HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-11-18, Page 5'!"II1JRRSPAY, NOVEMBER 08, 1020.,
Of Interest to You
pod Me,."
.Christmas is less thsin six weeks
:aw=ay , Axe you ready for it?
✓ r r
We don't hold malice and the worst
we wish for the fellow who predicted
am aper winter is that"li'e didn't tarso
himself too seriously.
No! We didn't predict nn open whi-
ter, nor any other sort of a winter;
for that matter. Being of a philoso-
phical ttarn.we always take the mea-
ther ae it•comes—though not always
without comment.
' Hon, R. H. Grant, Minister of Ed-
ucation, recently declared himself in
favor of a inininnunn salary of $2000
•for all Public school teachers. Well,
that'would probablyhave the effect
• of "filling the field" and trustees
`would soon have plenty to pick and
'choose (rent instead of taking any -
on who applies or who ie" available,
.asp has been the case for the pest few
• **q'
The Hanover Post tells of a visit to
Wiar'ton of a number of Cape Croker
Indians who predicted sx more weeks
• of open weather. The Post says "Fol;
real inyormatiee (in regard . to. wen
..thee) the Cape Croker Indian is
.about the best source" This was pub-
lished the very day that the -present
winter weather set in so we'll contin-
ue in "bur original belief that you've
got to take the weather as it comes
:and the less you know, or think yoti-
know, about it beforehand the better.
The Farmer's Sun says that the
•farmer serves the townsman in two
ways. First, he 'feeds him, then he
. buys the boots, , clothing, etc., which
:he manufactures, thus , giving him
•employment and making a market
.for his product. But might not the'.
:townsman in .turn reply, that he
:serves the farmer in two ways, first
!by buying his product, thus making
t then11
. a market for i , and by supl y-
ing him with boots, clothing and all
other articles .not: grown or mann
• featured on the farm.? Wouldn't it
be more sensible for both farmer and
• craftenian to recognize that ,each is
necessary in the great fabric ,of the
:nation; 'that both are needed and each
:serves the., other and is. served by
-.the_ other? One class cannot get
:along 'without the other so why all
thi "pulling of class against class'?
It is:foolish and hurtful and this
,country Will never attain to its best
until there is more of the spirit of
-co-operation, and less of the spirit
.of apposition.
Goderich, on . Nov. Oth, Edward
MacDonald, son : of .Mr. and Mrs.
John A. MacDonald, andIrene
Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben. Burkholder, of Goderich.,
ecAREY—CARTER--At Montreal, on
_ October 2Gth,.1920, by Rev. Arch-
deacon, Paterson -Smyth, Jessie Car-
ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
le Carter, London, England, to Rob-
ert Carey, son of Mr. 0. F. Carey,
Goderich,, Ont.
on November 10, by Rev. R. C. Mc=
Dermid, Eliza May Young of Ash-
field township; to William 'John
Stewart, of the" township of East.
Wawanosh. •
:NEWELL—BSSETT-At Exeter, on
• Nov. Gth, by the Rev. A. A. Trump-
er, Charlotte Edna Bissett, Baugh -
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bis-
se5, to Wm. F. Newell, of Strat-
'TORRANCE—In' Toronto, on Nov.
15th, to Mr .and Mrs. A. P. Tor-
oranee, twin daughters:•
Sask., on Nov.ilth, to Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Whittingham, formerly Miss
Violet Argent, a son,—Williantr
' MERRILL—In Goderich township, on
Nov. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ira Mer-
rill, a sort.
MURRAY—In Goderich, on Nov. 7th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Join; Murray,
Lighthouse St., a son.
• ORME-At Crediton, to Dr. and Mrs,
Orme, a daughter.
. JOHNS -In Usborne, on November
Gth, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johns, a
McRAE—In Clinton , on Nov. 15th,
Isabella; Davidson, widow of the
late William Arthur MacRae.
DODD—In Clinton, on Nov, llth,
Anne Steep, wife of Mr. L Dodd,
- aged 71 years.
.MANN—At Constance, on Nov. 10th,
Mrs. James Mann, aged 77 years.
ER X—I McKillop, on Nov.
10th, Margaret ,Dorsey, widow of
the late Edward Devereux, aged 82
RUBY—In Seaforth, on November
7th, William Ruby, aged 92 years.
=CUNNINGHAM—In Greet. township,
on November 9th; Alice Irene Dox-
ey, beloved wife of Hugh Cunning-
ham, aged 28 years.
:SHERIFF—In Wingham, on Novem-
ber 7th, Mary Patience Sheriff,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Win.
Sheriff, aged 28 years,
MARKS—In Kansas' City, Kan, on
Nov. 11th, Tudor J. Marks, form-
erly of Bayfield.
°COX—In loving memory ofour dear
husband and father, Mr. John Cox,
who departed this life two years
ago, Nov. 19th, 1918..
:In the city of life on the hills ,° far
Where the sunt never, sets nor the
flowers decay,
Ile is with the Redeemer, free.from
trouble and pain,
;Whore en God's own good time we
shell all meet him again,
'Not gelie from memory,
.Net gong fronn love,
But Rolle to his Father's home above;"
- —Wife and Family,
Mothers' Aliowene'i
The :County Mothers" Allowance
Board met during the past 'Week to
adjust eialMe under the .net. Some
fifteen in all were. dealt with, and
most Of these had to bo returned to
the makers al! them, as they were in
meet cases imperfectly filled in, or
• ifi oa Asked fee not
colt. cares as el o_
This is vela' t'mfot^tunate, es it causes
a great deal of unnecessary trouble
and delay; and could be oitsily avoid-
ed, if the ;forms were carefully read
and its provisions complied with.
The following points should be ob-
served by those making application;
1, Certificates aslced • for must be
sent as 'required. It will 'not do to
say you can furnish them if wanted,
or that somebody has soon thein,
These certificates must be obtained,
except, original marriage certificetes,
from. the Registrar General, Toronto,
for which a charge of 25 cents each
18 made, Municipal cleric's certifi-
cates will not do, neither will copies
taken from church registers, by min..
isters.. Medical certificates of inca-
pacitation or insanity mast also be
2. Get your municipal clerk or
Some one used t filling in legal dome -
merits to do the writing and have a
take •our declaration.
J. P. if possible y o
Don't get some relative or interested
person .to do either the Ming or the
witnessing or taking your declare -
3. Only a widow or a mother
whose husband , is permanently ince
pacitated or an inmate of the asylum
for insane . and who has at least two
children under' 14 years of age, aild
who...wishes to 'maim a home for thein,
should apply.
4. Applications must' be made in
duplicate, one for the local board and
one for.,the general board at•Toronto.
Both must be sent with all the certifi-
cates or documents to either Rev. E.
R. ,qarrett, secretary, Hensall, or G.
W. Holman, chairman, Goderich.
5. All statements made will be
verified by a government inspector
h home of the li�
h will ;sit the o e
w v
cant to confirm the facts as recorded
in the application by .a personal in-
vestigation. •
6. The members, of the local board
receive- no pay 'for services rendered
and rely upon those making applica-
tions to do all in their power to make
theirduties as pleasant as possible
by furnishing them with all the facts
and documents required.
A shipment of rifles has • arrived
from London for the Goderich Cadets,
House and lo. in Clinton or suburbs.
House six or seven rooms, lot large
enough for gardening. Give full par-
ticulars of property and .piece in se
ply. Address, Hosie Buyer, News -Re-
cord office. —72.1
Collie Dog Strayed
• A yellow Collie bitch with ring
around neck carne to the premises of
the undersgned. Owner can have
same by paying charges. E. W. Mor-
rison. 72-1-p
• Bus and Baggage
As H. J. Monaghan has started a
bus in connection with the Commer-
cial Hotel, all calls for bus and bag-
gage will be promptly attended to.
Phone 58. • • —72-tf
'rive 1f (one pound) notes, also af-
fadavit, will finder kindly return to
,Book-keeper, Brown's store —72-1
For Sale
One first class caw, due to calve
May lst,also one heifer; due to calve
in March. Apply to Mrs, John Pollock,
Bayfield. .• —72-tfi
Auction Sale
Of •House, Lot and Household Fur-
niture. The House and Lot on Ontar-
io Street belonging to the Esaate of
the Late A. D. Wiltse will be offered
for sale on Saturday, Nov. 20, at 1
o'clock sharp. The house contains
nine rooms ,with wood shed and coal
bin attached. The lot captains one
half acre and is especially suited for
garden. There is also a good frame
stable. The furniture, including -one
wood cook stove, is good, and consists
of Bedroom Suites, Carpets, Rugs,
Rockers, Feather Beds and Pillows,
together with all sundries usually'in
use in the home. Terms: For furni-
ture: -Cash; Terms for House, one-
third Cash; balance as may be ar-
ranged. Geo. Elliott . Auctioneer, H.
Wiltse Attorney. "42-1
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The Undersigned has received instruc-
tions to sell by public auction at, Lot
62, Base Line, Goderich township, on
Tuesday, Nov. 30th,commencing at
1.00 o'clock sharp, the following;
Horses: Aged team work horses,
daft mare 8 ears in foal to Royal
r , Y , Y
of Dunhohnhill, draft mare, 5 years,
in foal to Royal of Dunholmhill, mare
3 years; sired by International, filly
rising 2,years sired -by Royal of Dun-
holmhill, filly rising 2, sired by Glen-
rae, sucking colt, sired by Royal, of
Dunholnihill, driving mare, 6 years.
Cattle: '4 spring calves, 2' young
calves, 5 steers rising 2, 2 -year-old
heifer, 5 yearlings, Farrow cow, 6_
cows supposed to be in calf. Imple-
ments: Wagon nearly now, 2 lumber
wagons,, hay rack, Massey -Harris
binder, 7 -ft, cut„nearly new, Frost &
Wood mower, 6 -ft cult, Massey -Harris
seed drill, 13 hoc, Sulky rake, set of
bobsleighs, set of Frost & Wood
discs, International 3 horse cultiva-
tor, nearly new, 2 walking plows, land
roller, double plow; gang plow, double
plow nearly new, set of iron harrows,
2 root pulpers,'Wfa1wing mill, turnip
drill, set double harness, set plow
harness. And other articles too num-
erous to mention: Everything must,
be sold as the proprietor ]las' rented
1lis farm.' TERMS: All sures of $10
and under, cash; over that amount,
12 mor the credit will be given on
(unllishing approved joint notes, of 3
per' cent for cash. Evetything artist
be..settled ;for before beitig Colleted,
from the premises, , A. Shepherd,
Proprietor, T, Gundry, Auctioneer. '
We are in a position to pay the
highest market price for butter frit
and to give the best possible service,.
• e. Phone 145
Auction Siege
Of farm steel( and implements, Mr,.
George Elliott' has been instructed to
sell by public auction on lot 10 Bay-.
field Road, 2% 62111es west of Varna in
the township_ of Stanley on
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd at 1
o'clock sharp • the following:
Horses, 1 gelding 4 years old, 1 filly
8 ,cline old, 1 di.iving• horse 4 ,can's
let arid reliable. Cows, 1 cow
olil n 0. W
to fershen on March 20, 1 cow to
freshen of July 5th, 1 farrow cow, 5
years old, 4 Heifers 4 years old, 1
steer 8 years old, 3 steers 2 years
old, 1 heifer 2 years old, 5 head of
yearlings. 2 calves 4 months, Im-
plements, 1 Doering binder in good
repair, 1 Big 13 Mower, 1 cultivator,
1 Massey -Harris 11 hoe drill, 1 itMas-
sey-Harris rake, 1 Walking plow, 1
fanning mill, 1 set -of 4 section iron
harrows, 1 hayrack, 1 hay fork rope,
1 waggon, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 muffler,
a quantity, of alfalfa hay also a quan-
tity of red clover' hay. , There will
also be a quantity of oats offered for
'sale. Hay and grain to be cash.
TERMS: All sums of $10 arid. under,
cash; over that amount 12 months
credit will be -given on furnishing ap-
proevd joint notes or a discount of
5 per centdiscount n t •f • h on credit
t o for cash
amounts. N. Sundercoek,'Proprietor.
Geo. Elliott Auctioneer. —72-1
Unreserved Auction. Sale
Of fare stock and implements. The
undersigned has received instructions
to sell by public auction at Lot 44,
Maitland Concession, Goderich town-
ship on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, eonmen-
.eing at 1.00 o'clock sharp as follows:
Heavy draft mare 11 years old, heavy
draft mare 7 years old in foal, heavy
draft mare'S years old, Percheron
colt 1 year old, Percheron colt, spring
driving colt 3 years old well bred,
cow 7 years old, clue in Jan., cow 4
Years due in Jan., cow 5 years due
in March. ,4 cows 6 years old milking,
cow 7 years old milking, 8 heifers
2 years old, 9 heifers, 1 year old, 8
spring calves, pure bred Polled An-
gus bull 4 years old, 13 well bred
Leicester ewes pure
bred Leicester
ram, '2 years old, Sawyer -Massey 15
•h.p. tractor engine and grinder, and
other farm implements. Dinner
served from 12 to 1 o'clock, Terms:
All suns of $10 and under, cash;`ov-
er that amount 9 months credit on
approved joint notes, or per cent
per annum for cash. C. W. Williams,
Proprietor. T. Gundry, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The undersigned has received instruc-
tions to sell by public auction at
Lot 34, Con, 9, Goderich township, on
Wednesday, Dee. 1st, at 1 o'clock,
sharp the following: Horses: Bay
gelding, 5 years old, weighing 1600
lbs., black percheron, 4 years, black
mare, 0 years, in font to Dtinure
Gartley, agricultural gelding, 3 years
old, Cattle: Durham grade cow, 6
years, due to freshen March 2nd,
Durham grade cow, 7 years, due to
freshen March 28th, Durham grade
cow, 9 years, due to freshen April
lst, Polled Angus cow '7 years old,
clue to freshen April 13th, red heifer,
rising. 3 years, due to freshen April
15th, roan heifer rising 3 years due
to freshen April 12th, roan heifer,
rising. 3 years, due to freshen
April 20111, 2 choice steers
18 months old, 3 good spring calves,
Registered Durham bull, 114, years
old, 3 dozen young bens. Imple-
ments: Deering binder in good re-
pair, McCormick mower, 5 It. cut,
10 -ft. Sharp rake, 10 hoe drill with
grass seed attachment. Massev-Har-
rls 3 horse cultivator, Massey-TIarris
disc harrow, set 3 section iron har-
rows, land roller, Bain lumber wag-
gon, double box with spring seat, pig
„lack, hay rack, 2 gravel boxes, fan-
ning still, set weigh scales, 500 Ib.,
new Oliver walking plow with lead
pulley, Fleury plow, Frost & Wood
twin plow, Fleury scufiler, set bob
sleighs, spring wagon, new binder
tongue; 'Portland cutter, 2 doz. grain
bags, new rubber tire top buggy, steel
tire top buggy, road cart, rock elm
stone boat, grindstone, pick, wheel-
barrow, 2 sap kettles, oak barrel, 3
ladders a queetity of turned rock
elm ladder rungs, 3 set of heavy
whifdetrees, neck yoke, lawn mower.,
extension step ladder, set team har-
ness, set single harness, set plow har-
ness, pair 20-10011 collars,. pair 21'
inch collars, sprayer, logging chain,
crow 'bar,' veterinary syringe, hay
fork, rope and pulleys, set sling
.ropes, a quantity of 2 inch plank, a
quantity, of dry wood, a quantity' of
1 inch lumber, some cedar posts,
black bishop robe, large .Saskatche-
wain robe, foot adze, a quantity of
carpenter's tools, ensilage fork, pair
wool horse blankets, about 15 tons
choice timothy hay, 10 load of green
feed, bus: flax seed, new Daisy churn
No. 8, cream separator, good as new,
500 lb. capacity, largo butter bowl,
about '75 bus. good potatoes, good
wood cook stove, large Art Souvenir
heater with oven, also pipes included,
and other household •effects, set cis-
tern rims and mixing platfornny scrap
iron, spades; shovels, chains and eth-
er articles too numerous to 0101)1ion.
Everything to be sold as proprietor
has sold his farm.+TERMS; All
sums of 510 and under, cash; over
that amount 12 months credit given
on furnishing appieamei,Tdint notes,
or” a discount. of 4%, elloeved for cash
et credit aounts, TT. II, Cantelol,
Proprietor, Geo. II. I.7li1ott, Auetlimei',
1011030all Newia-Retora
Are You Readu .?. ,
For Christmas, Jingo „fiies yeu k now, we offer you quality fruits at
lowest prices possiiil'o this, year, • Below we eller you prices for ibis week,.
Your Christman; Vents et our store,
Msonoy 'saving ,prices
in toilet soap
Pane Olive soap' at
104 per case,
rinfants Delight 100
per cake,
Special. Prices on; 4
or 11101'e bars.,
1''pk s, seeded ralsins 300'
1•Ib, scetliege raisins 800
1 Ib, valencle voisins- 30
cl 23
1 1 t a ,
b r 2
prietet in 5
4 lbs, rolled oats , . , 354
2 1 s Corn Plaices s 25
2 lbs, Taploea ....,. 250
1 ib. quality bulk tea 500
1 bar Cofnfor't soap , '110'
1 bar Gold soap .. 110
When out shopping • call at the
"Dominion" And let us refresh you
with a real IIot Drink and Light
Lunch, ."Served at any hour:"
"Creamy Horne l'dade Candy"
Made froth the purest materials,
honey, creast, butter, carie sugar,
high grade Chocolate, selected Nuts
and Fruits These candies are a
"Dominion" 'Special.
To suit every taste
For 10 days to clear out all goods
on hand if possible at cost prices.
1 upright piano, good tone, was
sold for 5600:00, a good practise pi-
ano to go at $125.00.
1 square piano in good shape, sale
Price $50.00.
2-5 octave organs suitable for
school purposes to go at $15.00 each.
1 second hand cabinet phonograph,
worth 5125.00, fumed oak case, to go
at 375.00.
2 Brunswick oak table phonographs
$88.00 each
I Phonola a beautie, sells at $285.00.
in mahogany, Sale price $221.50.
I Gold Medal table machine en ma-
hogany, sells at 365.00. Sale Price
1 cabinet Gold Medal, a peach, sells
at -$175.00. "Sale price 5125.00.
All stock records to clean at 70c.
Player rolls stock goods, fit any•
piano. 2 for the price of one.
1 Brood mare a dandy, $165; 2
general purpose (good drivers) to
go at 565.00 each; 1 driver (not bro-
ken) a dandy at $75.00
1 cream separator, Massey -Harris,
like new to go $60.00.
For Particulars phone 216 or call
at my office and see the goods.
For Sale
A quantity of Buckwheat honey,
extracted, for sale by W. I3. Watts,
William street, Clinton. —72-tf
Notice About Taxes
Ratepayers of Clinton are remind-
er that the second instalment e t of taxes
for the -current year is due and pay-
able at the collector's office or or be-
fore Dec. 14th next. No notice other
than this advertisement will be giv-
en, The tax statement must be pre-
sented when making payment,—R.
B. Fitzsimons Tax Collector. —71-3
Man Contract
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa. until noon. on Friday, the
24th day of December, 1920, for the
conveyance of His Majesty's Malls, on
a proposed Contract for four years,
six tinges per week over Bayfield No.
3 Rural Route, from the Postmaster
General's Pleasure. Printed notices
containing further information as to
conditions of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms of Tender
may be obtained at the Post Offices of
Bayfield, Brucefield, Clinton, Holmes-
ville, and at the office of the Post
Office Inspector, London.
Post Office Inspector's Office, Lon-
don, 12th November, 1920. Chas. E.
H. Fisher, Post Office Inspector.
Meeting of Huron, County Council
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 7th day of December, 1920. All
accounts against the County must be
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Monday preceding the. meeting
of Council. Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1920.
—'72-2 County Clerk
A Few Horses Wanted
I will be in the market shortly
for a few heavy horses weighing
from 1450 to 1600 lbs., good type of
bush horses from 5 to 10 years. Al-
so a few strong drivers or delivery
horses. Write or phone—C. J. Wal-
lis, Clinton, Ont.—72-2-9
For Sale or to Rent
Good house on Bond street. Town
water, good garden, fruit trees. Ap-
ply to A. McCartney Clinton.-70-tf
No Trespassing
Persons found trespassing on lots
23 and 24, Con, 14, Goderich town-
ship will be prosecuted, James Fer-
gusson. —69-13-p
Heifer Strayed
Strayed from the farm of Louis
IIenhoeffer, Goderich tp., a red heifer
with horns, and a hole in right ear.
Any information leading to recovery
of sante will be liberally rewarded.
W. G. Ross, Londesboro, Phone 26-15
Blyth central. —70-tf
For Sale
8 purebred Yorkshire- 50105, 6
months old, also a number of pigs
; of both sexes, -6 weeks old, from
large litter. Norman Ball, R. R. No.
1, Clinton. Phone 13 on 640 —68-tf
Mall Contract
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will he received
at Ottawa until noon,, on Friday, the
17th day of December, 1920, for the
conveyance of His Majesty's Mails,
on a proposed' Contract for four
years, six times per week over Bay-
field No. 1 Rural Route, from the 1st
day of April, next.
Printed notices containng further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed ' Contract may Y be seen and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at the Post Offices of Bayfield,.
Clinton Holmesville, Varna, Brace -
field, :and at the office of the Post
Office Inspector, London, Post Office'
Inspector's Office, London, 5th No-
vember, 1020. Chas. E. H. Fisher,
Post Office Inspector: —71-3
Mail Contract
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
Postmaster General, will be received
et Ottawa until 00011, on Friday, the
17 day of December, 1920, for the
conveyance of His tM'ajesty's Mails,
nit a propd$ed Contract for four-
years, six times per week over Olin:.'
ton No, 3 rural route from the lst
day of April next, Printed notices
containing further information as to
conditions of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms of Tender
may be obtained at the Post Offices
of Clinton Holmesville, Brtcefield,
Seaferth and at the office of the Post
Office Inspector, London. Post Office
inspector's Office, London, 5th No-
vember, 1020. Chas. 91. TI, Fisher,
Pest Office Inspector, • .-71.3'
House For Sale
Comfortable 8 -roomed house, on
Albert Street, North, with good stone
cellar and town water. Apply Miss
Moore —69-tf
Dried Apples Wanted
Highest prices paid for any quan-
tity of dried apples. Cantelon Bros,,
Clinton. --664f
Building for Salo
Frame building, with heavy elin
timbers, in first e lass, condition.
Suitable for ' barn or straw shed.
Price reasonable. M. G. Ransford.
House For Sale
8 -roomed house with 3 piece bath
room, Hot Air Furnace, Town water,
good garden and chicken house. Ap-
ply on the premises. W. S. Har-
land, Princess street, east—61-tf.
Farm for Sale or 'Rent
Lot 78 and S. half of Lot 77 on the
Maitland concession, Goderich town-
ship, consisting of 183 acres, nh good
state of cultivation. Large story and
half frame'Itouse, bank barn and driv-
ing shed with pig house underneath.
Two wells and never -failing spring
creek; 15 or 20 acres of hardwood
bush; 3 acres orchard. 1% miles from
ITolmesville, 554 miles from Galton.
Convenient tp churches, station and
choose factory. Rural mail, For tar.
ther particulars apply to Wm. Bedard,
It, It No, 2, Clinton. Phone 12 on 602.
" —64-tf
House and Lots For Salo
Two lets with comfortable house,
furnace, town, soft water in house.
Garage and stable, situated on Mary
street. --Apply on premises bo W.
13, Cole, phone 133 63-tf
9 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 .0 0 9 0 .9 0 0 0,
o MogrARo
o A,UAR`1'I71"I'E 0
o 80 ..Oxford St. W, London, Out. o
O 0
o Furnish up-to-date programs. 0.
O suitable for ell hinds of on- o
o eeetalnments, 0
u NeYolty p1ogrems for Fall Fairs o
o Special numbers for Chur'oh o
Concerts.. 0
O Cireulars 00 request 62-13°0
o e
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
II: not have you -any bonds, maturing
111. 1922, :•1023, 1927, 1931, 1983 or
1937? If you have you can convert
these into bonds maturing M 1934 and
you will receive a substantial bonus.
To one who docs not pay income tax,
ithis of no advantage to hold non -tax
able bonds. You are losing money by
doing so.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton
No Trespassing
No hunting or trespassing allowed
on Lots No. 11 and 12 (Bridgewater
Property) Huron Road. E. J, Tre-
wartha. —644f
For Sale
Two six roomed ]louses on Fred-
erick street, near the new fax mills,:
will be sold cheap, and..en easy terins.
Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale.
Boars for Service
Champion bred, big type.Yorkshire
and Cheshter White boars for service.
At home every forenoon.—A. C.
Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton —28
As the- genuine Scranton Coal is
conning across in very limited quant-.
;ties, we are making special efforts
on behalf of our people by substitu-.
We have these in stock at prices
that will save you nldney in compari-
son with the ridiculous price of. An-
Trya substitute for your fall burn-
inng. We can satisfy you.
.Orders will be taken and accounts
may be paid at H. Wiltse's Store.
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 6189,
Phone 45
Spanish Valencia Raisins 30c lb.
Seeded Raisins (large pkg.) 33c
New Currants 250 lb.
Figs—two pounds for 25e.
New Orange, Lennon and Citron
Shelled Walnuts and Almonds
---For Fall Baking
Flop and Feed
If you are feeding Poultry Hogs,
Cattle or Sheep try some of our Kiln
dried Corn which we are selling at
very reasonable prices. -
•Now is the thee to lay lo your
supply of Salt. We have it for Dairy
or Table use and also for feeding
As the Flour Mills have just re-
cently been allowed to return to
their Pro war grade of Flour, we are
11010 prepared to supply you a high
grade of ;'lour for Bread or Pastry.,
Try a sack and see for yourself,
W. Jenkins & Son.
d.1 s
11..01311 AND NEED
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141
5 lbs. seeded raisins ..,,
(nee lb. 8800
5 lbs. seedless Raisins , a 1.60
(per lb, 330,)
5 lbs, Valencia nasi ns , , : 1,40
(per lb, 804.)
G lbs, currants. ,, 1.15
(per lb, 250.)
4 lbs, Rolled Oats . , , . , ,25
17 lbs. Rolled Oats , . 1.00
4 lbs. cern meal ,26
5 lbs. rice (not broken) .65
(per lb, 140.) ,
2 Ibs, Black tea.,... , .70
5 lbs. Tapioca .60
Broken Sodas, 2 bs, .. .25
5 tins good salmon 1.00
Shelled Walnuts, per lb.70•
5 lb. to of honey , , .. , , 1.60
The flub Grocery
Any who wish to leave thein order.. ,
for future delivery can do so by leav-
ing their orders at my residence
Huron St. or phone 155. Terms
strictly cash. E. Ward. —34-11
South End Grocery
A. full stock of
Groceries & Provisions
We solicit your patrouage
SAN .' • '. 1 I:3
Levi Stong
fur knitters and Learners
for menders and inspectors
Clinton Knitting Co.
Do not w it
Till next Winter to
Tall( about that
Agent ffai' Hecla Furnaces
Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53
Shop over Rowland's hardware •
Phone 123.
2000 HENS;
500 DUCKSf.
Top prices will be paid by us for all
kinds of 'poultry taken at Clinton ev-
ery day and at Holmesville every
Wednesday morning. We pay three
cents more per lb. for properly fate
tened milk fed Chickens.
N. W. • TREWARTHA, Managere
Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141,
The demand for our butter is in-
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship us your;
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, accurate testa and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needy
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay twice each
Write for cans or further iaformai-
ti.on to the ,.., .: f..
Tinlc Sctfortla Creamery Co..