,m. =21Z7,U.Ay.,,..:-eiSs PH TO RAP S FOR CHRISTMAS G IF TS Most things can be anybody's gift - Your portrait is absolutely—exclusively yours JUST THINK ! One dozen photos make twelve Ohi'istmas Gifts. Your friends can buy' anything you can give them—except your photograph, Make that appointment to day. ROY BALL, PH TiG P E PHONE 66 CLINTON Platt Paper White Narcissus now and have blgotns For Christmas, They are easily grown in water or earth, We can supply HYACINTHS DAT; FO1lILS TULIPS, Ete. Fox winter or spring Diaaun t:JNINdII AME n otollSr - Fresh stock .on hand at both places., Secure what you want for those odd• jobs you Were going tb do befora: winter. .JOHN 13.,,MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIE.LD 7I-9.. The Ladies' Guild of 51. Paulys• ohurcln will hold their annual sale of'. Fancy Werk anti '(isofu Articles, Monne trade dookhng and Rummage sale in the lyaridlr Repot o1 Thui;e..- day, Nov, 25til at 2 o'clock. Aftore- noon tea front S to 6 o;eioek,